HV power-on and power-off control flow V5.0 Author: Audit: Countersign: Ratify: V3.0 V4.0 V5.0 20200812 20200902 20210308 zhanghaibin 1.Modify the control logic and communication signal, and follow the current strategy of B car zhanghaibin 1.Two modes of "HVReady" and "Failure" are added to MCU, and the process is adaptively modified 2.Modification of judging conditions for MCU to enter "Precharge" and "HVReady"; 2."BCU" changed to "BMS". langyanni 1.Remove "Switch the power gear to START" in BCM swimlane. 2.Remove the 6th condition in "Whether the consitions for driving are met" 3.Add "charging gun insert process" when the vehicle is "Ready to Drive". 4.In Power off process,remove "VCU_MCU_StsModeReq=7(EmDisChar ge)" block and "VCU_MCU_StsModeReq=2 (Standby)" signal sending. HV power-on control flow BCM VCU Switch the power gear to ON or START Sleep BMS DCDC Sleep Sleep KL15 ON KL15 ON MCU IPC Sleep Remarks Sleep KL15 ON KL15 ON KL15 ON The VCU, BMS, DCDC, MCU, IPC can be woken up by KL15 or NM message, Initialization can be started after waking up. Send hard wire signal NM message NM message NM message NM message NM message Send CAN signal Wake_Up Wake_Up Wake_Up Wake_Up Initialization completed Initialization completed Initialization completed Initialization completed Wake_Up Initialization completed BMS_HVOnOff_STS=0(HV Off) Request for HV power Record the ST ART request Send CAN signal After the VCU is awakened by KL15, if BCM_Powermode=2 or 3 is detected, the following process will be executed; if BCM_Powermode≠2 or 3, the following process will not be executed. BMS_ERR_LEV<4 BCM_PowerMode=2 or 3(ON or START) BMS_HVIL_Err=0(Closed) Send CAN signal BMS_Sys_STS=1(Self-check-passes) BMS_ISU_Status=0(Normal) ACM_CrashOutputSts=0 (No Crash) Send CAN signal MCU_FailGrade_ERR<4 MCU_HVIL_STS=0(Closed) DCDC_Sys_STS = 1 (Self-Check passes) Send CAN signal Request for HV Power: 1. BCM_Powermode=2 or 3. 2. Cooling or heating request. 3. LV/HV charging request. Record START request when any of below conditions is met: 1. BCM_Powermode=3. 2. Received ‘START’ hardware signal. VCU_BMS_HVOnOff_RE Q=1(allow) Send CAN signal Send CAN signal Close the main negative relay BMS_TotalNegRelay_STS=2 (Closed) MCU_Work_STS=2 (Standby) Send CAN signal Close the precharge relay No BMS_PreChgRelay_STS=2 (Closed) Send CAN signal BMS_HVOnOff_STS=1 (PreCharge) Send CAN signal No Check whether the external terminal voltage reaches 95% of the internal terminal voltage within 500ms? Start timing from closing the precharge relay MCU_bus_Volt>0.75*BM S_Pack_Vol_MEAS? Yes BMS_HVOnOff_STS=3 (Fail To HV ON) BMS_MainPosRelay_STS=2 (Closed) Yes Close the main positive relay Send CAN signal MCU_Work_STS=3 (PreCharge) Send CAN signal The MCU enters the "Failure" mode when any of the following conditions are met: 1.MCU_FailGrade_ERR =3 (Torque limit to 0 fault occurs) 2.MCU_FailGrade_ERR=4 3.MCU_FailGrade_ERR=5 Open the precharge relay No BMS_HVOnOff_STS=2(HV ON) MCU_bus_Volt>0.95*BMS_Pac k_Vol_MEAS&& BMS_Sys_STS==Successful High Voltage Power up? Send CAN signal BMS_Sys_STS=2 (Successful High Voltage Power Up) No Send CAN signal Receive BMS_HVOnOff_STS =2 within 5s? Yes Start timing when VCU Send VCU_BMS_HVOnOff_RE Q=1 Send CAN signal BMS_PreChgRelay_STS=1 (Open) Yes C1 VCU_VehicleHVStatus=0 (Not Ready) VCU_BMS_HVOnOff_RE Q=0 (Forbid) MCU_Work_STS=5 (HVReady) VCU_DCDC_Outvoltage_RE Q =14V VCU_DCDC_Output_RE Q=1 (Enable) Send CAN signal VCU_VehicleHVStatus=1 (HV On) DCDC enters working state Send CAN signal No Whether the conditions for driving are met: 1.VCU_VehicleHVStatus=1(HV On); 2.VCU recorded the START request; 3.VCU_IMMO_Sts=1(pass); 4.VCU_ACChgGunln=0(disconnect ); 5.VCU_DCChgGunln=0(disconnect); 6.VCU needs to monitor the Start signal entered by the hardwire; 7.Gear must be kept at N / P; DCDC_Output_STS=1 (Normal) D1 Yes VCU_MCU_StsModeReq=4 (Normal) Send CAN signal No Receive VCU_MCU_StsMode Req=4? When the vehicle is already in "Ready to Drive", if VCU detects that the charging gun is connected, it should send VCU_MCU_StsModeReq=5 (HVReady) Yes Send CAN signal MCU_Work_STS=4(Normal) Start timing when VCU Send VCU_MCU_StsModeReq=4 No Send CAN signal Receive MCU_Work_STS=4 within 1s? Yes VCU_VehicleHVStatus=0 (Not Ready) VCU_VehicleHVStatus=2(Ready To Drive) Lamp prompt: Lighten ready lamp Send CAN signal VCU_ACChgGunln=1 or VCU_DCChgGunln=1 (connect) VCU_VehicleHVStatus=1(HV On) Lamp prompt: Turn-off ready lamp Send CAN signal VCU_MCU_StsModeReq=5 (HVReady) No Receive VCU_MCU_StsMode Req=5? HV On hold for AC/DC Charging Process Yes VCU_ACChgGunln=0 and VCU_DCChgGunln=0 (disconnect) Send CAN signal TBC MCU_Work_STS=5 (HVReady) Send CAN signal VCU_MCU_StsModeReq=4 (Normal) Receive VCU_MCU_StsMode Req=4? No Yes MCU_Work_STS=4 (Normal) Send CAN signal VCU_VehicleHVStatus=2(Ready To Drive) Lamp prompt: Lighten ready lamp Send CAN signal A1 B1 E1 F1 HV power-off control flow BCM VCU BMS DCDC MCU IPC A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 Switch the power gear to ACC or OFF RE ADY HV On Normal Normal or HVReady Remarks F1 KL15 OFF Send hard wire signal BCM_PowerMode=0 or 1(OFF or ACC) Send CAN signal No No power gear is ACC or OFF? MCU_FailGrade_ERR ≥4? Yes No BMS_ERR_LEV ≥4? Yes Yes VCU_VehicleHVStatus=0 (Not Ready) Lamp prompt: Turn off ready lamp Send CAN signal VCU_MCU_StsModeReq=11 (Shut Down) VCU_DCDC_Output_RE Q=0 (Disable) VCU_EACEnbReq=0 (Disable) No No BMS_PackCur_MEAS is less than 5A? Is the time longer than 10s? Yes Exit normal mode Enter shutdown mode DCDC stop work Start timing when VCU send VCU_VehicleHVStatus=0 Yes Emergency power off: When any of the following conditions are met, the timeout time is 0.1s: 1.BMS_ERR_LEV =5; 2.ACM_CrashOutputSts≠0; 3.BMS_HVIL_STS=open && ABS_VehSpd<5km/h; 4.MCU_HVIL_STS=open && ABS_VehSpd<5km/h 5.BMS_IDU_Status=level3 Send CAN signal MCU_Work_STS=B (Shut Down) Send CAN signal VCU_BMS_HVOnOff_RE Q=0(forbid) Send CAN signal DCDC_Output_STS=0 (Stop) The MCU automatically enters ActDisChg when the following conditions are met: 1.ACM_CrashOutputSts=Crash; 2.BMS_MainPosRelay_STS=Open is satisfied in 90ms, or the time is over 90ms。 Open the main positive relay BMS_MainPosRelay_STS=1 (Open) Send CAN signal Open the main negative relay BMS_HVOnOff_STS=0(HV OFF) Send CAN signal BMS_TotalNegRelay_STS=1 (Open) No Start timing when VCU send VCU_BMS_HVOnOff_RE Q=0 No BMS_HVOnOff_STS=0& MCU_spd<100rpm& MCU_spdValid=Valid? Is the time over 10s? Yes Yes Send CAN signal MCU_disxhg_st=0(NO Active Discharge) MCU_Work_STS=B(Shut Down) No Send CAN signal VCU_MCU_StsMode Req=11 and BMS_MainPosRelay_ STS=1 and MCU_Spd<1500rpm Yes Enter active discharge MCU_disxhg_st=1(Active Discharge) Send CAN signal Start timing when MCU send MCU_disxhg_st=1 No MCU_disxhg_st=2(Failed Active Discharge) Send CAN signal The voltage drops below 60V within 2s? Yes MCU_disxhg_st=3(Finished Active Discharge) Send CAN signal No No MCU_bus_ Volt<60? Yes Stored data According to NM,Prepare to sleep No MCU_disxhg_st = 2? Yes No MCU_disxhg_st = 3? Yes the time of active discharge is over 5s? Yes Start timing when VCU receive MCU_disxhg_st=1 Stored data According to NM,Prepare to sleep Stored data According to NM,Prepare to sleep Stored data According to NM,Prepare to sleep When the following conditions are met,MCU enter FailActDisChg: 1.the condition of VCU_MCU_StsModeReq=ShutDo wn and BMS_MainPosRelay_STS=closed and MCU_Spd<1500rpm and this state is over 15seconds; 2.MCU_Work_STS= ShuntDown and when the time of active discharge is over 2s, while the voltage of MCU is still over 60V。