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Collecting Heat Documents Procedure

Collecting Heat Documents
1. In Fabsuite, Click on Production Control, and find the job. Then click, Production Control Menu,
Reports, Make report, and Print the Report titled TFS Details-Material Heat Report.
2. Please note that all material must be taken from stock before this report is complete and
accurate. To check to see if all material has been TFS (Taken from Stock), Go to inventory and
look to the lower left box. The jobs name should NOT be listed in the box.
3. Use this report to find the heat numbers assigned to a job
4. Number the heats all the way down the page. This will be the number you use to save that heat
document and will keep them in a logical order when we combine them all.
5. Beside the heat numbers is the PO. Find the PO folder, and search the Heat Documents for the
correct heat number
a. Heat documents are usually the only thing unnamed in the folder.
b. For Steel and Pipe, the Heat numbers are with the BOM
Extract the pages that contain the heat numbers into a separate folder in the job folder
for that job (call it “Job Name” heats)
a. In a PDF, click tools (on the right of the screen), Pages, Extract. Enter page numbers you
want to extract
b. This will pop open the extracted pages. Save the new pages in the Heats folder. Save it
as the number you assigned to the heat on the document.
7. Dump all the heat docs into this folder until you’re are done with the whole report.
8. Go into the folder, and highlight all the documents, right click and combine in to one report
9. Name this document “Job Name” Steel Heat documents
Finding Bolt heats
There should be a “BO” (i.e. “BOGlenu) po listed on the document. Find the heat package in that BO
Purchase order folder and copy to the Job Heat folder. Rename “Job Name” Bolt Heat Documents
Finding Anchor Bolt Heats
1. Go to the jobs folder, then Vendor PO. Find out what PO # anchor bolts were ordered on.
2. Go to the bills drive, and to the vendor that we purchased the Anchor bolts from and click on the
“Confirms, BOMs, Heats, POs” Folder. Find the Heats documents that correspond with that PO
10. Drop the associated Heats in to the Job Heat folder, Rename “Job Name” Anchor Bolt Heat
Updated and Reviewed 11/24/2020- AH
Finding Heats without a PO
1. In the inventory module click on the Find Heat # button. Type the heat here. This will show you
the heat if we currently have stock of this heat in inventory
2. If the heat is not listed here, you can search Inventory history.
a. In the inventory module, click the inventory drop down menu, Inventory History
b. Clear the filters so that you have a complete list of inventory. If you are looking for a
specific shape you can filter out by that shape and size to get a shorter list.
3. In theory this should show you all the heats we have had for those sizes. However, if the heat
was altered in inventory after it had been received, it will no longer exist in inventory module. If
you still can’t find the heat your looking for, you can run one more report.
a. Go to the Maintenance menu, Click on Purchase orders, Receiving report.
b. Filter out for shape and size. Note that this will bring up all time history, so the narrower
you can make it the easier and quicker the report is to write.
c. Click on the report named “Receiving Details By P.O. #”
d. You can hit CTRL F to find the heat doc you are looking for.
e. You can also export this report into Excel and use the find function to look for the heat
your interested.
4. If you still can’t find the heat, it’s time to go to the vendors. Ask our vendors if they have any
record of that heat and size. They should be able to pull up our history.
Remember that there are many opportunities for human error when entering and recording heat docs.
Reading heat information on steel can be difficult (is that a B or an 8?) numbers can get left off or
transposed. We do our best to be accurate but if you’re having trouble, there may have been a typo on
one or more parties involved.
Updated and Reviewed 11/24/2020- AH