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Graphic Vector Addition

Graphic Vector Addition
Name _____________________________________________ Date ______________
a) A vector is a quantity with a _____________________ and a ______________________.
It is represented graphically with an arrow whose length is proportional to its magnitude. In texts, vector
quantities are designated with boldface type, as in S = A + B. In hand-written figures, it is show with a small
⃗⃗. Vectors are added graphically by the head-to-tail method. If there
arrow symbol over the letter as in 𝑆⃗ = 𝐴⃗ + 𝐵
are only two, you can also use the complete-the-parallelogram method. Subtraction is best done by adding the
inverse vector.
c) Show the graphic vector addition C = A + B below. Do this by adding to the given diagram. DO NOT redraw
d) Also show the graphic addition D = A – B on the same sketch.
c) Show the graphic addition E = A + B + C + D.
d) Show the graphic addition F = A – B + C + D.