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Post-Workout Nutrition: Food After Weight Training

Food after weight/resistance
Rupam Maini
GNED 1054: Nutrition for Healthy Living
Prof. Eunice Ojo
November 28, 2023
Presentation Outline
• Introduction
• Historical timeline of Post-Training Nutrition
• Sample Post-Training Meal and it’s breakdown
• Nutritional facts
• Essential Nutrients
• Impact on Well-being
• Psychological Perspectives
• References
History: timeline of food consumption after
weight training
Nutrition: Foods that are part
of the post-training meal
The perfect example of a Post-Workout Recovery Meal is a combination
of grilled chicken breast, brown rice, and steamed vegetables.
The following tables breaks down the components of the meal:
Grilled chicken breast
150 grams
Brown rice
1 cup
Steamed vegetables
1 cup
Nutrition: Facts
• The grilled chicken breast is a good source of
protein, which is essential for muscle repair
and growth.
• The brown rice is a good source of complex
carbohydrates, which provide sustained
energy and help to replenish glycogen stores.
• The steamed vegetables are a good source of
fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which support
overall health and well-being.
The calorie content of a serving of chicken, rice,
and vegetables ranges from approximately 345
to 490 calories per serving, with 37g to 39g of
protein, and a percentage of calories from fat
ranging from 18% to 19% (Produce for Better
Health, 2019).
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Nutrition: Key
nutrient functions
1. Protein:
• Protein is an essential nutrient for
muscle growth and repair. It is made
up of amino acids, which are the
building blocks of muscle tissue.
• Proteins drive metabolic reactions in
the body, playing a crucial role in
various biochemical processes that are
essential for overall health and
functioning (Van De Walle Ms Rd,
• Key function: Muscle growth and
2. Carbohydrates:
• Carbohydrates are the body's primary
source of energy. They are broken
down into glucose, which is then
used by the muscles and other cells
for energy.
• Exercise depletes glycogen stores,
which are the storage form of
glucose. Eating carbohydrates after a
workout helps to replenish those
glycogen stores.
• Key function: replenishment of
glycogen stores
3. Fiber:
• Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that
your body cannot digest. However, it is
still important for your health.
• Fiber helps to regulate your blood
sugar levels, promote digestive
health, and make you feel full.
• Eating fiber-rich foods after your
workout can help you to avoid
overeating later in the day.
• Key function: digestive health and
regulates blood sugar levels.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC
Effects: Wellbeing
Consuming a meal consisting of chicken, rice, and vegetables can have a positive
effect on physical well-being.
• Chicken is a good source of lean protein, which supports muscle sustainability
and muscle building (Bueckert S, 2023).
• Rice provides carbohydrates for energy and a sense of fullness and satiety.
• Additionally, the inclusion of vegetables adds fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which
are essential for digestive health and overall wellbeing (Crab, 2023).
The high-protein meal contributes to a feeling of fullness, sustained energy, and
overall physical well-being.
Effects: Psychological
Sense of Accomplishment and Satisfaction
• Completing a workout can be physically and
mentally exhausting. Consuming the Post-Workout
Recovery Meal serves as a constant reminder of
one's effort and dedication to their fitness goals.
• The meal represents the completion of a
successful workout and symbolizes the progress
made towards achieving one's fitness objectives.
• By eating post-workout nutrition, individuals develop a stronger belief in their ability
to achieve their fitness goals.
• This enhanced self-efficacy motivates them to continue doing regular exercise and
maintain healthy eating habits.
Bueckert S, (2023, May 19). Is chicken and rice actually healthy? a registered
dietitian explains. Hone Health. https://honehealth.com/edge/nutrition/is-chickenand-rice-healthy-nutritional-facts/
Crab, F. (2023, January 23). Benefits of chicken and rice - fatty crab. Fatty Crab.
Produce for Better Health. (2019, April 8). Make this Plate: Rice w/Chicken &
Vegetables - Have A Plant. Have a Plant. https://fruitsandveggies.org/stories/makethis-plate-brown-rice-wsizzling-chicken-vegetables/
Van De Walle Ms Rd, G. (2023, February 15). 9 important functions of protein in
your body. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/functions-of-protein