Accounting Functional Sales Purchases Mktg Acc Prod.A Orgn Structure PD SD Mktg Product Acc Prod.B Class. based on PD SD Mktg Europe Geographical Divisional Asia Africa Cost centre Rev Centre Such Div. can be Profit centre F5: Performance Mngt Invest.Centre PBIT(ControllableP)/Cap.Emp.*100 Selection ROI => Std.Ret(HO)/Prev.Ret(Div.) Adv ROCE Easy to cal. Relative measure-Comparison possible Div may reject inspite if the ret. is greater thn Std ROI fixed by HO,if it is less thn its prev.performance Suboptimal behaviour Doesnot tell abt inc in SH wealth Disadv ROI may inc. wo any effort with passage of time as Asset depreciates Risk ignore Method Window Dressing PBIT-(CE*CoC) Divisional RI > 0 Goal congruence as return above CoC is preferred both by Div n HO Resi.Inc. Adv CoC can be adj fr risk. Tells abt inc. in SH wealth Comparison issue as Absolute fig Disadv RI inc. with passage of time as Assets Depreciates Manipulation of PBIT and CE Meaning Price @ which one Div. trfrs goods to other Div. Autonomy Purpose Transfer Pricing Div.PM Each div has a say Fair perf. meas. Goal congruence i.e. Co profit max. SD point(Min) Theoretical TP PD point(Max) No Spare Capacity Spare Capacity MC/VC+Opp.C (when no spare capacity)-Savings MC-Savings Lowest MP Goal Congruence b/w HO & Div-RI but Suboptimal beh. in ROI Div mngr perf. meas. based on wht they r responsible fr Cont.P PTR MinTP-SD TP MaxTP-PD Full Capacity Spare Capacity MP TALCL/SC+LTD CE on DoP ofAsset = No chnge in CE(+Asset Pur - Cash) if there is depn. rate given on DoS ofAsset = CE chng to the extent of P/L (+Cash Recd-BV of Asset sold) TC whether Avg./Op/Closing CE to be used as per Q Company NPO PBIT shall go down by depn CE shall fall by depn PBIT shall chng to extent of P/L on sale