Know the difference between which vectors carry which pathogens Vector Competence: ability of a vector to transmit a pathogen Tools for studying vector parasite interactions o Manipulate gene expression to determine what genes are important o Omics of vector and parasite o Co-cultures o Model systems Interrogate common strategies used by pathogens to survive in blood meal, vector midgut, reproduce in the vector, and be transmitted by insect vectors o Escape from blood meal o Avoid sticking to mucus/microvilli o Avoid microbiome secreted compounds o Survive expulsion with digested o blood meal remnants o Avoid pathogen binding to gut PAMP receptors activates Peritrophic matrix and what it does Common themes in Vector Pathogen Interactions Interrogate common strategies used by insects to detect and destroy blood borne pathogens Become familiar with physical, chemical, and biological global efforts to eradicate vector borne diseases Sandfly-Leishmania dynamics o Key to Leishmania survival: LPG to bind to midgut o Microbiome important for transmission o Most developmental stages replicate o Surface “coat” changes during development o Sexual cycle only occurs in sand fly midgut Reduviid bug -Trypanosoma cruzi dynamics o Infectious parasite shed in feces o Pathogen surface “coat” changes with each developmental stage o Differentiation “signals” are NOT well understood o Takes 7 14 days to complete developmental program Mosquito-Plasmodium dynamics o Parasite must adapt around midgut lumen defenses o Hemolymph defenses in mosquitos o Parasite must overcome salivary gland obstacles Tsetse fly – trypanosoma brucei o Pathogen develops in midgut lumen o Tsetse peritrophic matrix is constitutively secreted