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SD-NOC-INS-143 F&G System

Fire and Gas Detectors and Associated Detection
Owning Entity: OPS/EC
First Issue
Purpose of the Revision
Other Approving Entities:
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Fire and Gas Detectors and Associated Detection Systems
Rev.: 00
Effective date: 04/2017
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1. Scope ...................................................................................................................4
2. Reference Documents ........................................................................................4
3. Terminology and Definitions ..............................................................................5
Abbreviations .............................................................................................................. 6
4. General Principles ...............................................................................................6
Hazardous Area Protection ......................................................................................... 6
Safety Integrity Level................................................................................................... 7
Environmental Conditions ........................................................................................... 7
Ingress Protection ....................................................................................................... 7
Detector Standardization ............................................................................................. 8
Earthing ...................................................................................................................... 8
Electro Magnetic Interference Protection..................................................................... 8
Specific Requirements for Marine Classification.......................................................... 8
5. Conventional Fire and Gas Detectors Design ..................................................8
General Characteristics............................................................................................... 8
Fire Detectors ............................................................................................................. 9
Gas Detectors ........................................................................................................... 12
6. Miscellaneous Detectors and Initiation Devices ............................................ 17
Low Temperature Detection (Spill Detection) ............................................................ 17
Manual Alarm Call Points .......................................................................................... 17
ESD and Deluge Hand Switches ............................................................................... 18
7. Specific Detection Systems ............................................................................. 18
Image Based Flame Detectors (CCTV) ..................................................................... 18
Early Warning Smoke Detection System ................................................................... 19
Addressable Fire and Gas Detection System ............................................................ 20
8. Identification, Tagging and Labelling .............................................................. 23
9. Inspection and Testing ..................................................................................... 23
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Fire and Gas Detectors and Associated Detection Systems
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Design Validation Tests ............................................................................................ 24
Factory Acceptance Tests ......................................................................................... 24
Test Report and Certificate ....................................................................................... 25
10. Packing, Storage and Transportation.............................................................. 25
Instrument Preservation ............................................................................................ 25
11. Documentation .................................................................................................. 26
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 27
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Fire and Gas Detectors and Associated Detection Systems
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Effective date: 04/2017
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1. Scope
This standard defines the minimum requirements for the design, selection, engineering and
installation of the Fire and Gas Detectors and associated detection systems for onshore and
offshore oil and gas installations.
This standard shall be applied in conjunction with SD-NOC-SAF-013, which defines the fire and
gas detection philosophy including limit of application.
Fire and Gas System is defined within SD-NOC-INS-134.
2. Reference Documents
The reference documents listed below form an integral part of this document.
Where national regulations exist, their provisions and those of the standards and codes to which
they refer shall apply, supplementing or amending the provisions of this document.
The reference documents listed below form an integral part of this Company Standard.
External Documents
Unless otherwise indicated, the applicable version of these documents, including relevant
appendices and supplements, is the latest revision published.
Directive 94/9/EC
European Directive 94/9/EC (23/03/94) on the approximation of
the laws of the Member State concerning equipment and
protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive
EN 54-10
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems - Part 10: Flame
Detectors; Point Detectors
IEC 60079 (Parts 14; 29-1) Explosive Atmospheres - Parts 14; 29-1
IEC 60529
Degrees of Protection provided by Enclosures (IP Code).
IEC 61000-5
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 5: Installation and
Mitigation Guidelines
International Electrotechnical Commission System for
Certification to Standards relating to Equipment for use in
Explosive Atmospheres (IECEX System)
National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code
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third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
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Fire and Gas Detectors and Associated Detection Systems
Rev.: 00
Effective date: 04/2017
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North Oil Company Documents
Unless otherwise indicated, the applicable version of these documents, including relevant
appendices and supplements, is the latest revision published.
Electrical Apparatus for Potentially Explosive Gas Atmospheres
Instrumentation Design
Instrumentation Identification
Instrument Installation
Instrument Cabinets
Instrumentation for Package Units
Instrument Earthing
Instrument Cables
Design and Supply of Integrated Control and Safety System
Fire and Gas System and Fire Suppression System for Packaged
Rotating Machinery Enclosures
Safety Rules for Turbines, Diesel Engines, Gas Engines and
Process Units in Sheltered or Enclosed Areas
Fire and Gas Detection Systems
3. Terminology and Definitions
There are five types of statements in this standard, the “shall”, “should”, “may”, “can” and “must”
statements. They are to be understood as follows:
Is to be understood as mandatory. Deviating from a “shall” statement requires
derogation approved by Company.
Is to be understood as strongly recommended to comply with the requirements
of the standard. Alternatives shall provide a similar level of protection and this
shall be documented.
Is to be understood as permission.
Is to be understood as a physical possibility.
Expresses a regulatory obligation.
North Oil Company (NOC)
Any Company the North Oil Company has signed a Contract with for the
Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Installation of a part of a project.
The Package Vendor sub-contracted by the Contractor or by Company.
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third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
The information contained in this document does not substitute for the laws and regulations applicable in Qatar.
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Fire and Gas Detectors and Associated Detection Systems
Rev.: 00
Effective date: 04/2017
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The Party that manufactures or supplies equipment, either individually or as a
Packaged unit for the project.
Prefabricated process or utility self-contained unit, generally able to operate on
its own, supplied fully tested and ready for immediate installation.
3.1 Abbreviations
Central Control Room
Emergency Shut Down system
Engineering Procurement Construction
Factory Acceptance Test
Fire and Gas System
Integrated Control and Safety System
Manual Alarm Call Point
Multi-frequency Infrared Flame Detector
Resistance Temperature Detector
Sound Pressure Level
Unit Control Panel
4. General Principles
Fire and Gas Detectors shall comply with the requirements defined in SD-NOC-INS-101 and shall
be installed as defined in SD-NOC-INS-106.
The vendor shall provide all the necessary accessories for proper mounting, protection, alignment
and calibration of the detectors.
Physical or chemical filters before the sensors shall only be accepted if the sensors’ sensitivity
and detection speed are not altered.
4.1 Hazardous Area Protection
All equipment must comply with the requirements of the specific hazardous area where they are
installed. Refer to SD-NOC-ELE-079 for detailed requirements about hazardous area definitions
and protection methods.
Detectors and associated detection systems shall comply with the requirements of SD-NOC-INS101.
ATEX European Directive 94/9/EC shall strictly apply in European Countries and associated
countries (e.g. Norway, Iceland).
ATEX European Directive 94/9/EC or IECEx standards shall apply in other countries.
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third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
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Fire and Gas Detectors and Associated Detection Systems
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Effective date: 04/2017
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All detectors located indoors or outdoors shall be certified for installation in Zone 1. However,
detectors (MAC, Heat and smoke) located fully within accommodation spaces need not be
certified zone 1 and shall follow project requirements.
Detectors in battery room, or otherwise subject to risk of hydrogen gas, shall be certified for Zone
1, Gas Group IIC, and Temperature Class T3.
Detectors shall follow the selected project protection method.
All detectors shall be installed in accordance with IEC 60079-14 regulations. An IS loop
calculation sheet shall be submitted for each installed IS detector.
Certified equipment shall be stamped on a permanent plate with its ATEX/IECEx marking
according to the protection and the relating code and shall be delivered with a conformity
certificate issued by a Notified Body. It shall not be assumed that the packaging of individually
certified components makes a certified unit. A third party certification must be provided by a
Notified Body.
All work associated with hazardous area equipment shall be carried out by a competent person
as per IEC 60079-14.
Any modification to hazardous area equipment shall be fully in compliance with the
IEC requirements and the equipment certification
4.2 Safety Integrity Level
Fire and gas detectors, as they are part of a Safety Instrumented Function, shall be certified
suitable for SIL 2 applications.
Detection systems will also require to be certified suitable for SIL 2 applications. Specific
requirements defined in the certification and Safety manual shall be followed.
It is noted that certain detectors e.g. conventional smoke and heat, are not individually product
SIL certified. Project shall therefore ensure suitability of such equipment to meet their required
4.3 Environmental Conditions
The equipment shall be suitably designed for permanent indoor and outdoor operation under the
prevailing environmental conditions of the installation location or as specified by project particular
design conditions.
It should be noted that the environmental conditions at the fabrication yard may be different to
those of the final site location. Therefore, the fabrication yard storage and installation conditions
shall also be taken into account.
4.4 Ingress Protection
“Degree of protection” of detectors shall be in accordance with (IEC 60529).
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Fire and Gas Detectors and Associated Detection Systems
Rev.: 00
Effective date: 04/2017
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The minimum degree of protection for detectors or associated equipment:
• Indoors within technical buildings (excluding analyzer shelters and battery rooms): IP 21
• Indoors with water mist: IP 54
• Outdoors including analyzer shelters or battery rooms: IP 65 or IP 66 if subject to marine
4.4 Detector Standardization
Detector standardization requirements shall be addressed during Basic Engineering and shall
take into consideration the project contractual strategy (i.e. different EPC Contractors).
Detector standardization will be considered for the whole plant, including packaged units, i.e.
same technology, supplier and model for the same use.
Detectors and associated systems shall only be from approved vendors.
4.5 Earthing
Instrument earthing shall comply with SD-NOC-INS-115.
4.6 Electro Magnetic Interference Protection
All detectors and associated system shall meet emission and Radio Frequency Immunity (RFI)
requirements as per IEC 61000-5. As a minimum type-test certificates shall be provided.
4.7 Specific Requirements for Marine Classification
For floaters (FSO, FPSO, FPU, Buoy and other upgraded floaters) used for the production of oil
and gas offshore, detectors and associated detection systems which are subject to marine
classification - typically within the hull and living quarters - shall be type approved by the project
selected Classification Society.
Factory Acceptance Test of the detector and associated systems shall be witnessed by the project
selected Classification Society.
5. Conventional Fire and Gas Detectors Design
5.1 General Characteristics
• Analogue signal shall be 0-22 mA covering normal operation (4-20 mA), fault and alarms.
If HART is provided then it shall be fixed at factory. Therefore, at site it will only be possible
to read the measurement, configuration parameters and diagnostic information. Access to
configuration for modifications shall be forbidden.
• Operating voltage shall be 24 VDC.
• Detectors shall be powered by the FGS, package FGS or Addressable FGS as appropriate
via the signal cable.
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Fire and Gas Detectors and Associated Detection Systems
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• Detectors shall be immune to solar interference (direct or reflected sunlight), heavy rain,
fog, mist and steam.
5.2 Fire Detectors
The following types of fire detectors may be utilized in accordance with SD-NOC-SAF-013:
• UV/IR Flame Detectors
• Multi-frequency IR Flame Detectors
• Optical Smoke Detectors
• Oil Mist Detector
• Rate of Rise Heat Detectors
• Fixed Temperature Heat Detectors
• Heat Sensitive Cables
• Fusible Plugs
• Image Based Flame Detectors (CCTV) (refer to section 7)
• Early Warning Smoke Detection System (refer to section 7).
5.2.1 UV/IR Flame Detectors
Hydrocarbon fire generates both UV and IR radiation. Fire is detected when both UV and IR
emissions are detected.
Only UV detection (coming from arc-welding, sun reflection, etc.) or only IR detection on its own
is not considered as confirmed fire detection.
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• Detection principle: ultraviolet and infrared emission detection
• Sensitivity: as per EN 54-10 requirements, Class 1-3
• Response time: less than 10 sec at 15 meters of gas-oil fire (surface 0.1 sqm.)
• Enclosure material: SS 316L
• Automatic self-resetting type
• Equipped with automatic self-testing features including testing of electronics and optical
• Equipped with normal, fault and alarm indication.
The vendor shall confirm the following information:
• UV and IR detection wavelengths or band.
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Fire and Gas Detectors and Associated Detection Systems
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5.2.2 Multi-frequency Infrared Flame Detector (MIR)
Flame is an important source of IR radiation. Fire will be detected by a minimum of three IR
wavelengths with overlapping frequency bands to ensure false alarm immunity.
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• Detection principle: multiple wavelength infrared emission detection
• Sensitivity: as per EN 54-10 requirements, Class 1-3
• Response time: less than 10 seconds at 15 m of gas-oil fire (surface 0.1 sqm.)
• Enclosure material: SS 316L
• Automatic self-resetting type
• Equipped automatic self-testing features including testing of electronics and optical integrity.
The vendor shall confirm the following information:
• IR detection wavelengths or band
• Field of view (on, off axis, range) performance data based on the fuel of interest being
5.2.3 Optical Smoke Detectors
Optical smoke detectors operate by sensing the optical scatter from smoke particles generated
in a fire. The optical arrangement comprises of an infra-red emitter with a prism and a photo-diode
at 90° to the light beam with a wide field of view.
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• A self-test feature incorporates to ensure detection integrity
• Photoelectric detection of light scattered by smoke particles over a wide range of angles
• Fitted with red LED (light ON when detector is activated)
• Loop current generated by detector switch and associated in-line and end-of-line resistance.
The vendor shall confirm the following information:
• Current in mA when detector is activated, healthy or in fault.
The detector shall be supplied with a base for detector installation. The base shall include the
necessary terminals for connection to the loop.
Duct mounting kits shall be supplied if the detectors are installed on ducts.
Remote indicating lamp shall be provided if the detector is located in a non-visible area, e.g. floor
or ceiling void. The project standards shall define the quantity of smoke detectors per loop based
on ICSS and detector vendor data.
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5.2.4 Oil Mist Detectors
Oil mist detectors are optical beam or point detectors and are considered for all enclosed
applications where there is a potential of a pressurized leak of flammable liquid, such as high
pressure stabilized crude oil.
The detector shall have the following characteristics:
• Response time: less than 20 seconds
• Local LED indicators for power-up, healthy, fault and alarm status
• Automatic self-calibration
• Automatic self-resetting type.
5.2.5 Rate of Rise Heat Detectors
Heat detectors may be installed indoors, in machine enclosures or above transformers.
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• Temperature sensitive element with criterion of rate-of-rise of 6.7°C/min - 8.3°C/min with
high limit
• Fitted with red LED (light ON when detector is activated)
• Life time of sensor under operating conditions shall be more than 10 years
• Loop current generated by detector switch and associated in-line and end-of-line resistance.
The vendor shall provide the following information:
• Current in mA when detector is activated, healthy or in fault
• Value for in-line resistor and EOL resistor.
The project shall define the quantity of detectors per loops.
The detector shall be supplied with a base for detector installation. The base shall include the
necessary terminals for connection to the loop.
Remote indicating lamp shall be provided if the detector is located in a non-visible area, e.g. floor
or ceiling void.
5.2.6 Fixed Temperature Heat Detectors
Heat detectors can be installed indoors, in machine enclosures or above transformers.
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• Thermostatic type
• Fitted with red LED (light ON when detector is activated)
• Life time of sensor under operating conditions shall be more than 10 years
• Loop current generated by detector switch and associated in-line and end-of-line resistance.
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The vendor shall provide the following information:
• Current in mA when detector is activated, healthy or in fault
• Value for in-line resistor and EOL resistor.
The project shall define the quantity of detectors per loops.
The detector shall be supplied with a base for detector installation. The base shall include the
necessary terminals for connection to the loop.
Remote indicating lamp shall be provided if the detector is located in a non-visible area, e.g. floor
or ceiling void. The project shall define the quantity of detectors per loops.
5.2.7 Linear Heat Detector (Heat Sensitive Cable)
Heat Sensitive Cable can be installed around or above the equipment to be protected.
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• Detection system: two twisted conductors individually insulated with a heat sensitive
polymer that allows contact between wires when a specific temperature is reached
• Fitted with an outer protective sheath
• Minimum alarm temperature: 11°C above maximum operating temperature of the
equipment to be protected
• Fitted with end-of-line resistor for open circuit monitoring
• In case the cable is damaged by an actual fire, sectionalized replacement of Heat Sensitive
Cable shall be possible.
Particular care shall be taken with the installation of heat sensitive cables. Refer to SD-NOC-INS106.
5.2.8 Fusible Plugs
Fusible plugs are installed on a pneumatic line that runs above the equipment to be protected.
Upon fire the pneumatic line will depressurize. This loss of air will directly activate the fire-fighting
equipment as well as reporting back to the FGS. In case FGS requires to initiate executive actions
then consideration shall be given to using 2oo3 detectors voted.
The melting temperature of the fusible plug is selectable depending on the application.
The body of fusible plug shall be made of Stainless steel (SS 316).
The requirement of Fusible Plug shall be as per SD-NOC-SAF-013.
5.3 Gas Detectors
The following types of gas detectors may be utilized in accordance with SD-NOC-SAF-013:
• “Point” Flammable Gas Detectors
- IR point Flammable Gas Detectors
- Catalytic Flammable Gas Detectors.
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• Hydrogen Detectors
• IR Open Path Flammable Gas Detectors
• Oxygen Depletion Detectors
• H2S Gas Detectors
• Acoustic Gas Detectors.
5.3.1 “Point” Flammable Gas Detectors
The detector is activated by gas that enters the measuring chamber of the detector.
For this detection two principles can be used:
• Infrared detection
• Catalytic oxidation detection. IR Point Flammable Gas Detectors
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• Detection principle: infrared absorption by hydrocarbon gases
• Sensor: Temperature compensated with heated optic elements
• Sensor material: SS 316
• Life time of IR source/sensor under operating condition: minimum 5 years
• Detector housing material: SS 316L
• Range of detection: 0 to 100%LFL
• Accuracy: ± 5% FS (@ 25°C)
• Response time: T50 < 20 sec (IEC 60079-29-1 Table A1)
• Automatic self-resetting type
• Integrated a testing methodology external or internal to the device which will ensure detector
functionality and sensor integrity for maintenance.
The vendor shall provide the following information:
• Zero stability and the drift of the full-scale, in %LFL per week, month and year. IR Point Flammable Gas Detectors in HVAC Ducts
Flammable gas detection in HVAC duct involves a large volume of air with high velocity. The IR
point detector shall be installed in such a way that the air slots of duct mounting probe assembly
are aligned with the direction of air flow to allow maximum free flow through the optical path of
the sensor, ensuring fast detection capabilities.
The vendor shall provide mounting details and optimal location of detector to ensure correct
functioning of the detector along with specific duct mounting kit.
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Fire and Gas Detectors and Associated Detection Systems
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Page: 14 of 28 Catalytic Flammable Gas Detectors
The principle of operation of catalytic sensors depends upon the oxidation of flammable gas on
the surface of an electrically heated catalyst typically operating at a temperature between 450°C
and 550°C. One limitation of catalytic sensor is that sufficient oxygen (min 10%) is required for
proper functioning.
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• Detection principle: Catalytic oxidation
• Range of detection: 0 to 100%LFL
• Life time of sensor under operating condition: minimum 4 years
• Accuracy: ± 5% FS (@ 25°C)
• Response time: T50 < 10 seconds
• Automatic self-resetting type
• Local digital display
• Equipped with automatic self-testing features including test of electronics and sensor status.
The vendor shall provide the following information:
• Zero stability and the drift of the full-scale, in %LFL per week, month and year.
For the detectors which are not accessible from grade level then remote test facilities shall be
provided. In this case vendor shall provide the following:
• Remote calibration adapter, remote sensor head, remote zero switch, tools, etc.
5.3.2 Hydrogen Detectors
Catalytic hydrogen gas detectors shall be selected for hydrogen gas leak detection in battery
rooms and in other areas where hydrogen may pose a hazard.
The characteristics of this equipment are as per section
5.3.3 IR Open Path Flammable Gas Detectors
The Infrared Open Path Gas Detector is based on measurement of flammable gas along a line of
sight, between an optical transmitter and a receiver. The gas detector measurement principle is
based on IR absorption. The instrument output indicates the total gas concentration over the
entire path length in unit of LFL.m (Lower Flammable Limit per meter).
The detector is activated by a cloud of gas that absorbs part of IR beam between Source and
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• Detection principle: infrared absorption by hydrocarbon gases
• Sensor: Temperature compensated with heated optic elements
• Each detector includes an IR Source and a Receiver (detector with mirror is not acceptable)
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• Life time of IR source/sensor under operating condition: minimum 5 years
• Range of detection: 0 to 5 LFL.m
• Response time: T90 < 10 sec
• Automatic self-resetting type
• Enclosure material: SS 316
• Local digital display or multicolor LED indicator which indicates normal, fault and alarm
• Equipped with automatic self-testing features including test of electronics, beam block (e.g.
window obscurity) and sensor integrity (optic)
• Equipped with special help system for alignment of receiver-transmitter.
The vendor shall provide the following information:
• Zero stability and the drift of the full-scale, in %LFL.m per week, month and year
• Misalignment acceptability (in °).
Particular care shall be taken with the installation of such beam gas detectors to ensure correct
alignment and immunity to interference. Refer to SD-NOC-INS-106.
5.3.4 Oxygen Depletion Detectors
The Oxygen Depletion Detectors will be installed inside analyzer houses if oxygen concentration
can be less than 18 Vol%.
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• Detection principle: Electrochemical
• Range of detection: 0 to 25 Vol%
• Accuracy: ± 5% FS (@ 25°C)
• Response time: T50% < 30 seconds (with O2 step 21 to 18 Vol%)
• Analogue signal 0-22 mA to include 0-25 Vol% signal and faults
• Equipped with automatic self-testing features including test of electronics and sensor status
The vendor shall provide the following information:
• Zero stability and the drift of the full-scale, in Vol% per week, month and year
• Life time of the sensors under operating conditions
• Response time with splashguard.
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third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
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5.3.5 H2S Gas Detectors
Two types of technologies exist:
• Electro-chemical
• Semi-conductor.
Semi-conductor type is the preferred technology.
The principle of operation of the semi-conductor sensor depends upon changes of electrical
conductance that occur by adsorption on the surface of the heated sensing element when
exposed to H2S other than air. Gas concentrations are inferred by measuring the change of
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• Detection principle: Semi-conductor thin film (sensible to H2S and Methyl Mercaptans)
• Theoretical life time: 4 to 6 years
• Range of detection: 0 to 50 ppm equivalent H2S
• Accuracy: ± 2% FS (@ 25°C)
• Response time: T90 < 30 sec
• Analogue signal 0-22 mA to include 0-50 ppm signal and faults
• Equipped with automatic self-testing features including test of electronic and sensor status.
The vendor shall provide the following information:
• Response time with splashguard.
5.3.6 Acoustic Gas Detectors
Acoustic Gas Detector detect the distinct ultrasonic noise emitted by leaking gas.
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• Detection principle: ultrasonic microphone
• Accuracy: leak of 0.1 kg/s within a radius of 9-12 m in normal process area and 5-8 m in
compressor areas shall be detected
• Response time: < 1 second
• Life time of sensors under operating conditions: between 3 and 5 years
• Field replaceable sensor module
• Device shall incorporate an onboard “learn” function or “onsite training” facility to analyze
the background/ambient environment to improve reliability and performance
• Range of detection: 60 to 100 dB SPL
• Capability to work in noisy area (e.g. compressor)
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• Integrated automatic self-testing methodology to ensure microphone and detector’s
electrical integrity
• Not sensitive to changing wind directions and not sensitive to the dispersion of escaping
• SS 316 body
• The detector shall have ancillary software program(s) or facility to assist in optimization,
commissioning, and diagnostic activities.
The Supplier shall provide the following information:
• Performance in noisy environment: close to compressor
• Ultrasonic frequency band used
6. Miscellaneous Detectors and Initiation Devices
6.1 Low Temperature Detection (Spill Detection)
The low temperature detection is based on RTD detectors.
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• Detection principle: Single Pt 100 sensor with 3 wires connection
• Probe length from 30 cm to 10 m
• Probe sheath: SS 316
• Range of detection: -200°C to 100°C
• Accuracy: class A (± 0.15°C + 0.002 T)
• Equipped with automatic self-testing features.
Alternatively, a fiber optic based system may be considered on a project specific basis.
6.2 Manual Alarm Call Points
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• “Break glass” type may be used in buildings & “push button” type with lift flap and key reset
shall be used in the field.
• Key-operated test facility to initiate without breaking the glass
• Fitted with red LED (light ON when detector is activated)
• Loop current generated by detector switch and associated in-line and end-of-line resistance
• Red Color.
The project shall define the quantity of manual alarm call points per loops.
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6.3 ESD and Deluge Hand Switches
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• Pull-to-activate handles/buttons with key reset for deluge and ESD hand switches.
• Loop current generated by detector switch and associated in-line and end-of-line resistance
• Color
- ESD: yellow
- Deluge: light blue.
• Enclosure material: SS 316L for outside.
All ESD and Deluge hand switches shall be hardwired to the associated safety system;
addressable type, daisy-chaining or voting configurations are not permitted.
7. Specific Detection Systems
• Image Based Flame Detectors (CCTV)
• Early Warning Smoke Detection System
• Addressable Fire and Gas Detection Systems.
7.1 Image Based Flame Detectors (CCTV)
The Image based flame detection system shall comprise of a set of detectors a system with its
Unit Control Panel and an operator display.
The detector itself shall be a single unit comprised of integrated CCTV system, digital signal
processing and software algorithms; all of which are residing in the detector locally and are
capable of discriminating between genuine fire conditions and other radiant sources such as flare
reflection. The detectors shall be connected to the System UCP which shall provide a live video
image of the camera’s cone of vision on a dedicated operator panel with large screen display in
the Central Control Room (CCR).
The detectors shall also directly interface to the plant FGS via 0-22 mA signals and be capable
of indicating their status - fault/healthy/alarm.
The main characteristics of this detector are:
• Type: Color imaging based visual flame detector (with IR3)
• Sensitivity: as per EN 54-10 requirements, Class 1-3
• Response time: Better than 7 sec
• Life time of sensor under operating condition: minimum 4 years
• Integrated a testing methodology external or internal to the device which will ensure detector
functionality and sensor integrity for maintenance
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• Single detector unit comprised of integrated CCTV system, Digital Signal Processing and
Software Algorithms
• Immune to common source of unwanted alarms such as welding, hot process, hot work, hot
CO2 emissions and flare reflections
• Enclosure material: SS 316L
• 2 independent outputs from detector:
- 0-22 mA alarm and status output to FGS
- Video output: PAL or NTSC for connecting to imaging system.
The Supplier shall provide field of view (on, off axis, range) performance data based on the fuel
of interest being detected.
The UCP shall comprise of cabinet(s) and CCTV flame detection operator panel in the CCR. The
UCP and operator panel shall be designed in conformity with SD-NOC-INS-109. The operator
panel and UCP shall have video matrix switching, text overlay and alarm generation capabilities.
The UCP shall capture the live video from the detectors and provide recording and control
functions or the system.
7.2 Early Warning Smoke Detection System
This system is often called High Sensitivity Smoke Detection (HSSD) System.
The system continuously draws air into a distributed pipe network via a high-efficiency aspirator.
The air sample then passes through a dual-stage filter. The first stage removes dust and dirt from
the air sample before it enters the laser detection chamber. The second, ultra-fine stage provides
an additional clean-air supply to keep the detector’s optical surfaces free from contamination,
ensuring consistent absolute detection and long detector life as well as minimizing nuisance
alarms. From the filter, the air sample goes through the detection chamber where it is exposed to
a laser light source. When smoke is present, light is scattered within the detection chamber and
is instantly identified by the highly sensitive receiver system.
This system consists of a central detection unit and a network of small diameter pipes, through
which air samples are continuously drawn from the monitored environment. The air samples are
routed to a measuring chamber where a laser beam is scattered by the smoke particles. The
resultant signal is amplified to produce an analogue reading of smoke intensity.
Such systems are typically located with the electrical switchboards and instrument cabinets.
The main characteristics of this equipment are:
• Detection system: laser light scattered by smoke particles
• Range: 0.01 to 20% obs/m
• Manual reset
• Local display with indication of alarms and zones
• System configurable from a PC
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• Configurable alarm levels, time delays, and faults including airflow, detector, power, filter
and network
• Fitted with an algorithm that allows dust discrimination
• Possibility to scan several pipe networks (at least 4)
• Maximum length for pipe networks: 200 m
• The pipe network shall take samples from inside or outside cabinets
• Pipes with calibrated holes to support the detection system installation.
The vendor of the detection system shall also carry out the associated studies (point of aspiration,
routing of pipes) for installation of system in the building to be protected.
7.3 Addressable Fire and Gas Detection System
The use of Addressable Fire and Gas Detectors is limited as per SD-NOC-SAF-013.
Addressable Fire and Gas Detection Systems may be used for the accommodation spaces and
inside specific packages. However, use of addressable flame and gas detectors shall be limited
to asset protection of specific packages only, approved by Company. Conventional gas detectors
shall be used for all other applications.
The location of fire and gas detectors installed inside the package shall be as defined in SD-NOCSAF-023 and SD-NOC-SAF-016.
The Addressable Fire and Gas Detection System shall consist of the following as a minimum:
• Field devices (Fire, Gas, Smoke/Heat Detectors and Manual Alarm Call Points (MAC))
• Addressable Network
• Addressable System Controller with accessories e.g. interposing relays, isolators, serial
interface card etc.
• Remote Repeater Panel in CCR
• Engineering Work Station - Laptop computer with system configuration software.
As per EN 54-10 regulation, one fault in an addressable loop shall not cause loss of any other
detectors’ coverage nor impact the good operation of the Addressable Fire and Gas Detection
The addressable Fire and gas detection system shall be certified suitable for SIL2 applications.
7.3.1 Field Devices Addressable Optical Smoke Detectors
Addressable Smoke detector shall be located in all areas where smoke can be detected at the
early stage of fire; for example bedrooms, offices, hallways, conference rooms etc.
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All smoke detectors shall have the following characteristics:
• Red color LED alarm (light ON when detector is activated)
• Remote alarm indication for detectors installed above ceiling or in non-visible areas
• Each detector shall be a plug-in unit and provided with a twist/lock design mounting base
suitable for ceiling/surface mounting and a black box (conduit box) for termination
Microprocessor-based and suitable for installation in the same addressable loops as for
heat detectors and MAC. Addressable Heat Detectors (Fixed/Rate of Rise)
Heat detector shall be fixed and/or rate of rise type with maximum limit, suitable for connection in
the same addressable loops as above mentioned smoke detector.
Heat detectors shall be applied where the fires are expected to build up quickly and generate
much heat or where smoke detectors are not practical; for instance smoking room, laundry, mess
room, galley and workshop.
All addressable heat detectors shall have the following characteristics:
• Combined fixed/rate of rise temperature type
• Red color LED alarm (light ON when detector is activated)
• Each detector shall be a plug-in unit and provided with a twist/lock design mounting base
suitable for ceiling/surface mounting and a black box (conduit box) for termination
• Microprocessor-based and suitable for installation in the same addressable loops as for the
smoke detectors and MAC. Addressable Manual Alarm Call Points
All addressable MAC shall have the following characteristics:
• Red color
• Type: Break Glass (indoor only)
• Output signal: Digital Protocol to the addressable fire detection panel
• Microprocessor-based and suitable for installation in the same addressable loops as for the
smoke and heat detectors
• Suitable for surface mounting installation.
7.3.2 Addressable Network
The Addressable Network shall be a fault tolerant digital communication network. The detectors
communicate with the System Controller over a digital communication network.
The address of detector is set by hardware switch or addressable system software.
All detectors shall have unique addresses. System shall generate a fault status if the address
setting is duplicated. Loop isolators shall be provided to each and every addressable detector to
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isolate automatically from a loop in case of open or short circuit. The healthy loop section(s) shall
remain operable.
Network cables shall be in compliance with SD-NOC-INS-116 for multi-pairs.
All Addressable Fire and Gas Detectors installed inside accommodation spaces or package shall
be connected to their own respective Addressable Fire and Gas Detection System.
Detectors shall normally be powered by the loop. In the case external power supply required this
shall be provided from the System controller UCP with segregation and redundancy to ensure no
common mode failure risk.
7.3.3 Addressable System Controller
The Addressable System Controller shall be located in the UCP and contain a microprocessorbased fire monitoring system which follows the requirement of NFPA 72. The UCP shall include
all controllers, power supplies, and logic elements to monitor the status of each addressable fire
and gas detector and MAC associated with the building/package as defined. It shall initiate actions
based on the status of the initiating devices.
The controller performs all communication, command, and control functions for the system.
The Addressable System Controller shall also provide an inhibit/bypass/testing facility for the
testing of each fire detector and manual initiating device without initiating an executive control
action. The list of inhibited/bypassed detectors shall be available on the Addressable System
Controller and repeater panels displays.
The UCP shall be installed in a cabinet in compliance with SD-NOC-INS-109.
The fault statuses, including but not limited to power supply failure, communication fault, and
detector fault earth shall be available within the System Controller.
The System Controller shall perform the following as a minimum:
• Monitor all fire and gas detectors and alarm on fire and gas detection or fault conditions
• Provide hardwired signals to package PLC or FGS in case of fire and gas detection in order
to initiate an executive action by package PLC or FGS
• Provide the status of all detectors to the package PLC or ICSS Operator Work Station
(OWS), by means of serial link
• Self-testing shall annunciate any fault detected in the system
• Voting of addressable fire and gas detectors.
7.3.4 ICSS Interface
Addressable System Controller shall transmit status information and alarms to the ICSS (or
package PLC) via a serial link in accordance with SD-NOC-INS-134 and SD-NOC-INS-110. The
data to be transmitted shall include:
• Alarm/Fault/Inhibit/Raw status of each fire and gas detector
• Panel & power supply common fault status.
Addressable Fire Detection shall be time synchronized with ICSS or Package PLC.
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Watchdog shall be provided for monitoring of communication between ICSS or Package PLC and
Addressable System Controller and raise an alarm in case of communication failure.
Signals for executive action shall be hardwired.
7.3.5 Addressable Repeater Panel (Remote Display Panel)
A remote display panel shall be provided in the CCR, as required.
As a minimum, the remote display panel shall be capable of monitoring all key parameters of the
system and annunciating as appropriate. This shall include:
• Display of failure of any detector
• Alarm of any detector
• Confirmed fire for a group of detectors
• Detector alarm acknowledgment
• System reset
• Sounder silence, etc.
8. Identification, Tagging and Labelling
All equipment including detectors, junction boxes and associated systems shall be identified and
labeled in accordance with SD-NOC-INS-101 and SD-NOC-INS-102.
The label on the instrument shall be made of an engraved stainless steel plate, attached to the
instrument with a SS316 wire. Letters shall be 5 mm high.
The location label shall be an engraved “Traffolyte” plate screwed on to the instrument support.
Letters shall be 15mm high (Labelling color shall be red background with white letters).
All tagging shall be reflected on the appropriate drawing in line with the actual label.
Local commands devices shall be clearly labeled; command modes, operations and instructions
shall be described on an engraved “Traffolyte” (or equivalent) plate close to each device.
9. Inspection and Testing
All tests shall be carried out in a safe manner. Particular attention shall be taken with pressure
tests and tests on “live” electrical equipment. Appropriate protective equipment and measures
shall always be employed.
Test requirements defined in SD-NOC-INS-101 and SD-NOC-INS-110 shall be followed.
The Vendor shall be responsible for supplying and implementing all necessary equipment and
accessories to demonstrate that the detectors and detection systems meets the requirements.
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Testing will be carried out in two steps:
• Design Validation Tests
• Factory Acceptance Tests.
9.1 Design Validation Tests
At an early stage of the development, ICSS configuration and hardware typical design validation
tests shall be carried out in accordance with SD-NOC-INS-134. The tests shall be carried out by
ICSS Supplier with assistance from Fire and Gas detector vendor and witnessed by Contractor
and Company representatives.
These design validation tests (DVT) shall be carried out in the ICSS workshop. The DVT
procedure shall be prepared by ICSS Supplier and validated by the Fire and Gas Detector vendor.
The DVT tests shall include:
• Connection of detector to FGS input module including validation of the appropriate end of
line resistor, where applicable, to prove hardware loop typical
• Logic of functional typical for each type of detector
• Verification of each display element associated with a detector (color, symbols,
One detector of each type and all necessary equipment (calibration devices, test equipment,
accessories, etc.) for these DVTs shall be provided.
9.2 Factory Acceptance Tests
As a minimum, the factory acceptance test for each fire and gas detector shall include:
• Verification of: quantity, tag number plate/marking, compliance material, dimensional,
electric connections, range, power supply, output signal, etc.
• Tests for: calibration / accuracy, linearity, response time, repeatability, power supply
variation, output zero, output full scale, output 50% range.
• Before delivery, the vendor shall calibrate all detectors and calibration certificates shall be
All detection systems shall also be subject to Factory Acceptance Test.
The FAT shall include as a minimum:
• Visual inspection
• System tests
• Interface tests
• Full functional tests.
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9.3 Test Report and Certificate
Supplier shall prepare final results, compiling all inspection, test results and all material
certificates, explosion proof certificates.
This final result from the factory test shall be made available to the Company as part of a package
of final certified documents and drawings.
10. Packing, Storage and Transportation
Shipment authorization will be given by the Contractor after all pending points arisen during
acceptance tests have been resolved.
All packing shall be as per project standard.
All equipment shall be protected and sealed with special package such as vacuum packing so as
to prevent condensation. Care shall be taken not to open or damage this packing during shipping.
Each item shall be suitably packed so as to be protected from damage during shipment and long
term storage.
All temporary electrical openings shall be plugged with plastic stoppers to maintain IP rating
during transport and storage.
Each item shall be identified with the complete purchase order number. Additionally, they shall
be marked with the item numbers of the contents according to Contractor drawings.
Spare parts shall be separately packed.
Supplier will indicate the storage conditions and transportation recommendations that apply to
their equipment.
10.1 Instrument Preservation
As soon as any equipment has been unpacked from its original factory-packing and during all
construction, test and transportation phases, all necessary measures for protection against
mechanical damage, corrosion and foreign material penetration shall be implemented to prevent
seizing and contamination (e.g. greasing/lubrication of gaskets, threads and valve shafts,
temporary covers or wrapping, plugging of tube ends etc.).
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11. Documentation
Minimum documentation requirements are defined within SD-NOC-INS-110 and
SD-NOC-INS-101 and includes for fire and gas detectors and associated detection systems:
• Data sheets
• Type Test certificates
• Wiring Schematics
• Loop Diagrams
• General Arrangements
• Installation Drawings
• Certification and Test Reports
• Cause and effect Drawings
• Standard Vendor Technical Documents
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Title of the publication
Recommended Practice for Fire Prevention and Control on
Fixed Open-type Offshore Production Platforms
ASTM E1002
Standard Test Method for leaks Using Ultrasonic
EN 54-20
Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 20: Aspirating
mode detectors
EN 61779-4
Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of
flammable gases - Part 4: performance requirements for
group II apparatus indicating a volume fraction up to 100%
lower explosive limit
Safety and Fire & Gas Standard Functions
IEC 60079-0
Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General
IEC 60079-1
Explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Equipment protection by
flameproof enclosures “d”
IEC 60079-11
Explosive atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment protection by
intrinsic safety “i”
IEC 60079-18
Explosive atmospheres - Part 18: Equipment protection by
intrinsic safety “m”
IEC 60079-29-2
Explosive atmospheres - Part 29-2: Gas detectors Selection, installation, use and maintenance of detectors for
flammable gases and oxygen
IEC 60079-7
Explosive atmospheres - Part 7: Equipment protection by
increased safety “e”
IEC 60331
Test for electric cables under fire conditions - Circuit
IEC 61508
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable
electronic safety-related systems
ISO 13702
Petroleum and natural gas industries- Control and
mitigation of fires and explosions on offshore production
installations - requirements and guidelines
ISO 7240-1
Fire detection and alarm systems - Part 1: General and
ISO 7240-11
Fire detection and alarm systems - Part 11: Manual call
ISO 7240-12
Fire detection and alarm systems - Part 12: Line type
smoke detectors using a transmitted optical beam
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Title of the publication
ISO 7240-5
Fire detection and alarm systems - Part 5: Point-type heat
ISO 7240-7
Fire detection and alarm systems - Part 7: Point-type
smoke detectors using scattered light, transmitted light and
NF S 61-950
Fire detection equipment. Linear heat and multipoint smoke
detectors and intermediate elements
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