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NCM 110 – Nursing Informatics (FINALS)
Dr. Elvira Baquial RN, MAN
Best feature of Microsoft Academic Search are:
Topic 1: Computer Application that Support Nursing Research
Provide trends
is a global science search engine designed to accelerate scientific
discovery and progress by accelerating the sharing of scientific
Through a multilateral partnership, WorldWideScience.org
enables anyone with internet access to launch a single-query search
of national scientific databases and portals in more than 70 countries,
covering all of the world’s inhabited continents and over threequarters of the world’s population.
Refers to itself as “The Global Science Gateway,” is operated by the
Office of Scientific and Technical Information – a branch of the Office
of Science within the U.S. Department of Energy. The site utilizes
database from over 70 countries. It will provide display of both
English and translated results depending on the researches need
from related journals and academic resources.
Learning Objectives:
Identify the different reliable search engines that supports nursing
research literature locally and internationally
The articles that are being published in the Microsoft Academic Search are the
Learn to manipulate the search engine using the different platforms
Coverage: approx. 210 million articles
Abstracts: /
Related articles: /
1) Google Scholar
References: /
Specialized online search engine that can help you discover articles,
books, and more from academic publishers and research institutions.
Cited by: /
a tool used to congregate/conglomerate scholarly literature on the
Link to full text: /
web. In the Google Scholar, you can find different articles as well as
Export formats: APA, MLA. BibTeX
case laws.
Search interface of Microsoft Academic
An academic search engine from the house of Google.
Microsoft Academic: the 2018 update comes with brand new
In May 2014, 3rd party researchers estimated that the Google
design and functionality
Scholar database contains roughly 160 million documents at the
In Google Scholar, you can find documents such as:
1. Able to hunt for peer-reviewed papers -scrutinized by 3-5 experts
2. Thesis
3. Books
4. Abstracts
5. Articles from academic publishers
6. Professional societies (ex. PNA, ANA)
7. Preprint repositories of universities and other scholarly
organizations. – acknowledged internationally (ex. ADMU, Siliman
University, De la salle, UE)
The articles that are being published in the Google Scholar shows the
Coverage: approx. 200 million articles or case laws
Abstracts: only a snippet (100-150 words abstract) of the abstract 5)
is available
Related articles: /
References: /
Cited by: /
Link to full text: /
Export formats: APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, Vancouver,
Search interface of Google Scholar
Google Scholar: fast, free and contains millions of research
Science.gov (Your gateway to U.S Federal Science)
Web portal and specialized search engine using federated search
technology, science.gov serves as a gateway to United States
government scientific and technical information and research.
Currently in its fifth generation, Science.gov provides a search of
over 60 databases from 14 federal science agencies and 200 million
pages of science information with just one query, and is a gateway to
2,200+ scientific websites.
Operated and maintained by the office of Science and Technical
Information, the same department that collaborates on
WorldWideScience.org. The search engines pull from over 60,000
database and over to 220,000 websites and 200 million pages of
journals, documents, and scientific data. Search results can also be
filtered by author, date, topic and as well as the format. It can be
presented either textual or multimedia.
Google Books
Service from google incorporated that searches the full text of the
books and magazines that google has scanned, converted to text Science.gov present the following:
using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and stored in its digital
Coverage: approx. 200 million articles and reports
Abstracts: /
Books are provided either by publishers and authors through the
Related articles: X
google books’ parter program or by google’s library partner through
References: X
the library project.
Cited by: X
Allows web users to browse an index of thousands of books, from
Link to full text: / (available for some database)
popular titles to old, to find pages that include your search terms.
Export formats: APA, MLA, RIS, BibTex (available for some database)
In the Google books, you can:
Search interface of Science.gov
1. Look and browse through pages
2. Find online reviews
6) WolframAlpha
3. Learn where you can get hard copy
Computational knowledge engine and answer engine developed by
Microsoft Academic Search
Was a free public search engine from academic papers and literature
developed by Microsoft Research for the purpose of algorithm search
in object object-level vertical search, data mining, entity linking and
data visualization.
It is a rich data tool for exploring connections in research through
the publication records of the individuals, universities, and research
a great search engine from the software giant Microsoft
Microsoft – owned by billionaire Bill Gates
It allows to explore more than 38 million publications.
It contains more than 40 million publications and 20 million
wolfram research. It answers factual queries directly by computing
the answer from externally sourced data.
It is a self-described “computational knowledge engine”. Does not so
much provide search results as it does search answers.
Simply type in a topic or questions you may be interested in and the
answer will show up without making you scroll through pages of
Refseek Academic Reseach Engine
RefSeek is a web search engine for students and researchers that
aims to make academic information easily accessible to everyone.
RefSeek searches more than five billion documents, including web
pages, books, encyclopedias, journals, and newspapers.
It has minimalist design, but doesn’t look like much. However, the
engine pulls from over one billion web pages, encyclopedias, journals
and books.
NCM 110 – Nursing Informatics (FINALS)
Dr. Elvira Baquial RN, MAN
12) Bielfield Academic Search Engine (BASE)
Educational Resources information Center (ERIC)
One of the world’s most voluminous search engine especially for
It is similar to Google in its functionality. But it focuses more on
academic web resources. BASE provides more than 240 million
scientific and academic results. Meaning, more results will come
documents from more than 8 thousand content providers. You can
from .edu, .org sites, as well as online encyclopedias. It also has an
access the full texts of about 60% of the indexed documents for free
option to search documents directly, providing easy access to pdfs
(Open Access). BASE is operated by Bielefeld University Library.
and other academic papers.
(BASE) prides itself as being “one of the world’s most voluminous
It is an online library of education research and information
search engines especially for academic web resources.” Utilizing
sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S.
4,000 sources, the site contains results from over 100 million
Department of Education.
documents. The advanced search option allows users to narrow their
ERIC's mission is to provide a comprehensive, easy-to-use,
research—so whether you’re looking for a book, review, lecture,
searchable Internet-based bibliographic and full-text database of
video or thesis, BASE can provide the specific format you need.
education research and information for educators, researchers, and
Example, if you going to search for ppt format then they well give
the general public.
you a ppt. If you are going to search pdf, then they are going to give
Education research and information are essential to improving
you a pdf. That’s how the BASE can be helpful for researcher
teaching, learning, and educational decision making.
ERIC provides access to 1.5 million bibliographic records (citations,
abstracts, and other pertinent data) of journal articles and other 13) Infotopia
Infotopia is an academic search engine designed for "students,
education-related materials, with hundreds of new records added
teachers, and especially homeschoolers." Created by Dr. Michael Bell
every week.
(former chair of the Texas Association of School Librarians) and
A key component of ERIC is its collection of grey literature in
Carole Bell (former middle school librarian and director of libraries),
education, which is largely available in full text in Adobe PDF
Infotopia uses a Google custom search to provide accesses to
format. Approximately one quarter of the complete ERIC Collection
previously vetted websites selected by librarians, teachers, and
is available in full text.
educational professionals.
Materials with no full text available (primarily journal articles) can
Describes itself as a “Google-alternative safe search engine.” The
often be accessed using links to publisher websites and/or library
academic search engine pulls from results that have been curated by
holdings. ERIC usually includes education related articles in its
librarians, teachers and other educational workers. A unique search
feature allows users to select a category, which ranges from art to
Being populated by the U.S. Department of Education.
health to science and technology, and then see a list of internal and
external resources pertaining to the topic. So if you don’t find what
Virtual Learning Resources Center (virtuallrc).com
you’re looking for within the pages of Infotopia, you will probably
Virtual LRC is both a dedicated index of over 10,000 web pages
find it in one of its many suggested sites.
maintained by a real human being, as well as a meta-search engine
that includes in its results information gleaned from many of the best
14) PubMed
research portals and university and public library Internet
A free home and office-based medicine resource which has been
Is an online index hosting of thousands of scholarly websites, all of
available since 1996. It was launched and kept going by the National
which are selected by teachers and librarians from around the globe.
Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National
The site provide students and teachers with current valid
Library of Medicine (NLM).
information for school and university academic projects using an
It contains more than 20 million records and it includes the fields of
index gathered from research portals, university and library internet
biomedicine and health and cover portion of the life sciences,
subject as well as guide recommended by teachers and librarians.
behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering.
PubMed links to full-text articles found in PubMed central or at
10) iSEEk
publisher websites, NCBI molecular biology resources, and other
iSEEk or Internet Sysytem for Education and Employment
related articles.
Knowledge is considered as one of the best search engine for
PubMed provides advanced search and includes automatic emailing
education targeted for use by students, educators, caregivers, and
of search updates; the ability to save records; and filters for search
results using NCBI and it also includes a spell checker feature; and
Minnesota’s electronic gateway to education and workforce
it adds citations daily.
PubMed citations come from
a targeted search engine that compiles hundreds ofthousands of
1. MEDLINE indexed journals,
authoritative resources from university, government, andestablished
2. journals/manuscripts deposited in PMC, and
noncommercial providers
3. NCBI Bookshelf.
A great engine for students, teachers and administrators alike.
A free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and
Simply ask a question or enter search topic or tools, and iSEEK will
life sciences literature with the aim of improving health both globally
pull from scholastic sources to find exactly what you are looking for.
and personally.
There are similar functions to WorlframAlpha. But the only
The PubMed database contains more than 34 million citations and
difference is that the WorlframAlpha will only give the exact
abstracts of biomedical literature.
answers, no need to scroll down the papers. But the iSEEK, we need
Operated by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, a
to look for the answers because they give plenty of answers.
division of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
The search engine is safe, intelligent and time saving. It draws from
This site is perfect for those who are studying anything related to
trusted resources from universities, government, and establishment
health care or science. The database contains more than 3 million of
as well as non-commercial sites.
full text journal articles and it is similar to PubMed health.
Pubmed Health is specific in health- related studies which include
11) ResearchGate
citations and abstracts for more than 26 millions of articles.
Largest social network for scientists and researchers designed for
cooperation and exchange of scientific knowledge in the world.
Among many tools, the platform offers an international job work 15) LexisWeb
Are you searching for legal topics? Go to LexisWeb for any law
where you can find new job opportunities and PhD programs
related inquiries you may have.
covering all scientific disciplines.
It provides any law-related inquiries you may want.
Researchgate.net is an academic profile and social networking cite
The results are drawn from legal cites which can be filtered by a
and a popular hub on the web for sharing academic publications.
criteria such as news, blog, government and commercial
a unique social networking site for scientists and researchers. Over
11 million researchers submit their work, paper, which totals more
Users can also filter results by jurisdictions, practice area, source and
than 100 million publication on the site for anyone to access. You
as well as the file format.
can search by publication, data, as well as author or you can even ask
Lexis Web is a legal search engine provided by online information
a research question. (Problem: you need to log in and sign up for a
provider LexisNexis. The search engine enables keyword searching
fee) Though it’s not a search engine that pulls from external sources,
of a selection of handpicked, freely available, full text legal resources
ResearchGate’s own collection of publications provides a hearty
along with additional subscription content for LexisNexis
selection for any inquisitive scholar.
NCM 110 – Nursing Informatics (FINALS)
Dr. Elvira Baquial RN, MAN
subscribers. Results can be refined using a range of filters including
legal topics compiled from the LexisNexis legal classification
system, subject, source, geography, companies, people and keyword. FOR THE LOCAL WEB SITES WHICH SUPPORTS nursing research
These headings break down into more specific sub groups relevant are the following:
to the search. Results are displayed with search terms highlighted
and a link to the source. This is a beta version of the service which is 1) PHILIPPINE E-JOURNALS
currently provided free of charge.
An online collection of academic publications of different higher
education institutions and professional organizations.
16) GOOGLE HUMMINGBIRD, the Core of Modern Search Engine
It is an expanding collection of academic journals that are made
accessible globally through a single web-based platform and is
An academic search engine dedicated to open access research papers.
hosted by CNA publication incorporated, a premier educational
For each search result, a link to the full text PDF or full text web
publisher in the Philippines and a leader of distribution of integrated
page is provided
information base solutions.
Hummingbird allows the Google search engine to better do its job
through an improvement in semantic search. As conversational 2) PNRSI or PHILIPPINE NURSING RESEARCH SOCIETY INC.
search becomes the norm, Hummingbird lends understanding to the
A forum for nurse researchers to promote and support nursing
intent and contextual meaning of terms used in a query.
research in the Philippines.
Hummingbird is
Its goal is to provide a forum for dissemination and critique of
significant algorithm change in Google Search in 2013. Its name
nursing research.
was derived from the speed and accuracy of the hummingbird. The
It stimulates interest in scientific study of the nursing phenomena,
change was announced on September 26, 2013, having already been
linking nurses with similar research interest, promoting recognition
in use for a month. "Hummingbird" places greater emphasis
of nursing as a scientific discipline, promoting evidence-based
on natural language queries, considering context and meaning over
nursing practice and fostering an ethical standard in research.
individual keywords. It also looks deeper at content on individual
The purpose why the PNRSI exists are the following:
pages of a website, with improved ability to lead users directly to the
To watch promote and recognize nursing as a scientific
most appropriate page rather than just a website's homepage.
They want also to link the nurses with similar interest to
HUMMINGBIRD, the Core of Modern Search Engine ALGORITHM
nursing and related trust academe and healthcare setting.
presents the following:
They will provide forum for dissemination and critiquing of
Coverage: approx. 136 million articles
research paper of publication as well as for continuing education
Abstracts: /
and training.
Related articles: /
They are also foster ethical standards in research in nursing
particularly which focuses in academe and healthcare settings.
References: X
Cited by: X
Link to full text: / (all articles in CORE are open access)
An international peer reviewed journal, is the official publication of
Export formats: BibTex
the Philippines Nurses Association which publishes its articles
Search interface of the CORE academic search engine
biannually. In short, they provide articles every 6 months in a given
CORE: the best is that all those 135+ million papers can be accessed
for free
It considers original articles written for, but not limited to, Filipino
nurses at all levels of healthcare organization and in various settings.
17) Baidu
1) It serves venue for publication of scientific and research
Baidu is the dominant internet search engine company in China.
papers in the areas of nursing practice and nursing
Its features and services are similar to those of Google, but its focus
is on China, where it controls most of the search market. Baidu
2) It is also a source of updates on policies and standards
censors search results and other content in accordance with Chinese
relevant to the nursing practice and nursing education.
3) It is also serves as a medium for collegial interactions
Baidu Scholar’s interface is in Chinese, its index contains research
among nurses to promote professional growth.
papers in English as well as Chinese.
The Philippine Journal of Nursing invites original research and
Baidu, Inc. (Chinese: 百度; pinyin: Bǎidù, meaning "hundred times",
scientific papers, full text or abstract, written by a registered nurse
anglicized /ˈbaɪduː/ BY-doo) is a Chinese multinational
on different areas of nursing practice, including but not limited to
technology company specializing in Internet-related services
clinical, community, administration, and education.
and products and artificial intelligence (AI), headquartered in
Beijing's Haidian District.
It is one of the largest AI and Internet companies in the world. The
It provides state-of-the-art facilities dedicated to research, training,
holding company of the group is incorporated in the Cayman Islands.
clinical care, and biologicals manufacturing.
Baidu was incorporated in January 2000 by Robin Li and Eric Xu.
The RITM is tasked by the Philippine Department of Health and the
The Baidu search engine is currently the sixth largest website in the
Philippine Government to supervise, plan, and successfully
Alexa Internet rankings. Baidu has origins in RankDex, an earlier
implement research programs to prevent and to control prevailing
search engine developed by Robin Li in 1996, before he founded
infectious and tropical diseases in the Philippines. This includes
Baidu in 2000.
research involving the advancement of vaccines and medications
Baidu offers various services, including a Chinese search engine, as
used by medical professionals such as physicians, nurses, and medical
well as a mapping service called Baidu Maps. Baidu offers about 57
technologists that they utilize whenever patients they handle are
search and community services, such as Baidu Baike (an online
under the diagnosis and treatment of infectious and treatable and
encyclopedia), Baidu Wangpan (a cloud storage service), and Baidu
curable diseases.
Tieba (a keyword-based discussion forum).
The institute also trains medical and healthcare workers in order to
be further educated in their fields in relation to the management of
Baidu presents the following:
tropical infectious diseases.
Coverage: no detailed statistics available; approx. 100 million
Formulation of plans and research projects involving biological
products proposed and currently utilized by the Philippine
Abstracts: only a snippet of the abstract is available
Department of Health are also covered by the functions of the
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine, including the manufacture
Related articles: /
of biological products and vaccines such as right now, they are
References: /
covering the COVID Vaccine.
Cited by: X
Tasked to make local vaccines (under DOH)
Link to full text: /
Export formats: APA, MLA, RIS, BibTeX
NCM 110 – Nursing Informatics (FINALS)
Dr. Elvira Baquial RN, MAN
It provides a “Structured Learning Experience” and training
activities to all Nursing Service Personnel, Nursing Allieds and
Can be administered in large numbers and is cost-effective.
Affiliates for their professional development.
It can be used to compare and contrast previous research to measure
The division is responsible for the planning and designing of
trainings, seminars, workshops and post-graduate courses for
Easy to visualize and analyze.
Questionnaires offer actionable data.
The office is also in-charge of the Student Affiliation Program.
Respondent identity is protected.
They also provide certification and accreditation on the various
Questionnaires can cover all areas of a topic.
fields of nursing.
Relatively inexpensive
If you are going to specialize in certain areas of nursing, you may
enrol in nursing education training in research for post-graduate
Answers may be dishonest or the respondents lose interest midway.
Questionnaires can't produce qualitative data.
Questions might be left unanswered.
Respondents may have a hidden agenda.
Helps library connects to researchers who are in search of credible,
Not all questions can be analyzed easily.
timely content.
Wide range of online databases offers faculty, researchers, students,
and adult learners open access to scholarly, peer-reviewed content
Polling is the process where the computer or controlling device
they would not otherwise have access to.
waits for an external device to check for its readiness or state, often
Best known for accurate and authoritative reference content as well
with low-level hardware.
as intelligent organization of full-text magazine and newspaper
A poll is a way of knowing people’s choices and understanding what
articles, Gale publishes learning resources in a variety of formats
works for them. Polls can help you to measure the success of any
including Web portals, digital archives, print, and e-books
event or initiative and are carried out at various stages. The interval
at which polls are conducted depends on what kind of data needs to
be extracted from the respondents.
ProQuest is a collection of many databases that provide access to
thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers, dissertations,
and other publications.
The ProQuest platform makes hundreds of full text and A&I
Simply referred to as a “poll” or “survey”, which is a human research
(Abstracts & Indexes) collections available to researchers around the
survey of a public opinion from a particular sample
world. The ProQuest platform hosts multidisciplinary content
Opinion polls are usually designed to represent the opinions of a
containing scholarly journals, books, video & audio, dissertations &
population by conducting a series of questions and then
theses, newspapers and more.
extrapolating generalities in ratio or within confidence intervals.
Usually designed to represent a people of a greater population.
Topic 2: Data Collection
A person who conducts polls is called pollster.
Data Collection
 Methodical process of gathering and analyzing specific information
Taken during a period between the benchmark poll and tracking
to proffer solutions to relevant questions and evaluate the results.
 It focuses on finding out all there is to a particular subject matter.
The number of brushfire polls taken by a campaign is determined by
Data is collected to be further subjected to hypothesis testing which
how competitive the race is and how much money the campaign has
seeks to explain a phenomenon.
to spend. These polls usually focus on likely voters and the length of
 The underlying need for Data collection is to capture quality
the survey varies on the number of messages being tested.
evidence that seeks to answer all the questions that have been posed.
Through data collection businesses or management can deduce
quality information that is a prerequisite for making informed Brushfire polls are used for a number of purposes:
1st) It lets the candidate know if they have made any progress on the
 To improve the quality of information, it is expedient that data is
ballot, how much progress has been made, and in what demographics
collected so that you can draw inferences and make informed
they have been making or losing ground.
decisions on what is considered factual.
2nd) It is a way for the campaign to test a variety of messages, both
positive and negative, on themselves and their opponent(s).
 Refer to the devices/instruments used to collect data, such as a paper
questionnaire or computer-assisted interviewing system.
A benchmark poll is generally the first poll taken in a campaign. It is
 Case Studies, Checklists, Interviews, Observation sometimes, and
often taken before a candidate announces their bid for office, but
Surveys or Questionnaires are all tools used to collect data.
sometimes it happens immediately following that announcement
 It is important to decide the tools for data collection because research is
after they have had some opportunity to raise funds.
carried out in different ways and for different purposes. The objective
This is generally a short and simple survey of likely voters
behind data collection is to capture quality evidence that allows analysis
to lead to the formulation of convincing and credible answers to the posed
It gives the candidate a picture of where they stand
It shows them where their weakness and strengths
A research instrument consisting of a series of questions (or other
types of prompts) for the purpose of gathering information from
Invented by the Statistical Society of London in 1838.
A tracking poll is a series of individual surveys repeated
Often designed for statistical analysis of responses.
continuously over time to measure attitudinal and behavioral
This is the process of collecting data through an instrument
changes in a target population. While most commonly associated
consisting of a series of questions and prompts to receive a response
with election campaigns, tracking polls also are used for a variety of
from individuals it is administered to. Questionnaires are designed
other research needs, from measurement of consumer sentiment to
to collect data from a group.
ad tracking in marketing research.
For clarity, it is important to note that a questionnaire isn't a survey,
rather it forms a part of it. A survey is a process of data gathering
involving a variety of data collection methods, including a Polls
used to ask one simple question
participants can choose from among answers that are predefined
NCM 110 – Nursing Informatics (FINALS)
Dr. Elvira Baquial RN, MAN
used to ask a wide range of multiple questions
Ask for a comment, an email address, a name, an address, etc.
SurveyMonkey is a cloud-based survey tool that helps users create,
send and analyze surveys. Users can email surveys to respondents
and post them on their websites and social media profiles to increase
response rate.
Online survey software that helps one create and professional online
It is very powerful and a well-known online application.
Collect feedbacks, opinions, criticism and suggestions from the
general public and customers.
Ways to administer:
Reason of using spreadsheet:
Store and organize data like, revenue, payroll and accounting
Web link
information and as well as research
Allows the user to make calculations with this data and to produce
Embed link on web page
graphs and charts
Link via Twitter
Website pop-ups (Disadvantage: some pop-ups are disabled in some
devices if with anti-virus or ad-blockers)
Topic 3: Data Processing and Database Applications
A computer application for organization, analysis and storage of data in
tabular form.
An electronic document where data are arranged in rows and columns of
a grid and can be manipulated and used in calculations.
A spreadsheet is a file that exists of cells in rows and columns and
can help arrange, calculate and sort data.
It was developed as a computerized analogue of papers, accounting
worksheets and many more.
The program operated on data entered in cells of a table.
TITLE BAR – part where you can see the filename of the workbook.
When you open a workbook, it would display “book 1” automatically,
but after saving, the default file name which is “book 1” would then
be changed into your chosen file.
MENU BAR – allows you to waxes the various functions of the
TOOL BAR – allows you to waxes the main functions of the
worksheet. These includes changing of fonts, attaching images
including charts, etc.
FORMULA BAR – allows you to view the current content of the
selected cell. This also allows data to be entered on a specific cell.
NAMEBOX – this is located at the left side of the formula bar which
helps you to identify which cell you have selected.
IS the spreadsheet and excel the same?
MS excel is a spreadsheet application that has been developed and
maintained by MICROSOFT. Using excel, you can perform a multitude
of functions such as grand calculations, make lists, and charts.
It also helps analyze and sort information, tract financial data, and much
The data in the spreadsheet can be in numeric values, text, formulas,
references and functions.
The rows in a spreadsheet have numeric names (1,2,3,4,5….)
The columns have alphabetic names
(a,b,c, Ab,Ac….. etc.)
The tab can contain one or more spreadsheet/s
Most common example is Microsoft Excel
Also used in nursing research (quantitative= SPSS, Spreadsheet =uses
WORKSHEET is the table that contains all the cells.
survey questionnaire)
a. COLUMN HEADER – located under the formula bar and the name
box. Columns are labeled as letters.
Some commonly used spreadsheet software program today:
b. ROW HEADER – is located at the left side of the worksheet. Rows
 Microsoft excel – as part of the Microsoft Office suite and cloudare labeled as numbers.
based subscription service Microsoft 365 (formally Office 365). It is
c. CELLS – are the boxes that you could see on the entire worksheet.
available for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS.
Each cell has a specific name based on the column header and row
 Google sheets – Part of Google's web-based application suite,
header. You can check the name of the cell in the name box.
Google Workspace. Google Sheets is free and also available as a
d. SHEET – are located on the lower left side of the worksheet. It has
desktop application for Google Chrome OS and assorted mobile
a default of 3 sheets. You can add as many sheets as you want by
OSes, such as Android and iOS.
clicking on the insert worksheet. You can also rename each sheet and
 Apache open office calculation – For Linux, macOS and Windows,
switch from one after the other by clicking each sheet tab.
ports of the free Apache Open Office are also available for other
e. NAVIGATION BUTTON – located at the left side of the sheet
OSes. It was first released in 2012, but its roots go back to 2002.
tabs. It is used when you have a lot of sheets to navigate from.
 LibreOffice Calculation – Full-featured spreadsheet app that is a
part of the free LibreOffice suite. LibreOffice and Apache Open office
trace their roots to the same codebase, hence the same name for their
spreadsheet application.
 Thinkfree Office - A free full productivity suite with a spreadsheet
specifically designed to provide a consistent experience across
different devices. A version is available online with cloud storage.
NCM 110 – Nursing Informatics (FINALS)
Dr. Elvira Baquial RN, MAN
Widely-used program for statistical analysis in social sciences,
particularly in education and research
Software for editing and analyzing all sorts of data. These data may come
from basically any source like scientific research, customer databse,
google analytics, or even the server log files of a website.
First launched in 1968, acquired by IBM (International Business
Machine) in 2009, it’s officially known as IBM SPSS Statistics
Other users such as market researchers, health-care researchers, survey
organizations, governments and most notably, data miners and big data
The software also features data management, which allows the user to do
case selection, create derived data and perform file reshaping
Another feature is data documentation, which stores a metadata
dictionary along with the data file.
Prediction for identifying groups - Cluster analysis (K-means,
two-step, hierarchical), factor analysis
Implication of Using Statistics:
It is very easy for a researcher to compute a statistical analysis of
quantitative data
Used all over the world in approximately 118 countries to solve complex
business problems. Much of the software is either menu driven or
command driven. Like the other programming software, SAS has its own
language that can control the program during its execution.
Statistical software suite developed by SAS Institute for data
management, advanced analytics, multivariate analysis, business
intelligence, criminal investigation, and predictive analytics
A software system for data analysis and report writing
A group of computer programs that work together to store data values
and retrieve them, modify data, compute simple and complex
statistical analysis, and create reports.
Opening data files, either in SPSS’ own file format or many others;
In preparing data for SAS data must be in a SAS or Excel data set in order
to use SAS
 SPSS has its own data file format. Other file formats it easily deals with
include MS Excel, plain text files, SQL, Stata and SAS.
 Each item in the table has a data value. SAS is widely-used especially if
the researcher will conduct an experimental research design—remember
there is an inside program called RCBD or Randomized Complete Block
Design in which they can predict the controlled & uncontrolled variable
 Each item in the table is called data value
 Each row represents one observation
Editing data such as computing sums and means over columns or rows  Each column represents one type of information or variable
of data. SPSS has outstanding options for more complex operations as  VARIABLES can include treatments, replicates or blocks, covariates
and responses
 In real world research, raw data usually need some editing before they  A VARIABLE NAME can contain from 1 to 32 characters consisting of
can be properly analyzed. Typical examples are creating means or sums
numbers and letters, but must begin with a letter. (ex. A1-A32)
as new variables, restructuring data or detecting and removing unlikely
observations. SPSS performs such tasks -and more complex ones- with Advantages:
amazing efficiency.
1. Easy to learn especially if conducting an experimental research.
Creating tables and charts containing frequency counts or summary 2. Easy to debug especially if you need to edit your output.
statistics over (group of) cases and variables.
3. Ability to handle large data base because this type of program is
 All basic tables and charts can be created easily and fast in SPSS. Typical
intended for large number of researchers.
examples are demonstrated under Data Analysis. A real weakness of 4. Has nice output because it is arranged properly.
SPSS is that its charts tend to be ugly and often have a clumsy layout. 5. Data are secured
A great way to overcome this problem is developing and applying SPSS 6. Algorithm are tested because it undergoes a surgent process.
chart templates. Doing so, however, requires a fair amount of effort and 7. Has GUI application (Graphical User Interface-- help your program run
faster) when you open the data, it will open immediately and it will not
take a longer time
8. Has huge job prospect because it is a larger context in conducting
research. Meaning, you’ll need a lot of manpower resource.
9. Has SAS customer support because it has a friendly-resolve because it
can easily manage output.
NVivo is a software program used for qualitative and mixed-methods
research. Specifically, it is used for the analysis of unstructured text,
audio, video, and image data, including (but not limited to) interviews,
Running inferential statistics such as ANOVA, regression and factor
focus groups, surveys, social media, and journal articles.
It is produced by QSR International. As of July 2014, it is available for
SPSS contains all basic statistical tests and multivariate analyses such as
both Windows and Macintosh operating systems (Macintosh are
applications that are commonly used by Apple company)
chi-square tests;
The Macintosh version is missing some features that the Windows
version has, so it is better that NVIVO is used in a Windows application.
correlations and other association measures;
Advantages of NVIVO:
nonparametric tests;
1. Analyze and organize structured text, audio, video or image data.
factor analysis;
2. Playback ability for audio and video files, so that interviews can easily be
cluster analysis.
transcribed in NVivo
3. Ability to capture social media data from Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
Saving data and output in a wide variety of file formats.
using the Ncapture browser plug-in
4. Import notes and captures from Evernote – great for field research
PSS data can be saved as a variety of file formats, including
5. Import citations from EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero or other bibliographic
MS Excel;
management software – great for literature reviews
6. User interface and text analysis is available in English, French, German,
plain text (.txt or .csv);
Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and simplified Chinese
Types of Files:
1. .nvp – an NVivo for Windows project file
Descriptive Statistics - Frequencies, cross tabulation, descriptive
2. .nvpx – an NVivo for Mac project file
ratio statistics
Bivariate Statistics - Analysis of variance (ANOVA), means,
As of January 2020, Kent State has licenses for NVivo 12 Pro for
correlation, nonparametric tests
Windows and NVivo 12 for Mac
Numeral outcome prediction - Linear regression
NCM 110 – Nursing Informatics (FINALS)
Dr. Elvira Baquial RN, MAN
QSR International (developer of NVivo) offers free 14-day trials of NVivo 
12 for Windows and NVivo 12 for Mac, which you can download at the
QSR international website
Topic 4: Application of Health Informatics
It comprises computer science, nursing science and information science.
Defined as a specialty that integrates nursing science, computer
science, cognitive science and information science to manage and
communicate data, information, knowledge and wisdom in nursing
Nursing informatics facilitates the integration of data, information,
and knowledge to support patients, nurses, and other providers in their
decision making in all roles and settings.
Nursing informatics is a combination of nursing science and
information science as well as computer science to manage and process
nursing data, information and knowledge to facilitate the delivery of care.
The combination of sciences creates a unique length that is greater than
some of its parts as a unique combination that creates a definitive specialty
of nursing informatics.
Computer and Information science applied in isolation which will have
less impact than when they are applied within the disciplinary framework.
Information technology includes computer, hardware, software,
communication, and network technologies derived primarily from
computer science.
Information structure, organized data, information, and knowledge for
processing by computers.
Information management is essential in the process within informatics
in which one is able to file, store, and manipulate data for various uses.
Nursing science is the ethical application knowledge acquired through
education, research and practice to provide services and interventions to
patients in order to maintain, enhance or restore their health; to advocate
for health, and to acquire, process, generate and disseminate nursing
knowledge to advance the nursing profession.
Nursing informatics supports consumers, patients, nurses and other
providers in their decision making in all roles and settings.
The goal of Nursing Informatics is to improve the health of the
populations, communities, families and individuals by optimizing
information management and communication.
Nursing Informatics has become well-established within the nursing
field since it is recognized as a specialty for nursing by American Nurses
Association in 1992 as a separate field of nursing.
As more institutions begin to recognize the potential of NI for improving
the quality of patient care, the number of informatics nurse specialist
positions being created with only few aspiring this position.
These positions can be found in all patient care settings as well as in the
private industries.
For nurses looking to specialize in Nursing Informatics, it is a rewarding
choice of career.
 Nurses are expected to provide safe, competent, and compassionate care
in an increasing in the technical and digital environment.
 A major team in these new healthcare environment is the use of
information systems and technologies to improve the quality and safety
of patient care.
 Nurses as directly engaged to the information system and technologies
because they are the foundation for evidence-based practice, clinical
decision to support tools, the use of electronic health record (EHR), but
unfortunately not all nurses are fully prepared to use these tools to
support the patient's care. They need a lot of trainings.
 NI supports the collection, storage, analysis, retrieval and
communication, as well as the use of information to help nurses in:
a. Providing care to a patient to the highest quality
b. share data information and knowledge and;
c. compare the theory and practice to advance nursing knowledge
and practice.
 Nurses collect data when assessing and monitoring the health of the
patient and record their observation in the patient’s charts
 Nurses exchanges services requested to them and receive results from the
clinical laboratory, radiologic department and other departments in the
 Nurses receive and re-do admission data as well as discharge summary
 Nurses review information on the result of clinical research and clinical
 Nurses communicates patient’s information between service providers.
 Nurses summarize as well as calculate and interpret great load indices for
the new nursing units for monitoring and management purposes.
 Nurses consults evidence-based and clinical guidelines and protocol to
guide their practice as knowledge worker because nurses use concepts
such as the fundamentals of nursing in influencing their decision-making
Nursing Informatics undergoes an innovation in health care and
continuously introduced.
Until recently NI one of the lesser known nursing specialties even though
it has been recognized for a specialty of nursing over the past 30 years.
Health Care Information And Management Systems Society
(HIMSS) defined Nursing Informatics as a “specialty that integrates
nursing science with multiple information management and analytical
science to identify define, manage and communicate data, information,
knowledge, wisdom in the nursing practice.”
Due to the increased implementation of technology such as electronic
medical record, NI has been gaining in popularity and the number of
informatics nurses is growing.
With the anticipated emergence of the Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
as the primary tool for documenting and communicating patient
information in the coming years, the role of an informatics nurse is
becoming more important.
This type of documentation was already done during the time of Florence
Nightingale. She is often referred to as one of the first and only
informatic nurse specialist because she sought better patient data to
guide her work and we learn early on in nursing school that due to her
meticulous documentation and presentation of this information, Florence
improved the nursing care provided to British soldiers during the
Crimean War.
She demonstrated that with well-documented information, patient care
can be improved, the health status of our client.
Nursing Informatics is the one that bridges between technology and
patient care.
BATES, 2013)
Patient is increasingly recognized as an integral part of healthcare and
clinical component of safe people-centered services
Engaged patients are better and able to make informed decisions about
their care options
In addition, resources may be better used if it is aligned in patient’s
priority and this is critical for sustainability of health systems worldwide
Patient’s engagement may also promote mutual accountability in
understanding between the patient and healthcare provider in most
countries in primary care settings
And often, the first point of contact patients with healthcare settings is
Therefore, primary care offers a good starting point for further
engagement in patients throughout the system
Communication Problems Between Patients And Healthcare Providers
Brought About By Geographical Disparities Are Easily Solved By
Mobile Phones
 The use of mobile devices by healthcare professionals has transformed
many aspects of clinical practice.
 Mobile devices have become commonplace in healthcare setting leading
to a rapid growth in the development of medical software
applications/apps for these platforms. They are now available to assist
professionals with many important task such as information and time
management, health record maintenance and access, communications and
consulting, reference and information gathering, patient’s management,
monitoring, clinical-decisions support making, medical education and
 Mobile devices and apps have many benefits in healthcare professionals,
perhaps most significantly increasing access to point-of-care tools
NCM 110 – Nursing Informatics (FINALS)
Dr. Elvira Baquial RN, MAN
which has been shown to support better clinical decision making and
improve patient’s outcome.
However, some healthcare professionals remain reluctant to adapt the use
of mobile gadgets despite the benefits they offer because they do not have
a better understanding on the benefits of these mobile phones.
These measures will raise the barrier for entry into the medical app
market, increasing the quality and safety of the apps that are currently
available for the use of the healthcare professionals.
workplace clinics – so they contain information from all clinicians involved
in a patient’s care.
 Improved patient care
 Increased patient participation
 Improved care coordination
 Improved diagnostics & patient outcomes
 Practice efficiencies and cost savings
E-Health can be:
Communicating with patient through teleconference, electronic mail,
short message service.
 The patients’ records touches in some way, virtually, everyone associated 
A form of recording, retrieving and mining data in Electronic Medical
with providing, receiving and reimbursing healthcare services that means
Record (EMR)
they need to keep track of the record.
Providing patient teachings with the aid of electronic tools such as radio,
television, computers, smartphones and tablets.
 This wide range of application and use has led to efforts to automate the
collection, storage and management of data that constitute the records.
 Nurses make decisions about potential problems presented by individuals 2. TELEMEDICINE
Provision of remote clinical services via reel time, two way
and about appropriate recommendations for addressing these problems.
communication between the patient and the healthcare provider
 Computer applications designed to facilitate human decision making
using electronic audio and visual means.
process is now evident.
In primary care, telemedicine is usually in the form of phone calls,
where the patient seeks the doctor’s advice about non-emergency
medical problems which do not require the doctor to see the patient.
Telemedicine does not replace face-to-face consultation when it is
 ICT is to increase the access to safe, effective and affordable treatment of
needed but instead complements it.
common illnesses especially with the poor
 Improving the health of individuals in the community and strengthening
The real role of telemedicine at present lies in the convenience it
the health system, disease deduction and prevention are crucial to the
offers to patients and practitioners by obviating the necessity for a
development of poverty reduction.
physical visit to get medical advice or treatment. It is also cost Information Communications Technology has the potential to impact
effective in comparison to the process of waiting to see a doctor or
almost every aspect of the health sector.
other healthcare provider.
Telemedicine can also help select urgent calls after a doctor’s office
is closed. It is of immense value in the follow-up of patients with
chronic diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood
pressure. In these individuals who are not experiencing any
 ICT is a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to create,
immediate medical problem, but require help with dosage
disseminate, store and manage information.
adjustments, lifestyle regimens, prescription refills, or even just
 It is a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to transmit,
access to group support, can benefit from the convenience of
store, create, shares and exchange information.
 These technological tools and resources include computers, internet
An added convenience is that telemedicine consultations can be
(such as website, blogs and emails) live broadcasting technologies (such as
arranged to follow all needed laboratory investigations or vital sign
radio, television and webcasting) recorded broadcasting technology (such
monitoring. In fact, telemedicine has been practiced by doctors for a
as broadcasting, audio, video player and storage devices), & telephony (such as
long time, though not under this name. While this may be true, the
fixed or mobile phones, satellites, video conferencing and many others.)
use of broadband internet technology has made both audio and video
calls affordable and available to a wider spectrum of society, making
58TH World Health Assembly (May 25, 2005)
this a feasible alternative to the conventional system.
- Agenda: “EHEALTH as the cost-effective way of using ICT in health care
services, health surveillance, health, literature, health education, and
research.” (World Health Agenda, 2005)
A. Clinical Practice
B. Administration
C. Education
Electronic Health Record (EHR)
This is the digital version of the patient’s paper chart.
While an EHR does contain the medical and treatment histories of
patients, an EHR system is built to go beyond standard clinical data
collected in a provider’s office and can be inclusive of a broader view of a
patient’s care.
EHRs are a vital part of health IT and can:
 Contain a patient’s medical history, diagnoses, medications,
treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images,
and laboratory and test results
 Allow access to evidence-based tools that providers can use to make
decisions about a patient’s care
 Automate and streamline provider workflow
One of the key features of an EHR is that health information can be created and managed by authorized providers in a digital format capable
of being shared with other providers across more than one health care
organization. EHRs are built to share information with other health care providers and organizations – such as laboratories, specialists, medical
imaging facilities, pharmacies, emergency facilities, and school and
Is the cost‐effective and secured use of information and communication
technologies (ICT) in support of health and health‐related fields.
It encompasses multiple interventions, including telehealth,
telemedicine, mobile health (mHealth), electronic medical or health
records (eMR/eHR), big data, wearables, and even artificial
The role of e-Health has been recognized as pivotal in attaining
overarching health priorities such as universal healthcare coverage
(UHC) and the Sustainable Development Goal No. 3 by the WHO.
It was adopted by WHO after 7 years, in year 2012
It is the overall umbrella term for Telehealth and Telemedicine
It covers Health Informatics, Telehealth and other information
telecommunications technology which help provide solution in healthcare
and medicine.
Has been broadly defined as the “Intersection of the medical informatics,
public health and business referring to health services and information
delivered or enhanced to the internet and related technologies”
In a broader sense, the term characterizes not only a technical
development, but also a state-of-mind, a way of thinking, an attitude,
and a commitment for networked global thinking, to improve health
care locally, regionally, and worldwide by using information and
communication technology.
also incorporates
reality, robotics, multi-media, digital
imaging, computer assisted surgery, wearable monitoring systems, and
health portals.
Primary Focus: is the use of information system and digital
suppositories, and health care for electronic health record, medical
terminologies, and medical guidelines.
It also refers to the use of information communication technology for the
purpose of providing cultural barriers; these are services that are included
for both telehealth. We have telehealth for both clinical services such as
telehealth, telemedicine, telerehabilitation, telepharmacy, teledentistry or
NCM 110 – Nursing Informatics (FINALS)
Dr. Elvira Baquial RN, MAN
telemonitoring or non- clinical applications such as health education,
research administration. While telemedicine, focuses primarily on the
delivery of clinical care and includes the number of special ET Terms such
as teleradiology, telepathology, telepsychiatry, teledermatology and
ADMINISTRATION (Clinical and Administrative Health Information
1. Health Information System (HIS)
System that integrates data collection, processing, reporting, and use of
the information necessary for improving health service effectiveness and
efficiency through better management at all levels of health services.
This is a combination of vital and health statistical data from multiple
sources used to derive information about the health needs, health
resources, use of health services, and outcomes of use by the people in a
defined region or jurisdiction.
1. The Delivery of Health Information, For Health Professional and
Health Consumers through the Internet and Telecommunications.
Many health-related processes stand to be reshaped by the internet in the
clinical settings. The internet enables care providers to gain rapid access
to information that can aid in the diagnosis of health condition or the
development of suitable treatment plans. It can make patient records, test
results, and practice guidelines accessible from the examination room.
It can also allow care providers to consult with each other electronically
to discuss treatment plans or operative procedures. At the same time, the
Internet supports a shift toward more patient-centered care, enabling
consumers to gather health-related information themselves; to
communicate with care providers, health plan administrators, and other
consumers electronically; and even to receive care in the home. The
Internet can also support numerous health-related activities beyond the
direct provision of care.
By supporting financial and administrative transactions, public health
surveillance, professional education and biomedical research, the internet
can streamline the administrative overhead associated with healthcare,
improve the health of the nation's population, better train health care
providers, and lead to new insights into the nature of disease.
The capability of internet to support application depends on whether the
relevant technical needs are met and whether the operation aspects of the
systems involved are understood and manageable.
As with any information technology system, the technical requirements
depend heavily on the specific characteristics of the individual systems—
the number of anticipated users, degree of real-time interaction desired,
number of simultaneous sessions that must be supported, and so on.
Benefits of Health Information System
Organized & Coordinated Treatment Process
Health Information System is a technology-driven system that makes the
process of sharing protected health information (PHI) between
organizations and providers really hassle-free. Also, because of this
system, patients are able to get seamless and coordinated treatment from
healthcare providers. Especially, the patients whose diagnoses need crossspecialty treatment coordination and substantial medical information
management get the maximum benefits from HIS. And above all, it
improves the delivery of the care and outcomes of the patients.
Improved Patient Safety
As you get easy access to patients’ data with the help of Health
Information Systems, you can save all the information and share across
multiple databases to improve the safety of the patients. Even you can get
alert notification whenever there are any issues related to patients’ health.
For example, the healthcare providers can receive an alert from program
security checking about the harmful effects patients may experience on
any particular medicine if they have that without being prescribed. This
way you can avoid committing any serious mistake that happens due to
2. Using the Power of Information Technology (IT) and E- Commerce to
the lack of details available during making the decisions.
Improve Public Health Services
This can only be attained through educational training of health workers.
E-government means utilization of internet and World Wide Web for
the transfer of information and delivery of services from government to
While information and communication technology is a communication
device or applications such as television, mobile phone, radio, computer,
and network hardware, as well as the software, and satellite systems,
which enables users to access, store, transmit, manipulate information
This system has certain benefits such as low cost, enhanced service
delivery for health, and increase in transparency and interaction between
All stakeholders will benefit and at the same time the public can get access
to the government information and the government has the advantage of
promoting, planning, and making policies to resolve the community
The role of ICT is essential in E-government because citizens reach the
government services with the help of internet
It is also important for the government to move towards a government
and communicate with the citizens and business persons
E-government has the potential to reach people through different
innovative ways with the new technologies being develop which allow
electronic services to be utilized in remote areas
Betterment in Patient Care
By collecting and saving patients’ information, including diagnosis
reports, medical history, allergy reactions, vaccinations, treatment
information plans, test results, etc., Health Information Systems provide
the healthcare providers a complete and orderly framework that helps
them interact with their patients in a better way and eventually deliver
care to them in a more efficient way.
Hassle-free Process of Performance Analysis
Using Health Information Systems enables multiple avenues through
which you can access your staff performance, analysis patient care, check
the efficiency and stability of your organization. HIS reduces the
paperwork and makes every record computerized. You can take any
decision related to your staff based on their skill sets. Also, you can take
decisions after focusing on previous performance details. With HIS, your
patients get the chance of sharing review regarding the level of care they
are receiving from your staff so that you can stay aware of the
performance of your staff and analyze the effectiveness of your
Transfiguration in Clinical Procedure
With HIS, you can address any kind of stressed situations for your
patients. You can have a virtual view of patient flow and what every
3. The Use of E-Commerce And Business Practices In Health Systems
individual patient experiences during their meeting with health care
providers, administrative personnel, lab technician and financial
 In the past few years, E-commerce has made tremendous headway
assistants. Careful attention to this helps you spot the areas where you
 People are more likely to turn in to the Internet to purchase products and
can bring betterment.
services in health care and is quickly becoming a sector of Economy while
E-commerce has the important role for that
Important Features of Health Information System
 E-commerce is transforming the phase of health care industry
Patient Portal
 E-commerce is shifting the landscape health care and it is important for The patient portal is an important feature of the Health Information
the health care provider to understand the implications of the shift
System. It is a platform, similar to the electronic health record, but what
makes it different is that through these patients are capable of having
 As with any new technology, e-commerce in health care understandably
secure online access to their medical records, scheduling doctor
has a positive impact but one that must be harnessed with careful and
appointment, communicating with the doctor, check medical bills and
innovative thinking
processing payment online.
All they need is a smart device to avail the maximum benefits of the
feature. Instead of following the age-old process of scheduling a doctor’s
appointment, they can just log in to their account in the patient portal,
have a look at the availability of their doctors and make an appointment
as per their convenience and doctor’s availability.
After scheduling the appointment, they can check the bill and make the
payment or set the details for future payments. The popularity of Patient
portal is increasing day by day because it improves the accessibility for
NCM 110 – Nursing Informatics (FINALS)
Dr. Elvira Baquial RN, MAN
the patients and maintains the transparency between the patients and
Administrative Information Systems
their treatment processes. Therefore hospitals opt for this to improve Patient Administration Systems
their patients’ satisfaction level and build themselves as reliable ones.
There are systems that are specifically tied to patients. We use patient
administration system to keep tract once the patient is:
Medical Billing
 Admission, Discharge, and Transfer Registration
Online medical billing feature manages all the billing tasks in less amount
 Scheduling
of time than usual. Gone are the days when hospitals used to spend a
 Patient billing or accounts receivable
major amount of time in managing all the appointments and billings. Now
with medical billing feature, patients’ billing, insurance details, patient
 Utilization management
tracking, and payment process – everything can be handled with
efficiency. You can even receive notification alert if there is any delay or Financial Management System
other issues in payment so that you can take action accordingly. They are not directly tied to the patients. These are:
Moreover, the claim scrubbing tool in medical billing helps you detect
 Accounts payable
any type of medical errors way before they start to slow down your
 General ledger
management process. It includes scanning and getting rid of any LCD,
 Personnel & materials management
CCI or HIPAA based errors, and delivering you latest updated reports.
 Payroll
Patient Scheduling
 Staff scheduling
Just like the patient portal, with patient scheduling patients can schedule
their own appointments by simply logging into their respective accounts.
Clinical Information Systems
This way they neither have to wait in line in front of the doctor’s chamber 
Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
or clinic nor need to call the clinic again and again to make an 
Nursing documentation
appointment. All the facilities will be available 24/7 in just a tap away.
Medication administration
They can even match their convenience with the availability of the doctor
Computerized provider order entry (CPOE)
and book appointment accordingly. This feature is beneficial for the care
providers as well. They can assign their staff, test rooms, and specialty
apparatus (if needed).
Electronic Medical Record
This software in Health Information Systems speeds up the complete Being used in many acute care facility at this time. To facilitate this
prescription process, usually done by the staff members of the medical
change from paper records to electronic records, we went from charting
practitioner’s office. They can send and fill the prescriptions of every
on paper with a pen to encoding to computers.
patient to the pharmacies via online. Also, they can track the entire Nurses document on aspects of care and scanners are used to correctly
process and take any action if needed. This way the whole process
identify the patients during medication administration or specimen
becomes quick, safe and error-free.
collection. Physicians have also moved to Computerized Provider Order
Entry (CPOE) in many places that allows them to enter orders remotely
Remote Patient Monitoring
without having to write directly on the patient’s paper chart or dictate an
This is another promising feature of Health Information Systems,
order over the phone. In fact, some providers now see patients virtually
enabling the access of patients’ details easy, helping care providers deliver
using phones and teleconferencing that allows them to take history and
good health care to the patients and minimizing severe condition
even assess patient from remote location.
expenses. Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) is really useful for patients
who are suffering from chronic health issues. Doctors use the information
collected through RPM for monitoring patients’ health status. Also, with
these details, they can foretell or put a stop to the situations that would
or else need serious medical intervention. Other than chronic health care,
RPM is helpful for other cases as well, such as care for the senior citizens,
1. E-Learning
care after discharging a patient, treatment for behavioral health and
2. Teleconferencing
substance abuse, etc.
3. Webinar
Master Patient Index
Master Patient Index is quite popular across many hospitals and large
E-learning is a structured course or learning experience delivered
organizations of medical practices. With this technology, one needs to
electronically; it can also include performance support content.
feed the patients’ information once. After that, it gets connected to
There are also many different elements that can make up an emultiple databases and as a result, this data can be useful in the future for
learning program, such as live or pre-recorded lecture content,
other lab tests and clinical departments. There will be no need to feed the
video, quizzes, simulations, games, activities, and other interactive
data manually every time. The ease of access to patients’ details is the
most important benefit of using the Master Patient Index. Also, it is
An electronic tools use to aid in teaching facilitated by ICT in health
completely automated, reduces the possibility of errors and improves the
promotion and maintenance
safety of the information.
Health Information Systems are bringing revolution in healthcare service. In
assistance with the robust systems in hospitals and medical procedures, not
only the efficiency of the professionals will be increased but also their work
becomes easier and more organized. As a result, they put a focus on giving
better care to the patients. In a nutshell, HIS offers a win-win situation for
both the patients and the healthcare providers.
Clinical and Administrative Health Information System in Healthcare
Healthcare Information System
Administrative Information
Clinical Information System
Primarily administrative
Clinical or health-related
Financial data
of 
Assist providers in diagnosing,
documenting patient care
Simple instructional videos
- ex. RD sent via google classroom
Information textblasts social network
- ex. messenger app
Online virtual seminars
- ex. online recollection
Multiuser virtual environments
Is a telephone meeting among two or more participants involving
technology more sophisticated than simple two-way phone
Can be a video conference where participants can see still or motion
video or images from each other
It will require high bandwidth of internet connection with larger and
multiple display screens
A short web-based seminar
Used as a presentation of lecture, workshop or seminar that is
transmitted over the web using video conferencing software such as
youtube and live streaming
NCM 110 – Nursing Informatics (FINALS)
Dr. Elvira Baquial RN, MAN
Support for multiple presenters
Video file sharing
Live chat for attendees
Prerecord video (or voice) options
Conference options for viewers to listen in live
Chat filters
Live Q&A tools
Live capture or streaming of presentations
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Topic 5: Competency Development in the Use of Nursing Informatics
and Technology
the staff see to it the point of doing the learning and see what a good
quality e-learning looks like and many of the barriers are overcome.
Dispelling fears around using IT-based courses and IT itself
For non-pc users and those who are trying to compete with the
second language, these are the barriers
Having someone to take ownership of e-learning
means an organization is being challenged itself if they have the
capacity to make one to become the expert in that field
Underfunded IT infrastructure
Lack of protected time
There is a constant stream of innovations in the health care
industries as well as hardware/software/instructional design
It is too difficult for providers to constantly recreate their existing
content to programs brought about by innovations. E-learning will
be successful if this engages the learner while it is still in its infancy
Training and Development in e-Learning and Nursing Informatics
E-learning or electronic learning is the delivery of learning and
training through digital resources.
Although e-learning is based on formalized learning, it is provided
Nursing Informatics and the Nurse Entrepreneur
through electronic devices such as computers, tablets, and even Nurse Informaticists
cellular phones that are connected to the internet
A nurse who combines their clinical skills with a knowledge of
technology, computers and data
It is a blend of nurse which focus on patients’ care with the insights
1. Learning is more accessible
of health informatics. They take on complex tasks like using health
This can help ensure that learning is more accessible and not easily
data to analyze patients’ care outcome or train nursing staff into a
overlooked. With e-learning staff, they can access courses
new patients’ care technology
immediately. This stops the delay in the system and is not reliant on
A nursing informatics specialist works to combine the utilization
the staff member being available for a specific session
of healthcare technologies and the delivery of healthcare services
Generally, nursing informaticists don’t see patients and while nurse
2. Improves compliance and continual professional development
informaticists don’t provide hands-on treatment , they are still
Continuing education in clinical environment is challenging for all
contributing to patients’ outcome
healthcare organizations. There are also benefits when it comes to
Instead of face-to-face service, nurse informaticists work behind-themanaging compliance and continual professional development, both
scenes. They make sure all the systems are in place so that patients
from an individual and organizational perspective
can get the care they needed—that means you’ll play a major role in
patient’s hospital stay or clinic visit as a nurse informaticist, just not
3. Provides time saving benefits
the one traditionally associated with the nurse
There can also be a budgetary and time-saving benefits for an
organization. E-learning can be cost-effective, time-efficient, and
The Essential Responsibilities of a Nurse Informaticist
flexible way to access training. In a sector like the health sector,
where people can be quickly pulled away, it is something you can dig 1. Understand and Communicate the “Why” Behind New Processes
out of and go back to. You aren’t locked into the classroom. EKnowing the why behind any process and communicating it to
learning can save cost on infrastructure and personnel which can be
the nursing workforce and key stakeholders is critical for
reinvested in patients’ services
accuracy and adoption.
When a nurse informaticist explains the importance of
documenting specific observations and measures (e.g., height,
1. Diversity training on e-Learning
weight, and allergies), nurses understand the long-term
A lot of diversity in training is now done by e-learning but
ramifications of incorrect or missing data on a person’s health
generally, it doesn’t allow a space for individuals to explore the
and feel more accountable for capturing the correct data.
concepts in an interactive way to allow people to work through their
Increased understanding also builds the nurses’ confidence in
internal dialogues and achieve real change. E-learning should never
the system’s data, making them more likely to rely on that data
be the totality of training provision and one of the sub things of the
to make decisions.
pressures of the current workload for clinician is that often it is the
For example, an EHR could require documenting a patient’s
only type of learning they can do because of the time and funding of
height and weight and allergies during the admission
resources issues
assessment before a team member can enter new orders into the
system. An estimated height and weight or missing
2. Duplication of resources right across the health sector
documentation of allergies has downstream impacts for
There is an on-going duplication of resources right across the health
determining correct medications and dosages as well as
sector with varying educational institutions creating similar content
avoiding a potential adverse event.
which result and reduce take-up. There is definitely a need for an
A crucial part of a nurse informaticist’s job is to educate the
intelligent metasite which accumulates all available resources
workforce about the reasons behind these EHR requirements
and their far-reaching effects. This insight helps the care team
3. Not suitable for aspects that require a far more sensitive,
understand how specific data play an important role throughout
personalized approach
the care process and decision making.
E-learning is fine for some aspects of education, particularly
theoretical elements. However, it is not suitable for aspects with a 2. Implement New Technology and Processes
more sensitive, personalized approach, e.g., dementia care. EAny type of new electronic implementation (e.g., an EHR or
learning in dementia care is never going to get to the heart of seeing
patient portal) means a change in the clinical process. The
the person and issues around individuality, communication
clinical team will evaluate and adapt current processes in the
problems, etc. in the way that face-to-face training, that is interactive
context of the new technology and then implement it.
and based on groups learning and discussion can also have a severe
With greater data access, health systems can identify additional
reservation about e-learning program that offers obvious multiple
care gaps and improvement opportunities, making a nurse
choices answers to questions. This is not learning, its a back-sticking
informaticist’s role in new process education and
implementation even more critical.
New processes bring improvement opportunities, but they also
1. Not scheduling time (ahead)
bring pain points and learning curves that can discourage team
2. Not engaging staff
members. Without proper training and implementation, new
3. Not picking the right e-learning
technologies can flounder, fail to gain adoption, or even lead to
unsafe workarounds, resulting in compromised patient safety
4. Not having a proper roll out plan
and team member frustration.
But there are things we can do about it, making the managers eAn effective nurse informaticist guides a new process
learning champions, for instance. In an organization, you need
implementation from beginning to end, setting team members
champions and make sure that messages get through the staff. Once
up for success.
NCM 110 – Nursing Informatics (FINALS)
Dr. Elvira Baquial RN, MAN
For example, an ICU nurse needs to use a new module in the
EHR to capture the physiological (e.g., hemodynamic)
monitoring of a patient. The new module requires capturing the
data directly from the monitoring device and verifying it versus
manually entering it in an electronic format or historically
documenting it in a paper-based flow sheet.
Logging the hemodynamic monitoring electronically focuses
on real-time data capture. With a manual entry process, the
nurse may delay data entry until a break or at the end of his/her
shift, meaning that notes (or data) wouldn’t be available until
The problem is that waiting to capture the data (the
hemodynamic monitoring information) informs how other care
team members will execute their care delivery and planning. If
the latest data isn’t available, providers make care decisions
based on incomplete information.
This change in the process means the nurse has to electronically
submit information throughout a shift instead of during a break.
A nurse informaticist, understanding the complex nature of
nursing and the challenges of disrupting a routine, would
provide education about the new process before
implementation, ensure testing completion and provide handson training within the EHR, and a thorough explanation of the
new approach’s benefits compared to the old method.
Nurse informaticist can earn a bachelor’s in a relevant field such as
health information technology or healthcare informatics
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) in nursing informatics
License and Certification Requirements
You’ll generally need at least a bachelor’s degree to work as a nurse
informaticist. While most nursing roles require a Bachelor of Science in
Nursing (BSN), those studying to become a nurse informaticist can earn
a bachelor’s in a relevant field such as health information technology or
healthcare informatics.
However, many nursing informaticists hold degrees higher than a
bachelor’s. Particularly if you want to advance or take on a leadership
role, earning a certification, a graduate degree, or both, can be a big help.
It’s also becoming more common.
An MSN can allow you to apply for higher-level roles and leadership
positions. You also have the option to reach beyond a master’s degree and
earn a doctorate. Earning a doctoral degree can open even more
leadership and administrative roles and help you advance your career.
You’ll need an active registered nurse (RN) license in good standing to
work as a nurse informaticist. Beyond that, you have a couple of
certification options. Certification is growing in importance in the
nursing informatics field.
Validating Data with the Three Vs
a) Volume: Health systems have access to (what seems like) unlimited
Certification is available from both HIMSS or the American Nurses
data. A nurse informaticist realizes the actual volume of data (e.g.,
Credentialing Center (ANCC).
clinical notes, admission assessments, vital signs medications, and  Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
is dedicated to improving healthcare in quality, safety, cost-effectiveness
lab results) and various data sources the organization can leverage
and access through the best use of information technology and
to support data-driven decision making. The informaticist role is
management systems
emerging to include data stewardship and data validation in support
of an organization enterprise-wide data strategy
HIMSS options include:
 Certified Associate in Healthcare Information Management Systems
b) Velocity: Data sharing is critical for health systems to deliver
comprehensive care based on complete patient information. This
 Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management
Systems (CPHIMS)
means the velocity, or the speed at which data travels, is also critical.
Delayed access to data can lead to postponed decision making or
decisions based on incomplete data. Part of understanding data  American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) is a subsidiary of the
American Nurses Association. ANCC's internationally renowned
velocity is also communicating what data will be available and when
credentialing programs certify and recognize individual nurses in
to enable decisions (e.g., near real-time versus retrospective
specialty practice areas.
analysis). For example, real-time clinical data supporting analysis of
possible and/or actual Hospital Acquired Conditions (HAC) enables
The ANCC offers:
the care team to take timely actions that impact patient safety versus
 Informatics Nursing Certification (RN-BC)
 Informatics Nursing Certification (RN-BC)
using that same data retrospectively to identify trends over time. For
population health, both clinical data and claims data are included in
care coordination and closing care gaps; however, the velocity of Potential Salary
o $58,600 or P 2, 930, 000 = Nurse Informaticist Average Annual Salary
claims data is currently less frequent than clinical systems and EHR
o You will also be classifed under the umbrella of health information
technologist and medical registrar or surgical assistant and
heathcare practitioners in technical works
c) Variety : Validating data requires the informaticist to understand
the different data sources and how they do—or do not—come Nurse Entrepreneurship
together. Today’s electronic environment is comprised of
discrete data, unstructured data, images, and connected device Nursing role and responsibilities are continually changing with developments
data (to name a few) that need to be validated. Nurse informaticists in medical science, policy directives and movements in priorities in health care,
understand the variety of data sources and how to evaluate the data and advances emanating from nursing and scientific research. Hence, there is
a need for entrepreneurial nurses, to maintain and improve the individual care.
to tell a cohesive story about the patient and the population. For
example, a nurse informaticist might discover that missing data sets There are many types of nurse entrepreneurs but in general, this is someone
could be a result of data not integrated into the EHR. The ability to who uses their nursing skills, education, and experience to start a healthcare
dig deeper into data variety and then adjust processes to harmonize related business. Common business models usually center around one or more
of these services: consulting, coaching, advocacy, education and direct care.
the data is critical to delivering care based on complete data sets.
Roles and Responsibilities
Analyzing patient care data and using the results to improve
Tracking the success of patient care programs
Researching or designing new technology for your healthcare
Testing new technology
Training staff on the use of new technology
Answering staff questions about medical technology
Monitoring the results using the new technology
Serving as a liaison between nursing staff and technology
development departments (or being an advocate in new technology)
Managing hospital or facility-wide projects
Career Opportunities
1. Requires a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Individuals typically choose a career in nursing because they want to make a
difference. Nurse entrepreneurs build on that desire, using their unique
healthcare background to create a product or service that meets an unfulfilled
need. Nurse entrepreneurs who pursue administrative or executive roles
within hospitals, healthcare facilities and on various boards and professional
associations can guide new policies, advance nursing practice and contribute
to the development of more equitable and sustainable healthcare models.
The nurse entrepreneur fill the gaps in the current healthcare delivery system
by supporting the development of the targeted products and services and
enhance technology software and safety system.
In the study of Marla Vanucci, Nurse Entrepreneurs reported on their
transitions from employment to entrepreneurship, key motivators in the
decision to start a business, and the challenges they face as entrepreneurs in
the health care field. Nurse entrepreneurs reported that factors related to
psychological empowerment, such as meaning/purpose, having an impact,
need for growth, and getting to make decisions, were more critical motivators
NCM 110 – Nursing Informatics (FINALS)
Dr. Elvira Baquial RN, MAN
in the decision to start a business than factors associated with structural
empowerment, such as financial gain and job or organizational constraints.
has been defined as “a proprietor of a business that offers nursing
services of a direct care, educational, research, administrative, or
consultative nature”
Nurse entrepreneurs may build their businesses to develop and distribute
medical products or devices, offer direct patient care or patient advocacy,
educate or train other professionals or community members, or provide
health care-related consultation, among other functions.
As more nurses move beyond the bedside to explore entrepreneurship, it
is important to identify best practices and the skill sets that are
transferable from direct caregiving to business leadership.
It is also important to learn about how nurses have shifted perspective to
make the transition, including the need for self-care.
Despite the challenges that nurse entrepreneurs face, entrepreneurship
can provide opportunities for nurses to have a more significant impact,
achieve greater career and life satisfaction, and experience an enhanced
sense of empowerment.
Currently, there is a dearth of literature that examines nurse
entrepreneurship. The most recent prevalence assessment speculated that
nurse-owned businesses represented a small percentage among all
entrepreneurial businesses, and that nurse entrepreneurs made up only
0.5%–1% of all nurses.
How to Become a Nurse Entrepreneur?
For many nurse entrepreneurs, figuring out the business idea is easy because
of their patient experiences. They recognize gaps in care or services and
identify ways to fill the void. Transforming ideas into full-fledged businesses
is more difficult, but experts say aspiring nurse entrepreneurs can increase
their success by doing the following:
 Build their business acumen. Nurses who are looking to start their
own business [hould realize that additional education and training
is required. A Master of Science in Nursing – Nurse Executive
Leadership (MSN – NEL) degree can jumpstart this process for
those with an entrepreneurial spirit. It explores how to combine
nursing competencies with proven business principles to effect
 Research and plan. Nurses to research their area of interest,
whether it is legal consulting or IV hydration, and make a business
plan. Invest in your personal development by taking a business class
or formal coaching program, reading books, attending lectures,
listening to podcasts and conducting market research.
 Form key partnership. While nurses know the ins and outs of
patient care, they may lack an understanding of key business
ownership topics, like marketing and tax laws. "Nurse entrepreneurs
need to understand how to budget and project expenses as well as
have a decent understanding of how taxes are calculated to avoid a
large tax bill at the end of the year.
What are the current issues in Nursing Career?
Nurse stress, burnout, and self-care
 Burnout has long been identified as an issue in the nursing
field, and books on burnout, self-care, and work/life balance have
specifically targeted the nurse population. Those drawn to
nursing typically are devoted to caring for others, which can lead
to development of compassion fatigue and the need to put their
own needs on the back burner; in fact, those who work in
professions geared toward caring for others are at higher risk for
burnout. In institutional settings, nurse stress can be related to
physical requirements of the job, witnessing of patient pain and
suffering, long hours and other staffing issues, and interpersonal
conflicts and issues.18 The work environment also plays a key role
in burnout. A current trend toward healthier workplaces is aimed
at promoting overall well-being, positive culture, and a
sustainable workforce. Institutionally endorsed strategies for
work/life balance help create supportive, healthy work
environments, strengthen employee commitment and loyalty, and
result in more productive workplaces and improved patient
outcomes. Despite this recent trend, nurses continue to struggle
in unsupportive work climates. Nurses are at the heart and soul of
health care, and yet, they sometimes do not have time for self-care
and renewal activities – activities that would make them whole
and enhance their well-being.
Stress and self-employment
 Stress and burnout can also accompany self-employment, and
these experiences may be related to factors such as balancing
family and business demands, lack of social support, 37 and
financial uncertainty. Some research has suggested that control
over one’s work is a mediator in the stress/self-employment
relationship. Although workplace stress cannot be eliminated
completely, the negative stressors can be reduced when nurse
entrepreneurs make caring for themselves a priority. Life is a
balancing act, and nurses in all settings, especially entrepreneurial
roles, can enhance well-being and productivity with effective self13
care strategies. This study aimed to better understand the
experiences of nurse entrepreneurs, their motives for
entrepreneurship, the challenges they face, and the strategies they
employ to cope with these challenges.