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Nuclear Decommissioning & Waste Management Presentation

EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Module 3:
Decommissioning, Nuclear Waste and the
Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
What is Decommissioning?
• According to the Jamaican Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Act
(2015), “decommissioning” means;
• All steps leading to the release of a facility, other than a disposal
facility, from regulatory control, other than confirming the
decommissioned status of a facility and the processes of
decontamination and dismantling.
• In regards to disposal facilities, the term ‘closure’ instead of
‘decommissioning’ is used.
• The two main objectives of decommissioning are to render the site
permanently safe and to recover it, as far as practicable, for reuse.
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Stages of decommissioning
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
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Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Approach to Decommissioning
• Operational phase
• Shut-down (defueling, period of controlled operation)
• Preparation for safe enclosure
• Safe enclosure period
• Final dismantling
• “decommission .. as soon as reasonably practicable.. taking
account of all relevant factors”
• Minimise total discounted costs, including infrastructure costs
• Decouple site strategy from uncertainty about waste repository
• Passively safe waste forms
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Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Relevant Factors for Decommissioning
• Relevant factors which need to be taken into account in the
timing of decommissioning.
• the potential hazards to public, workers and the environment
• the availability of waste management options
• corporate memory - experienced personnel
• the time required to plan the work and develop decommissioning
techniques and equipment,
• radioactive decay
• benefit from decay of Co60 in reactors
• ingrowth of 241Am in plutonium contaminated material
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Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Relevant Factors for Decommissioning
• Relevant factors which need to be taken into account in the
timing of decommissioning.
• structural integrity
• changes in regulatory requirements
• changes in the real value over time of costs and benefits
• time value of money (discounting effect)
• the impact on support and infrastructure costs
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Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Decommissioning Planning
• Define the site end point and site strategy
• Determine the work required to achieve the strategy & end point
• Work is then planned in detail:
– Scope
– Timescales
– Cost
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Decommissioning Planning
Stakeholder consultation
Strategic Overview
• End-point definition
• Initial waste volume
assessment & inventory
• Decommissioning options
and outline methodology
• Safety Case strategy
• Waste management
• Contract strategy
Best practicable
option (BPEO)
Environmental impact
assessment &
management plan
Waste discharge
Preliminary safety
• Planning cost
Pre-qualification &
contractor shortlist
Implementation Project
Detailed scheme
Additional sampling
Best practicable means
assessment and
Precommencement safety
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Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Reactor Decommissioning
• Normally defueled immediately after final shut-down
• defueling typically removes 99% of the hazard
• most of the rest is Co-60 (half-life 5 years)
• delaying the later stages of decommissioning allows radiation
levels to decay
• reactor structures are normally robust and can be safely
maintained for many years
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
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Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Plutonium Facilities
• No benefit from radioactive decay
• dose-rates increase with time due to in-growth of Americium-241
• deterioration of equipment due to alpha radiation damage
increases risk of failure
• early decommissioning of alpha-active facilities is normally
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
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Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Decommissioning End-point
• “Endpoint” (or “endstate”) is the physical condition reached when
cleanup actions are complete
• Expressed in terms of residual dose from use of the cleaned up
area, taking account of an appropriate range of potential use
• Must be derived from the goals and objectives of the restoration
• Must be acceptable to Stakeholders
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
• The Jamaican Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Act (2015)
requires demonstration that “….the end state in the
decommissioning plan has been reached and that any other
regulatory requirements have been met:
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Decontamination and Dismantling
• Objectives of decontamination:
• Reduce the inventory of radioactive material in a facility or item
of equipment
• Reduce radiation levels and minimise the potential for release of
• Reduce the quantity of radioactive waste produced
• Complete the final stages of decommissioning - i.e. building
demolition and site restoration
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Constraints in Decontamination
• Availability of suitable disposal options for secondary wastes
• Possible interference with effluent processing
• Exposure of operators to radiation dose
• Potential spread of contamination
• Damage to structural integrity of building
• Difficulty in demonstrating that end-point has been achieved
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Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Decontamination Techniques
• Non-attritive methods
• swabbing, sweeping, vacuuming
• substrate surface undamaged
• Chemical / electrochemical
• removes a layer of the substrate along with R/A
• Physical attrition
• scabbling concrete
• routing / milling (e.g. lead bricks)
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Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Foam Cleaning Equipment
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Removal of hotspot from a wall
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
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Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Chemical Decontamination
• Used to decontaminate metallic items such as pipes, tanks
and heat exchangers from reactor dismantling (BR3 PWR)
• Uses cerium IV as oxidising agent
• Claim free release of treated material and 95% reduction in
volume of radioactive waste
• Spent solution precipitated, filtered and encapsulated in
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
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Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
CO2 Abrasion
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Plutonium Handling Facility
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
• Mechanical Cutting
Saws (reciprocating, circular, band, wire)
Cropping shears
Drill bits
Jack hammers
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Mechanical tools
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Stitch Drilling
Setting up core drilling rig
Removing penetration block
from shield wall
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Thermal Cutting
• Flame cutting
• Plasma arc
• Laser
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
• Chemical and other methods
Reactive chemicals (expansive grout) to initiate crack formation
Accelerated chemical corrosion
High pressure water jets
Microwave spalling
Explosive cutting (shaped charges)
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Chemical Splitting
PLUTO External
storage block
Crack induced
by Butomite
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
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Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Waste Size Reduction
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Waste Packaging
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Remote handling systems
• Tongs
• Master-Slave Manipulators (MSM)
• Power Manipulators
• NEATER Robot
• Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Engineered Advanced
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Personal Protective Equipment
• Respirators
• Air hoods
• Full pressurised suits
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Decommissioned Alpha Materials Lab
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Waste Management
• Integrated Waste Management Strategy
• avoid the unnecessary creation of wastes
• reduce waste arising by the appropriate design of processes and
• reuse and recycle materials under appropriate regulatory control
• use the BPEO (best practicable environmental option) to manage
residual wastes
• deliver value for money.
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Waste
• Nuclear waste is segregated into several classifications.
• Low level waste is not dangerous but sometimes requires
shielding during handling.
• Intermediate level waste typically is chemical sludge and other
products from reactors.
• High level waste consists of fissionable elements from reactor
cores and transuranic wastes.
• Transuranic waste is any waste with transuranic alpha emitting
radionuclides that have half-lives longer than 20 years.
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Waste
Low Level Waste (LLW)
• Low level waste is any waste that could be from a high
activity area.
• Solid material
• 90% volume of waste
• < 12 GBq/t beta/gamma
• < 4 GBq/t alpha (note Pu restriction)
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Waste
Intermediate Level Waste (ILW)
• Intermediate level waste typically requires shielding when
being handled or handled remotely.
• 7% volume of waste
• Dependent on the amount of activity it can be buried in
shallow repositories.
• Not recognized in the United States.
• Not significantly heat generating
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Waste
High Level Waste (HLW)
• Originate from the reprocessing of nuclear fuels.
• It is significantly heat generating
• 3% volume of waste
• 95% of radioactivity
• Current levels of HLW are increasing about 12,000 metric
tons per year.
• Most HLW consists of Pu-238, 239, 240, 241, 242, Np-237,
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Waste
Transuranic Waste (TRUW)
• Transuranic waste consists of all waste that has
radionuclides above uranium.
• TRUWs typically have longer half-lives than other forms of
• Typically a byproduct of weapons manufacturing.
• Only recognized in the United States.
• The two options for managing nuclear waste are direct
disposal and reprocessing
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EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Waste
Before any of those options spent fuel is usually stored on site for
several years
Wet storage
• The great majority of spent nuclear fuel is initiallys tored as spent fuel
assemblies in water-filled pools on power plant sites.
• The pools provide radiation shielding and cooling
Dry Storage
• Spent Fuel is usually placed in dry cask storage after 5 years in wet
storage. (NRC regulation requires at least 1 year in wet storage.)
• Dry cask storage uses concrete or steel containers as a radiation
shield and is cooled by inert gas or air.
• The casks are built to withstand the elements and accidents and do
not require electricity, water, maintenance, or constant supervision
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
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Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Waste
Spent Fuel Pool/Pond
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Waste
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
• Reprocessing reduces the volume of waste
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
• Reprocessing is the chemical separation and removal of fission
products from the SNF
• U, Pu may be separated and reused or stored
• Fission products vitrified as HLW glass (ideally)
• Many processes (we, dry, transmutation)
• Spent Fuel
• 95%
• 1%
• 1%
• 3%
fission products
• Reprocessing separates it into 3 groups
• Pu
• Waste (Actinides – Am, Np, Cm & Fission products – Cs, Sr, I, Tc)
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
• Wet Process
• Many different wet processes exist but the standard method for
reprocessing is the PUREX method.
• PUREX: Plutonium and Uranium Recovery by Extraction
• The process extracts uranium and plutonium from the spent nuclear
fuel for reuse and leaves the remaining fission products.
• Dry Process
• Sometimes called pyro-reprocessing, pyro-metallurgical processing
• Uses melting, electrolysis, volatilization to separate U/Pu from fission
• Proposed in transmutation schemes
• Difficult to adapt to commercial fuels
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
• Transmutation
• Transformation of radionuclides into other radionuclides that are
either non-radioactive or significantly less radioactive/shorter half
• Some Fission Products and Transuranics radioactive/hazardous for
10,000+ years and environmentally mobile
• Main focus on Actinides (Np, Pu, Am, Cm)
• Secondary focus on Tc, I, Ni, Zr
• Tertiary focus on Cs, Sr
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
• PUREX: Plutonium and Uranium Extraction
• Most widely used method
• Results in a pure stream of plutonium
• UREX: Uranium Reduction Extraction
• Replacement for PUREX
• Results in pure uranium stream
• The plutonium remains mixed with the fission products and minor
• Refinement of the UREX process
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Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
• About 30% of the world’s LWR spent fuel is reprocessed using PUREX
• Among the nuclear-armed states, France, India, Russia, and the
United Kingdom engage
in reprocessing
• Japan is the only non-nuclear-armed state
that has a civilian reprocessing program
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Disposal of Nuclear Waste
• Nuclear waste is “disposed” of based on its classification
• LLW and ILWSL (short-lived) -.
• Low and intermediate level short-lived radioactive liquids are
• Incinerated
• Solidified
• Low and intermediate level short-lived radioactive solids are
• “Supercompacted” at ~30,000 psi to reduce the volume and buried
in relatively shallow concrete-lined pits
• Encased in concrete and buried
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Disposal of Nuclear Waste
• Nuclear waste is “disposed” of based on its classification
• LLW and ILWSL (short-lived) -.
• Low and intermediate level short-lived radioactive liquids are
• Incinerated
• Solidified
• Low and intermediate level short-lived radioactive solids are
• “Supercompacted” at ~30,000 psi to reduce the volume and buried
in relatively shallow concrete-lined pits
• Encased in concrete and buried
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Disposal of Nuclear Waste
Nuclear waste is “disposed” of based on its classification
ILW-LL and HLW – no finalized disposal route
ILW is compacted or cemented to make packages that are stored
HLW is vitrified. This involves incorporating highly radioactive waste
into molten glass.
• The waste, which is in a liquid form, is mixed with molten glass and
poured into stainless steel containers, then hermetically sealed by a
welded lid.
• Once the glass has cooled down, the radioactivity is trapped inside
the matrix
• These are then stored long-term
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Disposal of Nuclear Waste
• Deep Geological Disposal concept
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Disposal of Nuclear Waste
• Deep Geological Disposal concept
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
• Nuclear fuel cycle includes:
• Mining and processing of uranium to controlled fission
• Reprocessing of spent fuel
• Decommissioning of power plants
• Disposal of radioactive waste
• Throughout the cycle radiation can enter and affect the
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Power Plant Accidents
• There have been three major nuclear power plant
• Three Mile Island – 1979
• Chernobyl – 1986
• Fukushima Daiichi - 2011
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EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Power Plant Accidents
• Three Mile Island – USA, 1979
• Main cause was a faulty valve on pressurizer
• Resulted in coolant loss from the core
• Emergency cooling systems came in to add additional
coolant but was later turned of by operators (they
didn’t know exactly what was happening)
• Partial core meltdown
• Minimal radioactive release to environment
• Fatalities – Estimated release was 33 man-Sv to total
population, and at 20 man-Sv/death = <2 deaths
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Power Plant Accidents
• Chernobyl – USSR, 1986
• Standard test to determine how long turbine would produce electricity if steam
supply was shut off
• Was to be run at 25% power (reactor very unstable at lower powers)
• Decreased power from 100% and at 50% they got a call that the city needed the
electricity so they continued operating at 50% for some hours
• Later got the go-ahead to continue with the test
• While reducing to 25%, power fell to 0% then was stabilized at 7%
• Due to the instability, the power increased to 100x full power in about 1 second
which caused the explosion
• Massive release of radioactivity over europe
• Health effects
• 28 plant operators died from radiation exposure
• “Liquidators” sent to clean up reactor site, of the 211,000 in the first year 1600
• Estimated total deaths is 4,000 – 50,000
• The Exclusion Zone covers an area of approximately 2,600 km2
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EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Power Plant Accidents
• Fukushima – Japan, 2011
• 9.0 Earthquake caused reactors to shut down as designed to do
• Electrical power supply from grid was cut off
• Back up diesel generators came online to provide core cooling
• Tsunami flooded basement with generators
• Back up batteries the powered coolant pumps but ran out after ~8
• Back up generators were safe on a hill nearby but switch-gear was
in flooded basement
• Fatalities
• Earthquake and tsunami - 16,000 deaths, 6,000 injuries, >3,000 still
• Radiation exposure100-1000 predicted, none to date
• ~1/10th of radiation release at Chernobyl over ~1/10th land area
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EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
• Virtually no greenhouse gas emission
• “virtually” because emissions are associated with uranium mining,
plant construction, transportation of materials, fuel fabrication and
enrichment, etc.
• According to the NCRP (National Council on Radiation Protection
and Measurements) coal-fired plants release 100 times more
radioactive particles than nuclear plants (of the same output) into the
• It is better to live close to a nuclear plant than a coal-fired plant (of
course except in the case of an accident)
• Per TWh of electricity produced, nuclear along with wind power has
killed the least amount of people.
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
(Chernobyl included)
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Power Plant Footprint
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Power and Climate Change
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power
EPNG 3010
Nuclear Power Systems and Reactor
Nuclear Power Pros and Cons
Low generation cost
High initial investment required
Virtually no Greenhouse gas emissions
Accidents have widespread consequences
Able to provide base load electricity
Radioactive waste
Availability 80-95%
Relatively small quantities of waste
Low operation and maintenance costs
Small physical footprint
Plant life up to 80 years
Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning and the Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power