# MCB Bank Llmlted Trensaclion Banking Diviaion Wholesale Eanklng Group th Floor. Cg Toler l.l. Chundrigsr Road 1\{CB Kar.chi, Prki.lrn clRcuLAR No: Date: Januarv 19. 2024 WSG:M129?4:2! To : All MCB Branch!! cc: All controlllnE s. GMs. RHs . ROM5 T8D COLI.ECT PLUS COI.LECTIOI,I ARRANGEMENT-ORIENT ELECTRONICS PRIVATE LIMITED f This is with reference to the Head Office Clrcular POICMO/o25 dated October 30. 2OO9, We would like to inform you that under this circular your branch has been designated for collections of 8i!94-.1494!9!iqPl!a!q!!At!C!LthrouSh Cash, MCB Bank Cheques and Lo.al Clea ng Cheques under TBD Collect Plus Arran8ement effective from E!geryl!!|, 2024. Detailed transaction's postinS process is mentioned below. Ig8!9!! As explained and stressed in the circular, all flrnds collected under this arrangement must be posted directly to A/C - Mt&ORtEt{T Et-ECIROt'ltCS PRTVATE UMTTED Account No. q251494?6!04!521 with GTB Branch (1885) Lahore on a daily basis using "TBD collection & Payment sFtem (SSO)'. Transaction Postini Mechanism 1. Branch wlll loSin in TBo's Collection & Payment System through following web link https://pavment.mcb.com.!Usso f ramewo*/masterpaie/svstemloqin.aspx 2. TBD has assitned 'oRENT company code for 3- TBO has created following Product Codes & Payment Modes. Branches will select appropriate one accordingly. 4. O ent Electronlcs Prlvate Llmlted: Branch will select this code i.e. Private Limited while postint of their tra nsactio ns. Centralired collection account Electronias 'ORENI for Orient number will appear automatically against this code. Mode Of Deposit For Cash Transaction Product Code PaVment Mode CPCSH CASH For MCB Bank Cheque Transaction CPITC ACCUT For Local Clearing Cheque Transaction CPLDC CHEQU For Banke/s Cheque Please use CBS 8.s (cBs) Branch will post followinB critical intormation in red hiShliShted mandatory fields a5 & will save the transaction. hithlithted in below screen l ffi MCB Bank Limited TraBaction Banking Division l}{CB Whol€sal6 Banklng Group 96 Floor, MCB Tower l.l. Chundrigar Road Ka.achi, Paklstan ie drrid r*l],crr.*r b ie l,llo_ EFr;/* -ri,l Li LJ E FI @, rl i!'g lBD'ssystem is connected with CBS in centralized collection account of For the deposit of -l 8.Sthrough APlthat passesthe accounting entries automatically & willSive the credit SdeEEEc!q4i!9.lliiye!g!!!l!!gL glclllEEq!@dltEdvelglildtcllco llectio n, depositor(s) will bring below customized deposit slip with them. Please ensure that depositor should fill the information in ail mandatory fields. A separate deposit slip should be used for each payment type. & !!!j!! .*. !!!j!! ORIENT' --r-r:f- r* *l ggE gg[qE ---------------- ---------_--____ o48.1braa -""{ffir b*'.o.2,...'/ :!"!!-*---::- 2 MCB Bank Limited Tran3action g.nklng olvl!lon Whole*le Banklng Group 96 Floor, CB Tow€r l.l. Chundrigar Road N{CB - xa..chi, Pakbt n lmportant Notes: 1) & Pavment Svstem ISSOI for the oostinq of Orient Electronias Private [imited (without usinr TBD'S Svsteml is strictlv NOTALLOWED. transaatlonlrl. Dlrect credit in CBS Branches will use onlv TBD'S Collectlon a Branches arc stri.tlv advlce not Email lD mentioned below) to reveEe the transaction(sl in CBS without takiM orior aoproval from TgD lcrouo !l Do not hand-ovG, anv.eturn instrument to deoorltor & ensure to send lt to Tr.nsactlon BankinE mailinE addres5: [9th Floor. MCB Tower.l.l Chundri6rh Road, (arachil. ln case, you have any funherquestions, please feelfree to address them to below email lD. tbd.b.anchsuooort(Omcb.com.ok Raza Muhammad xhan FVP'Senior Manager'Client Services (North & Central) Mohemmad Ahsan Khan VP-Unit Head-Client Services