ENG3U: The Teenage Brain Assignment LG1: I will apply the listening process for comprehension LG2: I will apply the listening process as a critic LG7: I will apply the creative process when planning written texts LG8: I will apply the creative process when producing written texts. LG9: I will apply the creative process when publishing written texts. Instructions: A. Watch and take notes (using the Cornell Note-taking sheet) on videos: ● The Teenage Brain Explained http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiduiTq1ei8 ● TEDTalk “Insight into the Teenage Brain” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWUkW4s3XxY B. Upload your notes to your google drive C. From your listening, note taking, and discussion, plan and write a well organised 500 word journal response using the following questions as a guide. Be sure to have a clear introduction, main body and conclusion. Knowledge/Understanding 1. What different changes are occurring in the teenage years? 2. What happens to the brain during puberty? 3. How can this explain some teenage behaviour? Thinking/Inquiry 4. What could be the advantages and disadvantages of this new information? 5. How do you think the new information we are learning should affect the way we live, especially in terms of the structure of our society and our relationships? Application 6. What area(s) of your life do you want to grow in during this semester and how will your new found knowledge help you be successful? 7. Of the two videos, which was more helpful to you in your understanding of new information? 8. (Optional) Can you find a link to the course theme? Teenage Brain Assignment: Rubric Category K/U Understandin g information from media texts T/I Thinking about the implications of new information COM Note-taking skills (listener’s notes uploaded to google drive) APP Application to life and the course theme COM Sequencing COM Grammar & Spelling Level 4 (100-80) The student shows an excellent, thorough understanding of the material presented and is able to paraphrase succinctly. Level 3 (79-70) The student shows a clear understanding of the material presented and is able to paraphrase clearly. Level 2 (69-60) The student shows some understanding of the material presented and is able to paraphrase. Level 1 (55-0) The student shows limited understanding of the material presented and is able to paraphrase a little. The student has The student has The student has The student has thoroughly considered considered the some limited the new information and new information understanding of understanding of is able to clearly and is able to think how the new how the express how it could about how it could information could information could change the way we live change the way we change the way we change the way we with specific examples live with specific live with some live. of such. examples of such. examples of such. Excellent, clear detailed notes, showing good listening skills Clear detailed notes, showing good listening skills Some notes, showing some listening skills Limited notes, showing few active listening skills The student has applied the new information to his/her life and considered it in as part of a larger context. The student has applied the new information to his/her life and connected it to the course theme. The student has shown limited application of the new information to his/her life and the course theme. Arguments provided in a logical order – easy & interesting to follow train of thought. Arguments provided in a fairly logical order – reasonably easy to follow train of thought. The student has attempted to apply the new information to his/her life and has attempted to connect it to the course theme A few of the arguments are not provided in a logical order – distracting and confusing. Grammar adds to meaning Mistakes do not distract from meaning Errors distract reader but do not hinder overall meaning Errors distract reader & hinder understanding. Many of the arguments provided are not in a logical order – very distracting and confusing.