Uploaded by Daisy Pao

Applied Economics Lesson Plan: Business Principles & Techniques

Instructional Planning
(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional
process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format
Esperanza Senior High School
Grade Level
Daisy Pao
Learning Area
Applied Economics
1:00 – 1:50 pm G12-Frugality
Quarter 2 – Week 1
Nov. 6-10, 2023 (MTThF)
First Semester
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies /
Write the LC code for each
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
The learners demonstrate an understanding of industry analysis, its principles,
tools, and techniques leading to the identification of business opportunities
The learners shall be able to
 apply tools and techniques for business opportunities like the SWOT/
TOWS analysis
 conduct a survey of macro and micro environments affecting business in
a locality
identify and explain different principles, tools, and techniques in creating a
Principles, Tools, and Techniques in Creating a Business
Applied Economics Quarter 4-Module 3 pp. 1-24
Department of Education –Schools Division of Pampanga
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from https://www.studocu.com/ph
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
Introductory Activity
Laptop, PowerPoint, DLP/TV, video
Preliminary Activity:
I. Opening Prayer
II. Checking of attendance
III. Making sure learners are seated properly and the classroom is clean.
IV. Review of the previous lesson
In the previous lesson, you have learned about the challenges and current
problems of the Filipino entrepreneurs face in the Philippines. Based on what
you have learned, Choose among the images below two (2) current problems
that Filipino entrepreneurs faced and write down 5 best practices that can be
used for the business to continuously operate and grow.
To start a new business, an entrepreneurs needs to have a plan to start a
business, as one of the best practice entrepreneurs to identify needs of the
community to start a business. Identify 5 major needs of your community and rank
them according to order of priority from 1 being the highest and 5 lowest and
describe business opportunities that can be created.
Pedro is aspiring to become a business entrepreneur. He recently graduated in
senior high school and he knows the different principles, tools, and techniques for
business which has become one of the good qualities which can make him a good
leader and a good entrepreneur. But for him to become a successful entrepreneur
he has to think of an idea for a business that can make him profitable. To achieve
this, he has to answer a few questions:
1. How can he think of an idea for a business?
2. Which principles, tools, and techniques shall he use to think of a better idea for
a business that will become possibly profitable?
Specific Objective:
1. identify principles in creating business;
2. discuss tools and techniques in making efficient business; and
3. analyze business principles, tools, and techniques in making efficient
Business entities are important to country’s economic growth. It enables to create
goods and services, provide jobs for individuals to generate income and
accumulate wealth and generate revenue for the government which enables to
provide basic social services. Moreover, it produces goods and services that
individuals need and wants.
Business to thrive and grow need to used tools and techniques to continuously
exist thus best practices and techniques need to be employed
Principles in Creating a Business
The principles of a business are the driving forces that make it successful. Below
the ten key principles to make a business a success:
1. Scalability
2. Big Ideas
3. Systems
4. Sustainability
6. Vision
7. Purpose
8. Autonomy
9. Profitability
10. Standards
Tools in Evaluating a Business
1. Use technology to speed up workflow
2. Shorter meetings fuel efficiency
3. Smart office space pays
4. Advertisement
5. Small changes, big savings
6. Keep a firm grip on cash flow
7. Stay connected on the move
8. Use time more efficiently
9. Get the best deal on insurance
10. Don't be lax with the legal
Industry analysis of the following important factors.
 is what sets your business apart from your competition.
 highlights the benefits a customer receives when they do business with you.
 It could be your products, service, reputation, or even your location.
Different methods of competitive advantage which it can be done and are
classified into four categories:
1.Cost Leadership-an advantage occurs when business is able to offers same
products at a lower price.
2.Differentiation-Find attributes that is important and set them apart from their
3.Defensive Strategies-used a defensive strategy to distance themselves from
4.Alliances-advantage of seeking strategic alliance with other within related or
within businesses.
B. CUSTOMERS - Individuals or companies who desires to possess or make use
of products and services.
C. SUPPLIERS - Provide inputs that the firms in an industry need to create the
goods and services that they in turn sell to their buyers.
 Goods/services that can be used in place for another. These goods may, even
if partly, satisfy the same needs of a consumer such that the consumer may
use one for instead for another.
 substitute products or services limit the potential of an industry.
 margarine can be a substitute for butter. Likewise Coke for Pepsi
 But not everybody will be willing to switch brands because they have
developed a taste for a particular cola. This is why manufacturers try to
differentiate their products from their competitors so that the customers will
develop product loyalty from their brand.
Directions: Read the story carefully. Analyze the business. Then answer the
questions at the end of the story.
Anne and Cherry are friends since high school. Anne is good in baking and Cherry
is good in selling. To increase their income, they decided to put up an online
business of bakery products. They contributed 10,000 each to start the business
and decided to split the profit equally as business partners. The friends agreed that
Anne will be in charge of the production while Cherry will be in charge of the online
site for taking marketing and promotion. Cherry started taking orders while Anne
was busy baking products. The business started to get big orders from their
regular clients and others who visited their online site. After one year of operation,
while Cherry continued with her regular work Anne as in-charge of the production,
started getting sick and was advised to rest. Now, Anne can no longer continue
baking for their business.
1. What went wrong with the business?
2. Do you think Anne and Cherry were right in how they managed their business?
3. Are they right in their decision of equal sharing of profit? Explain your
Rubric:10 points- comprehensive and analytical 8-9 points- well written
and some include analysis; 5-7 points written but lack analysis;
2-4 points- weak essay; 1 point Poorly written and lacks strength
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the answer on a separate sheet of
1.These are individuals/group of individuals who buy goods and services for
personal and business use.
a. Consumer
c. Government
b. Creditors
d. Suppliers
2.The capability of a company to produce or increase output when resources
are added is called _______________________.
a. Autonomy
c. Profitability
b. Durability
d. Scalability
3.Business is a legal entity that is separate and distinct from owner.
a. Autonomy
c. Profitability
b. Durability
d. Scalability
4.Ford and Toyota sells the same products; it evident that there is a__________.
a. Competition
c. Alliance
b. Distribution
d. Threats
5.Competitive advantages can also be gained by business that seeks association
or cooperation with other business:
a. Alliance
c. Defensive strategy
b. Cost leadership
d. Differentiation
6. Individual or firms who desire products and services in the market for
consumption or business.
a. Consumers
c. Government
b. Creditors
d. Supplier
7. Which does not belong to the group?
a. Colgate
c. Close-Up
b. Head and Shoulders d. Hapee
8. A strategy that businesses use to distinguish themselves apart from their
a. Differentiation
c. Defensive Strategy
b. Alliance
d. Cost Leadership
9. This method occurs when a business is able to offer the same quality
product as its competitors and sell it at a lower price.
a. Differentiation
c. Defensive Strategy
b. Alliance
d. Cost Leadership
10. The advantage gained by this type of strategy is that it allows the business to
further distance itself by using defensive method.
a. Defensive strategy
c. Diffrerentiation
b. Alliance
d. Cost Leadership
11. An economic activity that is engage in buying and selling of goods and services
in exchange of money.
a. Business
c. Trade
b. Commerce
d. Partnership
12. Business ability to use its resources to produce profit.
a. autonomy
c. profitability
b. big idea
d. scalability
13. These are alternative goods that can easily replace by other products either
perfectly or in part.
a. brand
c. original
b. clone
d. substitutes
14. Printed and online promotion is needed in starting your business.
a. advertising
c. profitability
b. big ideas
d. scalability
15. Entrepreneurs think big and make this idea into a reality for the success of
their business.
a. autonomy
c. profitability
b. big idea
d. scalability
Conduct a survey of macro and micro environments affecting business in a locality.
Interview at least 3 businesses in your locality.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Teacher II
School Principal I