Inttrod ducctio on Co ompanyyProfilee Incorporatedinyyear2005,NEXUSisaweellknownMaanufactureraandExporterrofproductsslikepipes,tubes,flange,pipe ngs,fastenerrsin(STAINLLESSSTEELASTMA403W WP–TP304/3 304L/316/31 16L/310/317LL/347/904L& fittin DUP PLEXSTEELA ASTMA815––UNSS31803 3,S32205&SUPERDUPLLEXSTEELASSTMA815U UNSS32750,S32760)etcc. NEXUSIsAnISO9001:2008C CertifiedCom mpanyAndHasATrackReecordOfOffferingAWideeRangeOfPipingSolutio on,hard tofinditems,sho ortdeliveryttime,rarem materialgradeesandsimilaartaskarejusstasmuchourdailybusinessasstand dard item msformassp production.InAVerySho ortPeriodoffTime,WeHaveGainedaanExcellentNationaland dInternation nal Repu utation. Byflexibilityskillanddedicattiontoourw workaswellaaslongstandingrelationshipwithlead dingmanufaccturesforallpiping relattedproductss,wehavebeecomeoverttheyearwelllknownandleadingsupp plierstoEPCandEnduseeracrosstheglobe. Supp portedByOu urDedicated,ProfessionaalTeam,WeAreAbleToSatisfyTheN NeedsOfOurrClientsInA ATimelyAnd SysteematicMann ner.TheProffoundKnowledgeAndRicchExperiencceOfourTeaaminTheResspectiveArenaOfMetal Prod ductsHasAsssistedTheCo ompanyToA AcquireDistin nguishedPossition,andTh heReliableSttainlessSteeel,PipeFittinggIn Indiaa. WeExportmaxOfOurRangeOfFlangees,Outlets,pipes,tubes,p pipefittings,fastenersettc.,ToManyyCountriesLiike Malaysia,GulffEtc.WeAreeRegularlySu upplyingTheeseItemsToManyLeadin ngIndustrialUnitsConsisstingOf USA,UK,Italy,M PetrochemicaalPlants,SteeelPlants,Reffineries,Chemicals,Fertilizers,PowerrPlant,Pharm maceutical,P Ports, :ShipBuilding,P &Gas,Railwaay,Mining,C CementPlantts,PaperMillls,SugarMills,FabricationUnitsEtc. Oil& 1 CO OMPA ANYPROFILE NAME OF F COMPANY ::: NEX XUS ALLOYS & STEELS PR RIVATE LIMITED CONSTITUT TION OF FIRM ::: P PRIVATE LIMITE ED OFFICE ADDRESS ::: R.K BUILD DING N0.3 SHOP N0.8 8TH KHE ETWADI, Mumbai – 400 004. TELEPH HONE NOS. ::: 91-22-6117 2222 / 6651 8629 / 6743 6699 FAX X NOS. ::: 91-22-6117 2230 E-MAIL ADDRESS ::: WEB B SITE :::, RESIDENC CE NUMBERS ::: 91-22-6651 8719 FACTORY Y ADDRESS ::: 222 DEWAN NO 6 , PREMISES CO O-PO SOCIETY L LTD R, MAHARASHT TRA -401208 PALGHAR MOBIL LE NOS. ::: 0091 98677 497998 FAX N NUMBER ::: 91-22-6117 2230 E-MAIL ADDRESS ::: saales@nexussteel.ccom NAME OF D DIRECTORS ::: MR R. SANJAY SANG GHVI CIN N NO ::: U 514220 MH 2005 PTC C 154680 NSIC REGISTRATION NO. ::: NSIC/GP/AND D/2016/46119 dated : 28.07.20166 ISO CERT TIFICATION ::: 1011-QMS-BA-10-8102-SIA AC-00505-IN GST T NO. ::: 277AACCN1394H11ZE PE ERMANENT AC CCOUNT NO. (P PAN) ::: AACCN1394H H IMPORT & EXPORT E CODE ::: 03050038940 dated 31.008.2005 ONE STAR EX XPORT HOUSE E 030115000181 E.E.P.C. REGN. R NO. ::: INDO O ARAB CHAMBER OF COMM MERCE ::: & INDUSTRIIES REGN NO. RCMC : B : MER : 15252 : 2016 - 17 3542 IN NDIAN MERCH HANTS CHAMBE ERS ::: IMC6859 D&BR REGN NO ::: 65 - 008 - 37644 BAN NKERS ::: INDUSIND BAN NK, BANK OF BARODA, B GULA ALWADI BR. M MUMBAI - 400 0004. OUR AC CTIVITIES ::: MANUF FACTURING OF F FORGED FITTIINGS , FLANGE ES AND O- LETS S IN STAINLES SS STEEL, ALLO OY STEEL, CAR RBON STEEL, L.T.C.S. , INCONE EL, MONEL, AL LUMINIUM & NIICKEL AL LLOYS METALS S WITH ALL INH HOUSE FACILIT TIES FACTOR RY AREA ::: 800 SQ Q.M / COVERED D : 500 SQ.M: UN NCOVERED : 3000 SQ.M OFFICE IN N FACTORY ::: 400 SQ. MTRS S STORAGE IIN FACTORY ::: 58 SQ. M MTRS. RACKS X 6 LAYERS 2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 LIST OF QUALIFIED & EXPERIENCED KEY PERSONNEL MR. JITENDRA SANGHVI :: DIRECTOR - MARKETING Age 40 YEAR Qualification GRADUATE Experience Working in Pipes & Pipe Fittings Industry for last 14 Years Co - ordination with the clients, Attending meeting for negotiations and discussion Inspection etc. . Speed up Execution of Orders. MR. BHARAT PATEL :: WORKS MANAGER Age 40 YEAR Qualification S.S.C Experience 15 YEARS MR. ATMARAM PASTE :: MANAGER - ACCOUNTS Age 40 YEARS Qualification CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Experience 10 YEARS MR. DEEPAK DINGANKAR :: MANAGER Q.A.C. Age 35 YEARS Qualification B.E. Experience 8 YEARS MR. AASHIT SHAH :: PURCHASE EXECUTIVE Age 26 YEARS Qualification CA Experience 3 YEARS. MR. HARESH SANGHVI :: PRODUCTION ENGINEER Age 40 YEAR Qualification GRADUATE Experience 17 YEARS MR. SAHIDUL ISLAM Age Qualification Experience MR. HITENDRA DAHERIKAR Age Qualification Experience :: MR. BHUSHAN TAMBE Age Qualification Experience MR SAURABH BHANSALI Age Qualification Experience :: MR. SENARAM PATEL Age Qualification Experience :: :: :: ASST. MANAGER SALES 32 YEARS GRADUATE , COMPUTER - M.S. OFFICE 11 YEARS SALES EXECUTIVE 41 YEARS BACHELOR OF COMMERCE 18 YEARS ASST. LOGISTIC MANAGER 29 YEAR MMM ,MCOM , BMS GRADUATE , 8 YEARS MANAGER PURCHASE 26 YEARS GRADUATE 3 YEARS PURCHASE ASSTT SUPERVISOR. 38 YEAR S.S.C 10 YEAR 3 12 MR. MUKESH KUMAR Age Qualification Experience :: STORE KEEPER 35 YEARS GRADUATE 3 YEAR 13 MRS. ANITA RANGANKAR Age Qualification Experience :: PROPOSAL EXECUTIVE 35 YEAR GRADUATE 8 YEAR 14 MS. CHITRA KHAIRE Age Qualification Experience :: COMPUTER OPERATOR 30 YEAR GRADUATE 6 YEAR 4 FLOW CHART F FROM OR RDER REC CEIPT TO O MANUFA ACTURIN NG STAGE E CON NFIRMED P.O.IS REC CEIVED DRG G./WPS/PQ QR/QAP PREPARED / APPROVED D BY CLIENT If APPL LICABLE ENQ QUIRY FLO OATED TO O APPROVE ED VENDO OR QU UOTATION N FROM AP PPROVED V VENDOR & EVALUA ATED RCHASE O ORDERS AR RE PLACED D ON APPR ROVED VE ENDORS PUR RECEIPT OF RAW MATERIAL M LS / CONSU UMABLE A AS PER ORD DER RAW MATERIAL IN NSPECTION N & TESTIN NG, ALLOC CATION, OF O LOT NO OS. MRIN IS P PREPARED D FOR ACC CEPTED MARERIAL IISSUED TO O STORE NON CONFOR RMING IT TEMS ARE RET TURNED TO SUPPLIER R /SCRAPED D AND SEN NT TO SCR RAPYARD RAW W MATERIIAL IDENT TIFICATION, ALLOCA ATION OF F HEAT NO O. / LOT T NO. COL LOUR COD DING & STO ORAGE ISSU US OF WO ORK ORDER R TO PROD DUCTION DEPARME ENT ISSU US OF RAW W MATERIIAL TO PRO ODUCTION MA ARKING & CUTTING AS PER PE ETAL 5 FLOW W CHAR RT FROM M PRODU UCTION TO DES SPATCH PRODUCT T MATERIA AL LOT NO O. PUNCHIING IS DO ONE INSPEC CTION & M MARKETIN NG IS CARRIED OUT T CU UTTING PROCE ESSING IS CARRIED OUT (FOR RMING / BE ENDING / F FORGING)) SEAML LESS WELDE ED I PROCES IN SS INSPECTION FOR R VISUAL & DIMENSION FITUP P & TRACK K WELDING G A ACCEPTED MATERIA ALS ARE RE ELEASED FOR F HEAT TR REATMENT T FINAL PRO OCESS FOR R LAYOUT T MARKIN NG, CUTTIING & MAC CHINING IS DONE INSPEC CTION OF W WELD SET TUP FINA AL WELDIN NG & NDT T FINAL PR ROCESS FO OR LAYOU UT MARKIN NG, CUTT TING & MA ACHINING G IS DONE SURFACE E CLEANIN NG FINAL L DIMENSIIONAL INS SPECTION N IDENTIFIICATION M MARKING GS ARE DO ONE FINAL IN NSPECTION N & PREPA ARATION OF DOCUM MENTATIO ON PACKING G & DESPAT TCH 6 PROCE EDURE F FOR MAN NUFACT TURING & PR RODUCT T INDENT TIFICATION , TR RACEBIL LITY Prepared By :- QA AC Dept. Rev :- NASPL / R REV 1 FOR SEAMLESS S S & FORGE ED FITTING GS ,O–L LETS , FLA ANGES 1. Che eck the purchasse order i.e. wh hether technically ok or not. 2. Man nufacturing Cod des as per Client Requiremen nt / Approved Q QAP. 3. Take the Approval of QAP regard ding the stage w wise or final insspection. 4. ate the materia al as per the re equirement Loca 5. Veriification of purcchased materia al as per Purcha ase Order and Spec. 6. Co-Relation of Hea at No of Material with the Mill Test Certificate e. 7. Co-Relation of MTC as per Spec. 8. materials Visual and dimension nal checks are carried out . For all accepted m 9. ward the raw material m (i.e. pip pe , plate , round bar) material to the Producttion dept with Work W order Forw 10. Visitt the workshop during or before pipe , plate , billets , round bar cutting 11. Veriify the Marking on Raw materrial (pipe , bar , billets , plate ) are done as pe er cutting lengtth (Ref Doc/ Drrg.) & make surre the individual piece es bears the Alllotted Lot No or o heat no by th he sub vendor. e permission to o cut the raw m material 12. Give 13. The e Pipes for othe er fittings ,platess for caps & ro ound bar & bille ets for flanges & forged fittingss are Cold and d Hot Formed a as per requirement off the reference Standards / Ma anufacturing Prrocess. 14. Starrt the forging / fforming / hamm mering 15. Visitt to the workshop during forging 16. Afte er forging checkk the identification & punching g on all the Forg ged Fittings O – Lets , & Flang ges if available e , other wise repu unch it 17. Afte er stage inspecttion, proceed fo or cutting as pe er layout 18. Facing, Machining & Weld Edge Preparations (B BE) are carried d out as per Clie ent’s required sstandards. T are carried ou ut like DPT / UT T as per require ed Spec / Apprroved QAP and d Relevant reco ords are mainta ained. 19. NDT 20. Hea at treatments arre carried out a as per Spec. an nd reference co ode. Check testting is to be don ne as per respe ective speccification. 21. Pickkling and passivvation are carriied out as per rreference proce edure. 22. Do the t final inspecction. 23. Veriify the Final ma arking done byy Hard Punching / Electro – Ettching processs that bears the e following deta ails (Mfg’s Mon nogram / Spec / Dimn / Size / Sch / HT-Lot No) N and any oth her details. 24. All rrelevant docum ments are prepa ared (Mfg’s Tesst Cert, Dimenssion Report, Insspection Reportt, NDT Report, Etc…..) 25. Afte er the records o of clause O & Q are completed d fittings are offfered to Client or its Third Parrty Inspection agency a for Insp pection. 26. Afte er Inspection, accceptance and final stamping on items are d done by inspection agency. 27. On rreceipt of intern nal shipping cle earance, pack the t items with proper p packing as per spec. with w packing listts to avoid any kind d of damage du uring shipping & Transportatio on. PREPARED BY QC Dept. APP PROVED BY QC MANAGER 7 PROCE EDURE FO OR MAN NUFACT TURING & PR RODUCT T INDEN NTIFICAT TION , TR RACEBIL LITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Prrepared By :- QAC Dep pt. Re ev :- NASPL L / REV 2 FO OR WEDLE ED FITTINGS Checck the purchase e order i.e. whe ether technicallly ok or not. Manufacturing Codes as per Clien nt Requirementt / Approved QA AP. Tech hnical Data like Matrl Spec. NDT Requirement & its Spec. Inspection Stag ges – Stage Wise / Final. Apprroval Drawing iff any. Orde er the Raw Matterial as per req quirement. Veriffication of purch hased material as per Purcha ase Order and S Spec. Co-R Relation of Hea at No & Coil No of Material witth the Mill Test Cert. Co-R Relation of MTC C as per Spec. For a all accepted ma aterials Visual and a dimensiona al checks are ccarried out. Forw ward the materia al to WORKSH HOP Visit to the work sho op & check reg garding welder approval test & performance test. If we elder is not approved then proceed for welde er Qualificationu under TPI. Visit to the worksho op during Markiing on plate as per cutting len ngth / Petals Dimn (Ref Doc / Drg) & make su ure all the Indivvidual es bears the allotted Lot No w which is given b by sub vendor piece The plates are cold d / hot formed a as per requirem ment of the referrence standard ds / Manufacturring Standards. The Petals are mattched to give th he required dim mension as per sstandards. Visit to the worshop p during forming The set up is checkked for dimensions and releassed for welding as per approve ed WPS / PQR R. Fillerr wires, which a are properly check tested and confirm to the required grade es are issued fo or welding. Die p penetrant test iss carried out on n Root & Final weld runs to en nsure defect fre ee welds. Facin ng, Machining & weld Edge P Preparations (BE) are carried out o as per Stan ndards. NDT T are carried ou ut like UT / RT a as per required d Spec and Rele evant records are a maintained. Heatt treatments are e carried out ass per Spec. and d reference cod de. Check testing is to be don ne as per speciffication. Picklling and passivvation Operations are carried o out as per referrence documen nts. Visua al and Dimensiion check are ccarried out for D Diameter, Height, Bevel angle e, Minimum and d maximum Thickness are reccorded. Final marking are d done by Hard P Punching / Electtro – Etching that bears the fo ollowing detailss (Mfg’s Monog gram / Spec / D Dimn / other details. Size / Sch / HT-Lot No) and any o elevant docume ents are preparred (Mfg’s Testt Cert, Dimension Report, Insp pection Report, NDT Report, Etc…..) All re Afterr Inspection, accceptance and ffinal stamping on items by insspection agenccy and on reciptt of release notte / I.Note, the items are sshifted to the sttores. On re eceipt of intern nal shipping clearance, The sto ores will pack tthe items with p proper packing as per spec. w with packing listt to avoid d any kind of da amage during shipping s & Tran nsportation. PRE EPARED BY QC Dept. APP PROVED BY QC MANAGER 8 RAN NGEOFPROD DUCTS ASP PERNATIONA AL/INTERNA ATIONALCO ODES&STAN NDARDS BUTTTWELDPIPEFITTINGS ButttweldPipeFFittingsof45 5,90,180LL.R./S.R.Elbo ows,Equal//UnequalTeees,BarredTTees,Reducers,Studbends, Capss,Cross,Sho ortRadiusBeendsuptoSizzes:32”NB(800mmNB B)inStainlesssSteel,Carb bonSteel,Alloysteel.We eare speccialistsofPip peFittingsinMonel,Inco onel,Coupro oNickel,Titanium,904L,Duplex,Sup perDuplex,Hastalloy,A Alloy20, L.T.C C.S.,AlloySteel,P11,P22 2,P5,P9,P91 1andNACESpecnandC CertificationaasperEN10 02043.1 LONGRADIUSPIIGGABLEBEN NDS Seam mless&WeldedLongRaadiusPiggablleBendsin2 2D,5D,8Dup pto22D,45,,90,180and d360sizesu upto32”NBwith tanggentslengthaspercusto omerrequireements.ForLL.R.Bends,D Dimensionsttolerance–FFlatteningon nanypointm max. 1.7% %ovalitywithin1%oftheDiametero ofPipe,Anglle+/1.50;TThinningmaxx.5%ofW.T.NoFlaring,Wrinklefree bend ds.Dummyp pigpasstestdonewith9 96.5%IDofB Bend.Weareealsospeciaalistsin“J”,““S”,&“U”Beends. MATTERIAL STAIINLESSSTEELL ALLO OYSTEEL CARBONSTEEL//NACE LOW WTEMP.CAR RBON COU UPRONICKEL, INCO ONEL,MONEEL, ALLO OY20,904L, TITA ANIUM, HASTALLOY,DUPLEX, SUPERDUPLEX SIZZE(MM) 15 5NBto250 NB B 40 0NBto800 NB B 50 0NBto500 NB B SCH. 5StoXXSS 50 0NBto500 NB B 20 00NBto800 0 NB B 50 0NBto500 NB B 20 00NBto800 0 NB B 5NBto250 15 NB B 40 0NBto800 NB B 40toXXSS DIM MNS. B16 6.9 SPEECIFICATION A40 03WP304L,, 5Sto80SS B16 6.28 316 6L,317L,321H H,347H,310S,904L 40toXXSS MSSSSP75 6.9 B16 B16 6.28 MSSSSP75 B16 6.9 A23 34,WP5,WP11,WP22,P5,P9, P91 1 B16 6.28 A23 34WPBW 10,20,30 0, 40,80 40toXXSS 10,20,30 0, 40,80 5StoXXSS METH HOD SEAM MLESS WELD DED SEAM MLESS WELD DED SEAM MLESS WELD DED SEAM MLESS WELD DED A23 34WPB MSSSSP75 6.9 A42 20WPL6, B16 B16 6.28 SEAM MLESS WELD DED MSSSSP75 B16 6.9 ASM ME,ASTM,B BS,DIN,IS 5Sto8S B16 6.28 MSSSSP75 9 RAN NGEOFPROD DUCTS ASP PERNATIONA AL/INTERNA ATIONALCO ODES&STAN NDARDS FORGEDFITTING GS&OLETTS ForggedFittings:45,90,Elb bows,Equal//UnequalTeees,Union,Cross,SwaggeNipple,Co ouplingCap,Plug,Bush hing, BosssandInsertiinStainlessSSteel,Carbon nSteel,Alloyysteel.WeaarespecialisttsofForgedFittingsinM Monel,Inconeel, Coup proNickel,TTitanium,904 4L,Duplex,SSuperDuplexx,Hastalloyy,Alloy20,L.T.C.S.,AlloyySteel,P11,P22,P5,P9,P91 andNACESpecn n&CertificattionasperEN N102043.1 OutLets:Weldo olet,Sockoleet,Elbolet,Threadolet,,Nipolet,LatroletandSSweeplotiniinStainlessSSteel,Carbon nSteel, uproNickel,TTitanium,90 04L,Duplex,SSuperDupleex, Alloyysteel.WeaarespecialisttsofOutLettsinMonel,IInconel,Cou Hasttelloy,Alloy20,L.T.C.S.,AlloySteel,P11,P22,P5 5,P9,P91and dNACESpeccn&CertificaationasperEN102043.1 MATTERIAL FORGED O OLETS CLASS FITTTINGS SSIZE(MM) SIZE(MM) METHOD DIMNS. SSPECIFICATIO ON STAIINLESSSTEELL ½”N NBTO4” ½ ½”NBTO NB 2 24”NB 3000#, 6000#, 9000# SSOCKET ASME W WELDAND B16.11 TTHREADED A ASTMA182FF304L, 3 316L,317L,32 21H,347H,310 0S,904L ALLO OYSTEEL ½”N NBTO4” ½ ½”NBTO NB 2 24”NB A ASTMA182FF5,F11,F22,F5,F9, FF91 ½”N NBTO4” ½ ½”NBTO NB 2 24”NB ASME B16.11 A ASTMA105 LOW WTEMP.CAR RBON ½”N NBTO4” ½ ½”NBTO NB 2 24”NB ASME B16.11 A ASTMA350LLF2 COU UPRONICKEL, INCO ONEL,MONEEL, ALLO OY20,904L, TITA ANIUM, HASTALLOY,DUPLEX ,SUP PERDUPLEX XUNS DESIIGNATION NBTO4” ½ ½”NBTO ½”N NB 2 24”NB SSOCKET W WELDAND TTHREADED SSOCKET W WELDAND TTHREADED SSOCKET W WELDAND TTHREADED SSOCKET W WELDAND TTHREADED ASME B16.11 CARBONSTEEL// CE NAC 3000#, 6000#, 9000# 3000#, 6000#, 9000# 3000#, 6000#, 9000# 3000#, 6000#, 9000# ASME B16.11 U UNSC70600,,UNSC7150 00 U UNSNO.4400 0,5500UNSS N NO.6600,6022,6625,88 800, 8 8810,8825 U UNSNO.1027 76,6022,64 455 FF51,F53,F5 55,F60ETC. 10 RAN NGEOFPROD DUCTS ASP PERNATIONA AL/INTERNA ATIONALCO ODES&STAN NDARDS FORGEDFLANGES ForggedFlanges:WELDNECK K(WNRF),SSOCKETWELD D(SWFR),SLIPON(SOR RF),BLIND(B BLRF)SCREW WED(THREAD DED) LONGWELDNEC CK(LWNRF),,LAPPEDJOINT,REDUCING,SPECTA ACLEBLINDiinStainlessSSteel,Carbon nSteel,Alloyysteel. Monel,Incon nel,CouproN Nickel,Titaniium,904L,D Duplex,SuperDuplex, WeaarespecialisstsofForgedFlangesinM Hasttalloy,Alloy20,L.T.C.S.,AlloySteel,P11,P22,P5 5,P9,P91and dNACESpeccnandCertifficationaspeerEN102043.1 MATTERIAL STAIINLESSSTEELL SIZE(MM) ½”NBTO6 60” NB ALLO OYSTEEL ½”NBTO6 60” NB CARBONSTEEL//NACE ½”NBTO6 60” NB LOW WTEMP.CAR RBON ½”NBTO6 60” NB COU UPRONICKEL, INCO ONEL,MONEEL,ALLOY 20,9 904L,TITANIUM, HASTALLOY,DUPLEX, SUPERDUPLEXU UNS DESIIGNATION ½”NBTO1 12” NB CLASSS 150##, 300##, 900##, 1500 0#, 2500 0# 150##, 300##, 900##, 1500 0#, 2500 0# 150##, 300##, 900##, 1500 0#, 2500 0# 150##, 300##, 900##, 1500 0#, 2500 0# 150##, 300##, 900##, 1500 0#, 2500 0# METHOD FORG GED DIM MNS. ASM ME B16 6.5 SSPECIFICATIO ON A ASTMA182FF304L, 3 316L,317L,32 21H,347H,310 0S,904L GED FORG ASM ME B16 6.5 A ASTMA182FF5,F11,F22,F5,F9, FF91 FORG GED ASM ME B16 6.5 A ASTMA105 FORG GED ASM ME B16 6.5 A ASTMA350LLF2 FORG GED ASM ME B16 6.5 U UNSC70600,,UNSC7150 00 U UNSNO.4400 0,5500 U UNSNO.6600 0,6022,6625 5,8800 ,8810,8825 U UNSNO.1027 76,6022,64 455 FF51,F53,F5 55,F60ETC. 11 Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, NEXUS Is An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company And Has A Track Record Of Offering A Wide Range Of Piping Solution ,hard to find items ,short delivery time , rare material grades and similar task are just as much our daily business as standard items for mass production . In A Very Short Period of Time, We Have Gained an Excellent National and International Reputation. We Export max Of Our Range Of Flanges, Outlets, pipes, tubes ,pipe fittings, fasteners etc. , To Many Countries Like USA, UK, Italy, Malaysia, Gulf Etc. We Are Regularly Supplying These Items To Many Leading Industrial Units Consisting Of : Ship Building, Petrochemical Plants, Steel Plants, Refineries, Chemicals, Fertilizers, Power Plant, Pharmaceutical, Ports, Oil & Gas, Railway, Mining, Cement Plants, Paper Mills, Sugar Mills, Fabrication Units Etc. Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom, Email:exports@nnexussteel.ccom,