Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section Academic Session 2023-2024 Middle School Ref No. PISJES/MS/ST/ 23-12 Date: 24th December, 2023 English Unit 5: Heroes Unit 6: Monsters Unit 7: The Plantation Unit 8: Choices and decisions Unit 9: Endings Math Y7 Final Term Syllabus Outline 2023-2024 Unit 9 Sequences and functions Ex9.1 Generating sequences Ex 9.2 Finding rules for sequences Ex9.3 Using the nth term Ex 9.4 Representing simple functions Unit 10 Percentages Ex 10.1 Percentage increase and decreases Ex 10.2 Using a multiplier Unit11 Graphs Ex11.1 Functions Ex 11.2 Plotting graphs Ex11.3 Gradient and intercept Ex11.4 Interpreting graphs Unit 12 Ratio and proportion Ex12.1 Simplifying ratios Ex12.2 Sharing in a ratio Ex12.3 Ratio and direct proportion Unit 13 Probability Ex 13.1 Calculating probabilities Ex 13.2 Experimental and theoretical probabilities Unit 8 Shapes and symmetry Ex 8.1 Quadrilaterals and polygons Ex 8.2 The circumference of a circle Ex 8.3 3D shapes Unit 15 Distance, area and volume EX 15.1 converting between miles and kilometers Ex 15.2 The area of parallelogram and trapezium Ex 15.3 calculating the volume of triangular prisms Ex 15.4 Calculating the surface area of triangular prisms and pyramids Reference Book(s): Cambridge Lower Secondary English Learner's Book and workbook 8 Unit 16 Interpreting and discussing results Ex 16.1 Interpreting and drawing frequency diagrams Ex16.2 Time series graphs Ex16.3 Stem-and-leaf diagrams Ex16.4 Pie charts Ex16.5 Representing data Ex16.6 Using statistics Reference Book(s): Cambridge Checkpoint Mathematics Course Book 8/Workbook Tel: +966 1 26738670 |Fax: +966 1 26745654 | Website:| Social Media: /pisjesofficial1 Resources: Learner Textbook, Workbook, Board notes, Manuscript Work, Worksheets Science UNIT 8: Chemical Reactions 8.1: Exothermic Reactions 8.2: Endothermic Reactions 8.3: Reactions of Metals with Oxygen 8.4: Reactions of Metals with Water 8.5: Reactions of Metals with Dilute Acid Stage 7 Topic: Acids & Alkalis, Indicators and the pH scale UNIT 6: LIGHT 6.1: Reflection 6.2: Refraction 6.3: Making Rainbows 6.4: Colors of Light 6.5: Galaxies 6.6: Rocks in Space UNIT 7: DIET & GROWTH 7.1: Nutrients 7.2: A balanced Diet 7.3: Growth, Development & Health 7.4: Moving the Body UNIT 9: MAGNETISM 9.1: Magnetic Fields 9.2: The Earth as a Giant Magnet 9.3 Electromagnets 9.4: Investigating Electromagnets UNIT 4: ECOSYSTEMS 4.1: The Sonoran Desert 4.2: Different Ecosystems 4.3 Intruders in an Ecosystem 4.4: Bioaccumulation Social Studies Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section Academic Session 2023-2024 Middle School History: Chapter 2: The influence of Islam Shah Wali Ullah Syed Ahmed Barelvi Haji Shariat Ullah Titu Mir Chapter3: The British in India Geography: Unit 1: Topography Indus Plain Desert Unit 4: Forest Unit 5: Mineral Resources & Mining Industry of Pakistan Unit:6 Fishing Reference Book(s): Social Studies Board notes from the following books: 1.History: Pakistan History, Culture and Government by Nigel Smith 2.Geography: The Environment of Pakistan by Huma Naz Sethi Reference Book(s): Cambridge Lower Secondary Science Learner’s Book 8 by Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth. Tel: +966 1 26738670 |Fax: +966 1 26745654 | Website:| Social Media: /pisjesofficial1 Computing Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section Academic Session 2023-2024 Middle School Unit 8.2: It’s all in the planning: Pseudocode and algorithm Unit 8.3: Let’s talk technology: What’s going on inside Unit 8.5: Data input: Data collection and validation Unit 8.6: Iterating through a solution: Software design and development Reference Book(s): International Computing for Lower Secondary - Student's Book Stage 8 وسرجیھکم۔وفزہیااسحنافروق:دریساتکب ت اامین۔ااحتد۔نیقیمکحم۔وہدرخ۔،زیچوںیکاہکین،وپیٹاطلسن،املسمناسدسنئاناورانیکااجیدات،اموحایلت،ذعمورےچبزدنہآواز:اابسق Paper 1 • )الخہص،(اکنتانببا4اور3قشم:میہفت • 5قشم:ایلیم • 6قشم:ومضمن • رصتخموجابات:1قشمربمن • ےلمجلمکمرکںی۔:2قشمربمن • فلتخمااخشصیکراےئوکآسپںیمالمبا:3قشمربمن ت درسوجاباکااختنب:4قشمربمن • Urdu )(وساالتےکرصتخموجابات1قشم:میہفت ت ت )وظفلںوکدرسابعرتےسالمبا/(ےبتربیتولمجں2قشم:میہفت • Paper 2 Listening Exercises Tel: +966 1 26738670 |Fax: +966 1 26745654 | Website:| Social Media: /pisjesofficial1 • Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section Academic Session 2023-2024 Middle School • انمسظفلاگلرکےلمجلمکمرکںی • ہکاورےکاکاامعتسل • میہفت • ومضمنونسی • یتنگ:دنہےساوراافلظ(۱۱۔)۲۵ • اابسق:ایھچڑلیک۔چربارھگیکریس۔ریشآبا،ریشآبا۔اسرااکرھگ۔اہللاکرھگ UFB Level 1 • ت تربیتدےرکباینعمےلمجانبیئ وقادع • وادح/مج ث ذمرک/ؤمن • اافلظ/اضتمد • امس/لعف۔لعفےکزامےن۔ • ریمضصخش • میہفت:قشم(1وساالتےکوجابات) ت میہفت:قشم(2ےبتربیتولمجںوکالمبا) میہفت:قشم3اور(4اکنتانبیئ،الخہص) ایلیم:قشم5 ومضمن:قشم6 ث ت ت اکلہانان،ینیچےکرضماترات،وھجٹ،اوسفس،دصاق،تحص ،آداباعمرشت،تنحمیکامکئ وقادع ت ث امسرعمہف/امسرکنہ ذمرک/ؤمن وادح/مج اافلظ/رتمادفتربیتدےرکباینعمےلمجانبیئ( ،ےہ،ںیہاوروہں)اکاامعتسل (یتنگ۲۶:۔،۵۰ومومسںےکبام،امجوتعںےکبام) /pisjesofficial1 Tel: +966 1 26738670 |Fax: +966 1 26745654 | Website:| Social Media: UFB Level 2 اابسق Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section Academic Session 2023-2024 Middle School Paper 1 Paper 2 Compulsory questions will be given Compulsory question will be given from from chapter 1 and 3 chapter 5 and 7 Ch 1: Major Themes of the Holy Qur'an Ch 5: Major Teachings in the Hadith of the Prophet (SAW) o Allah’s Relationship with the created world o Surah Fatihah (1) o Allah’s Messengers o Surah Ad-Duha In the examination, passages will be given in both Arabic and English. • • • Hadith-5 Importance of Charity Hadith-6 Faith and Pride Hadith-7 Significance of Jihad Hadith Related to Individual Conduct: Hadith5 Hadith Related to Communal Conduct: Hadith6,7 The theme of the Qur’anic passage In the examination, hadith will be given in both is required to be explained in part Arabic and English. (a) of the question and mention • The teaching of the hadith is required to be how these themes relates to the explained in part (a) of the question and Muslims today in part (b). practical implementation of the hadith needs to be described in part (b). Ch 3: The Life and Importance of Prophet (SAW) Ch 7: The Rightly Guided Caliphs (Makki Period) (622-632AD) • Caliph Abu Bakr As-Siddique (RA) Islamiyat o o o o o o o o Migration to Abyssinia Boycott and year of Sorrow Visit to Taif Isra & Miraj Pledges of Aqabah Migration to Madinah Experience of Caves Ch 4: The First Islamic Community Ten Blessed Companions o Abu Bakr (RA) as companion of Prophet (SAW) o Umar Farooq (RA)as companion of Prophet (SAW) o Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas (RA) o Saeed bin Zaid (RA) o Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah (RA) Other Prominent Companions during the life of Prophet (SAW) o Halima Sadia and Abu Talib • • • the main events of the rules of the caliph their approaches to leading the community their main achievements & difficulties they encountered • their significance as examples of leadership • the importance of their rules as models for government today. o Dealing with refusal to pay Zakat o Achievements and Challenges Ch 8: The Articles of Faith and the Pillars of Islam The Articles of Faith • Belief in Prophets prophets, their character and function • Belief in Day of Judgment Resurrection and the last day, the main events and its significance • Belief in Predestination God’s predestination and decree, its meaning and significance Subject Resources: • Textbook: Cambridge O Level Islamiyat by Dr. Saqib Muhammad Khan • Reference Book: When the Moon Split Reference Notes Tel: +966 1 26738670 |Fax: +966 1 26745654 | Website:| Social Media: /pisjesofficial1 Art Quran Arabic Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section Academic Session 2023-2024 Middle School L1: In the mall في المركز التجاري L2: In the pharmacy في الصيدلية L3: letters of prepositions حروف الجر L4: kinds of pronouns with verbs أنواع الضمائر مع األفعال 1- Takweer-surah At 2- Tajweed: Meem Sakinah Rules. Reference Book(s): Ya-Hala book Reference Book(s): Y7 Quran Booklet L1: Fashion design- 2D formal dresses L2: Printmaking L3: Collage L4: Tie and dye L5: Sculpture and Ceramics [This document is electronically generated and does not require any signature or stamp] Tel: +966 1 26738670 |Fax: +966 1 26745654 | Website:| Social Media: /pisjesofficial1