MOUNT SINAI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL P.O Box 30023, Capital City, Lilongwe 3, Malawi, Africa Tel: (+265) 211772210 Email: WEEK ONE Year 11 Monday 05/02/2024 English P4 (Listening) (Mr. Kondowe) 07:40-08:30 Hall Tuesday 06/02/2024 EM P2 (Mr. Hermes) 08:45-10:30 Hall Wednesday 07/02/2024 Combined Science P2 (Mrs. Nkhoma) 08:45-09:30 Hall Thursday 08/02/2024 FAT (Ms. Tanya) 08:30-10:30 Hall Combined Sciences P6 (Mr. Muleso) 09:30-10:30 Hall Combined Sciences P4 (Mr. Muleso) 12:00-13:15 Hall Biology P2 (Mr. Nkhoma) 08:45-:09:30 Hall ICT P1 (Mrs. Tanya) 08:30-10:30 Hall Physics P4 (Mr. Hermes) 12:00-13:15 Hall Business Studies P2 (Mr. Shabanie) 11:00-12:30 Hall Geography P2 (Mr. Hermes) 12:00-13:30 Hall Chemistry P4 (Mr. Ngwira) 13:00-14:15 Biology P6 (Mr. Muleso) 09:30-10:30 Hall Biology P4 (Mr. Muleso) 12:00-13:15 Hall History P1 (Mr. Innocent) 12:00-14:00 Hall Business Studies P1 (Mr. Shabanie) 14:00-15:30 Hall Travel & Tourism P1 (Mr. Innocent) 12:00-14.00 Hall Chemistry P6 (Mr. Ngwira) 12:00-13:00 Physics P2 (Mr. Ngwira) 14:30-15:15 Hall Friday 09/02/2024 English P1 (Reading and Writing) (Mr. Kondowe) 08:30-10:30 Hall History P2 (Mr. Innocent) 12:00-13:45 Hall Travel & Tourism P2 (Mr. Innocent) 12:00-14.00 Hall Chemistry P2 (Mr. Ngwira) 12:00-12:45 WEEK TWO Monday 12/02/2024 Mathematics P1 (Mr. Muleso) 08:45-10:15 Hall Mathematics P2 (Mr. Innocent) 12:00-14:30 Hall Tuesday 13/02/2024 Accounting (Mr. Shabanie) 12:00-13:45 ICT P2 (Mrs. Mfuni) 08:30-10:45 LAB History P4 (Mr. Ngwira) 14:30-15:30 Hall Thursday 15/02/2024 Physics P6 (Mr. Ngwira) 14:30-15:30 Hall ICT P3 (Mrs. Mfuni) 08:30-11:00 LAB NOTES FOR WEEK ONE Please take note of exams that have been highlighted Hall or Lab. If the venue has not been highlighted the exam will take place in the invigilating Teacher’s Classroom. Please take note of the timings that have been highlighted indicate the exam will end 5-15mins earlier. Students taking these exams must wait until all exams being taken in the Hall have ended and have been collected before leaving the exam room. On Tuesday 6thFebruary 2024 the Year 11 Class must go for lunch from 13:15pm to 13:45pm thereafter report to the hall for their Business exam which starts at 14:00pm.