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emerging from the heart of the bay

emerging from the heart of the bay of bengal, the sundarbans,a mangrove forest of extraordinary beauty and biodiversity, is under threat.
unprecedented flood levels, a consequence of climate change, are putting both wildlife and local communities at risk.imagine a world where the royal Bengal tigers roar is silenced, where the sundari tree no longer stands tall.The impact is not just local, but global.The Sundarbans acts as a natural barrier aginst cyclones,protecting millions.The time to act is now.its not about saving a forest,its about preserving a lifeline.Addressing climate change, improving infrastructure and supporting affected communites are key.The sundarbans,a world heritage,needs our attention because every action counts and every second matters.Remember,we dont inherit the earth from our ancestors,we borrow it from our children.The future of the sundarbans is in our hands.