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God's Positioning System: Growth Over Goals

I want to share with you about GPS - God's positioning system
God's direction for our life. I think as every new year a lot of people are afraid of setting goals
now a lot of Prophets are afraid to give prophetic words. I think 2020 has really humbled
everybody dream boards are kind of going down you like I just said, I just want to make it, I
just don't want to do drugs, I just don't want to sleep around, I just don’t want to do anything
wrong, I just want to make it. Goals are not the most important thing in life growth is! Jesus
is far less interested in your goals than your growth, because what goals do is, they motivate
you but growth matures you. Goals - they give you destination, growth - they make you a
lifetime learner and the scripture say come to me I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28) and
then he says take up my yoke upon me and learn from me and then he says you will find rest
for your soul (Matthew 11:29). Jesus is interested in making you and I a person who learns, a
person who grows through life, not just goes through life. God is far less interested whether
you reach your goals and everything on your dream board becomes a reality, he is interested
in fashioning and transforming us into his image and he'll use COVID, he'll use unemployment,
he'll use heartbreak, he'll use promotion, he'll use the good the bad and the ugly to form
within us a person that he wants us to be. So, as you look at setting goals - it's important to
have goals, don't get me wrong but please understand God is not as interested in your goals
as you are, he is interested in your growth when you reach your goals you will plateau get
discouraged or arrogant, but if you have a growth mentality you never plateau because
there's always something to grow, there's always something to learn, there is always
something to improve you, release the book there's always a better way to write, you know
lost you, you got rid of your debt, but you can still grow in generosity you got your house,
your dream house, but you can still grow in being a Christian that God wants you to be,
Amen. A lot of young people, but it's not just young people, older people, every kind of
people, are asking always this thing, what should I do with my life? what is the real reason
that I am here on this earth? the world outlines it very simple - to get healthy, wealthy and
famous. but as Christians we know there is more to life than being healthy, wealthy and
famous. that's not what Christ gives us, I had problems right here with my head, I couldn't
make decisions, I would fall in love but then I would just simply snap out, I was very scared.
God will deliver and change in here and this obsession with who is the right person to marry,
what is the right job, would change your life and I would like to share something with you God’s will in God’s way is whatever. as long as you are in God's way it's whatever, it's like
being on a highway that has five lanes, as long as that highway is headed in the right
direction which lane should I be on, it doesn't matter and so it's not required to go into
fasting and prayer and pleading with God and saying lord, I want to choose the right lane,
God says, I don't care which lane you choose, I am concerned which way you're going to be
on. if you are in God's way, God's way will have different lanes, it will have different options,
Apostle Paul tells, widows in Corinth, he says if your husband passed away, he says, you can
marry anyone, as long as they are in God's highway, meaning in the lord, he didn't say go into
21 they fast, I want you to start pleading with God and ask God for the husband for the one.
he says, marry anyone as long as it's a human being, as long as it's opposite sex, and as long as
they are in Christ, but which one does God want, God is not going to live with them, you will
and she's asking you which one do you want, oh, but what about my job, but I want to
know my calling, I want to know what I should do with my life - as long as you are in
God's way and God's will, it is whatever. so don't swear, don't waste your prayers, pray for
something else more important, and just simply do what the occasion demands. Colossians
3, it says that whatever you do, Paul doesn't say make sure you pray and fast that you know
what to do he says, whatever you do, do as unto the lord. because Paul is recognizing that as
long as you are in God's way God's will, in God's way is whatever. Psalm 1:3, it says this the
righteous man he first doesn't stand, doesn't walk, doesn't sit, he delights in the law of the
lord and in it he meditates day and night he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of living
water, that bears fruit in his season, his leaves will not wither, and then he says this and
whatever he does I understand we've really bought into self-help stuff where like you have to
really match your calling with your gift and you have to your personality, make sure your
inner ground matches your work, and everything all of that and we overcomplicate God's will
and underestimate God's way. God says I’ll bless you. if you are in my way you choose
whichever land you want to be and so instead of being over complicated with what you should
do with your life make sure that your life is headed on the way of God, because the will of
God is very simple. whatever is God's will as long as it's not illegal, as long as it's not immoral,
and as long as it's in line with 1 Samuel Chapter 9 Verses 19, 20.
we're going to read the scripture from First Samuel chapter 9 and verse 19. and we're going
to look a little bit more about God's direction and how to know God's will for our life more
perfectly chapter 9 of First Samuel verse 19. Samuel answered Saul and said I am the seer go
up before me to the high place for you shall eat with me today and tomorrow. I will let you
know I will let you go and tell you what is in your heart - somebody say in your heart - verse
20, but as for your donkeys, that were lost three days ago, do not be anxious for them,
because they've been found. So, Saul comes from a rich family his father’s name is Kish and
he's in charge of donkeys in his family the donkeys get lost and him and his servant are going
finding the donkeys they couldn't find the donkeys for a while and then they went to a
Prophet. and then the Prophet comes to them and I want you to see what he tells them he
says - tomorrow somebody say tomorrow so not right now but tomorrow, i'm going to tell
you what's on your heart, so you would think what's on his heart was donkeys because he
was searching for donkeys, he came to the Prophet because of donkeys, but he said
tomorrow i'll tell you what's on your heart, oh by the way, about the donkeys they've
been found that tells me the donkeys were on his mind, something else was on his heart.
what was on his heart that God told him about tomorrow the next day Samuel and Saul got
up and he tell sir, he tells the servants, i want you to go ahead and then Samuel anoints Saul
with oil into the kingdom, and he tells him he is the King that tells me as a little boy Saul had
something in his heart it was the kingdom now this is crazy Israel has never had a King so
imagine carrying something that has never happened in your nation. I think he was even
embarrassed to admit that he wanted to be a King. I think he battled with that and
sometimes was confused. oh I think it's just pride speaking it's just I want to copy the
other nations, because other nations have Kings, this is just arrogant speaking it was deeply
buried in his heart but what was on his mind is the donkeys, is the responsibilities, is the
problems, the bills to pay, the car loan, the problem with the tire in the car, the wife is
screaming, the husband is demanding, the children are crazy, the boss is unfair, this is unfair
the donkeys were on his mind. he comes to God and God says I want to deal with you, with
what's on your heart but let me first help you get through to your heart by dealing with things
that are on your mind.
1. Purpose is bigger than problems.
The donkeys - if you take a note, write this down - your purpose is always greater than your
problems, your destiny is greater than your donkeys, what’s in your heart is more important
than what's on your mind, the dreams, the desires God places inside of you are more
important than the current needs, and problems, and bills, and responsibilities that you are
facing. The problem with many of us is, we live our whole life chasing donkeys, and God wants
us to live our life to fulfil his purpose and his assignment in our life, to fulfil why we are here
on this earth instead of just make sure that we find our donkeys, make sure I find a spouse,
make sure I have children, make sure I have a truck, make sure that I have a dog, make sure
I have an RV, make sure my vacation is paid for, make sure I have a fat retirement, make sure
that I’m healthy, and my health insurance covers a massage, make sure that my teeth are
white and straight, make sure that this and that that's all donkeys and there's nothing wrong
with finding your donkeys, God is interested in helping you find your donkeys but God wants
to get through the donkeys into the destiny that is inside of your heart, he placed that inside
of your spirit, somebody say amen. When you give your problems into God’s hands, He will
put peace into your heart (Phil. Ch. 4 V. 6-7) when you give your problems into God's hands he
will in return give peace into your heart when Saul couldn't find donkeys, he went to the
Prophet and the Prophet gave him a word, he didn't give him donkeys, he gave him a promise,
he didn't bring him down say, oh by the way they've been hanging out in my barn, no, he
says I’m giving you a word they've been found and don't be anxious for that anymore. when
you come to God with your problem, I want to let you know sometimes God doesn't give you
solution first, he gives you a promise and peace. when promise and peace comes into your
heart, something begins to happen behind the scenes, God is already finding that which
you've been looking, God is already arranging for that which you've been searching, God is
already orchestrating for the things that you've been after, when you give your problems into
God's hand he will give you peace into your heart the scripture says in Philippians is this, do
not be anxious for anything but in everything, by prayer, and thanksgiving, with supplication,
let your requests be known to God and the peace of God which passes understanding will
guard your hearts through Jesus Christ. So what does that mean if you want to have no anxiety
in your heart - the secret is not to have a perfect life the secret, is not to have more degrees
than a thermometer, the secret is not to have connections, the secret is not to have huge
following on social media, the secret is that you have a problem, you bring it to God, and god
doesn't always give you a solution, he gives you a promise, he gives you his presence, he gives
you his peace, the donkeys you are worried about are found, you don't see them but I
promise you they're found. God will give you his peace because - somebody say amen
- Coming to the Lord removes anxiety, staying with the Lord reveals His assignment. coming
to the lord will remove the anxiety, but staying with the lord will reveal his assignment. I want
you to see this Samuel looks at Saul, and says that because you came here donkeys are found,
if you stay overnight, I’ll tell you something more about you that you don't even know. He
stayed overnight, they had a dinner, he didn’t tell him right away Samuel didn't spill the beans,
Samuel didn't unlock all the secrets right away, Samuel says stay overnight. Now, if this would
have been an average Christian, like man I came here and I got what I came for, I got my
donkeys, I’m going to go, I’m going to go meet those donkeys, I’m going to go and tell my dad
I found the donkeys, but Saul understood that yes I came here for donkeys but the Prophet
says there is something more in my life than donkeys and I’m going to stay overnight,
I’m going to dine with the Prophet, I’m going to sleep in his house, and I’m going to see what
else he has for me, not if he has more donkeys for me, but if he has something completely
different like my assignment, my purpose, why I’m here on this earth. many people come to
the lord and they receive temporary blessings from the lord, but when you stay with God you
will see your assignment unlocked. if you come to the lord, he'll deal with your insecurities
but if you stay with God, he will position you for impacting people. who came to Jesus
experienced miracles those who stayed with Jesus, became an extension of his mission on
earth. those that stayed with Jesus became an extension of his kingdom on earth, they shook
the world upside down. Apostle Peter, Apostle John, they did not experience the resurrection
of the dead, they did not experience cleansing of leprosy, they did not experience opening
of the deaf ears and the mute tongue speaking, but they stayed with the lord overnight, they
had a dinner with the Prophet, if I could say they had a dinner with the lord, they stayed with
him, and guess what happened? - they became the extension of his mission on this
earth. where is blind Bartimaeus in book of Acts? where is the woman with an issue of blood
in the book of Acts? where is the Lazarus in the book of Acts? they experienced tremendous
miracles, these miracles gave preachers a bunch of material to preach for many, many, many,
many, many, many, many, years but these miracles didn't extend the mission of Jesus as those
who stayed overnight with the lord. stay with God. maybe you're like, I don't need to fast, my
life is good, your life is good but God's work is not done yet through you. God might have
taken care of your donkeys, but you might need to fast not because you need to find donkeys,
but because God wants to unlock your destiny, he wants to unlock his assignment, he wants
to fulfil his purpose through your life. there is more to life than making money, there is more
to life than being healthy, there is more to life than reaching your dreams, that is more to
life than getting a husband, that is more to life than getting children, there is more to life
than establishing your business, God wants to help you find your donkeys, but God wants to
get through that to help you fulfil your destiny
God's GPS number two is
2. Transformation will happen through association.
Association: I want you to see what happens with Saul, the scripture says in chapter 10 of
this First Samuel in verse 6, the spirit of the lord will come upon you and you will prophesy
with them, 1 Samuel 10:6, and you will be turned into a different man, many times God
packages personal transformation in a community not in a private encounter with him. we
all, especially nowadays, you know people who despise church, were like man I love God but
I hate church, it's like saying, you know you love me but you hate my wife. ah no I’m not
going to work. you can't love God and hate the church and so we live in the lone ranger
Christianity today was like man I don't need the church, I don't need the body but I want you
to notice that, Prophet Samuel does not transform Saul, he directs him to a group where he
will be transformed in the community. Apostle Paul in Second Timothy chapter 2 verse 22 he
says, flee youthful lust but pursue righteousness, peace, joy, peace with those who seek or
call on the name of the lord, out of a pure heart, God wants you to pursue holiness in a
community not in private devotion only. the scripture says in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 and
2, he says we're surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses and then he says let us lay aside
every weight and every sin that easily ensnares us. let us run with endurance the race that
is set before us looking unto Jesus, but I want you to notice before we run before, we lay aside
every sin, before we look to the lord it says we are surrounded by a cloud. your crowd creates
your cloud. anytime you are in the right group it's more important to your spiritual
development than your goals. association breeds importation, what associations do, what
groups do, what close relationships do, your tribe creates your vibe, that's why Sabbath
morning is not enough, these are rows, we all need circles, when you are in the group, when
you grow in a group, when you go to a group, something happens in the group, you come
under influence your friends and family, they have influence. influence has this word in it,
three-letter word has flu, influence works like a flu, you don't get a flu by going to college, you
get a flu by hanging out with somebody who has it. flu is always caught not taught. you don't
get a flu by taking a class in the university, you catch a flu because somebody around you no
matter what education level you are, what social status you are, if they got covid,
you're going to get COVID. that's why we practice social distancing, flu works like that it works
in proximity and that's the way the lord works as well, just like COVID, what God wants you
to do is, God wants to remove six feet distance in your life and he wants you to get close to
other believers. the bible says that a good character is corrupted by a bad company, your tribe
creates your vibe, what you are around right now will create and affect your character
more than your goals. it's good to set goals but focus on something more than goals, your
group, Focus more on your group than your goals, which group are you in. I would encourage
you please, being in a group is where the life will happen. if you say I went to a group honestly
I feel like I stopped in my growth to God because the time for you has come to have your own
group if being in a group has stiffened your growth, you have plateaued in your growth, it's
because you've outgrown to be constantly cared for, you have grown to be a person who
cares for others. there's three stages of spiritual growth the child, youth, and the
father. child is one who needs care, youth is the one who can tie their own shoelaces and
brush their own teeth but the father is the one who not only takes care of himself he takes
care of others. when you stay too long on the youth stage and you say but I go to a group it
doesn't feed me anymore, I’m going to go switch groups, sometimes that's not the
solution. sometimes the solution is you need to switch not groups but switch stages, you
step on the stage when no longer is just about you it's now about somebody else and you will
see new growth taking place in your life. God will transform you through your situations. God
will navigate your life through your associations. every one of us in this room, who we are
today is because of people who loved us or people who didn't. some of us are successful not
because of our connections and educations but it's because somebody around us, loved us,
cared for us, mentored us, prophesied into our life, we were around them and we learned to
prophesy, we were around them and we learned to live holy, we were around them and
we learned to start a business, we were around them and we learned to manage our money,
we were around them and now our marriage is going on nine years versus everybody in our
family didn't make it past two years. Why? because your association brings transformation
and number three
3. Do what the occasion demands.
lastly is do what the occasion demands, the scripture says then the spirit of the lord
will come upon you and you will prophesy with him and you will be turned to a different man,
and let it be when these signs come to you, that you do as the occasion demands for God 1
Samuel 10:7 is with you if you remember I opened my message today talking about God's
will in God's way is whatever. I want you to look at King Saul. King Saul is anointed by
God, and God gives him these three signs: he says the first sign is going to be this - you're
going to meet some men who will tell you the donkeys you're looking for are found - sign
number one. after that you will meet some men who will give you two loaves of bread - sign
number two, and then he says you will meet group of Prophets who will prophesy you
will come into their circle you will start prophesying with them as well - sign number three
and then the Prophet Samuel says this after these signs are completed, he says do as the
occasion demands. he doesn't give him a manual, he doesn't give him five steps, he doesn't
give him a course, he doesn't give him a formula, he simply says do whatever your hand finds
to do. I’m not going to be available for the directions, I’m not going to be available for
instructions, God is with you - when you see these signs, you do whatever your hand finds to
do. I’ve seen in my life, most of the miracles that happened, I never planned for them. most
of the problems that came, I never anticipated. I love to set goals, I love to have dreams, a
vision board, that's me. but many things in my personal life never happened because I had a
goal for them it's because I walked in the holy spirit and I came into a place where the occasion
demanded for me to do something. I did it and miracles started to happen. you're not a selfhelp Christian, you are spirit help Christian. your secret is not in your goals your secret is in
your God. be like Saul when the spirit comes upon your soul, and you see these three signs,
do what the occasion demands. when you're pregnant the occasion will demand something
different, when you're in college occasion will demand something different, when you are
out of a job your occasion will demand something different, everyone's occasion will demand
different things, and it's very important to be full of the Holy Spirit and allow the occasion to
decide what you need to do instead of your plan five-year plan, ten-year plan. I am full by
the Holy Spirit and my occasion demands this and that's what I do. come on somebody When
God doesn’t provide directions, it’s because He has provided you the Driver. practically let's
break this down God doesn't have to give you directions, if he gave you a driver when God
gave you the Holy Spirit, he doesn't need to give you directions all the time. when God gave
Saul the Holy Spirit, Samuel did not need to give Saul step-by-step navigational directions. our
problem of course is that many of us are not under influence of the Holy Spirit and therefore
we demand and depend on directions. because we don't depend on the driver is the Holy
spirit the driver of your life. I’m not talking about do you have him in your heart. I’m
talking about because you can have a driver in the trunk, and you can have a driver behind a
driver's seat, many people have the Holy Spirit packed somewhere in the doctrine of their
understanding, but he's not, and they're not under influence of the Holy Spirit. to have Holy
Spirit upon you, means to have Holy Spirit influence your decisions and influence your life. if
the Holy Spirit is in the driver's seat you don't need to worry about directions you just follow
the Holy Spirit and sometimes it will switch like this and it's completely fine. other people
have a plan you have a driver, other people have goals you have the Holy Spirit, other people
have they can see their future it never works out like we see it never. where are those people
who prophesied the things in 2020 will be like, nothing ever happened like that. life doesn't
work like that - that's why God doesn't always give us a manual he gave us a guide, the Holy
Spirit. number two that i would like to highlight from here if you can't hear God's voice read
the signs, When God doesn’t provide voice navigation, read the signs. the second sign is the
saints - it's the seasoned believers in your life, what do they say about your decision to quit
your job and to start this particular business, what do people you trust say about this person
that you want to get married, what do they say? because God doesn't always have to speak
if he can give you a sign of a mother, a father, or a mentor, or somebody in your life who
honestly you can read what they say. the bible says, in a multitude of counsel there is safety.
another sign is your spirit. a lot of times God doesn't have to speak, what he does is he takes
away your peace. when there is tension pay attention, when there is sense of, we say just
doesn't feel right - as a Christian you have to pay attention to your spirit what is your spirit.
do you have peace after you convinced everyone in your family that's the right decision after
you convince yourself, you turn off the lights and you're on your own in your room, what
does your gut say and sometimes if it says wrong - follow the sign. the bible says, the spirit
of the man is the lamp of the lord.
God's will is so simple, only we complicate it. if we are in his way, his will is whatever. and
if you're not sure just read the signs when you see the sign Saul do what the occasion
demands, do it. what the occasion demands means do whatever your hand finds to do. do
whatever circumstances require. God's will is a lot more simple.