INFORMATICS 1 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Wolfgang Schauer 1 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.1 Definitions Computer Science Computer Science of algorithms that underlie the … is the systematic study of the • acquisition, • feasibility, • representation, • structure, • processing, • expression, and • storage, • mechanization / automation • communication of, and • access to … the study of collecting, organizing, storing, and using electronic information information. Sources: Wolfgang Schauer 2 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.1 Definitions Areas of Computer Science Four areas are considered crucial to the discipline of computer science: • Theory of Computation, • Algorithms and Data Structures, • Programming Methodology and Languages, and • Computer Elements and Architecture Wolfgang Schauer 3 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.1 Definitions Areas of Computer Science Theory of Computation is focused on answering fundamental questions about what can be computed and what amount of resources are required to perform those computations. Algorithms and Data Structures is the study of commonly used computational methods and their computational efficiency. This includes coding theory, that is the study of the properties of codes (systems for converting information from one form to another) and their fitness for a specific application. Programming Methodology and Languages deals with the software development process in general and with the design, implementation, analysis, characterization, and classification of programming languages and their individual features. Computer Elements and Architecture, or digital computer organization, is the conceptual design and fundamental operational structure of a computer system. Source: Wolfgang Schauer 4 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.2 History of Information Processing The Abacus Abacus, first appearance about 1100 BC Source: Wolfgang Schauer 5 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.2 History of Information Processing The Abacus One of the earlier computing devices was the abacus. History tells us that it most likely had its roots in ancient China and was used in the early Greek and Roman civilizations. The machine is quite simple, consisting of beads strung on rods that are in turn mounted in a rectangular frame. As the beads are moved back and forth on the rods, their positions represent stored values. It is in the positions of the beads that this “computer” represents and stores data. For control of an algorithm’s execution, the machine relies on the human operator. Thus the abacus alone is merely a data storage system; it must be combined with a human to create a complete computational machine. Source: J. Glenn Brookshear: Computer Science – An Overview, 11th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2010 Wolfgang Schauer 6 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.2 History of Information Processing Simple framework for computers Derive a little framework from looking at the Abacus: A computer consists of (very simplified): • a defined number system • Some „tools“ for storing and showing „data“ • Some rules for the operations/calculations („Algorithm“) Source: J. Glenn Brookshear: Computer Science – An Overview, 11th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2010 Wolfgang Schauer 7 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.2 History of Information Processing Development of numbers Roman Numerals, 8th century B.C: Letters are used by the ancient Romans for the representation of cardinal numbers (Roman numerals), and still used occasionally today. The integers are represented by the following letters: I (= 1), V (= 5), X (= 10), L (= 50), C (= 100), D (= 500), and M (= 1000). If a numeral is followed by another numeral of lower denomination, the two are added together; if it is preceded by one of lower denomination, the smaller numeral is subtracted from the greater. Thus VI = 6 (V + I), but IV = 4 (V – I). Other examples are XC (= 90), CL (= 150), XXV (= 25), XLIV (= 44). Multiples of a thousand are indicated by a superior bar: thus, V= 5 000, X = 10 000, XD = 490 000, etc. Source: Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition, HarperCollins Publishers, 2012 Wolfgang Schauer 8 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.2 History of Information Processing Development of numbers Hindu-Arabic Numeral System, first centuries A.D The Hindu–Arabic numeral system or Hindu numeral system, a positional decimal numeral system, is the most common system for the symbolic representtation of numbers in the world. It was invented between the 1st and 4th centuries by Indian mathematicians. The system was adopted by Persian mathematicians (MUḤAMMAD IBN MŪSĀ AL-KHWĀRIZMĪ's c. 825 book “On the Calculation with Hindu Numerals”) and Arab mathematicians (AL-KINDI's c. 830 volumes “On the Use of the Hindu Numerals”) by the 9th century. It later spread to medieval Europe by the High Middle Ages. By the way – from the name “AL-KHWĀRIZMĪ” the word “algorithm” was derived. Source: Wolfgang Schauer 9 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.2 History of Information Processing Development of numbers Hindu-Arabic Numeral System, first centuries A.D The Hindu–Arabic system is designed for positional notation in a decimal system. In a more developed form, positional notation also uses a decimal marker (at first a mark over the ones digit but now more usually a decimal point or a decimal comma which separates the ones place from the tenths place), and also a symbol for “these digits recur ad infinitum”. In modern usage, this latter symbol is usually a vinculum (a horizontal line placed over the repeating digits). In this more developed form, the numeral system can symbolize any rational number using only 13 symbols (the ten digits, decimal marker, vinculum, and a prepended dash to indicate a negative number). Source: Wolfgang Schauer 10 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.2 History of Information Processing Development of numbers Decimal Marker Dot (.) Comma (,) Both Arabic decimal separator (`) Data unavailable Source: Wolfgang Schauer 11 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.2 History of Information Processing Calculation Rules of calculation: Adam Ries, 1522 ADAM RIES (1492 – 1559), a German mathematician, wrote his renowned work “Rechnung auff der linihen und federn“. He wrote it not in Latin but in German. Besides calculating on the calculating board, he describes numerical calculations with Indian/Arabic digits. The intended readers were the apprentices of businessmen and craftsmen. Source: Wolfgang Schauer 12 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.2 History of Information Processing Calculation The invention of the Slide Ruler: William Oughtred, 1620 Reverend WILLIAM OUGHTRED and others developed the slide rule in the 17th century based on the emerging work on logarithms by JOHN NAPIER. The slide rule, also known colloquially in the United States as a slipstick, is a mechanical analog computer. The slide rule is used primarily for multiplication and division, and also for functions such as roots, logarithms and trigonometry. Source: Wolfgang Schauer 13 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.2 History of Information Processing Calculation Wilhelm Schickardt‘s Mechanical Calculating Machine, 1623 WILHELM SCHICKARD (1592 - 1632) was a universal scientist and taught biblical languages such as Aramaic as well as Hebrew at Tübingen. In 1631 he was appointed professor of astronomy at the University of Tübingen. His research was broad and included astronomy, mathematics and surveying. He invented many machines such as one for calculating astronomical dates (dedicated to his friend, the astronomer JOHANNES KEPLER) and one for Hebrew grammar. He made significant advances in mapmaking, producing maps that were far more accurate than previously available. Source: Wolfgang Schauer 14 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.2 History of Information Processing Calculation Improving the machines post Schickard, 1642 – 1840 In the timeperiod after the Middle Ages and before the Modern Era the quest for more sophisticated computing machines was seeded. A few inventors began to experiment with the technology of gears. Among these were BLAISE PASCAL (1623–1662) of France, GOTTFRIED WILHELM LEIBNIZ (1646–1716) of Germany, and CHARLES BABBAGE (1792–1871) of England. These machines represented data through gear positioning, with data being input mechanically by establishing initial gear positions. Output from PASCAL’s and LEIBNIZ’s machines was achieved by observing the final gear positions. BABBAGE, on the other hand, envisioned machines that would print results of computations on paper so that the possibility of transcription errors would be eliminated. BABBAGE’s Difference Engine (of which only a demonstration model was constructed) could be modified to perform a variety of calculations, but his Analytical Engine was designed to read instructions in the form of holes in paper cards. Thus, BABBAGE’s Analytical Engine was programmable. In fact, AUGUSTA ADA BYRON (ADA LOVELACE), who published a paper in which she demonstrated how BABBAGE’s Analytical Engine could be programmed to perform various computations, is often identified today as the world’s first programmer. Source: J. Glenn Brookshear: Computer Science – An Overview, 11th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2010 Wolfgang Schauer 15 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.2 History of Information Processing Calculation Pascaline (1642), Technical Drawing in Œuvres de Pascal in 5 volumes, La Haye, 1779 . Source: Wolfgang Schauer 16 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.2 History of Information Processing Calculation Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 – 1716), Calculator for All Four Basic Operations, 1685 Source: t31.0-8/11201147_842792265769314_8384548742405266345_o.jpg Wolfgang Schauer 17 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Information Processing (not only calculations) Jacquard Loom Controlled by a „Chain of Cards“, 1808 Wolfgang Schauer 18 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Information Processing (not only calculations) C. Babagge‘s Difference Engine and Analytical Engine, 1823 … 1837 Wolfgang Schauer 19 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Information Processing (not only calculations) a-53_1446560645903.jpg Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace (two pages of the current British passport) Wolfgang Schauer 20 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Information Processing (not only calculations) J. Glenn Brookshear: Computer Science – An Overview, 11th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2010 Communciating Algorithms through holes in paper: Jacquard and Hollerith, 1801 & 1890 The idea of communicating an algorithm via holes in paper was not originated by BABBAGE. He got the idea from JOSEPH JACQUARD (1752–1834), who, in 1801, had developed a weaving loom in which the steps to be performed during the weaving process were determined by patterns of holes in large thick cards made of wood (or cardboard). In this manner, the algorithm followed by the loom could be changed easily to produce different woven designs. Another beneficiary of JACQUARD’s idea was HERMAN HOLLERITH (1860–1929), who applied the concept of representing information as holes in paper cards to speed up the tabulation process in the 1890 U.S. census. (It was this work by HOLLERITH that led to the creation of IBM – International Business Machines.) Such cards ultimately came to be known as “punched cards” and survived as a popular means of communicating with computers well into the 1970s. Indeed, the technique lives on today, as witnessed by the voting issues raised in the 2000 U.S. presidential election. Wolfgang Schauer 21 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Modern Computing The Breakthrough to Modern Computing: Konrad Zuse, 1910 – 1995 KONRAD ZUSE (1910 – 1995) was a German civil engineer, inventor and computer pioneer. His greatest achievement was the world's first programmable computer; the functional program-controlled “Turing-complete” Z3 became operational in May 1941. Thanks to this machine and its predecessor, the mechanical Z1 (1936), ZUSE has often been regarded as the inventor of the modern computer. ZUSE was also noted for the S2 computing machine, considered the first process control computer. He founded one of the earliest computer businesses in 1941, producing the Z4, which became the world's first commercial computer. From 1943 to 1945 he designed the first high-level programming language, “Plankalkül”. Wolfgang Schauer 22 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.2 History of Information Processing Modern Computing Excursion: Turing-complete – the first description of required simple tasks for computers Alan Turing introduced 1936 a mathematical concept called the Turing machine (a hypothetical computer). This Turing machine consists of a “memory tape”, a moveable write/read head and a command list A computer is called “Turing-complete” if it: a) can read an arbitrary data field b) interprets the read data by a finite table of instructions c) writes some data into the data field (specified by the instructions) d) moves right, or left (, or stops) e) reads the next field f) can be stopped by instruction (see d) A Turing-complete computer can (in theory) solve all computational tasks a computer can be charged with. Wolfgang Schauer 23 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Modern Computing n/10_Rechen-_und_Automationstechnik/415_0_0266-97_kirchner.jpg Konrad Zuse‘s Z1, 1936 Wolfgang Schauer 24 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: http://www.deutsches- 1.2 History of Information Processing Modern Computing ormatik/020_Ausstellung/050_Universalrechner/Z3_Z4/Z3_Relais_1000b_CD_67993.jpg Electromechanical Relays of Zuse‘s Z3, 1941 Wolfgang Schauer 25 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Sources: 1.2 History of Information Processing Modern Computing Zuse‘s Z22, Built with 600 Vacuum Tubes, 1955 Wolfgang Schauer 26 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: J. Glenn Brookshear: Computer Science – An Overview, 11th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2010 1.2 History of Information Processing Modern Computing Other „first computers“ – made in the USA The technology of the time was unable to produce the complex gear-driven machines of PASCAL, LEIBNIZ, and BABBAGE in a financially feasible manner. But with the advances in electronics in the early 1900s, this barrier was overcome. Examples of this progress include the electromechanical machine of GEORGE STIBITZ, completed in 1940 at Bell Laboratories, and the “Mark I”, completed in 1944 at Harvard University by HOWARD AIKEN and a group of IBM engineers. These machines made heavy use of electronically controlled mechanical relays. In this sense they were obsolete almost as soon as they were built, because other researchers were applying the technology of vacuum tubes to construct totally electronic computers. The first of these machines was apparently the Atanasoff-Berry machine, constructed during the period from 1937 to 1941 at Iowa State College (now Iowa State University) by JOHN ATANASOFF and his assistant, CLIFFORD BERRY. Other machines, such as the “ENIAC” (electronic numerical integrator and calculator) developed by JOHN MAUCHLY and J. PRESPER ECKERT at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, soon followed (1946). Wolfgang Schauer 27 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: J. Glenn Brookshear: Computer Science – An Overview, 11th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2010 1.2 History of Information Processing Modern Computing ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Automatic Calculator, 1946 Wolfgang Schauer 28 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: J. Glenn Brookshear: Computer Science – An Overview, 11th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2010 1.2 History of Information Processing Modern Computing Harvard Mark I, 1944 Wolfgang Schauer 29 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: J. Glenn Brookshear: Computer Science – An Overview, 11th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2010 1.2 History of Information Processing Modern Computing Technological advancements in electronics fuelled computers The history of computing machines has been closely linked to advancing technology, including the invention of transistors (for which physicists WILLIAM SHOCKLEY, JOHN BARDEEN, and WALTER BRATTAIN were awarded a Nobel Prize) and the subsequent development of complete circuits constructed as single units, called integrated circuits (for which JACK KILBY also won a Nobel Prize in physics). With these developments, the room-sized machines of the 1940s were reduced over the decades to the size of single cabinets. At the same time, the processing power of computing machines began to double every two years (a trend that has continued to this day). Wolfgang Schauer 30 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Modern Computing Patent for Integrated Circuit by Jack Kilby, 1964 Wolfgang Schauer 31 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Sources:, 1.2 History of Information Processing Modern Computing From Relais to Chip Wolfgang Schauer 32 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: J. Glenn Brookshear: Computer Science – An Overview, 11th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2010; Paul E. Ceruzzi: A History of Modern Computing, 2nd ed., The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2003 1.2 History of Information Processing Personal Computers 1976 – the birth-hour of personal computers (PCs) A personal computer (PC) is a general-purpose computer whose size, capabilities, and price make it feasible for individual use. PCs are intended to be operated directly by an end-user with only a general knowledge of computers, rather than by a computer expert or technician. The origins of these machines can be traced to the computer hobbyists who built homemade computers from combinations of chips. It was within this “underground” of hobby activity that STEVE JOBS and STEPHEN WOZNIAK built a commercially viable home computer and, in 1976, established Apple Computer, Inc. (now Apple Inc.) to manufacture and market their products. Other companies that marketed similar products were Commodore, Heathkit, and Radio Shack. In January 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh in a legendary commercial during the Super Bowl, in which Apple promised that the Macintosh would prevent the year 1984 from being the technological dystopia forecast by Orwell’s novel 1984. The computer was sold for $2,495. It was more expensive than an IBM PC, but no PC at that time, no matter what software or boards users added, could offer the graphical interface of the Macintosh. The Macintosh used a Motorola 68000 microprocessor. The computer came with a single disk drive, using the new 3 1/2-inch form, a high-resolution black-on-white monitor, a mouse, and 128K of memory. A few programs were announced at the same time: a ‘‘paint’’ (drawing) program, based on work done at Xerox-PARC on a Data General Nova, and a word processor that came close to WYSIWYG. Wolfgang Schauer 33 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 1.2 History of Information Processing Personal Computers Source:,,, Apple 1, Apple II, Lisa, Macintosh, 1976 … 1984 Wolfgang Schauer 34 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source:$re-medium-zoom$ 1.2 History of Information Processing Personal Computers Paul E. Ceruzzi: A History of Modern Computing, 2nd ed., The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2003 Apple, 1976 – Microsoft, 1978 Wolfgang Schauer 35 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source:$re-medium-zoom$ 1.2 History of Information Processing Personal Computers Paul E. Ceruzzi: A History of Modern Computing, 2nd ed., The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2003 The first mass market „PCs“: C64 1982 - 1994, Atari 1985 - 1994, Sinclair ZX Spectrum 1982 - 1992 Wolfgang Schauer 36 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: Source: J. Glenn Brookshear: Computer Science – An Overview, 11th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2010; 1.2 History of Information Processing Personal Computers 1981 – the introduction of „PCs“ called PCs to the market In 1981, IBM introduced its first desktop computer, called the personal computer, or PC, who used the Intel 8088 microprocessor (a variant of the Intel 8086) and whose underlying software was developed by a newly formed company known as Microsoft. The PC was an instant success and legitimized the desktop computer as an established commodity in the minds of the business community. Today, the term “PC” is widely used to refer to all those machines (from various manufacturers) whose design has evolved from IBM’s initial desktop computer, most of which continue to be marketed with software from Microsoft. At times, however, the term “PC” is used interchangeably with the generic terms desktop, laptop or notebook. The IBM PC was a highly modular design, so upgrades to the graphics hardware or storage technology could be added by inserting or replacing an expansion card. This wasn't the case with most of the highly integrated personal computers of that time, like the Atari 800. The IBM PC was also an "open standard" in that the specifications were published, the operating system and BIOS were available from third parties, and it was possible to develop add-ons for the PC—or even complete clones of the PC—without obtaining a license from IBM. This gave other manufacturers a "reference design" that they could start with, while competing on the implementation. As "IBM compatibles" became more popular, it also made life easier for software vendors, because they could focus on a single platform and exploit its capabilities, instead of developing for multiple platforms and taking a "least common denominator" design approach. Wolfgang Schauer 37 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Personal Computers 6a07aa989a7e1a18fca7acae341d1631-200562770-1.jpg IBM-PC 5150, 1981 Wolfgang Schauer 38 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: J. Glenn Brookshear: Computer Science – An Overview, 11th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2010 1.2 History of Information Processing The Internet 1990 – the next disruption: the Internet As the twentieth century drew to a close, the ability to connect individual computers in a world-wide system called the Internet was revolutionizing communication. In this context, TIM BERNERS-LEE (a British scientist) proposed a system, i.e. HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol), HTML (hypertext markup language), and ENQUIRE (a kind of a wiki), by which documents stored on computers throughout the Internet could be linked together producing a maze of linked information called the World Wide Web. To make the information on ource: J. Glenn Brookshear: Computer Science – An Overview, 11th ed., Addison-Wesley, the Web accessible, software systems, called search engines, were developed to “sift through” the Web, “categorize” their findings, and 2010 then use the results to assist users researching particular topics. The Internet itself originated from research projects going back to the early 1960s. The goal was to develop the ability to link a variety of computer networks so that they could function as a connected system that would not be disrupted by local disasters. Much of this work was sponsored by the U.S. government through the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Over the years, the development of the Internet shifted from a government-sponsored project to an academic research project, and today it is largely a commercial undertaking that links a worldwide combination of LANs, and WANs involving millions of computers. Wolfgang Schauer 39 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source:; 1.2 History of Information Processing The Internet; Wolfgang Schauer 40 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing The Internet bid-1.4377917, , Today‘s Computers, e.g. Ultrabooks, Raspberry Pi, Smartphones Wolfgang Schauer 41 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: J. Glenn Brookshear: Computer Science – An Overview, 11th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2010 1.2 History of Information Processing The Internet 1999 – the triumphant success of Smartphones began Perhaps the most potentially revolutionary application of computer miniaturization is found in the expanding capabilities of portable telephones. Smartphones started to appear in the late 90ies – however, the success and breakthrough of this technology was mainly due to the iPhones, which appeared in 2007. Indeed, what was recently merely a telephone has evolved into a small hand-held general-purpose computer known as a smartphone on which telephony is only one of many applications. These “phones” are equipped with a rich array of sensors and interfaces including cameras, microphones, GPS (global positioning system), compasses, touch screens, accelerometers (to detect the phone’s orientation and motion), and a number of wireless technologies to communicate with other smartphones and computers. Wolfgang Schauer 42 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Statistics Processing Power is growing quickly Gordon Moore, co founder of Intel, postulated in 1965 the “Moore’s Law”: • “The density of transistors in an integrated circuit is doubling every two years” • So far, the law holds true – in reality doubling cycles have been in between one and two years • Now the roadmaps of Intel, AMD and alike have somewhat slowed down Wolfgang Schauer 43 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Statistics Every ten years a new, more powerful generation of computers was born Wolfgang Schauer 44 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: Saschas Brain 1.2 History of Information Processing Statistics This boost was mainly fuelled from two dimensions Wolfgang Schauer 45 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Quantum Computers However, physics is increasingly playing tricks on us… …the end of scaling? Wolfgang Schauer 46 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: Saschas Brain 1.2 History of Information Processing Quantum Computers What is happening? …High Frequency Physics and Quantum Mechanics… High frequency limitations: Quantum mechanics limitations: • Frequencies in computers are limited due to two mechanisms, • Integrated circuits use the properties of “solid state” which are related to the properties of high frequency electronics • Energy dissipation increases with high frequencies (leading to a temperature increase in the device) • Energy loss from radiation limits signal transmission and therefor usable frequencies • With increasing miniaturization, structures however reach dimensions of only a few atoms (e.g. solid state research works on 7 nm structures equals less than 13 atoms of Si) • This is not the regime of “solid state physics” any more, but the regime of quantum mechanics! Hence, classical design does not work any more (tunneling effects etc.) How to solve that? Wolfgang Schauer 47 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Quantum Computers Quantum Computers – stories from the future (?) … • Quantum computers are still a field of research – real application remains unclear • However, they especially use the properties of single atoms and quantum mechanics Wolfgang Schauer 48 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Quantum Computers …or just change the paradigme – „HP the Machine“ • HP, struggling from the changes in the market has started an immense endeavor to create a new computer generation. The project is called “the Machine” • It could become a make or break affair for HP • The machine has fully new concepts, changing the typical processor-centric computer architecture into a memory centric architecture • Furthermore, lots of photonics is used for signal exchange • Here is a movie from 2018 about that Wolfgang Schauer 49 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Internet of Things However, future performance scaling might arise from clouds – the Internet of Things Wolfgang Schauer 50 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Internet of Things The next disruption?! – the Internet of Things (IoT) – 2015 – 2020(???) The Internet of things (IoT) is a concept that aims to extend the benefits of the regular Internet – constant connectivity, remote control ability, data sharing, etc. – to goods in the physical world. Foodstuffs, electronics, appliances, collectibles: All would be tied to local and global networks through embedded sensors that are “always on”. The term Internet of Things was coined in 1999 by KEVIN ASHTON, a British technology pioneer who helped develop the concept. In order for objects to interface with the existing Internet, they must have some means to connect. This is being done largely via radio- frequency identification (RFID) chips, although other means are also being used, including barcodes, QR codes, and wireless connection systems like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. ABI Research, a market research firm, says that more than 30 billion devices will form an Internet of things by 2020. Wolfgang Schauer 51 1. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Source: 1.2 History of Information Processing Internet of Things Wolfgang Schauer 52