OET FUTURE LAND NOTES The rapid way to pass OET exam 12/2018 1 :tada: To All New Future Land's Members :tada: :rotating_light: Please, Please, please read every word written here to understand how and from where to start. :vertical_traffic_light: If you do every thinks written here, you will save a lot of time :watch: and effort :wrench: and avoid a lot of confusion:jack_o_lantern: and delusion:ghost: . This Future land's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQZqjMNeZZKHZhC5ol5NEA/playlists?disable_polym er=1 :hatched_chick: For writing:memo: , please watch those 3 videos on youtube first 1OUe9aQ1YBqAcyZrgTe&t=1397s 2OUe9aQ1YBqAcyZrgTe&t=1594s 3OUe9aQ1YBqAcyZrgTe&t=17s ;then do any task from the recalls and watch the video for its correction on YouTube. You can also discuss with your college here. You can correct your letter with any organization that you feel suitable for you.( we will aa ched leer s corr ect ed by 5 differ ent organizations, see which one you feel the best for you). The goal is writing as much as you can. DON'T FORGET ALL THE TIME WRITE IN THE OFFICAL OET Papers to get the sense of 180-220words where it is should be finished. :balloon: For the doctor whom is not good enough in Grammars: read and watch those 6 Videos from Oetonline web site.( download the PDF solve it THEN watch the videos.)Also, it If you are too busy, please watch Course2 grammar lectures 2&3). https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1L0XTQemzQepyKYYHQtItPMZHWjrGk8G :whale: For speaking:microphone:: watch the last 5 videos for the new criteria (Speaking criteria from A-E) on future land channel and the one on E2language YouTube site then, attend the speaking sessions on the group( ﺳﺎﻋﺔ١٢ ﻓﻲ أﻏﻠب اﻻوﻗﺎت ﻧﻌﻠن ﻋن ﻣوﻋد أي اﻟﻠﻘﺎء ﻗﺑﻠﺔ ﺑـ ﺗﻘرﯾﺑﺎ وﯾﻛون ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣوﻗﻊWWW.ZOOM.us Practice :mountain_bicyclist::surfer::swimmer: with your colleges daily for 1 hour. Never stop taking. :dart: ( we have 3 PDF books called: 1- OET Future Land Full Book Final Edition December 2018. 2- Speaking-OET-futureland-new 3- (4- WRITING ALL NEEDED NOTES) you will find all the speaking cards :black_joker: and writing tasks:golf: in these both books. You will find them in the next links. :hatching_chick: For reading and listening, you should do them by yourself. The links for the material are attached to this announcement. (Do not forget to watch the E2 language tips regarding the listening and reading part only.) Don't waste your time with the writing videos parts. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN9T41BdSxRqeab4sg_ezzg/videos :shell: Those are the recommended material and their links; دي اﻻﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﻘرﯾﺑﺔ ﻣن اﻻﻣﺗﺣﺎن: 1- 2 Free Sample tests from the OET official web site 2- one test (official web site Pracc e test 4) 3- 3 tests from E2language 4- 3 tests from OET pracc e book 5- 1 test from Kaplan 6- most of the OET-online.com test if not all of them( 7 tests) :smirk: So we have 17 recommend tests which are more than enough:boom::sparkles: If you finished those books you can try this material : 6- OET-Preparation-Book_-Reading-Sub-Test_-Volume-1-Anna-Hartford ( reading only) 7- 3 test from ADEL's OET Pracc e Book 8- 25 test from (28 set OET 2.0 Reading)( reading only) 1hp s : //dr i ve. googl e. com/ dr i ve/ fol der s/1j 3UQk nSi 2dGr gJ RaMN E gf W d s a6Hi 4kxL?us p=s har i n g OR او 2- https://mega.nz/?fbclid=IwAR1Tr3SyHo1fBJpuYzykGAx7xi2OanfE8rDfrmKre_BC92n1xE6gJJ1dE0#F!6PBkDKoQ!BrnfVQpI4m93ftam1IeVZg :rotating_light:( please note that: 1- We have 1discharge lee r in the E2 samp l es and anot her 2 in the Kapl an book. 2- Don’t wasting your time on British academic or Medcity material there useless. 3- Don't wasting your time looking for another material or groups unless you finished all this material. ) 4- ﻟو راح ﺗﺷﺗرك ﻣﻊ ﻣوﻗﻊ ﺗﺻﻠﯾﺢ ﻛﺗﺎﺑﺎت اﺑدء ﻗﺑل اﻹﻣﺗﺣﺎن ﺑﺷﮭر او ﺷﮭرﯾن :barber: NO PAIN :grimacing: NO GAIN:muscle: :checkered_flag::tada::crossed_flags::balloon: All the best ﻛل اﻟﺷﻛر ﻟﻛل ﻣن ﺳﺎھم ﺑرﻓﻊ او ﺗﺟﻣﯾﻊ اﻟﻣواد اﻟﻣوﺟودة ھﻧﺎ و ﺑﺎرك ﷲ ﻓﯾﮭم وﻓﯾﻛم ﺟﻣﯾﻌﺎ. ﷲَ ﱠ ُ ﻟَﮫ ُ ﺑِﮫِ ط َر ِ ﯾﻘًﺎ إﻟَﻰ و َ ﻣ َن ْ ﺳ َ ﻠَك َ ط َر ِ ﯾﻘًﺎ ﯾ َ ﻠْﺗ َ ﻣ ِس ُ ﻓِﯾﮫِﻋ ِ ﻠْﻣ ًﺎ ﺳ َ ﮭﱠل،ِ و َ ﷲ َ ﱠ ُ ﻓِﻲ ﻋ َو ْ ن ِ اﻟْﻌ َ ﺑ ْ د ِ ﻣ َﺎ ﻛ َﺎن َ اﻟْﻌ َ ﺑ ْ د ُ ﻓِﻲ ﻋ َو ْ ن ِ أَﺧِﯾﮫ: ﻗﺎل اﻟرﺳول ِاﻟْﺟ َ ﻧ ﱠ ﺔ ﻻ ﺗﻧﺳوﻧﺎ ﻣن ﺻﺎﻟﺢ دﻋﺎﺋﻛم ﺑﺎﻟﺗوﻓﯾق ﻟﻠﺣﻣﯾﻊ. :ﻷاي ﺗﻌﻠﯾق او اﻗﺗراح اﻟرﺟﺎء اﻟﺗواﺻل ﻣﻊ اﻷﻣﯾل اﻟﺗﺎﻟﻲ oetfutureland@gmail.com Table of content 1.OET Future Land Notes 2.Speaking Official book cards Recalls 2014 cards Recalls 2015 cards 3.Writing Writing grammar Samples of official book Recalls of 2014 1.2014 2.2014 3.2014 5.2014 6.2014 7.2014 8.2014 9.2014 10.2014 11.2014 Recalls of 2015 1.2015 2.2015 3.2015 4.2015 5.2015 6.2015 7.2015 8.2015 9.2015 10.2015 2 3. Writing وهو عبارة عن طلب خطاب تحويل (غالبا) أو خطاب خروج أو إرشادات لمقدمي الرعاية للمريض مثل دار المسنين يتكون من 200-180كلمة 10 ±كلمات والزمن المتاح لقراءة notesهو 5دقائق ثم 40دقيقة لكتابة الخطاب مالحظات هامة: .1يجب أن تختار templateللخطاب وتتدرب عليه كثيرا وسأذكر هنا ال templateالذي ذكرته أ .نسمة وفي البداية يجب مذاكرة templateجيدا ووضعها أمامك قبل كتابة أي خطاب ثم التدريب على كتابة الخطابات بقراءة notesأوال ثم قراءة بعض كتابات الزمالء الذين نجحوا في االختبار ثم تكتب أنت الخطاب بنفسك وهناك مذكرة مرفقة بها نماذج اختبارات 2015 &2014مع أمثلة من إجابات الزمالء طبعا هي ليست نموذجية ولكنها مفيدة للغاية. .2يجب أن تختار من notesما يتعلق بتخصص الطبيب الذي تحول له المريض وتتجاهل باقي notes .3كل paragraphيجب أن يشتمل على أكثر من جملة و sentence passiveأكثر من activeمثل … blood tests were ordered, she was instructed to commence .4لو الخطاب يحتوي على ثالثة أخطاء punctuationأو ثالثة أخطاء grammarأو أربعة أخطاء متنوعة يرسب الممتحن قبل أن يتم قراءة الخطاب فيجب مالحظة أخطاء grammarالصغيرة مثل أوات التعريف ومتى تكتب aومتى ال تكتبها فمثال familyتكتب قبلها aاذا كنت تريد العائلة الصغيرة وال تكتبها اذا كنت تقصد العائلة الكبيرة وكذلك األزمنة ونفيها فال تنسى اضافة sللفعل في المضارع البسيط مع he, she, it مثال وتذكر أن نفي I haveاذا كان في الماضي البسيط يكون did not haveأما اذا كانت الجملة الماضي التام فتكون had not hadوكذلك اذا عطفت كلمتين فال بد أن تكون من نفس النوع فال يصح عطف noun and adjectiveمثال وهكذا وهناك مذكرة مرفقة لجزء الكتابة بكورس OETممتازة خاصة في توضيح األخطاء الشائعة وكيفية تجنبها. .5يبدأ حساب الكلمات من بداية الخطاب نفسه مثل … Thank you for seeingوالعنوان ال يحسب وكذلك Yours sincerelyالتي تكتب في النهاية أيضا ال تحسب وثالثة كلمات أو أكثر يمكن كتابتهم كاختصار مثل URTIويحسب كلمة واحدة والتاريخ مثل 2017/12/15يحسب كلمة واحدة أيضا وحروف التعريف مثل a, anيحسبون كلمة كذلك .6ينبغي استخدام formal vocabularyمثل : informبدال من tellوكذلك commenceبال من start .7في introduction & conclusionيفضل عدم ذكر أي تفاصيل. .8ال تنسى أن تترك سطر فارغ من الكلمات بعد كل paragraphوقبل وبعد تاريخ اليوم وأول سطر في الخطاب تترك فراغ يسير على يسار السطر .9مهم جدا punctuationومتى تضع ( (; or , or .ومتى تكتب الحرف كبير Aأو صغير aفمثال أي كلمة تبدأها بعد ( ).تكون بحرف كبير Aوكلمة butيأتي قبلها ,وبعدها جملة تامة بينما andال يكتب قبلها , 8 : التدريب على أدوات الربط وأهمها التاليwriting من األشياء الهامة في10. 1. Fortunately, unfortunately, luckily, unluckily, regrettably, unexpectedly ),( بدونverb to be ) أو قبل الفعل الرئيسي وبعدcomma ,( وهذه الكلمات تأتي في بداية الكالم وبعدها 2. In addition to, beside, together with, along with noun or gerund ) قبلها أو بعدها والذي يأتي بعدها إما,( وهذه الكلمات تأتي بدون 3. (Moreover, furthermore=and) (However, nevertheless=but) (Thus, therefore=so) ) بخالف بعض,( ) وبعدهاsemicolon ;( ) وفي وسط الكالم قبلها,( هذه الكلمات في بداية الكالم بعدها :الكلمات التي تستخدم في الربط أيضا مثل Please note,... It is important to… Please ensure that… It is worth mentioning that.. المذكور هناك خيارات عدة توضع بين قوسين ( ) كبديل للجملة األولى وذلك لتختارtemplate في11. كلمة على األقل أما إذا كانت180 قليلة فتختار الجملة الطويلة لتصل الىnotes بينها في حالة إذا كانت كلمة وهذان مثاالن200 كثيرة وهو األغلب فتختار الجمل الصغيرة لتختصر الكلمات وال تزيد عنnotes :للجملة الصغيرة والكبيرة Your further management is highly appreciated/ I would be grateful if you could manage her condition as you think appropriate. كلمة وكالهما يؤدي نفس المعني14 كلمات فقط أما الثانية بها6 فالجملة األولى بها For any queries, please contact me. / please do not hesitate to contact me for any assistance you require regarding this patient. كلمة15 كلمات والجملة الثانية بها6 وهنا أيضا الجملة األولى بها :وكذلك عند ذكر عالجات كثيرة لألمراض التي يعاني منها المريض ممكن تكتب بعد ذكر األمراض Which have been managed accordingly/ for which she has been taking…. فالجملة األولى مختصرة والثانية تطويل ألنك ستذكر األدوية بالتفصيل : طريقة حساب الدرجة كما هو مذكور بالموقع الرسمي.12 Your performance is scored against five criteria and receives a band score for each criterion: • • • • • Overall Task Fulfillment Appropriateness of Language Comprehension of Stimulus Linguistic Features (grammar and cohesion) Presentation Features (spelling, punctuation, layout). 9 OET writing template Dr Lisa Smith 1. Address 2. Introduction Mainly 2 sentences (25-30 words) 3. Body 1 Social and medical history (45-50 words) Mainly present 4. Body 2 In between visits (45-50words) Mainly past 5. Body 3 Final visit (today) (45-50 words) Mainly past 6. Conclusion Endocrinologist City Hospital New town 10/02/2018 Dear Dr Smith Re: Mrs. Priya Sharma DOB 08/05/1952 (or aged 35 years) Doctor’s name/Admitting officer (if doctor’s name not given) specialty address Today’s date Dear (doctor’s name) Re:(patient’s name) DOB/age (if DOB not present) 1. Thank you for seeing Mrs. Sharma (family name) (I am writing this letter to refer you Mrs…), 2. a/an 42-year-old accountant, 3. whose features are consistent with (whose features are suggestive of) (who has recently developed) (who is presenting with symptoms and signs suggestive of). 4. Your further management would be highly appreciated (I would be grateful if you could manage her condition as you think appropriate). 1. Mrs Sharma is married (widowed) with two children, 2. Regarding her medical history she suffers from (she has medical history of) (whose medical records show that she has a long history of) (her past medical history reveal that) (her past medical is unremarkable apart from 3. for which she has been taking (Which has been managed accordingly) . Please note, (It is worth mentioning that) the patient has an allergy to... 1. On 15/01/2018, 2. the patient attended my surgery with (presented with) (came complaining of) a two days history of… 3. ;thus (therefore), …….one month later, he developed…. later on, ... Today, Ms Sharma came complaining of ….. Her examination revealed ….. Thus, …. 1. In view of the above, (My provisional diagnosis is)… ; therefore, 2. I am referring this patient for further management of her condition. 3. For any queries, please contact me. (please do not hesitate to contact me for any assistance you require regarding this patient). Yours sincerely, Doctor …… . 10 4. Speaking في البداية هناك تمهيد في خمسة دقائق وهو يعتبر تهيئة نفسية لك لالختبار وغير محسوب في الدرجة وهو دردشة عادية مع الممتحن عن تخصصك واألشياء التي تحبها فيه ولماذا تدخل االختبار ...الخ أما االختبار نفسه فهو حالتين role playكل حالة تقرأ notesفي ثالثة دقائق ومعك قلم رصاص تعلم به على األشياء الهامة أو تكتب أي شيء تريد تذكره أثناء المحادثة وكذلك يمكنك سؤال الممتحن عن أي استفسار في الورقة ثم االختبار نفسه ويفترض أن تنهي كل notesفي وقت ال يقل عن 4دقائق وال يزيد عن 5دقائق ونصف. مالحظات هامة: .1الممتحن ليس هو من يضع الدرجة بل يتم تسجيل االختبار وارساله ألستراليا ويتم وضع الدرجة من اثنين مقيمين على حدة هناك فيمكنك أن تنظر في الورقة المكتوب فيها notesطوال االختبار وعدم االنشغال بالممتحن والمهم هو انهاء notesخالل الوقت المتاح مع األخذ في الحذر أن الوقت غالبا يكون قليل وممكن ينتهي قبل أن تنهي .task .2المريض نوعان :مريض تلقاه للمرة األولى وهذا هو األغلب ونادرا ما يأتي مريض للمتابعة والفرق الوحيد بينهما في طريقة تقديم نفسك له في مقدمة المحادثة وكذلك هناك مريض صعب وكثير االعتراض reluctantوهذا هو األكثر ومريض عادي يستجيب لكالمك بسالسة وهذا األقل وفي حالة المريض الصعب يجب أن تحتويه وتظهر تفهمك له وممكن تعيد صياغة الكالم بشكل مختلف وتبين مخاوفك لو لم يستجب للعالج كما سيأتي في speaking templateوفي الغالب االعتراض سيستمر ألربعة أو خمسة مرات على األكثر ثم يستجيب ألنه أيضا محكم بالوقت. .3ابدأ بتقديم نفسك ثم أخذ historyبشكل مختصر ال يزيد عن ثالثة أسئلة ثم تتبع النقاط المذكورة في الكارت وأهم شيء تنهي كامل النقاط الموجودة في الكارت خالل الوقت وفي جملة التشخيص الزم تشرح أي مصطلح طبي وتظهر نفسك طبيعي ولست تحفظ بعض الجمل وتسمعها في االختبار ومن حين ال خر البد من استخدام أحد جمل اختبار فهم المريض ومتابعته لك وطمأنته إذا أظهر التخوف من التشخيص. .4الممارسة هي كلمة السر في النجاح فحاول أن تدريب كثيرا مع الزمالء على role playومرفق بالمذكرة 75 cardsللتدريب عليها هي عبارة عن .cards of recalls of 2014&2015 and official book .5ال يهم accentبريطاني أو أمريكي أو استرالي المهم نطق الكلمة بشكل صحيح .6نموذج المحادثة speaking templateسيكون مفيدا جدا في البداية لصياغة كل taskبشكل جيد. .7تقييم المحادثة يكون على خمسة أشياء رئيسية لذا ال تحاول التوسع في الكالم والشرح خارج نطاق الكارت ألنه ال يقيس معلوماتك بل هذه األشياء الخمسة وهذا النص التالي نقال من الموقع الرسمي لالختبار: Your performance on each of the two role-plays is scored against five criteria and receives a band score for each criterion: & (1. Overall Communicative Effectiveness, 2.Intelligibility, 3.Fluency, 4.Appropriateness )5.Resources of Grammar and Expression. 11 Speaking introduction 1. Why are you taking the OET exam? Actually, I am taking the OET exam to complete the Australian Medical Council registration process. 2. How long have you been working as a physician? I am working as a physician for 12 years now. 6 years in Egypt and the other 6 years in Saudi Arabia. 3. What about your working hours? Well, I am working for 8 hours every day from Sunday to Thursday every week. 4. Why did you choose medicine as a career? A lot of reasons really. Medicine is a very respectful job and it gives you the chance to help people. From the economic view, it earns good money. 5. What about your specialty? And why? Well, it was a big conflict for me. I like all parts of medicine. I was hesitated to choose one specialty and leave the others. At last, I found my target on family medicine as on family medicine you practice all. 6. What is your advice for fresh graduates? Oooh, the most important advice is to choose their specialty carefully and to choose what they actually like to do as they will spend the rest of their life doing it. To be always update themselves with the recent guidelines, science and education will not stop with graduation. 7. How to be a successful physician? It is an important question. From my point of view, I think this need a lot of efforts and much contributing factors. For example, you need to do fewer mistakes in your practice, the fewer mistake you do the better you will be. A well-established relationship with your patients is mandatory also. And you need to understand your patient’s needs and concern and always pay sympathy for their suffers. Last but not least, be always familiar with recent updates guidelines. 8. What was the last training you had? Let me see. On academic, I passed the Australian Medical Council exam part one on June 2017. On practical side, I got the ACLS Advanced Cardiopulmonary Life Support Course on October 2017. 9. What is the recent medical advance you heard about? 12 Speaking Role Play Template 1. Introduction ► 2. Sympathy &History ► 3. Diagnosis ► 4. Management► 5. Reassurance 6. Reluctant patient ► 7. Checking understanding Ending ►8. Sign posting ► 9. Ending & 10. Special cases 1. Introduction: Good afternoon, my name is doctor …. , I am the treating doctor for today. How can I help you? FU visit: Good afternoon, nice to meet you again. How are you so far? //How can I help you? 2. Sympathy & History: A. Starting: Oh, I am really sorry to hear that, it must have been very painful/ it must be stressful for you but can I ask you some questions first if you don’t mind? all right Mr. … I appreciate your (fears, worries, concern, etc.) would you mind if I ask you a few further questions regarding this situation? B. Clarify: * What about appetite? Are you eating well? * Do you have // Have you had any symptoms like …? Could you describe the pain? Does it occur all the time or just now and again? * Does anything special make it worse or relieve it? Does anything seem to bring it on or aggravate it? C. Site: * Which part of your body is affected? * Could you tell me where the pain is? * Can you tell me where it hurts? D. Duration: When did it start? How long have you had it// been suffering from this problem// been feeling like that? E. End of history: * Have you tried/taken any medication for it? * Is there anything else that is bothering you? 3. Diagnosis: A. Well, based on your symptoms and after examination, I believe that you have what is called …. , and let me explain …. * You are suffering from a condition known as… have you ever heared of that? * The X ray indicates that you have ….. // the tests show that it is probably a condition known as ….. and let me explain…. B. It is a condition caused by …. The symptoms include ….. the best treatment is... 4. Management: A. I think we would start with … I will give you a prescription for ... I’ll write a referral letter to … We will run some tests to see … B. First of all …… it is also important to …. do you think you can do it? C. There are some very effective strategies to cope with …… I would like to explain them for you Is that okay? D. I see that must be a very difficult situation for you but the good news is that there are several options available which will help you. Would you like to hear more about that? D. It is a good time to start …. , in terms of ……. , it will be necessary for you to… 13 5. Reassurance: Finally, after agreement: I’m pleased to hear that. Now … * Rest assured, this is quite a common It is nothing to get alarmed about… * Let me reassure you that eczema is self- 7. Checking understanding: 1. Is that clear // am I clear so far? // How * Don’t worry, if you can follow my does that sound// Am I clear till now? advice you will get much better soon. 2. Do you think you can do that // Do you * Don’t worry it will go away by itself in a feel comfortable about my advice? few days with some rest. 3. Do you have any question so far // * I know it sounds difficult at first but would you like me to tell you more about with practice, I am sure you will be able to that? * I am sure you won’t have any more trouble 8. Signposting: * The staff here are very experienced and will take good care of you. A. First of all … * as I said before // as I told you earlier … 6. Reluctant Patient: B. I’m concerned about your smoking habit. It is important to // necessary to stop A. I really appreciate your concern smoking * I can understand your worries * I have to highlight/ emphasize the * I know how you feel but let me … importance of … it is very beneficial for B. I completely understand your busy you. time, but your health is my priority, what * I recommend that // I strongly advice is more important your health or your job? that you should lose weight. so I think you should find some time to… C. For this reason … therefore..., so… What is more important the risk of …or… however…, in addition... also..., now… C. Let me assure you, if you follow my D. that is a good question and let me advice the risk of heart attack will be explain to you that … greatly reduced; however, if you do not * It is a good idea to… follow my advice and continue to smoke then the risk of heart attack is much 9. Ending: higher. you don’t want that to happen, do you? A. Do you have any more question? D. Let me explain to you why the insulin * Hope you feel better soon. therapy is necessary for you. E. Of course you will need to continue… However, I don’t think …. will be helpful * Wish you a speed recovery. in your situation. I would prefer B. I would like to see you in a week, don’t alternatives. *I understand … but let me explain to you hesitate to call me if you have any concerns. why it is not a good choice for you to … limited. 14 10. Special Cases 1. Breaking bad news: 4. Quit smoking: Now in order to quit smoking, I A. June, we have the test results back recommend that you attend our and I’m sorry to tell you that the cause hospital’s quit smoking program. They of your symptoms could be more run regular classes and I can tell you serious than you think and that is a risk that it has helped many patients that …. succeed in giving up smoking. Would B. I realize that this come as a shock to you like to do that? you (pause) 5. Alcohol addiction: C. It is a very important that we do a Is quite a serious condition, and you few further investigations including … really need some outside support to D. Fortunately, we caught it early and help you overcome this. Therefore, I there are some treatment options such recommend that you contact alcoholics as chemotherapy. anonymous, or I can contact them on E. We will keep a close on you and be your behalf, and arrange an sure you are in very good hands. appointment. How does that sound?5. F. It may be a good idea to talk to 6. Starting insulin: someone about this. Do you have any I understand that self-injecting insulin relative or close friend who can help can be challenging at first, but at our you and provide support? clinic we run weekly training programs which are run by our nurses. They can 2. Refer to a dietician: take you through the process step by Now regarding your diet, I can refer step and help you gain confidence. you to a dietician and they can provide Would you like me to make an really good guidelines and healthy food appointment for you? options. 3. refer to physiotherapy: 7. Exercise: One way to speed up the recovery You need to start an exercise program, process and to increase mobility is to and I recommend joining a local gym visit a physiotherapist. They will be or sports Centre. They will be able to able to design a rehabilitation program create a fitness program that can help based on your needs and it can make a you lose weight and feel healthier. Do big difference. Would you like to try you think you can do that? that? 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 Scanned by CamScanner 177 Scanned by CamScanner 178 179 180 181 182 184 185 186 187 188 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242