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Integer Operations Worksheet: Addition, Subtraction, BEDMAS

Show all your work in each question. Marks given will be based on work shown.
Answer the following one step at a time.
1. (+18) + (+22)
2. (+12) – (+18)
3. (-12) + (-17)
4. (-30) – (-15)
5. (+8) – (-5)
6. (-9) – (+11)
7. (+12) – (-19) + (+18)
8. (-7) +(-18) + (+14)
9. (-34) + (-13) – (+27)
10. (+23) – (-28) – (+41)
11. (-21) + (+34) +(-16) – (-29)
12. (+27) –(+17) +(-9) –(-19)
1) The temperature in Breton tends to change by a fair amount throughout the day. If the temperature was -18°C
at 6am this morning what will be the temperature at 11am if it warms up by 2°C an hour?
2) Mt. Everest, the highest elevation in Asia, is 29,028 feet above sea level. The Dead Sea, the lowest elevation, is
1,312 feet below sea level. What is the difference between these two elevations (sea level is zero feet)?
3) A submarine was situated 3800 feet below sea level. If it ascends 250 feet per minute, what is its new position
after 12 minutes?
4) Roman Civilization began in 509 B.C. and ended in 476 A.D. How long did Roman Civilization last (remember that
in B.C. we count backwards to zero, and A.D. we count upward from zero)?
5) Metal mercury at room temperature is a liquid. Its melting point is -39°C. The freezing point of alcohol is -114°C.
How much warmer is the melting point of mercury than the freezing point of alcohol?
**You may use your calculator for the next 3 questions, but you still need to write out your steps for full marks!!
6) A hospital currently has $150,000 left in their budget. The government is about to transfer them $1,800,000 for
the year. From their budget they will need to pay $750,000 in wages, $120,000 for utilities, and $350,000 to
maintain the building and equipment. How much money will they have left at the end of the year?
7) You currently owe $1350 on your credit card. You make an $800 payment and then purchase $100
worth of food at the grocery store, and pay your $85 gas bill and your $68 electrical bill. How much
more money will you need to pay to get the balance back to $0?
8) Jeremy owns a bakery. Right now the bakery has $2500 in it’s account. Over the next 4 weeks, the bakery
makes $3500, $3450, and $4500. Unfortunately, the monthly bills have come in as well. The bakery owes $4832
for ingredients, $1265 for building rental, $2200 for wages and $345 for utilities (water, electricity, and gas).
What will the bakery’s account balance be when everything is paid for?
9) Lisa and three friends make a plan to go hiking on Sunday. On Saturday, Lisa goes to the store and buys
two bottles of water and three packs of trail mix for each person. The bottles of water cost $1.50 each,
and the packs of trail mix cost $3.75 each.
a. Can Lisa go through the express checkout lane for customers with 15 or fewer individual
b. Write a number sentence to show how you found the total number of items Lisa bought.
c. Write a different number sentence that shows a different way to find the total number of
d. Explain how you know which operations to use.
e. Lisa has $60. Does she have enough money to pay for the items?
BEDMAS – Solve each of the following using the correct order of operations.
1. [(+3) – (-2)] ÷ (+5)
2. [(+9) –(+7)] x [(-10) – (-8)]
3. (+5) x (-6) ÷ [(-10) + (+8)]
4. (+6) + (+12) ÷ (-4) x (+3)
5. (-4) x (-2) + (-18) ÷ (+6)
6. (+2) x (-3) – [(-18) ÷ (-9)]
7. -5 x [(-1) x (+2) – (- 11)]
8. [(-8) + (+8)] x (-4) ÷ [(+25) x (-6)]
BEDMAS – Solve each of the following using the correct order of operations.