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Fundamentals of Nursing Memory Sheet

1. This hospital was established mainly to care for the Spanish King’ soldier, but also admitted Spanish
civilians. Founded by Gov. Francisco de Sande.
2. This hospital was built exclusively for patients with leprosy. Founded by Brother Juan Clemente.
3. Established by the Franciscan Order; Service was in general supported by alms and contribution
from charitable persons.
4. Hospital in Laguna, near a medicinal spring, Founded by Brother J. Bautista of the Franciscan Order.
5. Founded by the Brotherhood de Misericordia and support was derived from alms and rents.
Rendered general health service to the public.
6. She was the wife of Jose Rizal. Installed a field hospital in an estate house in Tejeros. Provided
nursing care to the wounded night and day.
7. She converted their house into quarters for the Filipino soldier, during the Philippine-American war
that broke out in 1899.
8. Wife of Emilio Aguinaldo; Organized the Filipino Red Cross under the inspiration of Apolinario
9. Second wife of Emilio Aguinaldo. Provided nursing care for the Filipino soldier during the evolution.
President of the Filipino Red Cross branch in…
10. She nursed the wounded Filipino soldier and gave them shelter …
11. A revolutionary leader in Nueva Ecija; provided nursing care to the wounded when not in combat.
12. Revolutionary leader in Laguna, also provided nursing services to her troop.
13. “Ina ng Biak na Bato”, stayed in the hospital at Biak na Bato to care for the wounded soldier.
14. It was the first School of Nursing in the Philippines and was ran by the Baptist Foreign Mission
Society of …
15. She was a graduate of New England Hospital for woman and children in Boston, Massachusetts,
and was the first superintendent of the Iloilo Mission Hospital School of Nursing.
16. She was an American nurse who took charge of Iloilo Mission Hospital School of Nursing in 1942.
17. The hospital was established by the Archbishop of Manila, The Most Reverend Jeremiah Harty,
under the supervision of the Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres.
18. With the support of the Governon General Forbes and the Director of Health and among others, it
opened classes in nursing under the auspices of the Bureau of Education.
19. She was the first Filipino to occupy the position of chief nurse and superintendent in the
20. The Hospital is an Episcopalian Institution. It began as a small dispensary in 1903. In 1907, the
school opened with three Filipino girls admitted.
21. It started as a small dispensary on Calle Cervantes (now Avenida). It was called Bethany
Dispensary and was founded by the Methodist Mission. Miss Librada Javelera was the first Filipino
director of the school.
22. It was the first College of Nursing which was established in 1946.
23. It is a state in which a person’s physical, emotional, intellectual, social, developmental, or spiritual
functioning is diminished or impaired compared with previous experience.
24. The state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of
disease of infirmiy.
25. It is the condition in which all parts and subparts of an individual are in harmony with the whole
26. An alteration in body fuction resulting in reduction of capacities or a shortening of the normal life
27. What are the five stages of Illness according to Schumann?
28. Stage where there are already experiences of some symptoms and person believes something is
wrong in 3 aspects: Physical, Cognitive, and emotional.
29. Stage where acceptance of illness occurs and the patient seeks advice.
30. Stage where a person seeks advice to professionas for validation of real illness, explanation of
symptoms, reassurance or predict of outcome.
31. Stage where a person becomes a client dependent on the health professional for help;
Accepts/rejects health professional’s suggestions; Becomes more passive and accepting.
32. Stage where a person gives up the sick role and returns to former roles and functions.
33. A types of disease that is due to defect in the genes of one or other parent which is transmitted to
the offspring.
34. A types of disease that is due to a defect in the development, hereditary factors, or prenatal
35. A types of disease that is due to disturbances or abnormality in the intricate processes of
36. A type of disease which is a result of inadequate intake or absorption of essential dietary factor.
37. A type of disease that is due to traumatic experience. Traumatic
38. A type of disease that is due to abnomal response of the body to chemical and protein substances or
to physical stimuli.
39. A types of disease that is due to abnormal or uncontrolled growth of cell.
40. A type of disease which is the cause of unknown; self-originated; of spontaneous origin.
41. It is a type of disease which is a result of the degenerative changes that occur in the tissue and
42. It is a type of disease which is a result of the degenerative changes that occur in the tissue and
43. What are the types/classification of disease according to duration?
44. It is a type of disease where signs and symptoms appear abruptly, intense and often subside after a
relatively short period.
45. A type of disease/illness that is usually longer than 6 months, and can also affects functioning in
any dimension. The client may fluctuate between maximal functioning and serious relapses and may be
life threatening. It is characterized by remission and exacerbation.
46. Periods during which the disease is controlled and symptoms are not obvious.
47. The period where the disease becomes more active given again at a future time, with recurrence of
48. It is a type of disease which results from changes in the normal structure, from recognizable
anatomical changes in a organ …
49. It is a type of disease where there are no anatomical changes observed to account from the
symptoms present, may result from abnormal response to stimuli.
50. It is a type of disease which results from factors associated with the occupation engaged in by the
51. A type of disease that is usually acquired through sexual relation.
52. A type of disease that occurs in several individuals of the same family.
53. It describes a disease that attacks a large number of individuals in the community at the same time.
54. It describes a disease that is more or less continuously or recurs in a community.
55. It describes an epidemic that is extremely spread widely, involving various countries or the entire
56. It describes type of disease that occurs occasionally.
57. The level of prevention which seeks to prevent a disease or condition at a prepathological state; to
stop something from ever happening.
58. It is also known as “Health Maintenance” which seeks to identify specific illnesses ot conditions at
an early stage wich prompt intervention to prevent or limit disability; to prevent catastrophic effects
that could occur if proper attention and treatmetn are not provided.
59. It is after a disease or disability has occurred and the recovery process has begun; Intent is to halt
the disease or injury proess and assist the person in obtaining an optimal health status. To establish a
high-level wellness. “To maximize use of remaining capacities.”
60. What are the 5 vital signs?
61. It is the balance between the heat produced and loss by and from the body.
62. What are the two basic types of body temperature?
63. What is the normal body temperature?
64. It is the most accessible and convenient method of temperature.
65. Rico has consumed a cup of hot coffee three minutes ago, how many more minutes will you wait to
take his oral temperature.
66. How long will you take the patient’s temperature?
67. To whom are taking or oral temperature contraindicated?
68. It is the most accurate site or method of body temperature taking.
69. How do you position the patient when taking rectal temperature?
70. How deep will you insert the rectal thermometer?
71. How long will you put the rectal thermometer in place when taking rectal temperature?
72. What are the contraindications of rectal temperature taking?
73. Is is e safest and the most non-invasive method of body temperature taking.
74. Can you rub the patient’s axillary/underarm area before taking axiilary temperature?
75. It is the fastest way to take the patient’s body temperature.
76. It is the wave of blood created by contractions of the left ventricles. It is also the pumping ability of
the heart.
77. What is the normal pulse rate?
78. It is the medical term used when the patients pulse rate is above 100 bpm?
79. It is the medical term used when the patients pulse rate is below 60 bpm?
80. It is the difference between the apical pulse and distal pulse.
81. What is the normal pulse deficit?
82. It is the difference between the systolic blood pressure and the diastolic blood pressure.
83. What is the normal pulse pressure?
84. It is the measure of strength of the patient’s pulse.
85. It is the exchange of oxygen and CO2 between the atmosphere and the body manifested by the rise
and fall movement of the chest.
86. What is the normal respiratory rate?
87. It is the movement of gases in and out of the lungs.
88. It is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of lower
89. It is the transport of oxygen into the body.
90. It is the type of breathing manifested by the movement of chest. It is otherwise known as the
Thoraci breathing.
91. It is the type of breathing manifested by the movement of abdomen. It is otherwise known as the
Abdominal breathing.
92. It is a type of breathing where the chest wall and the abdominal wall move in opposite directions
with each breath.
93. It is an abnormal breathing manifested by progressively increasing respirations with periods of
apnea. It is otherwise known as the waxing and waning.
94. It is an abnormal breathing manifested by several short breaths followed by long irregular periods
of apnea.
95. It is an abnormal breathing manifested by severe, deep, and rapid breathing. It is otherwise known
as Hyperventilation.
96. It is an abnormal breathing manifested by prolonged inspiration with sudden and inefficient
97. It is the measure of pressure of the blood exerted against arterial walls.
98. What is the normal blood pressure?
99. It is an error in blood pressure taking where inaccurate results taken when the nurse is not in
direct/eye level to the manometer.
100. It is a sound generated when the blood pressure cuff changes the flow of blood through artery. It
can be heard through a stethoscope or a doppler when taking blood pressure.
By Mr. Jhunlie Escala
101. Hospital Real de Manila (1577)
102. San Lazaro Hospital (1578)
103. Hospital de Indio (1586)
104. Hospital de Aguas Santas (1590)
105. San Juan de Dios Hospital (1596)
106. Josephine Bracken.
107. Rosa Sevilla De Alvero
108. Dona Hilaria de Aguinaldo
109. Dona Maria de Aguinaldo
110. Melchora Aquino (Tandang Sora)
111. Kapitan/Captain Salome
112. Agueda Kahabagan
113. Trinidad Tecson
114. Iloilo Mission Hospital School of Nursing (Iloilo City, 1906)
115. Miss Rose Nicolet
116. Miss Flora Ernst.
117. St. Paul’s Hospital School of Nursing (Manila, 1907)
118. Philippines General Hospital School of Nursing (1907)
119. Anastacia Giron-Tupas
120. St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing (Quezon City, 1907)
121. Mary Johnston Hospital and School of Nursing (Manila, 1907)
122. University of Sto. Tomas-College of Nursing
123. Illness
124. Health (As defined by WHO)
125. Wellness (As defined by Betty Neuman)
126. Disease
127. Remember: SAMDeR
1. Symptoms Experience
2. Assumption of Sick Role
3. Medical Care Contact
4. Dependent Patient Role
5. Recovery/Rehabilitation Stage
128. Symptoms Experience
129. Assumption of Sick Role
130. Medical Care Contact
131. Dependent Patient Role
132. Recovery/Rehabilitation
133. Hereditary (Ex. HTN, DM)
134. Congenital (Ex. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia)
135. Metabolic (Ex. Hyperthyroidism)
136. Deficiency (Ex. Iron-deficiency Anemia)
137. Traumatic
138. Allergic (Ex. Allergic Rhinitis)
139. Neoplastic (Ex. Breast Cancer)
140. Idiopathic (Ex. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura)
141. Degenerative (Ex. Osteoarthritis, Alzheimer’s Disease)
142. Latrogenic (Ex. Dermatitis due to External Radiation Therapy)
143. Remember: 6 months
1. Acute: <6 months
2. Chronic: >6 months
144. Acute (Ex. Acute Pyelonephritis)
145. Chronic (Ex. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonar Disease)
146. Remission.
147. Exacerbation
148. Organic (Ex. Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
149. Functional (Ex. GERD)
150. Occupational (Ex. Asbestosis, Silicosis)
151. Venereal/Sexually transmitted Diseases
152. Familial (Ex. Sickle-cell disease, Huntington’s Disease)
153. Epidemic (Ex. SARS)
154. Endemic (Ex. Malaria, Schistosomiasis)
155. Pandemic (Ex. Coronavirus Disease 2019)
156. Sporadic (Ex. Leptospirosis)
157. Primary Prevention (Ex. Health Promotion, Health Education, Immunization, Genetic Screening,
Marriage Counseling, etc)
158. Secondary Prevention (Ex. Prompt Treatment)
159. Tertiary Prevention (Ex. Sessional Rehabilitative Therapy of a Stroke Patient)
160. Remember: BPR
 Body Temperature
 BP
 RR
 Pain
161. Temperature
162. 1. Core Temperature - temperature of the deep tissue of the body; and Surface Body Temperature
- Temperature of the superficial parts of the body such as skin.
163. Oral - 36.5-37.5 C
Axillary - 35.8 - 37 C
Rectal - 37- 38.1 C
Tympanic - 36.8- 37.9 C
164. Oral
165. Wait for another 12 minutes. Rember: Allow 15 min to elapse between client’s food intake hot or
cold food, smoking. Rico has just consumed a cup of coffee three minutes ago, you need to wait for
another 12 minutes to take his oral temperature.
166. 2-3 minutes.
1. Patient with nausea and vomiting
2. Unconscious patients
3. Patient with oral lesions/surgeries
4. Patient who breaths through mouth
5. Young children or infant
168. Rectal
169. Lateral position with the top legs flexed and drape the patient to provide privacy.
170. 0.5-1.5 inches
171. 2 minutes
172. 4 P’s
1. Patient with diarrhea
2. Prostatic/rectal surgery that is recent
3. Patient with recent MI
4. Patient with post head injury.
173. Axillary
174. No, the nurse must only “pat” the area. Rubbing may increase the surface temperature of the
175. Tympanic
176. Pulse
a) 1 year - 80-140 bpm
b) 2 years - 80-130 bpm
c) 6 years - 75-120 bpm
d) 10 years - 60-90 bpm
e) Adult - 60-100 bpm
178. Tachycardia
179. Bradycardia
180. Pulse deficit (Ex. A patient’s apical pulse is 87 and distal pulse is 87, the pulse deficit is zero.)
181. Zero (0). Note. The presence of a pulse deficit indicates that there may be an issue with cardiac
function or efficiency.
182. Pulse pressure. Ex. A patient’s systolic BP 120 and diastolic BP is 80. The pulse pressure is 40.
183. 30-40 mmHg
184. Pulse amplitude.
185. Respiration
186. Adult- 12-20 cpm
Infant- 30-60 cpm
187. Ventilation
188. Diffusion
189. Perfusion.
190. Costal
191. Diaphragmatic
192. Paradoxical. Note. It is the opposite of the normal breathing pattern.
193. Cheyne-Stokes Breathing
194. Biot’s Respiration
195. Kussmaul’s Respiration
196. Apneustic Breathing
197. Blood pressure.
a) Adult - 120/80 mmHg
b) Pedia- 90/60 mmHg
199. Error of parallax. Note. Above eye level- False low; Below eye level - False high
200. Korotkoff sound