Measurement of beauty particles’ lifetimes at LHCb Intern project proposal Diego Tonelli (CERN) Jan 29, 2013 1 Why standard model of particle physics Why is the universe made of matter (and not antimatter)? Why such matter only accounts for about 5% of what we see? [put your favorite question here] .... Strong prejudice that there must be New Physics 2 How Brute force Smash particles as hard as possible and seek new particles in the debris (ATLAS, CMS) (Try to) outsmart nature Look for tiny modifications in known particle decays as clues of the presence of new particles (LHCb, NA62, many others...) 3 Large Hadron Collider beauty 40 million collision per second -- for 2 years Few % of collisions yield pairs of “beauty” particles. Beauty fly a few inches, then spontaneously disintegrate (decay) into lighter daughters that LHCb “photograph” Measuring the “lifetime” yields crucial information for the search for BSM physics. 4 Events / 1.7 MeV Lifetimes 16000 14000 + µ12000 B" sig. component bkg. component "pB" µ- 10000 8000 6000 dB" K+ 4000 K- 2000 Measure the distance btw the production point and the decay point. Measure the B momentum as sum of the daughters’ momenta Repeat for all decays 0 5150 Events / 0.14 ps collision LHCb preliminary s = 7 TeV, L ≈ 1.03 fb-1 data 5200 5250 5300 LHCb preliminary s = 7 TeV, L ≈ 1.03 fb-1 104 5350 5400 B+ mass [MeV] data sig. component bkg. component complete pdf 103 102 10 1 2 Determine the mean lifetime through a fit 5 4 6 8 10 12 14 Proper time t [ps] Figure 84: Fit projections of the B + mass ( the cF it method. Lifetimes - a new idea Use decays that involve invisible daughters ? B" collision "pB" dB" Exploit a much larger number of decays ==> better measurement But, cannot measure lifetime because don’t know the momentum of invisible daughter(s)... 6 Lifetime ratios Measure the ratio of the observed lifetimes between similar decay channels into invisible daughters Bs → Ds(→KKπ) μ ν B → D(→KKπ) μ ν Bs B In the ratio, the effect of the undetected momentum approximately cancels. Event samples of O(1M) decays suggest 0.1% resolution ==> world’s best results 7 Take home message This is an analysis project on real LHCb data You will work daily with me and another coworker. Small team, full control of all aspects of the project. Not a side-project, it’s the real deal: you’ll show the status at internal LHCb meetings and document it in an internal note (and a physics paper - if we are successful) You (probably) won’t find new physics nor get invited to a party in Stockholm :-( You’ll gain a strong background in basic data analysis: make statistical distributions, fit them, study backgrounds, determine systematic uncertainties, ... Most importantly: we’ll have fun! 8 the end 9 Efficiency Large Hadron Collider beauty 1.4 1.2 Δ LL(K - π) > 0 LHCb s = 7 TeV Data Δ LL(K - π) > 5 1 0.8 K→K 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 π→K 20 40 60 80 ×103 100 Momentum (MeV/c) Kaon from pions well Kaon identification efficiency and pion misidentification rate meas distinguished Figure 16: a function of track momentum. Two different ∆logL(K − π) requirements hav on the samples, resulting in the open and filled marker distributions, respectiv Momentum known within ≈0.5% Efficiency Transverse decay position known within 10-20 microns, corresponding to 0.1τ 1.4 1.2 s = 7 TeV Monte Carlo 1 0.8 0.6 10 LHCb 0.4 K→K Δ LL(K - π) > 0 Δ LL(K - π) > 5