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Applied Social Sciences & Counseling Module

Discipline and Ideas in the
Applied Social
Submitted by:
Abellar, Ron-Ron G.
(Grade 12-HUMSS C)
Submitted To:
Malabega, Lorby
(Subject Teacher)
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Applied Social
Sciences and
What I know:
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. A
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. A
What’s In:
Discipline of
What’s New:
1. What are the pictures all about?
 Those are the social workers who work with many
populations, including children, people with disabilities,
and people with addictions. The picture is all about the
social science concerned with society and the relationship
among the individual within a society.
2. Do you see these people in your community?
What does they do?
 Yes, they help people to cope with challenges in every stage
of their lives and also to understand how to interact with
the social world.
3. How important is their job in our community?
 Their job is very important in our community because they
create a better institutions and systems that affect our
everyday lives.
What’s More:
Social Sciences are disciplines concerned with the systematic
study of social phenomena. Basically, the term “social sciences”
is defined as the study of human society; that particular are of
study that relates to human behavior and society. It include the
following academic disciplines:
 Political Science
 Law
 Economics
 History
 Demography
 Public Administration
 Geography
 Psychology
 Anthropology
 Sociology
 Linguistics
The Applied Social Sciences draw heavily from the theories of
the various social sciences (e.g. Psychology, Sociology and
Political Science) to critically study society and the relationship
among the people within. It has three important fields which are
the Counseling, Social Work, and Communication.
The relationship between Social Sciences and Applied Social
Sciences. Social Science are more specific and focused on a
distinct facet of a social phenomenon, while Applied Social
Sciences attempts to focus on a distinct issue but use insights
arising from various social science disciplines. While Social
Science may explore broadly their distinct disciplines, some of
their input may easily become applied while others may remain
ACTIVITY 2: Differences
Social Sciences
Social Sciences
Social Science
is a branch of
science that deals with the
institutions and functioning
of human society and with
the interpersonal
relationships of individuals
as members of society.
Social Sciences
Applied Science is the
application of existing
scientific knowledge to
practical applications, like
technology or inventions.
What’s In:
Applied Social
Social Sciences
 Purpose :
Theory proven
 Object:
 Methodology:
What’s New:
Necessary to
human life
 Root of
 Based on scientific
Have contribution
to civilizations
Been done with
a scientific
 Purpose :
Solving problem
 Object:
 Methodology:
Both Qualitative
and Quantitative
What do you and the person to whom you go to do in trying
to solve your problem?
 God – When I feel stress and depressed because of my problem in
academic, I pray and ask to God to help and guide me to solve my
 Mother - Whenever I feel sick and if I see that there is a health
problem, I told it to my Mom and I ask her if she had a similar
experience while at the same time I make an appointment with a
 Close Friends – Every time I have a problem, I always want to talk
it with my close friends and take advice from them because
most of them have the experience to handle the problem.
It is the process of guiding a person during a
stage of life when reassessments or decisions
have to be made about himself or herself and
his/her course.
As a discipline it is allied to psychology and deals
with normal responses to normal life events, which
may sometimes create stress for some people who,
in turn, choose to ask for help and support.
Counseling is generally a non-clinical intervention.
Traditionally in many societies, counseling is
provided by family, friends and wise elderly.
Goals of Counseling
Scope of Counseling
The primary goal of counseling is to
help people utilized their prevailing
social skills and problem-solving skills
more functionally or to cultivate new
surviving and coping skills
It involves application of some
psychological theories. And recognized
communication skills. It is a professional
relationship that requires an eventual
closure and termination of the counselee
and counselor relationship
1. How do you find the activity?
 I find it interesting
2. How important is the field of counseling in the
 Counseling is very important in the community because it
empowers us to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
What’s In:
What’s New:
My Principles in Life
1. Why did you choose these principles?
 Because I believe these principles will help me to
overcome my weaknesses and also to achieve my goal in
2. How do these principles affect your life as a student?
 As a student, We all have our ups and downs, but it is how
we react to them that truly matters. These principles always
taught me that the best way to reach my dreams is to work
to achieve them and to change them to reality and never
giving up in any situation.
What’s More:
1. D
2. C
3. H
4. I
5. A
6. E
7. J
8. B
9. F
10. K
 School counselors can inform their fellow educators,
students, and parents about the nature of bullying, it’s
prevalence and effect on the school environment, and
inform potential strategies to both prevent and intervene
when bullying occurs. These strategies can include
establishing respectful standards of conduct for classroom
interaction, deliberately outreaching students who are
rejected by their peers, and modeling inclusive classroom
 School counselors are often the first accessible
professionals for students who are coping with suicidal
thoughts or tendencies. As the gatekeepers for mental
health in today’s high schools and colleges, counselors are
some of the most equipped to combat this troubling trend.
In addition to recognizing the risk factors and warning
signs associated with teen suicide, counselors are also
responsible for maintaining a school environment that
adequately meets the needs of students who may be
suffering from mental health issues.
 During counseling, the therapist will use “talk therapy” to
help you understand and work through the issues that are
impacting your life in negative ways. Their role is to listen,
provide feedback, and work with you to develop strategies
to cope. They will also evaluate your progress and adjust
the sessions accordingly. You may be asked to do
homework that extends the learning from the counseling
sessions. Often, this is in the form of tracking moods and
What I Have Learned:
1. What is the relationship between social sciences and
applied social sciences?
 As discussed above, social sciences are more specific and
focused on a distinct facet of a social phenomenon
while applied social science attempts to focus on a distinct
issue but use insights arising from various social science
2. What is the importance of Social Sciences and Applied
Social Sciences?
 Thus, Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences will
makes us an efficient citizen of a democracy, and it also
helps us to solve the practical problems in our daily life. It
is essential for our communities and organizations.
3. What is counseling?
 It is the process that occurs when a client and counselor
set aside time to explore difficulties which may include the
stressful or emotional feelings of the client.
 The act of helping the client to see things more clearly,
possibly from a different view-point. This can enable the
client to focus on feelings, experiences or behavior, with a
goal of facilitating positive change.
4. What are the scope of counseling?
 It involves application of some psychological theories and
recognized communication skills.
 It does not deal with clinical cases such as mental illness.
 It is a professional relationship that requires an eventual
closure and termination of the counselee-counselor
5. What are the goals of counseling?
 Is to lead an individual client or group to selfemancipation in relation to a felt problem.
 The client should attain insight and understanding of
oneself, achieve better self-awareness and look at oneself
with increased self-acceptance and appreciation, and be
able to manage oneself.
What are the principles of counseling?
Release of emotional tension
Clarified thinking
Listening skills
Empathy and Positive Regard
Clarification, Confrontation, and Interpretation
Transference and Counter Transference
7. How does counseling help individuals, groups or
 Counseling allows individuals to explore their feelings,
beliefs, and behaviors, work through challenging or
influential memories, identify aspects of their lives that
they would like to change, better understand themselves
and others, set personal goals, and work toward desired
change. Counseling helps people to understand and
engage with the wide variety of institutions that shape
their lives, political science is particularly valuable in
helping people learn to be citizens.
What I Can Do:
1. How do the Social Sciences and Applied Social
Sciences contribute to your development as a HUMSS
 Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences has a huge
impact on me as a HUMSS student, because of it I develop
my ability to make the right decisions and it helps me to
gain knowledge of our society we live in. Because of Social
Science I understand the fundamental rights in our
constitution, freedom fighters who fought for the nation.
It develops my quality, attitude and it also expands my
critical thinking and imagination. It helps me to know the
importance of democracy, freedom and rights.
2. If you have a friend who’s thinking of dropping or
cutting classes from your class, how will you help
him/her using different concepts of counseling?
 I will tell him/her to not to continue his/her plan because
it will get him/her into a trouble.
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. A
11. A
13. C
Additional Activities:
Social Sciences is much interesting than Applied Social
Science, because Social Sciences helps us to understand the
human interaction that occurred in the past, present and that
likely to occur in future. Studying history helps us to figure out
our role in society. We learn how institutions, traditions and
ideals change as society modernizes and how cause and effect,
influence relationships between individuals, groups and
nations. The study of history gives me the chance to develop
my research skills and the ability to think critically. Also
education of geography explains the world in which we live. It
encourage me to open my mind to many places where human
lives on this planet. As a student I learn about the differences
places, I’m become aware of the many cultural differences of
the world’s populations. And that’s why I consider Social
Sciences interesting because it gives me a lot of knowledge
about our society.
What I Know:
1. D
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. D
What’s In:
Cognitive Goal
Prevention Goal
Enhancement Goal
Reinforcement Goal
What’s New:
What message does the quotation try to convey?
One of the biggest misconceptions out there is that if you ask
for help, you’re weak, which is not true. Because all of us may
suffer depression and anxiety, mental health problems come
in many forms, and it can be embarrassing to admit we have
them. Because they’re not visible, it’s easy to hide them and
pretend we’re fine. We tell others we’re good and they don’t
need to worry about us, even though that’s not true.
Somehow it’s get into our minds that asking for help means
we failed, but the truth is, asking for help shows that we’re
progressing. It shows that we’re trying to change our life for
the better. And I think the quotation try to convey us that
sometimes we need to ask for help for us to survive from our
problems, because not every time we can do it alone.
Have you ever tried to talk to someone or seek help if
you have problems? What did you feel?
Yes, every time I have a problem I ask for help to my friends
and family and I feel like I’m not alone in this world because I
have them.
What’s More:
1. Researcher
2. Mental Health or Clinical Counseling
3. School Counseling
4. Rehabilitation Counseling
5. Marriage and Family Counseling
6.Private Practice
7. Career Counseling
8.Substance Abuse Counseling
9.Industrial Counseling
Community Counseling
In five sentences, discuss the difference between the roles
and functions of counselors.
 The primary role of a counselor is to assist clients in reaching
their optimal level of psychosocial functioning through
resolving negative patterns, prevention, rehabilitation, and
improving quality of life. Counselors are responsible for
working with students who need help managing their
behavior, keeping up academically, or planning for the future.
What I have learned:
1. School Counseling
 School counselors help students at all levels to understand and
cope with social, behavioral, and personal problems. School or
education counselors emphasize preventive and developmental
counseling to enhance students’ personal, social, and academic
growth and to provide students with the life skills needed to deal
with problems before they worsen.
Marriage and Family Counseling
 Distressed couples seek the help of a marriage counselor when
they don’t want to divorce but aren’t sure how to compromise on
various issues. Some pastors, churches and religious groups also
require that couples consult a marriage counselor for a specified
period of time before they can be married in that particular
religious tradition.
3.Career Counseling
 Through career counseling and career coaching, counselors
provide opportunities and skills seminar for college students to be
more adept, flexible and ready to face the world of profession.
Through seminars and training soft skills in answering the
interviews, they mark students with the ability to cope and be
flexible on the industrial demands.
What I Can Do:
What if you are a counselor and you have fallen in love with
your client and your client has also fallen in love with you.
Since, it is unethical to pursue the relationship, you will have
to quit your job. Your job is the bread and butter of your
family. What will you do?
 I’d rather pursue my job because it’s my passion at the very
first place. Yes, I falling in love with my client and maybe he’s
the right person for me but it’s a wrong timing and that really
means that we are not destined for each other.
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. D
Additional Activities:
School Counselors
are master's level practitioners who help
students in the areas of academic
achievement, career and social/emotional
development, ensuring today's students
become the productive.
Mental Health or Clinical Counselors
They evaluate their clients' mental and
physical states, identify addictions
and behavioral problems, and determine how
ready their clients are for treatment.
Rehabilitation Counselors
They help people with disabilities to achieve
their personal, social, psychological and
vocational goals.
Industrial Counselors
They provide help and support to the
employees to face and sail through the
difficult times in life.
Marriage and Family Counselors
assess, diagnose and treat mental illness and
psychological distress within the context of
the marriage and family systems.
Different career opportunities of counselors
Private Practice
is a method of performing mental health, medical, and
other services. They have their own offices and typically
set their own schedules.
Community Counselors
They helps to address your problems in a positive way
by helping you to clarify the issues, explore options,
develop strategies and increase self-awareness.
Career Counselors
are experts at assessing your aptitude, personality,
interests, and other aspects of you. They use this
evaluation to suggest the best career options from all
the available and relevant options.
Substance Abuse Counselors
provide a necessary support system for individuals
recovering from eating disorders, drug and alcohol
issues, gambling addictions, and other behavioral
Research Counselors
They provides evidence for the range of issues where
therapy can be effective and the positive outcomes for