……··||||| |……- )。 。『 。 『 肾。『 I I It 。 The Sma叶Learning Institute (SLI f Beijing N mal University is a c mp ehensive experimental pla m inv lving scientific research, techn l gy develop nent nd instructi nal teaching, which Is Jointly established by Beijing Normal University and a global educati nal techn l gy c mpany, Elernity (a subsidiα of NetDrag n). SLI focuses n finding learning patterns p wered by ICT, creating smart learning environment and pla rms for lifel ng learning s well as supp ng diversified, pers nalized and differential learning needs for digital learners. 。 。 ,。 。 。 。而 『 。 。 。 。 。 ,。 ↑ 。「 。 ↑ 。 。 。 。 ↑。 。 ↑ 「 c 。 nstructing the theory 。 f smart learning and exp I。 ring the ap p「。。 ches 。 f integ「 Gting ICT with Educati 。n aims at offe「ing an internati 。nal exchange and cooperati。 n pla↑f。「付, to smart 。 。。 。 。 『y 。 胃。 F cusing n the methods f design ptimization nd evalua ion f leαming envir nmen as well as devel ping the key techn logies f r learning environmen↑engineering aims a↑providing a widely­ spread s lu i n f r promo ing sma忖lea ning. learning research. 。 c。 - Dean, Dejian Liu CEO & Chairman ofNetDragon Websoft Holdings Limited (777.HK), Special Allowance Expert in the State Council of China,Co-dean of Smart Learning Institute ofBeijing Normal University,Adjunct Lecturer of Harvard Graduate School of Education 。 。 Studying n the characteristics and pa忖erns f sch oling,family educati n,c mmunity educati n, ente 「prise learning and public lea 「ning aims at pr viding supp rt f r cons ucting a learning­ riented s ciety and sma叶city. 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 ↑「 则。。 。「 。 。 。 Expanding the experimental areas and Is f sma叶learning as well as explo「ing the characte「istics f ICT - b ased inst ucti n and the m dels f futu e sch Is aims at prom ing educati nal ransf rmati n and innova i n. 。 「 。。 ↑ 。 。 。 「 。 。↑ ↑。 c。 - Dean,R。nghuaiHuang Co-dean of Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, Director of UNESCO International Rural Educational and Training Centre, Director of National Engineering Lab for Cyberlearning Intelligent Technology. 。 pen Series in Springer 「 。↑ ↑。 Springer's J urna ls ,」。『;。 。 •Sma叶Learning Environment (The Official J urnal f IASLE) Edit rs: Huang,R.,Kinshuk,& S way,E. urnal f Computing in Educati n (The Official J urnal f GCSCE) Edit rs: Huang,R.,Hwang,G. K ng,S.-C.,& Chen,W. •Lectu e N e in Educa i nal Techn l gy Se「ies Editors: Huang,R.,Kinshuk emni,M., Chen,N.-S.,& Spect J.M. 。 ·」。 •Sma「f c mputing and Intelligence Series Edit rs: Huang, R.,Kinshuk,& Dede,C. 。 |? |? 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。|。 。 -」., 。 吐川 ·-阴国 --·· 们” ur 脚刷刷一一 mωNt NN S F O R由卢 . . . . . . . . . ······ 十 。 。 。 。 。。 器如何苦情享用黑黑 Tel: +86-010-5880-7264 Email: smartlearning@bnu.edu.cn URL: http://sli.bnu.edu.cn/en/ Add ess: 12F, Bl ck A Jingshi Techn SU BROCHURE HITP://SU.BNU.EDU.CN/ENJ 『 。 rh "V 。|。gy Building, N。. 12Xueyuan s。uth R。ad,100082 「