REGULATIONS FOR THE COURSE I. COURSE INFORMATION: Programs: Courses: Code: Number of credits: Semester: Bachelor of Informatics and Computer Engineering Russian 1B RUS5002 04 credits (60 face-to-face contact hours) 2 (Academic year: 2023 - 2024) II. LECTURERS’ INFORMATION: No Name Title 2. Ngo Thi Quyen MA III. ASSESSMENT DETAILS No. Assessment items Email address 2. Homework 10% Week 1 -> 15 3. Midterm test 20% Week 7 4. Final exam 60% After week 15 90-minute paper exam Class participation 10% Due date Class code RUS5002-01 Notes - Participation, NOT attendance Group and individual performance - Students take Mini Speaking Tests in the following weeks: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (Any 5 students per week) - Students have to attend at least 80% class to be eligible to do the final exam. - Students do homeworks on A4 paper and submit them to teacher the following week after each lesson - Teachers only check and comment on homeworks, do not give grades. 60-minute paper test 1. Value Phone number 0326892487 Week 1 -> 15 Total 100% 1. Attendance, Participation (10%) Class participation includes a genuine contribution to class activities, active involvement in pair work as well as group work. Mini Speaking Test will be graded by the teacher in the following weeks: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (Any 5/6 students per week) 2. Homework + Mini Tests (10%) Completing the homework as required. 1 Teachers only check and comment on homework, do not give grades. Students take 10 Mini Tests in the following weeks: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Each Mini Test lasts 30 minutes. 3. Mid-term test (20%) Mid-term test lasts 60 minutes, and accounts for 20% of the total assessment. The test includes four parts: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Writing Skill/knowledge Number of items Format Score Vocabulary 10 - Write 10 words in Russian 10 Grammar 20 - Choose the correct answer 40 Reading 10 - Read 01 text and answer to 05 30 questions Writing 10 - Write the question for 05 answer 20 - Write the answer for 05 questions TOTAL SCORE 100 FINAL SCORE 10 3. Final examination: The final exam accounts for 60% of the total assessment. The final exam lasts 90 minutes. The test includes four parts: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Writing. Students are not allowed to use any documents during the exam. Skill/Knowledge Number of items Format Score Vocabulary 10 - Chose the word 10 which does not belong to the group Grammar 30 - Choose the correct 30 answer - Write the word given in brackets in the correct form Reading 15 Read the text and 30 answer the questions Writing - Write the question/ 30 the answer for each answer/question - Write an essay (at least 10 sentences) TOTAL SCORE 100 FINAL SCORE 10 ---The end--- 2