Learners with Difficulty Walking and Moving C H A R A C T E R I C T I C S A N D S U G G E S T I O N S Identifying learners with this kind of disability as it considers health impairments, physical disabilities and neurological conditions is not easy. Difficulty in using classroom tables and chairs We need to create a physically accessible environment that is not mobility-limited Needs specialized transportation Physically unable to do school tasks We need to be flexible with their schedule which they may arrive late or have to leave early for adapted transportation services. Replace written tasks to oral presentation. We need to give them extra time as they can or cannot finish the task on time. Learners that have this kind of disability requires patience, environment-change and caring to surpass every milestone they need. Cannot socialize Requires extra time long as they became and patience in more tired than understanding the usual lesson Restrain from longer conversation as their social capacity is much limited. Learner is always included with other students when group tasks . Experiences daily struggles Ensure all activities is limited and stress free as it needed to be accessible and fun. Every Learners is a gift. No matter what they can do and cannot. Principles and Strategies of Teaching and Designing IEP Minimal accomodation and modification Some learneds may require simple to complex specialized instructions and related services with expanded core curriculum. Creating Team to Help Classrooms should have physical therapists and occupational therapist professionals to help instructors to relay ideas and knowledge to help the learner easily and fun. Environmental Modifications Essential in making the environment more accessible to learners with physical and health impairments. Assistive Technology These are used to develop, increase and maintain mobility and daily performance of learners with physical disabilities Inclusive Classroom Approaches Learners can also learn how to socialize when in a regular classroom with proper ways of handling learners.