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The Alchemist Test: Comprehension Questions

Alchemist Test(50)
Directions: Highlight in yellow the correct letter & answer for each numbered question.
01. Who is the author of The Alchemist?
A) William Shakespeare B) Benito Santiago C) Joseph Campbell D) Paolo Coelho
E) Pao Gasol
02. What is the name of the main character?
A) Benito Santiago
B) Santiago C) Santiago Chile
D) San Diego E) Fatima
03. What is the main character’s original occupation?
A) shepherd
B) alchemist C) priest
D) camel driver
E) crystal meth dealer
04. What occupation did the main character’s father want him to be?
A) lawyer
B) doctor
C) crystal merchant D) camel driver
E) priest
05. What region of Spain does the story begin?
A) Aragon
B) Asturias
C) Andalusia D) Canary Islands
E) Catalonia
06. In Tarifa, what does the main character see growing in the sacristy of the abandoned
A) Palm tree
B) Juniper tree
C) Sycamore tree
D) Oak tree E) Willow tree
07. When the main character meets the old woman gypsy, what agreement does he make with
her to interpret his dream?
A) To marry her daughter
B) 1/10 of his treasure
C) 10% of his sheep
D) a sword encrusted with rubies
E) to forgive her of her sins
08. What is the name of the old man that the protagonist meets in Tarifa?
A) Malachi
B) Mowgli
C) Macbeth D) Melchizedek
E) Methusaleh
09. What does the old man tell the protagonist who he is?
A) The king of Salem
B) a crystal merchant
C) a candy seller
D) a baker
E) his father
F) the Alchemist
10. What agreement does the old man make with the protagonist for telling him how to “find the
A) Find me a wife
B) 100 pieces of eight
C) 10,000 pesos
D) 1/10 of his treasure
E) 1/10 of the sheep
11. What are the names of the two stones, usually worn by a high priest, that are given to the
protagonist from the “old man”?
A) Blarney & Rosetta
B) Urim & Thummim
C) Sword & the Stone
D) Black & White Stone
E) Destiny & Fate
12. What does the ticket seller sell to the main character?
A) Two tickets to Paradise B) Golden ticket to the Wonka factory C) a movie ticket
D) a plane ticket to USA
E) a ticket for a boat trip to Africa
F) heartache & pain
13. What is the name of the wind that “brought the Moors over to Spain”?
A) The Levanter
B) Harmattan
C) Jugo
D) Sirocco
E) Santa Ana
14. What does the young man promise to the main character in the bar?
A) Half off on the drinks
B) a job as a bartender
C) to be his guide to the pyramids
D) to introduce him to the cute girl in the corner
E) safe lodging for the evening
15. What is the protagonist looking at when the young man runs off with his money?
A) a cute girl
B) his drink
C) the Pyramids
D) the Sphinx
E) a sword and scabbard embossed in silver & precious stones
16. Which character shows the protagonist kindness when the protagonist helps him set up his
A) the bartender
B) the Alchemist
C) the camel driver D) candy seller
E) the hookah merchant F) the baker
G) the candlestick maker
17. Who offers the protagonist a job that the protagonist agrees to do?
A) The priest
B) the baker C) the candy seller D) the crystal merchant
E) the hookah dealer
18. At the end of Part One, the main character seems to abandon:
A) His idea of ever being a shepherd B) God
C) his wife
D) his children
E) his dream
F) his ship
G) his love for tea
19. How long does the protagonist work for his employer in Tangier?
A) One day
B) One week
C) One month
D) one year E) one decade
20. What word or phrase is repeated in the novel that means “It is written”?
A) Es
B) Macrome C) Maktub
D) As-salaam ‘alykum E) Mele Kalikimaka
21. What is the term that is the title given to the Spiritual force that unites mankind with Nature
as equals and governs all things as one?
A) Soul of the World
B) The Master Work
C) Elixir of Life
D) Philosopher’s Stone
E) Pure Language of the World
22. What character does the protagonist meet on the caravan that wants to meet the Alchemist?
A) The Spaniard
B) the Englishman
C) The African
D) The Egyptian
E) The American
F) the Biologist
G) the Chemist
H) the camel driver
23. What is the name of the discovery that is the result of refining metal until all that is left is the
Soul of the World?
A) The Master Work
B) Elixir of Life
C) Philosopher’s Stone
D) Pure Language of the World
E) Soul of Eden
24. What is the solid part of the Master Work called?
A) Elixir of Life B) Philosopher’s Stone
C) Stone of Destiny D) Stone of Scone
E) White Lead
25. What is the liquid part of the Master Work that cures all illnesses called?
A) Liquid Life
B) Fountain of Youth
C) Elixir of Life
D) Water of Wellness
E) River of Recovery
26. What is the term that refers to the oneness of all things: that everything in the universe is
tied together?
A) Circle of Life B) Language of the World
C) The Master Work D) Elixir of Life
E) Ole Ola
G) Fusion Force
H) Hakuna Matata
27. What name is the item where the core secret of alchemy is written?
A) The Emerald Tablet
B) The Tablet of Destinies
C) The Tablet of Akhmenrah
D) The Tablet of Ahmad
E) The Turquoise Tablet
28. What is the name of the oasis?
A) Bahariya Oasis
B) Agua Caliente
C) Al-Fayoum
D) Al Farafra
E) Al Kharga
29. What is the name of the woman that the protagonist meets at the Well?
A) Rachel
B) Bathsheba
C) Cleopatra
D) Fatima
E) Skinnyma
30. What does he say to her?
A) Do you know where the pyramids are?
B) Is the water fresh?
C) Where is there a place to stay?
D) Where can I feed my camels?
E) I want you to be my wife. I love you.
F) My tent or yours?
31. What is her eventual response?
A) Yes, they are three days away to the south
B) Fresh from God’s rain
C) Agrabah, off to your left
D) The alchemist has a trough
E) The dunes are changed by the wind, but the desert never changes. That’s the way it will
be with our love for each other.
32. When the protagonist goes into the desert and sees the hawk attack the other hawk, what
vision does he see?
A) Jacob climbing the ladder to heaven with ascending and descending angels
B) a burning bush
C) an army, with its swords at the ready, riding onto the oasis
D) the pyramids
E) the alchemist kills Fatima
33. After the protagonist tells the chieftains of his vision, he takes a walk and he is knocked
down by a “strange horseman”. Who does the strange horseman end up being?
A) the alchemist B) the camel driver C) the Englishman
D) Melchizedek E) Allah
34. What happens the next morning?
A) The alchemist dies in the attack B) Fatima’s baby dies
C) The camels are stolen
D) the oasis is attacked & survives
E) The oasis is attacked and destroyed
35. When the oasis is attacked, what happens to the lone survivor of the attacking group?
A) He is named chieftain
B) He is hanged
C) He is named The Alchemist
D) He is named counselor of the oasis
E) He marries Fatima
36. When the protagonist returns to the oasis, what do the chieftains do to him?
A) Hang him
B) name him the high priest C) name him The Alchemist
D) name him the counselor of the oasis
E) He is exiled form the oasis
37. Who assists the protagonist from the oasis through the desert all the way to the monk’s
A) The chief B) the alchemist C) Fatima
D) The Englishman E) Melchizedek
38. According to the guide, where will one find the treasure?
A) The X marks the spot
B) Atlantis
C) wherever the heart is
D) El Dorado
E) Quivira
F) wherever the woman says
39. When the sun sets, what happens to the protagonist and his guide?
A) they are captured by tribesmen
B) they arrive at the pyramids
C) the horses die & they have to eat them
D) they are eaten by two hawks
E) they decide to return to the oasis
F) They are swallowed uo by a sandstorm
40. When the protagonist takes the chief, the alchemist, and the officers to the cliffs, the
protagonist has a conversation with what three entities?
A) Cleopatra, Tutankhamun & Ramses
B) Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob
C) Peter, Paul, & Mary
D) earth, wind, & fire E) desert, wind, and the sun
41. What trick does the protagonist do on the cliff?
A) Hangglides to safety B) turns himself into wind
C) Jumps onto a moving train
D) swan dives into the ocean and escapes
E) parts the sea in two
42. When the alchemist arrives at the coptic monk’s monastery, why does he give the extra
share of gold to the monk?
A) He owed him money from earlier
B) He lost a bet
C) to pay for food & shelter
D) to give to the boy if he needs it
E) to grow the monastery
43. What is the purpose of the story of the dreams the alchemist tells the protagonist?
A) Every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world and doesn’t know it
B) To show the futility of dreams
C) to encourage us to have dreams
D) To understand our dreams when we sleep E) to encourage proper sleep techniques
44. Where is the protagonist told to dig for his treasure?
A) where his tears have fallen B) at the base of the palm tree
C) Luxor
D) at the base of the pyramid
E) in front of the Sphinx
F) wherever the sand is the softest
45. What symbol of God is found at the place where he digs?
A) A crucifix
B) a sword
C) a scarub beetle
D) a lamb
E) palm leave
F) A lion
G) a crown of thorns
H) a white dove
46. When digging for his treasure, what happens next?
A) He finds a chest of gold doubloons
B) He finds an empty treasure chest
C) He finds a chest with a beating heart
D) He finds the Holy Grail
E) He is jumped by several Arabs
47. When the protagonist is at the treasure hole in Egypt, what does the leader tell the
A) “You are going to die. ”
B) “Looking for the treasure? You are too late!”
C) “See the pyramids and leave!”
D) “The real treasure is in Mecca.”
E) “I dreamed that I should travel to the fields of Spain and look for a ruined church where
shepherds and their sheep slept. In my dream, there was a sycamore growing out of the
ruins of the sacristy, and I was told that, if I dug at the roots of the sycamore, I would find
a hidden treasure.”
48. When the protagonist returns to Tarifa, he:
A) Is dead in a coffin
B) buys back his sheep
C) returns Urim and Thummim
D) digs up a chest of Spanish gold coins by the sycamore tree
E) buys a ticket to Mecca
49. Where does the protagonist go at the end of the story?
A) The graveyard
B) to return to the oasis to be with Fatima C) to Mecca
C) back to Andalusia to tend his sheep
E) to the alchemist to turn the gold into lead
50. What was the protagonist’s real treasure?
A) Spanish doubloons B) the knowledge of changing lead to gold C) his love for Fatima
D) seeing the pyramids E) his sheep