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Space Marine Official Strategy Guide

Official Game Guide
Allies and Enemies.......................... 157
Ultramarines.............................................................. 158
Meet Relic Entertainment.....................4
Imperial Allies............................................................ 162
How to Use this Guide........................ 12
Walkthrough..................................... 13
The Orks................................................................... 165
Forces of Chaos......................................................... 170
Multiplayer..................................... 175
Chapter 1: Planetfall................................. 13
Classes...................................................................... 176
Chapter 2:Against All Odds........................ 19
Modes....................................................................... 179
Chapter 3: Belly of the Beast......................32
Experience................................................................. 179
Chapter 4:Titans of Graia.......................... 40
Chapter 5: Against All odds.......................46
Chapter 6:Lair of Giants............................54
Chapter 7: Heart of Darkness..................... 61
Challenges................................................................ 181
Customizer................................................................ 185
Perks......................................................................... 187
Appendix........................................ 198
Servo Skulls .............................................................. 199
How do you adapt one of the most beloved science-fiction universes ever conceived with nearly 25 years
of accumulated history and a rabidly dedicated fan base to a format that, by its nature, must appeal to
a broader audience than the one for which the universe was originally conceived? The answer is simple:
with painstaking care and dedication.
With Space Marine, we set out to take the iconic superhuman warrior of the 40k setting and put
the player directly in his armor for the first time. We felt that the character of the Space Marine, and
what he represents to humanity in the 41st millennium, was a compelling enough fantasy to craft an
entire experience around. As a creative endeavor, this was an enormously satisfying challenge, the kind
that most people only dream of taking on. But it was also one fraught with peril. We proceeded with
enormous trepidation, as we realized we were playing with the dreams of millions of people who had
dedicated countless hours to this universe as their playground—and how could our work ever live up to
the far-flying fancies of their imaginations?
Thousands and thousands of human-hours of passionate effort have gone into the creation of this
game, this experience. Not everyone on the team was a die-hard 40k fan from the outset, and many
remain on the periphery of 40k fandom, but every single one has found a degree of appreciation and
respect, if not outright passion, for the richness and depth of this amazing world. This respect—
and often, love—comes across in the attention to detail, the craftsmanship that binds this
experience together.
In the end, we hope we have created a piece of work that can stand proudly
within the extensive canon of 40k material, and one that also serves as a
gateway for people who have only experienced the 40k fiction as outsiders.
Space Marine is simultaneously our personal expression of this universe,
our gift to the fans for their dedication and devotion over the years, and
the culmination of our own epic journey as passionate game creators
and lovers of adventure.
Chapter 8: Whispers of the Dead................69
Servo Skull Transcripts .............................................................204
Chapter 9: The Weapon.............................82
Achievements............................................................ 209
The greatest reward we could hope for is for you to count Space
Marine among your list of favorite game-playing experiences.
Trophies.................................................................... 210
Know no fear,
Chapter 10: House of Secrets.................... 91
Chapter 11: Point of No Return....................98
Concept Art.................................... 212
Chapter 12: Dying of the Light.................. 102
Index............................................. 237
Raphael van Lierop
Game Director, Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Chapter 13:Wake the Sleeping Giant..........113
Chapter 14: Victory and Sacrifice............. 122
Chapter 15: Prince of Daemons................ 127
Chapter 16: Spire of Madness.................. 133
Chapter 17: Man Against Daemon............. 142
The Codex...................................... 148
Space Marines........................................................... 149
Weapons................................................................... 152
Relic Entertainment
Q&A with Raphael van Lierop, Game Director
First off, why create Space Marine? Relic’s pedigree is in RTS games,
and the Dawn of War series has been extremely successful for you.
Why branch out into third-person action?
Exploration is part of Relic’s DNA. We’ve never been satisfied to sit on
our laurels, and with every game, we’ve tried to push out and explore
beyond our comfort zone. Space Marine is a result of that—taking a fictional
universe we are really comfortable with but trying to deliver a fresh experience in that universe, to show it from a completely different point of view. It
was important to explore something new in 40k.
Why name the game Space Marine? Does that come across as a generic
title, given the industry joke about the bald space marine?
“Our hero isn’t a
space marine, he’s
THE Space Marine.”
In 40k, the Space Marines are something very specific. It’s not that we
were ignorant to the perception of space marines in the market, but
we were more concerned about delivering a compelling fantasy in a blockbuster action expression of 40k. Since the 40k Space Marine has been around
for nearly 25 years, he is likely the inspiration for a lot of the other heroes in
other science-fiction action games we’ve played. In a way, naming the game
Space Marine was a statement toward appropriating the convention of that
character and showing that it has specific meaning beyond a simple generic
label. Our hero isn’t a space marine, he’s THE Space Marine.
What kinds of challenges did you face in creating a third-person
action game?
Relic’s expertise is in creating award-winning RTS games, so taking
on a blockbuster third-person action-shooter was a big step for us. It
required learning a whole new set of skills, building new technology, bringing new people and fresh ideas into the studio. We created new roles in
the studio, developed a lot of new processes for creating content such as
art resources and missions, and developed the technology and gameplay
mechanics around a completely new kind of combat system that seamlessly
blends melee and shooting. In many ways, looking at our starting point, Space
Marine is a game that should never have been green-lit! But, our passion for
40k and our innovative spirit has helped us to navigate the various pitfalls
and challenges we’ve encountered along the way.
What were the challenges you faced with adapting Warhammer
40,000 to the action-blockbuster experience?
The 40k setting is immense and rich, and really there is so much
about the IP that really lends itself to this kind of epic blockbuster treatment. But, of course this adaptation was not without its
challenges. These varied in scale from things such as how to make the
Space Marine move naturally considering the scale of his body and the
armor he wears, and how to permit enough freedom of movement so
that he could look powerful and responsive in combat without sacrificing the sense of weight and presence in the world, all the way to
how to portray difficult nuances in relationships between the various
“classes” that exist in the society of 40k—for example, how to make an
Imperial Guard address the Space Marines with a sense of reverence,
without sounding weak or obsequious.
One of the greatest challenges we faced, interestingly, was in the
delivery of dialogue—finding the right actors, the right tone and
delivery to capture all the nuances of their relationships, the power
dynamics between the various groups, and then being able to hint at
hidden depths in the story without giving too much away. Whether or
not this translates in the end, it’s something we and Games Workshop
dedicated an enormous amount of energy to, because it was so
integral to staying true to the values of the 40k universe.
In the end, though, the fact that the tagline for 40k is “In the grim
darkness of the far future, there is only war” gave us a lot to craft an
action game around. The mythos of the Space Marine character is deep
and compelling, the enemies are legion, the weaponry is devastating,
the backdrops are epic—this really is the stuff of legends.
Where did the idea of the combat system come from?
The starting point for most decisions in the game was the character
of the Space Marine itself. Who is this character? What motivates
them? How do they think? How do they fight? What defines them as a
military force? And then, what is the backdrop they exist against? In the
far, far future of 40k, the universe is a dark and forbidding place where
humanity is always on the brink of utter destruction by the nearly endless
alien hordes trying to cross its doorstep. Being constantly surrounded by
threats is a metaphor that we latched on to in our gameplay design—
so every battle fighting as a Space Marine hero referred back to this
much larger conflict, and the situation faced by humanity as a whole.
The Space Marines are highly trained and possess the most powerful
weaponry of their time, so it was clear to us that the combat needed
to be hugely satisfying and over the top. The brutality of the fights had
to stay true to the portrayal of combat you see in the signature artwork
of the tabletop rulebooks, where you often see Space Marine heroes
with a gun in one hand and a chainsword in the other. This was the
iconic imagery of the Space Marine hero, and the desire to let the player
instantly switch between melee and shooting was partly an outcome of
that portrayal—having immediate access to whatever weapon is needed
at any given point to deal with whatever enemy happens to be mobbing
you at the time.
“The mythos of
the Space Marine
character is deep
and compelling […]
this really is the
stuff of legends.”
You talk about a massive planetary
invasion, but the player experiences
a smaller-scale conflict. Why is that?
The planetary invasion was always
a backdrop for the events of Space
Marine. It was important that the player
didn’t get lost within a massive conflict or
feel that their actions were insignificant
compared to the scale of the larger fight.
In the end, we wanted the player to feel
that the things they were discovering and
experiencing in the game were the most
important things happening on the planet
at that point, even though there are clearly
hundreds of other major stories that could
be happening simultaneously.
What do you see for the future of
Space Marine?
The game was always conceived with
the hope that it would be the first of
a franchise. We invested a lot of time and
energy into creating a set of characters we
hope will resonate with players—and for
most of them, Space Marine is not the end
of the story. Titus in particular has a lot more
road to travel. We also find ourselves in
that often-frustrating position of shipping
a game right around the point where you
have become quite competent at making
it, and we’d like to be able to build on the
momentum to create even stronger Space
Marine games in the future. It will come
down to how strongly the game does in
the market and whether fans buy into the
fantasy we have created for them. But, rest
assured, if the interest is there, there is a lot
more to be done with this game.
Meet the Team
Dave T. Cheong
Lead Concept Artist
Brent Breedveld
Animation Lead
Q: Where did you start your game industry career, and what
was your first title?
A: Radical Entertainment was the first video game maker that I worked
for. Dark Angel was the first title I contributed to.
Q: How does an average day at Relic look as the animation
lead of Space Marine? That is, what is your job, and what do
you do?
A: I’m responsible for directing the cinematics and core gameplay
animation, so no two days are ever the same.
When it comes to core gameplay, I spend a lot of time with our lead
designer, game director, and senior animators. We discuss what combat
moves will best suit the design of our gameplay. Once a plan is set, I
then speak with the animators and we lock down our animation plan
and ensure that everything will flow together. We then film reference
of ourselves acting out the combat as best we can. Foam swords and
toy guns are in abundance here. The acting gives us a great example
for foot placement, basic timing, and posing. Though our acting may be
a bit awkward, the animators gain a lot from using it. Animators will
then move forward with blocking in animation, pass it to designers, and
check their work in-game. I’ll give feedback periodically throughout the
day on their animation by viewing it in 3ds Max or in-game. We’ll then
continue with animation iteration and feedback until its right.
For cinematics, I’ll get a script from our writers. Voice recordings of
the actors are cut together by our lead sound designer, Glen. With my
Previs supervisor, we’ll plot our story beats for the scene on a whiteboard by drawing thumbnail sketches of the shots and working out
camera angles and lenses. I’ll then look at the sequences daily as the
previs guys block in the frames and timing in 3ds Max using our game
assets. We continue with iteration until the timing of the cuts and basic
animation represents the full intention of the scene. Once we lock the
camera animation and timing of the sequence, I’ll have a meeting with
Newbreed VFX and go over the expectation of each scene. After that, I
have daily meetings to view the scenes they are submitting for review.
I’ll give notes to them by drawing on the frames of the QuickTime using
cineSync. That process is repeated for all cinematics. Once I’ve approved
the animation, I communicate a lot with Wayne Wong Chong, our senior
technical animator. He’s key in the integration process. Together we
make sure that everything is connecting to game the way it should.
To help with the scheduling of all this, I’m in constant communication
with our associate producers. They are a lifesaver when it comes to
organizing all the information and meetings.
In addition to that, I like to be hands-on with as much gameplay and
cinematics animation as I have time for. Animation is my passion, and I
do as much of it as I can.
Q: How much of a role did motion capture play in laying
down the animations within Space Marine?
A: Though facial capture was our choice for the faces, we decided against
using motion capture for the bodies in both gameplay and cinematics.
We recognized that this game would have a lot of melee combat. To have
the Space Marine perform combat that looks and plays well in-game
means a lot of exaggeration. We didn’t feel we could achieve this to the
level we wanted using motion capture. Though motion capture could
have helped in some areas, such as navigation, we wanted an overall
consistency to the look and feel of Space Marine animation. We decided
to use all key-frame animation rather than risk a disconnected look
between melee combat, navigation, shooting, and cinematics. It helps
having such a talented group of key-frame animators as well. Confidence
in the animation team played a role in the decision as well.
In choosing key-frame animation, we still faced the challenge of setting
an overall animation style for all the animators to follow. It was important to keep our characters from looking too cartoony or too different
from one animation to the next. To give a real-world timing and weight
to our animations, we shot reference of ourselves acting out combat
moves, Ork taunts, Bloodletter runs, and Space Marine sync kills. You
name it, we acted it out. We then would exaggerate and perfect the
posing, motion, and gameplay timing needs after that.
The only motion capture we decided to use was for the characters’ faces
in cinematics. We worked closely with Cubic Motion to capture the facial
performances of our actors during the voice-record sessions. As we had
such talented actors cast for our characters’ voices, we wanted to use
as much of their performance as possible, not just their voice records.
The actors all did an amazing job, and we were thrilled with their work.
Q: How many animators are working on Space Marine?
A: Currently we have 10 very talented individuals. Over the course
of Space Marine there have been a total of 15 in-house animators
contributing to previsualization, layout, core gameplay, and cinematics.
We also used Cubic Motion for facial capture and Newbreed VFX and
CIS Vancouver external cinematics for key framing.
Q: Where did you start your game industry career, and what
was your first title?
Q: How long does it take to create a piece of concept art,
and what programs do you use?
A: My very first stint in the game industry was in 1992 when I was still
a snotty-nosed kid in art school. It was a part-time gig as a catch-all
artist for a now-defunct company called Xanth Software F/X. My sole
published effort from those days was palletizing and touching up of
the title splash screen for Faceball 2000 for the SNES. It was in 1997, at
Relic’s earliest incarnation, that I had the honour of being a modeler/
texturer on Homeworld.
A: It ranges from a couple hours for a quick sketch, to help clarify an
asset for a production artist or suggest layout ideas to a level designer
to a couple weeks, for tight, polished full-blown production painting or
a high-res piece of marketing key art. My two mainstays programwise
are Photoshop (for painting) and Picasa (for organizing and searching
through my gigantic database of visual reference).
Q: How does an average day at Relic look as the lead
concept artist of Space Marine? That is, what is your job,
and what do you do?
A: I am responsible for working with the art director, game director, and
other leads to identify what aspects of the project need to be conceived
of and visualized and to figure out the degree of effort needed to
efficiently execute on those things. This ranges from in-game assets like
characters, props, and world environments to external things like logos,
graphic design, and layouts for marketing materials.
Q: What is the most challenging part when creating concept
art for Space Marine?
A: The biggest challenge is getting enough concept art coverage. Unlike
a game based in the real world, success doesn’t come with creating an
outright simulation. We can’t rely on photos to help build our world;
everything in our universe must be visualized and still fall in line with
the already richly detailed universe Games Workshop has created.
Thankfully, we have a conduit to a wealth of Warhammer 40,000
artwork from Games Workshop that gives us a mighty, servo-motored
leg up.
Q: Do you have any suggestions or guidance for young
artists who want to break into the gaming industry?
A: What I look for first and foremost in artist candidates is evidence of a
good “eye” and capable “hand” expressed in a well-loved sketchbook
or well-curated portfolio. I like to see an artist candidate’s ability to
generate and reinforce an idea, know the means to exercise that idea
on a solid technical level, and prove their tenacity to stick with that idea.
Those core attributes are essential because they transcend software
platforms and can be transferred to any discipline, be it concept art,
character modeling, or level building.
Q: What Space Marine chapter are you loyal to?
A: I am partial to the Deathwatch because they are like Seal Team 6 of
the Imperium, the bad-asses of the bad-asses. Plus they fill their ranks
with members across all chapters of the Adeptus Astartes. I don’t have
to choose my allegiance.
Glenn Jamison
Audio Lead
Q: What are some of the most challenging aspects of
character animation?
A: On Space Marine our biggest challenge was bringing the Games
Workshop miniatures to life in a believable way. These amazing
40k miniatures are modeled in beautiful dynamic poses, but building and rigging a Space Marine who can perform the way we need
him to in-game is a different challenge. As Captain Titus is so heavily
armored, we found his geometry would easily collide with itself. It
took a while before we found the right ways to push the model and
establish the animation style for him. For animation it was all about
giving the perception of the agility and speed of Space Marines as
they are represented in the fiction.
Q: What Space Marine chapter are you loyal to?
A: Blood Ravens.
Q: Where did you start your game industry career, and what
was your first title?
A: I started at Radical Entertainment (based in Vancouver) in 1998. After
working on a few titles that never shipped, I think my first shipped title
was Fox Sports NBA Championship 2000.
Q: How does an average day at Relic look as the audio lead of
Space Marine? That is, what is your job and what do you do?
A: The job of an audio lead changes constantly, depending on what
stage of the project we’re in. For me, much of the early stages of the
project involved setting the creative direction of the audio and communicating what the game is going to sound like to the team. I plan out
how audio will function technically, how we’ll cram all that sound into a
tiny amount of memory, how much we’ll stream, etc.
Later, once the tone of the audio has been set, we start to ramp up the
audio team, and they take over much of the sound design and implementation. I look out for any technical or pipeline-related blockers that
prevent my team from working efficiently and work to clear those up.
That usually involves working with programmers and communicating
process and audio dependencies to the other departments.
Once the writers have a script, I’m involved in the casting process
and attend the voice-over recordings. Toward the later stages of the
project, once we have most of the story in place and the game is coming
together, I start working with the composers on the musical direction.
There is a constant back-and-forth of me explaining a scene to them,
sending them videos, talking with them about what emotions we want
the music to communicate, etc. On top of this, we also need to ensure
that we’re representing the Warhammer 40,000 IP in the right way.
In the very late stages of the project, when all of our content has been
thrown in, and it’s really sounding like a mess, I come in and begin the
mix. This involves setting levels on sounds, speech, and music; assigning
distance curves to different kinds of sounds; and really carving out the
soundscape that the user will experience.
Q: We have some fairly talented voice actors within Space
Marine. What was it like working with Mark Strong, Richard
Hawley, and Noah Huntley?
A: All of the voice actors were great to work with. They all genuinely
seemed excited to be working on this project, and that makes a big
difference. When an actor walks in and they don’t seem to care, it can
really impact their performance. We didn’t run into this problem at all
on Space Marine, and I think it came through in the quality of acting we
got. Actors were constantly wanting to do that extra take to get it right
and were more than willing to work with us until the performance was
nailed. The first actor we recorded was Mark Strong, and as soon as we
had met him, and he had recorded his first line, we knew we had picked
the right guy. He just sounded like a Space Marine to me.
Battlestar Galactica music, MB Gordy. We ended up doing two days of
sessions at MB’s studio, and I think he really nailed the vibe of the Orks.
Chaos, however, had to be something completely different. Tribal drums
weren’t going to work very well for them. Chaos are evil, sadistic, yet not
animalistic like the Orks. They’re intelligent and organized. This is where
Sascha’s talents really came in handy. He’s great at doing industrial-style
electronic music, with evil drone pads all over the place.
With Cris’s orchestral scores for the Space Marines, MB’s percussion for
the Orks and Sascha’s dark electronic grooves, I think we ended up with
a really solid and diverse score for Space Marine.
Q: What Space Marine chapter are you loyal to?
A: I’d have to say Space Wolves.
Q: When setting out to create the music behind Space
Marine, what sort of inspiration did the team draw from to
provide the overall direction?
Ian Cumming
Art Director
A: I first got into the games industry at a company called Piranha Games
as a model/texture artist.
For the first month, I didn’t have a computer, which seemed odd at first,
but because of this I ended up doing everything from concept to making
maps, which set the tone for the rest of my time there. I got my hands
into everything.
Q: How does an average day at Relic look as the art director of
Space Marine? That is, what is your job and what do you do?
A: Being responsible for the art on a project as big as Space Marine is
a daunting task—fortunately we have one of the most amazing teams
I’ve ever worked with.
A good portion of my day is spent out of my desk talking with the
team, tracking the right people down to help keep the ship from steering off course. This will vary anywhere from getting individual feedback
to gathering info to helping solve issues with the game. I’m always
working with the other disciplines, solving the look, or refining the
quality of some aspect of the game.
On the rare occasion that I’m at my desk, I sometimes get the chance
to create art. ;)
Lead Gameplay Designer
Q: Where did you start your game industry career, and what
was your first title?
A: My first job was in Australia at TeamFortress Software, doing levels
and design work for the original Quake version of Team Fortress. I was
super young and had a blast—learned a lot too!
Q: How does an average day at Relic look as the gameplay
lead of Space Marine? That is, what is your job, and what do
you do?
A: It is my primary job to make sure the overall moment-to-moment
experience of controlling a Space Marine is, well, awesome. Everything
they can do and everything that happens to them is designed and
implemented by the core gameplay group. I keep the group on track
and working toward the goal of having a completely fluid and exciting
gameplay experience between ranged and melee combat.
A: When we started talking with Cris and Sascha (Space Marine
composers), Cris mentioned that he knew the percussionist from the
Q: Where did you start your game industry career, and what
was your first title?
Jamie “Antsy” Mactaggart
Q: How hard has it been translating the fine details given
within the Warhammer 40,000 IP and bringing that to Space
A: The Warhammer 40K universe provides us a lot of tools and content
to work with, which is great, and our familiarity with the IP helped us
jump right in to Space Marine.
Space Marine has definitely been an interesting transition from our
DOW RTS series. We focused on capturing the epic scale of the world
and its unique mix of massive factory and Gothic architecture, but from
ground level—quite a different view than what you would see in an RTS.
You end up solving very different problems in a world where you can
walk up to everything and inspect or interact with it. This applies to both
environment and characters.
Q: How big is your team of artists working on Space
A: Blood Ravens . . . a local favorite.
Q: The gameplay lead gets to iron out all the details for
weapons within the game. How hard is it to balance out
those weapons when trying to stay as true as possible to
the Warhammer 40,000 IP?
A: When the IP specifies that every single Adeptus Astartes weapon is
built to do maximum lethal damage to pretty much anything, it becomes
a real challenge to balance gameplay expectations and experience.
This goes beyond the individual numbers and statistical tuning of the
weapons, though—they have to feel correct. The experience of wielding these—controlling them directly—comes first. If the presentation
of firing or swinging these weapons doesn’t have the appropriate 40k
gravitas, it doesn’t matter what we do with the balance.
It is a pretty sweet gig.
It has been challenging but also very rewarding. We have some pretty
spectacular results, and they will only get better as time goes on.
Q: What tricks do you use to create realistic effects without
hindering performance?
Q: What Space Marine chapter are you loyal to?
A: I am going to assume this question is meant for one of our Visual FX
artists . . . Our gameplay “tricks” are a well-kept secret, and I would
A: I am quite fond of the Raven Guard. Their combat doctrine tends to
resonate with me, as does their excessive use of Assault Marines.
Jerry Edsall
Lead Programmer
Q: Where did you start your game industry career, and what
was your first title?
A: I got my big break in the games industry at a place called Virtual
World Entertainment. We made these cool BattleTech Mech simulators.
The simulators were fully enclosed cockpits with five monitors, joysticks,
foot pedals, and tons of buttons. Each site had multiple cockpits all
networked together, so you could get your friends together and beat
the snot out of each other in a big multiplayer match. I started there as
a lowly intern.
A: Thirty-four artists, including tech art.
Q: What Space Marine chapter are you loyal to?
rather not face the Inquisition to explain this particular heresy should
they get out. . . .
Q: How does an average day at Relic look as the programming
lead of Space Marine? That is, what is your job and what do
you do?
A: No day on Space Marine is average! We are very close to shipping
now, so all of the programmers are focused on fixing bugs. My job is to
keep the Space Marine programmers happy and moving in the same
direction. We have an amazingly talented group of programmers, so it
makes my job easy. Just don’t tell them that!
tech internally, stuff like the Darksiders engine at Vigil Studios and Saints
Row engine at Volition. We also had our own technologies powering
our PC titles like Dawn of War and Company of Heroes. Our team of
programmers took all the cool tech we found and assembled it into the
Space Marine engine.
Q: What supporting technology does Space Marine utilize,
and how much work does it take to implement those
A: As you can imagine, we have a lot of technology in Space Marine. One
of the coolest pieces of tech we have here is the visual effects system
(VFX). We started the VFX engine 11 years ago for Impossible Creatures,
and we’ve been adding features to it ever since. Our artists pull off the
most amazing stuff with it. We also have extensive tech for animation,
rendering, tools, audio, multiplayer, and artificial intelligence. The list
goes on and on. The programmers here are tremendously smart. It’s a
pleasure coming into work every day to see what kind of crazy tech they
have cooked up for Space Marine.
Q: What Space Marine chapter are you loyal to?
Q: What steps did you and the team take when picking the
game engine for Space Marine?
A: During preproduction, we looked at pretty much every engine being
used to make a game at THQ: We were fortunate to find a lot of great
A: Wot u say? I ain’t loyal to no ’umies. You sez dat again and I’ll pluck
out your teef one by one. I fights for da greenskinz. ’Eres a pic of me
Jonathan Dowdeswell
Matthew Jean Childéric Nicolas Berger
Relic Studio General Manager
Q: Where did you start your game industry career, and what
was your first title?
A: I started in the games industry at Electronic Arts Canada in 1995. I
was a game tester, and my first game was NBA Live ’95.
Q: How does an average day at Relic look as the GM of the
studio? That is, what is your job and what do you do?
A: My job is essentially to make sure that Relic is a profitable business
within THQ: To do that, I’m responsible for ensuring that we have games
and budget approved by THQ, we have teams and leaders that can staff
those games, and we continually deliver on our quality expectations.
I’m also ultimately responsible for the support areas of the studio, like
HR, IT, and Finance, but the majority of my effort is around the games.
An average day doesn’t really exist for me. We have three games in development at one time in general, which means the pressures on each are
always different. Some weeks are very focused on reviewing and making
changes to games, some are very focused on the staff at the studio in
general, and some are very focused on our actual physical space!
Q: What was the inspiration to bring Space Marine to Xbox
360 and PlayStation 3?
A: We’ve been working toward a cross-platform console release at Relic
for years. In 2006 we released The Outfit, which was a 360 exclusive.
That game had some cool innovations, but it showed us how much we
were going to have to learn in order to be competitive on the consoles.
Since then we’ve tried a variety of new ideas and have focused on building team members and technology. During all of that, we’ve also been
consistently working with the Dawn of War RTS franchise on the PC.
That franchise is based on the Warhammer 40,000 IP, and it’s become
something pretty meaningful for Relic. To be able to take all of our
lessons and technologies, and merge them with our knowledge of the
40k IP, just seemed like a great thing to do. This is the first time in years,
and in our opinion definitely the best realization ever, that a player will
be able to take direct control of a 40k Space Marine and experience a
battlefield directly from his perspective. The game is pretty juicy. This is a
Campaign Lead Designer
really exciting time for us now. We’re eager to release Space Marine, we
have big plans for how we want to improve in the future, and we hope
our first game lives up to everyone’s expectations!
Q: How have you seen Relic change over the last five years,
and where do you see Relic going in the coming years?
A: You know, for all the ways I think we’re different, we’re also really the
same. We have a strong desire to innovate, a love for risk-taking, and we
probably bite off more than we can chew a little too often. In the coming
years, we’re eager to take some of our experience, being consistent with
RTS games and push into the console market even more. The types of
cinematic and emotional experiences we want to make are perfect for
gamers, whether they’re at a computer or on a couch, and we just want
to make games that compete with the best games out there. Who knows,
maybe we’ll even get to resurrect some venerable IPs soon too.
Q: What advice would you give to someone trying to break
into the industry?
A: Keep trying! It’s a brilliant industry full of hyperintelligent and inspired
people. There has been a lot of upheaval in the past years, and it seems
sometimes like companies are going out of business all the time, but
there have never been more people playing electronic games of some
sort than there are now, and that’s only going to increase. You need to be
crystal-clear what type of role you want to do, and hopefully that’s what
you’re good at, but regardless of that, I’d also recommend that you get
familiar with the broader industries of product design, traditional game
design, and user interface. Games are about entertainment, but they’re
also highly technical, and the more you keep up to date with sophistications in other product industries, the better you’ll do.
Q: What Space Marine chapter are you loyal to?
A: The Blood Ravens, of course! I was part of their creation on Dawn of
War, and they’ll always hold a special meaning to me.
Q: Where did you start your game industry career, and what
was your first title?
Q: What inspirations did the team pull from in laying out the
single-player campaign (no major spoilers)?
A: I started in QA working for a French publishing company called
Microids, and the first title I worked on was an RTS called Warrior Kings
by Black Cactus, a UK developer that’s sadly no longer with us.
A: A lot of the campaign locations were defined by our story, which
was very specific in what was happening and where it was happening,
so on a high level we had the skeleton of the campaign laid out—
the major gameplay beats, the major locations, what happened to our
characters, etc.
My first design credit was on the sequel to Warrior Kings (cleverly called
Warrior Kings: Battles).
Q: How does an average day at Relic look as the campaign
lead of Space Marine? That is, what is your job, and what do
you do?
A: It starts with me dropping off my daughter at day care (gotta take
care of the family). The first few hours in the morning often involve
going through a lot of e-mails while I sync to the latest build. E-mails
tend to get backed up as the day progresses, and while most people
know to come to me directly, there’s still a lot of things I need to keep
an eye on.
The first meetings usually begin around 10 in the morning. There’s a
daily standup meeting that’s short which involves all the leads and the
production staff where we quickly look at the major issues of the day.
Following that is an equivalent campaign standup which has all the
campaign designers.
The campaign standup is usually run by Scott Cowie, who is the
campaign supervisor, so if I can’t get to it, he lets me know if anything
major has come up. Because I’m constantly being pulled in several
different directions at once, I rely on Scott to make sure that the big
problems bubble up to me and to keep the campaign designers moving
in the right direction.
In between meetings, I’ll play the game and write up feedback items for
the designers. When they have a first pass on it, they come and grab me
and we play through it together and make corrections as needed.
Throughout the day, I’ll get pulled into discussions either to inform me
of things that are changing or to discuss decisions that need to be made.
Lots and lots of conversation with Tristan Brett, who is the environment
supervisor and somehow manages to solve all the layout problems the
design changes create.
In addition to that, we have a very rich IP that we are working with,
and it is defined by the grandeur of the spaces and the sheer scale of
So you have the story, which has given you the skeleton of the campaign
and the IP that defines the type of spaces you are looking at—40k is all
about massive scale for everything. Everything is bigger and over the
top; it’s very Gothic and on some level dehumanizing.
You’d think that it’s difficult for us to find material for that, but there
are some amazing pieces of engineering that people usually don’t know
about, and yet there are pictures on these specialized websites.
We also looked a lot at Soviet architecture, which has that large
dehumanizing cog in the machine vibe (perfect for a Forge World).
And sadly when you’re in need of battlefield imagery, destroyed cities
and the like, you have a wealth of images and reference material to pick
from. We looked a lot at WWII and Stalingrad pictures, but also more
recent conflicts in the Balkans.
In addition to real-world inspiration, we also have a concept team that
did a lot of sketches for us, and they came up with some really unique
And, of course, like everyone else, we use other media as reference.
Movies and comics/manga are a very common language, and you’re
constantly referencing back to them. I know that I’ve mentioned Akira
and Hellboy on more than one occasion for this project.
Q: What Space Marine chapter are you loyal to?
A: Blood Ravens, of course! (’Course, I have a Daemon and an Ork army
as well as a Dark Eldar one waiting to be assembled, so you know I
might be on the side of the enemies of the Imperium right now. . . .
Some of the decisions are far-reaching and touch upon the vision and
foundation of our game, and for those I’ll huddle up with Raphael van
Lierop, who is the game director. He’s responsible for maintaining the
vision of the game and ultimately makes those calls.
Toward the end of the day, the meetings usually run down, and I can get
some more playing done and feedback written up for the campaign so
that when people come in the next day, they have work to do.
Then it’s go home and enjoy the family before it starts all over again.
How to Use
this Guide
Space Marine is an exciting game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. You play as Captain Titus, a
Space Marine in the Ultramarine Chapter. Your squad has been sent to the Forge World of Graia to halt
an Ork invasion. However, you discover a much larger threat to the Imperium of Man.
The Walkthrough
These 17 chapters take you from orbit over
Graia down into the trenches of the Imperial
Guard to hold back the Ork hordes. Then as
you venture into a manufactorum, you begin
to learn about a secret weapon that could
win the war against the Orks and other Xenos. Eventually a
warp portal opens and an army of Chaos joins the fray.
In addition to a rich campaign game, Space
Marine also includes a fast-paced multiplayer
game filled with combat and adrenalinepumping action. This part of the guide
covers the various classes you can play and
the types of game modes. Find tactics that help you win,
and learn how to earn experience points, advance to higher
levels, and unlock weapons and perks. Everything you need
to master multiplayer can be found here.
In the walkthrough, you get all of the information on how to
complete your objectives. Embedded in this walkthrough is
information on the weapons you can find and the enemies
you must defeat. In addition, the locations of all 48 servo
skulls are revealed here complete with directions on how to
get them. These servo skulls are audio recordings of events
that took place prior to your arrival on Graia as the Ork
invasion was beginning. The walkthrough chapters will help
you make it across the battlefields of Graia to bring honor to
the Ultramarines.
The Codex
The Codex is the guide in which all Space
Marines are indoctrinated during their
training and serves them throughout their
lives. Look to this tome for inspiration and
guidance. This section of the guide serves
the same purpose. It defines what a Space Marine is and then
covers the tactics used by Space Marines as they fight against
enemies in ranged and melee combat. Since weapons are the
tools by which Space Marines accomplish their objectives, this
section also includes all the information you need to know
about weapons from the standard-issue bolter to the massive
thunder hammer.
Allies and Enemies
Though they may have to fight on their own
at times, a Space Marine is a member of a
squad and part of the Imperium’s military
might. Therefore, this section of the guide
introduces you to not only your character,
Captain Titus, but also your allies, including your Ultramarine
squadmates and members of the Imperial Guard and the
Inquisition. Since a Space Marine must know his enemies as
well as his allies, the second part of this section covers the
various enemies you face on Graia—the Orks and the Forces
of Chaos. Learn about the leaders of these factions as well as
tactics for defeating them and their armies.
The Appendix provides the secrets of Space
Marine. Here you get a comprehensive list
of all of the servo skulls and their locations
so you can be sure to find them all. Also
included are the transcripts of the audio
recordings from all 48 servo skulls. Finally, all of the achievements and trophies you can earn in Space Marine listed in
this section of the guide. If you are having trouble finding
something, then turn to the Appendix for an answer.
Concept Art
This section features a vast collection of
concept art, accompanied by commentary
from Raphael van Lierop, Game Director of
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine.
Chapter 1:
Chapter Overview
New Weapons
New Enemies
Bolt Pistol
pg. 16
pg. 14
Combat Knife
pg. 14
pg. 14
pg. 16
Kill Krooza
Gretchin are often armed with a small
choppa. While a single one is no threat,
they often attack in swarms. In addition,
they can serve as distractions so heavier
units can attack you. A single slash of
a combat knife is sufficient to kill any
Gretchin within range.
Objective: Reach the surface of Forge World Graia.
The Forge World of Graia has been
invaded by Orks. Extremely important to
the Imperium, this planet-sized factory
is the source of many weapons—including the Warlord-Class Titan. The only
force close enough to Graia to stop the
invasion in time are the Space Marines.
The Ultramarine chapter is the closest
to Graia and has been sent to stop
the Orks and prepare for follow‑up
forces. The main objective is to secure
the Titans. Three Space Marines are
deployed to the planet.
On the way down,
you land on an
Ork Krooza flying
above the planet.
While you are
here, you might
as well neutralize
this Krooza and its
firepower. Once you
land on the deck,
fight your way to
the antiaircraft gun at the rear and use it to send this Krooza down to the surface.
Combat Knife
You begin with a combat knife for your
melee weapon. Press the Strike button
to slash with your combat knife, which
inflicts light damage. You can also
perform more powerful attacks by chaining together strikes. Press the Strike
button twice in a chain to perform a
heavy slash for medium damage. Chain
three strikes to perform a heavy stab
for heavy damage. While the combat
knife is the least damaging of the melee
weapons, it is fine for the foes you face
on the Krooza.
In addition to the Gretchin, a couple Boyz come at you as well. Continue using
your combat knife. However, it takes a few slashes to finish them off. As you are
fighting, rotate your view to look around and ensure no Orks are sneaking up on
After you defeat
all of the Orks
in the first area,
three more Boyz
break through a
barricade to attack
you. Try using a
stun attack. As
they come in close,
press the Stun
button to knock
them out of the fight for a few seconds so you can finish them off without receiving damage. Kill these three Boyz and then advance.
Stun attacks are a great way to decrease the number of enemies attacking you. Move in close
and press the Stun button to hit your target. A bluish glow surrounds stunned enemies, and
they are unable to move or attack for a few seconds until the effect wears off. You can then
execute the stunned foe, concentrate on other enemies, or finish off your stunned target with
subsequent strikes.
Ork hordes consist of millions of Boyz,
the rank-and-file of this barbaric alien
race. Wielding hatchetlike choppas, they
operate in large hordes and are constantly itching for a fight. Boyz are the
melee fighters and rush in close to attack.
They often strike in groups of two or more
to try and overwhelm their enemies.
Eliminate Boyz with a few melee strikes.
When a large group is charging, thin
them out with ranged fire and then finish
off the survivors with melee attacks. Also
use stun attacks to slow their attacks or
to set them up for an execution.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
You are Captain
Titus—along with
Sergeant Sidonus
and Leandros, you
must get down to
the Forge World’s
surface. However,
the Orks have
taken control
of the planetary
defense weapons
and are shooting down anything that does not belong to them. Since the unit’s
Thunderhawk landing ship can’t make it to the surface, Titus orders his unit to use
their jump-packs to drop from the Thunderhawk down to the surface.
Gretchin (or Grots) are the smallest of the
Orks, the slave race of the species. Cunning,
cruel, and cowardly, they flee from open
combat but take pleasure in ambushes
and opportunities to inflict pain. They bow
and scrape before larger Orks but grumble
insults behind their backs.
Shoota Boyz
Servo Skulls
After landing on
the Krooza, get
ready for combat.
A swarm of
Gretchin attack.
Concentrate on
using your combat
knife. Since they
rush in fast, it is
easier to kill them
with melee attacks,
and a single slash kills several Gretchin. Try to rush into a group of these enemies
to finish them off quickly.
Bolt Pistol
Objective: Disable the Ork ship
Press the Evade button to perform a combat
roll. Moving when you use a combat roll
allows you to select the direction you want
to roll. Combat rolls are great for quickly
getting away from grenades or for evading
enemy fire to get behind cover.
The explosion
takes out another
section of pipe.
Advance through
the gap into the
next area. The
Warboss appears
at the Krooza’s far
end and throws
grenades at you.
Watch for the
icons that appear in the screen’s center. They show you where the grenades are
relative to you. The aiming reticule in the center represents you, so a grenade
above it is in front of you while one below the reticule is behind you. Perform a
combat roll to move quickly away from the grenades.
The bolt pistol is the basic sidearm of the
Space Marines. While not as powerful as
other weapons, it has the advantage of
unlimited ammunition. Therefore, you
can always fall back on this weapon if
your more powerful weapons run out of
ammo. The bolt pistol holds eight rounds
in its clip. It takes several of these .75caliber rounds to kill an enemy, so aim
and fire several times. Since this weapon
is semiautomatic, each time you press
the Fire button, the bolt pistol shoots a
single round.
As you move
forward, you come
under fire from a
Shoota Boy. Since
it is up on a higher
platform, you
can’t get in close
enough for melee
attacks. Time
to use your bolt
pistol. Hold down
the Aim button and center the reticule on your target and fire. It takes several
shots to kill Orks. Once the Shoota Boy is toast, aim at the red spherical tank to the
right and fire to blow it up. After it explodes, a couple of pipes blocking your way
also explode and allow you to continue.
Shoota Boyz
Shoota Boyz are Orks who have picked
up makeshift firearms, adding streams
of gunfire to the oncoming charge. Most
Shoota Boyz remain brutal savages,
favoring rate of fire and noise above any
sense of accuracy or finesse. Shoota Boyz
usually try to attack from behind cover
or from higher levels. If an enemy gets
into close combat, Shoota Boyz use their
weapons as clubs for melee attacks.
Executions are an effective way to finish off an enemy. In order to perform one, you must
first stun an enemy. Then move in close and press the Use button. The advantages of an
execution are that it kills the stunned target and you regain more health. However, while
performing an execution, you are vulnerable to attack from other foes. Be sure all nearby
enemies are stunned before performing an execution. This is also a good way to kill Gretchin.
These little Orks don’t have to be stunned to execute them. Just get in close and press the
Use button to pick one up and slam it into the ground.
The bar at the screen’s top helps you keep track of your armor and health. The red bar is your
health and the golden border around the red represents your armor level. As you take damage,
your armor level decreases. Once it is completely gone, additional damage decreases your
health. Your armor level is restored over time while you are not taking damage. Therefore, it
you start losing armor, take cover or quickly eliminate your enemies. Health, on the other hand,
is restored by executing enemies. Therefore, if you start getting low on health, wait until your
armor is back up to full strength and then start laying waste to hostiles.
To perform a charge attack, hold down
the sprint button and rush right into the
enemies. When you hit them, the charge
attack knocks them back and stuns them.
This attack works great when going against
a large group of enemies. It stuns several
of them and gets you into melee combat
quickly. It also is useful when attacking
a single enemy and sets you up for an
Hold down the Sprint button and charge up the ramp. Perform a charge attack on
the Boyz coming at you.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Shoota Boyz should be one of your
primary targets in an engagement, since
they can cause a lot of damage if not
eliminated quickly. They stay back and
fire at you while others move in for melee
combat. Take out Shoota Boyz with your
ranged weapons before engaging in
melee combat. If there are several firing
at you, take cover so you can shoot at one
Shoota Boy at a time without exposing
yourself to the others.
Move through the opening in the pipes to the next area. There are several Boyz up
ahead, and they charge toward you. As you advance, part of the deck explodes
and you take damage. It also kills some of the Boyz. Fire the bolt pistol to take out
one or two before they reach you, then move in with your combat knife. Try to
stun the Boyz and then press the Use button to perform an execution on a stunned
enemy. As you approach this area’s far end, watch out for a Shoota Boy at the far
right side. Take him out by firing at the nearby red spherical tank. One hit and it
explodes—taking the Shoota Boy with it.
As you move away from the grenades, advance to this area’s right side to engage
the Shoota Boy there. Kill it first, and then engage the other Boyz coming at you.
Watch out for a couple more Shoota Boyz on the level above on the right side. Aim
at the explosive barrel near them and blow it up to kill them both. This also creates a
gap in the pipes on the left side so you can head up the ramp to the final area.
The large gun turret is located in this final area, and you must
use it to disable the Krooza. The Warboss continues to attack
by throwing grenades and sending groups of Boyz after you.
Evade the grenades and kill the Boyz before moving next to
the turret.
Press the Use button to begin turning the turret so it is facing
the Warboss and the superstructure of the Krooza.
Now that the Krooza is disabled, it loses altitude and crashes
onto the surface of Graia.
Captain Titus has arrived on Graia and
is ready for some more fighting.
Ork Kill KroozA
Ork Kill Kroozas are built for
direct, head on attack and
will seek to close the range
rapidly. At close range the
heavy guns which festoon
the Kill Krooza’s prow and
flanks can cause dreadful
Chapter 2:
Against All Odds
Chapter Overview
New Weapons
Alexander (1/5)
pg. 21
pg. 24
pg. 22
Bomb Squig
pg. 25
2nd Lt. Mira (1/5)
pg. 27
pg. 23
The Might of the
Righteous pg. 28
pg. 26
Blast Radius
pg. 25
Heavy bolter
pg. 29
Command Squad
pg. 24
Frag grenade
Medicae Station
Ventris (1/5) pg. 27
Into the Breach
Audio Log: Workshift 465 (1/5)
Servo skull recording of events on Graia:
conversations between assembly-line
worker Lilith and welder Caleb, during their
work shift at Manufactorum Ajakis.
pg. 31
Stalker pattern
Alexander (2/5)
VOICE OF GRAIA (on loudspeaker)
Workers, assemble.
pg. 28
pg. 29
Against all odds
Workshift 465
(1/5) pg. 21
New Enemies
Servo Skull
Servo Skulls
However, before
entering the building, turn around
to locate an Ork
barricade. Shoot
at the explosive
barrels by it to
blow up the
barricade. Kill the
Gretchin on the
other side and
then move in to search the area to find your first servo skull.
Caleb, there you are. The Shiring brothers
are saying we’re under attack!
Chapter Start
The brothers are idiots, Lilith.
They saw rocks in the sky.
Objective: Reach squadmates Leandros and Sidonus.
Once you have the servo skull, move into the cathedral-like structure. Kill a few
more Gretchin and then walk up to the shrine to acquire a new weapon.
Xenos, here? Damned unlikely.
Now that you have the bolter, you can switch between the bolt pistol and the bolter. If you run
out of ammo for the bolter, use your bolt pistol until you find an ammo cache.
Keep going until you reach a ledge.
Drop to the lower level and head
left. There are a few Gretchin moving
about. Take them out with your bolt
pistol and keep moving toward a large,
cathedral-like structure.
Move through a
small courtyard
and continue into
another structure.
There are Orks
moving about on
the upper levels.
However, they
don’t attack since
they are headed
toward one of
your squadmates. Keep moving and save your ammo.
The .998 Godwyn pattern bolter is the
characteristic Space Marine battle rifle.
It fires bolts, each of which contains an
integrated solid propellant that acts like
a miniature rocket. These bolts have an
explosive tip that detonates inside a
target for additional damage. The bolter
holds 30 rounds in the clip, and Space
Marines can carry a total of 330 rounds
at one time.
The bolter is your primary weapon. It has
an automatic rate of fire, so as long as
you hold down the Fire button, it keeps
shooting until the clip is empty. However,
it is a good idea to fire this weapon in
short bursts in order to increase accuracy
and save ammo. A couple short bursts
will kill most Boyz. Take time to aim,
especially when targeting enemies at a
distance, to further improve your accuracy. After eliminating an enemy or group
of enemies, reload your bolter. This gives
you a full clip for the next engagement,
and reloading a partial clip is faster than
reloading an empty bolter.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Get ready to use
your new bolter.
After you pick it up,
a couple of Shoota
Boyz break down
a door and attack.
Take aim and
dispatch them with
a few short bursts
each. Then head
through the door.
Now that you are on the surface of Graia, it is time to find the rest of your squad.
Make your way through the rubble until you emerge outside, overlooking the large
defense gun in the distance. Follow the path that leads down and to the right.
There are a couple ammo caches in this area. One is to your left and
the other is forward and to the right. Use the one on the left when
you get below 200 rounds. Each ammo cache gives you 90 rounds.
Also be sure to reload your weapon before picking up ammo. Reload
at the second ammo cache as you exit this area.
Servo Skull
Journal: Guardsman Alexander (1/5)
Situation: Thomas Alexander, 20, is a
low-ranking Imperial Guardsman sent to
Forge World Graia with a small detachment
of soldiers. These are his private journals.
Defeat all the Orks
and then listen
to a conversation
with Leandros.
Next, a horde of
Gretchin attack.
Don’t waste ammo
on them. Instead,
either slash at
them with your
knife or execute
them. Once they are dead, head through the opening from where they charged
and then follow a path to the left.
Personal message cache; Guardsman
Thomas Alexander.
We’ve been diverted to a Forge World
under Ork attack. The defenders are all
dead, the Orks are killing everyone on the
planet, and we’re the only Imperial Guard
in the sector.
You earn the Command Squad
Achievement/Trophy as soon as
you reunite with your Space Marine
The Trenches
Objective: Get to the command bunker to find the leader of the Imperial Guard forces.
The fleet’s on the way—but they’re a
couple of weeks out.
We’re in for a hard fight.
Keep advancing through the rubble and look for a servo skull near some
sandbags where the path turns to the right. Pick it up and listen to the message
before continuing on.
The soldiers open a
door into a nearby
building. Inside,
the Imperial Guard
have set up an area
to rest between
battles and treat
the wounded.
Continue through
the building and
emerge out the
other side. Sidonus contacts you. He is located near the large statue up ahead.
Move to the statue to complete your objective and rendezvous with your squad.
This is a good time to use the charge
attack. Sprint toward a group of Orks and
then press the Slash button to knock them
away and stun several of them. Then follow
up with melee attacks to finish them off.
Chain your attacks, combining slashes and
stun attacks to cause the most damage.
Now that you have the entire squad together, it is time to
get a new weapon. Walk up to the shrine and exchange
your knife for a chainsword. Right after you get it, you have
a chance to test it out on a group of Boyz. Chain your melee
attacks together for more damage.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Must be winter back home. No snow here,
that’s for certain.
As you advance,
you see a large
group of Orks
charging an
Imperial Guard
position. Rush in
and start taking
them out. The
soldiers are behind
a barricade. Move
forward and kill
Orks as you go to help the soldiers repel the attack. Melee attack your way to the
barricade and then open up with your bolter to stop the assault. There is an ammo
cache behind the barricade where you can restock when necessary. After the fight,
talk to the soldiers to learn about the situation on Graia.
Against all odds
Make your way down into some trenches. Up ahead, some
soldiers of the Imperial Guard are under attack. Move
forward to take out a couple Boyz and then continue through
the trenches.
A bit farther, you run into Leandros, who is taking on several
Orks on his own. There are several Shoota Boyz on the upper
levels firing down on you. Use aimed fire to take them out.
However, watch out for Boyz with choppas to charge your
position. You need to learn to balance ranged and melee
combat. There are some large stone blocks in this area
that offer good cover. Pull back to them if you start to get
overwhelmed so you can deal with the melee attacks and
then go after those Shoota Boyz. Watch out for the grenades
the Orks throw at you. Roll away from them and then kill the
enemies who are throwing them.
Advance through
the trenches and
head left at the
intersection. Shoot
at the explosive
containers at the
end to blow up
a barricade so
you can access
an ammo cache.
Return to the
intersection and go left.
After you see a new enemy, the Bomb Squig, blow up some Imperial Guard
soldiers, head up the ramp to the left so you are above the trenches. Follow the
trenchline so you can look down into the trenches. Another Squig comes running
along the trench. Shoot it to blow it up.
After fighting off several waves of enemies, the dropship brings in an Ork leader, a
Nob. This is a tough enemy to kill. Save a couple grenades for this Ork. As soon as he
lands, throw the grenades to stun it and cause damage. Then rush forward to attack.
When close to the stunned Nob, press the Execute button. You then have to quickly
press the button that appears onscreen to overpower the Nob and finish it off.
This is one of the standard Space Marine
grenade variants. It is designed to fragment upon explosion, taking out infantry
within a wide radius. Press the Grenade
button to throw a grenade in front of
you. Be careful: Grenades damage you
as well as enemies if you get too close.
Use grenades to clear out large groups
of enemies. Each cache provides three
grenades, and you can carry a total of
five at one time.
The fight at the entrance to the
command bunker is an excellent
time to earn this award. Throw a frag
grenade into a large group of Orks.
If you kill five with one grenade, you
get the Blast Radius Achievement/
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
The Orks attack in
waves. Focus on
the Shoota Boyz
at the top of the
trenchline and kill
them when they
come into view.
Your fellow Space
Marines and the
Imperial Guard
also help out and
usually take care of the Boyz charging for melee attacks. Once the Shoota Boyz are
silenced, aim at the other Boyz and Gretchin charging your lines. There are ammo
and grenade caches to your right; restock when you need it.
Bomb Squig
Squigs are the simplest species of Orkoid
life and are little more than snapping,
fanged mouths on legs. Trained by the
Orks as attack pets, the Squigs are deadly
against most foes. As an additional layer
of lethality, some Orks strap a Squig with
explosives and send it rushing toward a
foe as an explosive device. Shoot at these
enemies to blow them up before they get
close to you and cause a lot of damage.
You can often hear them coming before
you see them. Listen for a grunting sound
and then get ready to fire. If you shoot a
Squig while it is near other enemies, the
resulting explosion often kills several Orks.
An Ork dropship
is deploying
enemies to attack
the command
bunker. You must
stop their attack.
Quickly move to
join the Imperial
Guards behind the
barricades, killing
Shoota Boyz as
you advance. Try not to hit the explosive containers just yet. You can use them to
greater effect later.
Frag Grenade
Against all odds
The chainsword provides more power
for melee attacks. Chain your strikes for
more damage. A strike, performed by
pressing the Strike button once, causes
light damage. Press the button again to
perform a backhand strike for medium
damage. Continue with another button
press to perform a slash for mediumheavy damage, and a fourth button press
results in a spinning slash for heavy
damage. Pressing the Stun button results
in a backhand that stuns a single target.
Do a stun after a strike to kick and stun
enemies in a wedge in front of you. A
stun after a backhand strike allows you
to perform a shoulder bash that stuns
enemies in a larger wedge around you.
Finally, if you complete a slash with a
stun, your Space Marine does a foot
stomp that stuns all enemies in a radius
around you. It is important to use these
chains of attacks when fighting large
groups of enemies in melee combat.
Drop into the
trenches again and
continue toward
the command
bunker. Another
Squig along with
some Gretchin
come at you. Aim
for the Squig, and
when it detonates,
it clears the trench.
As you get near the end of the trenches, stop at a cache to pick up some grenades.
You definitely need them for the next engagement.
The Mk XI Hell’s Teeth chainsword is the
close-combat weapon of choice among
Space Marines. Combining terrifying
power and great speed, its motorized
biting teeth are capable of slicing through
bulkheads and thick armor—as well as
flesh and bone.
Head up the steps
where the Orks
attacked you and
then follow the
trenches. Watch
out for Shoota
Boyz along the
sides of the trench
walls. They fire
down on you. Take
time to aim and
blast them away with your bolter at a distance. It is important to kill them as soon
as you see them, because more Boyz come down the trenches to attack you with
their choppas. Quickly switch to melee combat and wipe out the Orks coming to
get you.
Nobz are tough to kill. It takes a lot of
firepower to bring them down. Be careful
engaging them in melee combat. They
are strong and can take lots of damage.
Try to use explosives such as grenades to
weaken them. If a Nob gets in close, use
chained melee attacks so you inflict more
damage. Once the Nob is stunned, move
in for an execution. However, after pressing the Execution button, you must continue pressing it rapidly in order to finish
the Nob off—or it can kill you instead.
Inside the
command bunker,
the Space Marines
meet with the
acting commander
of the Imperial
Mira. The Orks
have taken control
of the planetary
defense gun and
are using it to shoot down any support ships trying to bring reinforcements to the
planet’s surface. The Imperial Guard do not have the firepower to take out the
gun, so it is up to the Space Marines to complete this dangerous task.
Objective: Go with Lt. Mira through the trenches toward the Ork-infested gun fortress.
Follow Lt. Mira out
of the command
bunker and back
into the trenches.
You now have to
make your way to
the defense gun.
Ork projectile to the leg, Magos Cassia.
Amputations are down the hall.
Very well. I shall prepare for the implant
As you come
across some
Imperial Guards at
a barricade, move
to the heavy bolter
positioned there
and man it by
pressing the Use
button. As long as
it remains fixed,
you have unlimited
ammo. Maintain fire discipline by firing the heavy bolter in short bursts to prevent
it from overheating. Once you stop the Ork rush, press the Use button again to
leave the position. You can also hold down the Use button if you want to carry the
heavy bolter around for a bit. However, for now, your bolter is all you need.
No implants. Just get rid of her leg and
stitch her up fast.
We’re at war—
Heavy Bolter
The heavy bolter is a machine-gun-style
weapon in the same family as the bolt
weapons. It fires a 1-caliber bolt capable
of tearing through the thickest armor.
This heavy weapon is often found in a
fixed position. However, a Space Marine
can tear it off its mounting by holding
down the Use button. While fixed, the
heavy bolter has an unlimited amount
of ammo. However, once you remove
the weapon, the ammo is limited to 150
rounds in the magazine. While carrying
a heavy bolter, you can’t switch to other
weapons, throw grenades, use melee
weapons, or sprint. Press the Use button
to drop it.
The heavy bolter heats up when fired.
Continuous fire overheats the weapon
and requires that it cool down before you
can use it again. Therefore, fire it in short
bursts to control the heat. This weapon
can clear out large groups of enemies in
a short amount of time.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Before you leave the bunker, stop at the shrine and pick up the purity seal. This
unlocks Fury, which gives you an extra advantage during combat.
Audio Log: Medicae Station Ventris (1/5)
Servo skull recording of events on Graia: At
Medic Station Ventris, Senior Medic Cassia
and Junior Medic Dominus deal with the
injured and dead—casualties of the Ork
—not in the disease ward, Dominus.
What’s wrong with her?
After picking up
the servo skull,
advance through
the gap between
the diggas and
continue through
the rubble. Along
the way, you stop
at some caches
to pick up ammo
and grenades. You
definitely need both.
Keep moving and
clear out Orks as
you go. Fire your
bolter at Shoota
Boyz and then
move in for melee
attacks against the
other Boyz.
Every time you damage an enemy, you
gain Fury. The Fury meter is located in the
screen’s lower left corner. When it is full,
you can activate Fury mode. Currently
you have only melee Fury. While in Fury
mode, all of your close-combat attacks
are enhanced and you regain health.
While in this mode, the Fury meter drains;
once empty, Fury mode ends. However,
you can damage more enemies to build
it back up.
Servo Skull
Against all odds
Orks literally thrive on combat, growing
physically larger and stronger the more
they fight. When an Ork becomes big
enough, they become a leader known as
a Nob. They weigh several tons and are
impervious to attacks that would slay a
normal Ork. Even to a Space Marine, a
Nob is a worthy adversary—the Nobz
can counter their attacks. Upgraded
Nob units may sport heavy armor and
improved weapons, making them even
more capable against the most elite units.
As you move along
the trenches, a
couple of Ork
diggas emerge
from the ground
and begin unloading Boyz. This is a
perfect time to try
out Fury. Activate
Fury mode and
move in for melee
combat. All of your attacks inflict more damage, and you can quickly clear out all
of the enemies. Even after Fury mode ends, keep melee attacking until you kill all
the Orks. Then move into the nearby bunker to find a servo skull.
After you defeat
the Nob and other
Orks, the Imperial
Guard open
the door to the
command bunker.
Enter and head to
the control center
to learn more
about the situation
on Graia.
The stalker bolter has a ten-round clip,
and Space Marines can carry a total of
40 rounds for this weapon. Hold down
the Aim button to bring up a zoomed
scope view that makes it easier to target
enemies. It usually takes two shots to
bring down most Boyz; however, if you
get a headshot, one bolt will do the
job. Use the stalker bolter for taking out
Shoota Boyz at long range, then switch
to other weapons for closer enemies
with only melee weapons.
You can earn The Might of the
Righteous Achievement/Trophy
during this mission without any
trouble. All you have to do is eliminate
100 enemies.
Move forward and then up some steps,
clearing out enemies as you go. Enter a
building that is still standing among the
rubble and locate a shrine where you
can pick up the stalker bolter and add it
to your arsenal.
Exit the building
and keep moving
into Ork territory.
There are a few
enemies in the area
for you to kill. Once
they are gone,
enter the bunker
on the left side to
find another servo
As you enter the courtyard, watch for a Shoota Boy directly
ahead. Time to use your new weapon. Aim through the scope
of the stalker bolter and try for a headshot. The rest of the
attacks come from the right. Take cover behind the objects in
the courtyard, and pick off the Shoota Boyz up on the higher
levels of the buildings as they try to shoot your squad. They
also throw grenades, so watch for the Grenade icon to appear
and be ready to roll away from them.
As you approach
the door in the
wall, a horde of
Boyz drop from the
wall and attack.
Pick up some with
your bolter and
then move in for
melee combat.
This is a good time
to use Fury mode,
so if you have been saving it up, activate it and lay waste to the Orks. Use chain
attacks along with some stuns to defeat the horde. Once it is clear, open the door
and enter the battlements of the fortress complex. Pick up some ammo inside.
No Man’s Land
Objective: Cross Ork territory and enter the gun fortress through the breach in its walls.
—just get the ship out of orbit, pilot.
Lieutenant Mira! The Orks cut off our
Damn it—I suggest we move the unit to a
more defensible position, sir.
Do it. And make sure—
Servo Skull
Journal: Guardsman Alexander (2/5)
Situation: An Imperial Guardsman records a
journal entry.
Personal message, Guardsman Alexander.
I’ll be quick.
The Orks are beating us bad.
We’re completely outnumbered—every
time you kill one of the bastards, feels like
a dozen take their place.
And my mate Gareth. An Ork chopped his
leg off and he bled out—nothing I could
The officers are all dead. A second
lieutenant’s taken over. She’s keeping us
Wait—we’re moving out. More soon.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Lt. Mira leads you out of the structure and shows you the gun
fortress and the breach through which the Orks entered it.
You must enter through that same breach. Now head toward
a large open courtyard, picking up some ammo and grenades
along the way.
After getting the
skull, move out.
Engage Orks
as you advance
toward the next
bunker. If you need
some grenades,
break down the
barricade to the
bunker’s left to
reach the cache.
There is an ammo cache inside the bunker. Once you are restocked, continue
toward the wall of the fortress.
Battlefield Log: 2nd Lt. Mira (1/5)
Servo skull recording of events on Graia:
Imperial Guard in the midst of battle with
Against all odds
This modified bolter is equipped with a
targeter and high-accuracy shells that
can drop enemies from great distances.
This weapon has a semiautomatic fire
mode, and its ammunition is designed to
penetrate terrain and objects, including
enemies. It functions equally well as a
precision battle rifle or a sniper weapon.
Servo Skull
After you eliminate
all the Orks on the
building, switch
to your bolter
and advance up
the ramp by the
main building.
Head through the
opening to the
right and enter the
building. Watch for
Orks on the level above that shoot down on you and throw grenades. Take them
out, then pick up some ammo and grenades in this area. You also find another
servo skull in an alcove near the grenade cache.
Stalker Pattern Bolter
Once you are used
to the jump-pack,
walk toward the
door leading into
the next area.
Jump onto the wall
while the rest of
your squad goes
through the door.
The area near the
door is clear, so
practice some ground pounding onto platforms as you advance. While your squadmates stay low, jump from platform to platform.
To earn the Into the Breach
Achievement/Trophy, you must fight
your way to the crashed Rok. Get to
the end of this chapter and accept
your award.
Against all odds
The jump-pack allows you to make
short jumps into the air. Press and hold
the Jump button to fire the jump-pack.
Releasing the button cuts the thrust and
you glide back down. The jump-pack cuts
off after a couple seconds, so you can’t
jump too far. While up in the air, look
down to see a yellow reticule below you.
Press the Strike button and you will blast
to the ground, damaging and stunning
any nearby enemies. While wearing a
jump-pack, you can use only a bolter or
bolt pistol and your melee weapon.
Head down the
ramp and open
another door to
continue into the
battlements. Walk
over to the assault
support pod and
pick up a jumppack. You need
it to get through
the next area. Take
some time to practice using the jump-pack in this area.
Once again, take
the high road while
the rest of your
squad stays low.
There are several
enemies on the
upper platforms.
Use the same
tactics as before
and lay waste to
the hordes.
After you kill all the enemies, join your squadmates and move through the breach
into the fortress created by the crashed Rok.
There are several Shoota Boyz on the
platforms on the area’s other side. Jump
up and pound into them. Clear off a
platform and then jump to the next one
to take out more Orks. These Shoota
Boyz are armed with rocket launchers,
so be careful—a hit from one of these
inflicts a lot of damage. After clearing
out the platforms, fire down on the Orks
below to help your squad or jump and
ground pound them.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Finally, kill the Shoota Boyz near the door at the area’s end
and any other remaining enemies. Now head through the
door. There are ammo and grenades on the other side—as
well as more Orks.
Chapter Overview
New Weapons
Petronius (1/5)
pg. 33
New Enemies
’Ard Boyz
Precision Killer
pg. 36
pg. 39
pg. 34
Silence the
Cannon pg. 39
2nd Lt. Mira (2/5)
pg. 35
Chapter Start
Belly of the beast
Belly of the Beast
Servo Skulls
Chapter 3:
Objective: Enter the gun fortress through the breach in its walls.
Servo Skull
Duty Log: Transmechanic Petronius (1/5)
Situation: Duty logs of Transmechanic
Second-Class Petronius, a techpriest who
operates a communications station on Graia.
At the start of this chapter, you must move through a cavelike breach in the
fortress walls. There are a few Orks inside. Kill them and keep moving until you
arrive inside the fortress.
Transmechanic Second-Class Petronius,
entering duty log 31127
Communications console functioning:
Normal. Issues of note: One.
I detected a signal that should not have
been there, but Transmechanic First-Class
Aleric refused to believe me.
Yes, I’ve made mistakes before. That pulsar
I thought was a Tau warship. Missing
the signal from the Fabricator General’s
There’s something approaching from the far
side of the sun.
I know it.
As you enter the fortress, head to the right to pick up some ammo. Also break
through the barricade next to the ammo cache to access an alcove where you can
find a servo skull. There is also another alcove on the left side with another ammo
cache inside.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
But I am not wrong every time!
The experimental Graia-pattern vengeance launcher is a specialized
launcher for magnetized fusion charges
that adhere to walls and enemy armor.
Up to five charges can be fired and then
detonated either one at a time or all at
once. Press the Fire button to launch the
charges, and press the Reload button to
detonate them.
The vengeance launcher holds 18
charges at a time in a single magazine.
It is very useful against large groups of
enemies. Fire charges in front of their
advance and then detonate them as the
enemies move over them. Also try using
it against powerful enemies. Launch a
few charges so they stick to the target
and then detonate them.
Keep moving
farther into the
fortress. Go
through a couple
of doors until you
reach a long room
with a platform
running down the
left side. There’s
an ammo cache
next to it. There
are some Orks at the far end. This is a good opportunity to test out the vengeance
launcher. Fire a couple charges toward the enemies and detonate them; then work
your way toward the door at the far end.
(agonizing scream)
Hold on, Captain! Get me a medipack!
After getting
the servo skull,
advance to the
right. Up ahead are
several enemies.
In addition to
the Shoota Boyz,
Bomb Squigs come
charging toward
you. Kill them with
bolter fire, then
snipe at the Shoota Boyz with your stalker bolter.
Objective: Find the artillery shell storage and sabotage a shell with melta charges.
As you leave the armory, you come under attack. Boyz rush
toward you while Shoota Boyz fire at you from the far end.
Fire some vengeance launcher charges at the Shoota Boyz to
take them out, and then get ready with your chainsword to
deal with the other Boyz. You can also use your stalker bolter
to snipe at the Orks at the area’s far end.
Advance through the next storage area, killing enemies as you go. Beware of
charges placed by several Bomb Squigs. Shoot them before they get in close to
blow them up. Look for a barricade with an explosive container off to the right.
Blow up the barricade and enter an alcove where you can find caches of ammo
and grenades. Keep moving to the large door and open it to continue.
—not enough cover—
Get down, get down!
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
After arriving
inside the armory,
pick up ammo,
grenades, and
the melta charge.
You can use it to
destroy the gun by
placing this melta
charge on one of
the gun’s shells.
Grab the melta
charge and then exit the armory.
Upon reaching
your destination, walk off the
elevator and move
through a large
area. A couple
Orks run away.
However, before
you go after them,
head to the area’s
opposite side to
find an ammo cache and a servo skull.
Battlefield Log: 2nd Lt. Mira (2/5)
Situation: Servo-skull recording events on
Graia; Imperial Guard under heavy attack.
Belly of the beast
Advance into the
next area and walk
up to the shrine.
A vengeance
launcher is inside.
Pick it up and add
it to your arsenal.
Vengeance Launcher
Servo Skull
Objective: Clear out the Ork-infested fortress to take control of the gun battery.
Continue back
toward where
you entered the
fortress, where a
group of Orks have
disembarked from
an elevator. Kill
them all and then
enter the elevator. Activate the
controls and ride it
down to the shell storage area.
’Ard Boyz
After disembarking from the elevator, follow a corridor to the
right. Pick up some ammo and grenades from caches before
moving through the door. Get ready for a fight.
These Orks can take a lot of punishment.
One strategy is to kill them with headshots using the stalker bolter, if they are
far enough away for you to take time
to aim. If they are closer, hit them with
grenades or vengeance launcher charges
to weaken them and then use the chainsword or other melee weapon. Chain
your attacks for more damage, and don’t
forget to use stuns as well.
There are a few Orks up ahead. Kill them and then
cautiously advance. A horde comes at you through the
opening in the room’s center. Use this narrow spot as your
kill zone. Blast away with your bolter, drop some vengeance
charges in the area, and lay waste to all of the enemies who
rush to attack you.
Advance into the room, watching for
Shoota Boyz up on the crates. Shoot
them and then get ready for some
melee combat with various Orks on the
ground level. Chain your melee attacks
and stun them until you defeat them
all. Once it is clear, restock your ammo
at a cache and then open the door to
Move to the
console in the
room’s center and
activate it. A large
shell rises onto the
track. Place the
melta charge on
the shell and then
push it onto the
shell lift, which
takes it up to the
gun. It is in place. However, you need to make sure that it makes it into the gun.
Head around a walkway. Stop at a side
room, where you find more ammo, then
continue to a secondary lift. Walk into
the lift and activate it to finally reach
where the shells are loaded into the gun.
Objective: Go up to the loading chamber to make sure the gun fires the sabotaged shell.
Backtrack through the shell storage area to the elevator.
However, as you arrive there, some Orks are waiting for you.
Lob a grenade or two at the Nob and try to take out the four
Shoota Boyz as quickly as possible. The vengeance launcher
works well for this. The Nob charges you. Hopefully the
grenades did some damage. Fire some vengeance launcher
charges right at it and then detonate them at once. Finally,
hit it with some chained melee attacks until you can stun and
execute the Nob. After killing all of the enemies, climb onto
the elevator and ride it to a higher level.
Move into the next
area and kill some
Gretchin before
walking up to the
shrine. Pick up the
purity seal, which
unlocks Marksman
mode. Once you
have the purity
seal, pick up some
more ammo and
continue through the door.
When you activate Fury mode, you can
now also enter Marksman mode. Hold
down the Aim button to slow time, allowing
you to place shots with lethal precision.
This lasts until either you release the Aim
button or the Fury meter is empty. Combine
this with the stalker bolter and you can get
a lot of distance kills in a very short amount
of time. Be ready to use this new mode in
the near future.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Shell Storage
Belly of the beast
’Ard Boyz wear heavy armor pieced
together from steel plates and equipment scavenged from defeated foes. Their
armor and natural resilience allows them
to wade through fire that would shred
most Orks. The ’Ard Boy can also wield a
heavy riot shield and choppa to get close
to you and deal out some pain.
On the door’s other
side is another
storage area—filled
with Orks. These
’Ard Boyz are
tougher to kill than
other Boyz. Throw
a few grenades to
weaken them and
then blast away
with your bolter. If
they keep coming, you may need to finish them off with melee combat. Once they
are all dead, move in and pick up some more grenades from a cache.
As soon as the
sabotaged shell
is moved into the
firing sequence, it
is time to get out
of the gun fortress.
Complete this mission and destroy the
orbital gun in order to earn the Silence
the Cannon achievement/trophy.
Belly of the beast
You can earn the Precision Killer
achievement/trophy in this mission
during the final fight. Use the stalker
bolter to kill two enemies with one
shot. Fire into the Gretchin charging
your position and you should be able
to score a couple kills with a single
shot since they are bunched together.
Move back into the alcove, where you should pick up ammo
and grenades, as you need them later. At this spot, you are
not so exposed but can still fire at Orks headed your way. As
the Shoota Boyz start moving on the upper deck, take out
your stalker bolter, activate Fury, and hold down the Aim
button to enter Marksman mode. Take out as many Shoota
Boyz as possible with headshots.
Don’t focus on the Shoota Boyz for too long. Hordes of other
enemies are charging your position. Switch to your bolter
and blast away. Target the Bomb Squigs, and when they
blow up, they take out nearby Orks as well. Use some of your
grenades, but save a couple for later. Also let your Fury build
back up.
As you enter the loading area, you find the sabotaged shell
has been taken out of the firing sequence. After killing a few
Boyz, one of your squadmates starts to push the shell back
into position. Provide cover fire for them.
The explosion silences the defense gun and destroys the fortress. Now the Imperial
Guard can get their support ships and reinforcements down to the surface.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
After the hordes rush toward you, a Nob brings up the rear.
Toss a couple grenades his way and then activate Fury if
possible. Lay into the Nob with chained melee attacks until
it is stunned. Then go in for the execution. The battle is not
yet over. Switch back to the stalker bolter and again snipe
at Shoota Boyz on the upper level before dealing with any
remaining Orks on the ground.
New Weapons
Medicae Station
Ventris (2/5)
Plasma Cannon
pg. 45
New Enemies
pg. 42
Chapter Start
Objective: Get to the Manufactorum Ajakis to secure the Titan war machines.
The fortress gun is in ruins. Now the Space Marines must
secure the Titan war machines. Advance along the walkway
toward the giant bridge in the distance. At the walkway’s
end, head down the ramp to the left.
titans of graia
Titans of Graia
Servo Skulls
Chapter 4:
Chapter Overview
Continue down a stairway. There are several Orks down
below; however, they don’t seem to want to attack. Instead
they are all moving away from you—toward the large train
station. Kill those who don’t move quickly enough, and pick
up some ammo and grenades located near crates. Then open
the large door and enter the train station.
Train Station
Objective: Stop the Ork-controlled train before it crashes through the manufactorum gates.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Follow the walkway through the train
station. When you come across a
weapons and ammo cache, look for
a barricade off to the right. Shoot
the explosive container and then get
some grenades. By now you should be
maxed out in ammunition and ready
for some fighting.
Servo Skull
That’s from an Ork choppa. We can’t
stop him from going septic. Make him
comfortable and move on.
You’ve seen these kinds of wounds before?
Unfortunately, yes—in my first Ork invasion,
which I hoped would be my last. Yet, here I
am again. Right, who’s next—
Fight your way to
this platform’s end.
There are several
Shoota Boyz here
that like to take
shots at you. Kill
them and head up
the stairs to grab
some ammo. Before
going right toward
the train, turn left
and enter an alcove where you can find the only servo skull in this mission.
titans of graia
—has a deep wound to the arm. Signs of
blood poisoning.
Audio Log: Medicae Station Ventris (2/5)
Situation: At Medic Station Ventris, Senior
Medic Cassia and Junior Medic Dominus
struggle to treat casualties of war.
Keep moving
toward the loading
platforms so you
can get aboard
the train. The
Orks have set up
barricades along
the way. Kill as
many as you can
with your bolter or
other weapons at
long range, and then resort to melee combat when they get in close. Watch out
for Bomb Squigs as you advance. Shoot them to blow up nearby enemies.
Move along the platform to the next area. A Bomb Squig tries to blow you up
along the way. After climbing the stairs, hold before continuing into the maze of
crates. Take out some Shoota Boyz with your stalker bolter before entering. This
makes getting through the area easier, since you don’t have to worry about these
Orks firing at you from atop the crates.
As you advance through the crates,
Bomb Squigs come out of hexagonalshaped pipes. Make them priority
targets so they don’t blow up next to
you. Continue up the ramp and then
drop onto the train below.
Stop the Ram
Sprint along the walkway that leads over the tracks to the area’s other side. As Boyz
come at you, charge right into them and knock them down before finishing them
off with your chainsword. Get in some executions on the last few enemies here.
Once you get down to the platform, take out a couple Shoota
Boyz and then get ready for melee combat. A train car full
of Boyz arrives, and they charge at you with their choppas.
Mow down a few with your bolter and then rush in with your
chainsword. Another tactic is to fire several vengeance charges
in their path and detonate them as they move near them.
Now that you are
on the train, open
and move through
three doors,
stopping to pick
up some ammo
along the way.
Orks attack as you
reach the opentopped railcar. An
’Ard Boy joins the
attack, so stun him
and then move in
to finish off him
and the others.
If your Health meter is not full, perform
some executions to fill it completely.
Keep advancing
to the next fight,
picking up some
ammo from a
cache along the
way. The next area
has Shoota Boyz
up high that fire
down on you.
When you see
them, kill them at
a distance and watch out for grenades the enemy throws at you.
Plasma Cannon
This large weapon fires charged shots
that explode on impact. These shots
leave plasma residue that continues to
burn. The plasma cannon is effective
against vehicles and enemy soldiers.
While it has unlimited ammo, it builds up
a lot of heat as you fire, so you must vent
it by holding down the Reload button.
When firing at long range, you must lead
the target, since the plasma shot travels
slower than bolter rounds.
titans of graia
The dropship is
armed and fires
at you. The key to
defeating it is to
find cover and then
move out to get in
a few shots before
returning to cover.
Watch your Armor
and Health meters.
The dropship’s
weapons cause a lot of damage, so when your Armor meter starts dropping, get
to cover.
A Nob comes at
you next. If you
have Fury, activate
it and melee attack
the Nob. With
chained attacks in
Fury mode, you
should not have
much trouble
taking out the
powerful Nob.
Keep fighting the Boyz and another ’Ard Boy.
This is a very powerful weapon, though
it has a slow rate of fire. Vent it after a
few shots to prevent it from overheating.
The best time to score some hits is when the dropship is centered and coming in
close. Get in several shots as it prepares to drop off some Orks.
As you move forward, fighting Boyz in melee combat, watch out for a plasma
turret up high. Shoot the Ork manning the gun and then deal with an ’Ard Boy
and other Orks.
After taking shots at the dropship, quickly vent the plasma
cannon and fire at the Orks. Each drop consists of a Nob and
some ’Ard Boyz. A couple of plasma cannon hits will drop
those Nobz like nothing else.
Take your time and stay alive. You won’t run out of ammo,
and it is more important to maintain your health rather
than go for a quick kill. Flames appear on the dropship as it
takes damage, and eventually you shoot it down, causing
it to crash into the ram and halting it before it reaches the
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Head up the stairs to an upper deck. If
you have not already killed the Shoota
Boy, take him out and then man the
plasma cannon. You need to shoot
down the dropship. If you leave the
plasma cannon on its mounting, you
are a dead Space Marine. Therefore,
hold down the Use button to tear it off
its mounting.
Part II: The Inquisitor
New Weapons
Alexander (3/5)
Power Axe
New Enemies
pg. 51
pg. 53
pg. 48
Inquisitor Drogan
(1/5) pg. 53
Against all odds
Against All odds
Servo Skulls
Chapter 5:
Chapter Overview
Chapter Start
Objective: Find a way to stop the Orks laying siege to the Manufactorum Ajakis.
You have stopped the Ork ram from
breaching the manufactorum. However,
the Orks won’t rest until they have
entered the structure to get the weapons
inside. You cannot allow that to happen.
Advance into the building and pick up some ammo from a
cache. Then open a door that drops down to form a bridge.
Overhead you see a giant crane the Orks are using to try to
force their way into the manufactorum. Move across the
bridge to get into the action.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Make your way from the train to the ground below. There, a servo skull (not a
collectible one) is looking for a live person to deliver a message. The Inquisitor
is still alive and needs help preventing the Orks from reaching an experimental
weapon. You are his only hope for now.
Servo Skull
Today was a good day.
We were clearing a foundry of Orks when
I heard banging from inside the furnace.
Good thing I didn’t throw a grenade inside,
because it was full of civilians—starving,
scared, some no more than kids, but still
alive. It cheered everyone up to see them.
Gives us something worth fighting for, you
Now we’ve just got to keep the Orks away
from them.
Continue across the middle of the room
toward the control room. Lob a grenade
or two into a horde of Boyz and a Nob
that comes at you from the control room.
By now, you should have no trouble
killing a Nob.
After you kill all
the Orks, move
through the crates
toward a ramp.
Before heading
up the ramp,
look behind some
crates to the right
to find a cache of
grenades and a
servo skull.
Head up the ramp
and enter a building where more
Boyz are waiting.
Blow them away
with your bolter
and other ranged
weapons, but
don’t get into a
melee just yet.
More Boyz will
arrive shortly, and you don’t want to be in the middle of the fight when they do.
The Orks have managed to power up the gun suspended from
the crane. If they fire it, the cannon will blast a hole into the
manufactorum. Move to the crane control panel and activate a
switch that releases the gun, dropping it onto the Orks below
and destroying the cannon in the process. Now that you have
slowed down the Orks’ efforts, head to the side to retrieve
ammo from a cache and weapons if you need them.
After the Gun
Objective: Get to the Manufactorum Ajakis to secure the Titan war machines.
Open the door near the cache and
advance into the rubble below. There
are several Shoota Boyz among the
crates. In addition to firing at you, they
also throw grenades. Fire as you move
toward them, and then kill them with
melee attacks. There is also an ammo
cache in this area, so after you clear
out some of the enemy, load up your
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
As the Ork reinforcements start pouring
in, use grenades and vengeance
launcher charges to blast holes in their
horde and to damage the Nob that
accompanies them. This is a good time
to activate your Fury and then move in
to kill the Nob before finishing off the
Orks. After you kill them all, head up
the ramp that the Orks had advanced
down and continue into the building.
Against all odds
Personal message cache, Guardsman
The next room consists of several catwalks. You immediately
take fire from a Shoota Boy. Follow the tracers from his weapon
to locate him, and then silence him with some fire of your own.
Advance along the catwalks leading around the room’s perimeter, killing a few more Shoota Boyz along the way.
Journal: Guardsman Alexander (3/5)
Situation: A young Imperial Guardsman
records a journal entry.
Down in a lower
area with lots of
crates, a horde
of Orks is milling
about. Open fire
with your bolter
and kill as many
as possible before
moving in with
your chainsword.
Cargo Bay
Walk along the
catwalks in the
cargo bay until
you come to a
damaged section
and can drop to
the floor. Move
to the shrine and
exchange your
chainsword for a
power axe. You are
going to need it shortly.
Pick up some grenades from a cache by
the high crates, then drop into a lower
area. Hordes of Gretchin come charging
at you. Save your ammo by either killing
them with melee attacks or shooting
one of the explosive containers as they
move near it. Shoota Boyz fire at you
from the walls, so after clearing out a
horde of Gretchin, take out the Shootas.
Once it is clear, head up the ramp and
go right to grab some ammo.
Against all odds
As you move
toward some
larger and higher
crates, watch for
Shoota Boyz atop
the crates. They
shoot and throw
grenades. Back out
of grenade range
and snipe at them
with your stalker
After clearing out
all of the enemies,
move though the
barricades and
down a series
of ramps to a
cargo bay. Pick up
some ammo and
grenades before
continuing into the
cargo bay.
The Bomb Squigs might get close enough
to cause damage in this area since they
tend to use the crates as cover as they
run toward you. If they do explode near
you, your armor should take the brunt of
the damage. Quickly get behind cover and
wait for your Armor meter to fully recover
before resuming the fight. Also get in some
executions to help raise your health if
More Shoota Boyz
attack from the
right. The Orks
also send in Bomb
Squigs to attack.
Kill them before
they get too close.
Try using the
stalker bolter to
snipe at the Shoota
Boyz, and try to
score some headshots. However, if you hear the grunt of a Squig, switch to your
bolter and blow them away. As the Orks start throwing grenades, move in close for
melee combat.
As soon as you
have the power
axe, get ready for
an attack. The lift
you are waiting
for is next to the
shrine. However,
before it arrives,
you must defeat
a massive Ork
charge. Start off by
firing five vengeance launcher charges in a line across the middle of the cargo hold
and detonating them as the lead Orks come at you.
Power Axe
The power axe is sheathed in a sparking power field and delivers devastating
blows able to crack open heavy armor. It
is a very effective melee weapon.
Chain your power axe attacks to increase
damage. Press the Strike button once for
a light damage strike. Press it a second
time to perform a medium-damage
backhand strike. Press it a third time for a
medium-heavy damage chop, and press
it a fourth time to jump-strike for heavy
damage. Two strikes followed by a stun
provides a heavy stunning shoulder bash
that affects a large wedge in front of you,
while three strikes and a stun results in
an overhead smash that causes superheavy stuns all around you.
Continue through the next area where you fight some Boyz.
This is a good opportunity to get some executions after you
stun them and restore your health.
Keep advancing until you come across several Shoota Boyz
up ahead. Clear out the Boyz and take cover behind these
large armor plates. Use grenades and vengeance launcher
charges to thin out some of the enemies, and use the stalker
bolter to get those up high. If you have Fury built up, activate
it and go into Marksman mode. As time slows, you can take
out a lot of enemies with your stalker bolter.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Blast a few with your bolter, and then
this fight turns into a free-for-all melee.
Your new power axe slices through the
Orks. You also want to build up fury.
Hit them with four-strike chain attacks
or three strikes followed by a stun.
However, if your Fury meter maxes out,
don’t activate it just yet. The first wave
of Orks consists only of Boyz, so slash
away and get in a few executions.
When the lift
arrives at your
destination, follow
the walkway to
find a servo skull.
Servo Skull
Encrypted Report: Inquisitor Drogan (1/5)
Situation: Inquisitor Drogan records an
update to his superiors in the Inquisition.
Encoded transmission from Inquisitor Drogan
to Inquisitor Lord Sharpe.
As we’d hoped, my lord, Forge World Graia
is an ideal location to focus on my work.
Though helpful, the techpriests of the
Adeptus Mechanicus are forever curious.
Interest can easily turn to interference. . . . I
will be cautious about involving them in my
Keep an eye on your health during this fight.
If the screen starts to go black and white,
you are nearly dead. Pull back to the flanks
and let your armor recover. Then stun a
few Boyz so you can execute them and get
your health back up quickly. Also, there is
an ammo cache near the lift if you need to
restock during the fight—or afterward.
At least, for now.
Continue along the walkway and grab some ammo from a weapons cache if
you need it. Then head up the ramp at the end to enter the manufactorum and
complete your objective.
More Boyz come in the next wave, along with two Nobz! Now
is the time to activate your Fury. Throw a couple of grenades
into the horde and then rush in with your power axe swinging.
As soon as you can stun a Nob, execute it and then go after
the other Nob.
Titan Factory Crane
If you have found all of the servo skulls
so far, you have ten and earn the
Lexicanum award. Good Job!
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
After you defeat all the Orks, the
Imperial Guard bring up the lift. Walk
onto it and it carries you down to the
entrance to the manufactorum.
Against all odds
Some Shoota Boyz
come next. They
tend to move to
the sides of the
cargo bay and
shoot at you from
the flanks. Go
after them with
your bolter or your
power axe and
clear them out;
otherwise they can really damage you during the melee in the middle.
Lair of Giants
Servo Skulls
Workshift 465
(2/5) pg. 56
New Weapons
Plasma Pistol
New Enemies
You Must Carry It
pg. 58
pg. 60
Chapter 6:
Chapter Overview
Inquisitor Drogan
(2/5) pg. 56
lair of giants
Chapter Start
Objective: Reach the Inquisitor before the Orks do.
You have reached the Titan Manufactorum. Now you have to
get to the Inquisitor. Advance to the basilica’s opposite end
to begin your search.
At the hall’s end, activate the lift and ride it up into the
manufactorum. Along the way, you see the Titan Invictus, a
giant war machine. When the lift halts, walk over to the door,
open it, and head into the next area.
Leandros uses the auger station to
scan for life signs and detects the
Inquisitor—as well as alien signals
throughout the facility. The Orks are
already inside and are looking for
the Inquisitor as well. Time to move
out. Pick up some ammo at a cache
and then head down the ramp to the
See the following page for details on this
Servo Skull
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Advance along the walkway. As you do, look for a ramp
leading down to the left. Descend to a platform, where
you find a servo skull to add to your collection. There is a
grenade cache to the right of the servo skull, so stock up now.
Servo Skull
The Orks have reached the Western territories. That’s close, Caleb.
Not when all the planetary defenses—and
the Skitarii manning them—stand between
us and them.
First you don’t believe there’s an invasion,
and now you’re not worried about it at all.
Lilith, we have a far better chance of
being killed on the assembly line than by a
far-away Ork.
VOICE OF GRAIA (on loudspeaker)
Workers, take your stations. Be productive,
be dutiful—
Servo Skull
Transmission to Inquisitor Lord Sharpe
My lord, the research facility is operational ahead of schedule, thanks to the
techpriests. I’ve already begun my work to
create a stable energy matrix. Harnessing
these . . . unorthodox . . . energies is proving
more promising than I could have dreamed.
Head back up another ramp to the walkway and continue to a lift at the end.
Activate the controls and ride the lift to a lower level. Open the door when the lift
stops and enter a communication room. Leandros operates the equipment and
contacts the other Ultramarines. Squad Solinius is already on the ground. Captain
Titus gives Solinius a new order to secure the Titan while he and his squad go after
the Inquisitor.
Now open the
door to the right
and advance
along the walkway
toward the forge
area. There is an
ammo cache on
the way; top off
your loadout if
necessary. As you
move through the
forge area, Orks begin emerging from the pipes.
Advance along the
walkway toward a
door on the area’s
other side. Orks
start shooting and
dropping grenades,
so sprint. However,
instead of going
to the door, head
up this ramp to the
door’s left to find a
servo skull.
After grabbing the
servo skull, take
out the Shoota
Boyz up on the
pipes, then get to
the door. Open it
and move onto a
platform. Activate
the controls to
lower a lift to
create a bridge
that allows you to cross to the other side.
The Inquisitor tells you about the experimental device. It is
actually a power source, not a weapon. However, if the Orks
try to dismantle it, the power source could destroy the entire
With Drogan
Objective: Go to the generator room and remove the power source.
Follow Drogan and open a door to exit the control room
and enter a factory area. However, you are not alone. The
Warboss is here and has brought along a horde of Orks.
Start killing the Boyz that attack first. Try to stay near cover
since the Warboss is firing his weapon at you as well. You
can’t hurt him right now, so focus on the Boyz and keep
The Warboss has also brought along some ’Ard Boyz. Your power axe is the best way to defeat them,
so try to keep some crates between you and the Warboss when fighting them. As the Orks converge
on you, activate Fury mode to quickly cut through the horde. If possible, go to where the walkway is
covered and wait for the Orks to come to you. This area is perfect for using your bolter, grenades, and
power axe. The cover protects you from the Warboss and forces the Shoota Boyz to come closer to you.
After the fight, pick up ammo and grenades from the caches in the area.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Encrypted Report: Inquisitor Drogan
Situation: Inquisitor Drogan updates his
superiors at the Inquisition.
Open another door and enter the control room to find
Inquisitor Drogan. Another objective completed.
lair of giants
Audio Log: Workshift 465 (2/5)
Situation: Conversations showing the start
of the Ork invasion from the perspective of
workers at Manufactorum Ajakis.
Plasma Pistol
Once the lift halts, step and walk around to the room’s
opposite side. Open the large door there and advance down
a corridor to another door to reach the generator room.
Objective: Seize the power source.
Walk down the ramp to a lower area and then go to the shrine. Here you can
swap out your bolt pistol for a plasma pistol.
This is a chance to test out the plasma pistol. Charge it up
and fire it as you back away from the ’Ard Boy. You should
be able to get in a couple shots. Then move in and hit it with
the power axe. After the ’Ard Boy is dead, two more appear
on the walkway. Use the same strategy as before. Try throwing a frag grenade as well to soften them up before moving
in for melee kills. Go for an execution on the last one. After
they are all dead, continue to the walkway’s end and activate
the controls on the lift that will take you down to the generator room.
Move toward the control panel on the opposite side of the
central chamber. As you approach it, the Warboss appears
and warps in two Nobz. Let them have a few blasts with the
plasma pistol, then activate Fury if you have it built up. Hit
them with powerful chained strikes using the power axe.
Keep hitting them hard until they go down for good.
Next the Warboss fires rockets at you while sending in hordes
of Gretchin to distract you. Dodge the rockets and kill the
Gretchin with your bolter or power axe. Get an execution or
two in on the Gretchin for some extra health.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
After getting the
plasma pistol, pick
up some grenades
and ammo from
caches in the
lower area and
then head back
up the ramp. As
you advance along
the walkway on
the room’s side, a
Weird Boy appears and summons an ’Ard Boy with a shield.
The Inquisitor moves to a control panel and lifts the primary
shield from around the generator. While he is doing this, pick
up some ammo. There is also a weapon cache where you
can get a vengeance launcher or power axe if you need one.
Once the shield is open, drop off the ledge to the lower area
and head into the central chamber.
lair of giants
The plasma pistol never runs out of
ammo and makes for a powerful backup
weapon. It can also be useful against
armored Orks such as ’Ard Boyz. Press
the Fire button to shoot a quick blast.
However, for more damage, hold down
the Fire button to charge up a shot.
When the top of the reticle is fully lit
up, the pistol is charged. Release the
Fire button to fire. Plasma continues to
burn for a while where it hits. The plasma
pistol must be vented after several quick
shots or a single charged shot. This
weapon works great against powerful
enemies when combined with melee
attacks. Get in a charged plasma shot or
two and then move in close for the kill
with a melee weapon.
Generator Room
The MK III Sunfury plasma pistol fires
balls of superheated plasma. It can fire
quick shots or a powerful charged blast.
This weapon permanently replaces your
bolt pistol. The plasma shots can melt
through enemy armor.
The Warboss leaves
toward the end of
the fight, so finish
off the Orks down
where you are and
then follow the
walkway around
to a door. Open
the door and enter
a small chamber.
Once the Inquisitor
and the rest of your squad has caught up to you, open the next door and enter
another factory area.
A couple ’Ard Boyz join the fight.
Lay into them as you work your way
toward the control panel. Keep using
chained melee attacks, and once you
are near the console, press the Use
button to activate the controls.
Retrieve the power source in order
to earn the You Must Carry It
Break away from the fight and get to the power source. Pick
it up before the Orks can get their grimy hands on it.
titan assembly
Titan manufactorium floor medallion
As you pick up the power source, a burst of energy is
released and the entire room starts to collapse.
Chapter 7:
Heart of Darkness
Chapter Overview
New Weapons
Petronius (2/5)
Melta Gun
New Enemies
Success is Measured
in Blood pg. 68
pg. 65
pg. 64
Angel of Death
pg. 68
pg. 65
Chapter Start
Objective: Find a way out of the sewers beneath the manufactorum.
Though you are stuck in the sewers
below the manufactorum, you have the
power source. You must now carry it to
the surface and ensure it does not fall
into the hands of the Orks.
After killing all of the Orks, begin advancing through this
area. Pick up some ammo and deal with Boyz that jump
out of pipes and Shoota Boyz that appear on the catwalks.
A large group of Boyz charges at once from the end of the
area. This is a good chance to use the vengeance launcher.
Fire several charges in front of them and then detonate them
all at once to clear away some of the menace. Then move
in and finish off the rest with melee attacks. After you kill
the enemy, head up the ramp and search the catwalks for
grenades before moving into another tunnel.
heart of darkness
Medicae Station
Ventris (3/5)
Servo Skulls
As you emerge into a larger area, take out your stalker bolter
and snipe at a Shoota Boy up on a catwalk. A horde of
Gretchin charges toward you next. Stay back in the tunnel
and let them come to you, or blast them with the bolter. More
Shoota Boyz move onto the catwalks to fire at you. Snipe at
them once you get the Gretchin menace under control. If you
move out into the open, you risk being shot at from different
directions while simultaneously facing melee attacks.
As you move through the tunnels, look for
sections of red pipe. These are explosive.
Shoot them and they blow up, damaging or
killing nearby enemies.
Advance cautiously through this set of tunnels. There are several Orks in here. Keep
your bolter ready to deal with Shoota Boyz and Bomb Squigs. The Squigs are the
biggest threat since they can run at you from around a corner or just drop on top
of you from above. It is important to keep your armor at its highest level so you can
absorb the Squig attacks. Keep going until you reach a door. Open it and continue.
At each intersection, look around. There is only one way to go,
so don’t worry about getting lost. After a couple turns, a small
group of Gretchin attack. Don’t even waste bolts on them. Just
execute them or kill them with your melee weapon.
When you come across a barricade with an explosive
container, blow up the barricade and then move past it to
find caches of ammo and grenades. Once you are stocked
up, continue through the tunnels to a cache of weapons.
Pick up any you need and then open the nearby door to
In the next section
of tunnels, look
for some grenades
in a short branch
off to the right;
then head through
the tunnels, killing
Orks as you go.
When you come to
another large area,
move along the
catwalk until you reach a place where the railing is damaged and can drop to the
floor below.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
There is a ramp of rubble in the room where you begin.
Head up the ramp and enter the sewer tunnels. There are
lots of dead ends, so you must work your way through the
maze of tunnels to get to your destination.
Servo Skull
Duty Log: Transmechanic Petronius (2/5)
Situation: A young communications
techpriest records his daily duty logs in the
early days of the Ork invasion.
That’s when I told Aleric.
You should have seen the shock on his face.
If he’d believed me a week ago, we would
have had that much more warning.
He was wrong—I was right.
Move through the
tunnel, watching out for Bomb
Squigs. There are
several in here that
run right up to you
or drop down as
you walk under
grates. Another
attack includes an
’Ard Boy followed
by a few more Squiqs. If you start engaging the ’Ard Boy, the Squigs can get you.
Back up and shoot a Squig while it is next to the ’Ard Boy to damage the ’Ard Boy.
Continue to withdraw until all of the Squigs have been killed—and by then the
’Ard Boy is probably dead as well.
The Vulkan Assault Pattern Melta Gun
fires a scorching plume of molecularly
agitated heat at close range. This power
comes at the expense of low ammunition stores and a long recharge between
shots. Space Marines can carry 10
charges for this weapon at a time.
The melta gun is a powerful weapon for
targets at close range. The downside is
the low amount of ammo that you can
carry for it. Use this weapon for larger,
more powerful enemies that can take a
lot of damage. Other enemies that get
in close can be killed with melee attacks.
Servo Skull
Audio Log: Medicae Station Ventris
Situation: At Medic Station Ventris, Senior
Medic Cassia and Junior Medic Dominus
struggle to treat casualties of war.
After taking out the first group of Orks, advance to take on the next, which
includes some ’Ard Boyz. After you defeat them, move into the next tunnel and
pick up some ammo before continuing on.
At the end of the
short tunnel, drop
onto a catwalk.
Head left and
shoot an explosive container to
destroy a barricade.
Move through the
wreckage to get
some grenades and
a servo skull.
We’re almost out of sterile dressings. I
haven’t even begun to treat the new burn
You can’t treat them. Give them something
for pain. But that is all.
I am a Magos Biologis. No wound or
malady is beyond me.
You are in a triage situation. Observe,
analyze, and decide who we can save.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
I was right! For days, I tracked that signal
coming from beyond the sun. I didn’t tell
Transmechanic First-Class Aleric because
I didn’t want to be ridiculed. And today
I heard voices—the signal’s an Ork fleet
heading straight for Graia!
Head up the
ramp and then
go through the
tunnel on the
left, even though
the Objective
icon indicates the
tunnel on the
right. Follow the
left tunnel for a
short distance to
find a servo skull. Once you have it, go through the tunnel on the right. Continue
through the door to the next tunnel.
After you pick up
the melta gun, a
horde of Orks rush
into the room.
Back up from the
shrine and onto
the ramp to give
yourself some
room to use your
ranged weapons.
This is a good
opportunity to try out the melta gun. It literally melts an enemy.
Melta Gun
heart of darkness
Advance through the area and more Boyz and ’Ard Boyz charge toward you. Use
the same tactics as before. Since you have more of a warning this time, use the
vengeance launcher to set up some traps for them. Eventually a Nob shows up.
This is a good time to activate Fury mode—especially if there are still ’Ard Boyz
around. Once the fight is over, pick up some ammo from a cache.
At the tunnel’s
end, open a door
and enter a room
with a shrine.
At the shrine,
exchange your
stalker bolter for a
melta gun.
As you reach the bottom, get ready for an attack. Boyz and
’Ard Boyz charge you. Break up the horde with a grenade or
two, followed by bolter fire and then melee attacks. Shoot at
the red pipes to create explosions as well.
heart of darkness
Move to the control panel at this
room’s far end to activate a lift that
takes you up to the next level. When
the lift halts, go to a shrine and pick
up a purity seal. This unlocks Supreme
Fury. Now when you use Fury mode,
the Fury meter drains significantly more
slowly, allowing you more time to
wreak destruction on your enemies.
A Shoota Nob is
also down on the
ground floor. His
fire can be quite
damaging to a
Space Marine.
Sprint in close to
take away the
advantage of his
ranged firepower
and hit this Nob
with chained melee attacks.
While the melta gun has a lot of close-range
firepower, the stalker bolter is more useful
for completing this chapter. Therefore,
after trying it out some, swap the melta gun
for a stalker bolter at the weapon caches.
After picking up
the skull, advance
along the catwalk
and up a series of
stairs. At the top,
open a door and
continue through
a long passage.
You emerge into
a large room
filled with Boyz.
However, they don’t seem to want to fight. Most run away and take a lift out of
the area. Move in and kill those who are left behind. This is a good chance to get
some executions and max out your health. There are also a couple weapon caches
in this area if you want to swap out weapons.
Follow a passage leading to this area’s
end where you find a few more Orks
and your squadmates. Pick up some
ammo and grenades, since the caches
have been scarce since the last couple
of fights.
Second Reunion
Objective: Meet Inquisitor Drogan at the rendezvous point in Habitation Center Andris.
After getting as many Orks below as you can, rush along
the catwalk and down the stairs to reach the ground floor.
There you must face off against Boyz and ’Ard Boyz as well
as Shoota Boyz you missed earlier. If your health is starting to
get low, activate Fury mode to restore it and to slice through
the enemies much easier.
Open the large door and advance into the next area. Continue to some stairs leading
into a lower area. However, don’t go down yet. Use the stalker bolter to snipe at
Shoota Boyz down below. In addition, Boyz charge at you. Pull back so you are not a
target for the Shoota Boyz and deal with the Boyz, then position yourself to the left
of the stairs so you can continue sniping enemies below. Try for some headshots.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Now continue up some stairs onto a walkway that is on the edge of a larger area.
Pick off some Shoota Boyz with your stalker bolter while keeping some cover
between you and the middle of the area to avoid taking fire. Also watch for Bomb
Squigs. Use your bolter to mow down most of the Boyz as they approach so you
can stay behind cover from the fire from below. Once you defeat them, snipe at
the Shoota Boyz down below. Some of them have rokkit launchas, which cause a
lot of damage, so try to dodge or avoid their fire.
After sniping at all of the enemies you can see, move down
the stairs and clear out the remaining Orks in the lower level.
There should be only a handful left.
While you are on the lower level, more Orks come down a
ramp of rubble. Turn your attention to them and kill them—
especially the Shoota Boyz.
By this time in the game, you
should have earned the Success
Is Measured in Blood reward or be
very close to it. You need to kill 500
enemies using melee weapons.
Angel of Death is another award you
can earn or get close to by this point in
the game. You must kill 500 enemies
using ranged weapons.
Finally, head up the ramp and advance through rubble to some stairs. Climb the
stairs to exit the sewers.
The Sewer
Chapter 8:
Whispers of
the Dead
Chapter Overview
New Weapons
Inquisitor Drogan
(4/5) pg. 75
Workshift 465 (4/5)
pg. 79
pg. 71
Inquisitor Drogan
(3/5) pg. 72
Worker Nathaniel
(2/5) pg. 77
Inquisitor Drogan
(1/10) pg. 79
Thunder Hammer
Workshift 465 (3/5)
Inquisitor Drogan
(5/5) pg. 78
Workshift 465 (5/5)
pg. 72
pg. 80
pg. 77
New Enemies
Weird Boy
The Astartes Man-Portable Lascannon
fires a charged energy blast along a powerful laser and can cut through almost
any armor at extreme range. It features a
powerful optical scope with variable magnification. After each shot, the weapon’s
battery must recharge before it can be
fired again.
pg. 78
Worker Nathaniel
(1/5) pg. 74
Death from Above
pg. 81
Hold down the Aim button to bring up a
scope view similar to the stalker bolter.
This makes the lascannon great for
sniping at enemies. Try to conserve your
ammo for this weapon. It holds only 15
shots, and each ammo cache restores 8
shots. The lascannon kills most Orks with
a single shot to the body. Nobz take a few
more shots to kill. This weapon is very
useful for taking out Shoota Nobz at long
Chapter Start
Objective: Meet Inquisitor Drogan at the rendezvous point in Habitation Center Andris.
Your squadmates
and you emerge
from the sewers
into a habitation
block. The street
ahead is destroyed,
so head up the
ramp on the left
into a building to
get around the
Servo Skull
As you move
through a hallway,
look inside rooms
with open doors
to find ammo and
grenade caches.
Audio Log: Medicae Station Ventris
Situation: At Medic Station Ventris, Senior
Medic Cassia and Junior Medic Dominus
struggle to treat casualties of war.
It’s completely full. That’s where I’ve been
moving the dying.
That’s it, then. Bar the doors.
You’re closing the infirmary?
We are being overrun. We must focus on
the wounded already under our care. This is
the only way. Take the servitors to keep the
crowds back.
The end of the
hall is blocked
by rubble, so go
through the last
door on the right
and drop into the
rubble below.
Before heading
out into the street,
turn around to
find another
hallway. Move to its end to get a servo skull.
Move to the shrine in the middle of the open area. There you exchange your melta
gun (or stalker bolter, depending on what you are carrying) for a lascannon. You
are going to need it right away.
As soon as you have the lascannon, move forward and take cover behind some
rubble. Shoota Boyz and Shoota Nobz have taken position on the upper levels of
the building in front of you. Their fire can be deadly. Use the lascannon to take out
the Orks firing at you. If you start taking damage, roll to the side and get behind
some taller cover until your armor level is restored. Keep firing until you eliminate
all of the enemies on the building.
Time to move out. Advance to the doorway on the far right
side of the open area, and enter a hallway. Go into a room
on the right side to find a servo skull.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
There’s no room for them in the south
ward. Put them on the second level.
whispers of the dead
Medicae Station
Ventris (4/5) pg. 70
Servo Skulls
Continue down
the street. As you
approach an open
area, an Ork Rok
flies past. It is
followed by several
more. The Orks
are dropping more
troops onto Graia,
so be ready for
some resistance.
Encrypted Report: Inquisitor Drogan
Situation: Inquisitor Drogan updates his
Report to Lord Sharpe:
The Fabricator-General of Graia shares
my vision for the power source. Today, he
offered up the Titan Manufactorum to test
the device’s capabilities. There is a risk that
the power source may overload and destroy
the entire facility.
But it is an acceptable risk.
And the techpriest does not need to know.
Servo Skull
After picking up the skull, exit the room and continue down the hall. Head up the
stairs and move through another hall. Enter the room on the hall’s left side to find
another servo skull.
Once most of the Shoota Boyz are down, switch to the
lascannon and target the Shoota Nobz. During this fight, if
you start taking damage or see several rockets headed your
way, roll to the side and take cover. Keep picking off Orks
until they are all dead.
Continue out
into the hallway,
stopping in
another room
to collect some
ammo; then drop
through a hole in
the floor to a lower
level. Continue
through a series
of hallways until
you emerge back out onto the street. Kill a horde of Gretchin that come after you;
next, kill the Shoota Boy up on the building that is shooting at your squad.
Begin to advance along the walkway
to your left. However, keep an eye on
the area you just cleared of the Orks.
More foes are coming—this time ’Ard
Boyz. Fire at them from the walkway
on your side to weaken them. As they
get closer, move to where the walkway
turns right, then fire into the ’Ard
Boyz with your bolter. If you already
weakened some with long-range fire,
the bolter may finish off a few. As they
get in close, start swinging your power
axe to finish off the rest.
Audio Log: Workshift 465 (3/5)
Situation: Conversations showing the start
of the Ork invasion from the perspective of
workers at Manufactorum Ajakis.
I’m surprised you showed up. There’s no
one here.
VOICE OF GRAIA (loudspeaker)
Workers, assemble.
I think people are right.
VOICE OF GRAIA (loudspeaker)
The increase in worker absences has
been noted. Delinquent workers will be
Caleb, what are we going to do?
Head up some stairs to find a weapons cache. Swap out weapons to your liking—
however, it is a good idea to keep the lascannon for now. There is an ammo cache
near the ramp. After you have what you need, go up the ramp and get ready to
fight again.
Continue to the walkway’s end, picking up ammo and
grenades along the way. Near the stairs, look over the railing
and down at the street where a Rok has crash-landed.
Orks are pouring out of it and other Roks. There are several
Shoota Boyz down there, so start killing them with ranged
fire from your bolter or vengeance launcher. Shoot at the
explosive containers to blow up nearby Orks.
Now begin heading down the stairs. There is a large group of
Boyz and ’Ard Boyz moving toward the bottom of the stairs.
Throw a couple grenades into the middle of the group to kill
or severely wound several of them. Then move down and
finish them off with the power axe.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
I didn’t know where else to go.
People are saying the Skitarii are dead.
whispers of the dead
More Orks have arrived. Shoota Boyz and Shoota Nobz are
on the opposite walkway directly ahead of you. While your
squad begins firing at them, stay back and take cover. Use
your lascannon to snipe at the Shoota Nobz and quickly take
them out to reduce the amount of firepower coming your
way. Next, go after the Shoota Boyz with the lascannon or
your bolter.
Street Warfare
Servo Skull
Servo Skull
Hannah hasn’t returned—I think they’re
going to close off that whole stratum.
I have to get her.
You’ll be back from the food depot before
we are. Tell your mother where I am when
she arrives—and both of you, stay there.
Pack up the food as best you can.
Reports are that the Orks have already
reached the manufactorum. We’ll need to
leave as soon as we’re together.
I’ll be home soon.
Move toward the
room’s center until
more Orks show
up. Shoota Boyz
and Shoota Nobz
take positions at
the top of the area
on the left. Get
in a few shots at
them and then
back up behind
cover. When a Nob comes down the stairs and moves to attack you, don’t leave
your cover. That is what the Orks want. Instead, stay where you are and kill it with
the lascannon before it even gets close to you.
As you reach the ramp’s top, the Orks who fled are waiting.
Throw a grenade and back away until it detonates. Then
move forward until they are in your sights and kill them. If
a Shoota Nob is with them, kill it with the lascannon, then
finish off the rest with bolter fire.
Encrypted Report: Inquisitor Drogan
Situation: Inquisitor Drogan updates his
superiors at the Inquisition.
To Lord Sharpe:
The power source succeeded in fueling the
entire Titan Manufactorum—a remarkable
But I have not forgotten my true purpose
on Graia, my lord. I have dedicated my life
to defeating the alien horde. Now I will use
the power source in a weapon that exploits
the very weaknesses of our alien foe. . . .
Head left and follow the rubble pathway back toward the
street. However, there are some Orks up on the tall building
to the right. Dodge their fire and use the lascannon to kill
them. Take cover as needed, then continue.
Once you get down to ground level,
move through an alley and keep going
until you meet up with the Inquisitor.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Continue sniping at Orks on the catwalks
and at the top of the area on the left.
Hit red-painted explosive containers
and pipes to blow up adjacent enemies.
When another Nob comes after you, use
the same strategy as before. If you are
low on lascannon ammo, fire your bolter
at the Nob and let it come to you. Use
melee combat to keep out of the other
Orks’ line of fire.
As you get near
the ramp, turn left
and advance to
find another servo
skull. Collect it,
then head up the
Servo Skull
whispers of the dead
Benjamin, plans have changed.
Continue through
the tunnel and
climb up a ramp of
rubble to return to
street level. There
are some weapon
caches where
you can swap out
weapons if you
choose. Move into
the building, but
don’t go too far. In fact, it is best to hang back by the entrance so you can see
the stairs and catwalk up ahead. Snipe at Shoota Boyz on the catwalk. If you take
damage, strafe back to the left to take cover.
If you get low
on ammo, rush
forward and then
sprint to the left
to find grenade
and ammo caches.
These are actually
located underneath
the Orks up on
top, so they can
hit you while in
this area. After clearing out most of the Orks on the catwalk and up on the left,
sprint to the stairs and climb to the top. By this time, most of the Orks are running
away. Kill any near you and then pick up some ammo as you head toward a ramp
of rubble.
Personal Message: Worker Nathaniel
Situation: Nathaniel is a father and factory
worker on the run from the Orks with his
wife and daughter. He leaves messages
for his teenaged son, Benjamin, to follow
them to safety.
Advance into the
tunnel leading
under the street
to find an ammo
cache. Continue
through the
tunnel, watching
for an alcove off
to the right. There
you can find an
ammo cache and a
servo skull.
Drogan’s Return
Objective: Take the power source to the Inquisitor’s weapons research facility.
Thunder Hammer
The mighty thunder hammer is the rarest of Space
Marine melee weapons. Each blow discharges
a powerful blast from the hammer’s dedicated
power field. Ranged weapons are limited to pistol
and bolter when wielding the thunder hammer.
Enter a building through a doorway near where you spoke
with the Inquisitor. Follow a long hallway a large open room.
Pick up some ammo and then continue down a ramp into
the rubble.
As you walk through the rubble, you find a cache of
grenades. Pick some up and then continue to the right of the
grenades to find a ramp that takes you to the lower level.
After picking up the skull, move through a doorway and follow a ramp of rubble to
a lower level. The Imperial Guard are fighting against the Orks. You must help them
in their battle, but don’t rush in. Instead, stay to the battle’s left side and use the
rubble for cover. There are several Orks with shootas on the structure to your left.
Snipe at them with your lascannon, and when you see rockets headed your way, roll
left to get back behind cover. Also watch for a Nob that walks across the battlefield.
You can take him out with ranged weapons, but don’t rush out and expose yourself
to enemy fire to kill it.
While it is very powerful, the thunder hammer is
also the slowest of the melee weapons. A single
blow can kill an Ork Boy, and a few hits can stop a Nob. Instead of quick slashes like other
weapons, you must find a slower rhythm when fighting with the thunder hammer. However,
it can destroy Orks like no other melee weapon—especially when you chain the attacks. A
single press of the Strike button swings the hammer for medium damage. Press the button a
second time for a heavy swing that inflicts heavy damage. A third strike in the chain results
in a superheavy swing for very heavy damage. The thunder hammer also stuns. Press the
Stun button for a hammer bash. A strike followed by a stun gives you a stunning swing that
affects a larger wedge. Finally, two strikes followed by a stun performs the thunder smash
for very heavy damage and stuns in a radius around you. Notice that the thunder hammer
has maximum chains of only three button presses instead of four, as with other weapons.
However, you don’t need as many strikes in the chain to get a lot of damage.
Now that you have
the jump-pack,
you must use it to
get around. Jump
up to a higher
walkway and
land. Grab some
ammo. Follow the
walkway as it leads
along the wall on
the area’s right side
and then jump up to the next level to find a room where a servo skull is located.
Pick it up and then jump to the lower level.
An Ork Rok has
landed in the
lower area. Boyz
and a Nob come
toward you. This is
a good chance to
try out the thunder
hammer. If you
need some ammo
after the fight,
search the side
alcoves on the upper level just above the lower area.
Servo Skull
Personal Message: Worker Nathaniel
Situation: Factory worker Nathaniel leaves
messages for his son to follow the family
on their flight from the Orks.
Benjamin, we’ve waited as long as we can.
Where are you?
The Orks are crossing the mainline bridge.
I have to get Hannah and your mother out
of here.
When you get this message, leave
immediately—go to hab block seventy-four.
We’re going to gather with others from our
shift-group. We have your things. Come and
find us—stay safe. And hurry.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
The vengeance launcher works quite
well in this situation. For distant targets,
aim above the target so that the charge
lands where you want after following its
arced flight path. If you hold down the Aim
button, use the ticks under the reticule to
help judge how high above your target you
need to aim. This takes a bit of practice,
but after a few shots, you should be able
to place the charges where you want them.
By using the launcher, you can save up
charges for the lascannon and still take out
enemies at long range.
whispers of the dead
Once you meet up with him, the Inquisitor informs you
of a secret, experimental weapon that could destroy the
Orks—the Psychic Scourge. It is located at the Inquisitor’s
research facility. To get him to that facility, you first must get
to the Imperial Guard rally point where you can obtain some
You now have to split up. Since the Inquisitor’s wounds are
slowing him—and you—down, you must take the power
source and lead the Orks away from your squad as they get
the Inquisitor to the Imperial Guard rally point. Move across
the battlefield to the right of the Ork structure and climb
the stairs. Continue moving through the wide corridors until
you find an assault support pod. Inside is a jump-pack and a
thunder hammer.
Servo Skull
To Lord Sharpe:
Integrating the power source makes this
weapon far more devastating to the alien
biology than I’d envisioned.
A last stand? You’re no Skitarii, Caleb.
My lord, I believe that this weapon—this
psychic scourge—could end the alien
threat against the Imperium for all time.
VOICE OF GRAIA (on loudspeaker)
Workers, alert. Xenos presence detected.
This is not a drill.
If I’m going to die today, I want to face it
straight on.
Weird Boy
After getting the skull, jump to a higher level to the right of the stairs and follow
the passage to a large room. A Weird Boy is teleporting in Orks to try to stop you.
Since you are armed with only a plasma pistol and bolter for ranged weapons, you
need to rely on your jump-pack and thunder hammer. Move to the edge, jump
to the round platform in the center, and ground-pound the Shoota Nob there. If
you hit close enough to the enemy, you stun it and can then finish it off with an
The Weird Boy has sealed the way out with a green energy field. However, before
dealing with him, jump to the energy field to take out some Shoota Boyz before
they can hurt you. Then jump to where the Weird Boy is located and attack. The
Weird Boy leaves rather than fights—and the energy field no longer blocks your
way. If you need some ammo, look around this area. There are some caches.
Follow the passage around and then drop to a lower level. Head right and keep
moving past some stairs leading down. Instead of going right at the stairs, go
straight and jump over some rubble. On the other side you find a servo skull.
Head back to the
stairs leading down
and now turn
left. The Orks are
fighting against
the Imperial Guard
up ahead. Watch
out for Boyz and a
Nob that come to
attack. Let them
have it with your
thunder hammer.
Climb up the short
flight of stairs,
turn right, and
look up. There are
two upper levels.
Jump to the first
one, and from
there jump to the
second level to
find a servo skull
next to a statue
holding a monitor.
See the following page for details on this
Servo Skull
You stubborn fool—you are not going to
die today! There’s got to be a place we
can hide.
Servo Skull
Journal: Inquisitor Drogan (1/10)
Situation: Inquisitor Drogan kept a secret
journal detailing the true nature of his work
on the Forge World. This is his first entry.
Encrypt recording. Authorization Drogan,
Inquisitor Ordo Xenos.
I have arrived on Graia to begin my
research. This work could change the
course of history. I would be a fool to leave
no record. . . . The Imperium must not
forget the good I have done. These journals
will remain sealed until my death, for here I
will speak the truth that could damn me.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Weird Boyz are usually not that dangerous by themselves. Their main threat is
teleporting other Orks to attack you. They
often avoid fighting you directly, other
than launching attacks from a distance,
so try to kill them with ranged weapons
or get in close for melee combat.
Audio Log: Workshift 465 (4/5)
Situation: Conversations showing the start
of the Ork invasion from the perspective of
workers at Manufactorum Ajakis.
I say we stay here. This factory is a far
better place than the hab blocks to make a
last stand.
The weapon is working.
Weird Boyz are Ork Psykers acting as a
sort of psychic sponge absorbing the
energies of nearby Orks and unleashing
them as devastating psychic attacks. As
well as offensive attacks, the more talented Weird Boyz can teleport themselves
and other Ork units in and out of combat
at will.
Servo Skull
whispers of the dead
Go down the
stairs to the right
of the cleared
passage to find a
servo skull and
some grenades.
Then head back
up the stairs and
go through the
passage to reach
the next area.
Encrypted Report: Inquisitor Drogan
Situation: Inquisitor Drogan updates his
superiors at the Inquisition.
Advance past the
burning Rok from
which the Orks
came and pick
up some ammo
and grenades.
Then look to the
right of the stairs
just past the Rok
to find another
servo skull.
Servo Skull
I saw them. The Orks are in the loading
bays. Help me drag this over.
Why are you blocking the door? This room
isn’t safe enough—we have to go, Caleb!
whispers of the dead
What took you so long?
While you are fighting, look for the Weird Boy who launches
blasts at you. When you see this Ork, jump and ground-pound
him. Keep hitting the Weird Boy until you defeat him and the
energy field disappears. There is no need to continue fighting all of the Orks, so move through the passageway that had
been blocked.
Audio Log: Workshift 465 (5/5)
Situation: Conversations showing the start
of the Ork invasion from the perspective of
workers at Manufactorum Ajakis.
Drop back to the
lower level by the
stairs, and head
into the large
area where the
battle is raging.
Since your ranged
weapons are not
that powerful, use
your jump-pack to
perform groundpound attacks followed by bashes with your thunder hammer. Jumping is not only
a good way to attack, but it also helps you get out of danger quickly. If you see
rockets headed your way, activate your jump-pack to escape. After you kill all the
Orks, the Imperial Guard contacts you. There are several ammo caches around, so
pick up some ammo if you need it.
While your bolter is not very powerful, look for Orks standing near explosive containers. Aim
for the container and the explosion does the damage for you.
Follow the passage until you arrive outside the structure and can see the Imperial
Guard forces below you. Talk to Lt. Mira and then head to the Valkyrie where the
rest of your squad is waiting for you.
VOICE OF GRAIA (on loudspeaker)
Workers, evacuate. Xenos detected. Your
safety is not guaranteed.
It’s too late, Lilith. There’s nowhere to run.
Since you use the jump-pack a lot
during this mission, try to get the
Death from Above achievement/
trophy by killing 25 enemies with
ground-pound attacks.
From the large area, advance up the long flights of stairs to reach another large
area with lots of Orks. Several Boyz try to stop you, so use your thunder hammer
on them. If you are not at full health, execute a few to get it there. Then pick up
some ammo if you need it before moving into a big fight.
ork drop pod
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Once again, the
exit from this
area is blocked by
an energy field.
Therefore, you
need to jump
around killing
as many Orks as
possible. Go after
the Shoota Nobz
when you see
them, since they can cause a lot of damage. If you start losing health, move into
one of the side rooms where you are protected from ranged fire. Wait for Boyz or
other enemies to come in, then stun and execute them for more health. If you are
getting low out in the large area, activate Fury mode to restore your health quickly
and get in extra damage on the Orks.
Chapter 9:
Worker Nathaniel
(3/5) pg. 86
New Weapons
New Enemies
Storm Boy
Not So Tough
pg. 83
pg. 84
Nob Down
Medicae Station
Ventris (5/5) pg. 87
pg. 89
2nd Lt. Mira (3/5)
the weapon
The Weapon
Servo Skulls
Part III: The Weapon
Chapter Overview
pg. 90
Chapter Start
Objective: Use the gun turret to repel the Ork assault.
Storm Boy
Storm Boyz are fierce Ork warriors who
gamble with their lives by strapping on
crude rokkit packs to propel themselves
toward the enemy. They are armed with
shootas and melee weapons for aerial
Your squad boards the Valkyries and takes off toward the Inquisitor’s weapons lab.
However, the flight won’t be uneventful.
Storm Boyz can be tough to kill since they
are usually flying around. With their large
rokkit packs, they are bigger targets than
other Boyz, and a few short bursts with a
heavy bolter brings them down.
In addition to firing at you, the Storm Boyz also grab on
to Valkyries and attempt to disable them by hand. As an
adjacent Valkyrie comes under attack, shoot the Storm Boyz
off the craft before they make it crash.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
As your fleet of
Valkyries are flying,
a large group of
Storm Boyz flies
in to attack. Man
the heavy bolter
on the side door
of the Valkyrie and
start blasting away
at them. They fire
at you and you
take damage, so take them out as quickly as you can.
As the Ork gunship moves to the side of
your Valkyrie, keep firing at the Shoota
Boyz standing on the external platforms
and kill them before you take too much
The Bridge
Objective: Get to the rendezvous point to reunite with Lt. Mira.
If you have not already earned the Not
So Tough award, you definitely get it
here. You just have to kill 10 ’Ard Boyz.
Some ’Ard Boyz
and Gretchin join
in. Use grenades
to break up the
attackers so
they don’t all hit
you at once. If
you start to get
and lose health,
activate Fury mode
to replenish your health and increase the damage you are inflicting on the Orks.
As the melee attacks wind down, Shoota Boyz on towers start firing at you. Take
cover behind one of the bridge supports and then move out to fire at the Orks. Try
to expose yourself to only one or two enemies at a time as you shoot. Also be ready
for more attacks on the ground. ’Ard Boyz and Boyz continue to come after you.
You can’t just stay at the end of the bridge where you
landed. To meet up with Lt. Mira and get off this bridge, you
must advance. Snipe the Orks on the towers since they can
cause a lot of damage. At the same time, deal with the Orks
on the ground.
After you eliminate all the Orks on the bridge, Lt. Mira brings
her Valkyrie down to pick you up so you can continue the
Kalkys Outskirts
Objective:Take the power source to the Inquisitor’s weapons research facility.
The Valkyrie drops you off to reunite
with your squad and the Inquisitor. At
the nearby weapons cache, you can
adjust your loadout if necessary. Be
sure you have a power axe and either a
stalker bolter or a lascannon. You need
some long-range firepower and a good
melee weapon.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Despite your efforts, a Storm Boy succeeds in bringing down
your Valkyrie by getting sucked into the engines. You are able
to jump off onto a bridge before the craft crashes. However,
you are not alone. The bridge is in Ork territory. A horde of
Boyz sees you land on the bridge and comes to welcome you.
Fire away with your bolter and then use melee attacks when
they get in close.
If you start taking damage, move behind a
bridge support so the Shoota Boyz can’t
hit you. Wait for the Boyz to charge at you.
Stun and then execute them while staying
behind cover to build up your health.
the weapon
An Ork gunship joins the fight. Fire at it as it appears near your door, then fire the heavy bolter out the back of the Valkyrie. At
the same time, Storm Boyz are trying to board your Valkyrie. Blast them away.
Personal Message: Worker Nathaniel
Situation: Factory worker Nathaniel leaves
messages for his son to follow the family
on their flight from the Orks.
Benjamin, I feel like I’m leaving breadcrumbs for you to follow. We can’t wait
for you here. The shift-group left without
us. The whole idea was safety in numbers,
but they didn’t bother to wait. This hab
block’s completely looted. We’re heading
for Evacuation Center Epsilon. Look for us
Be careful, Ben.
Before you can
cross the bridge,
an Ork Rok crashes
into it, destroying it. However,
before continuing
on, head down a
side canyon to the
bridge’s left. At
the end, you find a
servo skull.
Return to the
bridge and then
move through a
small canyon to
the bridge’s right.
The entrance is
near an ammo
cache. Watch out
for an ’Ard Boy
and a Shoota Boy.
Kill them and then
pick up some grenades as you continue.
The pathway
emerges near a
crashed Valkyrie.
Pick up the servo
skull near the
Valkyrie, and if you
don’t already have
a lascannon, swap
out your stalker
bolter for one at
the weapons cache.
Audio Log: Medicae Station Ventris (5/5)
Situation: At Medic Station Ventris, Senior
Medic Cassia and Junior Medic Dominus
struggle to treat casualties of war.
Radio says the Orks are two streets away.
Help me with this, Dominus. Hurry.
What are you injecting him with—stop!
This is a fatal dose!
Yes, it is. I have enough for every patient.
You’re murdering them now?
As you continue,
there are more
Orks up ahead.
The Shoota Boyz
are trying to blast
a way into the
research facility.
While they are
occupied, snipe
at them with the
lascannon before
they start firing at you. You can also use the lascannon to get in a couple shots
on the Nob that charges toward you. Finish off the other Orks and pick up some
I’m showing them mercy. In ten minutes,
the Orks will break through those doors and
slaughter them all in their beds. Better to die
in peace before that. It’s the last thing I can
do for them.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Continue onto the ridge by the grenade
cache. From there, you can see some
more Shoota Boyz. Use your bolter to
take out the closest ones; then as more
appear in the distance, snipe at them
with the lascannon.
The canyon exits into a large open area. Snipe at the Shoota Boyz up on the pipes
and on the ground. Jump to the sides to avoid incoming rocket attacks. After a
Rok crashes into the area, kill the ’Ard Boyz and Shoota Boyz that get out.
the weapon
Servo Skull
Fight your way through a horde of Boyz and continue
advancing toward the bridge. Clear out all remaining Orks as
you go.
Servo Skull
As you begin advancing through a canyon, Shoota Boyz up
on the ledges fire down at you. Snipe at them as soon as you
see them.
Another Rok
crashes and
unloads more
Orks, including a
Nob. Throw some
grenades into the
group and cause as
much damage as
possible with your
ranged weapons
before finishing
them off with melee attacks. After you kill them all, continue advancing past the
second Rok and up a passage, picking up some ammo along the way.
You should have a full load of grenades
before you reach the facility entrance.
Therefore, don’t try to pick up more right
away. Instead, wait until you have thrown
at least three to get more. That gives you a
total of eight grenades you can use for this
fight if necessary.
Nob Down is another award you can
definitely earn during this mission if you
have not done so already. You need to
win 10 struggles against Ork Nobz.
Once the two large Nobz are dead, or even before if things
are going badly, rush into the facility. There is a whole lot of
ugly coming and no way for you to survive a horde of ’Ard
Boyz and Nobz. Once you are inside, the Inquisitor quickly
closes the door and you are safe for the moment. It is now
time to exchange your thunder hammer for the power axe
and other weapons.
Cross the bridge and take the pathway to the right so you
can pick up some grenades and kill a few Shoota Boyz. Keep
advancing and stop at the ammo cache as you head to the
entrance to the Inquisitor’s facility.
The Inquisitor opens another door that leads out into a canal
area. Stay on the platform near the door and get ready for
an Ork charge. Open up with the bolter and fire at Boyz and
Bomb Squigs to prevent them from getting close to you. As
the attacks slow down, advance along the canal, killing Orks
as you go.
More Boyz and Squigs attack as you are advancing. While you
have to get into a melee fight, be ready to fire your bolter at
Bomb Squigs that drop from the pipes and run toward you.
As you advance on the first large pipe that crosses over the
canal, be ready for some ’Ard Boyz. Use a grenade to weaken
them and then finish them off with ranged fire or melee
combat. There is a grenade cache on the left under the pipe.
Stay under the first pipe and get out
your lascannon. Snipe at the Shoota
Boyz on top of the second large pipe
over the canal. If you don’t kill them as
soon as possible, their rockets can really
hurt you.
The attack begins with some ’Ard Boyz and Boyz. Use the bolter to damage them as
they approach and then start swinging the thunder hammer. More waves of attacks
follow the first. Use a grenade when you see lots of ’Ard Boyz together, and be ready
to activate Fury if necessary when you fight against a Nob. Remember to chain your
attacks, and after a couple strikes, stun all of the enemies around you. Even if you
don’t plan on executing them, stunned enemies are easier to kill.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Near the entrance
are caches of
ammo, grenades,
and weapons. You
have a big fight
ahead, so swap
out your power
axe for a thunder
hammer. Though
you won’t be able
to use your heavy
ranged weapons, you definitely need the melee damage the thunder hammer can
impart. In addition, the more you use the thunder hammer, the faster your Fury
meter builds up. It will take some time for the Inquisitor to open the entrance, so
you have to fight off the Orks until then.
When fighting a Nob, go for the execution
once they are stunned instead of just
continuing to attack. The execution
creates a blast of power that stuns nearby
enemies—including ’Ard Boyz. This gives
you a chance to immediately get in some
more executions.
the weapon
More waves of ’Ard Boyz attack. Kill them and then get
ready for a big fight against a Nob and a large Nob. Cause as
much damage as possible against them at range. This is also
a good time to activate Fury mode—especially if you have to
fight both in melee combat.
Keep fighting.
When you see
some ’Ard Boyz
with shields, you
know the battle is
reaching its climax.
Kill them as quickly
as possible, then
watch for a couple
big Nobz. They
approach from the
left, one a bit earlier than the other. Now is the time to use your grenades. Throw
them and then start bashing with the thunder hammer. When the second one
arrives, activate Fury and lay into them both. About this same time, the Inquisitor
opens the entrance.
Approach the bridge near the ammo cache. Finish off any
Shoota Boyz with your lascannon and then get ready for
some ’Ard Boyz. Take out a few with either the vengeance
launcher or melta gun—whichever one you are carrying—
before you grab the ammo. Then finish off any survivors with
the power axe.
Servo Skull
Battlefield Log: 2nd Lt. Mira (3/5)
Situation: Servo skull recording events on
Graia; Imperial Guard at their outpost in
between attacks.
We’re all going to die out here—
You are an Imperial Guardsman. Start
acting like one!
But, Lieutenant—
We’re not dead yet! So do your bloody job
and defend the line before they—
Advance under the second pipe and head toward a ramp of rubble. Before heading
up the ramp, go left to find a servo skull.
Once you have
the servo skull,
head up the ramp,
then turn right
and move across
the walkway over
a pipe. A horde
of Gretchin come
after you. Execute
them to restore
your health and
then move through the rubble.
Enter a pipe
and follow it to
an intersection
of pipes. Enter
another pipe to
the right and use
it to enter the
Inquisitor’s facility.
Storm Boy Attack
Chapter 10:
House of Secrets
Objective: Take the Inquisitor to the security control room to deactivate automated defenses.
Chapter Overview
New Weapons
Petronius (3/5)
Kracken bolter
pg. 95
New Enemies
pg. 94
pg. 95
Inquisitor Drogan
(2/10) pg. 97
Chapter Start
You have led your squad and the
Inquisitor to his research facility. Head
up the stairs and continue to the door.
However, the Inquisitor has some bad
news: The facility has a security system
that shoots at everything—including you.
It is important for you to watch your
health in this facility. There are no Orks
here—just servo turrets—so you can’t
perform executions to restore your health.
Therefore, if you start taking damage, get
behind cover before your armor level is
depleted. Wait for it to restore, then get
back into the fight.
Don’t step into
the room just yet.
There are three
servo turrets in this
room, suspended
from the ceiling.
Use the lascannon to take out all
three—each with
a single shot. Stay
by the door so
you can roll to one side for cover if you start taking hits. Once all three turrets are
down, move into the room.
Move to the left and use the same tactic to take out the
servo turret along the left wall. Move forward a bit and
another turret activates. Destroy it as well. Be sure to have
cover before attacking. Some turrets may take more than one
charge to destroy, depending on where the charge lands and
if your squadmates have already been shooting at it. Don’t
advance forward since there are two turrets at the far end
and you want to destroy the others first.
Now head to the room’s right side and
take out one turret on the right wall
and one near the center. If you have
to, use your bolter to destroy servo
turrets—it just takes longer. A stalker
bolter also works, but it takes a few
shots to do the job. Finally, take out the
two turrets near the door on the room’s
far side using any method you choose.
Go through the door beneath the last two turrets. You can
pick up some ammo from a cache in the next room. As you
walk up the short set of steps, watch out for a servo turret
on a rail to the left. It moves past a series of three sets of
explosive containers. Shoot the explosives as it gets near them
to destroy the servo turret—or you can just blast it with the
lascannon. As you advance along the walkway in the room’s
center, a second servo turret on a rail activates and begins
moving toward you. Destroy it as well.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Open the door and
continue down a
corridor. Turn left
at the intersection
and keep walking
until you reach a
weapons cache. If
you still have the
lascannon, keep
it. Pick up some
ammo for the
vengeance launcher and make sure you still have a power axe. Once you are ready,
continue to the door and open it.
hosue of secrets
Petronius (4/5)
Continue into the next room. Here you can’t just stay by
the door. Move toward the room’s center. There are seven
servo turrets in here, and all start off deactivated. Don’t try
destroying them while they are deactivated, since they can’t
be destroyed in this state and you will only waste ammo.
As you move in, the one in the room’s center activates.
Get behind cover, and after it fires, move out and shoot a
vengeance launcher charge at it to detonate the charge.
Servo Skulls
Servo Skull
And today, Transmechanic Aleric insisted
I contact every single planetary defense
outpost. A hundred stations! He just didn’t
want to do it himself.
None of the stations picked up. When I told
him that, Aleric rushed off. No acknowledgment, no thanks.
I suppose even an Ork invasion cannot
change some people.
After the first two
turrets are down,
sprint toward the
room’s center and
take cover behind
a container. There
are three more
turrets in this
room. Move to the
container’s right
side to take out
the one on the right, then go after the other two; be sure to expose yourself to
only one turret at a time. Before heading through the door with the green light on
the panel, check the area for some ammo.
As you open the door, be ready for a
turret in the center of the small room.
Quickly destroy it and then move
through the series of small labs to find
a weapons cache and a grenade cache.
Pick up what you need, and then return
to the large lab area and the door
where the Inquisitor is waiting.
This modified bolter fires adamantinecored kraken ammunition. It does heavy
damage to enemy armor. This weapon
permanently replaces your standard
Open the door to
the right of the
viewing port and
advance down
another safe corridor to the next
door. This leads
into a lab with
many turrets. To
successfully clear
out the lab, take
your time, use cover, and make your shots count. Sprint to the right and take cover
behind a large container. Quickly take out the servo turret in front of you. Then
move to the room’s left side and take out the turret there. Now two more turrets
activate. One is on the right side and moves along a rail. Wait for it to move into
view and shoot it. Then destroy the next turret in the room’s center.
Advance toward
the room’s center
and take cover
behind some pillars
as another servo
turret to the right
activates. Shoot it
and then deal with
two more. One is
on a rail to the left
of the one you just
destroyed, and the last one is near the left wall.
After you destroy
the turrets in the
main part of this
lab, move into
a couple smaller
rooms off to the
side. One of them
contains a turret.
Take it out and
then pick up some
ammo and a servo
skull. There is also a weapons cache in this room.
Servo Skull
Duty Log: Transmechanic Petronius (4/5)
Situation: A young communications
techpriest records his daily duty logs in the
early days of the Ork invasion.
The Orks broke into the temple. I couldn’t
hear them—I was plugged into my console.
Then someone crashed into me, hard, from
behind—it was Transmechanic Aleric. He
had an Ork axe in his chest. He’d blocked
the attack meant for me. The Ork went
berserk—he grabbed for me but only
caught my robe. I ripped free and ran.
Aleric saved me.
He died, saving me.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
The Labs
Kraken Bolter
hosue of secrets
The Orks have thrown my duties into chaos.
I only get distress calls now: “The xenos are
here,” “The hab block’s on fire.”
After getting the
skull, follow the
corridor to another
door. Open it and
enter a lab. Quickly
sprint to take cover
behind some crates
to the left. There
are two turrets you
can see from here.
Destroy the one
right in front of you, then get the one on the room’s far side.
Advance through a
turret-free passage
to another door.
Head through it
and into a larger
room with a shrine.
Walk up to the
shrine and pick up
a kraken bolter.
The Inquisitor then
opens a viewing
port of the firing cylinder for the weapon. However, before you can worry about
that, you still need to get the Inquisitor to the security room to deactivate the turrets.
Duty Log: Transmechanic Petronius
Situation: A young communications
techpriest records his daily duty logs in the
early days of the Ork invasion.
After you destroy
both servo turrets,
move to the
walkway’s end.
While you eventually want to go left
at the intersection,
first head right to
find a servo skull.
Objective: Follow the Inquisitor’s instructions to power up the Psychic Scourge weapon.
hosue of secrets
Move through another door into a larger room. Follow the
walkway to the left, toward the door with a green light; pick
up ammo as you go. After moving through a short corridor,
open another door and enter a large room with some turrets.
Security Room
After getting the skull, return to the
larger lab area and go through the
door with the green lit control panel.
In the next room are two servo turrets
on rails. Destroy both of them and
then move into an alcove on the right,
where a weapons cache is located.
Continue cautiously along the walkway
in the room’s center, toward an ammo
crate. There is another turret at the
room’s far end, so be ready to destroy
it when it activates.
After the Inquisitor opens the door for you, move along the
catwalk to the right. Stop at the first platform; don’t go up
the stairs to the area’s center. Instead, use your bolter to kill
any Shoota Boyz on the other catwalks. Kill them first so
they won’t be a threat later.
A horde of Boyz charges your position. Shoot some vengeance
launcher charges along the stairs to take some out and then
switch to your bolter. Finally, use the power axe as they get
in close. During this melee fight, watch for Bomb Squigs; be
ready to shoot them before they get close to you. Also try to
get in an execution or two if your health is not full.
Servo Skull
The servo turrets are deactivated and are at the room’s far
left end. Stay behind the large containers as you advance. As
two activate, shoot the one on the right and then the one on
the left. About this time, three more servo turrets activate.
Two move back and forth along the left and right sides of the
room while the third moves along a rail at the room’s far end.
Pick off each of these turrets with the lascannon while avoiding getting shot. Once you destroy all of the turrets, advance
to the stairs at the room’s far side. Don’t forget to stop by an
ammo cache on the way.
Journal: Inquisitor Drogan (2/10)
Situation: The true Inquisitor Drogan
records a private journal about his research.
My work began with two simple questions.
On that day, my ship had just entered
the dimensional limbo of the Warp. Most
people do not like to think of the Warp’s
true nature. After all, it lets us travel
between the stars.
But the Warp is the realm of Chaos.
Creatures of absolute evil—and absolute
power—take their strength directly from it.
So, I asked my questions: Could I tap into
that power? And what could I do with it?
Now advance to
the room’s center
and insert the
power source into
the socket of the
Psychic Scourge.
The power source
is now in position.
However, the Orks
have sabotaged
some of the equipment. You must manually restart the array alignment for the weapon to function.
Objective: Get to the weapon firing chamber to prepare for its detonation.
Head to the lift, which is behind the door with the green-lit
control panel. Once inside, activate the lift controls to begin
your ascent to the firing chamber to repair the sabotage.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Open the door to enter the security
control room. Inside you can find a
weapons cache and a shrine. Approach
the shrine to get a purity seal, which
unlocks Supreme Fury. This means you
now gain Fury at an increased rate so
you can use Fury mode more often.
Also swap out your lascannon for a
melta gun since you are done sniping at
turrets and need to deal with Orks.
When the melee
is over, move up
the stairs and kill
any remaining
Shoota Boyz. Then
head down a side
walkway toward
a burning door to
find a servo skull.
New Weapons
New Enemies
We Take Our
Chances pg. 99
Daemon pg. 100
Chapter Start
Objective: Fix the Ork-sabotaged firing mechanism to fire the weapon.
When you arrive at the firing chamber, it is infested with
Orks. Start firing your bolter at the Shoota Boyz to take them
out before the other Boyz close in for melee combat.
point of no return
Point of No Return
Servo Skulls
Chapter 11:
Chapter Overview
Once all of the Orks are dead, walk over to this console and
close it.
Objective: Fire the Psychic Scourge to destroy the Ork invaders.
After the weapon
fires, an Ork
gunship flies into
the area and drops
off the Warboss.
He wants the
power source. Just
as he starts moving
toward you, the
weapon releases
a burst of energy
and knocks everyone down.
Earn the We Take Our Chances
achievement/trophy by firing the
Psychic Scourge.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Head up the stairs and walk over to the control panel. Activate the device and the
weapon fires at the space spire.
Bloodletter Daemon
Daemons engage only in melee attacks.
However, their ability to warp allows them
to move across a battlefield extremely
fast. You might be shooting at a Daemon
one instant and then it could be right next
to you, ready to slash you with its sword.
The weapon does not kill the Orks. Instead, it opens a portal into the Warp and
Bloodletter Daemons come rushing out to kill the Orks. They also knock the
Warboss off the platform.
point of no return
Summoned directly from the Warp, the
Bloodletter Daemons strike fear and
despair into the hearts of men. Their
vicious swords inflict a powerful rending
attack that can be devastating even for
a Space Marine. They move and fight in
packs, “warping” from one position to
another, making them lethal adversaries.
When the lift reaches its destination, Daemons are fighting against Orks. Move
into the battle and attack both sides. The Daemons and Boyz have only melee
weapons, so use your ranged weapons for an advantage. However, you end up
using the power axe as well.
After killing all of the enemies, move
into a room where you find a weapons
cache and a shrine. You already got
the purity seal out of this shrine in the
previous chapter. However, exchange
any weapons you choose. It is a good
idea to hold on to the power axe and
consider a melta gun for heavy damage
at close range.
In addition to the
Daemons, a Chaos
Lord also comes
out of the Warp.
He deals with the
Inquisitor, who
it turns out was
serving Chaos the
entire time. The
Psychic Scourge
was not a weapon
but a device for opening the Warp to allow the forces of Chaos to enter your world.
Objective: Escape from overwhelming numbers of Chaos forces invading the research facility.
The Warboss returns and begins fighting the Chaos Lord. It
is time for your squad to get out. You must fight your way
through the Daemons. You can use ranged weapons at first,
then attack with your power axe as they get in close. It cuts
through Daemon just as easily as Ork.
Head down the stairs and get to the lift. Activate the controls
and ride it down to the facility.
bloodletter daemon concept
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Open the door and advance into the next room, where more
Daemons and Orks are fighting. You must kill all enemies in
this area to open the large door at the room’s far end and
escape from the facility.
Part IV: Dying of the Light
New Weapons
New Enemies
Worker Nathaniel
(4/5) pg. 103
Inquisitor Drogan
(4/10) pg. 108
Plasma Gun
pg. 108
Chaos Space
Marines pg. 105
Inquisitor Drogan
(3/10) pg. 104
Petronius (5/5)
Iron Halo
2nd Lt. Mira (4/5)
pg. 105
Alexander (4/5)
pg. 107
pg. 104
pg. 108
Alexander (5/5)
pg. 109
2nd Lt. Mira (5/5)
pg. 111
pg. 106
pg. 111
But I Am FInished
with You pg. 112
dying of the light
Dying of
the Light
Servo Skulls
Chapter 12:
Chapter Overview
Chapter Start
Objective: Get to the Manufactorum Ajakis to secure the Titan war machines.
Your squad has
made it out of
the Inquisitor’s
research facility.
Once again you are
carrying the power
source. You must
close the warp
portal before the
Chaos Lord can
bring in an entire
fleet to invade the planet. If you can get to the Titans, you can use the power
source to supercharge a Titan and destroy the warp portal.
Personal Message: Worker Nathaniel
Situation: Factory worker Nathaniel leaves
messages for his son to follow the family
on their flight from the Orks.
Benjamin, something terrible has
happened. Your mother—my Julia—
(breaks off)
We got caught in an Ork ambush.
Climb up a flight
of stairs and turn
left. Destroy the
barricade at the
passage’s end so
you can continue
around a corner to
find a servo skull.
They cornered your sister—she was
screaming—and your mother threw herself
at them.
They laughed, Benjamin—the worst sound
I have ever heard—and I grabbed Hannah.
But your mother—they took her and they
broke her and I couldn’t—(stops, regains
We made it to Epsilon Centre.
Find us, Benjamin. Please, find us.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Advance across
the remains of a
large bridge and
then drop into a
pipe that leads to
a larger room.
Servo Skull
Servo Skull
Once you have the skull, turn around and follow the passage in the opposite
direction. Continue past the stairs you climbed and blast another barricade so you
can reach ammo and grenade caches. Then continue into another room with a
weapons cache and a shrine. Approach the shrine to get the Iron Halo. Also search
this room to find a servo skull.
Journal: Inquisitor Drogan (3/10)
Situation: The true Inquisitor Drogan
records a private journal about his research.
On that fateful journey through the Warp,
in my exhausted musings, I let my guard
down . . . something a psyker should never
My desire—my psychic will—reached out
into the Warp . . . and the Warp reached
A spark of Warp energy appeared before
me. Tentative, flickering, and powerful—I
felt it batter my psychic shields.
My shock was absolute. I lost focus, and
the spark disappeared.
I knew I had to get it back.
The thunder hammer works great when dealing with several of the Chaos enemies. However,
you must also engage with ranged weapons. While carrying the thunder hammer, you can only
use your plasma pistol and bolter. Take the hammer if you feel confident in your ability to use
these two ranged weapons. Otherwise, stick with the power axe and a stalker bolter.
As you leave this
area, you come
across another
fight between
Chaos and the
Orks. This time
there are Shoota
Boyz and Chaos
Space Marines.
Engage these
ranged fire units
first from a distance with your bolter or other weapons. Don’t forget about the
vengeance launcher. It works well against the Chaos Space Marines.
Chaos Space Marines are tough to kill—
just like your squad. Lascannons work
well. However, if you don’t have one
of these weapons, use the vengeance
launcher for killing them at range. If you
can get in close, go for the melee attack.
You can win that as long as there are not
many other enemies shooting at you at
the same time. Usually save the Chaos
Space Marines for last and take out the
easier enemies such as Renegades first.
If you stun one of these units and go for
an execution, you must continue pressing the Execute button to beat them and
complete the execution—just like you do
for a Nob.
Servo Skull
Battlefield Log: 2nd Lt. Mira (4/5)
Situation: Servo skull recording events
on Graia; Imperial Guard at their outpost
planning an attack.
Use the stalker bolter to snipe at the Renegades. Watch for the grenades they also
throw at you. When you see the Grenade Warning icon, roll to one side. After
killing all of the Renegades, pick up some ammo and continue.
Send a runner to the depot at Position
Alpha. Let’s go.
You’re not leading this raid, are you?
Of course I am.
Lieutenant, we need you in one piece. Let’s
face it—you’re holding us together out
here, and if you get—
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
As you advance
into the battle, stay
back and clear as
you go. Most of
the enemies will
then concentrate
on killing each
other, thus allowing you to move in
for the kill without
taking too much
return fire. Reach the other side of this area, whether you kill all of the enemies or
not, and head up the ramp into a structure.
After getting the skull, head downstairs and follow a long corridor until you reach
an area with Chaos forces. There are no Orks this time, so they focus entirely on
your squad.
Chaos Space Marines are the dark reflections of the heroes of the Ultramarines.
Before falling to Chaos, they were once
loyal warriors of the emperor. In combat,
Chaos Space Marines are brutal and efficient killing machines. Some servants of
Chaos may revel in berserk fury, but these
Chaos Space Marines march with deadly
precision, dispatching all who face them
without pity.
dying of the light
This ancient artifact generates a personal
energy shield that greatly reinforces the
resiliency of Space Marine power armor,
allowing them to weather even the fiercest attacks. Iron Halos are so rare that
only Space Marine captains and company
champions are authorized to use them.
Chaos Space Marines
Follow a short
corridor into a
hab area. Pick up
some ammo and
swap weapons
at the weapons
cache if you desire.
A stalker bolter
comes in handy, so
consider taking it.
Now head up the
stairs and go right to find a servo skull in one of the rooms on the upper floor.
Iron Halo
These enemies are easy to kill. A single
shot with a stalker bolter does the job,
as does a slash with a melee weapon.
However, they are deadly, since they
usually attack in groups. They snipe at you
with their lasguns and throw grenades
that can cause a lot of damage. Try to
kill Renegades at long range—preferably
outside of their grenade throwing range.
More Renegades warp in along with Chaos Space Marines and Daemons. Throw
a grenade or two into their midst and then charge to take them out with melee
attacks. Execute the Chaos Space Marines if you need some health. Eliminate all
of the enemies and then head downstairs to meet up with some Imperial Guards.
Help them fight against a Daemon attack. Finally, pick up some ammo before
heading through the door on the lower level.
Enemies Aplenty
Objective: Rendezvous with the Imperial Guard at Bastion Primus.
There is a weapons cache on the door’s other side. Get what
you need—such as a stalker bolter if you don’t have one—
and then continue into another Chaos and Ork battle. Move
to the left side of the fight and clear out the Shoota Boyz
inside a building on both the ground and upper floors. By
killing them first, you ensure they are not firing at you while
you fight on the battlefield below.
There are now fewer enemies out in the open area. Kill stragglers as you advance.
Continue upstairs and follow a walkway. At the far end are several Shoota Boyz.
Use the vengeance launcher to fire several charges into their midst and detonate
them. Then rush in to finish them off. Activate the lift at the walkway’s end and
ride it to a lower level.
Advance past the
cache and climb
up a series of stairs
to reach a catwalk
filled with Shoota
Boyz. Kill them as
you advance and
descend another
flight of stairs. Pick
up some ammo
along the stairs
and near the weapons cache by the foot of the stairs.
There are more
Orks down here.
Snipe at the
Shoota Boyz and
then deal with
some ’Ard Boyz.
Watch out for
Bomb Squigs that
race toward you
as well. Advance
on the enemy
positions and kill them with bolter fire and melee attacks.
Journal: Guardsman Alexander (4/5)
Situation: A young Imperial Guardsman
records a message for his journal.
I want to be strong—to say everything’s all
right, but it’s not.
dying of the light
Renegades are human soldiers who
have forsaken the emperor and cast
their lot with the dark and unknowable
powers of Chaos. Although some actively
worship the Dark Gods, most are more
akin to madmen who have surrendered
to bloodlust and move from battlefield to
battlefield. Renegades are equipped with
grenades and lasguns.
Servo Skull
Meet up with Lt.
Mira at the lower
level and continue
down a corridor to
a large room with
lots of Orks. Take
cover behind some
crates and kill
the Shoota Boyz.
There are a lot of
them. Fight your
way carefully across the area, killing as you go. After you defeat all the Orks, pick
up a servo skull along the back wall of this combat area. There is also a weapons
cache near the skull where you can pick up a lascannon.
The dead are everywhere.
Stinking, rotting . . . we burn the bodies
when we can, but the fire attracts more
If you stop and think about the billions
dead here, you’ll go mad.
But no matter where you go, you find
the people of this world . . . all dead, all
waiting for help that never came.
Don’t forget about Fury mode. If you face
several enemies or are getting low on
health, activate it. Since it now fills quicker
and lasts longer, you should use Fury mode
more often than you did before.
As you are fighting, watch for a Shoota Nob up on a catwalk. Line it up in your
lascannon sights and burn a hole through it. After all the Orks are dead, return to
the area near the stairs and climb aboard a lift that carries you to a higher level.
Servo Skull
Objective: Defend the Imperial Guard outpost from heavy Ork attack.
With my psychic abilities, I had drawn
energy from the Warp. If I could summon it
again—contain it, control it—then perhaps
I could use it to defend the Imperium.
After stepping off the lift, follow a walkway until you can turn right down a corridor. Follow the corridor to find a side area on the right. Grab a servo skull here.
dying of the light
Journal: Inquisitor Drogan (4/10)
Situation: The true Inquisitor Drogan
records a private journal about his research.
Move through an opening in the rubble to emerge outside
the buildings. The Orks are attacking and you must help
the Imperial Guard defend their outpost. As you reach the
Imperial Guard soldiers, start picking off Shoota Boyz. Then
move in to take on ’Ard Boyz and other enemies in melee
combat. Throw some grenades at groups of enemies and
pick up more grenades and ammo from the nearby caches.
So, I made another interstellar journey
through the Warp. Barely daring to hope, I
lowered my psychic defenses and willed the
energy to return.
It did.
I captured the spark in a containment
device and marveled at its potential. My
work could now begin.
Bastion Primus
Servo Skull
It’s been three days since Aleric died, and
the Orks have finally left the temple.
I accessed a comm station.
The liberation fleet is en route, with Ultramarines leading an advance force. But they
are only now entering the Immaterium.
I hope I am wrong, like I’ve been so many
times before. But I fear that by the time the
Ultramarines come to our rescue, everyone
on this planet will be dead.
Plasma Gun
The MK XII Ragefire-Type Plasma Gun fires charge
energy pulses to damage heavily armored targets.
This weapon is deadly but prone to overheating.
The plasma gun is a decent weapon. Its standard
shots cause some damage, but if you hold down
the Fire button, you build up a charge that makes
your shot much more damaging. These charged
shots also use up several shots’ worth of ammo. Be sure to press the Reload button to vent
it as it heats up.
A large Nob follows the ’Ard Boyz into your defenses. Throw
grenades at it and fire away to cause as much damage as
possible. Then use chained melee attacks to inflict more
damage to stun it and then perform an execution. Pick up
more ammo and grenades from nearby caches, and then head
into the trench to get more ammo and grenades. Follow the
trench around to some more fighting and a new objective.
Objective: Restore power to the Imperial Guard sentry guns.
Drop down into
another trench,
where a weapons
cache is located.
Hang on to the
plasma gun since
it gives you some
ranged firepower.
Also pick up the
servo skull right
next to the cache.
Advance to the
end of this trench
and climb out to
help some Imperial
Guards defeat a
horde of ’Ard Boyz
and other Orks that
just arrived in a
Servo Skull
Journal: Guardsman Alexander (5/5)
Situation: A young Imperial Guardsman
records a message for his journal.
ALEXANDER (in pain, delirious)
I moved too slow . . . got shot in the gut.
Stupid of me.
Doesn’t hurt now, though—the medics
gave me something. But they’re not
stitching me up. I wish they would.
Is it winter back home?
Did I ask that?
There’s something wrong with me. . . .
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Duty Log: Transmechanic Petronius (5/5)
Situation: A young communications
techpriest records his daily duty logs in the
early days of the Ork invasion.
Move back to the
corridor and follow
it to the end. Head
along a catwalk
that leads down
into the rubble.
You come across
a weapons cache
and a shrine,
where you can
get a plasma gun.
There is also a servo skull located near the shrine.
Once you clear the Orks in the defenses, take up a position
to fire at the enemies advancing toward your lines. They
are mostly Shoota Boyz, but look carefully for Bomb Squigs.
Eventually a large group of ’Ard Boyz charges. Try to shoot
the Squigs near them to cause extra damage.
After you kill the Orks, move into a bunker. From here, fire
at Shoota Boyz out on the battlefield. The bunker provides
some protection from the rokkits. Also get in as many shots
as possible on a large Nob headed your way.
Objective: Travel back to the Manufactorum Ajakis in order to press the Titan Invictus into service.
Head back toward the bunker. Now a doorway is open across from the bunker.
Pass through the door to enter a corridor. Follow it into an underground railroad
network. It ends at a weapons cache. There is also a servo skull hidden behind
some crates near the cache. Get the skull and some ammo and grenades.
Still don’t think this is a good idea.
It’s not your call, is it? I say this is our best
chance of taking the gun.
But a nighttime assault?
Now that you have killed off the Ork
melee fighters, you must kill the Shoota
Boyz. Take your time and kill them with
carefully aimed shots. An occasional
’Ard Boy charges, but you can kill him
with your bolter before he gets to you.
Advance a bit at a time, moving from
cover to cover. Whenever a horde of
melee-fighting Orks heads your way,
pull back toward the bunker so you are
out of range of the Shoota Boyz and
can engage in melee combat.
Have some faith, Sampson. In the dark we
might catch those Orks off their guard.
Unless they’ve—
Objective: Destroy Warboss Grimskull once and for all.
Open the door near the weapons cache and get ready for a fight. The Warboss
has you sealed in a room with him, and only one of you is going to leave alive. You
don’t have much time to fire on the Warboss before he rushes forward. Start using
chained melee attacks against him and activate Fury mode to restore your health
and increase the damage you inflict.
All Orks start at a similar size when fully
matured, but through fighting and survival,
some will grow to gigantic proportions,
becoming leaders in Ork society known as
Nobz. Every now and again, one of these
Orks is truly exceptional and rises to the
position of dominant leader or Warboss,
commanding the entire Ork horde.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Continue the advance-and-withdrawal tactic as you kill the Orks in the area. Pull
back when your armor level takes a hit; once it is restored, move forward again.
Clear out the area around the power supply, which the Orks are protecting, then
move forward and activate it to power up the sentry guns. Don’t worry about more
Orks headed your way. Once the guns are activated, they take care of the enemies.
dying of the light
Battlefield Log: 2nd Lt. Mira (5/5)
Situation: Servo skull recording events
on Graia; Imperial Guard at their outpost
planning an attack.
Stay inside the bunker and throw some
grenades out the door as the large Nob
approaches. The grenades inflict damage
and make the enemy pause so you can
get in some more shots. The tactic is to
try to stun the Nob in the doorway and
finish it off with an execution. If that
does not occur, then melee fight the
Nob inside the bunker so you don’t have
to worry about enemy fire. Several ’Ard
Boyz follow the Nob, so be ready to deal
with them as well.
Servo Skull
The Warboss
throws several
grenades at you,
so roll away. As
he retreats, throw
grenades at him.
After he knocks
holes in some
walls, hordes of
Boyz rush in. Hit
them with melee
attacks to kill them and build up your Fury meter so you can activate it again.
There are ammo and grenade caches in
the corners of the room. Access them
whenever you need more. This allows you
to fire your vengeance launcher and other
weapons as much as you like. It takes a lot
of damage to kill the Warboss, so use all
the ammo you need.
After you defeat the Warboss, you
earn the But I Am Finished with You
To get away
from your deadly
melee attacks, the
Warboss climbs
onto a ledge and
starts firing at
you and sending
Bomb Squigs to
attack. Throw
some grenades
at him and fire
five vengeance launcher charges right at him. Detonate them at the same time to
inflict a lot of damage.
After a tough fight in which you must use all of your skills
in both melee and ranged combat, you finally defeat the
Warboss concept
Ride the lift out of the fighting area, and take the walkway
to the railcar where your squadmates are waiting for you.
Chapter 13:
Wake the
Sleeping Giant
Chapter Overview
New Weapons
Journal: Inquisitor
Drogan (5/10)
pg. 115
Journal: Inquisitor
Drogan (7/10)
Storm Bolter
Chaos Psyker
pg. 119
pg. 116
Hammer of the
Imperium pg. 121
pg. 116
Chaos Drone
pg. 119
Journal: Inquisitor Drogan (5/10)
Situation: The true Inquisitor Drogan
records a private journal about his research.
pg. 118
Attacked (1/3)
pg. 120
Chapter Start
With my psychic abilities, I had drawn
energy from the Warp.
Advance along the
catwalk. However,
before heading
up the ramp,
go through the
doorways on the
left to find a servo
I found a planet where I could work,
unobserved: a remote Forge World.
The Adeptus Mechanicus gave me free
rein when I told them I was developing a
weapon with a new, “unorthodox” energy
They know the xenos will soon choke
humanity out of the galaxy.
Objective: Commandeer the Titan Invictus to destroy the Orbital Spire.
If my weapon will help keep our species
alive, they will not ask questions.
Desperation cuts through bureaucracy.
The railcar stops at the Manufactorum Ajakis. Now you have
to reach the Titan. Follow the walkway around the side of the
station room and go through the door on the opposite side.
Continue through a short corridor to another door and
yet another corridor. A door to the side opens, revealing a
weapons cache. Get the weapon loadout you need and then
continue to the next door. A stalker bolter is useful for an
upcoming fight. Advance through more corridors until you
come to a room with two doorways leading out into a large
area with catwalks.
If you have the stalker bolter, move farther
away from the enemy so you are out of
grenade range, and pick off the Renegades
with long-range fire. Then move closer to
deal with the other enemies. Also, when
you start taking damage, duck back through
the doorway into the previous room and let
your armor restore itself.
Go through the
door on the right
and be ready to
come under fire.
Renegades and
Chaos Space
Marines are along
catwalks to the
left. Take cover
and start killing the
Renegades. Roll
out of the way when they throw grenades at you.
Now advance up the ramp into another room. Pick up some ammo and swap
weapons at a weapons cache. Open the nearby door and follow the walkway to
the left to another door. Open it and get ready for a fight. The forces of Chaos are
waiting for you.
Don’t enter the room yet. Instead, back away from the
door a bit and take cover. The main threat is a heavy bolter
mounted on the catwalk. Snipe at the enemy manning this
weapon and continue watching the heavy bolter, since other
enemies try to man it once a gunner goes down. Pick off
Renegades on the catwalk as well.
After reducing the amount of fire coming from the catwalk,
sprint into the room and take cover behind a large container
in the center. From here you can engage enemies near the
ramp on the right. When it looks clear, rush up the ramp
to the catwalk. Clear out any remaining enemies, and then
advance slowly (don’t sprint) down another ramp toward the
door on the room’s opposite side.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
wake the sleeping giant
Inquisitor Drogan
(6/10) pg. 117
New Enemies
Servo Skull
Servo Skulls
Fire vengeance
launcher charges
at the Chaos Space
Marines to damage
or kill them. Also,
once you have
cleared out most
of the enemies,
activate Fury mode
and rush forward
to melee attack
remaining enemies.
Chaos Psyker
As you enter the
next room, you
come under attack
from Havocs armed
with lascannons.
One hit from these
weapons inflicts a
lot of damage on
you, so don’t get
hit. Quickly sprint
to the room’s left
side to get under a catwalk. This prevents the Havoc on the catwalk from getting a
line of fire on you. The Havoc lascannons have a green targeting laser that shows
you where they are aiming. If you see one of these targeting lasers near you, move
behind cover since a blast quickly follows.
After picking up
the skull, move
through a corridor,
open a door to
continue along a
walkway, and head
through another
door to arrive at
the room where
the Titan is located.
Use the control
panel to activate the Titan. However, its mooring clamps must be released before
it can move out of the manufactorum. Swap weapons if you want at the ammo
cache, then head through the nearby door.
Havocs are tough to kill and can inflict
a lot of damage. If you face more than
one, get behind cover and then deal
with them one at a time. Havocs usually
stay back and let their weapons do the
damage at long range. Either kill them
with ranged weapons, or approach them
while moving from cover to cover and get
in for a melee kill.
Now take out the
Havoc on the room’s
other side with
long-range fire from
your stalker bolter
or other weapon. It
takes several shots,
so keep at it. Now
kill the other Havoc
on the room’s far
side before you
carefully take out the one above you. There are several ammo caches in this room from
which you can stock up on ammo during and after the fight. Once the battle is over,
head through the next door and use the control panel to activate the lift.
Journal: Inquisitor Drogan (6/10)
Situation: The true Inquisitor Drogan records
a private journal about his research.
Experimentation with the Warp energy is
proceeding rapidly.
I no longer need to travel into the Warp to
pull more energy into this reality. But I am
encountering . . . unexpected . . . activity.
I was naive to think that my incursion into
Warp space had gone unnoticed. Someone—
some thing—has taken an interest.
When I manipulate the energies, I feel
a presence pushing against my psychic
defenses, testing them.
Testing me.
Climb the stairs
and move onto a
catwalk. Take cover
behind the crates
and start killing
enemies out on
a large platform.
Start off by shooting the explosive
containers to kill a
couple Renegades.
Now that the forces of Chaos know you are here, they start returning fire. Snipe at
the Renegades to kill as many as possible, then use vengeance launcher charges to
weaken or kill the Chaos Space Marines.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Havocs are Chaos Space Marines who
specialize in killing at range with heavy
weaponry. Armed with heavy bolters, and
other devastating ranged equipment, this
foe can cut down even the best armored
Space Marine warrior. Havocs are
equipped with lascannons and plasma
Once you are
under the catwalk,
you are fairly safe.
Now it’s time to
clear out this area.
In addition to the
Havoc above you,
there are two more
on the room’s far
side, up high on a
platform and down
low to the left. A fourth is closer on your left. Go after the one on the left first,
since it is close. Use bolter fire, grenades, and vengeance launcher charges to kill it.
Servo Skull
wake the sleeping giant
Locate and destroy Chaos Psykers as
soon as they appear—the longer they
stay active, the more Chaos troops they
will usher onto the battlefield. They also
have their own attacks that you must
watch out for. Use long-ranged weapons
to kill these enemies. They can take a bit
of damage, so find cover you can move
behind to dodge their attacks while you
are trying to kill them.
When the lift
reaches the lower
level, open the
door and move into
the room. Pick up a
servo skull in the
corner on the left.
Free the Titan
Psykers are humans with psychic powers
who tap into the corrupting power of the
Warp—and the Chaos Gods who inhabit
it. Tainted Psykers have been driven mad
by constant exposure to this dark power,
falling to Chaos and stripped of all that
once made them human. Chaos Psykers
are consumed by the power within them
and explode into portals into the Warp
itself, allowing Daemons and Chaos
enemies to invade this reality. They can
also use the Warp to shield themselves
from enemy fire.
As you reach the
lower level, a Chaos
Psyker appears and
opens a portal into
the Warp, allowing
more Renegades to
rush into the room.
Head back up a
ramp to reach one
side of the room,
and take cover
behind a container. Start firing at the Psyker while watching for grenades thrown by
the Renegades. Alternate between killing the Renegades and shooting the Psyker
until it is dead. Then finish off any remaining Renegades. Once they are gone, pick up
some ammo from a cache on the lower level and go through the door.
Once the lift
halts, move onto
a platform. Head
down a ramp to
visit a shrine and
get a storm bolter.
Journal: Inquisitor Drogan (7/10)
Situation: The true Inquisitor Drogan
records a private journal about his research.
I needed to test the Warp device’s
capabilities. Running the Titan
Manufactorum with it—or rather, with the
“power source”—provided a convenient
The techpriests are practically giddy with
its success. But this was a trivial accomplishment.
I am impatient to begin testing the Warp
device’s psychic attributes.
I am just waiting for the live cargo to arrive.
When you are
almost done killing
the enemies, a
large Chaos Space
Marine warps into
the fight. He is
armed with only
a melee weapon,
but he’s very
powerful. Move
away quickly, then
throw grenades and use the vengeance launcher to damage this enemy as much
as possible. As he approaches, activate Fury mode and begin melee combat. Chain
your attacks for maximum damage and keep fighting until the enemy is dead.
Clear out any remaining enemies here.
Now head through
the door and
enter a room
with a weapons
cache. Select some
ranged weapons if
you don’t already
have them and
continue out onto
a lift. Activate the
lift’s control panel
to reach a higher level.
Once you have
your new weapon,
head up the
ramp and take
the walkway to
a control panel,
where you release
the mooring
clamps. As the
Titan starts to
move, go through
the door and into the next area.
This weapon has a 60-round magazine,
and a Space Marine can carry a total
of 360 rounds at a time. Use it against
moving targets at close to medium
range, and try to fire in bursts to improve
Objective: Take the elevator to reach the Titan.
Chaos Drone
As you advance, a Chaos Drone appears and begins attacking. Use the storm bolter
to return fire. Fire in bursts to save ammo and continue attacking until you destroy
the Chaos Drone.
Now follow the
walkway. Pick up
some grenades and
ammo as you move
toward a small
room to the left,
where you find a
servo skull.
A large, Daemon-possessed aerial unit
equipped with a heavy bolter, the Chaos
Drone provides aerial support to the forces
of Chaos. Its central eye can see its target
no matter what cover the enemy hides
behind. An insane Warp manifestation, the
Chaos Drone is part flesh, part machine,
and pure evil.
Since the Chaos Drones fly around as they
attack, they are difficult to hit with more
powerful, slower-firing weapons. Instead,
use the storm bolter or bolter to shoot
these down while using cover for protection from their attacks.
See the following page for details on this
Servo Skull
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Head up the
stairs to a higher
platform. Your
squad must split
up. While you
take care of the
mooring clamps,
your squadmates
must open the
door of the
manufactorum so
the Titan can move out. Before you go through the door at the platform’s end,
follow a walkway to the left and into a side room where you find a servo skull.
The storm bolter is a double-barreled
boltgun with a rate of fire slightly slower
than that of the much bulkier heavy
bolter. This hail of projectiles comes at
the expense of stability, limiting the
weapon’s effectiveness at medium or
long range.
wake the sleeping giant
Servo Skull
As the Chaos Space Marines approach, try to stun them with fire and then finish
them off with an execution. As you move out onto the platform, some Bloodletter
Daemons warp in and attack. They are no match for your power axe. Watch out
for more Renegades as you finish off the Chaos Space Marines and Daemons.
Storm Bolter
After you kill a couple Psykers, a drone appears and attacks.
Switch to your storm bolter and shoot it down. Take cover
from the Psykers so you deal only with the drone.
Servo Skull
Lock it down! A Daemon is in the labs!
Authorization required to implement
security protocols.
Once you have the skull, head back to the walkway and continue to a door. Open
it and then activate the controls of the lift in the next room to rise to a higher
platform. Continue up a ramp. At the top, drop onto the Titan itself.
Keep attacking the Psykers after you defeat the drone. You
can even use your plasma pistol if you run low on bolter
ammo. Fire charged shots. Since the charged shots fall
as they travel over a distance, you have to aim above the
target. After a couple shots, you’ll get the right elevation
for your shot, and the charged shots start hitting the Psyker.
wake the sleeping giant
Inquisitor Attacked (1/3)
Situation: Inquisitor Drogan tries to contain
a Chaos attack at his laboratory.
Drogan. Inquisitor, Ordo Xenos.
You can’t run, human!
Now move across the front of the Titan
to reach the right shoulder. When you
get there, Captain Titus automatically
inserts the power source into the Titan’s
volcano gun to supercharge it.
Repeat authorization. Speak clearly.
Drogan! Inquisitor, Ordo—
Boarding the Titan
You earn the Hammer of the
Imperium achievement/trophy after
destroying the Orbital Spire.
Objective: Use the power source to supercharge the Titan and destroy the Orbital Spire.
Stay on the Titan’s left shoulder where you first boarded. Use
its head for cover as you begin attacking the Chaos Psykers
one at a time, beginning with the one on the left. The key
is to expose yourself to only one Psyker at a time and thus
reduce the amount of attacks you take. Watch your armor
level. If you start taking hits, move behind cover and let it
recharge before continuing your attack.
While you just picked up the storm bolter and used it to shoot down the Chaos Drone, don’t
use it against the Chaos Psykers. They are too far away for this weapon to be effective, and
you will run out of ammo before you kill even one of them. Instead, use your bolter since it can
handle the longer range to the target.
The crew of the Titan takes aim and fires at the Orbital Spire and destroys it.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
As you drop onto the Titan, several Chaos Psykers warp into
the area to try stopping you and the Titan. Don’t try to deliver
the power source to the Titan’s right arm just yet. Instead,
you must first defeat all of the Psykers.
New Weapons
New Enemies
Chapter Start
Objective: Get to the rendezvous point to reunite with Lt. Mira.
victory and sacrifice
Victory and
Servo Skulls
Chapter 14:
Chapter Overview
Now that the Titan has destroyed the
Orbital Spire, the rest of your squad
meets up with you. Activate the lift
controls to descend to a lower level.
Once there, advance across a room to
a weapon cache. Grab the lascannon
while you are there.
As you prepare to leave, Captain Titus gives the power
source to Sergeant Sidonus for safekeeping. Head through
a door and across a walkway to another door. Go through
this door into a larger room. Drop to the floor below and get
ready for some action.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
\Take cover by the ammo cache near the door. Sidonus advances to the landing
pad while you and Leandros stay behind to deal with several Havocs that rush into
the room and fire at you from a catwalk. Use the lascannon to snipe at them. It
takes two hits to kill a Havoc, so don’t pick up the ammo until you are almost out
of charges. Meanwhile, be ready to roll out of the way when grenades are thrown
near you.
Quickly move to an ammo cache and restock your ammo.
There are caches at the sides of the landing platform, and
you need as much ammo and grenades as you can get.
Focus on the Havocs first. Renegades join them, but don’t
waste lascannon shots on them. Instead, use your blaster.
If your Fury meter is full, activate it and then hold down
the Aim button to slow time in Marksman mode. This is
very effective for quickly taking out Havoc. The vengeance
launcher is also an effective way to kill Renegades while also
damaging or finishing off Havocs.
Use the lascannon to immediately kill
one or two of the Psykers. It takes
about two shots for each. Then go
after the many Renegades. Their main
threat is the grenades. Use your own
grenades and fire at explosive containers for additional destruction.
Fallen Brother
Once the enemies are gone, join up with
Sidonus. However, Chaos Lord Nemeroth
warps onto the landing platform and kills
Sidonus. After taking the power source,
the Chaos Lord warps away. However,
you are not left alone.
As you approach, help your squadmate by taking out Chaos
Space Marines with your lascannon.
After your Fury has built up, activate it and get into
Marksman mode so you can take out the remaining Psykers.
Once they are dead, no more Renegades warp in to fight.
Now you just have to mop up the remaining Renegades.
Move back and forth across the landing platform, taking out
Renegades with your bolter.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Advance along a walkway toward the landing platform to
meet up with Sidonus, who is under attack.
victory and sacrifice
Several Chaos Psykers appear and open warp portals for
other enemies to enter the battle. Take cover behind some
containers and start fighting back.
As the battle begins to wind down,
watch out for Renegades that come
through the door next to you. Hit them
with your power axe, then open the
door and get away from the fight.
These Renegades are still dangerous,
so don’t stay out in the open. Move
from cover to cover as you avoid their
Just when you think the battle is over, Chaos Space Marines
warp in and fire their plasma guns at you. The lascannon is
the best weapon for dealing with them. If necessary, sprint
to ammo caches to get more ammo.
Two big Chaos Space Marines rush forward to engage you
in melee combat. Hit them with chained melee attacks until
you can activate Fury mode. Kill both of them and then eliminate any remaining enemies to secure the landing platform.
A Valkyrie flies in and drops off Lt. Mira.
After the three of you confer, Captain
Titus goes off to deal with Chaos Lord
Nemeroth to prevent him from using
the power source to become a Daemon
Part V: Prince of Daemons
Chapter 15:
Prince of Daemons
Chapter Overview
Servo Skulls
Inquisitor Drogan
(8/10) pg. 128
New Weapons
New Enemies
Attacked (2/3)
pg. 132
Prince of daemons
Worker Nathaniel
(5/5) pg. 130
Renegades are up ahead. Return fire
with your bolter and kill as many as you
can. Watch out for their grenades. As
you engage the enemies directly ahead,
some Renegades rush to the right to
try to flank you with their fire. Turn to
engage them. Withdraw back along the
ramp if necessary.
Chapter Start
Objective: Get to the Orbital Spire to thwart the Chaos Lord’s ascension to daemonhood.
Servo Skull
Journal: Inquisitor Drogan (8/10)
Situation: The true Inquisitor Drogan
records a private journal about his research.
The stench of aliens permeates this
facility—but it is tolerable, because it
represents progress.
I acquired specimens for experimentation:
Ork, Tau, Eldar. Even a Tyranid lictor, which
nearly caused a revolt among my techpriest
When I put it to practice, however, the
specimen’s head explodes. Distasteful, but
effective. The weapon works.
As you descend
into a structure,
you see ammo and
weapon caches up
ahead as well as
a servo skull to
the right. Get the
skull and then visit
the caches. Make
sure you have a
lascannon with a
full load of ammo.
Advance past
the weapons
cache and onto
a walkway. After
heading down a
ramp, take cover
behind these
containers on the
walkway’s left
side, since you
have a fight on
your hands.
Some of the Renegades are so corrupted by Chaos that as
they die, they allow a Bloodletter Daemon to warp in. As
you see these, move back up the ramp so you have complete
cover from the Renegades’ fire and can engage in melee
combat to defeat the Daemon.
At the walkway’s end, sprint onto the platform to finish off
any remaining Renegades. Now head up the ramp leading
to the larger area from where all of the forces of Chaos are
coming. There is ammo and grenades to the ramp’s left. Get
them if necessary. As you kill Renegades, be ready to deal
with Daemons as well.
As you reach the ramp’s top, a couple
Chaos Psykers appear and begin
warping in more enemies. Aim with
your lascannon and kill the Psykers
immediately. Before they die, the
Psykers bring in some Chaos Space
Marines. Use your lascannon again to
kill these threats at very long range.
Begin advancing across the large area. There are several
Renegades here. Move from cover to cover as you kill them
with your bolter. There are some ammo and grenade caches
along the way, so pick these up as you go.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
I designed the weapon to use the Warp
energies to target the weak points in the
xenos brain and rupture them. That is the
tidy theory.
The Orbital Spire
is a distance away
from the landing
platform where you
begin. However,
you must get
there. Before going
anywhere, check
out all of the ammo
and grenade caches
and stock up for
your task. Approach the control panel and activate the lift. Ride it to a lower level.
Servo Skull
Personal Message: Worker Nathaniel
Situation: Factory worker Nathaniel leaves
messages for his son to follow the family
on their flight from the Orks.
Benjamin, we have to leave Epsilon Center.
The Orks are coming. I’m so sorry, Ben—I
can’t leave you the next breadcrumb,
because I don’t have a plan anymore.
We’ve lost your mother, and I’m so afraid
we’ve lost you, too.
After both are
dead, advance
through the area,
but keep your
lascannon ready.
A big Chaos Space
Marine moves
forward with a
melee weapon.
Try to get in a shot
with the lascannon
before you start hacking with your power axe. Now that this area is finally clear,
head up the stairs and follow a catwalk down into more rubble.
A small group
of Renegades
opens fire as you
step through the
remains of a small
doorway. Kill them,
and as you move
past their position,
look inside a
damaged pipe on
the right side to
find a servo skull.
However, don’t get too focused on longrange targets. Bloodletter Daemons rush
in close for an attack. Kill them and try to
restore any lost health by executing one
of them.
After you kill the Chaos Space Marines, head down the
nearby ramp and follow a walkway. Shoot down at the
Renegades in the area below. It is easier to kill them now
rather than later. As you get near the warp portal, more
Daemons arrive. Throw a grenade into their group, and then
move in to hew them down with your power axe.
Continue along the pathway. Pick up
ammo and grenades as you go, and
kill any enemies you encounter. As you
reach the bottom, more Daemons come
after you. In addition, a Renegade
is manning a mounted heavy bolter.
Try to stay behind cover as you fight
the Daemons, then kill the gunner on
that heavy bolter so you can advance
toward the warp portal to kill a few
more Daemons.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
I have to keep Hannah safe. That means we
can’t stay in one place long. But I promise
you, Benjamin, I will find you. I will never
stop looking.
Inside the structure
are weapon and
ammo caches. Get
what you need,
keeping the lascannon, and follow
the corridor to a
room of rubble.
Inside is a Havoc
and a Chaos Space
Marine. Kill them
with your lascannon while staying behind cover so you are exposed to only one at a time.
The Chaos Space Marines can be difficult
to see in the distance. Use their plasma fire
to help you. See where it is coming from
and then aim your lascannon at the source
to find a target.
Prince of daemons
Traitor’s Arena
Once you have
the skull, follow
the corridor to a
weapons cache,
where you can pick
up some lascannon
ammo. Continue
out onto an
outdoor platform.
Across the open
space below are
warp portals bringing in the forces of Chaos. Start off by sniping at the Chaos
Space Marines with your lascannon. They are firing plasma guns at you. When you
see the plasma charges headed your way, dodge or roll to the side.
If you need to restore you health back up
to maximum, throw a stun into your chain
of melee attacks when fighting Bloodletter
Daemons. Once they are stunned, you can
execute Daemons to restore some of your
Once you reach
the area’s far
end, turn to the
right and follow
a walkway back
into a structure. As
you approach the
structure, a warp
portal appears and
Renegades rush
out. Kill them at
long range with your bolter, then throw a grenade into the Daemons that emerge
as they rush at you in a group. After they are dead, continue into the structure.
If you want to avoid a big melee fight with
the Daemons, pick up the heavy bolter
before you enter the corridor and mow
them down instead. Be ready to drop the
weapon if they get in close and you need to
switch to melee combat.
Servo Skull
Inquisitor Attacked (2/3)
Situation: The Chaos Daemon attacks
Inquisitor Drogan.
The Warp device! Where is it?
Safe from you, daemon!
You will tell me. After you are dead!
(monstrous scream)
Pick up some
ammo and
continue into a
corridor. Several
Daemons rush
forward to attack.
Toss a grenade into
their midst and
then get into the
melee. If necessary,
activate Fury mode to give your attacks some extra damage and to restore your
health. After you kill all the enemies, advance to a weapons cache where you also
find a servo skull.
After getting the
skull, head up the
nearby stairs and
take the corridor
to a doorway
with ammo and
grenade caches
nearby. A warp
portal appears in
the distance, so
get ready for some
(agonized scream)
When another warp portal appears, kill the Chaos Psyker
with your lascannon since he is bringing in lots of Daemons.
Launch several vengeance charges in the path of the
Daemons and detonate them as they approach. After they
are dead, advance to the area’s end and head up the stairs,
watching for any surviving Renegades who might be waiting
to ambush you.
Take cover behind
some containers
and fire your bolter
at the Renegades
in the area below.
After you kill them
all, drop to the
lower level and
take cover behind
some containers.
Continue into another structure and head down the stairs to
a enter a room with containers. Walk onto the lift on the left
and activate the controls to ride to a platform overlooking a
Chapter 16:
Spire of Madness
Chapter Overview
Servo Skulls
Inquisitor Drogan
(9/10) pg. 138
New Weapons
New Enemies
Librarian of
Macragge pg. 140
After you deal with the Chaos Space
Marines, begin advancing from cover
to cover, killing Renegades with your
bolter as you go.
Die, Heretics
Inquisitor Drogan
(10/10) pg. 139
spire of madness
pg. 141
Attacked (3/3)
pg. 139
Chapter Start
Objective: Get to the Orbital Spire to thwart the Chaos Lord’s ascension to daemonhood.
At the start, you are overlooking a
bridge. It appears that the forces
of Chaos are battling Space Marine
reinforcements that have arrived.
Follow the walkway left and head
down a ramp.
Since you are not fighting alone, you can concentrate on
the heavier, more powerful enemies. Start off by using
the lascannon to snipe at Chaos Space Marines. Since the
Blood Ravens are also firing at the enemies, it may not take
as many hits to kill them as when you are doing all the
damage yourself.
As you advance across the bridge, warp portals open and
many Bloodletter Daemons rush out. Since the other Space
Marines engage them in combat, you can stay back and
use ranged weapons against them such as the vengeance
launcher or bolter.
After clearing out some of the
Daemons, move forward until you can
see the Chaos Psykers. Shoot them with
your lascannon to close those portals.
Then finish off any remaining Daemons.
Keep advancing. The next fight is against Renegades and
Chaos Space Marines. Get behind cover, kill all the enemies
you can from that spot, then sprint forward to another
source of cover and repeat the process. Luckily the Blood
Ravens draw much of the fire from the enemy as they move
ahead of you.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
When you reach the bridge’s deck, you meet up with another
Space Marine. Squad Corvus of the Blood Raven Chapter
has arrived on Graia as part of the Liberation Fleet. They are
currently in a fight to secure the bridge. Don’t just sit back
and let them do your work for you—get into the battle. Just
ahead is a weapons cache and some ammo. Pick up what
you need.
Near the first bridge tower, you run into some more Chaos
Space Marines. If possible, kill at least one with your
lascannon and then move in for melee combat. If you have
lost some health, end these fights with an execution.
Advance into the spire. As the walkway
drops off, you can see several Renegades
below. Shoot at them with your bolter
or jump and ground pound them.
spire of madness
A squad of Ultramarines drops onto the bridge to help in the fight. Rush forward
to the autocannon position and man the gun. Use it to attack enemy units still on
the bridge as well as Chaos Drones that fly in to attack.
Next, a group of Bloodletter Daemons comes after you. Even
though they are fairly close, jump up and quickly ground
pound them. This stuns those near where you hit the ground,
allowing you to finish them off with a swing of your hammer
or execute them.
Once you defeat the enemy, pick up some ammo and
advance to the waiting Thunderhawk that has landed at the
bridge’s end.
The Thunderhawk carries you to the Orbital Spire, saving you
a very long walk.
Objective: Battle through the Chaos Lord’s forces and find him in the Orbital Spire.
Now move to the area’s other side, climb up a short flight of
stairs, and jump to a higher level. A group of Renegades waits
for you there, so ground pound them as you come down.
When you arrive at the Orbital Spire, you are armed with the thunder hammer and
a jump-pack. Time to pound some Chaos.
Now move left until you see a few steps at the edge of a
platform. From this spot, jump to the platform above. Kill a
group of Daemons here and watch out for a Chaos Psyker
that appears on a higher platform, makes a few attacks,
then warps away.
Jump to this higher platform. From
there you can look down on several
Renegades and Daemons. Take a
couple shots at them, then jump and
ground pound right in the middle of
them. Finish off these enemies with
additional ground pounds and hammer
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
While wearing the jump-pack, you can
fire only your bolter and plasma pistol.
Therefore, when facing powerful enemies,
take advantage of your ground-pound
attack using your jump-pack.
I’ve encountered unexpected results. The
Warp energies affect different species in
different ways. Essentially, I can tune this
weapon to cause maximum damage to
whatever enemy we face. If humans are
caught in the blast wave, they will not be
harmed. Good news, I suppose . . .
After you kill all the enemies, advance down this corridor. When you reach the
end, turn left to find a servo skull. Get it and then turn around to head through
the other corridor, picking up some grenades as you go.
I have not slept in two days.
The more I use the Warp device, the
stronger the assault on my psychic shields.
I need rest. . . .
At the corridor’s end, jump across to another platform and
ground pound several Renegades, followed by a group
of Daemons. Use the same tactics as before to clear this
Farther along
this area are
some Bloodletter
Daemons and
more Renegades.
Jump and ground
pound right into
the Daemons, then
throw a grenade
at the Renegades
to silence them so
you can finish off the Daemons. Once the enemies are dead, your jump-pack runs
out of fuel and you leave it behind. From now on, you must move on foot.
Now advance to
the area from
which these Chaos
forces came. As
you come across a
control panel, take
a left and follow a
corridor to weapon
and ammo caches.
Swipe out the
thunder hammer
for the power axe so you can use more ranged weapons. While a storm bolter
could come in handy, it is best to stick with the lascannon since it works best for
dealing with powerful enemies at long range. Go through the doorway out onto a
catwalk overlooking a large area. A Chaos Drone flies up and attacks.
Journal: Inquisitor Drogan (10/10)
Situation: The true Inquisitor Drogan
records a private journal about his research.
The psychic attacks are increasing. I am
hearing things, now—a name, a constant
whisper in my mind. I must withstand it.
Because something completely unexpected
has happened: Orks are invading this planet.
The timing is perfect.
The Psychic Scourge weapon is nearly ready,
and millions of Orks will prove the ultimate
test subjects. I will save this planet.
History will remember this as the moment
we turned the tide against the alien threat
to our people. . . .
Servo Skull
Inquisitor Attacked (3/3)
Situation: Inquisitor Drogan is dead, killed
by Chaos Daemon. The Daemon is now
completing a ritual to reanimate and
possess the Inquisitor’s corpse.
See the following page for details on this
Servo Skull
Advance to the platform’s end, and a Chaos Space Marine starts firing plasma
rounds at you from a small, higher platform. Jump to the platform and ground
pound the enemy. After he is stunned, execute the heretic. There is also a servo
skull on this platform for you to pick up.
Use your lascannon to shoot down the Chaos Drone. It takes a few hits to kill it,
and you have to aim carefully since it is moving. After you eliminate this threat,
head right and enter a dead-end room where you find the final servo skull.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
(daemonic chanting)
(yell of pain)
In Nemeroth’s name—
I possess this corpse.
I possess this Inquisitor.
I possess his secrets!
The Warp device . . . is here!
So close! But how can I get to—
spire of madness
Journal: Inquisitor Drogan (9/10)
Situation: The true Inquisitor Drogan
records a private journal about his research.
Servo Skull
Jump back to
the lower, large
platform where
you were and now
head right toward
some stairs. Jump
up and ground
pound down on
a Chaos Space
Marine and some
Renegades. Finish
off the Chaos Space Marine first, then deal with the Renegades.
Servo Skull
You are outfitting yourself for the final
battle. In addition to the lascannon, you
should choose between the vengeance
launcher and the melta gun. Both come in
handy. Select whichever weapon you feel
more comfortable with.
By this time in the game, you should
have earned the Die, Heretics
achievement/trophy. You must kill
50 Chaos Space Marines. However,
if you have not earned it yet, there is
still another big fight where you face
more of these enemies.
Move up the ramp and start engaging more Renegades. There are several
containers here behind which you can
take cover; there is also a grenade
cache and an ammo cache. Shoot for
the explosive containers to blow up
some of the enemies as you advance
from cover to cover, dodging enemy
grenades and fire.
spire of madness
Open the door
and head up a few
ramps to reach a
weapons cache.
Pick up ammo,
and make sure you
have a lascannon if
you decided to not
carry one earlier.
You definitely need
the firepower.
In order to earn the Librarian of
Macragge award, you must collect
all 48 of the servo skulls scattered
throughout the game.
Now turn around
and follow the
catwalk until you
reach a large
room. There are
some containers
on the ground
floor where you
enter and enemies
on the platforms
above. Start off by
throwing a grenade up onto the platform. That kills the Renegades and damages
the Chaos Space Marine. Finish him off with your lascannon. Don’t take too long
doing this, since a group of Bloodletter Daemons is heading down a ramp to your
right to attack.
When you are ready, advance through a corridor toward a platform where
Nemeroth is performing a ceremony to become a Daemon Prince.
A Chaos Psyker opens a warp portal and brings in Chaos
Space Marines and Bloodletter Daemons. Use the lascannon
on the Chaos Space Marines as you pull back a bit, and take
cover so you can fight the Daemons without worrying about
enemy fire. Then move into a position where you can fire the
lascannon at the Psyker to kill it and close the portal.
Orbital Spire
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Move up the ramp to where the Psyker was located. Then
continue through a room and out onto a large lift. Approach
the control panel and activate the lift to ride it up. Go
through the door at the top and pass through a few empty
rooms until you reach another door.
New Weapons
New Enemies
Chaos Lord
Nemeroth pg. 145
Here, at the End
of All Things
pg. 147
Chapter Start
Objective: Defeat the Chaos Lord to prevent his transformation into a Daemon Prince.
man against daemon
Man Against
Servo Skulls
Chapter 17:
Chapter Overview
As you advance along the platform to where the Chaos Lord is performing his
ceremony, you notice that he and his followers are surrounded by an energy shield.
Don’t waste ammo shooting at them right now. You have plenty of time for that later.
This is a long battle with lots of enemies.
Therefore, perform executions whenever
you can to keep your health as high as
possible. Also save Fury mode for when
you get overwhelmed and your health
starts dropping. While Fury mode does not
make you invincible, your health increases
while you remain in this mode.
After you vanquish the Daemons, Nemeroth sends a second
wave—this time Chaos Space Marines and Renegades.
Snipe at the Chaos Space Marines first to kill them with your
lascannon. You can get one right at the start, then take cover
behind some containers.
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Nemeroth sends
a large group
of Bloodletter
Daemons to
attack first. Try to
throw a grenade
at them as
they approach,
and then get
ready for melee
combat. Chain
your strikes in a group of four strikes and then a chain of three strikes followed by
a stun. Once you stun the Daemons, you can either finish them off or execute a
few to restore any lost health. If you have the melta gun, fire it into the Daemons
to thin their ranks as they get in close.
If you have the melta gun, use it on the big
Chaos Space Marines as they get in close.
After a couple lascannon shots at long
range, the melta gun can either kill these
tough enemies or inflict enough damage
that they are easier to defeat in melee
You probably won’t have time to kill
these two enemies with the lascannon,
so engage them and the Daemons in
melee combat. Chain your strikes and
activate Fury mode to help you survive
and increase the amount of damage
you inflict. This is one of the toughest
fights you have fought, so stay on the
attack and be sure to include some
stuns in your chain of strikes.
Finish off any remaining Renegades, and then go after the last
Chaos Space Marine with your power axe. Hit him until he is
stunned, then execute the heretic to restore your health.
man against daemon
The Chaos Lord is
not done with you
yet. As the fourth
wave arrives, use
the lascannon’s
long-range ability
to quickly fire at
one of the two
big Chaos Space
Marines. Before
you can kill him,
the second one is near. Pull back and fire the lascannon at close range without
holding down the Aim button, since he is too close to use the scope.
Let your armor recharge, then fire your
bolter at the Renegades. Kill a second
Chaos Space Marine with the lascannon
when you can get a clean shot without
Renegades hitting you with lasgun fire.
Over the Edge
Fight off another large group of
Daemons. Try to keep the fight off to
one side and not in the middle so you
have cover from the energy attacks by
the remaining Psyker. Once you destroy
the Daemons, fry the second Psyker
with the lascannon. Quickly pick up
some ammo from the caches if you
need to before Nemeroth sends in his
next wave.
Captain Titus
charges Nemeroth,
and the two of
you fall off the
Orbital Spire,
following after the
power source.
Chaos Lord Nemeroth
Chaos Space Marine Lords are the most
powerful of the Chaos Space Marines.
With the genetic advantages of a Space
Marine, millennia of combat experience,
and the blessings of Dark Gods, there is
little as dangerous in the Galaxy.
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The third wave consists of Bloodletter Daemons and Chaos Psykers. Quickly launch
four or five vengeance charges into the path of the Daemons and detonate them
as they walk over them. This kills some and weakens the others so you can quickly
kill them. Make sure you are exposed to only one Psyker and then quickly kill it
with your lascannon.
After defeating
Nemeroth’s entire
Chaos army, it is
time to go after
the Chaos Lord
The sequence is a series of strikes
followed by a roll or jump. Keep this up
and then stun when the corresponding
button appears.
After defeating the Chaos Lord,
Captain Titus grabs the power source
and destroys it to prevent it from ever
being used against the Imperium of
Man again.
Nemeroth breaks away and begins firing energy blasts at you.
Maneuver to dodge these blasts as you move in closer for
another series of attacks.
Once you grab on to Nemeroth again,
follow the buttons onscreen to strike
and then stun.
Chaos Lord Nemeroth Concepts
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After the stun, be ready to rapidly press the Execute button
when it appears onscreen. This is where you fight off
Nemeroth’s powerful attack and then inflict one of your own.
Defeat Chaos Lord Nemeroth to earn
the Here, at the End of All Things
man against daemon
As you are falling after the Chaos Lord, maneuver around to avoid hitting the
debris. After you reach and grab on to him, start striking and pressing the buttons
that appear on the bottom of the screen.
Finally, you struggle with the Chaos
Lord again. Press
the Execute button
rapidly to win
this struggle and
defeat Nemeroth
once and for all.
In this game, you play as a Space Marine. In order to realize the full
potential of this warrior, it is important to understand what a Space
Marine is and what they are capable of.
The Space Marines are the pinnacle of human warfaring evolution,
created by the emperor during his Great Crusade. They are the
ultimate weapon against the tide of alien aggression that threatens
to wipe out all of humanity.
the codex
Anatomy of a Space Marine
The Codex
Space Marines
Selected from the elite of mankind’s untold billions of citizens, Space
Marine candidates are subjected to extensive genetic engineering
and years of training that many recruits do not survive.
Standing seven feet tall and encased in nearly indestructible armor,
the Space Marine is an awe-inspiring sight that many humans will
never live to see.
Space Marines are not only the best of the best, they are made even
better through technology:
Space Marines receive psycho-indoctrination and training,
strengthening their resolve and allowing them to operate
for long periods of time without sleep.
During the transformation process, 19 organs are implanted
into the recipient. These include a secondary heart, organs
that promote superhuman growth, ones that clot wounds
to prevent bleeding, and ones to enhance sight and hearing
to superhuman levels.
During the implantation process, a carapace is inserted
beneath the Space Marine’s skin, bonding with their
nervous system and allowing them to interface directly with
their Power Armor, making it a part of the Space Marine
rather than just a suit of mechanical armor.
The suits of Power Armor are comprised of thick solid
plates of ceramite armor, which are nearly impervious
to all small-arms fire and dissipate most energy fire. To
compensate for the huge weight, the armor is lined with
fiber bundles that replicate the user’s movements, allowing
them to move as if free from the heavy suit.
The Space Marine backpack includes the power supply for
the suit’s network of fiber bundles, and it includes the lifesupport systems that allow the Space Marine to survive in
hostile environments.
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Fighting as a Space Marine
Charge Attack
Ranged Combat
No matter how good you are with your ranged weapons, you
always end up in melee combat. Many of your enemies fight in
this manner, and there are too many to kill them all before they
get in close. As a result, all Space Marines are heavily trained
in melee combat and carry melee weapons. There are two
main types of melee attacks—strike and stun. When you press
the Strike button, you swing your weapon at the enemy with
the intent to cause damage. When you press the Stun button,
you perform a stun attack that deals damage that weakens
enemies while making them temporarily vulnerable to execution. Powerful stuns are the key to bringing down larger units
that might otherwise shrug off attacks. When an enemy is
stunned, an aura appears around them. Space Marines always
carry a single melee weapon with them at all times.
Combine strike and stun attacks into chains that can greatly increase
the amount of damage you inflict during an engagement. These
chains vary, depending on your melee weapon. See the weapons
section of this chapter for lists of chains for each melee weapon.
You can pull off a gory execution move at the press of a
button. Every weapon and enemy type has different executions
for you to experience. Not only do these moves look awesome,
but they also give back health, allowing you to regenerate
without leaving combat. Fury is also increased. However,
executions come at a price. While you are committed to one of
these kills, you are vulnerable to attacks from other enemies.
To perform an execution, stun an enemy or move next to a
stunned enemy and press the Execution button. Some heavier,
more powerful units, such as Nobz or Chaos Space Marines,
are not easy to execute. While they are stunned, press the
Execute button. When the Execute button appears onscreen,
keep pressing it until you complete the execution.
When you are equipped with a jump-pack, you can perform
a damaging attack. Press the Jump button to activate the
jump-pack. While you are in the air, a yellow reticle appears
on the ground below you. Press the Strike button while in
the air to use your jump-pack to propel you down into the
ground, inflicting heavy damage on any enemies you hit and
stunning nearby enemies. This works great on large groups
of enemies, stunning many of them so you can easily finish
them off with strikes or executions. Whenever you have a
jump-pack, use it as your main weapon and use your melee
or ranged weapons to finish off survivors.
the codex
Space Marines typically engage in ground combat and move
around on foot, though they may have transportation for
getting to the fight. While Space Marines walk on the battlefield, they are also capable of sprinting to get into the fight
sooner. While sprinting, you can perform a charge attack
that inflicts damage and knocks the enemy down. This attack
works great against a large group of enemies. It stuns several
of them and gets you into melee combat quickly. It also is
useful when attacking a single enemy and sets you up for an
Melee Combat
Ground Pound
Space Marines are capable of many different types of attacks; therefore, it is important to learn how to perform each of these to defeat the enemies of the Imperium.
efficient killing machine. For example, as a horde of Orks
are approaching, shoot some of them with your bolter. Then
before they get too close, sprint toward them and perform
a charge attack followed by chains of melee attacks. Finally,
use ranged weapons to finish off any survivors.
While wearing a jump-pack, you can use only your melee weapons, a
pistol, and a bolter. While you still carry your other two weapons, you
can’t use them until you remove the jump-pack.
Combat Roll
Momentum Combat
At times you need to quickly move away from a threat such
as a grenade or heavy enemy fire. The combat roll is the
perfect maneuver for such an event. Begin moving in the
direction you want to roll and then press the Evade button to
combat roll out of danger.
This game features a fluid combat system that allows players
to switch from ranged to melee weapons without interrupting the flow of combat. This system allows you to get into
the heat of battle and not pause until all of your enemies
are dead. Getting the feel for momentum combat can take
some practice. However, by using it, you become a more
While Fury is activated, you can enter Marksmanship mode
by holding down the Aim button. This slows down time,
allowing you to quickly kill a number of enemies in a short
amount of time. This works really well when using the stalker
bolter since you can snipe at several enemies before they can
get off shots at you.
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Space Marines can be armed with a variety of ranged
weapons. Some are useful for close combat while others
allow you to engage enemies at long distances. Often you
find yourself outnumbered by charging hordes of enemies.
Use your ranged weapons to kill or damage enemies before
they get close enough to harm you. In addition, some of
the enemies you face are also armed with ranged weapons,
so shoot them before they hurt you. To fire a ranged
weapon, press the Fire button. To increase your accuracy,
especially at medium to long range, hold down the Aim
button. This gives you a closer view of the target. Some
long-range weapons include a scope. Holding down the
Aim button brings up a scope view, which makes it easier
to target enemies at long range. As a Space Marine, you
can carry up to four ranged weapons at one time.
As you kill enemies during battle, you earn Fury. The meter
on the screen’s left side records how much fury you have
earned. Once it is filled, you can activate Fury mode. After
activating Fury, every melee attack deals increased damage.
In addition, you also harvest health from the enemies being
Power Axe
Strike + strike
Light damage + Fury gain
Medium damage + Fury gain
Strike + strike +
Strike + strike +
strike + strike
Strike + stun
Medium-heavy damage + Fury
Heavy damage + Fury gain
Light stun to single target
Medium stun to targets in a
narrow wedge
Heavy stun to targets in a large
Shoulder Bash Strike + strike
+ stun
Strike + strike + Super-heavy stun to all enemies
strike + stun
in radius around you.
Thunder Hammer
Melee Weapons
Thunder Hammer Chain Attacks
Melee weapons are designed for close combat. It takes strength and courage to
wield a melee weapon in combat and emerge victorious.
Combat Knife
Combat Knife Chain Attacks
Heavy Slash
Heavy Stab
Strike + strike
Strike + strike +
Strike + stun
Light damage + Fury gain
Medium damage + Fury gain
Heavy damage
Light stun to single target
Medium stun to targets in a
narrow wedge
You begin with a combat knife for your melee weapon.
The combat knife is the least damaging of the melee
weapons, so upgrade it to a chain sword as soon as
The mighty thunder hammer is the rarest of Space
Marine melee weapons. Each blow discharges a powerful blast from the hammer’s dedicated power field.
Ranged weapons are limited to pistol and bolter when
wielding the thunder hammer.
Heavy Swing
Super Heavy
Strike + strike
Strike + strike +
Medium damage + Fury gain
Heavy damage + Fury gain
Very heavy damage + Fury gain
Strike + stun
Shoulder Bash Strike + strike
+ stun
Medium stun to targets in a
narrow wedge
Heavy stun to targets in a large
Very heavy stun to all enemies in
radius around you.
While it is very powerful, the thunder hammer is also
the slowest of the melee weapons. A single blow
can kill an Ork Boy, and a few hits can stop a Nob.
Instead of quick slashes like other weapons, you must
find a slower rhythm when fighting with the thunder
hammer. However, it can destroy Orks like no other
melee weapon—especially when you chain the attacks.
The Mk XI Hell’s Teeth Chainsword is the close-combat
weapon of choice among Space Marines. Combining
terrifying power and great speed, its motorized biting
teeth are capable of slicing through bulkheads and
thick armor—as well as flesh and bone. The chainsword
provides more power for melee attacks. Chain your
strikes for more damage.
Strike + strike
Light damage + Fury gain
Medium damage + Fury gain
Strike + strike +
Strike + strike +
strike + strike
Strike + stun
Medium-heavy damage + Fury
Heavy damage + Fury gain
Light stun to single target
Medium stun to targets in a
narrow wedge
Shoulder Bash Strike + strike + Heavy stun to targets in a large
Foot Stomp
Strike + strike
Super-heavy stun to all enemies
+strike + stun
in radius around you.
Ranged Weapons
These weapons allow you to attack enemies at a distance. Some ranged weapons
are effective only at short range while others allow you to kill at great distances.
Bolt Pistol
The bolt pistol is the basic sidearm of the Space Marines. While not
as powerful as other weapons, it has the advantage of unlimited
ammunition. Therefore, you can always fall back on this weapon
if your more-powerful weapons run out of ammo. The bolt pistol
holds eight rounds in its clip. It takes several of these .75-caliber
rounds to kill an enemy, so aim and fire several times. Since this
weapon is semiautomatic, each time you press the Fire button, the
bolt pistol shoots a single round.
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Chainsword Chain Attacks
the codex
The power axe is sheathed in a sparking power field
and delivers devastating blows able to crack open
heavy armor. It is a very effective melee weapon. Chain
your power axe attacks to increase damage.
Weapons are the Space Marine’s tools.
With them, you can inflict damage
against enemies of the Imperium and
leave destruction in your path. As
mentioned earlier, there are two main
categories of weapons—melee and
Power Axe Chain Attacks
Plasma Pistol
Storm Bolter
This weapon has a 60-round magazine, and a Space Marine can
carry a total of 360 rounds at a time. Use it against moving targets
at close to medium range, and try to fire in bursts to improve
Vengeance Launcher
The experimental Graia-pattern vengeance launcher holds magnetized fusion charges that adhere to walls and enemy armor. Up
to five charges can be fired and then detonated one at a time or
simultaneously. Press the Fire button to launch the charges, and
press the Reload button to detonate them.
The .998 Godwyn Pattern Bolter is the characteristic Space Marine
battle rifle. It fires bolts, each of which contains an integrated solid
propellant that acts like a miniature rocket. These bolts have an
explosive tip that detonates inside a target for additional damage.
The bolter holds 30 rounds in the clip, and Space Marines can carry
a total of 330 rounds at one time.
The bolter is your primary weapon. It has an automatic rate of fire,
so as long as you hold down the Fire button, it keeps shooting until
the clip is empty. However, it is a good idea to fire this weapon in
short bursts to increase accuracy and save ammo. A couple short bursts will kill most Boyz. Take time to
aim, especially when targeting enemies at a distance, to further improve your accuracy. After eliminating
an enemy or group of enemies, reload your bolter. This gives you a full clip for the next engagement, and
reloading a partial clip is faster than reloading an empty bolter.
The vengeance launcher holds 18 charges at a time in a single
magazine. It is very useful against large groups of enemies. Fire
charges in front of their advance and then detonate them as
the enemies move over them. Also try using it against powerful
enemies. Launch a few charges so they stick to the target and then detonate them.
Melta Gun
The Vulkan Assault Pattern Melta Gun fires a scorching plume of
molecularly agitated heat at close range. This power comes at the
expense of low ammunition stores and a long recharge between
shots. Space Marines can carry 10 charges for this weapon at a time.
The melta gun is a powerful weapon for targets at close range. The
downside is the low amount of ammo that you can carry for it. Use
this weapon for larger, more powerful enemies that can take a lot of
damage. Use melee attacks to kill other enemies that get in close.
Kraken Bolter
This modified bolter fires adamantine-cored kraken ammunition.
It does heavy damage to enemy armor and can pierce cover. This
weapon permanently replaces your standard bolter.
the codex
The plasma pistol never runs out of ammo and makes for a powerful backup weapon. It can also be useful against armored Orks
such as ’Ard Boyz. Press the Fire button to shoot a quick blast.
However, for more damage, hold down the Fire button to charge
up a shot. When the top of the reticle is fully lit up, the pistol is
charged. Release the Fire button to fire. Plasma continues to burn for a while where it hits. The plasma
pistol must be vented after several quick shots or after a single charged shot. This weapon works great
against powerful enemies when combined with melee attacks. Get in a charged plasma shot or two and
then move in close for the kill with a melee weapon.
The storm bolter is a double-barreled boltgun with a rate of fire
slightly slower than that of the much-bulkier heavy bolter. This
hail of projectiles comes at the expense of stability, limiting the
weapon’s effectiveness at medium or long range.
The MK III Sunfury Plasma Pistol fires balls of superheated plasma.
It can fire quick shots or a powerful charged blast. When you get
this weapon, it permanently replaces your bolt pistol. The plasma
shots can melt through enemy armor.
The Astartes Man-Portable Lascannon fires a charged energy blast
along a powerful laser and can cut through almost any armor at
extreme range. It features a powerful optical scope with variable
magnification. After each shot, the weapon’s battery must recharge
before it can be fired again.
This modified bolter is equipped with a targeter and high-accuracy
shells that can drop enemies from great distances. This weapon
has a semiautomatic fire mode, and its ammunition is designed
to penetrate terrain and objects, including enemies. It functions
equally well as a precision battle rifle or a sniper weapon.
The stalker bolter has a ten-round clip, and Space Marines can
carry a total of 40 rounds for this weapon. Hold down the Aim
button to bring up a zoomed scope view that makes it easier to
target enemies. It usually takes two shots to bring down most
Boyz; however, if you get a headshot, one bolt will do the job. Use the stalker bolter for taking out
Shoota Boyz at long range, then switch to other weapons for closer enemies that have only melee
Firing high-velocity explosive shells, the Autocannon is one of
the most powerful weapons you can wield. When used as a
turret it has unlimited ammunition, but it can be ripped from the
fixed position to boast an impressive 400 round capacity. Its fully
automatic firing mode is thunderous reduces Titus to a walking
speed while shooting. Best results are had with short bursts to
reduce overall heat buildup and to maintain accuracy.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Hold down the Aim button to bring up a scope view similar to
the stalker bolter. This makes the lascannon great for sniping at
enemies. Try to conserve your ammo for this weapon. It holds only
20 shots, and each ammo cache restores 9 shots. The lascannon
kills most Orks with a single shot to the body. Nobz take a few more shots to kill. This weapon is very
useful for taking out Shoota Nobz at long range.
Stalker Pattern Bolter
Plasma Gun
The MK XII Ragefire-Type Plasma Gun fires charged energy pulses
to damage heavily armored targets. This weapon is deadly but
prone to overheating.
The plasma gun is a decent weapon. Its standard shots cause some
damage, but if you hold down the Fire button, you build up a
charge that makes your shot much more damaging. These charged
shots also use up several shots’ worth of ammo. Be sure to press
the Reload button to vent it as it heats up.
Heavy Bolter
The heavy bolter is a machine-gun-style weapon in the same family
as the bolt weapons. It fires a 1-caliber bolt capable of tearing
through the thickest armor. This heavy weapon is often found in a
fixed position. However, you can tear it off its mounting by holding
down the Use button. While fixed, the heavy bolter has an unlimited amount of ammo. However, once you remove the weapon, the
ammo is limited to 150 rounds in the magazine. While carrying a
heavy bolter, you can’t switch to other weapons, throw grenades,
use melee weapons, or sprint. Press the Use button to drop it.
The heavy bolter heats up when fired. Continuous fire overheats the weapon and requires that it cool
down before you can use it again. Therefore, fire it in short bursts to control the heat. This weapon can
clear out large groups of enemies in a short amount of time.
Plasma Cannon
This large weapon fires charged shots that explode on impact.
These shots leave plasma residue that continues to burn. The
plasma cannon is effective against vehicles and enemy soldiers.
While it has unlimited ammo, it builds up a lot of heat as you fire,
so you must vent it by holding down the Reload button. When
firing at long range, you must lead the target since the plasma shot
travels slower than bolter rounds.
This is a very powerful weapon, though it has a slow rate of fire.
Vent it after a few shots to prevent the heat from building up.
Other Items
Frag Grenade
Iron Halo
This is one of
the standard
Space Marine
grenade variants.
It is designed to
fragment upon
explosion, taking
out infantry within
a wide radius.
Press the Grenade button to throw a grenade in front of
you. Be careful: Grenades damage you as well as enemies if
you get too close. Use grenades to clear out large groups of
enemies. Each cache provides three grenades, and you can
carry a total of five at one time.
Though not
actually a weapon,
this ancient
artifact generates
a personal energy
shield that greatly
reinforces the
resiliency of Space
Marine power
armor, allowing them to weather even the fiercest attacks.
Iron Halos are so rare that only Ultramarine captains and
company champions are authorized to use them.
Allies and Enemies
Early Years
Titus was born on the world of Tarentus. Young Titus made it through basic
training, excelling at every challenge to become the best of the recruits. When he
became an Ultramarine scout and finally faced his first battle against aliens, Titus
knew he had found his place in the world. Combat was as natural as breathing, and his spirit soared knowing that he was fighting a holy battle against the
enemies of the Imperium.
Rank: Ultramarines Captain
During his early years as an Ultramarine, Titus struggled to overcome his temper. On
the battlefield, giving in to anger led to too many close calls where only his natural
fighting ability saved his neck. In time, he learned to keep his temper under control,
but even today that control breaks when faced with a situation—or person—that
stubbornly blocks his ability to do what he knows needs to be done. Outside of
combat, his temper shows itself in a burst of cutting words and in steamrolling over
the opposition to take (what he thinks is) the right course of action.
Age: 175 years old
Under the Enemy’s Skin
Knowing it meant his death, Titus launched himself at the
enemy, stabbing his power sword deep into the Sorcerer’s
chest even as the Sorcerer blasted him with Warp energy.
The last thing Titus felt was vengeance at seeing the Sorcerer
breathe his last, and then all went dark.
From his first battlefield encounters, Titus became interested
in the thinking behind his enemy’s attack. While his Space
Marine training gave him the big-picture understanding of
alien strategy, Titus wanted to understand more about how
small groups of enemies fight on the ground. When looking
a bloodthirsty Ork Boy in the eye, what will it do?
With every battle, he experienced firsthand how differently
each alien species and Daemon horde fought on the ground,
and gradually, patterns of tactics emerged. To know more
about the enemy—to understand their motivations—gives
him insight into their strengths and weaknesses and into
how to exploit those weaknesses in battle.
Creatures of Chaos are among the most formidable enemies
Titus has faced. In one of the darkest days in his memory,
Titus and his squad went up against a Chaos Sorcerer who
wielded blasts of Warp energy like malicious lightning. The
energies struck down the Ultramarines one by one, until only
Titus remained to face the Sorcerer.
Titus should have died. But he didn’t.
To the bewilderment of the Ultramarines apothecaries, Titus
healed from his severe injuries. They could not discover the
reason why he survived. Although Titus understands why
they must be vigilant, he still feels resentment over the
fact that anyone could doubt his proven devotion to the
allies and enemies
Captain Titus of the Ultramarines has fought for the Imperium for more than 150
years. Although considered a relatively young Space Marine, he is a decorated
veteran of major campaigns waged across the galaxy—his exploits have earned
him a reputation as one of the mightiest Ultramarines in recent memory.
Unexpected Resilience
Captain Titus
Titus still mourns the recent loss of his own mentor, Captain
Trajan, who was killed by Eldar in a routine mission gone
horribly wrong. Titus held Trajan to be the ideal representation of Ultramarine nobility and honor. Now that he has
inherited command of Trajan’s company, Captain Titus
aspires to be the kind of honorable, intelligent, and inventive
leader that Trajan was.
Fortunately, Captain Trajan appreciated Titus’s attempts to
understand their foes. His ability to predict how a group of
enemies would attack saved many Ultramarines lives over
the years. Now that he’s a captain, Titus works to instill the
same critical thinking in the men under his command.
Height: 7’2”
Weight: 750 lb
Weapons: Bolt pistol,
chainsword (initial loadout)
Gameplay tip: Chain closecombat strikes to maximize
damage to the enemy.
Comrade, Commander
As the years passed, Titus gained experience and renown both on the battlefield
and off. He is a trusted comrade, and his connection to his battle brothers has
grown stronger with each campaign.
So many Ultramarines have fallen over the past 150 years that the relationships
with his surviving comrades are even more important to the hero. As captain of
an Ultramarines company, the men under his command are dearer to him than his
own life—if one of them is killed, Titus will not stop until the enemy responsible
has paid in blood.
His closest Battle Brother is Veteran Sergeant Sidonus, who became a Space Marine
a few decades before Titus. What started as a rookie/vet relationship soon became
a fast friendship. Sidonus has seemingly seen it all, and his “been there, done that,
no problem” attitude instantly serves to defuse tense situations. Titus turns to
Sidonus as a common-sense sounding board.
To the young Space Marine, Leandros, Titus is a mentor figure—a warrior who can
do no wrong. Titus knows that Leandros quotes the Codex and jumps into situations with such zeal because he wants to impress his commander. Titus remembers
what those first heady years as an Space Marine were like and doesn’t rebuke
Leandros too harshly for his enthusiasm.
Compared to his brother Ultramarines, Sidonus appears more grizzeled/scared.
His power armor bears scars from numerous enemy blades; while most damage
to his armor is repaired, some gouges he chooses to keep as trophies from
memorable fights.
Leandros often speaks with little tact—to his mind, all actions must serve the
emperor, and he will question the motives of anyone he suspects of not giving
their all for the Imperium. His ego and psyche are still adjusting to the extraordinary abilities that his transformation into a full Space Marine has brought; as a
result, he’s lost perspective on what it’s like to face the world from a human standpoint. He’s insensitive to how desperate the situation is on Forge World for the
surviving civilians and soldiers, and is especially patronizing to the Imperial Guards
he encounters.
Sidonus lost his arm in a battle against the Tyranids many years ago—a Lictor sliced
it off and devoured it. Even as he bled, the one-armed Sidonus eviscerated the
Tyranid to retrieve his limb, but it was chewed beyond repair. He never viewed the
loss of his arm as a setback—he simply had it replaced with a bionic limb and went
right back to fighting.
Rank: Ultramarines Veteran
Age: 225 years old
Height: 7’1”
Weight: 750 lb
Weapons: Bolter, chainsword
Gameplay tip: Use tracer fire
from your allies’ weapons to
locate targets in cover.
And then years later, a poisoned Eldar weapon struck him in the face, but he was
too busy fighting off five Aspect Warriors to stop and deal with the damage it was
causing. As the poison agonizingly corroded his skin and eye, he took out his pain
on the warriors, making sure that these Eldar at least wouldn’t hurt anyone again.
He could have had full facial reconstruction but decided to keep his scars as a
reminder of victory over formidable enemies.
Although he is older than the other Ultramarines, this in no way diminishes his
prowess as a warrior or his vigorous and energetic manner. Space Marines don’t
weaken with age—if anything, the older they are, the stronger they are.
Sidonus has fought side by side with the hero Titus for decades. When Titus joined
the Ultramarines, Sidonus was already a seasoned veteran, but after working
together to subdue a messy Tau uprising, they learned that their styles of fighting and dealing with the world were remarkably similar. Both are no-nonsense,
efficient warriors who get the job done as simply and decisively as possible. Their
friendship has stood the pressures of battle and the test of time.
Titus also brought Sidonus back from a dark place in the years after their former
captain was killed on Beta Arcturus. Sidonus blamed himself for not preventing
Captain Trajan’s death, but Titus wouldn’t let Sidonus lose himself in meaningless
combat. He helped Sidonus deal with his grief—and guilt—and move on with his
duty as a Space Marine, as the captain would have wanted.
Although he hasn’t descended into that same depression in recent years, Sidonus
taps into some of those dark emotions when he enters combat. It’s as if a switch
flips once he faces an adversary: His good nature vanishes, to be replaced by an
implacable warrior who dispatches enemy after enemy without hesitation or mercy.
If he can kill them first, they won’t have the chance to kill any of his
battle brothers.
As for his relationship with the younger Space Marine
Leandros, Sidonus feels a responsibility to guide him into
becoming the best Space Marine he can be. At times, he
becomes frustrated by Leandros’s tendency to overanalyze a situation and insist on doing everything strictly “by
the book”—the Codex Astartes—instead of just getting the job
done. Sidonus knows that Leandros is overcompensating for the
mistakes of his past—Leandros’s reckless, impulsive behavior led
to Captain Trajan’s death—but Sidonus will call the younger
soldier out when his behavior veers into self-righteousness.
Age: 50 years old
Height: 7’1”
Weight: 750 lb
Weapons: Bolter, combat blade
Gameplay tip: Squadmates will
call out priority targets; use this
to understand the changes in
the battlefield.
He looks up to battle brothers Titus and Sidonus, but especially Titus, whom
he sees as the type of Ultramarine he aspires to become. He sometimes goes
overboard in pursuing what he thinks is a noble course of action, because he
wants to prove himself and his abilities to Titus.
Sidonus reminds Leandros of his instructors during training—a master who
watches over his every move and reins him in with humorous, yet cutting, reminders. At times, Leandros feels like he has been measured, and found wanting. What
Leandros doesn’t realize is that Sidonus is concerned about him. Sidonus keeps
close watch to guide Leandros to become the best warrior he can be, despite his
tendency toward rash behavior.
Leandros knows the Codex Astartes inside and out, but he has not seen all of
those principles in practice. More experienced Ultramarines like Titus and Sidonus
have seen the rules work in combat—sometimes, the real-life application of the
Codex requires a bit of interpretation. But Leandros sees nothing wrong with
offering a solution to—or an opinion about—a situation based on what the Codex
Astartes says, especially when he sees his more experienced squadmates doing
something differently than spelled out in the Codex.
Beneath all of Leandros’s youthful arrogance and zeal is a dark
moment that scarred him deeply,
though he struggles not to show
it: the death of his captain on
his very first mission in a battle
company. This tragedy would never
have happened if Leandros hadn’t
recklessly run into battle, been
captured, and needed rescuing.
The captain was killed by the Eldar
when he tried to save Leandros
from torture and execution.
Now, Leandros is trying to redeem himself from the mistake that caused the
captain’s death. But he has returned to his old, heedless ways in seeking redemption—by being the first to engage the enemy, by running headlong into the fray,
by showing that he is unafraid to take risks and meet danger head-on—even if it
means his doom.
The possibility of dying doesn’t concern Leandros too much. Isn’t sacrificing himself
in noble battle the ultimate path to redemption?
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Sidonus is comrade and trusted confidante to Titus. When
the hero needs a sounding board, he’ll go to Sidonus. But
Sidonus will also question Titus if he doesn’t agree with or
understand what he’s doing—though never in a way that
questions his leader’s honor or authority.
Rank: Ultramarines Veteran
allies and enemies
His Ultramarines power armor is smooth and pristine compared to his squadmates’—
as a comparatively novice Space Marine, he has not been in as many battles to distinguish himself with lots of battle honors and trophies. But even as a new member, he
is a combat veteran and skilled warrior. To become a full Space Marine, he had to
survive many years fighting in the Scout Squads of the Ultramarines’ 10th Company.
Leandros is the youngest and most recent inductee to the Ultramarine squad. He is
a “by the book” Space Marine due to inexperience; this is revealed by overly formal
speech and his enthusiasm to do things just right for the glory of the emperor.
Sergeant Sidonus, the Veteran Ultramarines warrior, has seemingly seen it all. His
“been there, done that, no problem” attitude instantly serves to defuse tense
situations. But when faced with the enemy, Sidonus is their worst nightmare—a
brutally efficient warrior who won’t stop until every enemy lies dead at his feet.
Inquisitor Drogan
Inquisitor Drogan is an agent of the Inquisition, a secretive and powerful organization of the Imperium responsible for guarding the souls of humanity.
Second Lieutenant Mira
A brilliant and passionate defender of the Imperium, the Inquisitor used his intense
hatred of alien species to develop the ultimate weapon against them: a weapon
powered by Chaos.
Tortured and Twisted
Inquisitors fight against the myriad of potential threats aimed at the Imperium—
from heretics to aliens to Daemons. Inquisitor Drogan was a member of the Ordo
Xenos, which focuses on eliminating the alien menace.
Humans live short, brutal lives in this universe—Imperial Guard soldiers in particular.
The Imperial Guard are expendable assets, cannon fodder, expected to give their
lives by the millions to ensure the success of a military campaign. They are the
Hammer of the emperor.
One hundred fifty years ago, the young Inquisitor was deep undercover, investigating alien incursions in remote sectors of the Imperium. He knew he was far better
than most Ordo Xenos members at unearthing alien conspiracies. He was fascinated by how each alien species thought, studying historical records and battlefield
recordings to analyze their unique ways of attacking humanity.
Second Lieutenant Mira was part of the 203rd Cadian Imperial Guard regiment
that had just completed a mission to mop up a planetary Tyranid infestation. En
route to another battlezone, their troop carrier was suddenly diverted to the Forge
World as the only Imperial Guard force close to the planet.
Rank: Second Lieutenant, 203rd
Cadian Regiment, Imperial Guard
Age: 25 years old
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 145 lb
Weapons: Lasgun
Gameplay Tip: Mira can provide
valuable field intelligence on
Undermanned and still recovering from their wounds, Mira and her fellow Imperial
Guard steeled themselves to their fate: Against an Ork Waaagh!, they would be
hopelessly outnumbered. But they would give their lives to do as much damage to
the Orks as possible until the Imperial Liberation Fleet arrived.
Mira’s Imperial Guard unit made planetfall to discover the Forge World’s Adeptus
Mechanicus defenders slain and the planet overrun with Orks. Mira’s unit was one
of the only groups of Guardsmen to safely land. A massive Ork-held planetary
gun battery shot down most of the other dropships, until her troop transport was
forced to hold reinforcements in orbit.
The Orks cut through the Imperial Guard ranks with brutal effectiveness. With
her superiors dead on the battlefield, Mira rallied the survivors and organized a
counterattack that is still under way. Their situation is dire; food and basic supplies
are becoming scarcer every day, and the Orks are decimating their ranks at an
alarming rate.
Now, Mira’s main objective is to take out the planetary gun battery. With quickthinking tactical acumen, she’s led her men to gain ground against the Orks.
They’ve almost reached the ramparts of the gun battery, but the Orks are holding
them back from advancing farther.
Mira’s experience and skill as a tactician, coupled with her uncompromising
humanity and refusal to give up, commands fierce loyalty among her men. All
she wants is to save the soldiers she’s sworn to lead, but she sees little hope of
withstanding the Orks for much longer.
When most Imperial Guardsmen see a Space Marine, they are overcome with
awe. To much of humanity, the Adeptus Astartes are figures of legend; being faced
with a Space Marine in the flesh would be as overwhelming as meeting a god.
But Lieutenant Mira is too exhausted and too concerned with basic survival to be
awestruck. She addresses the Ultramarine heroes respectfully yet directly, mincing
no words. There is no room for niceties out here. Genteel conversation can wait
until the Orks are scoured from this planet.
Age: 175 years old
Height: 6’6”
Weight: 265 lb
Weapons: Bolt pistol
Gameplay tip: Drogan’s research
may be the most valuable asset
on Graia. You must locate it
before the Orks do.
Imagining what a Xeno would do in a certain situation—thinking like them,
knowing their wants and needs—led him to break open alien plots that would
have devastated the Imperium if they had succeeded.
In the Inquisition’s eyes, Drogan was a rising star—until he disappeared. For all of
his brilliance in anticipating alien activity, he was still a human and could be caught
off guard by an equally intelligent enemy. The Dark Eldar had become aware of
him after he thwarted a long-planned assault. They bided their time until he was
alone, vulnerable, and they captured him.
The Dark Eldar tortured the Inquisitor for years, keeping him alive and in excruciating pain by their torture masters’ nefarious skill. Although the Inquisitor was
rescued by Space Marines, the damage to his body—and his psyche—was done.
do—unaware that by helping the “Inquisitor,” they’re helping an agent of Chaos.
Kill All Xenos
Since his rescue, the Inquisitor’s intense xenophobia drove him to research terrible
new ways of killing aliens: Dark Eldar, Eldar, Orks, Tyranids, Tau...anything other
than human.
Through years of research, the Inquisitor created an immensely powerful energy
source. This reactor was put to use at the Forge World’s main Titan factory, supercharging the production of some of the Imperium’s mightiest war machines.
Powering the Titan factory was the public aspect of the Inquisitor’s work with the
strange power source. But the reactor also powered a sophisticated weapon that
could be calibrated to the physiology of a specific alien species, leaving all others
unharmed. Tune the weapon to a Xenos, fire it on the battlefield, and it will kill the
aliens and leave the human combatants unharmed. Or at least, that was the intent.
The weapon is still experimental—the Inquisitor was preparing to test it when the
Orks invaded the Forge World and put all of his work at risk.
The Inquisitor took his early quest to “know thy enemy” to its furthest extremes—
capturing and experimenting on the aliens to make his weapon as devastating as
possible to their biology.
Death of the Inquisitor, Rise of the Imposter
The Inquisitor was a confident, decisive man who dedicated his entire life to
finding new ways of defending the Imperium. Little did the Inquisitor know that
the passionate pursuit of his work caught the attention of a powerful Chaos Lord,
who realized he could put the Inquisitor’s experiments to devious use. The Chaos
Lord planned to use the power source to fire the experimental weapon and trigger
his own daemonic ascension. He waited until the time was right, then broke
through from the Warp and attacked the Inquisitor.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
But everything changes when Captain Titus and the Ultramarines arrive on Forge
World. The mighty Ultramarines could give Mira a fighting chance of beating
back the Orks and retaking this sector of the planet.
Rank: Inquisitor, Ordo Xenos
allies and enemies
Second Lieutenant Mira leads a beleaguered Imperial Guard force against the Ork
invaders of Forge World. Her guardsmen are survivors of a much larger detachment that was decimated after the Orks cut them off from orbital support and
Imperial Allies
The Orks
Warboss Grimskull
When the Ultramarines arrive, however, the possessed Inquisitor
realizes that they provide a way for him to get past the Orks—the
power source—so he can fire the weapon, open up a warp gate,
and bring back his Chaos Lord, receiving his dread lord’s everlasting gratitude.
The Warboss rose to his position through cunning, strength, and violence. He is
easily picked out among the Orks because of his huge size, since the more successful a Warboss is, the larger his size—and this Warboss has been spectacularly
After launching his Waaagh!, the Warboss conquered several planets using a
makeshift fleet of vessels. His progress is relentless, and he displays great tactical
cunning, though he leaves few surviving enemies to report on his capabilities.
The possessed Inquisitor acts much as his deceased host would—
the same passionate, brilliant personality expressing itself in
bursts of anger or moments of self-satisfaction.
allies and enemies
The Warboss is the leader of a massive Ork Waaagh!—a bloodthirsty invasion force
that’s left planet after planet in ruins behind them.
The Inquisitor managed to send out a distress call before banishing the Chaos Lord back to the Warp—but as a parting shot,
the Chaos Lord sent a vaporous Daemon minion to attack the
Inquisitor. Inquisitor Drogan died, and his body and brain were
possessed by the Daemon minion who now knows all the
Inquisitor knows and who can impersonate him almost perfectly.
But the knowledge seems to be useless, since the Orks stand
between the now-possessed Inquisitor and his goals.
When the Warboss learned that a nearby Forge World was dedicated to building
the Imperium’s mightiest war machines—Titans—the Warboss knew he’d found his
next target for conquest. He ordered his Waaagh! into the Warp.
Rank: Warboss
Age: Unknown
Height: 10’5”
Weight: 2 tons
Weapons: Bionik arm with
power klaw, kustom shoota
Gameplay tip: Keep moving, lest
Grimskull connect with
a mighty charge!
The Orks emerged from the Warp directly above Forge World Graia, bypassing
most space-based weapons. Elated to have this prime Titan-producing planet
within his grasp, the Warboss ordered hundreds of Roks to drop through the
atmosphere to attack key targets. Them mechy humies won’t know what’s hit ’em.
Go faster!
One group of Roks smashed into the ground-based Planetary Defense Batteries,
taking out several of the guns. The Warboss ordered his horde to assault and
claim the remaining large gun. Quickly overwhelming the defensive forces of the
Adeptus Mechanicus, the Orks captured the gun battery, using it to shoot down
most of the Imperial Guard sent to take the planet back.
As the Space Marines land on Graia,, the Warboss’s forces still have the gun
battery under their control. They’re using it to shoot down any Imperial ships
trying to land from orbit—cutting off the few Forge World defenders from
The Warboss desperately wants to get his hands on the Titan war machines
being manufactured inside the main Titan Works. If the Orks can take over the
factory, his Mekboyz will quickly turn them to their needs. With even a single
Titan’s worth of parts, the Warboss could lay waste to entire worlds. With more
than one, he would be near impossible to stop as he smashes his way across
the galaxy.
The Imperial Guard have blocked the
Ork horde from reaching certain
sectors of the city from the first days
of the invasion, but the Orks are breaking
down their resistance, bit by bloody bit.
His forces are hammering at the Imperial
Guard resistance when a group of
Ultramarines suddenly arrives on Forge
World—providing the first serious threat
to his presence on the planet
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
But there’s a ragged force of Imperial Guard scattered across
the Forge World, and they’re putting up a fight. My boyz
chopped up a whole lot of them Mek humies, no problem. But
now the humies with shootas won’t get
outta the way!
Shoota Boyz
At first, the Warboss thinks the Ultramarines’ arrival is no more than an excuse for
a good fight. But his fury rises when the Ultramarines destroy the gun battery that
his Orks were using to keep the Imperial forces at bay.
Rank: Slaves
Height: 4’
Weight: 50 lb
Weapons: Small
Gameplay tip:
A single Grot is
no threat, but a
large swarm can
cut through your
armor and distract
you long enough
for heavy units to
Gretchin (or Grots) are the smallest of the Orks, the slave race of the
species. Cunning, cruel, and cowardly, they flee from open combat
but take pleasure in ambushes and opportunities to inflict pain.
They bow and scrape before larger Orks but grumble insults
behind their backs.
Gretchin are often armed with a small choppa. While a single
one is no threat, they often attack in swarms. In addition, they
can serve as distractions so heavier units can attack you. A
single slash of a knife is sufficient to kill any Gretchin within
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 300 lb
Gameplay tip:
Basic Boyz
charge into
battle in raucous
targets for a
mighty charge
Weapons: Beltfed “shoota”
machine guns;
rokkit launchas;
Gameplay tip:
Get into close
combat with
Shoota Boyz and
they will use their
guns as makeshift
Bomb Squig
Rank: None
Weight: 150 lb
Ork hordes consist of millions of Boyz, the rank and file of this barbaric alien
race. Wielding hatchetlike choppas, they operate in large hordes and are
constantly itching for a fight. Boyz are the melee fighters and rush in close to
attack. They often strike in groups of two or more to try and overwhelm their
enemies. Most Boyz wear only crude leathers, while more experienced “Scar
Boyz” don armor and are even harder to kill.
Eliminate Boyz with a few melee strikes. When a large group is charging,
thin them out with ranged fire and then finish off the survivors with melee
attacks. Also use stun attacks to slow their attacks or to set them up for an
Gameplay tip:
Listen for a
Squig’s distinctive roar and
then take it out
before it can get
close to you.
Squigs are the simplest species of Orkoid life and are little more than snapping,
fanged mouths on legs. Trained by the Orks as attack pets, the Squigs are
deadly against most foes. As an additional layer of lethality, some Orks
strap a Squig with explosives and send it rushing toward a foe as an
explosive device. Shoot at these enemies to blow them up before they
get close to you and cause a lot of damage. You can often hear them
coming before you see them. Listen for a grunting sound and then get
ready to fire. If you shoot a Squig while it is near other enemies, the
resulting explosion often kills several Orks.
Rank: Mob
Height: 7’6”
Weight: 750 lb
spiked mace
Gameplay tip:
Use Fury strikes
to stun Nobz,
then engage
them in a
struggle to
the death.
Shoota Boyz should be one of your primary targets in an engagement,
since they can cause a lot of damage if not eliminated quickly. They
stay back and fire at you while others move in for melee combat. Take
out Shoota Boyz with your ranged weapons before engaging in melee
combat. If there are several firing at you, take cover so you can shoot
at one Shoota Boy at a time without exposing yourself to the others.
Orks literally thrive on combat, growing physically larger and
stronger the more they fight. When an Ork becomes big enough,
they become a leader known as a Nob. They are impervious to
attacks that would slay a normal Ork. Even to a Space Marine,
Nobz are worthy adversaries, as they can counter your attacks.
Upgraded Nob units may sport heavy armor and improved
weapons, making them even more capable against the most
elite units.
Nobz are tough to kill. It takes a lot of firepower to bring
them down. Be careful engaging them in melee combat.
They are strong and can take lots of damage. Try using
explosives such as grenades to weaken them. If a Nob gets
in close, use chained melee attacks so you inflict more damage.
Once the Nob is stunned, move in for an execution. However, after
pressing the Execution button, you must continue pressing it rapidly
in order to finish the Nob off—or it can kill you instead.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Weight: 300 lb
Height: 4’
Boyz and Scar Boyz
Rank: Rank and
Height: 6’2”
allies and enemies
Rank: Rank and
When the Ultramarines shut down the Titan factory by taking away the power
source that fuels it, the Warboss’s rage knows no bounds. He unleashes his
Waaagh!’s full might upon the Space Marines—his Orks will rip apart every
Ultramarine on the planet until they find the power source. Then the Warboss
can get the Titan factory back online to build the war machines that will ensure his
dominion over this sector of the galaxy..
Shoota Boyz are Orks who have picked up makeshift firearms, adding
streams of gunfire to the oncoming charge. Most Shoota Boyz remain
brutal savages, favoring rate of fire and noise above any sense of
accuracy or finesse. Some are more dangerous, however, wielding
rokkit launchas and stikkbomb grenades. Shoota Boyz usually try to attack
from behind cover or from higher levels. If an enemy gets into close
combat, Shoota Boyz use their weapons as clubs for melee attacks.
Big Nob
Height: 7’9”
Weapons: Big
choppa axe
Gameplay tip:
Use a Big Nobz
mob to build up
health and Fury
before engaging
this foe. You’re
going to need it!
Try to inflict as much damage as possible on
these enemies before they get in close
enough to attack. Throw grenades or fire
melta guns or lascannons at them so you
don’t have a long melee fight.
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 500 lb
Heavy choppa,
Gameplay tip:
Use explosives
or heavy melee
strikes to get
’Ard Boyz to
drop their
’Ard Boyz wear heavy armor pieced together from steel plates and
equipment scavenged from defeated foes. Their armor and
natural resilience makes them able to wade through fire
that would shred most Orks. The ’Ard Boy can also wield
a heavy riot shield and choppa to get close to the player
and deal out some pain.
These Orks can take a lot of punishment. One strategy
is to kill them with headshots using the stalker bolter
if they are far enough away for you to take time
to aim. If they are closer, hit them with grenades
or vengeance launcher charges to weaken
them and then use the chainsword or other
melee weapon. Be sure to chain your attacks for more
damage, and don’t forget to use stuns.
Height: 7’9”
1,000 lb
Kustom big shoota
(with kombi-rokkit)
Gameplay tip:
Keep on the
move to avoid
shoota and rokkit
fire, and use your
heaviest attacks
to eliminate
these elites.
Height: 7’
Weight: 375 lb
Shoota Nobz’ claims of superior cunning is mostly bluster, but the
larger, more deadly Big Shoota Nobz live up to the bragging. Heavily
armored and wielding specialized weapons with underslung rokkit
launchas, Big Shoota Nobz are nothing short of
walking artillery.
These enemies can inflict a lot of damage on you.
When you see them, take cover and snipe at them
with a lascannon or other powerful ranged weapon.
Otherwise get in close to them and engage them in
melee combat.
Gameplay tip:
Weird Boyz
raise powerful
psychic shields
that make them
highly resistant to ranged
Weird Boyz are Ork Psykers acting as a sort of psychic sponge absorbing
the energies of nearby Orks and unleashing them as devastating psychic
attacks. As well as offensive attacks, the more talented Weird Boyz can teleport
themselves and other Ork units in and out of combat at will.
Weird Boyz are usually not that dangerous by themselves. Their main threat is
teleporting other Orks to attack you. They often avoid fighting you directly,
other than launching attacks from a distance, so try to kill them with
ranged weapons or get in close for melee combat.
Storm Boy
Weight: 300 lb
Storm Boyz are fierce Ork warriors who gamble with their lives by strapping on
crude rokkit packs to propel themselves toward the enemy. They are
armed with shootas and melee weapons for aerial attacks. Although
they lead short lives, Storm Boyz consider themselves an Ork elite
and practice a twisted form of military discipline.
“slugga” pistol
Storm Boyz can be tough to kill since they are usually flying around.
With their large rokkit packs, they are bigger targets than other Boyz,
and a few short bursts with a heavy bolter brings them down.
Rank: Rank and
Height: 6’2”
Gameplay tip:
Storm Boyz
relish in boarding enemy
aircraft, so keep
them off any
way you can.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Big Shoota Nobz
Rank: Mob
Rank: None
Psychic powers
’Ard Boyz
Rank: Rank and
Weird Boy
allies and enemies
1,000 lb
Orks grow in size and power with every battle. Big Nobz are those
who have fought the longest and continue to dominate the battlefield.
Hulking beasts draped in heavy armor, they wield massive axes and
are absolutely fearless. Only their disdain for ranged weaponry
makes them at all vulnerable.
Rank: Mob
Chaos Lord Nemeroth
For the Chaos Lord, the process of falling to darkness was gradual, a slippery slope
of small choices favoring Chaos that escalated and eventually led to damnation.
He was once a shining example of what a Space Marine should be. But as the
centuries passed, he grew disillusioned with the rules and traditions Space Marines
are required to live by. To him, all that mattered was killing the enemy. Why spend
an hour in prayer before going into battle? Why use only certain weapons when
there are others—heretical ones, true—that are so much more effective?
Rank: Chaos Lord
Age: Unknown
Height: 8’8”
Weight: 1,200 lb
Weapons: Lightning claws,
Daemon weapons, psychic
Gameplay tip: Watch for openings
created by Nemeroth’s own
megalomania. You will need every
iota of skill and strength to face a
Daemon Lord ascendant!
But in the few seconds before the Warp breach closed, the Chaos Lord woke
the Daemon Minion bound in his ancient armor and shot it across the breach to
strike the Inquisitor. The vaporous Daemon Minion killed the weakened Inquisitor,
possessing his body and mind. The Inquisitor’s body become a puppet of Chaos.
Although the Chaos Lord is trapped for the moment in the Warp, he knows that
his Daemon Minion will impersonate the Inquisitor to achieve the Chaos Lord’s
quest: to get the power source and activate the Inquisitor’s experimental weapon.
This will crack open a rift to the Warp through which he can step back to the Forge
World, and the resulting deaths will unleash psychic forces that will strengthen the
power source’s Chaotic energy.
allies and enemies
The Chaos Lord is a former Space Marine of the Imperium who turned to the
dark side: to the depravity and anarchy of Chaos. The Chaos gods granted him
enormous power—not just physical strength, but also psychic power to control the
devastating energies of Chaos.
Before the Chaos Lord could strike the killing blow, the Inquisitor used the last of
his strength and powerful Psyker abilities to banish the Chaos Lord back to the
Forces of Chaos
But the Inquisitor put up more of a fight than the Chaos Lord expected. The
Inquisitor slipped from his grasp long enough to send a distress call to the
Imperium. The Chaos Lord caught up and, in a drawn-out battle, severely injured
the Inquisitor.
Small questions, small choices…. As the years passed, his impatience and frustration grew. He eventually listened to the call of Chaos and turned his back on the
Imperium. First as a Chaos Space Marine and now as an elevated Chaos Lord, no
more do the rules get in the way of the thing he likes best: spilling the blood of
enemies and innocents.
Enamored with the power he has gained in service to Chaos, he hungers for even
more. When he closes his eyes, he sees the Imperium in flames, at the mercy of a
great Chaos army, with him at its head. He long ago abandoned his humanity and
now dreams of transcending it entirely, becoming a terrible Daemon Prince—and
an alien-hating Imperial Inquisitor holds the key to achieving his desires.
The Chaos Lord’s plans began to take shape when he became aware of a disturbance
in the Warp—someone from outside was attempting to summon Chaos forces and
bind them. The binding failed, but the person attempted to capture Warp energies
again and again. Intrigued, the Chaos Lord investigated—and discovered that the
person was an Imperial Inquisitor. Clever fool, what’s he playing at? I think I’ll lend
him a hand and see what happens.
Unbeknownst to the Inquisitor, the Chaos Lord helped him capture the stuff of the
Warp, stabilizing it enough for the Inquisitor to contain it within a shielded receptacle—the object that would eventually be known as the “power source.”
And one fateful day, the Chaos Lord understood that the
Inquisitor’s work was shaping the power source into something
that could help him achieve his most sought-after goal:
ascending to the next level of Chaos supremacy, becoming an
awesomely powerful Daemon Prince.
With his glorious ascension so tantalizingly close, the Chaos
Lord was taken aback to find an entire Ork Waaagh! suddenly
swarming over the Forge World. The Chaos Lord would not risk
the Orks getting possession of the power source—he leaped into
action, breaking through the weakened Warp/reality barrier and
attacking the Inquisitor.
With that energy reserve, the Chaos Lord can use the power source to not only
trigger his ascension to a Daemon Prince, but also to open an enormous breach in
the Warp to bring through an entire Chaos invasion.
When the weapon is finally fired and the Chaos Lord emerges from the Warp, he is
surprised to find a squad of Ultramarines waiting for him—though greatly amused
to discover that the Ultramarines actually helped his Daemon Minion/Inquisitor
imposter to use the power source and fire the weapon.
The Chaos Lord knows that the Ultramarines will now do all they can to stop him,
but with his heart’s desire close enough to taste, he will take great pleasure in
slaughtering any Space Marine who stands in his way.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
As a lord of Chaos, he maintained a connection with the captured
energies…. He simply stepped back and kept an eye on what the
Inquisitor did with them. With great interest, he watched as the
Inquisitor experimented with the energies, growing increasingly
bolder with his manipulation of the Warp stuff. The Inquisitor’s
experiments weakened the barrier between Warp and real-space
around the Forge World where he based his operations.
Bloodletter Daemon
Rank: None
Weight: 500 lb
Gameplay tip:
Keep moving when
in battle with
Bloodletters, lest
one impale you
on its hellblade!
phase in and
out of reality,
teleporting short
distances and
making them very
hard to hit with
ranged fire.
Daemons only engage in melee attacks. However, their ability
to warp allows them to move across a battlefield extremely fast.
While you might be shooting at a Daemon, an instant later, it
could be right next to you ready to slash you with its sword.
The melta gun works great on Daemons when they get
in close. Also try to throw grenades at groups of
Daemons to weaken them or take out a
few before you get into melee combat
with them.
Rank: Varies
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 250 lb
Lasguns, frag
Gameplay tip:
Beware! Some
Renegades are
so corrupt that
their deaths
can result in the
summoning of
Renegades are human soldiers who have forsaken the emperor and cast their lot
with the dark and unknowable powers of Chaos. Although some actively worship
the Dark Gods, most are more akin to madmen who have surrendered to
bloodlust and move from battlefield to battlefield. Renegades are equipped with
grenades and lasguns.
These enemies are easy to kill. A single shot with a stalker bolter does
the job, as does a slash with a melee weapon. However, they are
deadly, since they usually attack in groups. They snipe at you with their
lasguns and throw grenades that can cause a lot of damage. Try to kill
Renegades at long range—preferably outside of their grenade-throwing range.
allies and enemies
Summoned directly from the Warp, the Bloodletter Daemons strike fear and
despair into the hearts of men. Their vicious swords inflict a powerful
rending attack that can be devastating even for a Space Marine. They
move and fight in packs, “warping” from one position to another,
making them lethal adversaries.
Height: 8’3”
Chaos Space Marines
Rank: Varies
Height: 7’1”
Weight: 750 lb
Bolters, combat
blades, plasma
guns, grenades
Chaos Space Marines are tough to kill—just like your squad.
Lascannons work well. However, if you don’t have one of these
weapons, use the vengeance launcher for killing them at range. If you
can get in close, go for the melee attack. You can win that as long as
there are not many other enemies shooting at you. Usually save the
Chaos Space Marines for last and take out the easier enemies such as
Renegades first. If you stun one of these units and go for an execution, you
must continue pressing the Execute button to beat them and
complete the execution—just like you do for a Nob.
Rank: Varies
Height: 7’1”
Weight: 750 lb
Heavy bolters,
Gameplay tip:
Veterans of
centuries of
endless war,
Havocs make
effective use
of cover and
Havocs are Chaos Space Marines who specialize in killing at range
with heavy weaponry. Armed with heavy bolters and other devastating
ranged equipment, this foe can cut down even the best armored Space
Marine. Havocs are equipped with lascannons and plasma cannons.
Havocs are tough to kill and can inflict a lot of damage. If you face more
than one, get behind cover and then deal with one at a time. Havocs
usually stay back and let their weapons do the damage at long range. Either
kill them with ranged weapons, or approach them while moving from cover to
cover and get in for a melee kill.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Gameplay tip:
Chaos Space
Marines have
a regenerating
armor layer, just
like Titus does. If
you allow them to
seek cover, they
will recover and
return to battle as
strong as ever.
Chaos Space Marines are the dark reflections of the heroes of the
Ultramarines. Before falling to Chaos, they were once loyal
warriors of the emperor. In combat, Chaos Space Marines are
brutal and efficient killing machines. Some servants of Chaos
may revel in berserk fury, but these Chaos Space Marines march with
deadly precision, dispatching all who face them without pity.
Chaos Drone
Rank: —
Height: —
Weight: —
Weapons: —
A large, Daemon-possessed aerial unit equipped with a
heavy autocannon, Chaos Drones provide aerial support
to the forces of Chaos. Its central eye can see its target no
matter what cover the enemy hides behind. An insane Warp
manifestation, the Chaos Drone is part flesh, part machine,
and pure evil.
Since the Chaos Drones fly around as they attack, they are difficult to
hit with more powerful, slower-firing weapons. Instead, use the storm
bolter or bolter to shoot these down while using cover for protection
from their attacks.
Chaos Psyker
Rank: None
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 140 lb
Psyker powers
Gameplay tip:
Locate and
destroy Chaos
Psykers as
soon as they
longer they
stay active, the
more Chaos
troops they will
usher onto the
Psykers are humans with psychic powers who tap into
the corrupting power of the Warp—and the Chaos Gods
who inhabit it. Tainted Psykers have been driven mad by
constant exposure to this dark power, falling to Chaos and
stripped of all that once made them human. Chaos Psykers
are consumed by the power within them and open portals
into the Warp, allowing Daemons and Chaos enemies to invade
this reality. They can also use the Warp to shield themselves from
enemy fire.
Locate and destroy Chaos Psykers as soon as they appear—the
longer they stay active, the more Chaos troops they will usher onto
the battlefield. Also watch out for their attacks. Use long-ranged
weapons to kill these enemies. They can take a bit of damage, so
be sure to have cover behind which you can move to dodge their
attacks while you are trying to kill them.
Weapons and Equipment: Chaos Space Marine
Chaos melta gun
Daemon eye bolter
Chaos twin bolter
Chaos plasma gun
Vengeance launcher
The Devastator and Chaos Havoc are experts in ranged combat and are the only
classes that can wield the most devastating heavy weaponry. Each of these heavy
weapons has its own powerful alternate fire mode, such as a deadly charged shot
or a braced stance, allowing for rapid fire. Weapons unique to this class include the
heavy bolter, plasma cannon, and lascannon. In melee, this class can only kick.
This class acts as your team’s base of fire. Since they don’t move fast, Devastators
and Havocs are best used for inflicting heavy damage from medium to long range.
They are great for defending positions and can support other classes as they go on
the offensive. You must be Level 2 in order to play as this class.
In Space Marine multiplayer, you can choose from three different classes. Each class
has its own strengths and unique weapons and perks available to it. Since each of
the three classes are quite different, they require different tactics and play styles in
order to maximize their destructive potential.
Tactical Space Marine/Chaos Space Marine
The Tactical Space Marine strikes a balance between ranged combat and close
combat. Unique weapons to this class are the plasma gun, stalker pattern bolter,
storm bolter, mechanicus vengeance launcher, and gun. In melee, the Tactical class
wields the combat knife.
Everyone starts out as a Tactical Space Marine or Chaos Space Marine. This class
offers a good balance between ranged and melee combat, though you are a bit
stronger in the ranged area. The bolter is your initial weapon; however, as you
earn experience through battle, you can unlock more powerful weapons. When
playing as this class, focus on using your ranged weapon and engaging enemies at
medium range.
Weapons and Equipment: devastator
Heavy bolter
Weapons and Equipment: Tactical Space Marine
Weapons and Equipment: havoc
Chaos heavy bolter
Chaos lasacannon
Melta gun
Chaos plasma cannon
Stalker-pattern bolter
Storm bolter
Plasma gun
Vengeance launcher
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Use different tactics when fighting against other classes. When going against an Assault
Marine or Raptor, don’t let them get in close. Shoot them at medium to long range since they
have the advantage in melee combat. On the other hand, when you must take on a Devastator
or Havoc, you are better off getting in close—if you can. If possible, use blind grenades to
stun them and then sprint in for melee combat.
When playing as a Devastator or Havoc, it is important to keep the enemies at a distance. That
is where you have the advantage. Don’t let enemies in close, especially Assault Marines or
Raptors, or you are in trouble. Because your weapons require two hands to operate, you don’t
have any melee weapons. Instead, you can only kick at your enemies.
Plasma cannon
Chaos bolter
Space Marine features a fast-paced
competitive multiplayer mode that will
pit Space Marines vs. Chaos Space
Marines in 8 vs. 8 matches. Multiplayer
also features a full-customization
system, weapon and perk unlocks,
and challenges to keep even the most
hardcore player coming back for more.
Assault Marine/Raptor
The Assault Marine and Chaos Raptor are experts in close combat. Their jump-packs
allow them to quickly move around the battlefield and perform a devastating groundpound attack from the air. They can equip powerful melee weaponry, including the
chainsword, power axe, and thunder hammer, along with sidearms like the bolt pistol
and plasma pistol.
Space Marine offers two different multiplayer game modes. Each offers exciting
combat and challenges.
Seize Ground
Each team fights to control a series of objectives. Earn points
as long as your team holds the objectives. The match is over
when one team reaches the score limit.
Go after the objectives as quickly as possible, sending your
Assault Marines or Raptors to grab them quickly. Then move
in your Devastators or Havocs to hold them against enemy
attacks. It is important to balance defending with attacking
and taking objectives from your enemies.
When playing as an Assault Marine or Raptor, your main job is to jump right on top of your
enemies and hit them with a ground-pound attack, finishing them off with your melee weapon.
If you start taking a lot of fire, jump to a safer position.
This class is all about melee combat. As such, Assault Marines and Raptors get all of
the melee weapons and a jump-pack to quickly get in close to enemies. In addition,
since they can move quickly across a battlefield, use this class to capture positions
and hold them until other classes on your team arrive. You must be Level 3 in order
to play as this class.
Weapons and Equipment: assault marine
Bolt pistol
Power axe
Plasma pistol
Thunder hammer
The objective here is simple: Score points by killing the enemy
more times than they kill you. Claim victory by being the first
team to reach the score limit before time expires or having
the highest score when time expires.
Even though the only objective in this mode is to kill the
enemy, it is important to play as a team. Use a variety of
classes working together to kill more enemies than they kill
of you. It is a good idea to always stay with a squadmate
and focus your fire or attacks on a single target at a time to
defeat them quickly, then move on to another target. Staying
with a squadmate also helps provide additional protection
and firepower in case more than one enemy comes after you.
Weapons and Equipment: raptor
Chaos bolt pistol
Chain axe
Chaos plasma pistol
Daemon maul
Chaos chainsword
Power sword Chain Attacks
The power sword is a unique melee weapon that can be
carried by Assault Marines or Raptors.
Shoulder bash
Foot stomp
Backhand strike Strike + strike
Strike + strike +
Backhand slash Strike + strike +
strike + strike
Strike + stun
Strike + strike +
Strike + strike +
strike + stun
Light damage
Medium damage
Medium-heavy damage
Heavy damage
Light interrupt to single target
Medium interrupt to targets in a
narrow wedge
Heavy interrupt to targets in a
large wedge
Super-heavy interrupt to all
enemies in radius around you.
You gain experience in several ways
during multiplayer games. Kill enemies
and capture objectives to earn experience points, or XP. In addition, you can
get bonus XP by performing special
attacks or kills.
Here are the ways you can earn XP and the amount you get:
Round win
Death from Below
Death from Above
Victory in Death
Killstreak x3
Killstreak x4
Killstreak x5
Killstreak x6
Killstreak x7
Killstreak x8
Killstreak x9
Max Killstreak
Max Killstreak (11+)
Double Kill
Triple Kill
Quad Kill
Mega Kill
*Cap and Uncap points are
awarded only for Seize Ground
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Power Sword
Earning XP
Levels and Unlocks
Unlocks by Level (continued)
Level Increases
Total XP
Total XP
Total XP
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Level 11
Level 12
Level 13
Level 14
Level 15
Level 16
Level 17
Level 18
Level 19
Level 20
Level 21
Level 22
Level 23
Level 24
Level 25
Level 26
Level 27
Level 28
Level 29
Level 30
Level 31
Level 32
Level 33
Total XP
Level 34
Level 35
Level 36
Level 37
Level 38
Level 39
Level 40
Level 41
Devastator Items
TacticalClass Perks
Devastator- AssaultClass Perks Class Perks
Artificer Armor
True Grit
Favor of the
Loadout 4
Loadout 5
Loadout 6
New Armor
Level Tactical
As you gain XP, you also increase in level and unlock new weapons, items, and perks.
Get all the way to Level 41 and you unlock a special set of armor for both Space Marines and
Chaos Space Marines.
Unlocks by Level
Level Tactical
Bolt pistol
TacticalClass Perks
eye bolter
Feel No Pain,
Tactical Readout, Signum
Teleport Homer
Fast Stomp
Plasma Pistol
2nd Perk
Storm bolter/
twin bolter
Kill 5 enemies
Kill 15 enemies
Kill 5 enemies
Kill 15 enemies
Kill 30 enemies
Kill 30 enemies
Kill 150 enemies
+250 XP
+750 XP
Bolt pistol magazine and
+1,500 XP
+10,000 XP
Kill 150 enemies
+250 XP
+750 XP
Plasma heat sink and
+1,500 XP
+10,000 XP
Kill 5 enemies
Kill 25 enemies
Kill 10 enemies
Kill 25 enemies
Kill 50 enemies
Kill 50 enemies
Kill 250 enemies
Perform 5
Perform 15
Perform 30
Perform 100
+300 XP
+1,250 XP
Kraken bolts and +2,500
+15,000 XP
+250 XP
+750 XP
Bolter Targeter and
+1,500 XP
Elite Ferocity
+7,500 XP
Supreme Ferocity
Kill 250 enemies
Perform 5
Perform 15
Perform 30
Perform 100
+500 XP
+1,250 XP
Rapid-fire reload and
+2,500 XP
+15,000 XP
Elite Ferocity
Iron Halo/
Chaos Icon
Death from
Storm Bolter/Twin Bolter
Loadout 3
Melta gun
Supreme Ferocity
+250 XP
+750 XP
Improved Twin-Link and
+1,500 XP
+7,500 XP
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Loadout 2
Plasma Pistol
Plasma gun
Bolt Pistol
Serrated combat Reactive blast
During multiplayer games, you can earn extra XP and unlock perks by completing weapon challenges, and you can unlock types of armor by completing armor
challenges. Each weapon and armor has its own challenges. Following are the
challenges and their corresponding rewards.
Weapon Challenges
Power axe/
chain axe
Furious Charge,
Blast Off, Sure
Devastator- AssaultClass Perks Class Perks
Loadout 1
Heavy bolter
Devastator Items
Stalker Bolter/Daemon Eye Bolter
Kill 10 enemies
Kill 25 enemies
Kill 10 enemies
Kill 25 enemies
Kill 10 enemies
Kill 25 enemies
Kill 10 enemies
Kill 25 enemies
Kill 50 enemies
Kill 50 enemies
Kill 50 enemies
Kill 250 enemies
Perform 2
headshot kills
Perform 5
headshot kills
Perform 15
headshot kills
Perform 50
headshot kills
Kill 250 enemies
Perform 3 multikills
Kill 250 enemies
+500 XP
+1,250 XP
Swordsman’s Zeal and
+2,500 XP
+15,000 XP
Perform 8 multikills
+800 XP
Kill 250 enemies
Kill 5 enemies at
extreme range
Kill 15 enemies at
extreme range
Kill 30 enemies at
extreme range
Kill 100 enemies at
extreme range
+500 XP
+1,250 XP
Lascannon capacitors
and +2,500 XP
+15,000 XP
Kill 50 enemies
+500 XP
+1,250 XP
Vengeance projectiles
and +2,500 XP
+15,000 XP
+300 XP
+500 XP
+1,250 XP
Stalker ammo reserves
and +2,500 XP
+15,000 XP
Elite Marksman
Plasma Gun
+250 XP
Burst fire and +750 XP
+5,000 XP
Elite Potency
Supreme Potency
Perform 16
Perform 36
Vengeance payload and
+1,600 XP
Kill 10 enemies
Kill 25 enemies
Kill 10 enemies
Kill 25 enemies
Kill 50 enemies
Kill 50 enemies
Kill 200 enemies
Kill 5 enemies with
the plasma gun’s
charged shot
Kill 15 enemies
with the plasma
gun’s charged shot
Kill 35 enemies
with the plasma
gun’s charged shot
Kill 100 enemies
with the plasma
gun’s charged shot
+500 XP
+1,250 XP
Improved plasma charge
and +2,500 XP
+15,000 XP
Kill 250 enemies
Perform 3 multikills
+500 XP
+1,250 XP
Improved melta charge
and +2,500 XP
+15,000 XP
+300 XP
Perform 8 multikills
+800 XP
Perform 16
Perform 36
Additional melta fuel and
+1,600 XP
Supreme Prowess
+250 XP
+750 XP
Enlarged plasma
chamber and +1,500 XP
Elite Potency
Supreme Potency
+5,000 XP
+7,500 XP
Plasma Cannon
Kill 10 enemies
Kill 25 enemies
Kill 10 enemies
Kill 25 enemies
Kill 50 enemies
Kill 50 enemies
Kill 250 enemies
Perform 5
Perform 15
Perform 30
Perform 100
+500 XP
+1,250 XP
Heavy bolter expertise
and +2,500 XP
+15,000 XP
Kill 250 enemies
Perform 3 multikills
+500 XP
+1,250 XP
Plasma heat sink and
+2,500 XP
+15,000 XP
+300 XP
Perform 8 multikills
+800 XP
Perform 16
Perform 36
Improved plasma charge
and +1,600 XP
Supreme Ferocity
Lascannon stabilizers
and +1,500 XP
Kill 10 enemies
Kill 25 enemies
+7,500 XP
Kill 50 enemies
Kill 250 enemies
+500 XP
+1,250 XP
Axeman’s Zeal and
+2,500 XP
+15,000 XP
Kill 10 enemies
Kill 25 enemies
Kill 50 enemies
Kill 250 enemies
+500 XP
+1,250 XP
Killing Blow and +2,500
+15,000 XP
+250 XP
+750 XP
Heavy bolter coolant and
+1,500 XP
+7,500 XP
Elite Potency
Supreme Potency
+5,000 XP
Power Sword
Kill 10 enemies
Kill 25 enemies
Kill 50 enemies
Kill 250 enemies
+500 XP
+1,250 XP
Power Swordsman’s Zeal
and +2,500 XP
+15,000 XP
Armor Challenges
Mk8 “Errant” Power Armor
Veteran’s Power Armor
Win 5 games as a
Space Marine
Win 15 games as a
Space Marine
Win 50 games as a
Space Marine
Win 150 games as
a Space Marine
+250 XP
For the Emperor
Greaves and +750 XP
Breastplate and +2,500 XP
+7,500 XP
Battle-Damaged Power Armor
Kill an enemy after
Strike from
you have died (in any
multiplayer game)
Kill a total of three
Victory over Death enemies after you
have died (in any
multiplayer game)
killed three times
Sacrifice for the
while capturing a
point in Seize Ground
No Surrender, No Get killed 50 times by
Get killed 50 times by
an enemy using melee
Get killed 1,000 times
during any game mode
+100 XP
Vambraces, greaves,
and +300 XP
Defender of Man
Breastplate and
+300 XP
Shoulder pads and
+250 XP
Helmet and +250 XP
+2,000 XP
Perform 10 Savior
Kills in any multiplayer game
Perform 25 Savior
Kills in any multiplayer game
Perform 50 Savior
Kills in any multiplayer game
Perform 100 Savior
Kills in any multiplayer game
Perform 200 Savior
Kills in any multiplayer game
Perform 500 Savior
Kills in any multiplayer game
+250 XP
Vambraces, Greaves, and
+750 XP
Breastplate, backpack,
and +1,250 XP
Shoulder pads and
+2,500 XP
Helmet and +5,000 XP
+12,500 XP
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Elite Ferocity
Power Axe/Chain Axe
+750 XP
Thunder Hammer/Daemon Maul
Heavy Bolter
+250 XP
Melta Gun
Elite Prowess
Elite Snipe
Supreme Snipe
Advanced Snipe
+5,000 XP
+100 XP
Vengeance Launcher
Relic Power Armor
Requirements Reward
Angel of Death
Vambraces, greaves, and
+500 XP
Backpack and +1,000 XP
Shoulder pads and
+2,500 XP
Achieve Level 41 in
Brother in Arms
Strand with Your
Perform 10 assists
in any multiplayer
Perform 25 assists
in any multiplayer
Perform 50 assists
in any multiplayer
Perform 100
assists in any
multiplayer game
Perform 200
assists in any
multiplayer game
Perform 500
assists in any
multiplayer game
Destroy the Weak!
Perform 5 Grudge
Perform 10 Grudge
Perform 20 Grudge
Perform 40 Grudge
Perform 80 Grudge
Perform 130
Grudge Kills
Honor Guard
And They Shall
Know No Fear
Helmet and +5,000 XP
+10,000 XP
Mk 4 Power Armor
+100 XP
Breastplate, backpack,
and +500 XP
Shoulder pads and
+1,000 XP
Win 5 games as
Win 15 games as
Unholy Triumph
Win 30 games as
Tainted Conquest
Win 50 games as
Black Crusade
Win 100 games as
Heresy Ascendant
Death to the False Win 150 games as
Dark Victory
Daemon Armor
Ultramarines Champion
Veteran of Graia
Complete the Space
Marine campaign
Armor of Scorn
Greaves and +250 XP
No Mercy! No
Perform 5 Revenge
Perform 15
Revenge Kills
Perform 30
Revenge Kills
Perform 50
Revenge Kills
Perform 75
Revenge Kills
Perform 125
Revenge Kills
Ultramarines Champion
+250 XP
Vambraces, greaves, and
+750 XP
Breastplate, backpack,
and +1,500 XP
Shoulder pads and
+2,500 XP
Helmet and +3,750 XP
+7,000 XP
Helmet and +2,000 XP
+5,000 XP
Achieve Level 41 in
+250 XP
Vambraces, greaves, and
+750 XP
Breastplate, backpack,
and +1,500 XP
Shoulder pads and
+2,500 XP
Helmet and +5,000 XP
Champion of
+7,500 XP
Kill the Loyalist!
Kill 40 enemies as
Kill 80 enemies as
Kill 120 enemies as
Kill 250 enemies
as Chaos
Kill 500 enemies
as Chaos
Kill 1,000 enemies
as Chaos
Blood Disciples Armor
Daemon Armor
Close Quarters
Wet Work
Chosen of Nemeroth Armor
Face to Face
Chosen of
Complete the Space
Marine campaign
Chosen armor
Draped in Blood
Kill 20 enemies in
close combat
Kill 25 enemies in
close combat
Kill 50 enemies in
close combat
Kill 100 enemies in
close combat
Kill 200 enemies in
close combat
Kill 500 enemies in
close combat
+300 XP
Vambraces and +600 XP
Breastplate and
+1,000 XP
Shoulder pads and
+2,500 XP
Helmet and +5,000 XP
+10,000 XP
+100 XP
Vambraces and +250 XP
Breastplate and +500
Shoulder pads and
+1,000 XP
Helmet and +2,000 XP
+5,000 XP
Once you reach Level 4, you unlock the Customizer, which
lets you modify not only your weapons and equipment, but
also the visual look of your character. You can save different
character designs to quickly toggle between before matches.
When you first open the Customizer, you can choose to edit
your wargear or your appearance. Let’s take a closer look at
all of your customization options.
Armor of Rage
+250 XP
Vambraces, greaves, and
+500 XP
Breastplate, backpack,
and +1,000 XP
Shoulder pads and
+2,000 XP
Blood Spilled
Helmet and +4,000 XP
River of Blood
+6,500 XP
Blood for the
Blood God!
Perform 2 Killstreaks
as Chaos
Perform 5 Killstreaks
as Chaos
Perform 10 Killstreaks
as Chaos
Perform 25 Killstreaks
as Chaos
Perform 50 Killstreaks
as Chaos
Perform 100
Killstreaks as Chaos
+200 XP
Vambraces, greaves, and
+500 XP
Breastplate, backpack,
and +1,000 XP
Shoulder pads and
+2,500 XP
Helmet and +5,000 XP
+10,000 XP
You can modify your wargear loadouts for each class for both
Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines. First select which
class and race you want to modify and a Loadout menu
appears. Here you can select your primary weapon and your
special equipment. Assault Marines and Raptors can also select
their pistol in addition to their primary melee weapon. You can
carry one item of special equipment. All classes can choose
from three different special equipment types. Frag grenades are
available when you are Level 1. They function in the same way
as the frag grenades in the campaign game. However, as you
advance in level, you can unlock more special equipment. Blind
grenades temporarily hinder a player’s ability to see clearly for a short amount of time and cause a small
amount of damage. Combat stimulants reduce damage taken and allow you to keep fighting longer.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Armor of Hate
Vambraces, greaves, and
+600 XP
Breastplate, backpack,
and +1,000 XP
Shoulder pads and
+2,500 XP
+10,000 XP
Mk6 “Corvus” Power Armor
Requirements Reward
+300 XP
Helmet and +5,000 XP
Mk4 “Maximus” Power Armor
Requirements Reward
Raptor Shock Armor
+200 XP
Kill 40 enemies as
a Space Marine
Kill 80 enemies as
a Space Marine
Kill 120 enemies as
a Space Marine
Kill 250 enemies
as a Space Marine
Kill 500 enemies
as a Space Marine
Kill 1,000 enemies
as a Space Marine
Black Crusader Armor
Perform 2
Killstreaks as a
Space Marine
Perform 5
Killstreaks as a
Space Marine
Perform 10
Killstreaks as a
Space Marine
Perform 25
Killstreaks as a
Space Marine
Perform 50
Killstreaks as a
Space Marine
100 Killstreaks as
a Space Marine
Master-Crafted Power Armor
Requirements Reward
At the Modify Appearance menu, you
can choose a chapter and use its color
scheme. There are several chapters from
which to choose for both the Space
Marines and Chaos Space Marines. This
is a quick way to pick a color scheme.
Equip perks in the Customizer screen
to tailor your Marine to your play style.
There are two different types of perks,
and only one perk can be equipped
until you unlock a second perk slot at
Level 15. Combine perks to create a
loadout that complements your favorite
play style.
In addition to modifying the weapons your Space Marine
or Chaos Space Marine carries into combat, you can also
customize their appearance. First select which race you want
to modify, and then select from five appearance slots. If you
have completed the campaign game, then you also have a
Chapter Armor set as well. Highlight one of the appearance
slots and press the button that appears onscreen to edit it.
Class Perks
In addition to selecting a chapter, you
can also customize the armor your
character wears. To select new armor,
you must first unlock it by completing
armor challenges. You can choose all of
the pieces of an armor set or individually
customize the nine different parts of the
armor from helmet to greaves and even
your backpack.
Earn class perks by gaining levels during multiplayer games. Class perks affect
your character’s base behavior, such as improving your armor regeneration rate or
allowing you to take more items. These vary by the class you choose to play as.
Tactical Space Marine/Chaos Space Marine–Class Perks
Now you can select the colors for your armor. You can paint your armor all one color or paint each piece.
Select the primary color and the detail color. You can apply a pattern by pressing 3 or pwhen applying
paint schemes. This divides the armor in half with two different colors—one on each side.
Favor of the Armory
Larraman’s Blessing
Master-Crafted Wargear
Rapid Deployment
Serrated Combat Blade
Tactical Readout
Teleport Homer
Weapon Versatility
Increases the number of special equipment carried (frag grenades, blind grenades, or combat stims)
Significantly improved Health-regeneration rate.
Increased equipment effectiveness (frag grenades, blind grenades, or combat stims)
Reduced time before returning to battle
Increased close-combat damage
Armor and Health indicators are displayed above opposing players.
Allies reentering combat may do so at your position (so long as you remain alive).
An additional weapon can be equipped.
Devastator/Havoc-Class Perks
While you are customizing your armor, you can rotate your character
around to view it from all angles. With all of the customization
options, there are millions of possible combinations so that no two
players should ever have the same appearance. Have fun with the
Customizer and let your armor reflect your personality and play style.
Do you want everyone to know you are on the battlefield? Then go
with bright colors. However, if you prefer a more stealthy approach,
pick colors that blend in with the environment. You can save up to
five different appearances, so you can quickly select an appropriate
one for the upcoming battle.
Ammunition Stores
Artificer Armor
Fast Stomp
Feel No Pain
Furious Stomp
Iron Halo/Chaos Icon
Reactive Blast
Signum Link
Start with twice the standard amount of ammunition
Greatly reduced delay before armor begins regenerating
The stomp (stun attack) is executed much more quickly
Increased resistance to damage from close-combat weapons and explosives
Increased damage and area of effect when executing a stomp
Markedly increased armor
When your armor is broken, you emit an area-of-effect blast, damaging nearby attackers
Enemies appear more clearly when viewing the battlefield.
Assault Marine/Raptor-Class Perks
Air-Cooled Thrusters
Blast Off
Death from Above
Final Vengeance
Furious Charge
Sure Strike
True Grit
Increases the jump-pack power recharge rate between jumps
Engine exhaust when jumping away causes damage to enemies.
Improved Damage when executing a ground pound with a jump-pack.
When you are killed, your jump-pack detonates, causing damage to all nearby enemies.
Charge (sprint + strike) causes increased damage.
Increased resistance to damage from ranged weapons
Improves the effectiveness of the Interrupt attacks (stun)
Equip the bolter in place of the bolt pistol, holding it one-handed.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Finally, you can customize your shoulder badges. There are
several badges from many different chapters, allowing you to
finish up your character with style.
Weapon Perks
Earn weapon perks by completing challenges unique to that weapon. Weapon
perks affect your weapon’s base behavior, such as improving the firing rate or
increasing the starting ammo.
Tactical Space Marine/Chaos Space Marine Weapon Perks
Bolter Targeter
Kraken Bolts
Burst Fire
Stalker Ammo Reserves
Enlarged Plasma Chamber
Improved Plasma Charge
Additional Melta Fuel
Improved Melta Charge
Improved Twin-Link
Rapid-Fire Reload
Vengeance Payload
Vengeance Projectiles
Increased accuracy with the bolter.
Bolter deals more damage to enemy armor and can punch through targets.
The stalker bolter and Darmon eye bolter fires two-round bursts instead of one shot.
The stalker bolter and Darmon eye bolter have increased ammunition stores.
The plasma gun carries more energy.
Reduces the time it takes to fire a charged shot.
The melta gun has an increased fuel capacity.
The melta gun chamber is recharged more quickly.
Improved handling when firing a storm bolter or twin bolter from the hip.
Increased reload speed for the storm bolter or twin bolter.
The Graia-pattern vengeance launcher carries additional fusion charges.
The Graia-pattern vengeance launcher can have more active fusion charges at one time.
Devastator/Havoc Weapon Perks
Heavy Bolter Coolant
Heavy Bolter Expertise
Lascannon Capacitors
Lascannon Stabilizers
Improved Plasma Charge
Plasma Heat Sink
Greatly reduced heat buildup for the heavy bolter.
Markedly reduced time to change to and from braced stand with the heavy bolter.
Improved capacitor-loading speed.
The lascannon handles better when firing.
Reduces the time it takes to fire a charged shot.
The plasma cannon generates less heat with each shot.
Assault Marine/Raptor Weapon Perks
Bolt Pistol Magazine
Plasma Heat Sink
Swordsman’s Zeal
Axeman’s Zeal
Killing Blow
Power Swordsman’s Zeal
The bolt pistol holds additional rounds per clip.
The plasma pistol vents heat much faster.
Regain some health with every successful strike of the chainsword.
Regain some health with every successful strike of the power axe or chain axe.
Strikes with the thunder hammer or Daemon maul kill all opponents with a single direct blow.
Regain some health with every successful strike of the power sword.
After you collect a servo skull, you can access the recordings
at any time by selecting “Audio Log” in the Pause menu.
Some recordings are divided among three or more skulls, so
you need to find them all to get the complete story.
This section helps you find all of the servo skulls in the
campaign. We reveal the locations of each and give you
access to the complete transcripts for each recording,
organized by the person or persons who recorded the log.
Servo Skull Locations (in order of appearance in campaign)
Recording Name
Audio Log: Workshift
465 (1/5)
2: Chapter Start
Behind explosive hazards, immediately after encountering
the first set of Gretchins
Journal: Guardsman
Alexander (1/5)
2: Chapter Start
After reuniting with Leandros, as you head into the trenches
Audio Log: Medicae
Station Ventris (1/5)
2: The Trenches
After exiting the Imperial Guard command bunker, in the
second bunker in the trenches
Battlefield Log: 2nd Lt.
Mira (1/5)
2: No Man’s Land
In the last of a series of ruined rooms after using sniping at
Orks up on buildings
Journal: Guardsman
Alexander (2/5)
2: No Man’s Land
First bunker in the Ork-held trenches
Duty Log: Transmechanic Petronius (1/5)
3: Chapter Start
Gun battery entrance area, in the room to the right with rubble
blocking the doorway
Battlefield Log: 2nd Lt.
Mira (2/5)
3: Armory
After getting off the lift on the lower floor, the skull is straight
ahead by an ammo cache
Audio Log: Medicae
Station Ventris (2/5)
4: Train Station
Along the first train station walkway; upstairs and to left, on a
raised platform
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Campaign Chapter #/
Throughout the campaign, you can find 48 servo skulls
scattered about. Collecting them earns you two different
achievements/trophies, and each servo skull contains an
audio recording made by people on Graia prior to the arrival
of Captain Titus and the squad of Ultramarines. The recordings provide a glimpse into the lives of the people of the
Forge World. It also provides some interesting backstory into
the events in which you are engaged during the campaign.
Servo Skulls
Servo Skull Locations (in order of appearance in campaign)
Recording Name
Campaign Chapter #/
5: Chapter Start
After seeing the Ork crane and fighting through Orks in the
lower cargo area, skull is located by a crate to the right of the
ramp leading up
Personal Message:
Worker Nathaniel (2/5)
8: Jump-Pack
After getting jump-pack and jumping up to the first platform,
in a room directly ahead on an upper level—you must use
jump-pack to reach it
Encrypted Report:
Inquisitor Drogan (1/5)
5: Cargo Bay
After riding down the elevator, in Imperial Guard–held corridor
Encrypted Report:
Inquisitor Drogan (5/5)
8: Jump-Pack
After the first fight with a few Orks, past the Rok that’s on fire,
to the right of the staircase
Audio Log: Workshift
465 (2/5)
6: Chapter Start
After using the augur station to locate the Inquisitor, on lower
catwalk to the left as you proceed toward next elevator
Audio Log: Workshift
465 (4/5)
8: Jump-Pack
In first arena where you fight the Weirdboy; go down some
stairs from a walkway along the side
Encrypted Report:
Inquisitor Drogan (2/5)
6: Chapter Start
In forge area, on a platform overlooking the conveyor before
the exit door
Journal: Inquisitor
Drogan (1/10)
8: Jump-Pack
After exiting arena with first Weirdboy fight, go to the end of a
large area and jump over some rubble instead of turning right
to enter another arena
Duty Log: Transmechanic Petronius (2/5)
7: Chapter Start
After the second major fight with Orks in the sewers, in the
left circular sewer entrance at the exit of the area
Audio Log: Workshift
465 (5/5)
8: Jump-Pack
After getting previous skull and heading to next arena,
jump up to a platform on the right, then up again to a higher
platform with a statue
Audio Log: Medicae
Station Ventris (3/5)
7: Chapter Start
While moving along catwalks, skull is to the left behind some
explosives and rubble
Personal Message:
Worker Nathaniel (3/5)
9: Kalkys Outskirts
When you come to a broken bridge, go left to a dead end
Audio Log: Medicae
Station Ventris (4/5)
8: Chapter Start
After moving through first hab block and dropping down to
street level, in a corridor on the left side, under the corridor
you dropped down from
Audio Log: Medicae
Station Ventris (5/5)
9: Kalkys Outskirts
By crashed Valkyrie gunship
Encrypted Report:
Inquisitor Drogan (3/5)
8: Chapter Start
In hab block after ambush by Shoota Boyz, inside first room
on right
Battlefield Log: 2nd Lt.
Mira (3/5)
9: Kalkys Outskirts
At the end of the canal section, behind some rubble on left
before heading up ramp
Audio Log: Workshift
465 (3/5)
8: Chapter Start
Corridor upstairs from previous skull, in room on left
Duty Log: Transmechanic Petronius (3/5)
10: Chapter Start
After the end of the first corridor with turrets on rails; go down
the corridor on the right to the end
Personal Message:
Worker Nathaniel (1/5)
8: Street Warfare
Underground corridor in between hab blocks, to the right by
an ammo cache
Duty Log: Transmechanic Petronius (4/5)
10: The Labs
In a side room in the second laboratory area
Encrypted Report:
Inquisitor Drogan (4/5)
8: Street Warfare
Upper area of big fight with Orks before the ramp to the
Journal: Inquisitor
Drogan (2/10)
10: Security Room
In the Weapon Core room, on a walkway branching off from
the central area, next to a locked door
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Journal: Guardsman
Alexander (3/5)
Campaign Chapter #/
Recording Name
Servo Skull Locations (in order of appearance in campaign)
Servo Skull Locations (in order of appearance in campaign)
Recording Name
Campaign Chapter #/
12: Chapter Start
After dropping down from the bridge, go upstairs and turn left,
then past some explosives and rubble
Journal: Inquisitor
Drogan (7/10)
13: Free the Titan
After squadmates split off from you, head up the ramp to the
left of the elevator
Journal: Inquisitor
Drogan (3/10)
12: Chapter Start
Along the side of a large room with a weapons cache and a
Shrine where you get the Iron Halo
Inquisitor Attacked
13: Free the Titan
In a room off the walkway where you fight the first Chaos
Battlefield Log: 2nd Lt.
Mira (4/5)
12: Chapter Start
After an Ork vs. Chaos fight, up some stairs in a hab block, in
a room on the upper floor
Journal: Inquisitor
Drogan (8/10)
15: Chapter Start
In the cargo room after getting off of the lift
Journal: Guardsman
Alexander (4/5)
12: Enemies Aplenty
After reuniting with Lt. Mira, against the wall near a weapons
cache in area where you fight Orks
Personal Message:
Worker Nathaniel (5/5)
15: Traitor’s Arena
After fighting a small group of Renegades, look in a destroyed
pipe on the right side
Journal: Inquisitor
Drogan (4/10)
12: Enemies Aplenty
After elevator ride with Lt. Mira, down a long corridor, in a
room to the right
Inquisitor Attacked
15: Traitor’s Arena
Near weapon cache before major fight with Chaos forces
Duty Log: Transmechanic Petronius (5/5)
12: Bastion Primus
Next to Shrine containing Plasma Gun
Journal: Inquisitor
Drogan (9/10)
16: Ascent
Next to statue and weapons cache after first Psyker
Journal: Guardsman
Alexander (5/5)
12: Bastion Primus
In trenches immediately after leaving squad and Lt. Mira, near
a weapons cache
Journal: Inquisitor
Drogan (10/10)
16: Vertigo
On a floating platform from where a Chaos Space Marine
Battlefield Log: 2nd Lt.
Mira (5/5)
12: Bastion Primus
After entering the underground rail network, hidden behind
crates near the exit door
Inquisitor Attacked
16: Vertigo
After the attack by a Chaos Drone, head along walkway to the
Journal: Inquisitor
Drogan (5/10)
13: Chapter Start
In area with catwalks where you fight against Chaos, on a
room off to the left before you exit
Journal: Inquisitor
Drogan (6/10)
13: Free the Titan
Along the main corridor you travel, off to the left after going
through a doorway
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Personal Message:
Worker Nathaniel (4/5)
Campaign Chapter #/
Recording Name
Servo Skull Locations (in order of appearance in campaign)
Servo Skull Transcripts
Servo skull recording of events
on Graia: conversations between
assembly-line worker Lilith and welder
Caleb, during their work shift at
Manufactorum Ajakis.
Caleb, there you are. The Shiring brothers are
saying we’re under attack!
The brothers are idiots, Lilith.
They saw rocks in the sky.
Xenos, here? Damned unlikely.
Situation: Conversations showing
the start of the Ork invasion from
the perspective of workers at
Manufactorum Ajakis.
The Orks have reached the Western territories.
That’s close, Caleb.
Not when all the planetary defenses—and
the Skitarii manning them—stand between us
and them.
First you don’t believe there’s an invasion, and
Situation: Continued conversations
Lilith, we have a far better chance of being killed
on the assembly line than by a far-away Ork.
I say we stay here. This factory is a far better
place than the hab blocks to make a last stand.
VOICE OF GRAIA (loudspeaker)
Workers, take your stations. Be productive, be
A last stand? You’re no Skitarii, Caleb.
Situation: Conversations showing
the start of the Ork invasion from
the perspective of workers at
Manufactorum Ajakis.
I’m surprised you showed up. There’s no one
VOICE OF GRAIA (on loudspeaker)
Workers, alert. Xenos presence detected. This
is not a drill.
If I’m going to die today, I want to face it
straight on.
You stubborn fool—you are not going to die
today! There’s got to be a place we can hide.
I didn’t know where else to go.
Situation: Continued conversations.
VOICE OF GRAIA (loudspeaker)
Workers, assemble.
What took you so long?
People are saying the Skitarii are dead.
I saw them. The Orks are in the loading bays.
Help me drag this over.
I think people are right.
VOICE OF GRAIA (loudspeaker)
The increase in worker absences has been
noted. Delinquent workers will be disciplined.
Caleb, what are we going to do?
Why are you blocking the door? This room
isn’t safe enough—we have to go, Caleb!
VOICE OF GRAIA (on loudspeaker)
Workers, evacuate. Xenos detected. Your
safety is not guaranteed.
It’s too late, Lilith. There’s nowhere to run.
Not in the disease ward, Dominus. What’s
wrong with her?
Ork projectile to the leg, Magos Cassia.
Amputations are down the hall.
Very well. I shall prepare for the implant
No implants. Just get rid of her leg and stitch
her up fast.
We’re at war—
Situation: At Medic Station Ventris,
Senior Medic Cassia and Junior Medic
Dominus struggle to treat casualties
of war.
—has a deep wound to the arm. Signs of
blood poisoning.
That’s from an Ork choppa. We can’t stop
him from going septic. Make him comfortable
and move on.
Journal: Guardsman Alexander
The Orks are beating us bad. We’re completely
outnumbered—every time you kill one of the
bastards, feels like a dozen take their place.
I want to be strong—to say everything’s all
right, but it’s not.
And my mate Gareth. An Ork chopped his leg
off and he bled out—nothing I could do.
The dead are everywhere.
Personal message cache: Guardsman Thomas
The officers are all dead. A second lieutenant’s
taken over. She’s keeping us focused—
Must be winter back home. No snow here,
that’s for certain.
We’ve been diverted to a Forge World under
Ork attack. The defenders are all dead, the
Orks are killing everyone on the planet, and
we’re the only Imperial Guard in the sector.
The fleet’s on the way—but they’re a couple
of weeks out.
We’re in for a hard fight.
Personal message, Guardsman Alexander.
I’ll be quick.
Wait—we’re moving out. More soon.
Personal message cache, Guardsman Alexander.
Stinking, rotting…we burn the bodies when
we can, but the fire attracts more Orks.
If you stop and think about the billions dead
here, you’ll go mad.
But no matter where you go, you find the
people of this world . . . all dead, all waiting
for help that never came.
Today was a good day.
We were clearing a foundry of Orks when I
heard banging from inside the furnace.
Good thing I didn’t throw a grenade inside,
because it was full of civilians—starving,
scared, some no more than kids, but still alive.
It cheered everyone up to see them. Gives us
something worth fighting for, you know?
Now we’ve just got to keep the Orks away
from them.
ALEXANDER (in pain, delirious)
I moved too slow… got shot in the gut.
Stupid of me.
Doesn’t hurt now, though—the medics gave
me something. But they’re not stitching me
up. I wish they would.
Is it winter back home?
Did I ask that?
There’s something wrong with me. . . .
That’s it, then. Bar the doors.
Unfortunately, yes—in my first Ork invasion,
which I hoped would be my last. Yet, here I
am again. Right, who’s next—
You’re closing the infirmary?
Situation: Continued conversations
We’re almost out of sterile dressings. I haven’t
even begun to treat the new burn victims.
You can’t treat them. Give them something
for pain. But that is all.
I am a Magos Biologis. No wound or malady
is beyond me.
You are in a triage situation. Observe, analyze,
and decide who we can save.
Situation: Continued conversations
There’s no room for them in the south ward.
Put them on the second level.
It’s completely full. That’s where I’ve been
moving the dying.
We are being overrun. We must focus on the
wounded already under our care. This is the
only way. Take the servitors to keep the crowds
Situation: Continued conversations
Radio says the Orks are two streets away.
Help me with this, Dominus. Hurry.
What are you injecting him with—stop!
This is a fatal dose!
Yes, it is. I have enough for every patient.
You’re murdering them now?
I’m showing them mercy. In ten minutes,
the Orks will break through those doors and
slaughter them all in their beds. Better to die
in peace before that. It’s the last thing I can do
for them.
Battlefield Log: 2nd Lt. Mira
Servo skull recording of events on
Graia: Imperial Guard in the midst of
battle with Orks.
Just get the ship out of orbit, pilot.
Lieutenant Mira! The Orks cut off our
Damn it—I suggest we move the unit to a
more defensible position, sir.
Do it. And make sure—
Situation: Servo skull recording events
on Graia; Imperial Guard under heavy
Not enough cover—
Get down, get down!
(agonizing scream)
Hold on, Captain! Get me a medipack!
Situation: Servo skull recording events
on Graia; Imperial Guard at their
outpost in between attacks.
We’re all going to die out here—
You are an Imperial Guardsman. Start acting
like one!
But, Lieutenant—
Situation: Servo skull recording events
on Graia; Imperial Guard at their
outpost planning an attack.
Send a runner to the depot at Position Alpha.
Let’s go.
You’re not leading this raid, are you?
Of course I am.
Lieutenant, we need you in one piece. Let’s
face it—you’re holding us together out here,
and if you get—
We’re not dead yet! So do your bloody job
and defend the line before they—
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Situation: Thomas Alexander, 20, is a
low-ranking Imperial Guardsman sent
to Forge World Graia with a small
detachment of soldiers. These are his
private journals.
You’ve seen these kinds of wounds before?
VOICE OF GRAIA (on loudspeaker)
Workers, assemble.
now you’re not worried about it at all.
Servo skull recording of events on
Graia: At Medic Station Ventris,
Senior Medic Cassia and Junior Medic
Dominus deal with the injured and
dead—casualties of the Ork invasion.
Audio Log: Workshift 465
Audio Log: Medicae Station Ventris
Battlefield Log: 2nd Lt. Mira (continued)
Have some faith, Sampson. In the dark we
might catch those Orks off their guard. Unless
But a nighttime assault?
Still don’t think this is a good idea.
Benjamin, plans have changed.
didn’t want to be ridiculed. And today I heard
voices—the signal’s an Ork fleet heading
straight for Graia!
Transmechanic Second-Class Petronius, entering
duty log 31127.
You should have seen the shock on his face. If
he’d believed me a week ago, we would have
had that much more warning.
Communications console functioning: normal.
Issues of note: one.
He was wrong—I was right.
I detected a signal that should not have been
there, but Transmechanic First-Class Aleric
refused to believe me.
Yes, I’ve made mistakes before. That pulsar I
thought was a Tau warship. Missing the signal
from the Fabricator General’s transport.
That’s when I told Aleric.
The Orks have thrown my duties into chaos.
I only get distress calls now. “The xenos are
here,” “The hab block’s on fire.”
And today, Transmechanic Aleric insisted I
contact every single planetary defense outpost.
But I am not wrong every time!
There’s something approaching from the far
side of the sun.
I know it.
A hundred stations! He just didn’t want to do
it himself.
None of the stations picked up. When I told
him that, Aleric rushed off.
I was right! For days, I tracked that signal
coming from beyond the sun. I didn’t tell
Transmechanic First-Class Aleric because I
No acknowledgment, no thanks.
I suppose even an Ork invasion cannot change
some people.
The Orks broke into the temple.
I couldn’t hear them—I was plugged into my
Then someone crashed into me, hard, from
behind—it was Transmechanic Aleric.
He had an Ork axe in his chest. He’d blocked
the attack meant for me.
The Ork went berserk—he grabbed for me but
only caught my robe. I ripped free and ran.
Aleric saved me.
He died, saving me.
It’s been three days since Aleric died, and the
Orks have finally left the temple.
I accessed a comm station.
The liberation fleet is en route, with Ultramarines leading an advance force. But they are
only now entering the Immaterium.
I hope I am wrong, like I’ve been so many
times before. But I fear that by the time the
Ultramarines come to our rescue, everyone on
this planet will be dead.
Encrypted Report: Inquisitor Drogan
Encoded transmission from Inquisitor Drogan
to Inquisitor Lord Sharpe.
As we’d hoped, my lord, Forge World Graia is
an ideal location to focus on my work.
Though helpful, the techpriests of the Adeptus
Mechanicus are forever curious.
Interest can easily turn to interference. . . . I
will be cautious about involving them in my
At least, for now.
My lord, the research facility is operational
ahead of schedule, thanks to the techpriests.
I’ve already begun my work to create a
stable energy matrix. Harnessing these…
unorthodox…energies is proving more
promising than I could have dreamed.
Report to Lord Sharpe
The Fabricator General of Graia shares my
vision for the power source. Today, he offered
up the Titan Manufactorum to test the device’s
capabilities. There is a risk that the power
source may overload and destroy the entire
But it is an acceptable risk.
Transmission to Inquisitor Lord Sharpe
And the techpriest does not need to know.
To Lord Sharpe:
The power source succeeded in fueling the
entire Titan Manufactorum—a remarkable
But I have not forgotten my true purpose on
Graia, my lord. I have dedicated my life to
defeating the alien horde. Now I will use the
power source in a weapon that exploits the
very weaknesses of our alien foe. . . .
To Lord Sharpe:
The weapon is working.
Integrating the power source makes this
weapon far more devastating to the alien
biology than I’d envisioned.
My lord, I believe that this weapon—this
psychic scourge—could end the alien threat
against the Imperium for all time.
I have to get her.
You’ll be back from the food depot before we
are. Tell your mother where I am when she
arrives—and both of you, stay there. Pack up
the food as best you can.
Reports are that the Orks have already
reached the manufactorum. We’ll need to
leave as soon as we’re together.
I’ll be home soon.
Benjamin, we’ve waited as long as we can.
Where are you?
They cornered your sister—she was
screaming—and your mother threw herself
at them.
When you get this message, leave
immediately—go to hab block seventy-four.
We’re going to gather with others from our
shift-group. We have your things. Come and
find us—stay safe. And hurry.
They laughed, Benjamin—the worst sound I
have ever heard—and I grabbed Hannah.
Benjamin, I feel like I’m leaving breadcrumbs
for you to follow. We can’t wait for you here.
The shift-group left without us. The whole idea
was safety in numbers, but they didn’t bother
to wait. This hab block’s completely looted.
We’re heading for Evacuation Center Epsilon.
Look for us there.
Be careful, Ben.
Benjamin, something terrible has happened.
Your mother—my Julia—
We got caught in an Ork ambush.
But your mother—they took her and they
broke her and I couldn’t—
(stops, regains control)
We made it to Epsilon Centre.
Find us, Benjamin. Please, find us.
Benjamin, we have to leave Epsilon Center. The
Orks are coming.
I’m so sorry, Ben—I can’t leave you the next
breadcrumb, because I don’t have a plan
We’ve lost your mother, and I’m so afraid
we’ve lost you, too.
I have to keep Hannah safe. That means we
can’t stay in one place long.
But I promise you, Benjamin, I will find you.
I will never stop looking.
Journal: Inquisitor Drogan
Situation: Inquisitor Drogan kept a
secret journal detailing the true nature
of his work on the Forge World. This is
his first entry.
On that fateful journey through the Warp, in
my exhausted musings, I let my guard down . .
. something a psyker should never do.
Encrypt recording. Authorization Drogan,
Inquisitor Ordo Xenos.
My desire—my psychic will—reached out into
the Warp . . . and the Warp reached back.
I have arrived on Graia to begin my research.
This work could change the course of history.
I would be a fool to leave no record. . . . The
Imperium must not forget the good I have
done. These journals will remain sealed until
my death, for here I will speak the truth that
could damn me.
My work began with two simple questions.
On that day, my ship had just entered the
dimensional limbo of the Warp.
A spark of Warp energy appeared before me.
Tentative, flickering, and powerful—I felt it
batter my psychic shields.
My shock was absolute. I lost focus, and the
spark disappeared.
I knew I had to get it back.
With my psychic abilities, I had drawn energy
from the Warp. If I could summon it again—
contain it, control it—then perhaps I could use
it to defend the Imperium.
Most people do not like to think of the Warp’s
true nature. After all, it lets us travel between
the stars.
So, I made another interstellar journey through
the Warp. Barely daring to hope, I lowered
my psychic defenses and willed the energy to
But the Warp is the realm of Chaos.
It did.
Creatures of absolute evil—and absolute
power—take their strength directly from it.
I captured the spark in a containment device
and marveled at its potential. My work could
now begin.
So, I asked my questions: Could I tap into that
And what could I do with it?
With my psychic abilities, I had drawn energy
from the Warp.
I found a planet where I could work,
unobserved: a remote Forge World.
The Adeptus Mechanicus gave me free rein
when I told them I was developing a weapon
with a new, “unorthodox” energy source.
They know the Xenos will soon choke
humanity out of the galaxy.
If my weapon will help keep our species alive,
they will not ask questions.
Desperation cuts through bureaucracy.
Experimentation with the Warp energy is
proceeding rapidly.
I no longer need to travel into the Warp to pull
more energy into this reality.
But I am encountering . . . unexpected . . .
I was naive to think that my incursion into
Warp space had gone unnoticed.
Someone—something—has taken an interest.
When I manipulate the energies, I feel a
presence pushing against my psychic defenses,
testing them.
Testing me.
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Situation: Inquisitor Drogan records
an update to his superiors in the
Hannah hasn’t returned—I think they’re going
to close off that whole stratum.
The Orks are crossing the mainline bridge. I
have to get Hannah and your mother out of
Duty Log: Transmechanic Petronius
Situation: Duty Logs of Transmechanic
Second-Class Petronius, a techpriest
who operates a communications station
on Graia.
Situation: Nathaniel is a father and
factory worker on the run from the
Orks with his wife and daughter. He
leaves messages for his teenaged son,
Benjamin, to follow them to safety.
It’s not your call, is it? I say this is our best
chance of taking the gun.
Situation: Servo skull recording
events on Graia; Imperial Guard at
their outpost continuing planning an
Personal Message: Worker Nathaniel
Journal: Inquisitor Drogan (continued)
Running the Titan Manufactorum with it—or
rather, with the “power source”—provided a
convenient opportunity.
I designed the weapon to use the Warp
energies to target the weak points in the
Xenos brain and rupture them.
When I put it to practice, however, the
specimen’s head explodes. Distasteful, but
But this was a trivial accomplishment.
The weapon works.
The stench of aliens permeates this facility—
but it is tolerable, because it represents
I acquired specimens for experimentation: Ork,
Tau, Eldar. Even a Tyranid lictor, which nearly
caused a revolt among my techpriest allies.
The psychic attacks are increasing.
I am hearing things, now—a name, a constant
whisper in my mind.
I must withstand it.
I’ve encountered unexpected results.
The Warp energies affect different species in
different ways.
Essentially, I can tune this weapon to cause
maximum damage to whatever enemy we
face. If humans are caught in the blast wave,
they will not be harmed.
Good news, I suppose….
I have not slept in two days.
Because something completely unexpected
has happened: Orks are invading this planet.
The timing is perfect.
The Psychic Scourge weapon is nearly ready,
and millions of Orks will prove the ultimate
test subjects.
I will save this planet.
History will remember this as the moment we
turned the tide against the alien threat to our
Drogan! Inquisitor, Ordo—
Lock it down! A Daemon is in the labs!
Situation: The Chaos Daemon attacks
Inquisitor Drogan.
Authorization required to implement security
Drogan. Inquisitor, Ordo Xenos.
You can’t run, human!
Safe from you, Daemon!
Burn Them All
Brute Force...
Finesse and Fury
Complete a chapter of the
single-player campaign using
only plasma weapons
Complete a chapter of the
single-player game using only
the vengeance cannon and
power axe
Complete a chapter of the
single-player game using only
stalker-pattern bolter and
Command Squad
Reunite with your Space
Marine brothers
Into the Breach
Fight your way to the crashed
Silence the
Destroy the orbital gun
You Must Carry It
Retrieve the power source
Not So Tough
Kill 10 ’Ard Boyz
Die, Heretics
Kill 50 Chaos Space Marines
Situation: Inquisitor Drogan is dead,
killed by Chaos Daemon. The Daemon
is now completing a ritual to reanimate
and possess the Inquisitor’s corpse.
Glorious Slaughter
Kill 75 enemies using
We Take Our
Fire the Psychic Scourge
Put Them Down
Get 100 headshots
(daemonic chanting)
Kill Warboss Grimskull once
and for all
Master of the
Clean Kill
But I Am Finished
with You
Get 250 headshots
Use the Invictus to destroy
the Orbital Spire
Shock & Awe
Kill 150 enemies using the
charge attack
Hammer of the
Death from Above
Kill 25 enemies with ground
Here, at the End of
Kill Daemon Prince Nemeroth
All Things
Collect 10 Servo Skulls
The Emperor’s
Kill 10 enemies in a row in a
single ranged Fury activation
Librarian of
Collect all Servo Skulls
Feel My Wrath
Kill 250 enemies using melee
Fury attacks
Battle Brother
Get an MP character to Level
The Emperor
Complete Part 1 of the game
on Hard difficulty without
Get an MP character to Level
None Can Stand
Before You
Complete the entire game on
Hard difficulty
Get an MP character to Level
Chapter Master
Get an MP character to Level
Warrior of
Darkness and
(yell of pain)
In Nemeroth’s name—
I possess this Inquisitor.
I possess his secrets!
…is here!
So close! But how can I get to—
Nob Down
Blast Radius
Precision Killer
Chain of Death
Master of Sword
and Gun
The Warp device…
(agonized scream)
Kill 25 melee Nobs
I possess this corpse.
You will tell me. After you are dead!
(monstrous scream)
The Might of the
Kill 100 enemies
Success Is
Kill 500 enemies using melee
Measured in Blood weapons
Kill 500 enemies using
Angel of Death
ranged weapons
Visible, Violent
Kill 2,500 enemies
Kill 250 enemies using exotic
weapons (heavy bolter,
autocannon, or plasma
Win 10 struggles against the
melee Nob
Multikill—5 enemies with 1
frag grenade
Multikill—2 enemies with 1
stalker-pattern bolter shot
Multikill—Detonate a chain
of 5 consecutive vengeance
launcher rounds in the world,
killing at least 10 enemies
Complete a chapter of the
single-player campaign
using only the bolt pistol and
Jack of All Trades
Master of Arms
Keeper of the
Play 10 MP games as Space
Marine and 10 MP games as
Chaos Marine
Play each role in multiplayer
Play 10 MP games using each
Complete 5 weapon
Complete all the weapon
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Repeat authorization. Speak clearly.
The Warp device! Where is it?
The Bigger They
Inquisitor Attacked
Situation: Inquisitor Drogan tries
to contain a Chaos attack at his
Xbox 360 and PC Achievements
I am just waiting for the live cargo to arrive.
As you play the Xbox 360 and PC Steam versions of the game, you can earn
several achievements.
I need rest….
That is the tidy theory.
The techpriests are practically giddy with its
I am impatient to begin testing the Warp
device’s psychic attributes.
The more I use the Warp device, the stronger
the assault on my psychic shields.
I needed to test the Warp device’s capabilities.
Playstation 3 Trophies (continued)
Xbox 360 and PC Achievements (continued)
Armored in Glory
Complete 10 armor
Master Crafted
Fully customize a Space
Marine and a Chaos Space
Marine character (must
change all armor parts and
modify the color on at least
one piece of armor)
Down to Earth
Kill 50 Assault Marines/
Raptors in midair
True Son of the
Kill 40,000 enemies in the
game (single and multiplayer
game modes combined)
Kill 25 opponents who are
capturing your control point in 10
Seize Ground
Have 10x more kills than
deaths in a single game of
Team Death Match
But I Am Finished
with You
Kill Warboss Grimskull once
and for all
Jack of All Trades
Play 10 MP games using each
Hammer of the
Use the Invictus to destroy
the Orbital Spire
Master of Arms
Complete 5 weapon
Here, at the End of
Kill Daemon Prince Nemeroth
All Things
Keeper of the
Complete all the weapon
Collect 10 Servo Skulls
Armored in Glory
Complete 10 armor
Librarian of
Collect all Servo Skulls
Battle Brother
Get an MP character to Level
Get an MP character to Level
Get an MP character to Level
Chapter Master
Get an MP character to Level
Warrior of
Darkness and
Play 10 MP games as Space
Marine and 10 MP games as
Chaos Marine
Down to Earth
Kill 50 Assault Marines/
Raptors in midair
Play each role in multiplayer
True Son of the
Kill 40,000 enemies in the
game (single and multiplayer
game modes combined)
Be sure to earn all of these trophies as you play the PlayStation 3 version of the game.
Playstation 3 Trophies
The Might of the
Kill 100 enemies
Success Is
Kill 500 enemies using melee
Measured in Blood weapons
Kill 500 enemies using
Angel of Death
ranged weapons
Visible, Violent
Kill 2,500 enemies
Kill 250 enemies using exotic
weapons (heavy bolter,
autocannon, or plasma
None Can Stand
Before You
Complete the entire game on
Hard difficulty
Nob Down
Blast Radius
Precision Killer
The Bigger They
Kill 25 melee Nobs
Not So Tough
Kill 10 ’Ard Boyz
Die, Heretics
Kill 50 Chaos Space Marines
Glorious Slaughter
Kill 75 enemies using
Put Them Down
Get 100 headshots
Master of the
Clean Kill
Get 250 headshots
Shock & Awe
Kill 150 enemies using the
charge attack
Death from Above
Kill 25 enemies with ground
The Emperor’s
Kill 10 enemies in a row in a
single ranged Fury activation
Feel My Wrath
Kill 250 enemies using melee
Fury attacks
The Emperor
Complete Part 1 of the game
on Hard difficulty without
Chain of Death
Master of Sword
and Gun
Burn Them All
Brute Force...
Finesse and Fury
Win 10 struggles against the
melee Nob
Multikill—5 enemies with 1
frag grenade
Multikill—2 enemies with 1
stalker-pattern bolter shot
Multikill—Detonate a chain
of 5 consecutive vengeance
launcher rounds in the world,
killing at least 10 enemies
Complete a chapter of the
single-player campaign
using only the bolt pistol and
Complete a chapter of the
single-player campaign using
only plasma weapons
Complete a chapter of the
single-player game using only
the vengeance cannon and
power axe
Complete a chapter of the
single-player game using only
stalker-pattern bolter and
Master Crafted
Command Squad
Reunite with your Space
Marine brothers
Into the Breach
Fight your way to the crashed
Silence the
Destroy the orbital gun
You Must Carry It
Retrieve the power source
We Take Our
Fire the Psychic Scourge
Warhammer 40,000: SPace marine // official game guide
Kill 25 opponents who are
capturing your control point in Bronze
Seize Ground
Have 10x more kills than
deaths in a single game of
Team Death Match
Fully customize a Space
Marine and a Chaos Space
Marine character (must
change all armor parts and
modify the color on at least
one piece of armor)
COnCept Art
Featuring commentary by Raphael van Lierop,
Game Director of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Creating the World
Creating the world of Space Marine was a process of
reverse archaeology. First, all the painstaking research
required an understanding of what the world needed to
be—from the largest-scale piece of architecture to the
incredibly detailed minutiae that would create a sense of
authenticity in the setting. Then there was the formidable
task of constructing Graia and ensuring it felt as real and
dedicated to the promise of 40k as possible, as well as
living up to the lofty expectations of the legions of fans
who have only been able to imagine this setting for the
past 25 years. And finally, the process of destroying it all—
creating the sense that a planet-sized factory has just been
invaded by a powerfully destructive force of nature, with
no respect for the monumental task of constructing such
a vast center of manufacturing and resource exploitation.
In the end, we showed only a fraction of the world we
explored in our minds, but we hope the attention to detail
and passion we poured into the creation of the environments—and all the drama that unfolds within them—
helps transport players into a world that is deep and rich.
Forge World Graia
With Graia, we always knew that the world needed to be vast but that the player’s journey would follow a relatively
tight course through a small portion of the planet. This was due to wanting to create a flowing experience with a sense
of every locale being interconnected as much as possible and avoiding whisking the player from one area to another in
a world that felt disconnected.
We also wanted to ensure that against the backdrop of a planetary invasion, the player’s story felt very much focused
on their specific actions. We wanted the mission on Graia to have the personal importance of the Saving Private Ryan
scenario, following a relatively small group of characters against the backdrop of a massive war, while mixing in some
of the themes and vibe of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, where the deeper the player explored the physical environment,
the darker the events became, until the usual rules and taboos would no longer apply.
In early brainstorming, we discussed a planet that had
been a Forge World for thousands of years, and the majority of the planet’s surface materials would have been
mined, but the mining would have continued deep into
the heart of the planet, with canyons crisscrossing like
angry scars. The atmosphere would be heavily polluted,
and there would be no sign of natural flora or fauna. This
was all in keeping with the notion of the planet being a
massive factory, literally eating the planet away in service
to the ravenous manufacturing complexes.
We discussed the process of extracting resources; importing of raw materials; manufacturing of parts used to create
the millions of weapons, ammunition, and vehicles; and
transporting these parts to large manufacturing centers.
We also covered the infrastructure required to take these
completed pieces off-world, to do their duty in fueling the
human war effort.
The Orbital Spire
We wanted to provide the player
with a clear landmark, a navigation point on the horizon that
could serve as a literal guide for
the player and a metaphorical
guide for the hero. In considering
how a planet of this size would
transport skyscraper-sized war
machines up to orbiting vessels,
a space elevator became the
obvious solution. The Orbital
Spire was our answer to this—a
structure that is highly functional, aesthetically compelling,
and symbolic to the player’s
journey through the game.
Letting the player experience not only the insides of factories or the exterior staging areas where components would
be stored and then taken to the assembly yards, but also
the vast transportation infrastructure built to move the
materials and millions of works around the planet became
a big focus for us. We wanted to take the player through
a range of environments that felt connected to each other
and thematically linked to the player’s journey through the
game, world, and story.
The Hab Blocks
Telling the human story of the civilians on Graia was going to be
a challenge. Showing their point of view was important in that, as
human civilians, their plight was something we can relate to, or at
least sympathize with. We also needed an effective way to illustrate
how ruthlessly dangerous and barbaric the Orks could be against a
largely defenseless population.
Hab Blocks were one of the more creatively challenging and rewarding environments to work on, as they existed in 40k as a concept but
had never been fully realized before. The art team drew from a series
of inspirations to deliver something that felt representative of the
architectural ideals of 40k—massive-scale, Gothic-inspired, ornate
but functional—but that also felt largely prefabricated, modular, and
mass-produced, ideals that were indicative of the pathetically low
value placed on the lives of these forgotten civilian workers by their
caretakers in the Imperium. The cramped size of the human quarters, contrasted with the vast courtyards and ornamentation, told
the story of a Soviet-style nightmare for the “cathedral builders” of
40k. They toiled daily in anonymity, with reverence for the emperor,
and in the end had nowhere to run when millions of bloodthirsty
Orks landed on their planet. Ultimately, their presence is felt through
their absence.
Some of their stories are told through Servo Skulls, narrative
collectibles scattered throughout the world, waiting for the player to
unearth them.
The Titans
The Titans represent the ability of humanity to defend itself from the vast alien horde bent on its utter destruction. They
also served as a wonderful motivation for bringing the Ork army to the planet. We knew that 40k fans would be intrigued
by the promise of being able to see a Titan in the game. We also knew that it wouldn’t be enough to simply hint at
it—we’d need to show it in all its glory and ensure it was more than just set dressing. In the end, the threat against the
Titans served as a great way to provide the original impetus for bringing the Space Marines to Graia and making them
a pivotal part of Titus’s plan to fight his enemies. This allowed us to keep the Titan at the forefront of the story without
overshadowing the bigger reveals or taking away from the more personal nature of Titus’s journey. Although the Titan is
massive and sells the promise of 40k’s immensely powerful weaponry, it is ultimately just another tool that can be used
for good or evil. It has only whatever meaning we give it through our actions.
Manufactorum Ajakis: Interior
The interior of the Titan factory shows that, despite the massive planetary invasion that annihilated the worker population, the factory continues to function in a largely powered-down state. Nothing can halt the interminable march of the
war machine, spewing out endless lines of weapons and equipment for the war effort. However, it was important to
capture the sense of abandonment and highlight the feeling that this would have been viewed as a location of religious
significance, almost cathedral-like. Revealing a Titan from the back rewards players for having come this far, while
keeping the Titan tantalizingly out of reach, hinting at what might come later.
Manufactorum Ajakis: Titan Gates
The player’s initial goal in Space Marine is to land on Graia and protect the Titans from
the Orks, who intend to pillage the gigantic war machines, desecrating and dismantling them to use for parts to create their own monstrous machine. We conceived of
Manufactorum Ajakis—the Titan factory—as a sort of coliseum-shaped structure, miles
in diameter, with multiple Titan assembly bays surrounding the interior of the circular
rings. Completed Titans would be transported to the center of the circle, where they
would be loaded onto the massive railway that would take them to the Orbital Spire for
delivery off-planet. This kind of scale was difficult to communicate to the player, given
their point of view of the world, so we decided to focus on a single set of massive gates
to establish the exterior scale.
Putting the gates under Ork assault added to the sense of urgency to get inside and
gave us an excuse to let the player fight their way to the foot of the enormous gates.
The huge crane the Orks use to move the Titan cannon into position is one of a pair that
flank the gates. The story we were trying to tell with this space was one where a small
contingent of Imperial Guard had managed to fight their way through to the gates, to
try and hold the line against an Ork scouting party. Being terribly outnumbered, they
had resorted to “blowing the bridge”—both literally and figuratively—to prevent the
Orks from gaining access to the Manufactorum.
Train Station and Ork Train
Orbital Defense Cannon
It was important to provide the player with a straightforward, short-term goal after
making planetfall. Establishing that the Imperial Guard’s support vessels are being held
at bay—and destroyed—by Ork-controlled orbital defenses made it a natural objective
for Titus and his Space Marines. By placing it firmly on the horizon and highlighting it for
the player within the first few minutes of gameplay, we provided a clear landmark and a
significant strategic objective that the player can accomplish within the first hour or so.
Inspiration for the defense cannon sequence included classic war films such as the Guns
of Navarone.
We wanted to show off some of the transportation
infrastructure on Graia and have the player experience it
up close. We also wanted to highlight the Orks’ nature
as tinkerers and adapters of technology, and that they
function without any subtlety. To them, the answer to
gaining access to the Titan Factory was obvious—strap
tons of explosives to the front of a massive train and
use it to smash their way through the gates. Of course,
they couldn’t kitbash a battering ram without slapping
a giant Ork totem—a zany-looking face—on the front.
Little details like this betray the Orks’ comedic nature
without overly emphasizing it, as this could take away
from the threat they represent to the player.
Kill Krooza
We wanted Warboss Grimskull to have an iconic villain
vehicle. Early plans involved the player seeing the Kill
Krooza at various points in the game, leading to a final
fight with the Warboss on it or under it as it hovered
above the planet. But, to ensure the game opened with
a big bang, we decided to have Titus literally land on the
Kill Krooza, immediately introducing the Warboss as the
primary antagonist and showcasing Titus’s effectiveness.
He pretty much single-handedly takes down the entire
ship, providing a high-impact opening that makes a strong
statement that things are about to change on Graia now
that the Space Marines have arrived.
Servo Skull Collectibles
Beyond the game’s primary story, we wanted to ensure that players had a deeper understanding of the world and the
events on Graia prior to Titus’s arrival. Inspired by games like BioShock and Deus Ex, we imagined that the omnipresent
Servo Skull robots—thousands of which constantly traveled through the environment, capturing endless reams of meaningless data—could serve as pseudo-diaries for characters experiencing the invasion of Graia. Players who do not become
invested in the story, characters, or world can simply ignore the stories told through the Servo Skulls, while 40k fans or
players who want to gain insight into events on the planet before their arrival can collect the skulls. This is one of the many
ways we worked to provide depth for the 40k fans, while keeping things accessible for those who are new to the setting.
The Power Source
The power source became the MacGuffin of the Space Marine story—the object of
desire for all parties and the thing that draws the interest of the malevolent forces of
Chaos. We explored many different ideas for how the power source would be physically
presented, with early concepts having it more the size of a coffin, either self-propelled
or with Servo Skulls helping to move it through the world. There were even early mission
concepts that involved the player and allies having to physically move the power source
from location to location. In the end, it felt more logical for the power source to be
something the player could carry with them through the world when needed.
But there was concern that the power source’s small size would diminish its sense of
importance or effectiveness. Therefore, we established that it was powerful enough to
fuel the sprawling Titan factory, something Inquisitor Drogan proudly informs the player
of when he is discovered in Manufactorum Ajakis, both highlighting its power and telling
us a bit about his character. At various times in the game, we remind the player of the
sheer amount of power held within the small canister.
Inquisitor Drogan
The risk of precious Titan war machines falling into enemy hands was always the frame
story for the actual threat in Space Marine—which would be revealed to the player
once they had arrived on the planet and dealt with early threats. There was an interest
in exploring an “enemy at the gates” scenario, with the object of desire being a powerful weapon created through misguided, heretical research—the 40k equivalent of the
Manhattan Project. The obvious perpetrator of this research would be the Inquisition, but
we wanted to avoid the typical “mad scientist” approach to this character. Yet, ultimately,
he must betray Titus, so how could we ensure there was still some sympathy for the
Inquisitor and the original intentions behind his research?
Inquisitor Drogan became our scientist figure, and we tell his true story through Servo
Skull collectibles, while players experience a different Inquisitor Drogan story line through
the events of the game. This way we hoped that, after the fact, the player would look
back on this character with a kinder eye, allowing us to avoid presenting the Inquisition
as a villainous organization. At the very least, Drogan’s intentions should look a bit more
ambiguous in hindsight, adding depth to his character and the portrayal of the Inquisition
as a whole.
2nd Lt. Mira
With the Space Marines being superhuman, and in many ways viewed as nearly mythical demigods by the Imperial Guard, it was important to have a voice in the game that represented the
viewpoint of conventional humanity. We wanted a sympathetic character, someone who could
speak for humans and present a point of view about the faceless Imperium but who was more
than simple window dressing. The story of Lt. Mira and her ragtag group of Imperial Guard
survivors becomes a metaphor for the state of humanity in the Imperium: Only the strong
survive. Over the course of the game, the Space Marines go from seeing the humans as largely
insignificant innocents who need protection from the Orks to worthy allies and brothers in arms
in the conflict against the Orks and, later, Chaos. This is largely due to the respectful relationship
that forms between Titus and Mira.
Captain Titus
In trying to create an iconic franchise hero for Space
Marine, we struggled with the fact that as superhuman warriors who have transcended normal human
life—which itself has little value in the grim, dark
setting of 40k—it would be difficult to create a character who did not come across as unsympathetic,
uncaring, even callous. It was important to balance
out the Space Marine’s more superhuman abilities
with humanlike qualities and to establish our hero as
someone who could think for themselves rather than
being a mindless military automaton produced through
an extensive indoctrination process. We always knew
that ultimately, Titus’s concern for humanity and his
dedication to protecting it would be the fatal flaw
that would cause him to run afoul of those with lessidealistic motivations. But, like many protagonists,
Titus must stand against the establishment that has
created him, and we hope that he is a character who
resonates with players, beyond simply being a Space
Marine hero. There is a lot more to tell about Titus; the
story of Space Marine is just the first step.
Sidonus, Leandros, and the
Codex Astartes
The primary story unfolds through the interplay
between Titus and his two trusted Space Marine battle
brothers—Sgt. Sidonus and the rookie Leandros. Every
Space Marine secretly fears that they will fall to Chaos,
and this became a major theme for Space Marine. The
Codex Astartes—the rulebook and bible of the Space
Marine—came to represent the orthodox view on how
to navigate the threats in the world without risking
Chaos taint, with Leandros embodying the firm presence and voice of the Codex in the game. Sidonus, on
the other hand, took the traditional “trusted veteran”
role, presenting a counterpoint to Leandros’s more
zealous and literal perspective on the Codex. Titus, of
course, stands firmly in the middle, and despite coming
from an extremely regimented existence, he has the
rare ability to see beyond the black-and-white rules
espoused by the Codex. Ultimately, it is this ability that
makes him the hero but also ensures his downfall in
the end. Sidonus and Leandros each have vital parts
to play in how Titus’s, and the player’s, story unfolds.
Official Game Guide
Written by michael Knight
© 2011 by Games Workshop. All rights reserved. No part of this book may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage
or retrieval system without written permission from Games Workshop.
Product Manager: Paul Giacomotto
Ast. Product Manager: Jesse Anderson
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Copyright © Games Workshop Limited
2011. Space Marine, the Space Marine logo, GW, Games Workshop, the
Games Workshop logo, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer
40,000 Device, 40,000, the Double-headed Eagle device and all associated
marks, logos, places, names, creatures, races and race insignia/ devices/
logos/symbols, vehicles, locations, weapons, units and unit insignia,
characters, products, illustrations and images from the Warhammer 40,000:
Space Marine game and the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, ™
and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2011, variably registered in the UK
and other countries around the world, and used under license. All Rights
Reserved. Developed by Relic Entertainment. THQ, Relic Entertainment and
their respective logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ
Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the
property of their respective owners.
Design & Layout: Jamie Knight Bryson
Manufacturing: Stephanie Sanchez
Special thanks from Paul—The author of this guide, Michael Knight, worked
and played his way to a fantastic finish. The graphic designer, Jamie Bryson,
took special care and creative control. Michael and Jamie: you’ve written
and designed something we can all be proud of...thank you! We received
such great support on this title...so many people to thank. The development
team, Relic Entertainment, graciously hosted us for a few days in Vancouver.
James McDermott for organizing our trip and introducing us to the wonderful team there—Rapahel van Lierop, Andy Lang, Krystian Gutierrez, Matt
Rose, Jeffery Simpson, Bonnie Jean Mah, Otto Ottosson, Graham Somers,
Chris Martin, and so many more. We had a fun multiplayer session the day
we left...I killed a few, but was overwhelmed by your skill and expertise.
Thanks, it was fun! To all the wonderful people at THQ. I can’t say enough
about Georgina Verdon and Morten Haugaard and the countless emails
exchanged, brainstorming, planning, and successful collaboration. Mathew
Everett— it was great to finally meet you when we were both in Vancouver.
You’re passionate, professional, and great to work with...hope we cross
paths on another project very soon ;). To the rest who’ve been gracious
and helpful throughout this process—Neal Pabon, Kirk Somdal, Simon
Watts, Jesse Anderson, Alex Musa, Carrie Andrews, Colton Nelson, Brandon
Olafsson…thank you! Lastly, I must thank James, Georgina, and Raphael
one more time. James—You made sure we had whatever we needed to
make this product great…it shows. Georgina—You’re the best part of
a successful business partnership, always reaching out and looking for
opportunities to help both parties…you’re the best. Raphael—You poured
your heart and soul into this game and somehow had enough left over to
spill into this guide. Your excitement and conviction about this project made
me more excited and pushed us to make something better—for you, for us,
for the fans…thank you!
Michael Knight has worked in the computer/video game industry since 1994,
writing over 60 guides during this time. Michael has used both his degree in
Military History and experience as a high school teacher to formulate and
devise effective strategies and tactics for hit titles such as the Tom Clancy’s
Rainbow Six and Hitman series, . Michael has also developed scenarios/
missions and written game manuals for SSI, Red Storm Entertainment, and
When he is not busy at work on an upcoming strategy guide, Michael likes to
spend time with his wife and six children at their home in Northern California.