See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Rheology characterization of UV curable silicone elastomers Article in Rubber World · August 2014 CITATIONS READS 0 997 3 authors, including: Mary Krenceski Beate Ganter Momentive Performance Materials, Waterford, NY USA Momentive 12 PUBLICATIONS 94 CITATIONS 56 PUBLICATIONS 1,115 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Mary Krenceski on 28 November 2017. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE AUGUST 2014 125 years The Technical Service Magazine For The Rubber Industry Rheology characterization of UV curable silicone elastomers by Huiping Zhang, Mary Krenceski and Beate Ganter, Momentive Performance Materials Volume 250, No. 5 Rheology characterization of UV curable silicone elastomers by Huiping Zhang, Mary Krenceski and Beate Ganter, Momentive Performance Materials Silicone rubber is vulcanized through either addition cure, condensation cure or free radical cure. Additioncured silicone generally offers better mechanical, electrical and optical properties than other silicones. Platinum is a commonly used catalyst for addition cure. It is normally activated by heat to facilitate the hydrosilylation reaction between vinyl containing polysiloxane and hydride containing polysiloxane that crosslinks the rubber (refs. 1 and 2). Typical curing temperatures for fabricating silicone articles are in the range of 120-200°C. Such high temperatures tend to exclude silicone from consideration in many applications involving low heat materials (such as polyolefins) or temperature-sensitive substances (such as pharmaceutical ingredients). It is also challenging to find a desired balance of fast cure and long work life for silicone, which are two seemingly contradictory but important properties. A new class of photo-sensitive catalysts is now found to cure the silicone at ambient temperature, where the hydrosilylation reaction is triggered by UV rather than by heat (ref. 3). This UV catalyst enables command cure for silicone, where the crosslinking occurs only when the reactive mixture of vinyl and hydride polysiloxanes is exposed to UV radiation. It helps solve the longstanding dilemma of fast cure and long work life. It makes it possible to include silicone in designs involving temperature-sensitive materials. It also helps elimi- nate the scorching issue commonly encountered in heatcured silicone rubber, where premature vulcanization occurs when a cold material is injected into a hot mold. All the features that UV technology can offer open doors to new applications and product innovations, while the resultant UV-cured rubber still maintains the same superior properties of a conventional additioncured silicone elastomer (ref. 3). It then becomes important to understand the curing characteristics of UV-curable silicone rubber. Rheology is employed to accomplish this challenging task, as will be discussed in this article. Experimental All chemicals used in this article were from Momentive Performance Materials. All rheology measurements were performed on an ARES LS2 rheometer (TA Instruments) outfitted with a UV-curing option (TA Instruments) that brings UV light to the test samples (figure 1). OmniCure S2000 from Lumen Dynamics Group served as the UV light source. (OmniCure is a trademark of Lumen Dynamics Group.) It contains a high pressure 200 watt mercury vapor short arc lamp and a 320-500 nm filter. The UV intensity on the sample was determined on a Silver Line UV radiometer. A dynamic time sweep was utilized to characterize the vulcanization behavior of UV-curable silicone rubber. The oscillation angular frequency was chosen at 200 rad/s and the strain level was set at 4% to ensure that the rheological behavior of the test samples stayed within the linear viscoelastic region. Figure 1 - schematic of ARES UV option (TA Instruments) for rheology measurement Transducer (torque/normal) Mirror Quartz plate UV light source Collimator Sample Steel plate Motor (angular displacement) Crosslinking percentage (%) Figure 2 - representative curing curves of different silicone rubbers UV-curable silicone, tested at 25°C 90% Standard platinum-cured silicone, tested at 150°C Peroxide-cured silicone, tested at 150°C 1 UV or heat applied 5 Time (min.) Note: Test results. Actual results may vary. 2 RUBBER WORLD Figure 3 - effect of UV intensity on vulcanizaton - (a) shear storage modulus G’ vs. time at various UV intensities; (b) an example of gel point when G’ and G” cross over; (c) gel time vs. 1/intensity; and (d) curing time t90 vs. 1/intensity Moduli G’, G” (Pa) 1.0E+05 350 mW/cm2 G’ (Pa) 1.0E+06 (a) 1.0E+04 170 mW/cm2 80 mW/cm2 45 mW/cm2 1.0E+03 UV 1.0E+02 0 (b) 1.0E+05 120 180 G” 1.0E+04 Tan (delta) Gel point 1.0E+03 240 0 3.0 1.5 UV gel time 0.0 60 Time (s) 120 180 240 Time (s) 30 120 (c) 25 100 20 80 t90 (s) Gel time (s) 4.5 G’ 1.0E+02 60 6.0 Tan (delta) 1.0E+06 15 (d) 60 40 10 R2 5 = 0.9688 R2 = 0.9012 20 0 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 (cm2/mW) 1/intensity Note: Test results. Actual results may vary. Results and discussion Representative curing curves of various silicones shown in figure 2 demonstrate that the UV-curable silicone vulcanizes similarly as conventional platinum-catalyzed silicone, except that the catalyst is activated by UV at ambient temperature rather than by heat. The effect of UV intensity, catalyst loading, sample thickness and irradiation time on the curing behavior of UV-curable silicone rubber was further examined. Fillers were purposely excluded in the test samples so that the outcome observed was from the addition cure reaction between vinyl and hydride polysiloxanes. Effect of UV intensity Since the catalyst is activated by UV, it is expected that the higher the UV intensity the sample receives, the faster the reaction proceeds. Experimental results suggest the same. As illustrated in figure 3a, the slope of storage modulus G’ vs. time was indeed steeper at higher UV intensities. To further quantify the effect of UV intensity, both gel time and t90 were determined at various radiation intensities. The gel point is characterized by the cross- August 2014 0 0.005 0.01 1/intensity 0.015 0.02 0.025 (cm2/mW) over between shear storage modulus G’ and shear loss modulus G” (figure 3b) (ref. 4), and t90 is defined as the time when the complex shear modulus G* reaches 90% of its ultimate value. It was found that both gel time and t90 were reciprocally proportional to the UV intensity, as demonstrated in figures 3c and 3d, respectively. These results provide guidance in selecting appropriate UV radiation conditions for various applications. Effect of catalyst loading In addition to UV intensity, the curing speed could also be adjusted by loading different amounts of catalyst in the system. As illustrated in figure 4a, the higher the catalyst loading, the faster the sample cured, as anticipated. However, the correlation between curing time t90 and catalyst loading was found to be non-linear (figure 4b). When the t90 starts to level off, adding more catalyst would become ineffective in accelerating the reaction. The suggested catalyst loading would be where the t90 starts to reach a plateau, and it is likely to increase as UV intensity decreases. Effect of sample thickness 3 Figure 4 - effect of catalyst loading on vulcanization - (a) shear storage modulus G’ vs. time at various catalyst loadings and UV intensities, (b) curing time t90 vs. catalyst loading (Note: catalyst loading at 1 or 1X represents the recommended catalyst amount under 350 mW/cm2 UV radiation) 1.0E+06 300 (a) (b) 250 45 mW/cm2 1.0E+05 350 mW/cm2 0.25X cat. 45 mW/cm2 1.0E+04 1X cat. 45 mW/cm2 t90 (s) G’ (Pa) 200 5X cat. 45 mW/cm2 100 0.25X cat. 350 mW/cm2 1.0E+03 150 R2 = 0.9489 1X cat. 350 mW/cm2 0 60 R2 = 0.9348 5X cat. 350 mW/cm2 UV 1.0E+02 50 120 180 240 0 300 0 1 Time (s) 2 3 4 5 6 Catalyst loading Note: Test results. Actual results may vary. Silicone rubber is known as a poor thermal conducting material. It takes time for heat transfer to occur across the thickness. Therefore, the inner section of a molded part is usually cured slower than the outer section for a typical heat-cured silicone, and the curing time tends to increase as its thickness increases. For UV curable silicone rubber, however, the limiting factor is UV transmission across the thickness, rather than the heat transfer. As silicone rubber is highly transparent to UV due to its lack of UV-absorbing groups on its chemical structure, UV light can penetrate deep into silicone without losing much of its intensity, although it will eventually attenuate over distance due to scattering. Experimental data shown in figure 5 reveal that the curing rate of UV-curable silicone stayed constant as sample thickness increased from 0.2 mm to 2 mm, unlike Figure 5 - effect of sample thickness on vulcanization - (a) shear storage modulus G’ vs. time at various sample thicknesses under 170 mW/cm2 UV radiation, (b) gel time vs. thickness at various UV intensities 1.0E+06 30 (a) (b) 25 20 Gel time (s) G’ (Pa) 1.0E+05 0.2 mm 1.0E+04 0.4 mm 0.6 mm 1.0E+03 1.0 mm UV 0 60 0 2 mm 120 180 Time (s) 240 10 5 1.5 mm 1.0E+02 15 0 300 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Thickness (mm) 350 mW/cm2 170 mW/cm2 80 mW/cm2 Note: Test results. Actual results may vary. 4 45 mW/cm2 RUBBER WORLD Figure 6 - dynamic time sweep of UV curable silicone rubber at different exposure times under 350 mW/cm2 UV radiation 1.0E+06 G’ (Pa) 1.0E+05 1.0E+04 on 1.0E+03 6s 2s UV 1s 1.0E+02 0 300 600 900 1,200 Time (s) Note: Test results. Actual results may vary. standard platinum-catalyzed silicone. The UV intensity appeared to remain across the thickness to enable identical curing speeds. It should be noted that the curing reaction is expected to slow down as the thickness further increases and UV radiation starts to weaken. Nonetheless, the new UV curing approach can allow fast cure of thick articles, which is often difficult to achieve for heat-cured silicone. In fact, a molded part with a cross-section of 100 mm could be completely vulcanized in five minutes under UV, as compared to more than 30 minutes in a regular heat curing process (ref. 5). Effect of irradiation time In addition to keeping UV radiation on until the sample fully cured, different UV exposure times were also applied to the sample to examine its curing behavior. The result shown in figure 6 reveals that the reaction proceeded toward completion long after the UV radiation is terminated, unlike most other UV-curing systems where the reaction would stall once the UV radiation was shut off. The UV-curable silicone appeared predestined to reach completion, even when only a small fraction of the catalyst had a chance to get activated; although it did take a significantly longer time to cure at shorter irradiation times. This interesting phenomenon may be understandable, given that a potent catalyst could facilitate a reaction at extremely low loading due to its almost unlimited regeneration capability and high efficacy. Even though shorter irradiation time produces fewer amounts of catalytic centers, these active centers would stay live through countless regenerations and would eventually August 2014 View publication stats drive the reaction to completion. The overall reaction rate would suffer though, as hydrosilylation is mainly diffusion controlled, and thus its rate is a function of active catalyst concentration. The photo-catalyst system employed in the UV curable silicone rubber is radically different from a typical photo-initiator system, in that the latter usually lacks a regeneration mechanism. As a result, the reaction would soon stop for the latter once the radiation is terminated and the activated initiator is depleted, whereas the reaction will continue on for the former. This unique feature of photo-sensitive catalyst may enable silicone rubber to adapt to a wide variety of applications and curing processes. The result shown in figure 6 also indicates that only a certain amount of UV dose was needed to fully activate the catalyst, as suggested from the data of 6s timed radiation versus continuous radiation. Once almost all the catalysts are activated, further UV radiation would not help accelerate the reaction. In fact, a UV dosage of 5J/cm2 is generally recommended for UV curable silicone products to ensure sufficient catalyst activation (ref. 4). Conclusions UV curable silicone rubber offers many unique curing properties, such as command cure, low temperature vulcanization, relative thickness independence and postradiation curing capability. These features should allow silicone to penetrate into previously limited applications involving two-component molding or complex geometries, as well as potential new applications. Rheology is instrumental in elucidating and quantifying vulcanization characteristics. It also helps provide processing guidelines for this new class of silicone materials. Further investigation in filled systems will be performed, as most silicone products contain fillers or other additives. This article is based on a paper presented at the 184th Technical Meeting of the Rubber Division, ACS, October 2013. References 1. Comprehensive Handbook on Hydrosilylation, B. Marciniec, Ed., Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, 1992. 2. L.N. Lewis, R.E. Colborn, H. Grade, G.L. Bryant, C.A. Sumpter and R.A. Scott, Organometallics 14, 2,202 (1995). 3. B. Ganter, Medical Device & Diagnostic Industry, July 2013, 40. 4. C.Y.M. Tung and P.J. Dynes, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 27, 569 (1982). 5. B. Ganter, Rubber World, 248, 26 (2013). 5