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ICT Exam Syllabus: Dhaka Commerce College, Class XI

Dhaka Commerce College
Syllabus: 2nd Phase Exam 2022
Class: XI Subject:
Information and Communication Technology
Chapter 1
(Information and Communication Technology: World and Bangladesh Perspective)
1. Dr. As Karim entered his chamber, he placed his thumb on the doorknob, and the door opened. The
lab door opens as his friend and scientist Rakib looks at the sensor on his lab door. Then one day,
they sit at home and get a real experience of driving without a car by wearing a special type of helmet
and gloves.
a) What is artificial intelligence?
b) How to destroy diseased tissue germs at low temperatures? explain
c) Explain the technology used in their home according to the stimulus.
d) Which of the two entry procedures in the chamber and lab is widely used? Give an analytical
2. University student Limon Desi has been researching the size and sweetness of plums for two years.
That plum is sweet Carriers are happy to make some changes inside the chromosomes. To report
this discovery to the head of the department. He goes to his house. As he went in front of the house,
a human-like machine said to him, 'Welcome to you.' Sitting in the drawing room, Limon
read the newspaper and learned that some workers had lost their lives in an accident at the Bara
Pukuria coal mine. To solve this problem, Limon thought of using a similar device.
a) What is bioinformatics?
b) "You can study at home in a library a thousand miles away - explain.
c) What technology did Limon use in his research? explain
d) Take an analytical opinion on whether the technology used in the stimulus device will contribute
to the production of the product in the industrial plant
3. Shakil is an avid chess player and was the chess champion of his university. But Shakil lost while
playing with a computer brought by his friend Faiz from Japan. Shakeel was surprised by the
computer's analytical power and intelligence in dealing with chess moves. Shakeel decided to use
Faiz's computer to get better at chess. During his trip to Japan, Faiz was dining at a hotel and noticed
some human-like machines serving him food. Even in the house he was in, some such machine was
doing all the household work. This made him surprised.
a) What is cryosurgery?
b). Explain the relationship of ethics to hacking.
c) Shakeel's use of computers reflects which aspect of recent trends in information technology?
His contribution to society - Explain.
d) Shakeel's computer experience is deeply intertwined with the devices used in the hotel. Describe
the analysis.
4. Grameenphone Community Information Center was established through the partnership of
Grameenphone and local entrepreneurs; common people across the country can receive various
types of modern in for the main services such as the Internet, e-mail, telephone, video conferencing,
etc. GPCICs established with the technical cooperation of the GSM Association have computer,
printer, scanner, webcam etc. Moreover, there is (EDGE) connectivity to ensure internet service.
a) What is software piracy?
b) Write the use of information and communication technology to facilitate classroom teaching.
c) How can a farmer benefit from the entire process of crop selection to marketing in agriculture
using the service center described in Uddeep?
d) Discuss how the Seva Kendras described in Uddeep can contribute to national development.
5. The managing director of a private bank decided to introduce video conferencing and an electronic
fund transfer system for various branch managers. In this regard, he drew the attention of the Head
of the Information and Communication Technology Department to know the details of the required
parts and overall technical issues. Then the information and communication technology department
head names the components required for video conferencing and manages the overall technical
process of video conferencing. Explained in detail to the director, and he also explained about
electronic fund transfer.
a) What is virtual reality?
b) Describe the importance of robotics.
c) How can the conferencing system described by Uddeep play a role in medical care in
d) Evaluate the role of the fund’s transfer system described in Uddeep in providing modern banking
Chapter II
(Communication Systems and Networking)
1. Mr. Kaiser connects office computers in a multi-story building for business with a cable speed
of 800 bps. This made it difficult to carry out his work, so to solve the problem, a computer engineer
suggested a high-speed cable network.
a) What is data communication?
b) In which transmission data can be exchanged simultaneously in both directions? explain
c) What kind of bandwidth did Mr. Kaiser use for Uddeep? explain
d) Give an argument in favor of increasing the speed of data movement in light of stimuli
2. Raj learned from the teacher's discussion in the ICT class that one method of data communication
transmits data character by character while another transmits block by block. He also learned from
the teacher that it is possible to run multiple mobiles and laptops simultaneously at home with an
internet connection
a) What is half duplex transmission mode?
b) Why is fiber optical cable EMI-free?
c) Explain to Uddeep what technology is used in the internet connection system.
d) Analyzing which of the two methods of stimulus transmission is more efficient Analyzing which
of the two methods is more efficient. Give an argument.
a) What is Roaming?
b) Explain the web used in satellites.
c) Describe the stimuli in Figure-2.
d) Which of the two is more convenient to combine stimulus images? Opinion analysis with logic.
Stem-1: IEEE Standard 802.15
Stem-2: Mr Zahid, to exchange information between 2 branches of his office (802.16) Standardized
Communication, decided to use the system.
a) What is GSM?
b) "A mobile phone is called a cellular phone"- Explain.
c) Describe the technique of stimulus-1.
d) Analyze the rationale behind Mr. Zahid's decision.
5. Sumi was on a video call with her girlfriend Rumi, who lives in Canada Sumi got to know the IP in
Canada from RumiDependent networks have started to be used, which are suitable for high-quality
mobile television viewing.
a) What is Roaming?
b) Explain the necessity of passwords in Wifi.
c) Which generation of mobile phones was used by Sumi? explain
d) Which mobile phone used by Sumi and Rumi is more convenient in the generation – Analyze.
Scenario 1: Sabbir browses the internet using his mobile while in his office, but he cannot browse the
internet when he comes out of his office at a distance of 100 meters to the main gate of the office.
Scenario 2: Rimi used to use a mobile phone a few years back, with which she could not talk
to her brother living abroad. But now he uses a mobile phone with the help of which almost the world
can talk to people from all walks of life.
a) What is a hotspot?
b) "Free data transfer over short distances" - Explain.
c). Describe the technology used by Sabbir to browse the Internet.
d) Which of the two mobile phone technologies used by Rimi do you think is better? Comment with
7. Sabib sahib was sharing information free of charge with his friend sitting next to him in his
office. At that time, a colleague on the 2nd floor of the officers asked him to see the information on
a file. He sent it to the colleague's computer in his own work system while sitting on the ground
floor. Later, when a foreign buyer asked for the file and sent it, he immediately sent it.
a) What is Roaming?
b) Explain non-metallic cable medium.
c) Describe the technology used by Habib in sharing information with a friend.
d) Is it better to send file information between Habib Saheb's networks? Analyze and give feedback.
a) What is a modem?
b) Explain why asynchronous transmission takes more time.
c) Explain the problem in data movement if the E-bias of the stimulus topology is destroyed.
d) Only A, B, C and D keying devices of the stimulus will give the fastest data transfer speedAnalyze.
a) What is a peer-to-peer network?
b) Explain the technology of IEEE 802.16 standard
c) Explain the network topology shown in Fig-c.
d) Which of the network topologies shown in Fig-a and Fig-b is more convenient?-Analyze.
Chapter III
(Numerical Systems and Digital Devices)
1. Learn about different number systems in an ICT class. Based on this assumption, Johnny's sister's
age is (101010)2, and his brother's age is (42)8 years | Jack and his brother have two school bags of
the same brand and model for Rs. (200)16 and (500)10 respectively. By buying from different stores.
a) What is the uni code?
b). Explain 1+1+1=1.
c) Find the value of their school bag using an octal method
d) Find Uddeep by adding the age difference between Johnny's brother and sister
2. The ICT teacher was teaching the number system in the class. He asked the roll number of a
student Student answered (28)10. Then, when the teacher asked the student's last class roll, he replied
a) What is the BCD code?
b) Complementing 2 only changes the sign of the number - explain
c) Express the student's current class role in binary number system.
d) Evaluate the change in results by extracting the difference between the two classes of stimulus
student rolls only by addition.
3. The ICT teacher of the class wrote the numbers (53.25)10, (53.6)8, (53.8)16 on the board and added
them. Then he said that all the mathematical work inside the computer is done in a single operation
a) 16 What is the base number system?
b) Explain whether 1+7=10 is possible.
c) Do the work of the teacher in the number system used in the computer
d) It is possible to determine the difference of only integers between the first and second numbers
by the operation described above -Analyze it.
4. Tamim went to the market with (875)10 Taka on Victory Day, 16 December. (423)10 for his traveling
expenses and purchase of clothes (4E)16 taka spent, and he bought (AF)16 worth of food.
a) What is a bit?
b) 6 + 5 + 3 = 1110 can be - explain?
c) Express the travel cost of Uddeep to Tamim in binary.
d) Express the total cost of stimulus to Tamim in octal.
5. Mr. Artaddar on the opportunity to increase the price of onions. Maula bought onions at Tk. (27)10
per kg in total (765)8kg, illegally stockpiled and created an artificial crisis, and sold them at Tk. 2 per
kg (1101110)2. After the sale of one-third of the stocked onion, the mobile court seized the rest of his
stocked onion, and Mr. Moula was fined Tk. (61A88)16.
a) What is Radix Point?
b). Explain the 3-based number system
c) In the light of the stimulus, How much measure of onion was seized by Mr. Maula – Express in a
hexadecimal system?
d) Mr. due to fine. Mola profit or loss? And how much? Analyze
B= (4AB6)16
a) What is a signed number?
b) Explain “Binary number system is important in computer operation”.
c) Write the difference between the two stimulus number systems
d) Write the basis s of the positional number system, prime numbers, and an example.
a) What is a boolean variable?
b) Explain 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 in Boolean algebra.
c) Describe the gate that scenario-02 indicates.
d) Can the formula of scenario-01 be proved with the help of a truth table for two and three
variables? Comment with analysis.
a) What is a boolean constant?
b) Why is AND Gate called a basic gate? Explain.
c) Describe the gate that scenario-02 indicates.
d) Scenario-01 Which gate do you think is required to construct the directed circuit? Comment with
a) What is a logic gate?
b) “Dual principle means two types of principle”. Explain the term in the light of Boolean algebra.
c) Describe the gate that scenario-02 indicates.
d) Scenario-01 Which type of gate do you think the directed gate is? Comment with analysis.