ROAD SAFETY COURTESY, STRESS, AND ROAD RAGE Courtesy is showing politeness in one’s attitude and behavior to other road users. • Be courteous as a driver. • Give right of way, and invoke right of way. • Always drive defensively. Be courteous to: 1. passengers 2. pedestrians 3. other road users 4. other motorists 5. tra c enforcers. Self-discipline is the ability to control self in a way without outside supervision. • Driving requires a determined level of selfcontrol and proper reaction to a situation. Road discipline is knowing and abiding by the tra c laws, rules and regulations. Stress is the physical, mental, or emotional tension experienced by one the demands immediate and fair decision. Due to unlawful tra c enforcers • Positive response of motorist is the only way to avoid argument. • Be polite. • Help resolve issue by complying. Be constructive not destructive. • Be heard when it is time to be heard not while steering the wheel. Learn how to handle stress positively. • Be in control of your emotions. • Do not let others a ect your driving and endanger your life and others. How to handle stress? Due to personal or family problems • Pull over • Take deep breaths while counting backwards • Turn some calming/enjoyable music (avoid loud music) • Eat something to loosen the stomach • Never put yourself in the driver’s seat unless completely in control of emotions Don’t be a victim. • Avoid retaliation. • Keep distance. • Put away your pride. Driving is not a contest. • Avoid eye contract. It may mean provocation to an angry driver. • Mind conditioning. • Get help. Call tra c authorities, the proper authorities to deal with aggressive or dangerous driver. ffi ffl fl ffi ffi ff ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ff Due to heavy tra c and bad road conditions • Be open to possible reschedule and reroute of drive • Stay calm. Take opportunity to listen to favorite music or radio program. • Smile — think positive thoughts. • Known in advance roads which are in ood-prone areas. Road familiarity is an advantage. • Be familiar with alternative routes to destination. • Carpool to reduce vehicle volume. Common causes of stress while driving: • Personal and family problems • Heavy tra c • Annoying and excessive horn or noisy mu ers • Undisciplined and discourteous motorists, passengers, and pedestrians • Malfunctioning tra c lights • Improper pavement markings • Improper parking • Improper handling of tra c by law enforcers • Detour or road closing • Fake “Emergency” vehicles, specially ambulances • Incorrect headlights of oncoming vehicles • Annoying tailgaters • Unexplained sudden stop of vehicle in front • Right of way insistence Due to undisciplined motorists and pedestrians • Avoid going crowded places ffi • Learn to pinpoint undisciplined drivers and avoid them as much as possible • Be humble and patient. • If an aggressive driver overtakes you, slow down and yield. • Let pedestrians pass through even if not in the right crosswalk. ROAD RAGE is an assault to another due to a misunderstanding, lack of tra c knowledge or discourtesy. Bad habits of aggressive drivers: • Tailgating • Annoying and excessive blowing of horns • Fighting over parking space • Gestures • Cutting o • Driving slowly in left lane Results of Road Rage: 1. Emotional setback 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Fines and penalties Suspension/revocation of driver’s license Suspension/termination from work Imprisonment Death Serious injury ROAD CRASHES AND BREAKDOWNS — CAUSE AND PREVENTION Defensive driving is a practice to reduce possibility of road crash. • It is e ciently transporting self, people, good from point of origin to destination. Qualities of Defensive Driver: 1. Positive attitude on road safety 2. Physically and mentally t to drive 3. Received proper training before driving 4. Applying basic knowledge of vehicle maintenance Driving Methods in times of Road Crash: 1. Search/Scan - the road seen ahead, around and rear of vehicle 2. Identify - the potential and immediate hazard on the road 3. Predict - actions of other road user 4. Decide - what to do to avoid unsafe situation 5. Execute - action as result of decision Doctrine of Last Clearance • One who has last clear chance or opportunity of avoiding road crash and neglected to avoid such may be jointly held liable. Roadworthiness is the ability of motor vehicle to be in a suitable operating condition or meeting acceptable standards for safe driving and transport of people, baggage or cargo on roads or streets. fi ffi ffi What makes a motor vehicle unsafe? a. Poor vehicle maintenance b. Insu cient support from Company c. Abusive handling or driving d. Lack of basic trouble shooting What to do when sick? • Follow the law on Anti-Distracter Driving • Leave all emotions behind • Concentrate on steering wheel • When sick… go to doctor. • Don’t slam on brake pedal. • Look to target or escape area and safely pull over. • Switch on hazard lights and properly place Early Warning Device (EWD). Engine Fire • Steer out of tra c, building, people, other cars. • Have other occupants leave car and move away. • Do not open hood. • Turn o ignition and get out quickly. Skid & Traction Loss • Look - where you want to go • Steer - where you want to go • O pedals - release break or accelerator • Never give up - maintain constant attention to steering until under control • Never take hands o steering wheel. What to do when wet or ooded? • Be aware, calm and ready • Do not step on the break • Reduce speed by releasing accelerator • Gently step on break pedal after passing wet roads Ask yourself — Am I safe? (IM SAFE) Illness - do i have any symptom Medication - am I taking over-the-counter prescription or other drugs Stress - any worries about job, nances or families Alcohol - have I been drinking for the last 24 hours Fatigue - have I worked more than my physical ability, with incomplete rest Eating - am I hungry HANDLING EMERGENCIES AND BREAKDOWNS Placement of Early Warning Device fi fi fl fi ff ffi ffi fi fi fi ff ff Emergency situations and procedures: Tire Blowout Poor visibility • Drive with low beam lights. • Slow down and do not switch on hazard lights. • Eyes on the road. • Use clean wipes or cloth to clean fogged up windshielf. • Stop at safe place and turn on hazard lights • Avoid using white headlight. Handling emergencies and breakdowns • Stay calm and check for injuries • Keep safety rst and nd out location if injured (call PNP hotline 117 or Red Cross hotline 143) • Be prepared. Always bring emergency kit in car. 1. First aid kit 2. Flashlight 3. Early Warning Device Check injured or unconscious passengers and move them to safe place if possible. With cuts, abrasions, etc., administer rst aid if possible. Photography and document the scene (vehicle, parties, witnesses, police o cers) FIRST AID First Aid Tips: 1. Attend to anyone not walking or talking 2. If a part is on re, remove occupants and make sure everyone is safe. 3. Do not remove injured unless car is burning or there is immediate danger. 4. Check breathing and apply mouth-to-mouth resuscitation if needed and knowledgeable. 5. Call for emergency response for serious injuries. 6. Do not give rst aid if not trained. DRIVER’S DUTIES AND RIGHTS 1. Diligently secure appropriate driver’s license and carry it at all times while driving vehicle 2. Know, follow, and abide land transportation laws, rules and regulation 3. Be a defensive driver 4. Assure vehicle is duly registered, roadworthy and emission compliant 5. Take appropriate measures to secure and safeguard vehicle before leaving it 6. Know what to do and act if road crash 7. Know his rights and privilege (Having a driver’s license is a privilege not a right) 8. Ensure healthy condition Physical Requirements of Driver: 1. Physically t to operate vehicle 2. No health condition that will cause him to lose control while driving Mental Requirement of Driver: 1. Ability to process sensory functions 2. Ability to focus 3. Mentally and emotionally stable 4. Ability to make sound judgment required while driving ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi fi ffi fi fi RIGHTS OF DRIVER WHEN APPREHENDED 1. To be informed of the full name and agency of apprehending o cer 2. To know if o cer is for tra c direction and control or deputized 3. To be informed of nature of violations he is being apprehended 4. Not to step down from vehicle 5. To contest apprehension to o ce of tra c agency when unsatis ed with apprehension 6. To le appropriate criminal, civil or administrative case, in case of abuse of authority or irregularities committed by o cer ROAD AND TRAFFIC RULES SIGNS, SIGNALS AND MARKINGS Regulatory signs inform road users of tra c laws and regulation which will constitute o ense if disregarded. • Crowded streets and intersections • Passengers, cars and motorcycle: 20 kph • Motor trucks and buses: 20 kph Speeding does NOT apply to: 1. Physician or driver; 2. Driver of hospital ambulance; 3. Driver bringing wounded or sick person; 4. Driver of vehicle of Armed Forces during insurrection, riot or invasion; 5. Driver of vehicle in pursuit of criminal; 6. Law enforcement o cer in pursuit of violator of tra c laws; and 7. Fire truck driver. Ripple E ect • A simple obstruction creates immeasurable impact to ow of tra c. ffi ff ffi ffi fl ff ffi Without road signs for speed restrictions, RA 4136, Sec. 35(b) applies: • Highways with no blind corners and no residential or commercial structures • Passengers, cars and motorcycle: 80 kph • Motor trucks and buses: 50 kph • Boulevards as “thorough street” with no blind coreners • Passengers, cars and motorcycle: 40 kph • Motor trucks and buses: 30 kph • City or municipal streets • Passengers, cars and motorcycle: 30 kph • Motor trucks and buses: 20 kph Warning signs are used to warn motorists of potentially hazardous conditions on or adjacent to the road. • They advise motorists of road conditions that require caution and may call for reduction in speed, in the interest of safety and of other road users. Guide or informative signs inform and advise road users of directions, distances, routes, location of services for road users, and point of interest. Route markers are the identi cation and general direction of arterial roads and national highways with signi cance by showing number and direction route. Continuity line generally means the lane you are in is about to end. • If on your right, it means lane will continue una ected. • If on left, it means lane is approaching an obstruction or about to enter di erent direction. Hazard markers are used to emphasize approaching driver a marked change in direction of travel and presence of obstruction. ff fi fi ff Width markers narrow vehicle width clearance designed and placed near foot of bridge approach. Roundabout holding lines mean vehicle within rotonda have the right-of-way over vehicles about to enter. Flashing yellow: if with overhead beacon or beacon above warning sign, proceed with caution Green: proceed but yield to pedestrians and tra c lawfully using intersection Flashing green: proceed with caution PROPER HAND SIGNALS The above image is used to control pedestrian tra c at intersections if con ict between vehicle and pedestrian movement. • While pedestrians are crossing, they have right-ofway over all vehicles. EXPRESSWAY TRAFFIC LIGHTS Red: bring vehicle to a stop at a clearly marked line Flashing red: bring vehicle to a stop and proceed only when safe ffi ffi fl Yellow: red is about to appear • that on a highway with a business or residential district with 2 or more lanes for tra c movement in a direction, the driver may overtake on the right. Overtaking on a curve No driver shall overtake in the same direction on curve in a highway where the driver’s view along the highway is obstructed within 500 ft ahead (150 m). No driver shall overtake at any railway grade crossing overtaking in the same direction at any railway grade crossing. RULES ON THE ROAD Rules on turning and overtaking When turning left from one highway to another, every vehicle shall be conducted to the right center of intersection of the highway. Overtaking at intersection No driver shall overtake in the same direction at any intersection of highways except on a highway with 2 or more lanes for movement of tra c in a direction where the driver may overtake on the right. Changing of lanes One operating a motor vehicle or animal-drawn vehicle on a highway shall pass to the right when meeting persons or vehicles coming to him, and to the left when overtaking going the same direction. Overtaking a vehicle The driver overtaking in the same direction shall pass at safe distance to the left. Cutting an overtaken vehicle No driver shall drive to the right side of the highway after overtaking before his vehicle is safely clear of such overtaken vehicle. Driver to give way to overtaking vehicle (Lane Straddling) The driver of a vehicle about to be overtaken and passed by another from the rear shall give way to the latter on suitable and audible signal. Driver to give way to overtaking vehicle He shall not increase his speed until completely passed by overtaking vehicle. Restriction on Overtaking and Passing Driver shall not drive to the left side of the center line of the highway in overtaking in the same direction unless it is clearly visible and is free from oncoming tra c for a su cient distance ahead to permit such to ensure safety. ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi Driver shall not overtake in the same direction, when approaching the crest of a grade, not on a curve in the highway, where the his view along the highway is obstructed within 500 ft ahead, except on a highway with 2 or more lanes for movement of tra c in a direction whether the driver may overtake; provided: Right of way rules Right of way The driver on highway shall bring to a full stop his vehicle before transversing any “through highway” or railroad crossing: provided • when apparent there is no hazard, the vehicle may be slowed down to 5 miles per hour (8 kph), instead of full stop. Yellow-box prohibitions • Hitching or permitting a person or bicycle, motorcycle, tricycle or skate roller to high to a motor vehicle • Driving against tra c - failure to pass to the right when meeting persons or vehicles coming to him Use of red ags When the load of a vehicle extends 1m beyond its bed or body, there shall be displayed at every projecting end of such load a red ag not less than 30 cm both in length or width except in some cases, in lieu of red ags, there shall be red lights visible at least 50 m away. Red ag lights must be switched on not later than half hour after sunset and until at least half hour before sunrise and when weather conditions require. Motorists from garage or private roads must give way to those within public roads. Right of way and speed de-restriction of emergency vehicles The driver on a highway shall yield the right of way to police or re department vehicles and ambulances when such are operated on o cial business and their drivers sound audible signal of their approach. General rules on turning Mu ers Every motor vehicle propelled by internal combustion engine shall be equipped with mu er, and when it passes through a street of a city, municipality, or thickly populated district or barrio, it shall not be cut out or disconnected No motor vehicle shall be operated in a manner as to cause it to emit or make unnecessary or disagreeable odor, smoke or noice. Tires of motor vehicles No motor vehicle with metallic tires shall be operated on a public highway, and solid tires when used shall be of su cient thickness to prevent metal rims from coming in direct contact with the road. (e.g. bulldozer, backhoe, rollers, cranes) In case of road crash Duty of driver in case of accident If an accident occurs due to the operation of the motor vehicle on a highway, the driver shall show his driver’s license, give true name and address and that of the owner of the vehicle. Parking Parking is prohibited: 1. in an intersection 2. on crosswalk 3. within 6m of intersection 4. 4 m from driveway entrance 5. within 4 m from re hydrant 6. in front of private driveway 7. on roadway side of unmoving or parked MV at the curb or edge of highway 8. any place where signs of prohibition are installed. ffl ffi fl ffi ffi ffi fi ffi fl fl fi ffi fl ffl Hitching and driving against tra c No driver in a vehicular accident shall leave the scene of the accident without aiding the victim, except: 1. if he is in imminent danger of being seriously harmed by any persons or persons due to the accident; 2. if he reports the accident to the nearest o cer of the law; or 3. if he has to summon a physician or nurse to aid the victim. Other driving rules of RA 4136 No person shall driven or park on or along any sidewalk, path or alley not intended for vehicular parking or tra c. No person shall drive in a manner as to obstruct or impede the passage of any vehicle, nor, while discharging or taking passengers or loading or unloading of freight, obstruct free passage of other vehicles in the highway. Color of headlight of motor vehicle: white or yellowish white (Sec. 34(c)) Allowable height of top clearance lights: 10 cm (Sec. 34(c)) Color of tail lights within 100 m: Red (Sec. 34(d)) Color of plate light: White ( Sec. 34(d)) Color of brake lights: Bright Red (Sec. 34(e))