In Service Information Ref: ISI 23.73.00094 Issue: September 2017 A320 Family A318/A319/A320/A321 Enhanced Cabin Cabin Intercommunication Data System & Smoke Detection Function (CIDS/SDF) Troubleshooting guidelines Guidelines for system troubleshooting _ A318 / A319 / A320 / A321 Enhanced Cabin – CIDS & SDF GUIDELINES SYSTEM FOR TROUBLESHOOTING Please note: • These information do not amend or supersede any instruction contained in the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM), or the Trouble Shooting Manual (TSM), or Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) or FCOM (Flight Crew Operating Manual), or CCOM (Cabin Crew Operating Manual). • This booklet may not be regularly updated and the latest updates of IPC, AMM, TSM, MMEL, FCOM and CCOM remain the main references. • For additional information, please refer to IPC, AMM, TSM, MMEL, FCOM and CCOM on ATA 23-73 and 26-00/10/16/17/23 (among others), and all the other Airbus publications referenced in this document. • Except specific notice, information provided in this document is valid for all A320 Family A/C type: A318, A319, A320 & A321. Procurement: Operators are invited to contact their Resident Customer Support Manager or their Customer Support Director, who will take appropriate actions to procure these guides. Refer to the ISI 00.00.00170 for the details on ISI and ASMA documentation. The technical information provided in this article is for convenience and information purposes only. It shall in no case replace the official Airbus technical or Flight Operations data which shall remain the sole basis for aircraft maintenance and operation. These recommendations and information do not constitute a contractual commitment, warranty or guarantee whatsoever. They shall not supersede the Airbus technical nor operational documentation; should any deviation appear between this article and the Airbus or airline’s official manuals, the operator must ensure to cover it with the appropriate document such as TA, FCD, RAS. Access to WISE is supplied by Airbus under the express condition that Airbus hereby disclaims any and all liability for the use made by the user of the information contained in WISE. It shall be used for the user’s own purposes only and shall not be reproduced or disclosed to any third party without the prior consent of Airbus. 003 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 004 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 Introduction _ This booklet has been issued in order to inform operators of A318, A319, A320 and A321 aircraft equipped with Enhanced Cabin of the potential capabilities of the CIDS and SDF related to intensive trouble analysis and investigation tasks. As CIDS and SDF play an important role in the operational chain, appropriate knowledge of the system’s function and operations is essential. Notes: • This ISI does not apply to aircraft fitted with Classic CIDS (DIR P/N Z010H-), refer to ref ISI 23.73.00095. • This ISI also applies to aircraft fitted with a mix of Classic Cabin (PSU P/N Z312H-) and enhanced CIDS (DIR P/N Z014H-). Table of content _ 005 1 General Overview A. CIDS Introduction B. Part Number Identification C. CIDS Architecture D. Component location I Directors II Cockpit Components III DEU A IV DEU B V Flight Attendant Panel E. Circuit Breakers 011 012 014 015 016 017 018 020 022 024 025 2. Components detailed overview A. Directors I Introduction II Switch Over Logic III Power Up Sequence IV H/W & S/W Improvements V Interchangeability B. Smoke Detection I Introduction II Power Supply III Aural & Visual indications IV Detectors V Lavatory VI Cargo VII Fire extinguishing C. Decoder Encoder Units I DEU A II DEU B III DEU A&B - connexion Box D. Handsets I Introduction II Interchangeability III Operational Recommendations E. Flight Attendant Panel I Introduction II Keys Colours III CAM IV OBRM & iPRAM V Hardkeys VI Architecture VII Page Display Philosophy VIII Standard Pages IX Interchangeability X Passwords 027 028 029 032 034 035 037 039 040 041 042 046 047 048 049 051 052 054 056 057 058 059 061 062 063 064 065 067 068 069 070 071 089 091 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 006 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 Table of content _ F. AAP, ACP & AIP I Additional Attendant Panel II Area Call Panel III Attendant Indication Panel G. Passenger Service Unit 092 093 094 095 096 3. CIDS Functions A. Passenger Address B. Cabin and Flight Crew Interphone C. Service Interphone D. Cabin Illumination E. Emergency Evacuation F. Passenger Call G. Air Conditioning H. Doors & Slides I. In Flight Entertainment J. Emergency Power Supply Unit (EPSU) K. Potable Water Indication and Preselection L. Vacuum System Control Function (VSCF) M. Waste Quantity Indication N. Cabin Ready Function O. Sterile Cockpit P. Cabin & Cockpit Alerting System Q. Drain Mast Control Unit (DMCU) 097 098 100 102 103 104 106 107 108 109 110 111 113 115 116 116 116 117 4. BITE A. Introduction B. Failures Annunciation C. List of ECAM Warning & Maintenance Status D. MCDU CIDS I Access II Last Leg Report III Previous Legs Report IV LRU Identification V Class 3 Faults VI System Tests VII Power Up Test VIII Operational Tests IX Troubleshooting Data X Ground Scanning XI Ground Report XII System Configuration E. MCDU CIDS Simulator on the FAP 119 120 122 123 126 127 129 130 131 132 133 134 137 138 139 141 142 143 Table of content _ 007 F. MCDU SDF I Access II Last Leg Report III Previous Legs Report IV LRU Identification V Class 3 Faults VI System Tests VII Ground Scanning VIII Smoke Warning Test IX Troubleshooting Data & Smoke Warning Report 144 145 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting A. Troubleshooting Philosophy & Recommendations B. Common Maintenance Procedures C. MEL I Repair Interval II Maintenance Status CIDS III Interphone IV Handset V PA/Loudspeaker/Pax Call VI DEUs A&B VII FAP unit VIII FAP functions, PRAM & CAM IX ACP, AIP, AAP X Cabin Signs XI Maintenance Status SDF XII Lavatory Smoke Detection XIII FWD Cargo Smoke Detector XIV AFT & Bulk Cargo Smoke Detector D. Smoke Event I Smoke Warning Investigation II Prevent False Smoke Event III Smoke related troubleshooting E. CIDS Event I PSU Troubleshooting II CIDS TOP/MID Line Troubleshooting III Service Interphone Noise IV PA, Interphone & Handsets V Handset best practices F. CIDS Deviations 155 156 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 177 178 180 181 182 186 187 188 189 6. Documentation & Contacts A. Documentation B. Contacts 196 194 196 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 008 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 Glossary _ AAP A/C ACSC ACMS ACP ACU AIBU AIP AMM AMU ANN ARINC ASPSU BITE CAM CIDS CFDS CPC CPMS DEU DIR DMCU DMU ECAM EIS EIU EIVMU EMLS EPSU EVAC EWD FAP FSB FWC IFES ILCB ADDITIONAL ATTENDANT PANEL AIRCRAFT AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM CONTROLLER AIRCRAFT CONDITION MONITORING SYSTEM AREA CALL PANEL AIR COOLING UNIT ADVANCED ILLUMINATION BALLAST UNIT (CABIN LIGHT) ATTENDANT INDICATION PANEL AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AUDIO MANAGEMENT UNIT ANNUNCIATOR AERONAUTICAL RADIO INCORPORATION AUTONOMOUS STANDBY POWER SUPPLY UNIT BUILT-IN TEST EQUIPMENT CABIN ASSIGNMENT MODULE CABIN INTERCOMMUNICATION DATA SYSTEM CENTRALIZED FAULT DISPLAY SYSTEM CABIN PRESSURE CONTROLLER CABIN PASSENGER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DECODER/ENCODER UNIT DIRECTOR DRAIN MAST CONTROL UNIT DATA MANAGEMENT UNIT ELECTRONIC CENTRALIZED AIRCRAFT MONITORING ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT SYSTEM ENGINE INTERFACE UNIT ENGINE INTERFACE AND VIBRATION MONITORING UNIT EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEM EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY UNIT EVACUATION ENGINE/WARNING DISPLAY FLIGHT ATTENDANT PANEL FASTEN SEAT BELT FLIGHT WARNING COMPUTER IN-FLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM INDICATE LIGHT CONTROL BOX Glossary _ IPRAM I/O ISI ISPSS LAV LDCC LGCIU LLS LLT LR LRU LVDS MEL MCDU OBRM OI OPC PA PCU PES PISA PRAM PSS PSU PTT PTT RTS SA SDAC SDCU SFCC TFU TSM VC VSC VSF 009 INTEGRATED PRE-RECORDED ANNOUNCEMENT & BOARDING MUSIC INPUT OUTPUT IN SERVICE INFORMATION IN SEAT POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM LAVATORY LOWER DECK CARGO COMPARTMENT LANDING GEAR CONTROL & INTERFACE UNIT LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR LIQUID LEVEL TRANSMITTER LONG RANGE LINE REPLACEMENT UNIT LOW VOLTAGE DIFFERENTIAL SIGNALLING MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST MULTIPURPOSE CONTROL DISPLAY UNIT ON BOARD REPLACEABLE MODULE OPERATIONAL INTERRUPTION OPERATIONAL PROGRAM CONFIGURATION PASSENGER ADDRESS PASSENGER CONTROL UNIT PASSENGER ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM PASSENGER INTERFACE AND SUPPLY ADAPTER PRE-RECORDED ANNOUNCEMENT & BOARDING MUSIC PASSENGER SERVICE SYSTEM PASSENGER SERVICE UNIT PUSH TO TALK (HANDSET) PUSH TO TEST (SDF) RETURN TO SEAT SINGLE AISLE SYSTEM DATA ACQUISITION CONCENTRATOR SMOKE DETECTION CONTROL UNIT SLAT FLAP CONTROL COMPUTER TECHNICAL FOLLOW-UP TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL VENTILATION CONTROLLER VACUUM SYSTEM CONTROLLER VACUUM SYSTEM FUNCTION A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 010 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 1. General Overview A. B. C. D. E. CIDS Introduction Part Number Identification CIDS Architecture Component location Circuit Breakers 012 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 1. General Overview _ A. CIDS Introduction The Cabin Intercommunication Data System (CIDS) (ATA 23-73) is the electronic cabin management system, which provides most of the required cabin related functions for the cockpit, cabin crew, passengers and maintenance teams. The CIDS is the cabin network used to accomplish the functional control, operation, data transmission, testing and monitoring of various cabin systems. The systems controlled or interfaced by CIDS are: - Passenger Address (PA) - Cabin and Flight Crew Interphone - Service Interphone - Prerecorded Announcement and Boarding Music control (PRAM) - Passenger Entertainment System (PES/IFE) - Passenger Lighted Signs - Passenger Call - Cabin Illumination - Passenger Reading Lights - Passenger Services System (PSS) - Lavatory Smoke Detection and Indication - Cargo Smoke Detection and Indication - Cargo Fire Extinguisher Monitoring - Cabin Ready Signalling - Air Conditioning - Emergency Evacuation Signalling (EVAC) - Sterile Cockpit - Potable Water Indication & Preselection - Waste Indication - Vacuum System Control - Doors and Escape Slides Pressure Monitoring - Multipurpose Bus (MPB) - Cabin and Cockpit Alerting System (CCAL) - Emergency Power Supply Unit (EPSU) - Drain Mast Control Unit (DMCU) - Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) - MCDU The components related to each one of the above functions are described in chapter 3. The system functions are controlled by a central control unit called the Director (DIR). For redundancy purpose there are two directors, one active and one in hot stand-by mode. 1. General Overview _ A. CIDS Breakdown 21VU 35VU 21VU 25VU Cockpit switches Directors (DIR 1 / DIR 2) 22VU ACP AIP Attendant functions: • PA & Interphone • PAX call • Cabin indications FAP AAP & Handsets LAV & Cargo Smoke Detectors. DEU A DEU-B DEU-A Top line (DEU-A) DEU-B Middle line (DEU-B) DEU-A DEU B PAX functions: Passengers Service Units (PSU/PISA) Attendant functions: Cabin control and monitoring. A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 013 014 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 1. General Overview _ B. Part Number Identification The CIDS is designed in a modular way, whereby the number of installed components will be adapted to the aircraft type, layout and functional requirements. These components are: Components Number PN Root FIN (location) Director 2 Z014H 101RH / 102RH DEU Type A Up to 17 Z033H 200RHx DEU Type B Up to 6 Z043H 300RHx FAP/MP-FAP Up to 10 Z133H/Z145H 120RH AAP Up to 16 Z120H 126RH ACP Up to 16 AIP Up to 16 Z111H 320RHx Top Lines 2 N/A N/A Mid Lines 2 N/A N/A PSU (Classic Cabin) - Z312H - PSU (Enhanced Cabin) - Z315H/Z317H - Handset Up to 5 - - CAM 1 Z054H 115RH IPRAM 1 (option) Z163H 117RH OBRM 1 Z064H 116RH 340RHx CIDS Equipment P/N format: ZXXYH0000000 XX: Equipment Designation Y: Fleet Basic CIDS: Y=0 SA Y=1 LR Enhanced CIDS: Y=3 LR Y=4 SA Y=5 A380 AAP: ‘Y’ = 0 because SA Classic models are used for SA Enhanced. AIP: ‘ Y’ = 1 because LR Classic models are used for SA Enhanced. FAP: ‘Y’ = 3 because LR models are the same for SA. 1. General Overview _ C. CIDS Architecture 015 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 016 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 1. General Overview _ D. Components Location I. Directors II. Cockpit Components III. DEU A IV. DEU B V. Flight Attendant Panel 1. General Overview _ D. Components Location I. Directors 017 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 018 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 1. General Overview _ D. Components Location II. Cockpit Components 25VU 21VU 35VU 21VU 22VU 1. General Overview _ D. Components Location 019 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 020 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 1. General Overview _ D. Components Location III. DEU A A A 1. General Overview _ D. Components Location A318 A319, A320, A321 021 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 022 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 1. General Overview _ D. Components Location IV. DEU B B B 1. General Overview _ D. Components Location A318, A319, A320 A321 023 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 024 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 1. General Overview _ D. Components Location V. FAP 1. General Overview _ E. Circuit Breakers Here are the FIN number of the circuit breakers related to different components (outside of Battery installation): Designation CIDS DIR 1 CIDS DIR 2 CIDS SDF 1 CIDS SDF 2 FAP DEU A Left FWD DEU A LINE 1 DEU A Right FWD DEU A LINE 2 DEU A Left MID DEU A Right MID DEU A Left AFT DEU A Right AFT DEU B 025 A318 NORM Panel A318/320 A321 FIN A318/320 A318 120VU 151RH ESS 49VU 150RH NORM 120VU 156RH ESS 49VU 157RH NORM 122VU 17WH ESS 49VU 15WH NORM 122VU 14WH ESS 49VU 18WH NORM 120VU 170RH ESS 49VU 171RH NORM 120VU ESS ESS 154RH 120VU 164RH 49VU 155RH 2001 VU 197RH 49VU 195RH 2001 VU 198RH ESS NORM ESS 49VU 120VU ESS NORM 2001VU 196RH 167RH 49VU 120VU ESS NORM 158RH 49VU NORM NORM 159RH 49VU ESS ESS 163RH 49VU NORM A321 2001 VU 179RH 168RH 49VU 120VU ESS 49VU DEU B FWD NORM 120VU DEU B AFT NORM 173RH 174RH 172RH 162RH 153RH 193RH 2001 VU A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 194RH 026 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 1. General Overview _ E. Circuit Breakers 2. Components details A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Directors Smoke Detection Decoder Encoder Units Handsets Flight Attendant Panel AAP, ACP & AIP Passenger Service Unit 028 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ A. Directors I. Introduction II. Switch Over Logic III. Power Up Sequence IV. H/W & S/W Improvements V. Interchangeability 2. Components details _ A. Directors I. Introduction All CIDS related cabin systems are connected via data-busses to a master unit called CIDS director. The CIDS system has two redundant directors: • one director (usually DIR 1) is in active mode • the other (usually DIR 2) is in hot-standby mode. The hot-standby director has disabled outputs versus the active director. The functions of the Director are provided by several H/W modules and circuits: Processing module Bus Interface Circuit Power supply circuits BITE/ WATCHDOG circuits Digital/ analogic (audio) circuit DIR Data transfer interface to second director Discrete input/output circuits Mandatory layout memory and working memory 029 Serial input/output circuit A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 030 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ A. Directors Interfaces: The CIDS components are connected to each other and to other systems by three types of interfaces: discrete interfaces, data-bus interfaces and audio interfaces. • Data-bus interfaces: 2. Components details _ A. Directors • Discrete and audio interfaces: 031 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 032 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ A. Directors II. Switch Over Logic A switchover procedure is provided in case of any Director internal failure. The CIDS is designed so that if the active Director (usually DIR 1) is faulty then the second Director (usually DIR 2) becomes automatically the active Director. To ensure this switchover mechanism, CIDS DIR 1 and DIR 2 are inter-connected between each other with: • 4 Discrete links: 2 to exchange the active/passive status of each Directors, the 2 others to exchange the fault status of each Directors. • 1 ARINC 429 link: to exchange BITE results to be used by the newly active Director after the switchover. DIR1 The DIR 1 faults likely to trigger a switchover are: • DIR 1 faults detected by its BITE • Faults without BITE interaction: Power supply fault Central Processing Unit fault • DIR 1 working with Mandatory layout DIR2 2. Components details _ A. Directors read DIR2 OK/FAULT. DIR2 active/passive DIR 1 NO read DIR1 OK/FAULT. DIR1 active/passive DIR 2 DIR 1 active? YES NO DIR 1 OK? YES DIR 2 OK? DIR 2 active? NO NO YES DIR1 active? YES set DIR 1 passive NO YES set DIR 1 active set DIR 2 passive A switchback from DIR 2 to DIR 1 will happen only if: •D IR 1 is powered after DIR 2 has been active, and •D IR 1 performs a power-up procedure without failure Notes: • “active” status has to be opposed to “passive”, not to “faulty”. In most cases, DIR 2 is “passive” but not “faulty”. • If faulty, a Director will become “passive”. • If DIR 1 and DIR 2 are both faulty, then DIR 1 remains the “active” Director. 033 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 set DIR 1 active 034 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ A. Directors III. Power Up Sequence CIDS Emergency mode: Starting the CIDS only on ESS power will make the CIDS detect an “Emergency Mode” and start emergency operation without performing the usual Power-up BITE tests. Message Type ATA Chapter Message ECAM Warning 2300 COM CIDS 1+2 FAULT (in flight) Maintenance Status 2300 CIDS 1 (on ground) Maintenance Status 2300 CIDS 2 (on ground) Fault Message 237334 DIR1 (101RH)/ 28VDC2 SPLY Fault Message 237334 DIR2 (102RH)/ 28VDC2 SPLY Refer to AMM Task 23-73-00-861-001-A to appropriately energize the CIDS. The full BITE function is given only when both ESS and NORMAL power types are connected (e.g: not with A/C with servicing bus only). DIR P/N Z014H000333B power-up: With introduction of CIDS Director -333B and its dedicated CAM (see 2.E FAP - CAM), starting in Emergency mode will prevent the SDF part of the CAM to be loaded and will lead to the temporary apparition of some or all of following messages (in addition to above): Message Type ATA Chapter Message Ecam Warning 2600 SMOKE AFT CRG DET FAULT Ecam Warning 2600 SMOKE BULK AVN DET FAULT Ecam Warning 2600 SMOKE FWD CRG DET FAULT Ecam Warning 2600 SMOKE LAV + CRG DET FAULT After FWC -H2F5: SMOKE DET FAULT Ecam Warning 2600 SMOKE LAVATORY DET FAULT This behaviour does not affect the SDF operation if the indications disappear with the finished power-up procedure. 2. Components details _ A. Directors IV. H/W & S/W improvements Reference doc: ISI article 23.73.00017 Here are the latest Hardware and OBRM improvements, and the corresponding SB references: SB23-1612 Z064H000031B Z064H000034C SB 23 Z064H000031D -12 84 Z064H000031A Z064H000031C SB23-1284 SB 23 -15 88 88 -15 23 SB Z064H000032A Z064H000032B Z064H000033A SB23-1360 Z064H000033B SB23-1492 OBRM Z014H000x31A DIR 035 Z014H000231B SB23-1611 SB23-1612 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 Z014H000333B 036 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ A. Directors IV. H/W & S/W improvements Reference doc: ISI article 23.73.00017 CIDS version VSB Improvements CIDS DIR PNR Z014H000333B Z014H000333B Amdt A VSB Z014H-23-013 Prevention of spurious smoke detection faults Z014H000333B Amdt B VSB Z014H-23-014 Prevention of spurious CIDS faults & loss of communication with FAP CIDS DIR PNR Z014H000231B Z014H000231B Amdt A VSB Z014-23-009 Sequencer start up improvement thanks to CPU modification. Z014H000231B Amdt B VSIL 23-095 Simplification of the production through a redesign of CPU Board and Audio Board. Z014H000231B Amdt 1, A1, B1, C VSB Z014-23-012 New Protection lacquer on CIDS Motherboard n°1. CIDS DIR PNR Z014H00031A Z014H000031A / Z014H000131A Amdt A VSB Z014H-23-005 Spurious BITE Report Suppression Z014H000031A / Z014H000131A Amdt B VSB Z014H-23-006 & Z014H-23-007 Hardware improvements thanks to Director modification Z014H000131A Amdt C VSB Z014H-23-008 Sequencer start up improvement thanks to CPU modification. Z014H000131A Amdt D VSIL 23-081 Simplification of the production through a redesign of CPU Board and Audio Board. Z014H000031A Amdt 1, A1, B1, C VSB Z014H-23-010 New Protection lacquer on CIDS Motherboard n°1 Z014H000131A Amdt 1, A1, B1, C1, E VSB Z014H-23-011 New Protection lacquer on CIDS Motherboard n°1 2. Components details _ A. Directors V. Interchangeability Reference doc: IPC / ISI article 23.73.00017 Z014H000031A 2-way interchangeable Z014H000131A Conditions • OBRM ≥ -032A* • associated CAM Not interch. but 1-way interch. with conditions. Z014H000231B Conditions • OBRM 34C • No cockpit AIP Not interch. but 2-way interch.with conditions. Conditions • OBRM 34C • Discrete AA PIN 10C & AB PIN 11E not in use • acceptable H/W limitations* Z014H000333B Notes: • OBRM -34C is retro-compatible with CAM developped for OBRM -32x & -33x”. * Refer to next page Notes. 037 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 038 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ A. Directors How to read: P/N A With conditions X P/N B This figure means: P/N A can be replaced by P/N B with conditions X. Notes: • When replacing a DIR unit, ensure to achieve the OBRM Download procedure (Ref. AMM TASK 23-73-00-869-001). In fact, from repair/shop: - DIR Z014H000031A/ Z014H000131A is preloaded with OBRM Z064H000031A - DIR Z014H000231B with OBRM Z064H000031A - DIR Z014H000333B with OBRM Z064H000033A. • For each Director generation, prefer loading the latest available OBRM: - DIR Z014H000031A/ Z014H000131A: OBRM Z064H000031C/D, - DIR Z014H000231B: Z064H000034C, - DIR Z014H000333B: Z064H000034C. • DIR Z014H000231B can replace DIR Z014H000333B if: - Restriction in SPI robustness are acceptable, refer to applicable limitations listed in ISI 23.73.00027. - Restrictions in the new functionalities introduced with OBRM Z064H000034C. Mixability: Directors P/N: • Z014H000031A & Z014H000131A are mixable • Z014H000031A/ Z014H000131A & Z014H000231B are not mixable • Z014H000231B & Z014H000333B are mixable if software Z064H000034C installed. Reference doc: IPC 23-73 / ISI article 23.73.00017 Directors obsolescence: • DIR -x31A & -231B are obsolete. Refer to TFU for more details • Thanks to OBRM -34C, DIR -231B can be replaced by DIR -333B • For DIR -x31A, CAM must be retrofitted thanks to SB 23-1612 so as to update A/C to DIR -333B & OBRM -34C. CAM ordering is recommended to be anticipated. 2. Components details _ B. Smoke Detection I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. 039 Introduction Power Supply Aural & Visual indications Detectors Lavatory Cargo Fire extinguishing monitoring A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 040 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ B. Smoke Detection I. Introduction Reference doc: ISI article 26.10.00006 • The Smoke Detection Function (SDF) is integrated into the enhanced CIDS-DIR LRU (Z014Hxxx), and is an evolution of the previous generation SDCU based. • Cargo: The Cargo Smoke Detectors are fitted in pairs per cavity to confirm smoke event detection. On A318/A319 and A320, two smoke detectors (one cavity) are generally installed in the FWD compartment and four smoke detectors (2 cavities) in the AFT. On A321, 4 smoke detectors (2 cavities) are generally installed in the FWD compartment and six smoke detectors (3 cavities) in the AFT. • Lavatory: only one smoke detector is installed per lavatory. 2. Components details _ B. Smoke Detection II. Power-Supply CIDS-SDF power-supply architecture Note: If SDF 1 is deactivated (to access SDF 2 MCDU menu e.g.) smoke detectors sharing the same energizing line will not be energized anymore, and two fault messages will be triggered: • “CIDS (102RH)-SDF2 BUS/CIDS (101RH)-SDF1” with DIR P/N -x31A and P/N -231B, or • “SDF2 (102RH)-DIR (101RH)” with DIR P/N -333B, and • “CIRCUIT BREAKER 15WH/ WRG: CAN BUS A” 041 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 042 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ B. Smoke Detection III. Aural & Visual Indications • The smoke-detection system provides visual and aural warnings in the cockpit in case of Smoke Warning Events. • It also provides visual and aural warnings in the cabin in the case of smoke event detected in the lavatories. Smoke indication in case of Cargo alert 2. Components details _ B. Smoke Detection Smoke Indication in case of Lavatory alert Indication of a SMOKE Lavatory event on the FAP 043 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 044 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ B. Smoke Detection Overhead Panel Indication Standard: On 22VU CARGO SMOKE Section on OVHD panel Label Type Colour Indication / Action FWD SMOKE LED Red Smoke alarm in FWD cargo compartment FWD DISCH LED Amber Low pressure in bottle 1 FWD DISCH Garded Switch N/A FWD cargo compartment fire extinguishing bottle discharge AFT SMOKE LED Red Smoke alarm in AFT cargo compartment AFT DISCH LED Amber Low pressure in bottle 1 AFT DISCH Garded Switch N/A AFT cargo compartment fire extinguishing bottle discharge TEST Push-Button N/A Manual Push To Test command (PTT) of smoke detection system in LDCC Note: Smoke Detector in Avionic Bay (FIN 1WA) is not connected to the SDF: • This standalone S/D its directly wired to the FWC. FWC triggers related Avionic Smoke ECAM Warning in case of event confirmed during 5 seconds • S/D BITE is achieved via Avionics Equipment Ventilation Computer (AEVC) • Only one fire extinguisher bottle is installed. Discharging it in one compartment will lead to the “DISCH” illumination for both compartments. 2. Components details _ B. Smoke Detection Overhead Panel Indication Option for ETOPS: On 22VU CARGO SMOKE Section on OVHD panel with ETOPS configured 045 Label Type Colour Indication / Action FWD SMOKE LED Red Smoke alarm in FWD cargo compartment FWD AGENT 1 Garded switch N/A FWD cargo compartment fire extinguishing bottle 1 discharge FWD AGENT 2 Garded switch N/A FWD cargo compartment fire extinguishing bottle 2 discharge AFT SMOKE LED Red Smoke alarm in AFT cargo compartment AFT AGENT 1 Garded switch N/A AFT cargo compartment fire extinguishing bottle 1 discharge AFT AGENT 2 Garded switch N/A AFT cargo compartment fire extinguishing bottle 2 discharge DISCH1 LED Amber Low pressure bottle 1 DISCH2 LED Amber Low pressure bottle 2 DISCH AGENT 2 LED Amber AGENT 2 to be used (AGENT 1 already discharged) TEST Push-Button N/A Manual test command (PTT) of smoke detection system in LDCC and optional in Avionics compartment A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 046 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ B. Smoke Detection IV. Detectors Lavatory smoke detector Cargo ambient smoke detector Lavatory smoke detection cavity Cargo smoke detection and fire extinction cavity Lavatory: PN PPC1200-00 Cargo: PN PPC1100-00 Smoke Detector units are based on optical detection on their surrounding air. Therefore S/D may get progressively contaminated by their environment. In case the contamination threshold is reached, the S/D declares itself faulty to the CIDS-SDF, which then reports this status by a class 3 fault “CONTAMINATION” for maintenance purpose. Note: Lavatory Optical Smoke Detector are not designed for detecting cigarette smoke (refer to ISI 26.17.00002 “E-cigarette or cigarette smoke detection in lavatory compartment”). 2. Components details _ B. Smoke Detection V. Lavatory The lavatory smoke detectors are optical and connected via a CAN bus to a DEU type B and linked via the CIDS middle line bus to the CIDS directors. They communicate internally with the respective CIDS-SDF channels. Reset of a Smoke Alert: If there is no more smoke detected, the CIDS-SDF resets all visual and aural indications automatically. To reset the visual and aural indication in the cabin manually you have to push the “SMOKE RESET” button either on the “SMOKE DETECTION” page on the FAP touchscreen (general reset), the FAP subpanel (general reset, CAM programmable button) or on the AAP (local area reset only). This affects AIP, ACP and the cabin aural indications. The indications on the FAP stay as long as the smoke is detected. Location of the Lavatory Smoke Detectors 047 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 048 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ B. Smoke Detection VI. Cargo The cargo smoke detectors are connected via 2 CAN buses (A & B) to both CIDS-SDF channels. There are two smoke detectors per cavity. Location of the Cargo Smoke Detectors on A318, A319 and A320 2. Components details _ B. Smoke Detection VII. Fire extinguishing The cargo compartment fire extinguishing system is supplied by one bottle (2 for ETOPS option). The percussion of the bottle is controlled from the cockpit (see next page the location of the button). It is a single-shot fire-extinguishing system, and includes: • A bottle with the extinguishing agent • One squib per bottle to trigger the extinguishing agent release • The pipes from the bottle to the compartments • One or Two pushbutton switches 3WX (and 4WX) to activate the system • One or Two SMOKE/DISCH indication lights 12WH (and 11WH). • The CIDS-SDF unit to monitor the pressure of the bottles & the squibs. The Smoke Detection Function continuously monitors the bottle pressure condition, the two cartridges and the wiring. In case low pressure detected, the discrete LOW PRESS FIRE EXTINGUISHING BTL 1/2 output will be set. Notes: • The fire extinction is triggered neither automatically nor by the SDF. • It is recommended to clean the S/D following fire extinguisher release (as advised in AMM task for bottle replacement). 049 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 050 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ B. Smoke Detection Note: Fire extinguishing function is available for both FWD and AFT LDCC. 2. Components details _ C. Decoder Encoder Units I. DEU A II. DEU B III. DEU A&B - Connexion Box DEU-B DEU-B DEU-A 051 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 DEU-A 052 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ C. Decoder Encoder Units I. DEU A DEUs A are used for Passenger functions: • Cabin Illumination • Reading Lights • PAX Call • PA & Boarding music • Seat-row Identifier Lighting • NS/NM, FSB and RTS signs Each DEU A is controlled by the active director. The DEUs A are connected to the top lines. 2. Components details _ C. Decoder Encoder Units DEU A 053 DEU B A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 054 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ C. Decoder Encoder Units II. DEU B DEUs B are used for lavatory smoke detection and attendant functions: • PA & Interphone (handsets) • Attendants indications & controls (AAP, AIP, ACP) • Drain Mast & Water/Waste interfaces (LLS, LLT, Vacuum, Flush) • Slide and door pressure sensors • Emergency Power Supply Unit (EPSU) Each DEU B is controlled by the active director. The DEUs B are connected to the middle lines. 2. Components details _ C. Decoder Encoder Units DEU A 055 DEU B A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 056 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ C. Decoder Encoder Units III. DEU A&B - Connexion box Each DEU owns a unique identifier on its top/middle line. It is used by the CIDS to address individually each DEU. Those individual addresses are set by the coding switches of the connexion box: HIGH LOW Coding Switch Example : High Low 3 9 (See in 1.D Components location) The last connexion-box connected to a middle or top line is a dedicated connexion box terminating the line. It is called Termination box. If fitted before the end of the line, all DEU behind it will be lost by the CIDS. connexion box P/N: Z233H0000110 Termination box P/N: Z233H0010110 Reference doc: ISI article 23.73.00020 Note: During Troubleshooting: • Prevent swapping DEU with a connexion box and a termination box, or ensure swapping as well connexion/termination boxes. • If swapping DEU with connexion boxes, ensure to adapt the connexion box address settings to the new DEU location. • On the power lines are fuses and LEDs to indicate the power availability. 2. Components details _ D. Handsets I. Introduction II. Interchangeability III. Operational Recommendations 057 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 058 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ D. Handsets I. Introduction Handsets are installed in the cockpit and at the cabin attendant stations. They are used for the Cabin and Flight Crew Interphone functions and for Passenger Announcements (refer to chapter 3 for more details on Interphone & PA functions). Handsets have an integrated keyboard, including a “Push To Talk Button”, used to make different types of calls and announcements There are three families of handsets: • Becker handset ST3100 series • Holmberg handset P/N 89‐01 series • Holmberg handset P/N N40‐1A/B series: improvement 89-01 series following TFU (lack of reliability) P/N ST3100 P/N 89-01 P/N N40 2. Components details _ D. Handsets II. Interchangeablility Reference doc: ISI article 23.73.00009 Prerequisite: Replaced and installed Handsets must have the same hardkeys layout and colours definition. This interchangeability condition is valid for all following interchangeability summaries. Mixability: Allowed between handset families. Conditions • N40-1X bracket support assembly to be installed. • GSM not installed on A/C (for ST3100 or 89-01-27-xxy) ST3100 or 89-01 Series Not interch. but 1-way interch. with conditions. N40-1A Series Conditions • N40-1X bracket support assembly to be installed 1-way interch. but 2-way interch. with conditions. Conditions • GSM not installed on A/C. N40-1B Series How to read: This figure means: P/N A can be replaced by P/N B with conditions X. P/N A With conditions X P/N A Note: • SB 23-1592 released in Q1 2016 propose recommended and attractive retrofit from ST3100 & 89-01 series to N40-1B series • Test tone generator for ST3100 series no longer procurable. 059 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 060 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ D. Handsets Note: CIDS Handsets have been designed so as to be replaced in less than 15 min. TFU •O n Classic CIDS A/C: prevent connecting cabin handsets P/N N40-1A / N40-1B series to DEU-B P/Ns Z040H0000110, Z040H0001110, Z040H0002110, Z040H0003110, Z040H0004110 & Z040H0005110 (cabin handsets may get damaged). Fleet standardization: To reduce spares stock, handsets P/N can be standardized between Classic/Enhanced CIDS A/C and between Cabin configurations thanks to N40-1A/B series: •T hrough allowed Interchangeabilities •T hrough RFC/RMO or STC if necessary (not similar keyboard layout in particular) SB 23-1592 released in Q1 2016 aims at recommending the retrofit from ST3100 & 89-01 series ti N40-1B series, fore reliability improvement. Reference VSIL Title Date Applicable Series D9240-44-09 DISCHARGE ELECTRODES MODIFICATION 11-nov N40 D9240-44-10 RELEASE BUTTON IMPROVEMENT 11-nov N40 2. Components details _ D. Handsets III. Operational Recommendations Reference documents: •H OLMCO VSIL Ho-P6091-ROP-0000-01A •C COM chapters 03-040 PA System To prevent reliability impacts due to misuse, Cabin and Maintenance Crews must take care of the following operational recommendations while using the handsets: •A void overstretch on handset coil cord. In particular, stay close to the attendant loudspeaker near to the bracket of the used handset. This will help improving the echo cancellation mechanism. •A lways hold the handset in hand, close to both ear and mouth. Indeed, in addition to preserve handset coil cord and housing, this will allow a better reception of the voice signal by the directional microphone inside the handset (for surrounding noise cancellation purpose), and will result in an easier and more intelligible PA. •S lide the handset in its bracket soft and smooth, without applying too much pressure. •A void pinching the coil cord while stowing the attendant seats. Note: As described in MEL - Handset section, the MEL can be applied to allow dispatch in case of inoperative Handset. 061 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 062 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel I. Introduction II. Keys Colours III. CAM IV. OBRM & iPRAM V. Hardkeys VI. Architecture VII. Page Display Philosophy VIII. Standard Pages IX. Interchangeability X. Passwords 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel I. Introduction The FAP is used to control different cabin Systems and the CIDS, to indicate the status of different systems and for on-board changes of the CAM data. It has a Display Unit, a Sub Panel (which contains hardkeys, an USB Interface and a headsetplug), and slots for memory cards. 063 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 064 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel II. Keys colours In order to indicate degree of severity of the events and warnings shown in the FAP, a color code is implemented in the buttons, text and figures. Text and Figure Colour Codes Red Alert, command in emergency condition or marking a dangerous situation; e.g. Open Doors, Smoke Indication… Amber Warnings or messages with raised priority. White Neutral messages or text. e.g FAP headline. Green OK-Messages or positive system responses. Button Colour Codes Grey Unpressed / Available keys (status indication: not activated) Light grey Function key disabled / not available (status indication: not activated) Green Pressed key (status indication: activated) Light green Function key disabled (status indication: activated) Amber Caution/Hints (steady and flashing) Red Alarm 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel III. CAM IPRAM CAM OBRM Cabin Assignment Module It defines many of the system properties and all cabin layout and zoning customisation. CAM Data are changed by replacement of the CAM with a reprogrammed CAM (see ISI articles ref 23.73.00007, 23.73.00018 e.g.). • Up to three pre-defined layouts can be saved in a CAM, and each of them can have its own Modified Layouts stored (See example with 2 layouts in chapter FAP - Layout selection). When a layout modification is done on a FAP page, the Save button has to be pushed to take the modification into account and to store them into the associated Modified Layout. The number of performed modifications is automatically counted and displayed on the LAYOUT SELECTION page. • The CIDS is set with the Last Used Layout, which is stored both in the DIR and the CAM, and marked. Additionally a Mandatory Layout is available to each Director in case of unreadable CAM and no Last Used Layout in the DIR Memory. CAM replacement: If the new CAM has never been fitted, DEFAULT Layout 1 will be loaded. Otherwise the Last Used Layout will be used. • The CAM is separated into three different CAM-Parts: CAM-A used for CIDS system cabin configuration CAM-B used for FAP graphic customisations CAM-C used for flexible cargo SDF system configuration (DIR -333B) CAM-Part Number (12 characters) Z 0 5 CAM H/W Model 4 H Identifies the H/W Model of the CAM 065 0 1 CAM Data Source 0 1 Customer Code Identifies the source Identifies the of CAM data destination of CAM (CAM programmer) data (customer) A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 0 Version 1 Identifies the CAM data version (A/C layout code as per customer definition) 0 Index Identifies changes (corrections) within a CAM data version 066 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel III. CAM auto loading IPRAM CAM OBRM DIR power-up CAM fitted in FAP slot? YES PN in FAP = PN in DIR memory? YES NO NO YES Is there a valid Last Used Layout? NO Download CAM from FAP slot YES NO Use Last Used Layout Use Mandatory Layout Download OK? Note: The functional restrictions of the Mandatory Layout are: • Audio : “PA ALL” only, and no other audio source (IFE e.g.) • Limited FAP pages and “Lights”, “Doors & Slides” and “Smoke” pages with: Basic Lights Switching (On/Off), lack of Doors/Slides pressure monitoring indication, lack of position for Lav Smoke Events. • FAP hard keys all amber, with PED and Screen Lock buttons inoperative. • Default password “000” instead of the usual ones (see Passwords chapter) • General loss of all cabin customizations 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel IV. OBRM & iPRAM IPRAM CAM OBRM On Board Replaceable Module The OBRM contains the system software. Major changes of the CIDS functions are done by the replacement of the OBRM (DIR S/W, SDF S/W, FAP S/W). OBRM shall be reloaded after every DIR replacement! Integrated Prerecorded Announcement & Boarding Music (optional) The IPRAM stores prerecorded announcement and boarding music audio data. P/N: Not supported on SA/LR Customization possibilities: •S tandard Card = Silver Card: P/N Z163H000010X - 4 music channels: 2 Hours of Royalties-free Boarding Music - 81 selectable Announcements in 9 different languages: Arabic, Cantonese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish - 9 automatic triggered Emergency Announcements •C ustomized Card = Gold Card: P/N Z163Hmmcctvv A/L customized records, more languages, recent boarding music… From Silver to Gold: refer to ISI article 23.32.00001. 067 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 068 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel V. Hardkeys EMER Allow to switch on/off the emergency lighting system PED POWER Allow to switch on/off the PED power. LIGHTS MAIN ON/OFF Allow to switch ON/OFF the general cabin illumination LAV. MAINT EVAC CMD Allow to switch full bright the lavatory lighting system for maintenance purpose Allow to clean the FAP display by temporarily de-activating any touchscreen action for 30 seconds. Allow to launch an EVAC command or an EVAC request depending on the EVAC selector switch position in the cockpit EVAC RESET Allow to switch off the EVAC indication (EVAC tone, AIP, ACP) SMOKE RESET/SMOKE “SMOKE RESET: Allow to reset LAV smoke alert indication (Chimes, Lavatory call lights, AIPs, ACPs), as a push-button. Provide indication as well. SMOKE: Only for indication.” FAP-PC RESET (FAP RESET) Allow a manual reset of the PC card PAX SYS Allow to switch on/off the “Passenger Systems” IFE and ISPSS SCREEN 30 SEC. LOCK Note: • USB key slot and Headset plug do not support any function (option cancelled). However they are electrically active. • SMOKE RESET button is CAM programmable. 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel VI. Architecture The FAP has data bus interfaces to the: •D irector 1 •D irector 2 •P rovisions (not yet implemented by Airbus): Ethernet Hub (E-Hub) In Flight Entertainment System (IFE) The FAP has discrete interfaces to the: • Director 1 • Director 2 • Emergency Lighting System • In Flight Entertainment System (IFE) With MP-FAP introduction thanks to OBRM -34C, it introduces capabilities to display external systems HMI on the FAP (like ALNA or WCD e.g.) 069 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 070 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel VII. Page Display Philosophy The CIDS related FAP pages can be activated in two ways. • The first one is the normal mode, which means, that the relevant page is selected manually. If there is a message for an other page, the user receives a clear indication (Info Row + Caution Light flashing), that shows him there is an important message in the queue (no time out). •The second one is the automatic mode, which means that the respective page is displayed automatically. If there are more than one auto message available the user receives a hint (Caution Light flashing + Info Row) as described in normal mode. Any page manually selected Display off Time out respectively Screen off and no auto page event Page manually selected (No further auto page event respectively auto page event deactive and Screen off)* or (auto page event deactive and time out) New auto page event Screen off and auto page avent Other/ same page selected Smoke event Page automatically selected Note: To get to the display off status, if further auto page events are in the queue, every auto page event can be quit by pressing the ‘Screen off’ button. Due to the press of this button, the respective system page is displayed automatically. This procedure has to be repeated as long as auto page events are in the queue. 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel VIII. Standard Pages - Caution/Info Row - Audio - External PRAM - Audio - Integrated PRAM - Cabin Lighting - Doors/Slides - Cabin Temperature - Water/Waste - Smoke Detection - Seat Settings - System Info - Cabin Programming - Layout Selection - Level Adjustment - MCDU Simulator Menu - Software Loading - FAP Set-Up 071 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 072 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel Caution/Info Row Important message to be read. Info related to the important message. CAUT-Button can have 3 modes: •B utton off: no event (or all event disappeared) •A ctive flashing: new event(s) •A ctive steady: no new event(s) and all old event (pages) have been selected Info Row can have 2 statuses: • Info Row not displayed: no event or all respective pages have been manually selected • Info Row displayed: new auto event and page is not selected 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel Audio - External PRAM The Audio page allows the users to reproduce individual or in group announcements. The source of this announcements is external PRAM or IFE. 073 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 074 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel Audio - Integrated PRAM The Audio page allows the users to reproduce individual or in group announcements. The source of this announcements is the IPRAM Flash Card. 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel Cabin Lighting The Cabin Lighting system is described in the 3.D Cabin Illumination. 075 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 076 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel Doors/Slides The Doors/Slides system is described in the 3.H Doors & Slides. In case of latency, discrepancy or doubt, the primary source of information for Doors & Slides status is the DOORS SD ECAM page in cockpit. 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel Cabin Temperature The Cabin Temperature system is described in the 3.G air conditioning. 077 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 078 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel Water/Waste The Water/Waste system is described in the 3.K Potable Water Indication and Preselection. 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel Smoke Detection The Smoke Detection system is described in the 2.B Smoke Detection. 079 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 080 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel Seat Settings Thanks to the Seat Setting FAP page the crew members are able to modify some aspects of individual or group seats. It is possible to enable or disable reading lights of a single or a group of seats, to inhibit calls of a single or a group of seats, etc. 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel System Info The System Info FAP page displays any message concerning CIDS and connected systems. 081 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 082 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel Cabin Programming Via the Cabin Programming FAP page it is possible to move the borders between the cabin classes. The page is protected by a password (cf FAP Passwords page). To properly program a cabin zone refer to: AMM 23-73-00 PB001CONF01 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel Layout Selection Via the Layout Selection FAP page the user is allowed to choose one cabin layout out of a maximum of three pre-defined and three modifiable cabin layouts. This function is only available on ground, and the page is protected by a password (cf FAP Passwords page). 083 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 084 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel Level Adjustment Through the Level Adjustment FAP page, crew is able to modify loudspeakers and chime level in the cabin zones, attendant areas, rooms, and lavatories. The function is protected by an access code (cf FAP Passwords page) and the function is available both in flight and on ground. This page can be deactivated by CAM settings. In such a case, a new CAM programming is required to make any achievement or reactivate the page. 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel MCDU Simulator Menu The MCDU Simulator Menu page is described in 4.E MCDU Simulator on the FAP. The page is protected by a password (cf FAP Passwords page). 085 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 086 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel Software Loading The Software Loading is described in the 2.E OBRM&IPRAM. From the CIDS-DIR P/N Z014H000231B a further line with the SDF Software will be displayed. An OBRM Download will update the SDF Software as well. If this page is completely green, then the Software Download was successful! The page is protected by a password (cf FAP Passwords page). 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel Software Loading Even a short power interrupt may disturb the Software Download. Prevent any power transfer during this procedure. 087 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 088 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel Set-Up The FAP Set-Up page is used to adjust display brightness, FAP loudspeaker and headset volume, as well as removing and installing IPRAM, CAM and OBRM cartridges. Note: When replacing the CAM or OBRM by means of these windows, DO NOT FORGET to access the Layout Select Page and SW Download Page and perform the data download manually • otherwise the CAM will be loaded only with the next CIDS power up • the OBRM is never loaded automatically 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel IX. Interchangeability Reference Doc: ISI article 23.73.00021 Part Number: Z133H0 x y z uvw FAP Type Hardware Version Software Version Customized Definition: •H ardkeys layout •C olours definition Prerequisite: Replaced FAP and Installed FAP must have the same hardkeys layout and colours definition. This interchangeability condition is valid for all following interchangeability summaries. FAP types: 0: Basic FAP 1: Basic + PC card + Hub 2: Basic + Hub 3: Basic + iPRAM capability 4: Basic + PC card + Hub + iPRAM capability 5: Basic + Hub + iPRAM capability Notes: • There is a break in Customized Definition digit between generations -50B/-51A and -51C/-51D/-51E. • Options using the Hub capability are not implemented on Single Aisle Aircraft. • Only Water Depress option is using the PC Card functionality on FAP types 1 & 4. FAP type 5 is missing the PC Card internal board, but Water Depress option is well supported and connectors remain unchanged. • Acceptability of discrepancies between customized version definitions can be evaluated on a case by case analysis and eventually temporary covered through a chargeable TA. • With OBRM -34C, MP-FAP P/N Z145H series is being introduced. It allows displaying HMI of external systems (like ALNA or WCD) on the MP-FAP. 089 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 090 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel IX. Spares & Interchangeability Z133H0x1z51A Conditions • Interchangeable if x=5 • With FAP type 5 limitations compared to FAP type (x). Not interch. but 2-way interch. with conditions. Conditions • Interchangeable if x=5 • With FAP type (x) limitations compared to FAP type 5. Z133H052z’51C 1-wayinterch. but 2-way interch. with conditions. Conditions • Display limitation acceptable. Z133H052z’51D 2-way interchangeable Z133H053z’51E Conditions • OBRM -34C • New CAM if x= 3, 4 or 6 Not interch. but 2-way interch. with conditions. Z145H0x4z120 Conditions • Only if x=0 2. Components details _ E. Flight Attendant Panel X. Passwords The following system pages are protected by a password: FAP Page Default Password Related AMM Task Software Loading 813 23-73-00-869-001-A Layout Selection 318 23-73-00-860-002-A Cabin Programming 318 23-73-00-860-008-A Level Adjustment 318 23-73-00-860-009-A MCDU Simulation 318 23-73-00-860-010-A The passwords are defined in the CAM and are customizable via CAM reprogramming. In that case the new password will be mentioned in the related AMM task. If the CAM is not readable, the default code is 000 (but DIR is in Mandatory Layout mode). There is no limitations in number of incorrect password inputs. FAP display out of sleep: If you push the SCREEN OFF button, it switches off the screen. The screen is also switched off, if no input is made for more than 10 minutes. If the screen is switched on by touching the screen or by an auto event, you may first have (it is optional) to enter a password (813 by default). Only the SMOKE page comes up without any password protection. If activated, this out-of-sleep password is defined into the CAM. Reference doc: ISI article 23.73.00007 091 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 092 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ F. AAP, ACP & AIP I. Additional Attendant Panel II. Area Call Panel III. Attendant Indication Panel 2. Components details _ F. AAP, ACP & AIP I. Additional Attendant Panel Reference doc: ISI article 23.73.00021 AAP: The AAP enables the attendants to control certain cabin systems and the CIDS via membrane switches. They are installed near the doors in the pressurised area of the cabin. Their keypad layout can be customized. EVAC/SMOKE RESET Switch panels: Switch Panels related to EVAC Indication respectively EVAC and SMOKE Reset could be optionally located on the panels 2064VU respectively 2065VU. The switch panel performs indication of the EVAC alert, reset of the EVAC signalling, and reset of the aural and visual smoke warnings, related to the respective lavatory. 093 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 094 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ F. AAP, ACP & AIP II. Area Call Panel The Area Call Panel (ACP) is installed at each end of the passenger compartment to the left and right of centre in the ceiling. The ACP has four separately controlled fields, each contains two parallel connected white lamps or four coloured LEDs. The lights are visible from the front or rear of the ACP. They are coloured in one of two available cover lenses. The colours are as follows: Colour 1 Colour 2 Colour 3 Colour 4 Amber Red or Green Red Blue The fields are activated either continuously or are flashed. They are used as a far-call facility to inform cabin attendants of PAX-call, interphone call, emergency call, Evacuation command and lavatory smoke. 2. Components details _ F. AAP, ACP & AIP III. Attendant Indication Panel Reference doc: ISI article 23.73.00021 The AIP provides indications for call functions to attendant stations. Its display shows dial and call information from the PA/Interphone system and other system-related information (e.g. Lav Smoke Location/ PAX Calls). The AIPs are installed near all attendant stations in the pressurized area of the cabin. It is connected to the DEU B who provides the 28VDC. RED and GREEN LED signification: INDICATOR LIGH ACTIVATED FUNCTION RED GREEN LAVATORY SMOKE DETECTION FLASHING Not illuminated EVACUAUTION SIGNALLING FLASHING Not illuminated SERVICE INTERPHONE Not illuminated Not illuminated PASSENGER CALL Not illuminated Not illuminated PRERECORDED INTERPHONE Not illuminated Not illuminated *STERILE COCKPIT INDICAITION Not illuminated STEADY • EMERGENCY CALL from Cockpit FLASHING Not illuminated • ALL ATTND CALL from Cockpit Not illuminated STEADY • ALL ATTND CALL from Cabin Not illuminated STEADY • NORMAL CALL from Cockpit Not illuminated STEADY • NORMAL CALL from Cabin Not illuminated STEADY CABIN INTERPHONE Note: Those settings, as well as associated chimes, are CAM customizable 095 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 096 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 2. Components details _ G. Passenger Service Unit (PSU) The PSU consists of: •R eading-light switches and reading lights, •P AX call button and call light, •S eat-row identifier, •L oudspeakers, •N on-Smoking (NS), No-Mobile (NM, optional), Fasten Seat Belt (FSB) and Return To Seat (RTS, in Lavatory only) signs It is linked to the DIR via DEU A and Passenger Interface and Supply Adapter (PISA). PSU NS & FSB illuminated signs: NM & FSB illuminated signs, NS nonilluminated sign: PISA StA PISA 3. CIDS Functions A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. Passenger Address Cabin and Flight Crew Interphone Service Interphone Cabin Illumination Emergency Evacuation Passenger Call Air Conditioning Doors & Slides In Flight Entertainment Emergency Power Supply Unit (EPSU) Potable Water Indication and Preselection Vacuum System Control Function (VSCF) Waste Quantity Indication Cabin Ready Function Sterile Cockpit Cabin & Cockpit Alerting System Drain Mast Control Unit (DMCU) 098 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 3. CIDS Functions _ A. Passenger Address The Passenger Address (PA) System allows Cabin & Flight crews to dispatch messages (e.g. Safety announcements) to the Passengers in cabin. It operates with different priorities. Two announcements dedicated to separated A/C areas can occur at the same time (e.g. PA1 & PA2 simultaneously from different sources in a 2 classes configuration A/C). But if two announcements dedicated to a common A/C area occur at the same time, only one announcement will be heard, according to the following rule: Announcement 1 (A1) & Announcement 2 (A2) pronounced at the same time A1 has a higher function priority than A2? YES Only A1 is heard NO YES A1 has a higher source priority than A2? NO Only A2 is heard Function priority levels: 1. DIRECT PA (PTT) and PA from AMU 2. PA ALL and all remaining PA (e.g. PA1, PA2, PA3) Source priority levels: 1. AMU 2. Cockpit Handset 3. Purser Handset (Option) 4. Attendant Handsets 5. PRAM (Option) 6. IFE (Option) 3. CIDS Functions _ A. Passenger Address In case of low cabin-pressure or engine on (high oil-pressure) the volume of a PA announcement is increased. The volume is also increased in case of a data bus failure (top line). If a cabin handset is in use, the volume of the PA announcement in the respective handset area is decreased to avoid a feedback. There is also a volume decrease in the cockpit door area, if during a PA the cockpit door is opened in order to avoid a feedback with the cockpit. 099 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 100 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 3. CIDS Functions _ B. Cabin & Flight Crew Interphone The Cabin & Flight Crew Interphone allows phone communication between all attendant stations and the cockpit. There can be one or more calls initialized at the same time. In conference mode the communication is possible between more than two interphone stations. 3. CIDS Functions _ B. Cabin & Flight Crew Interphone The Interphone System operates with different priorities. Different calls can occur at the same time if it involves different sources and addresses (e.g. calls between CPT EXIT and FWD AFT attendant). But if two calls address the same station at the same time, only one call will succeed, according to the following rule: Call 1 (C1) & Call 2 (C2) initiated at the same time C1 has a higher function priority than C2? YES C1 succeeds NO YES C1 has a higher source priority than C2? NO C2 succeeds Function priority levels: 1. Emergency Call 2. Calls from cockpit 3. All attendant call 4. Normal call Source priority levels: 1. AMU 2. Cockpit Handset 3. Purser Handset (Option) 4. Attendant Handsets 5. PRAM (Option) 6. IFE (Option) Notes: • Should C1 and C2 be sharing the same function priority and same source priority (e.g. attendant handsets), then the call initiated first (few milliseconds earlier) would be the one established. • In option (CAM programming), cockpit can listen to the interphone calls between attendants (not involving cockpit). 101 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 102 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 3. CIDS Functions _ C. Service Interphone The Service Interphone allows communication between ground crew, cockpit crew and cabin crew, when the CIDS is powered. The link from the director to the service interphone jacks can be established when a jack is plugged: •a utomatically by extending and compressing the landing gear for more than 10 seconds •m anually by pressing the service interphone override switch (e.g during heavy maintenance with retracted landing gears). 3. CIDS Functions _ D. Cabin Illumination The illumination in the different areas is controlled by the Cabin Illumination function. The adjustment of the light intensity in the PAX area can be controlled with the cabin lighting page of the FAP. However, some automatic behaviors are pre defined (whatever the customized light configuration) and occur in the following situations: 103 Event Light setting CIDS deactivated, control signal lost by the ballast unit, DEU A or Top Line lost CIDS controlled lights on with full brightness, after 3 min without signal CIDS activation Lavatory lights dimmed, others stay with full brightness Oil pressure high & cockpit door open Light intensity dimmed in the FWD entrance area Low cabin pressure All light on with full brightness A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 104 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 3. CIDS Functions _ E. Emergency Evacuation The Emergency Evacuation Signaling (EVAC) system controls the evacuation signaling in all cabin areas and the cockpit. It is activated from the cockpit or the cabin during an emergency evacuation. To reset an already activated ECAM alert proceed as follows: EVAC activated from the cockpit Push the EVAC COMMAND button in the cockpit a second time EVAC activated from the cabin • Push the EVAC COMMAND button in the cockpit twice Or • Push the EVAC COMMAND button on the related panel a second time Note: Pushing the EVAC/Reset button on the FAP hardkey panel or AAP only cancelled visual and aural indications in the related cabin zone. 3. CIDS Functions _ E. Emergency Evacuation 105 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 106 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 3. CIDS Functions _ F. Passenger Call The passenger call function controls the passenger call activation and the illumination of passenger call lights. A passenger call is started by pushing the passenger call button which is installed at each seat row and in each lavatory. After call activation, the director switches on the respective PSU PAX call light, the related ACP light segment and a message on the AIP shows the location of the call. A call chime is also heard from all loudspeakers in the respective cabin area after every call activation. Reset: The chime can be inhibited by pushing the “CHIME INHIB” button on the audio page of the FAP. All the indications can be reset by pushing the call button a second time, or by pushing the “CALL RESET” button on the Audio page of the FAP or on the AAP. 3. CIDS Functions _ G. Air Conditioning The CIDS has the capability to do a fine adjustment of the temperature in the separate cabin zones from the Cabin Temperature page on the FAP (and optional AAP controls). Master temperature setting is selected in the cockpit, only fine adjustment is possible through the FAP if cabin temperature is out of range (18-30°C), temperature is displayed on the FAP but a blue box indicates that control on the FAP is not possible. 107 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 108 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 3. CIDS Functions _ H. Door & Slides The DOOR/SLIDES page of the FAP shows the status of each door (open/close) and slide (armed/disarmed) and the status of each door bottle and slide bottle (pressure). The slide pressure monitoring of over-wing exit (A318/A319/A320) is standard. However, the other slides pressure monitoring and door pressure monitoring are optional (refer to ISI article 23.73.00058). A CAM reprograming will be required if the option is selected. If the option to check bottle pressure is installed, the class 1 cabin fault “CHECK DOOR PRESSURE” could be triggered if the press is low or if not data is available to the CIDS. Refer to MPD Tasks 521000-01-1 & 522200-08-1. 3. CIDS Functions _ I. In Flight Entertainment (IFE, optional) The CIDS director transmits system information and PA related announcements from and to the IFE system. The IFE interface receives system information and PA related audio signals from the CIDS director. The IFE additionally sends system information to the director. CIDS transmits the following system information to the IFE: •A ctivation/deactivation of PAX Calls, •A ctivation/deactivation of NS/NM, FSB and RTS signs •L ayout data, • Illumination data (depending on the IFE type), •L anding gear down and compressed, •L anding gear down and locked, •O il pressure low, •C abin pressure low, •E xcession altitude, •S lats out, •F laps out, •A ll doors closed. CIDS receives the following system information from the IFE: •A ctivation/deactivation of PAX Calls, •A ctivation/deactivation of reading lights. In case of PA from IFE (Video or audio only), the IFE transmits the audio signals to the CIDS director. From the director the signals are transmitted via the DEU type A directly or via PISA to the cabin loudspeakers. In case of PA from the CIDS (handset/IPRAM/cockpit), the CIDS overrides the IFE audio in PAX headsets. 109 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 110 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 3. CIDS Functions _ J. Emergency Power Supply Unit The EPSU supplies electrical power to the emergency lighting system. The Centralized Fault Display System (CFDS) transmits respective signals via director and DEU type B to the EPSU, if one of the following BITE test is initiated via the MCDU: •S ystem test, •B attery capacity test. The EPSU does the test. When the test is finished, the results are transmitted via DEU type B to the director, which sends the results to the CFDS. The test results are indicated on the MCDU. 3. CIDS Functions _ K. Potable Water Indication & Preselection The potable water indication & preselection system shows the filling level of the water tank on the FAP. It also gives the commands for the preselection of the water quantity if the option is activated in the CAM. The preselection value is stored in the CIDS Director and kept against CIDS reset. The indication and preselection is done on the WATER/WASTE page of the FAP. 111 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 ETHERNET FILTER FLIGHT ATTENDANT PANEL (FAP) SHUTTLE VALVE FWD WATER DRAIN PANEL FROM BLEED AIR SYSTEM FROM BLEED AIR SYSTEM TO FWD LAVATORY AND GALLEY DRAIN VAVLE CONTROL HANDLE CIDS DIRECTOR 1 RELIEF VALVE FWD DRAIN VALVE OPEN LIGHT MIDDLE LINE TO AFT LAVATORY AND GALLEY WATER QTY TRANSMITTER TANK FULL LIGHT FILL/OVERFLOW DRAINVAVLE GROUND PRESS FILL/DRAIN CONTROL HANDLE CABIN FLO DOOR LIMIT SWITCH POTABLE WA SERVICE PLAN QUANTITY INDICATOR DEU B TANK FULL SIGNAL 112 3. CIDS Functions _ K. Potable Water Indication & Preselection 3. CIDS Functions _ L. Vacuum System Control Function The Vacuum System Control Function is an extension of the CIDS operation software, former vacuum external system integrated within the CIDS with CIDS Enhanced generation. It monitors and controls the Vacuum Toilet System. This includes the following functions: Control of toilet assemblies, Monitoring of waste tank level, Control of vacuum generator, Servicing procedure, Communication with other systems, BITE monitoring of vacuum system components, C/B monitoring. Note: The Vacuum Generator is required for the flush, in low altitude or on ground. If related DEU B is faulty or deactivated, flush of the related lavatory will be inoperative. 113 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 114 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 3. CIDS Functions _ L. Vacuum System Control Function 3. CIDS Functions _ M. Waste Quantity Indication The waste indication system shows the filling level of the waste tanks on the Water/Waste page of the FAP. Related faults (e.g. LLS failure) are also indicated on this FAP page. The waste quantity is transmitted from the Liquid Level Sensor (LLS) and the Liquid Level Transmitter (LLT) via DEU type B to the director. The operation and indication is performed via the FAP page. 115 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 116 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 3. CIDS Functions _ N. Cabin Ready Reference doc: ISI article 23.73.00023 The cabin crew sets the cabin ready signal when all cabin systems are supposed to be in the correct condition for take off or landing. If all conditions are met, the cabin ready message is displayed at the cockpit ECAM panel. Several sets of conditions can be selected. They are defined in the CAM. The status is indicated on: • the ECAM upper display unit, on the take-off check-list (on 2min. after both engines running) or on the landing check-list (on below 2000ft and landing gear extended), •o n the CABIN STATUS page on the FAP the cabin ready button is illuminated O. Sterile Cockpit The sterile cockpit command is used by the flight crew if they do not want to be disturbed. The sterile cockpit command is activated/deactivated with the cockpit switch. The cockpit switch sets a ground signal to the director. Via DEU type B the director switches on the respective ACP light segment and the related message is shown on the AIP. P. Cabin & Cockpit Alerting System The Cockpit and Cabin Alerting System is used to indicate a possible severe incident to cabin or cockpit crew members. It activates visual and audio indications in the cockpit, if the respective button in the cabin is pushed (cabin alert). Vice versa, visual and aural indications in the cabin are activated, if the respective button in the cockpit is pushed (cockpit alert). Cabin push buttons are connected through DEU-B. 3. CIDS Functions _ Q. Drain Mast Control Unit (DMCU) The DMCUs monitor and control the drainmast heaters. There is a separate DMCU for every heater. The drainmast system status is transmitted from the DMCU via DEU type B to the director. In case of a failure, the director sends the signal to the FAP and to the Centralized Fault Display System (CFDS). On the FAP the CIDS Info light comes on to indicate that there is new failure message. Via the CFDS the failure message is shown on the MCDU. The CFDS transmits respective signals via director and DEU type B to the DMCU, if the BITE test “System Test” is initiated via the MCDU: The DMCU does the test. When the test is finished the results are transmitted via DEU type B to the director, which sends the results to the CFDS. The results are indicated on the MCDU. 117 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 118 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE A. B. C. D. E. F. Introduction Failures Annunciation List of ECAM alerts & Maintenance Status MCDU CIDS MCDU CIDS Simulator on the FAP MCDU SDF 120 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ A. Introduction The CIDS has an extensive self-monitoring capability. When electrical power (both Normal and Essential power) is connected to the CIDS, a power-up test of the system is started. The result is shown on the power-up page of the FAP. Comprehensive BITE circuits are present in: DIRs, DEUs, PISAs, FAP, AAPs and AIPs. This allows the CIDS to detect faults in the connected systems and in the CIDS units. These failures are written into the BITE memory of the directors and are sent to the Centralized Fault Display System (CFDS) in normal and interactive mode. The display units of the CFDS are called Multipurpose Control and Display Units (MCDU)s. There are three MCDUs in the cockpit. The indication of the failures depends on their importance (classes). The CIDS also memorizes failures which are reported from the connected systems and sends the failure messages to the CFDS. Parts of the failure messages (ATA references, FINs and locations) are defined in the Cabin Assignment Module (CAM). The failure handling/memorization is done in relation to the flight phases. The commands are sent from the CFDS to the CIDS. The failures are classified as class 1, 2 or 3 and identified as internal or external failures. 4. BITE _ A. Introduction Normal Mode: In the normal mode only failures (class 1, 2 and 3) which are detected during the current/last flight are sent continuously to the CFDS. It is started when the system is supplied with power. If a failure is detected during a flight, the related failure message is stored in the BITE memory and transmitted continuously to the CFDS until the start of the next flight. A disappearance of the failure has no effect, the failure is still in the BITE memory. Interactive Mode: The interactive mode provides the capability of a dialogue between the CIDS and the CFDS. This is only possible when the A/C is in ground configuration. On request from the MCDU, the CIDS sends menu pages related to the MCDU keys. Each A/C has a printer. Printouts from the CIDS related menus are possible on the ground. You can make a data print from the MCDU. For additional information about: MCDU (AMM Ref. 45-11-00) Printer (AMM Ref. 45-40-00) System Report/Test: The system report/test is a part of the main maintenance menu and gives a dialogue between the MCDU and each system connected to the CFDS. This is only possible when the A/C is in ground configuration. 121 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 122 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ B. Failures Annunciation Depending of the class type and operational consequences, CIDS Faults may be indicated differently in the Cockpit or in the Cabin: Fault type Class 1 Aircraft Class 2 Aircraft Cockpit Indication Cabin Indication ECAM Warning Caution Light on the FAP Master Caution or Master Warning Associated FAP Pages triggered Maintenance Status Typically no indication in the Cabin (exception: “NOT ALL POWER CONNECTED” on the FAP if on service bus only no CIDS BITE capabilities. Flashing Caution Light on the FAP Class 1 Cabin Class 3 faults Request for action (from Attendant or Mechanic) on the respective FAP page Only on request on the MCDU (“Class 3 Menu”) Test Types to confirm and locate faults: 1. Power-Up Test 2. Continous test, monitoring, "GROUND SCANNING" (via CFDS/MCDU) Test Types: 3. M anually activateable test, "INTERFACE + POWER-UP TEST" (via CFDS/MCDU) 4. Manually activateable test (via CFDS/MCDU) 5. Audible/visual tests, "OP Test" (via CFDS/MCDU) no BITE messages 4. BITE _ C. SDF - ECAM alerts & Maintenance Status ECAM alerts Upper ECAM: 123 E/WD message Description SMOKE LAV+CRG DET FAULT Loss of smoke detection function (valid up to FWC standard H2F5) SMOKE DET FAULT Loss of smoke detection function (valid from FWC standard H2F5) SMOKE FWD CARGO SMOKE Smoke detected in FWD cargo compartment SMOKE AFT CARGO SMOKE Smoke detected in AFT cargo compartment SMOKE FWD CRG DET FAULT Loss of Smoke Detection function in FWD Cargo compartment. SMOKE AFT CRG DET FAULT Loss of Smoke Detection function in AFT Cargo compartment. SMOKE LAVATORY SMOKE Smoke detected in a lavatory SMOKE LAVATORY DET FAULT Loss of Smoke Detection function in Lavatory. SMOKE FWD CRG BTL FAULT Squib fault of FWD cartridge (one bottle configuration) SMOKE AFT CRG BTL FAULT Squib fault of AFT cartridge (one bottle configuration) SMOKE FWD CRG BTL FAULT SMOKE AFT CRG BTL FAULT Low pressure of fire extinguishing bottle (one bottle configuration) SMOKE FWD CRG BTL1 FAULT Squib fault of FWD cartridge of bottle 1 (two bottle configuration) SMOKE FWD CRG BTL2 FAULT Squib fault of FWD cartridge of bottle 2 (two bottle configuration) SMOKE FWD CRG BTL1 FAULT SMOKE AFT CRG BTL1 FAULT Low pressure of fire extinguishing bottle 1 (two bottle configuration) SMOKE AFT CRG BTL1 FAULT Squib fault of AFT cartridge of bottle 1 (two bottle configuration) SMOKE AFT CRG BTL2 FAULT Squib fault of AFT cartridge of bottle 2 (two bottle configuration) SMOKE FWD CRG BTL2 FAULT SMOKE AFT CRG BTL2 FAULT Low pressure of fire extinguishing bottle 2 (two bottle configuration) SMOKE DISCH AGENT 2 Switch from “AGENT 1” to “AGENT 2” on overhead panel A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 124 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ C. SDF - ECAM alerts & Maintenance Status Upper ECAM (provisions only): ECAM alerts: Warnings & Cautions E/WD message Description SMOKE BULK AVN SMOKE Smoke detected in AFT avionics rack SMOKE BULK AVN DET FAULT Loss of AFT avionics rack smoke detection SMOKE VIDEO SMOKE Smoke detected in IFE VCC SMOKE VIDEO DET FAULT Loss of IFE VCC smoke detection SMOKE CAB GSM SMOKE Smoke detected in GSM cabinet SMOKE CAB GSM DET FAULT Loss of GSM cabinet smoke detection AVIONICS SMOKE Smoke detected in avionics compartment Lower ECAM: INOP SYS message Description SMOKE DET Loss of smoke detection function FWD CRG DET Loss of FWD cargo compartment smoke detection AFT CRG DET Loss of AFT cargo compartment smoke detection LAV DET Loss of lavatory smoke detection Lower ECAM (provision only): INOP SYS message Description BULK AVN DET Loss of AFT avionics rack smoke detection VIDEO DET Loss of VCC smoke detection MAINTENANCE STATUS: Maintenance Status Description CAB ELEC DET Loss of GSM smoke detection (provision only) SMOKE Issue detected by SDF BITE 4. BITE _ C. CIDS - ECAM alerts & Maintenance Status Upper ECAM: ECAM alerts: Warnings & Cautions E/WD message Description COM CIDS 1+2 FAULT Fault detected by both CIDS 1&2 Lower ECAM: INOP SYS message Description CIDS 1+2 INOP SYS MAINTENANCE STATUS Maintenance Status Description “CIDS1“ or “CIDS2“ class 2 failures Notes: • Maintenance Status are only displayed in flight phases 1 and 10 (i.e. engine not running). It means that when one system sends a maintenance status to be displayed, the FWC will delay it until flight phase 10 pending the system keeps on sending the fault. But the alert will be reported in the PFR at the time when the maintenance status has been computed for Maintenance action. • As Maintenance Status, the “SMOKE”, “CIDS1” and “CIDS2” messages do not prevent dispatch, as related MMEL items must be evaluated. • FCOM Supplementary Procedure ID PRO-SUP-24-x provide flight crew reset procedures for CIDS & SDF as a first recovery mean to clear spurious messages. 125 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 126 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS I. Access II. Last Leg Report III. Previous Legs Report IV. LRU Identification V. Class 3 Faults VI. System Tests VII. Power Up Test VIII. Operational Tests IX. Troubleshooting Data X. Ground Scanning XI. Ground Report XII. System Configuration 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS I. Access To access to the SYSTEM REPORT/TEST/COM page, apply the following steps: • Push the MCDU MENU mode key • Push the line key adjacent to the CFDS indication. • Push the line key adjacent to the SYSTEM REPORT/TEST indication. • Push the line key adjacent to the COM indication. CFDS MCD MENU <LAST LEG REPORT <FMS <LAST LEG ECAM REPORT <PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT <CFDS <A/C CURRENT STATUS <SYSTEM REPORT/TEST <POST FLIGHT REPORT SELEC DESIRED SYSTEM 1 SYSTEM REPORT/TEST 127 <AIRCOND F/CTL> <AMU <AF5 FUEL> <AMP SYSTEM REPORT/TEST COM CIDS2> HF1> <COM ICE & RAIN> <RMP2 HF2> <ELEC INST> <RMP3 VHF1> <FIRE PROT L/G> <CIDS1 VHF2> <RETURN NAV> <RETURN A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 NAV> 128 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS Main Page This page shows the subsequent selectable pages: •< LAST LEG REPORT, •< PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT, •< LRU IDENT, •< GND SCANNING, •< TROUBLE SHOOT DATA, •C LASS 3 FAULTS>, •S YSTEM TESTS>, •E PSU BAT CAP TEST>, •O P TESTS>, •G ROUND REPORT>, •S YSTEM CONFIG>, <RETURN (when you push this line select key you go back to the Main page). 1 <AMU SYSTEM REPORT/TEST COM <RMP2 HF2> <RMP3 VHF1> <CIDS1 VHF2> <RETURN VHF3> O7 < LAST LEG REPORT < PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT <LRU IDENT <GND SCANNING < TROUBLE SHOOT DATA <RETURN CIDS1 CLASS3 FAULTS> SYSTEM TESTS> EPSU BAT> CAP TEST OP TESTS> GROUND REPORT> SYSTEM CONFIG> CIDS2> <AMP CIDS X INTERACTIVE MODE CURRENTLY DISABLED LAYOUT SELECTION MODE OR MAINTENANCE MODE ACTIVE ON FAP <RETURN HF1> 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS II. Last Leg Report When you push the <LAST LEG REPORT line select key, the LAST LEG REPORT page comes on. This page shows the failure messages that came on during the last flight and it shows the subsequent data: •T he data of the last flight, •T he time when the failure occurred, •T he ATA reference, •T he identity of the unserviceable LRU, •T he class of the failure (1 or 2). This page can show a maximum of two failures. If there are more failures, you must push the next page key on the MCDU keyboard. If there are no failures found during the last flight, the message NO FAULT DETECTED is shown in the centre of the screen. < LAST LEG REPORT < PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT <LRU IDENT <GND SCANNING < TROUBLE SHOOT DATA <RETURN CIDS1 CLASS3 FAULTS> SYSTEM TESTS> EPSU BAT> CAP TEST OP TESTS> GROUND REPORT> SYSTEM CONFIG> OR CIDS 1 LAST LEG REPORT DEC17 UTC ATA NO FAULT DETECTED <RETURN CIDS 1 LAST LEG REPORT DEC17 1110 237316 DEU A (200RH16) PRINT* <RETURN A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 1> PRINT* DEU A PAGE EXAMPLE 129 CLASS 130 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS III. Previous Legs Report When you push the <PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT line select key, the PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT page comes on. This page is a sum of the LAST LEG REPORTS and shows the failure message that came on during the 63 flights before. This page shows the subsequent data: •T he aircraft identification. Note: CIDS monitors the aircraft ident parameter and updates it for all new records. This is necessary if a director is changed from one aircraft to another. In this case there may be two idents on a page. The related aircraft ident is shown above the related failure message. •T he Leg number (1-63), •T he date of the flight when the failure occurred, •T he time when the failure occurred, •T he ATA reference, •T he class of the failure (1 or 2), •T he identity of the unserviceable LRU. This page can show a maximum of two failures. If there are more failures, you must push the next page key on the MCDU keyboard. If there are no failures found during the last 63 flights, the message NO FAULT DETECTED is shown in the centre of the screen. < LAST LEG REPORT < PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT <LRU IDENT <GND SCANNING < TROUBLE SHOOT DATA <RETURN CIDS1 CLASS3 FAULTS> SYSTEM TESTS> EPSU BAT> CAP TEST OP TESTS> GROUND REPORT> SYSTEM CONFIG> OR CIDS 1 PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT DA-ABCD CIDS 1 PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT DA-ABCD LEG DATE UTC ATA CLASS NO FAULT DETECTED <RETURN 04 JAN1/1306 240000 1 POWER SUPPLY INTERRUPT PRINT* <RETURN PRINT* POWER SUPPLY INTERRUPT PAGE EXAMPLE 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS IV. LRU Identification When you push the <LRU IDENT line select key, the LRU IDENTIFICATION page comes on. This page shows the identity of all the electronic LRUs which can report their part number and serial number. It indicates what is detected in the CAM and in the OBRM slots, which might be different from what is loaded in the DIR. < LAST LEG REPORT < PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT <LRU IDENT <GND SCANNING < TROUBLE SHOOT DATA <RETURN CIDS1 CLASS3 FAULTS> SYSTEM TESTS> EPSU BAT> CAP TEST OP TESTS> GROUND REPORT> SYSTEM CONFIG> OR EXAMPLE DIR1 DIR2 OBRM CAM FAP CIDS 1 LRU IDENTIFICATION P/N: ZO14H000030A S/N: NNNN P/N: ZO14H000030A S/N: NNNN P/N: MMMMMMMMMMMM P/N: MMMMMMMMMMMM 1 <RETURN P/N: MMMMMMMMMMMM S/N: NNNN PRINT* NOTE : MMMM FOR RESPECTIVE P/N INCL AMENDMENT NNNN FOR RESPECTIVE SERIAL NUMBER 1 NAME OF AFFECTED FAP 131 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 132 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS V. Class 3 faults When you push the CLASS 3 FAULTS> line select key, the LAST LEG CLASS 3 FAULTS page comes on. This page shows each class 3 failure message that came on during the last flight and shows: •T he time when the failure occurred, •T he ATA reference, •T he identity of the unserviceable LRU. This page can show a maximum of two failures. If there are more failures, you must push the next page key on the MCDU keyboard. If there are no class 3 failures found during the last flight the message NO FAULT DETECTED is shown in the centre of the screen. < LAST LEG REPORT < PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT <LRU IDENT <GND SCANNING < TROUBLE SHOOT DATA <RETURN CIDS1 CLASS3 FAULTS> SYSTEM TESTS> EPSU BAT> CAP TEST OP TESTS> GROUND REPORT> SYSTEM CONFIG> OR CIDS 1 LAST LEG REPORT 3 FAULTS UTC ATA NO FAULT DETECTED CIDS 1 LAST LEG REPORT 3 FAULTS 1110 237317 DEU B (300RH1) 1415 237322 AIP 04 R (320RH14) <RETURN PRINT* <RETURN PRINT* 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS VI. System tests When you push the SYSTEM TESTS> line select key, the SYSTEM TEST menu page comes on. This page shows the subsequent legends: •D IR STATUS, • INTERFACE + POWER-UP TEST, • ILLUMINATION TEST, •E PSU SYS TEST, •D RAIN MAST SYS TEST. < LAST LEG REPORT < PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT <LRU IDENT CIDS1 CLASS3 FAULTS> <GND SCANNING < TROUBLE SHOOT DATA <RETURN SYSTEM TESTS> EPSU BAT> CAP TEST OP TESTS> GROUND REPORT> SYSTEM CONFIG> OR CIDS X SYSTEM TESTS DIRX ACTIVE INTERFACE+ <POWER-UP TEST (6MIN) ILLUMINATION <TEST DRAINM SYS TEST> <EPSU SYS TEST <RETURN <EPSU SYS TEST PRINT* SYSTEM TEST PAGE (FOR ACTIVE DIRECTOR) 133 CIDS X SYSTEM TESTS DIRX PASS, DIR TEST ONLY INTERFACE+ <POWER-UP TEST DRAINMAST ILLUMINATION SYS TEST <RETURN PRINT* SYSTEM TEST PAGE (FOR PASSIVE DIRECTOR) A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 134 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS VII. Power up test SYSTEM TESTS: INTERFACE + POWER-UP TEST if active director is selected When you push the <INTERFACE + POWER-UP TEST line select key, the INTERFACE + POWER-UP TEST page with the messages DIRx ACTIVE and TEST IN PROGRESS 6 MIN comes on. The CIDS does a power-up test of the CIDS components and starts the internal BITE of the associated systems. It lasts 6 minutes. If there is a failure, the subsequent data about this failure come on: • The ACTIVE DIR, • The ATA references, • The identity of the unserviceable LRU, • The class of the failures (1,2 or 3) with a prompt > (if applicable) to get access to the Trouble Shooting Data (TSD) or to the submenus for the class 3 failures. This page can show a maximum of two failures. If there are more failures you must push the next page key on the MCDU keyboard. If there are no failures found during the test, the message TEST OK is shown in the centre of the screen. 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS CIDS1 SYSTEM TESTS DIR1 ACTIVE INTERFACE+AMU <POWER-UP TEST (6MIN) ILLUMINATION <TEST <EPSU SYS TEST DRAINM SYSTEST> <RETURN 2 PRINT* 1 OR CIDS1 INTERFACE+ POWER-UP TEST DIR1 ACTIVE CIDS1 INTERFACE+ POWER-UP TEST DIR1 ACTIVE TEST IN PROGRESS (6MIN) ATA 322100 LGGIU1/2(5GA1/5GA2/ DIR1(101RH) PRINT* CLASSE 1 <RETURN PRINT* OR CIDS1 INTERFACE+ POWER-UP TEST DIR1 ACTIVE CIDS1 INTERFACE+ POWER-UP TEST DIR1 ACTIVE TEST OK ATA 237334 DIR1(101RH) 23/319 CAM (115RH)/FAP (120RH) <RETURN 135 PRINT* <RETURN A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 CLASSE 2> 1> PRINT* 136 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS SYSTEM TEST: INTERFACE + POWER-UP TEST if passive director is selected When you push the <INTERFACE + POWER-UP TEST line select key, the INTERFACE + POWER-UP TEST page with the messages DIRx PASS, DIR TEST ONLY and TEST IN PROGRESS 30 S comes on. The passive director tests only itself, checks all power related conditions, all FAP/CAM/DIR. interlink and ARINC/ETHERNET items. CIDS2 SYSTEM TESTS DIR2 PASS, DIR TEST ONLY INTERFACE+ <POWER-UP TEST ILLUMINATION TEST EPSU SYS TEST <RETURN CIDS2 INTERFACE+ POWER-UP TEST DIR2 PASS, DIR TEST ONLY TEST IN PROGRESS 30s PRINT* CIDS2 INTERFACE+ POWER-UP TEST DIR2 PASS, DIR TEST ONLY TEST OK <RETURN PRINT* DRAINM SYS TEST PRINT* 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS VIII. Operational tests When you push the OP TEST> line select key, the OP TEST menu page comes on. The page shows the subsequent legends: •< LOUDSPEAKER ACTIVATION <READING LT + ACP + PAX CALL + SIGN LAMPS ACTIVATION (a) When you push the <LOUDSPEAKER ACTIVATION line select key, all CIDS loudspeakers are supplied with a test tone until you push the <RETURN line select key. (b) When you push the LAMPS ACTIVATION line select key, all lamps in the READING LTs, ACPs, PAX CALLs and SIGNS are illuminated until you push the <RETURN line select key. Note: • There is no CAM relation, all DEU outputs are activated. • After the test (when you push the <RETURN line select key) the system performs a reset, the communication between the MCDU and CIDS stops. < LAST LEG REPORT < PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT <LRU IDENT <GND SCANNING < TROUBLE SHOOT DATA <RETURN SYSTEM TESTS> EPSU BAT> CAP TEST OP TESTS> GROUND REPORT> SYSTEM CONFIG> CIDS1 OP TEST SYSTEM RESET AFTER TEST <LOUDSPEAKER ACTIVATION) READING LT + ACP + PAX CALL + SIGN <LAMPS ACTIVATION <RETURN PRINT* CIDS1 OP TEST OF LOUDSPEAKER, NO CABIN ASSIGNMENT MODULE RELATION CIDS1 OP TEST OF LAMPS, NO CABIN ASSIGNMENT MODULE RELATION LOUDSPEAKER ACTIVATED READING LT + ACP + PAX CALL + SIGN LAMPS ACTIVATED <RETURN 137 CIDS1 CLASS3 FAULTS> PRINT* <RETURN A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 PRINT* 138 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS IX. Troubleshooting Data When you push the <TROUBLE SHOOT DATA line select key, the TROUBLE SHOOTING DATA page comes on. This page shows: •T he date and the time of the message, •S napshot data at the moment of the fault (e.g. aircraft configuration etc.) shown in hexadecimal code. Note: • The TROUBLESHOOTING DATA Report contains data of system faults which occurred in flight. • Refer to TSD Decoder details < LAST LEG REPORT < PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT <LRU IDENT <GND SCANNING < TROUBLE SHOOT DATA <RETURN DATA UTC CIDS1 CLASS3 FAULTS> SYSTEM TESTS> EPSU BAT> CAP TEST OP TESTS> GROUND REPORT> SYSTEM CONFIG> CIDS1 TROUBLE SHOOTING DATA NOV14 0800 HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH <RETURN PRINT* TROUBLE SHOOTING PAGE EXAMPLE NOTE: HHHH FOR CODED TROUBLE SHOOTING DATA 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS X. Ground Scanning When you push <GROUND SCANNING line select key, the GROUND SCANNING page comes on. The GND SCANNING does an analysis of the CIDS status at this time and in case of a failure all existing internal and external failures are shown. This page shows: •T he date and the time at which the failure occurred, •T he ATA reference, •T he identity of the unserviceable LRU, •T he class of the failure (1,2 or 3) with a prompt > to get access to the trouble shooting data. This page can show a maximum of two failures. If there are more failures, you have to push the next page key on the MCDU keyboard. Each failure which is detected during the monitoring mode is written at the end of the report. The page counter is updated automatically. If there is no fault detected, the message NO FAULT DETECTED is shown. When you push the <RETURN line select key, the memory of the GND SCANNING is reset. After activating the GND SCANNING mode it is necessary to wait approx. 3 min. to make sure that all failures are detected. Ground scanning is displaying the fault currently observed by the continuous BITE of the CIDS, whereas Interface & Power-up test perform a power-cycle and displays the results of all intensive power-up test of the CIDS. Ground scanning may be particularly useful for transient faults cleared by a power-cycle. 139 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 140 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS GROUND SCANNING CIDS1 NOV10 IN PROGRESS 180s < LAST LEG REPORT < PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT <LRU IDENT CIDS1 CLASS3 FAULTS> <GND SCANNING <RETURN PRINT* < TROUBLE SHOOT DATA <RETURN SYSTEM TESTS> EPSU BAT> CAP TEST OP TESTS> GROUND REPORT> SYSTEM CONFIG> OR GROUND SCANNING UTC ATA CIDS1 NOV10 CLASS NO FAULT DETECTED <RETURN PRINT* GROUND SCANNING UTC ATA IN PROGRESS 1546 1542 237346 DEU A (200RH01) CIDS1 NOV10 CLASS <RETURN 1> PRINT* GROUND SCANNING EXAMPLE DATA UTC CIDS1 GROUND SCANNING NOV14 1542 J304 HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH <RETURN NOTE: HHHH FOR CODED TROUBLE SHOOTING DATA PRINT* 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS XI. Ground Report The characteristics of this page are identical to those of the LAST LEG REPORT. This page shows the internal failure message that come on when the aircraft is in ground configuration. Failures detected during the last flight, which are still valid, are not shown in the GROUND REPORT. < LAST LEG REPORT < PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT <LRU IDENT <GND SCANNING < TROUBLE SHOOT DATA <RETURN CIDS1 CLASS3 FAULTS> SYSTEM TESTS> EPSU BAT> CAP TEST OP TESTS> GROUND REPORT> SYSTEM CONFIG> OR GROUND REPORT DATE UTC CIDS1 CIDS1 GROUND REPORT UTC ATA NO FAULT DETECTED <RETURN 12h0 23/300 CAM(115RH) DIR1(101RH) PRINT* <RETURN DATE UTC SEP 23 CLASS 1> PRINT* CIDS1 GROUND REPORT NOV23 1250 MANDATORY LAYOUT HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH <RETURN NOTE: HHHH FOR CODED TROUBLE SHOOTING DATA 141 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 PRINT* 142 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ D. MCDU CIDS XII. System Config The SYSTEM CONFIGURATION page shows: •T he current date, •T he UTC, •T he aircraft ident, •T he ACTIVE DIR, •T he CAM P/N, •T he ACTIVE LAYOUT, •T he LAST CAM MODIFICATION, •< LSP VOLUME REPORT. < LAST LEG REPORT < PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT <LRU IDENT When you push the <LSP VOLUME REPORT line key the system shows pages where the CAM defined loudspeaker volume is shown. CIDS1 CLASS3 FAULTS> SYSTEM TESTS> EPSU BAT> CAP TEST OP TESTS> GROUND REPORT> SYSTEM CONFIG> <GND SCANNING < TROUBLE SHOOT DATA <RETURN CIDS1 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION DATE: FEB12. UTC: 1205 A/C: DA-ABCD <LSP VOLUME REPORT ACTIVE DIR: 1 CAM P/N: -------------------ACTIVE LAYOUT: CAM 2M PROD/CHANGE: 2001 OCT 13 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <RETURN PRINT* OR 1 2 CIDS1 1/12 LSP VOLUM REPORT PA VOL IN CABIN AREA SR 01-03 SR 04-06 SR 07-11 SR 12-15 <RETURN +2dB 0dB -2dB +4dB PRINT* NOTE: iiiii FOR INFO TEXT (LAYOUT HEADER) 1 OR 2 RELATED TO LAYOUT OF LEVEL ADJUSTEMENT PAGE ON FAP CIDS1 1/12 LSP VOLUM REPORT PA VOL IN CABIN AREA FIRST CLASS BUSINESS CLASS TOURIST CLASS <RETURN +2dB 0dB -2dB PRINT* 4. BITE _ E. MCDU CIDS Simulator on the FAP A simulation of the MCDU is available on the FAP. However, it gives only access to the active DIR (no SDF, no passive DIR and no LAV page for Vacuum Status) and it is not accessible in Flight. The page is inaccessible when the MCDU is being used, and reciprocally. The page is protected by a password (cf FAP Passwords page). 143 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 144 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ F. MCDU SDF I. Access II. Last Leg Report III. Previous Legs Report IV. LRU Identification V. Class 3 Faults VI. System Tests VII. Ground Scanning VIII. Smoke Warning Test IX. TSD & Smoke Warning Report 4. BITE _ F. MCDU SDF I. Access To access to the SYSTEM REPORT/TEST/FIRE PROT page, apply the following steps: • Push the MCDU MENU mode key • Push the line key adjacent to the CFDS indication. • Push the line key adjacent to the SYSTEM REPORT/TEST indication. • Push the line key adjacent to the FIRE PROT indication. <FDU 1 SYSTEM REPORT/TEST FIRE PROT <FDU 2 <FDU APU <SMOKE <RETURN Note: • The active SDF board only can be accessed through the MCDU, which usually means SDF 1. To access SDF 2 MCDU menu, SDF 1 needs to be deactivated. • The SDF System name on that page varies with CFDIU standards (SDCU or SMOKE). 145 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 146 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ F. MCDU SDF Main Menu This page shows the subsequent selectable pages: • <LAST LEG REPORT, • <PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT, • <LRU IDENT, • <GND SCANNING, • <TROUBLE SHOOT DATA, • <CLASS 3 FAULTS, • <SYSTEM TESTS, • <SMOKE WARN TEST, • <GROUND REPORT, • <SPECIFIC DATA (Smoke Warning Report) • <RETURN (when you push this line select key you go back to the Main page). CIDS-SDFx SDCU FUNCTION IS INTEGRATED IN CIDS DIRECTORS 101RH & 102RH CALLED CIDS-SDFx <RETURN 1/2 CIDS-SDFX 2/2 < LAST CLASS3 FAULTS> LEG REPORT < PREVIOUS SYSTEM TESTS> LEGS REPORT <LRU IDENT SMOKE WARN> TEST <GND SCANNING GROUND REPORT> < TROUBLE SPECIFIC DATA> SHOOT DATA <RETURN RETURN> 4. BITE _ F. MCDU SDF II. Last leg report When you push the <LAST LEG REPORT line select key, the LAST LEG REPORT page comes on. This page shows the failure messages that came on during the last flight and it shows the subsequent data: •T he data of the last flight, •T he time when the failure occurred, •T he ATA reference, •T he identity of the unserviceable LRU, •T he class of the failure (1 or 2). This page can show a maximum of two failures. If there are more failures, you must push the next page key on the MCDU keyboard. If there are no failures found during the last flight, the message NO FAULT DETECTED is shown in the center of the screen. CIDS-SDFx LAST LEG REPORT DEC 17 NO FAULT DETECTED <RETURN 147 PRINT* A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 148 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ F. MCDU SDF III. Previous Legs Report When you push the <PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT line select key, the PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT page comes on. This page is a sum of the LAST LEG REPORTS and shows the failure message that came on during the 63 flights before. This page shows the subsequent data: •T he aircraft identification. •T he Leg number (1-63), •T he date of the flight when the failure occurred, •T he time when the failure occurred, •T he ATA reference, •T he class of the failure (1 or 2), •T he identity of the unserviceable LRU. This page can show a maximum of two failures. If there are more failures, you must push the next page key on the MCDU keyboard. If there are no failures found during the last 63 flights, the message NO FAULT DETECTED is shown in the center of the screen. CIDS-SDFx 2/7 PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT XY-PONT LEG DATE UTC ATA CLASS 02 SEP18 1015 261515 2 SMK DET AVNCS (1WA) 05 SEP15 1115 261517 1 SMK DET LAV LOCATION 11 <RETURN PRINT* > 4. BITE _ F. MCDU SDF IV. LRU Identification When you push the <LRU IDENT line select key, the LRU IDENTIFICATION page comes on. This page shows the identity of all the electronic LRUs which can report their part number and serial number. CIDS1-SDFx LRU IDENTIFICATION 1/5 CIDS DIR1 P/N: yyyyyyyyyyyy S/N: yyyyyyyyyyyy S/N-P/N: yyyyyyyyyyyy SMK DET 1 WH P/N: yyyyyyy-yy S/N: yyyyyy <RETURN CIDS1-SDFx LRU IDENTIFICATION PRINT* 2/5 SMK DET 2WH P/N : yyyyyyy-yy S/N : yyyyyy SMK DET 3 WH P/N: yyyyyyy-yy S/N: yyyyyy <RETURN 149 PRINT* A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 150 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ F. MCDU SDF V. Class 3 Faults When you push the CLASS 3 FAULTS> line select key, the LAST LEG CLASS 3 FAULTS page comes on. This page shows each class 3 failure message that came on during the last flight. CIDS1-SDFx UTC ATA LAST LEG CLASS FAULTS 1410 773200 N1 BRG VIB SENSOR (4002EV1)/EIVMU1(1KS1) 1415 772500 RCC1 (400EVA)/EIVMU1(1KS1) <RETURN PRINT* 4. BITE _ F. MCDU SDF VI. System tests The system provides a system test covering all LRUs connected to the system and signals received by the system (i.e. the computer housing the BITE and all its own peripherals such as sensors, ARINC buses from peripheral computers, etc...). This test will: • restart the Power Up test (or a test fully equivalent) • cover the most possible of input and output signals SDF power-up time lasts up to 4 min. SDF system test is equivalent to the CIDS Interface & Power-up test, but for SDF board. CIDS1-SDFx SYSTEM TEST <START TEST <RETURN 151 PRINT* A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 152 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ F. MCDU SDF VII. Ground Scanning When you push <GROUND SCANNING line select key, the GROUND SCANNING page comes on. The GND SCANNING does an analysis of the SDF status at this time and in case of a failure all existing internal and external failures are shown. This page shows: •T he date and the time at which the failure occurred, •T he ATA reference, •T he identity of the unserviceable LRU, •T he class of the failure (1,2 or 3) with a prompt > to get access to the trouble shooting data. This page can show a maximum of two failures. If there are more failures, you have to push the next page key on the MCDU keyboard. Each failure which is detected during the monitoring mode is written at the end of the report. The page counter is updated automatically. If there is no fault detected, the message NO FAULT DETECTED is shown. When you push the <RETURN line select key, the memory of the GND SCANNING is reset. After activating the GND SCANNING mode it is necessary to wait approx. 3 min. to make sure that all failures are detected. 4. BITE _ F. MCDU SDF VIII. Smoke Warning Test If the key “SMOKE WARNING TESTS” is pressed (in the menu page) a Test Menu come into view: Note: Page layout depends on aircraft configuration (CAM programmable). CIDS-SDFx 1/1 SMOKE WARNING TESTS <FWD AFT> LDCC TEST LDCC TEST <AVIONICS AFT AVNCS TEST TEST <LAVATORY TESTS <xxxxxxxxxx TESTS <xxxxxxxxxx TESTS <RETURN PRINT* > If selected, the active CIDS-SDF channel (only) performs a test of the selected area (FWD or AFT LDCC, Avionics, LAV…) smoke detectors. Test request CIDS-SDF CAN Bus (+ DEU-B for LAV) Smoke Detectors Test results If at least one smoke detector per cavity is operative and in normal operation, the CIDS-SDF will set the corresponding ARINC 429 outputs to the FWC and set the corresponding discrete smoke output(s) to the smoke warning lamps on the overhead panel. If all smoke detectors of the same cavity are failed the corresponding outputs will not be set and the according maintenance message will be displayed on the result page and be stored in the BITE of the CIDS-SDF. The test will be finished when either all respective indications are confirmed or the MCDU line key adjacent to “RETURN” is selected. 153 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 154 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 4. BITE _ F. MCDU SDF IX. TSD & Smoke Warning Report Troubleshooting Data When you push the <TROUBLE SHOOT DATA line select key, the TROUBLESHOOTING DATA page comes on. This page shows: •T he date and the time of the message in clear language, •S napshot data at the moment of the fault (e.g. aircraft configuration etc.) shown in hexadecimal code. Note: The TROUBLESHOOTING DATA Report contains data of system faults which occurred in flight. Smoke Warnings Report When the key “SPECIFIC DATA“ is pressed (in Main Menu) the System will transmit the subsequent page: CIDS-SDFx SPECIFIC DATA INFORMATION : THE SMOKE WARNINGS REPORT INDICATES SMOKE DETECTORS WICH HAVE LED TO A SMOKE WARNING <SMOKE WARNINGS REPORT <RETURN PRINT* The “SMOKE WARNINGS REPORT” will display the smoke event reported by related Smoke Detectors. It is particularly helpful to investigate SMOKE Warning events, and must be retrieved at that occasion. 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices A. B. C. D. E. F. Troubleshooting Philosophy & Recommendations Common Maintenance Procedures MEL Smoke Event CIDS Event CIDS Deviations 156 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ A. Troubleshooting philosophy Known deviation? Event CIDS Interface & Power-Up test YES CIDS or LAV Smoke YES Refer to associated recommendations (ISI, TFU, see Appendix) NO Smoke Type? SDF test Cleared? NO Follow TSM Task as per fault messages observed. YES Cleared? NO Deep troubleshooting required »» investigate CIDS BITE via MCDU: • Last Leg report • Previous Legs report • TSD • Class 3 fault Note: allows to find TSM tasks associated to cabin effects (PA, Interphone, Handset, FAP, PSU, ACP, AIP, cockpit interactions, …) Note: See next page for TSD Decoder detailst 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ A. Troubleshooting philosophy A CIDS Unit should be replaced only when resulting from a TSM task or as per Airbus advice. As Maintenance Status, the “SMOKE”, “CIDS1” and “CIDS2” messages do not prevent dispatch, dispatch is possible under MEL. For each Operational Interruption reported to Airbus, Airbus needs the following info in the OI report: •S ymptoms and fault messages (+date & time) •R eference of TSM and AMM tasks performed •P /N and S/N in the case of equipment removal or swap Thereby, Airbus will be able to understand the following links: Symptoms Maintenance Action Removed Equipment Repair Findings Improvements Identification TSD Decoder: In order to help the airlines to carry out Troubleshooting Data Decoding and simplify the analysis of complex hardware failures, a Troubleshooting Data Decoder tool is available FOC, as described in ISI article 23.73.00008. Note: A CIDS Interface & Power Up Test should be preferred to a CIDS Reset. It lasts the same duration as a Reset and it provides fault messages to be investigated if the issue is confirmed. Though, if a CIDS Reset is performed, ensure to follow the C/B sequence as detailed in AMM and wait 10sec before pushing back the C/B. 157 RESET BITE Test DIR reboot times 4 min 6 min Access Multiple C/B Specific C/B Order MCDU Fault Troubleshooting NIL help is not spurius Confirmed fault(s) A/C status Fault not identified Appropriate T/S identified A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 158 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ B. Common Maintenance Procedures Procedure AMM TASK Energize the CIDS 23-73-00-861-001-A De-energize the CIDS 23-73-00-862-001-A CIDS Interface and Power-Up test 23-73-00-740-005-B Ground Scanning 23-73-00-740-012-A Removal of the CIDS Director 23-73-34-000-001-A Installation of the CIDS Director 23-73-34-400-001-A Removal of the Handset/Cradle 23-73-44-000-001-A Installation of the Handset/Cradle 23-73-44-400-001-A OBRM Download procedure 23-73-00-869-001-A Replacement of the Cabin Assignment Module 23-73-19-960-001-A Deactivation of a CIDS-DIR 23-73-00-040-001-A Reactivation of a CIDS-DIR 23-73-00-440-001-A Operational test of the PA system Operational test of the Cabin and Flight Crew Interphone System 23-73-00-710-005-A 23-73-00-710-022-A* 23-73-00-710-003-A 23-73-00-710-021-A* Cabin Layout Programing 23-73-00 PB001CONF01 SDF BITE System Test 26-10-00-740-801-A Operational Check of Cargo-Compartment Smoke-Detection by PTT 26-16-00-710-001-A *depends on aircraft configuration 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ C. MEL I. Repair Interval II. Maintenance Status CIDS III. Interphone IV. Handset V. PA/Loudspeaker/Pax Call VI. DEUs A&B VII. FAP unit VIII. FAP functions, PRAM & CAM IX. ACP, AIP, AAP X. Cabin Signs XI. Maintenance Status SDF XII. Lavatory Smoke Detection XIII. FWD Cargo Smoke Detector XIV. AFT & Bulk Cargo Smoke Detector 159 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 160 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ C. MEL I. Repair Interval Reference doc: MMEL. E/WD message Description No standard interval is specified. Items in this category shall be repaired within the time interval specified in the «Remarks and Exceptions» column of the operator’s approved MEL. Repair Interval A Repair Interval B Repair Interval C Repair Interval D Whenever the time interval is listed as flight days, the time interval begins on the flight day following the day of discovery. Where a time period is specified in number of flights or flight hours, it shall start at the beginning of the first flight following the discovery of the failure. Items in this category shall be rectified within three consecutive calendar days, excluding the day of discovery. For example, if it were recorded at 13:00 on January 26th, the 3-day interval begins at 00:01 on January 27th and ends at 23:59 on January 29th. Items in this category shall be rectified within ten consecutive calendar days, excluding the day of discovery. For example, if it were recorded at 13:00 on January 26th, the 10-day interval begins at 00:01 on January 27th and ends at 23:59 on February 5th Items in this category shall be rectified within one hundred and twenty consecutive calendar days, excluding the day of discovery. 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ C. MEL II. Maintenance Status CIDS CIDS function Ref: 23-73-01-01A Cabin Intercommunication Data System Function Repair interval:- Nbr installed: 1 Nbr required: 1 Placard: No The CIDS function must be operative. Notes: 1. Failure of a single CIDS director is indicated by a MAINTENANCE messageon the STATUS SD page. Refer to Item 23-00-01 CIDS 1(2) MAINTENANCE Message 2. In the case of disturbance of the CIDS function, the deactivationof the affected CIDS director may recover normal operation of the CIDS function. Refer to AMM TASK 23-73-00-040-001 Maintenance Status Ref: 23-00-01A CIDS 1(2) MAINTENANCE Message Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: - CIDS 1(2) MAINTENANCE message may be displayed on the STATUS SD page. 161 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 Placard: No 162 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ C. MEL III. Interphone CIDS function Ref: 23-40-02A Flight Crew Interphone System Repair interval:- Nbr installed: 1 Nbr required: 1 Placard: No Must be operative for each person on cockpit duty Notes: 1. In the case of partial failure of the passenger address system, refer to the item(s) of the affected system(s) 2. Total failure of the passenger address system (indicated by the COM CIDS 1+2 FAULT alert displayed on the EWD) is not permitted. Ref: 23-40-03A Flight Crew to Ground Communication System Repair interval: C Nbr installed: 1 Nbr required: 0 Placard: No May be inoperative Notes: 1. In the case of partial failure of the passenger address system, refer to the item(s) of the affected system(s) 2. Total failure of the passenger address system (indicated by the COM CIDS 1+2 FAULT alert displayed on the EWD) is not permitted. Ref: 23-40-04A Service Interphone Jack Repair interval:- Nbr installed: 8 Nbr required: 0 Placard: No One or more may be inoperative Notes: 1. In the case of partial failure of the passenger address system, refer to the item(s) of the affected system(s) 2. Total failure of the passenger address system (indicated by the COM CIDS 1+2 FAULT alert displayed on the EWD) is not permitted 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ C. MEL IV. Handsets Cockpit Handset Ref: 23-31-01A Cockpit Handset Repair interval: C Nbr installed: 1 Nbr required: 0 Placard: Yes May be inoperative provided that the cockpit audio control panel (ACP) is used for the communication between the cockpit and the cabin. Cabin Handset Ref: 23-73-06-02A Cabin Handset Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: - Placard: No One or more may be inoperative provided that one handset is operative at each pair of floor level exit doors. Ref: 23-73-06-03A Cabin Handset Key - Passenger address and Cabin to cockpit interphone operative Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: - Placard: Yes One or more may be inoperative provided that: 1. Passenger address from the affected handset is operative, and 2. Cabin to cockpit interphone from affected handset is operative. Ref: 23-73-06-03B Cabin Handset Key - Affected handset considered inoperative Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: - Placard: Yes One or more may be inoperative provided that the affected handset is considered inoperative. Note: Refer as well to Service Interphone and PA, Interphone & Handset advices. 163 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 164 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ C. MEL V. PA/Loudspeaker/Pax Call Passenger Address System Ref: 23-31-01A Passenger Address System Repair interval: - Nbr installed: 1 Nbr required: 1 Placard: No Must be operative Notes: 1. In the case of partial failure of the passenger address system, refer to the item(s) of the affected system(s) 2. Total failure of the passenger address system (indicated by the COM CIDS 1+2 FAULT alert displayed on the EWD) is not permitted. Passenger Call Ref: 23-73-04-01A Cabin Handset Repair interval: D Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: No Nbr required: - Placard: No One or more may be inoperative. Loudspeakers Ref: 23-73-05-01A Cabin Handset Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - One or more may be inoperative provided that no seat is occupied from which a passenger cannot hear a passenger announcement. Ref: 23-73-05-02A Cabin Handset Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - One or more may be inoperative. Note: Refer to PSU troubleshooting advises. Nbr required: 0 Placard: No 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ C. MEL VI. DEU DEU-A Ref: 23-73-02-01A Cabin DEU-A - Affected seat occupied Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: - Placard: No One or more DEU A may be inoperative and affected passenger seat may be occupied provided that: 1. The passenger announcement can be heard throughout the cabin during 2. The passenger address system is used to alert the passengers when "Return to Seat / Fasten Seat Belt / No Smoking" signs are requested. Ref: 23-73-02-01B Cabin DEU-A - Affected seat not occupied Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: - Placard: No One or more may be inoperative provided that the affected seats are blocked and placarded inoperative. Ref: 23-73-02-02A Lavatory DEU A Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: No One or more may be inoperative provided that the affected lavatory is closed and placarded inoperative. DEU-B Ref: 23-73-03-01B Cabin DEU-B Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 2 Placard: No One or more DEU B may be inoperative provided that: 1. One DEU B and the associated handset are operative at each pair of floor level exit doors, and 2. The slide bottle pressure and door bottle pressure associated with each affected DEU B are checked on the associated direct reading pressure gauge before the first flight of each day, and 3. The associated lavatory fire extinguisher system is checked operative, and 4. The absence of smoke in the affected lavatory is periodically checked. 165 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 166 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ C. MEL VII. FAP unit FAP unit Ref: 23-74-01A Forward Attendant Panel Repair interval: C Nbr installed: 1 Nbr required: 0 Placard: Yes May be inoperative provided that the safety related messages on the FAP are considered inoperative. Refer to Item 52-10-06 DOOR PRESS LOW/CHECK DOOR PRESSURE Message on the PTP/FAP (If Installed), and Refer to Item 25-62-06 Passenger Door Slide Pressure Message on the PTP/FAP (If Installed), and Refer to Item 25-62-07 Overwing Emergency Exit Slide Pressure Message on the PTP/FAP (If Installed) General Information: The cabin lighting may be dimmed through the Additional Attendant Panel (AAP) (If available). Ref: 23-74-02A EMER pushbutton on the Hardkey FAP Sub-panel Repair interval: - Nbr installed: 1 Nbr required: 1 Placard: No Must be operative Ref: 23-74-03A Other Controls on the Hardkey FAP Sub-panel Repair interval: D Nbr installed: - One or more may be inoperative. Nbr required: 0 Placard: No 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ C. MEL VIII. FAP functions/PRAM/CAM FAP functions Ref: 25-62-06A Passenger Door CHECK SLIDE PRESSURE Message on Flight Attendant Panel (FAP) Repair interval: D Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: No One or more messages may be displayed provided that the slide bottle pressure is checked before the first MMEL dispatch and then every 600 flight hours or every 4 months, whichever occurs first. Refer to AMM 25-62-00-040-009 Ref: 25-62-07A Overwing Emergency Exit CHECK SLIDE PRESSURE Message on FAP Repair interval: D Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: No One or both messages may be displayed provided that the associated slide bottle pressure is checked before the first flight of each day. Refer to AMM 25-62-00-040-005 Ref: 52-10-06A CHECK DOOR PRESSURE Message on the FAP Repair interval: D Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: No One or more messages may be displayed provided that the door bottle pressure is checked on the associated bottle pressure gauge before the first MMEL dispatch and then every 8 days. Refer to AMM 52-00-00-040-003 PRAM & CAM Ref: 23-73-07-01A Prerecorded Announcement and Music Reproducer (PRAM) Repair interval: D Nbr installed: 1 Nbr required: 0 Placard: No May be inoperative. Ref: 23-73-08-01A Cabin Assignment Module (CAM) Repair interval: D Nbr installed: 1 Nbr required: 0 May be inoperative or missing. 167 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 Placard: No 168 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ C. MEL IX. ACP, AIP & AAP ACP, AIP & AAP Ref: 23-74-09A Area Call Panel Repair interval: D Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: Yes One or more may be inoperative. Ref: 23-74-10A Attendant Indication Panel Repair interval: D Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: Yes One or more may be inoperative. Ref: 23-74-11A Additional Attendant Panel Repair interval: D Nbr installed: - One or more may be inoperative. Nbr required: 0 Placard: Yes 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ C. MEL X. Cabin Signs Cabin Signs Ref: 33-20-02A Cabin Signs (No Smoking/No Electronic Devices/Fasten Seat Belt/ Return to Seat) - Passenger seat occupied Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: Yes One or more may be inoperative and the affected passenger seat may be occupied provided that: 1. The passenger address system is operative, and can be heard throughout the cabin during the flight, and 2. The passenger address system is used to alert the passengers when return to seat is requested, seat belts should be fastened and smoking is prohibited. Ref: 33-20-02B Cabin Signs (No Smoking/No Electronic Devices/Fasten Seat Belt/ Return to Seat) - Passenger seat not occupied Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: Yes One or more “No Smoking/No Electronic Devices/Fasten Seat Belt” sign may be inoperative provided that: 1. No passenger seat is occupied from which a passenger cannot see a readily legible “No smoking/No Electronic Devices/Fasten Seat Belt” sign, and 2. The affected seat is blocked and placarded inoperative. Refer to AMM 33-20-00-040-001 Note: MMEL items 33-20-02x are applicable to both PAX seats and Attendant seats. Ref: 33-20-03A Lavatory Sign (Return to seat) Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: Yes One or more may be inoperative and the affected lavatory may be used provided that: 1. The passenger address system is checked operative in the affected lavatory, and 2. The passenger address system is used to alert the occupant to return to his seat. 169 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 170 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ C. MEL XI. Maintenance Status SDF SDF function Ref: 23-73-10-01A Smoke Detection Function (CIDS-SDF) Repair interval: C Nbr installed: 1 Nbr required: 0 Placard: No May be inoperative provided that: 1. The cargo compartments are empty or do not contain flammable or combustible materials, and 2. The lavatory smoke detection system is considered inoperative. Refer to Item 26-17-01 Lavatory Smoke Detection System Note: Failure of a single CIDS-SDF channel is indicated by a MAINTENANCE message on the STATUS SD page. Refer to Item 26-00-01 SDCU/SMOKE MAINTENANCE Message Ref: 23-73-10-01B Smoke Detection Function (CIDS-SDF) Repair interval: C Nbr installed: 1 Nbr required: 0 Placard: No May be inoperative provided that the restrictions concerning lavatory smoke detection system and cargo smoke detection system are applied. Refer to Item 26-17-01 Lavatory Smoke Detection System, and Refer to Item 26-16-01 Smoke Detector in the FWD Cargo Compartment (if FWD cargo compartment smoke detection system installed) and Refer to Item 26-16-02 Smoke Detector in the AFT and the BULK Cargo Compartments (if AFT cargo compartment smoke detection system installed). Note: Failure of a single CIDS-SDF channel is indicated by a MAINTENANCE message on the STATUS SD page. Refer to Item 26-00-01 SDCU/SMOKE MAINTENANCE Message Maintenance Status Ref: 26-00-01A Smoke Detection Function (CIDS-SDF) Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: - SMOKE MAINTENANCE message may be displayed on the STATUS SD page. Placard: No 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ C. MEL XII. Lavatory Smoke Detection Note: The lavatory smoke detection function is part of CIDS Smoke Detection Function (CIDS-SDF). Refer to Item 23-73-10-01 Smoke Detection Function (CIDS-SDF) Ref: 26-17-01A Associated lavatory fire extinguishing system operative Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: No One or more may be inoperative provided that: 1. The associated lavatory fire extinguishing system is operative, and 2. A procedure is used to periodically check absence of smoke in the associated lavatory. Ref: 26-17-01B Associated lavatory not used Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: No One or more may be inoperative provided that: 1. The associated lavatory waste receptacle is empty, and 2. The associated lavatory door is locked closed and placarded inoperative, and 3. The lavatory is not used for storage or for any other purpose, and 4. A procedure is used to periodically check the absence of smoke in the associated lavatory. 171 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 172 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ C. MEL XIII. Cargo S/D Notes: 1. The cargo smoke detection function is part of the CIDS Smoke Detection Function (CIDS-SDF). Refer to Item 23-73-10-01 Smoke Detection Function (CIDS-SDF) 2. Failure of a single detector in the cavity is indicated by a MAINTENANCE message on the STATUS SD page. Refer to Item 26-00-01 SDCU/SMOKE MAINTENANCE Message 3. Depending on applicable regulation, smoke detection system may be required for dispatch. Ref: 26-16-01A FWD Cargo S/D - Empty FWD cargo compartment Repair interval: D Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: No Both detectors in the cavity may be inoperative provided that the FWD cargo compartment is empty. Ref: 26-16-01B FWD Cargo S/D - Non ETOPS flight Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: No Both detectors in the cavity may be inoperative provided that ETOPS is not conducted. Ref: 26-16-01C FWD Cargo S/D - Non ETOPS flight (with optional Ventilation Controller) Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: No Both detectors in the cavity may be inoperative provided that: 1. ETOPS is not conducted, and 2. The FWD cargo ventilation is closed. Ref: 26-16-01D FWD Cargo S/D - Check of liner integrity Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: No Both detectors in the cavity may be inoperative provided that the liner integrity in the FWD cargo compartment is checked before each flight. Refer to AMM Task 25-50-00-200-002 Ref: 26-16-01E FWD Cargo S/D - Check of liner integrity (with optional Ventilation Controller) Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: No Both detectors in the cavity may be inoperative provided that: 1. The liner integrity in the FWD cargo compartment is checked before each flight, and 1. The FWD cargo ventilation is closed. Refer to AMM Task 25-50-00-200-002 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ C. MEL XIV. AFT & BULK Cargo S/D Notes: 1. The cargo smoke detection function is part of the CIDS Smoke Detection Function (CIDS-SDF). Refer to Item 23-73-10-01 Smoke Detection Function (CIDS-SDF) 2. Failure of a single detector in the cavity is indicated by a MAINTENANCE message on the STATUS SD page. Refer to Item 26-00-01 SDCU/SMOKE MAINTENANCE Message 3. Depending on applicable regulation, smoke detection system may be required for dispatch. Ref: 26-16-02A AFT/BULK Cargo S/D - No flammable or combustible materials Repair interval: D Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: No Both detectors in one or both cavities may be inoperative provided that the AFT and the BULK cargo compartments are empty or do not contain flammable or combustible materials. Ref: 26-16-02B AFT/BULK Cargo S/D - Non ETOPS flight Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: No Both detectors in one or both cavities may be inoperative provided that ETOPS is not conducted. Ref: 26-16-02D AFT/BULK Cargo S/D - Non ETOPS flight Repair interval: C Nbr installed: - Nbr required: 0 Placard: No Both detectors in one or both cavities may be inoperative provided that the liner integrity in the AFT and the BULK cargo compartments is checked before each flight. Refer to AMM Task 25-50-00-200-002 173 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 174 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _. Smoke Event D I. Smoke Warning Investigation II. Prevent False Smoke Event III. Smoke related troubleshooting 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ D. Smoke Event I. Smoke Warning Investigation (1/2) Reference doc: ISI article 26.16.00001 The operator is kindly advised to report to Airbus any cases of smoke ECAM WARNINGS with or without real smoke and provide the following information on each event in order to allow Airbus investigations: MANDATORY INFORMATION: 1. The PFR 2. The CIDS configuration at the time of the event: a. Directors P/N b. OBRM P/N c. CAM P/N 3. On the FAP: a digital picture of the S/W Loading page. 4. On CIDS MCDU menu: a printout of the CIDS LRU identification page 5. On SDF 1 MCDU menu: a. Perform a SDF System Test and provide Airbus the outputs and associated TSD, if any. b. Provide us the following reports: I. Smoke warnings report II. LRU Identification report III. Last leg report IV. Previous legs reports V. TSD VI. Class 3 faults 6. After deactivation of SDF1 (usually thanks to C/B 15WH and 17WH, but refer to the AMM of the A/C), provide the same information than SDF 1 but through SDF 2 MCDU menu. Note: Even without new event/fault, SDF reports are available in SDF BITE memory for maximum 64 legs 175 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 176 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ D. Smoke Event I. Smoke Warning Investigation (2/2) Note: Following preliminary analysis of the event, Airbus may ask the operator to send involved or replaced Smoke Detectors (S/D) to Siemens for special investigation and memory read-out. In this case, please provide Airbus with the S/N and FIN of the removed unit(s) and AWB of their related shipment to Siemens for tracking purpose. Notice: Any repair shop actions on the removed S/D shall be prevented prior to their shipment to Siemens, as they can erase the memory of the unit. COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 1. QAR/DFDR data to precisely correlate Cockpit indications and actions with SDF observed events. 2. The Cargo manifest of the flight 3. On CIDS 1 MCDU menu: a.Perform a CIDS Interface and Power-Up Test and provide us the outputs and associated TSD, if any. b.Provide us the following reports: I. Last leg report II. Previous legs reports III. TSD IV. Class 3 faults 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ D. Smoke Event II. Prevent False Smoke Event Reference doc: ISI article 26.10.00007, ISI article 26.10.00004 •R efer to ISI article 26.10.00007: Prevention of aircraft smoke warnings not related to real fires in case of: use of spray in cabin or cargo compartment (AMM Task 12-21-12-670-006-A), extreme condensation / humidity, bleed air oil vapor, entrapment of fumes in cargo compartment, terrestrial fires, anti-ice/de-icing fluids into bleed air system, ingestion of engine cleaning agent into the ECS. • Ensure that faulty Cargo S/D are replaced at the earliest opportunity after a “SMOKE” maintenance status associated to a S/D fault message are observed. Otherwise, in the meantime, the related cargo cavity will be monitored by a single S/D instead of two, therefore preventing the confirmation logic per cavity. • Ensure that the cargo S/D contamination by dust is at a satisfactory level by cleaning it as soon as the pre-fault fault message (class 3 fault “CONTAMINATION”) is triggered by the SDF and by fulfilling MPD Task 261600-05-1 otherwise. Note: • MPD Task 261600-05-1 cleaning interval has been based on aircraft operation between 1800/4400 FH within 12 Months, corresponding to 18000 FH or 10 Years as mentioned in the MPD task. This cleaning interval may have to be adapted to airline operation conditions. • Siemens has provided recommendations to reduce the cleaning interval to 9,000 FH for optical smoke detectors, from an equipment point of view. Refer to ISI 26.10.00004: Cleaning intervals of smoke detectors. Lavatory Detectors Cleaning Interval : MPD Task 261700-04-1 (12000FH or 80MO), refer to ISI article 26.14.00002. 177 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 178 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ D. Smoke Event III. Smoke related troubleshooting SMOKE issue with impact on dispatch: SMOKE issue with impact on dispatch: A SDF System test is recommended to confirm the fault and obtain the precise fault message(s) detailing the issue. Associated TSM then needs to be followed. If no maintenance is available on board and a spurious suspected, SDF can be reset by flight crew as per FCOM supplementary procedure PRO-SUP-24-B-00012651.0016001. SMOKE / 237334 CHECK SDF2 BITE: A “SMOKE” Maintenance Status linked with a fault message “237334 CHECK SDF2 BITE” means that SDF 2 BITE has to be interrogated to determine which fault message was observed by SDF2. SDF 1 has to be deactivated and SDF 2 MCDU menu accessed (refer to TSM TASK 26-17-00-810-823-A). The “SMOKE” maintenance status will disappear only when the fault triggered by SDF 2 will have been resolved. Lavatory (LAV) SMOKE fault: CIDS DIR board and DEU-B are involved in the Smoke Detection Function of the Lavatories (refer to chapter 2.B - Smoke Detection). When detected, SDF LAV faults are setting a trigger stored into the memory of their associated DEU-B. After resolution, the associated DEU-B needs to be power cycled to clear the fault. 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ D. Smoke Event Smoke Detector PIN PROG ISSUE: In case of PIN Programming wiring issue at Cargo Smoke Detector level (ie on CAN bus A and/or B), ECAM Warning SMOKE AFT/FWD/BULK AVN DET FAULT may be triggered. Indeed, the Smoke Detectors read their CAN bus thanks to PIN PROG inputs. In case of unreadable/inconsistent PIN PROG, the S/D set its bus address to the default address on the CAN bus. This is then treated by the SDF as an unexpected smoke detector on the CAN bus lane. Therefore, the SDF detected a configuration inconsistency, and all configurable (pin programmable or CAM programmable) compartments with defined SD on this CAN bus are declared as faulty. In case there is one message incriminating one particular S/D, check first the PIN PROG wiring of this S/D and possibly replace the S/D. TSM task 26-17-00-810-830-A has been created to troubleshoot this issue. Refer to CIDS deviation #58 for more details. 179 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 180 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ E. CIDS Event I. PSU Troubleshooting II. CIDS TOP / MID Line Troubleshooting III. Service Interphone Noise IV. PA, Interphone and Handsets V. Handset best practices 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ E. CIDS Event I. PSU Troubleshooting The architecture of the PSU allows to test the connexion between the PSU and the DIR: • A Reading Light activation from pushbuttons on the overhead PSU will test the local performance of the system. • A Passenger announcement will test the connexion from the director to the PSU. • A passenger call initiated from the PSU sends a signal from the PISA via DEU type A to the director. The director transmits a signal via the DEU type A to the respective PISA and the related call light comes on. Therefore, the connexion between the PSU and the director is tested back and forth. Notes: • Operational test of the Reading Light can be performed by following the AMM task 23-73-64-720-001-A. • Operational test of Loudspeaker can be performed by following the AMM task 23-73-00-710-036-A. A reliability issue of the PAX call switch has been identified, which may lead to find defective PAX call switch. Defective switch can be replaced on wing. Refer to AMM and TFU 181 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 182 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ E. CIDS Event II. CIDS TOP / MID Line Troubleshooting DEU faulty I/O: When booting, each DEU tests its Inputs and Outputs. If it is unable to manage at least one of them (due to a short circuit for example), the DEU declares itself faulty to the CIDS and all equipments connected with this DEU (W&W sensor level, or vacuum system e.g.) are lost. CIDS TSD allows then to find which DEU pin is faulty. Note: TSD Decoder is available FOC to operators. Refer to ISI article 23.73.00008. A TOP / MID line fault is detectable in two cases: Line fault due to a current sensing test at power-up: In such a case a respective “BUS Fault message” is memorized in the BITE memory. None of the DEUs connected to this line will be memorized. Line fault due to plausibility check: This is the case if the CIDS Director does not receive data of any DEU of one line. A respective “BUS Fault message” is memorized. The respective DEUs may also be written into the BITE memory. Notice: In conjunction with the TSM tasks related to MID & TOP line Fault and depending of the line resistance value measured at the CIDS Director connector, either of the following flow charts can be used in order to speed up the investigations. 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ E. CIDS Event II. CIDS TOP / MID Line Troubleshooting 1/3 START FLOW CHART – NO SHORT CIRCUIT DISCONNECT ALL DEU’S EXCEPT THE LAST ON THE BUS, REFER TO AMM REPLACE THE DEU INSTALL CIDS DIRECTOR, REFER TO AMM REPLACE THE TERMINATION/ CONNECTION BOX CHECK OPERATION OF DEU(S) CONECTED DEVICES YES DEU REPLACED CONNECT NEXT DEU, REFER TO TSM CLOSE DEU’S CIRCUIT BREAKER REFER TO TSM PULL DEU’S CIRCUIT BREAKER’S REFER TO TSM ALL CONNECTED DEVICES OPERATIV YES PULL DEU’S CIRCUIT BREAKER NO NO TERMINASION/ CONNECTION BOX REPLACED YES ALL DEU’S CONNECTED YES ALL CONNECTION BOXES CONNECTED NO PULL DEU’S CIRCUIT BREAKER’S YES CHECK ALL CONNECTED DEVICES ARE OPERATIVE END 183 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 REPLACE NEXT DEU CONNECTION BOX REFER TO TSM NO 184 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ E. CIDS Event II. CIDS TOP / MID Line Troubleshooting 2/3 START FLOW CHART SHORT CIRCUIT CONNECTED THE MULTIMETER TO THE AFFECTED WIRING ON THE DIRECTOR RACK PLUG AND DISCONNECT ALL DEU’S CONNECTED TO THE BUS CHECK STILL SHORT CIRCUIT NO CONNECT LAST DEU ON THE BUS YES DISCONNECT TERMINATION BOX NO TERMINATION/ CONNECTION BOX DISCONNECTED NO CHECK STILL SHORT CIRCUIT YES YES CHECK STILL SHORT CIRCUIT DISCONNECT NEXT CONNEXION BOX, REFER TO TSM REPLACE DEU CHECK STILL SHORT CIRCUIT ALL DEU’S CONNECTED NO YES CHECK BUS FOR SHORT CIRCUIT BETWEEN THE TWO RESPECTIVE CONNECTORS NO CHECK STILL SHORT CIRCUIT YES REPLACE INTERCONNECTING BOX REPAIR AS NECESSARY CHECK ALL CONNECTED DEVICES ARE OPERATIVE END NO CONNECT NEXT DEU, REFER TO TSM 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ E. CIDS Event II. CIDS TOP / MID Line Troubleshooting 3/3 START FLOW CHART – OPEN CIRCUIT CONNECTED THE MULTIMETER TO THE AFFECTED WIRING ON THE DIRECTOR RACK PLUG, REFER TO TSM ON THE LAS DEU ON THE BUS REPLACE THE TERMINATION BOX, , REFER TO TSM STILL OPEN CIRCUIT NO YES CHECK BUS BETWEEN DIRECTOR RACK PLUG AND FIRST CONNECTION BOX PLUG, REFER TO TSM STILL OPEN CIRCUIT NO CHECK BUS BETWEEN CONNCTION BOX AND NEXT CONNECTION BOX, REFER TO TSM YES REPAIR BUS IN CHECKED AREA YES STILL OPEN CIRCUIT END 185 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 NO 186 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ E. CIDS Event III. Service Interphone Noise Despite Insulation Units P/N D9559012100000 (FIN 4RJ1/2/3/4/5), a crackling noise might be heard in the cabin and cockpit interphone, due to oxidation and water ingress within the interphone jack. In that case, it is recommended to follow the interphone jack cleaning procedure: •g ain access to the jack assembly •c lean & dry the plug • reassemble Reference Doc: •T SM 23-44-00-810-802-A •C MM 71-11-19 Figure 2 •C MM 71-50-03 page 4001-4002 •F AIR item 12.0259 Note: Ensure that interphone jack plug is wiped clean before insertion into the receptacle when using the service interphone. Ground Service Jacks Notes: • CFM56-5B Jack P/N 2J-1761A should be replaced by Jack P/N 2J-1933A. • Some ground service jacks are located close to grounding points. 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ E. CIDS Event IV. PA, Interphone & Handsets PA issue: In case of Crackling noise and/or interferences on Interphone and Passenger Address an audio RAM might fix the issue, as described in TFU (DIR affected: PN Z014H000131A & Z014H000231B). Short Power Interruption & PA: In case of Power Interruption bellow 200ms, the CIDS detects the SPI and automatically recovers as soon as the power is restored without a Power Up procedure. However, the CIDS audio board will need 500ms to recover, producing a cut in the announcement of up to 700ms. It is recommended to not perform announcements during A/C power transfers. Loss of PA / Interphone function: Based on In Service feedbacks and Operational Interruptions analysis, the whole Passenger Announcement and/or Interphone function was sometimes reported partially (meaning noisy) or totally inoperative. The system functionality was reported recovered by a CIDS reset, director or handset replacement, or service interphone clean-up. Airbus kindly requests the operators to report any occurrence by filling questionnaire available in ISI article 23.73.00019. Cockpit Call: If a call has been initiated by pressing a call button on the cockpit call panel and this call was not accepted by the targeted attendant handset(s), then this call will be automatically reset only after 5 minutes. Prior to that reset, all cabin attendant stations would not be able to address the cockpit. Defective handset: One handset has to operative at each pair of exit doors, but MMEL can be applied for others handsets if defective (refer to chapter handset MMEL chapter 5.E.iv). In particular in case of FWD handset inoperative and no spare available, operative AFT and inoperative FWD handsets could be swapped and MMEL applied to allow dispatch. Notes: Handsets have been designed in order to be replaced in less than 15 min, with appropriate tooling (cf. CMM). 187 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 188 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ E. CIDS Event V. Handset best practices Eng./Maint. rationales supporting Cabin crew best practices: Larsen effect + missing echo concellation mechanism if PA away from station. Damaged cable & stressed connectors if PA/Interphone away from station. Missing noise-cancellation mechanism if not used like a standard phone. Inaudible PA/Interphone if not used like a standard phone (Oriented mike). Slide smoothly but completely (“click”) in bracket to prevent housing damages due to fallings. Maintenance best practices: 15 min replacement following AMM tasks (as per handset design). Dedicated tooling to open handset housing (≠ screwdriver!). Prevent stress on cradle connector disconnect thanks to a screwdriver. Housing & keypad damages prevention using cleaning materials & solutions as per CMM requirements Check PA from FWD when entering A/C to prevent late detection of defective handset. 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ F. List of CIDS Deviations (1/4) Reference doc: ISI article 23.73.00027 189 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 190 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ F. List of CIDS Deviations (2/4) 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ F. List of CIDS Deviations (3/4) 191 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 192 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 5. Dispatch and Troubleshooting Advices _ F. List of CIDS Deviations (4/4) 6. Documentation & Contacts A. Documentation B. Contacts 194 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 6. Documentation & contacts _ A. Documentation (1/2) Reference Title ISI 23.73.00017 Enhanced CIDS Director H/W and OBRM P/N Evolutions ISI 23.73.00021 FAP / AAP / AIP P/N Evolutions ISI 23.73.00020 DEU-A / DEU-B / PISA P/N Evolutions ISI 23.73.00009 Interchangeability between old and new cabin handsets» TFU Cabin Handsets low reliability TFU Cabin Handsets Interchangeability TFU Crackling noise in Interphone and Passenger Address Ho-P6091-ROP-0000-01A HOLMCO Recommended Operation Practices N40 Handset with Support Bracket VSIL D9240-44-09 HOLMCO N40 handset series - discharge electrodes modification VSIL D9240-44-10 HOLMCO N40 handset series - release button improvement ISI 23.73.00022 CIDS - Cabin Handset & Airline feedback - Questionnaire ISI 23.73.00019 PA & Interphone inoperative SIL 00-028 Centralized Fault Display System (CFDS) Anomalies ISI 23.73.00027 Enhanced CIDS Deviations list & digest TFU CIDS ‘spec Issue 8’ SPI robustness TFU Fix for Deviations of DIR -333B and OBRM -33B TFU PSU PAX call button reliability TFU Enhanced CIDS Director Obsolescence on A320FAM TFU Enhanced CIDS FAP Obsolescence on A320FAM ISI 23.73.00091 CIDS - A320fam - GENERIC FAP P/N 6. Documentation & contacts _ A. Documentation (2/2) 195 Reference Title ISI 23.73.00016 Introduction of new LED technology for PSU signs. ISI 23.73.00008 CIDS Trouble Shooting Data (TSD) Decoder ISI 23.73.00023 Cabin Ready Function ISI 23.73.00018 CAM reprogramming options ISI 23.73.00007 Operator customized FAP logo ISI 23.73.00058 CIDS - Escape slide and door pressure monitoring ISI 23.32.00001 Customisation of boarding music on Aircraft already equipped with I-PRAM ISI 26.17.00002 E-cigarette or cigarette smoke detection in lavatory compartment ISI 26.10.00007 Prevention of A/C Smoke Warnings not related to real fires ISI 26.16.00001 CARGO Smoke Warning event investigations data ISI 26.10.00006 Smoke Detectors P/N Evolutions and Interchangeability ISI 26.10.00004 A320 family - cleaning intervals of smoke detectors ISI 26.14.00002 ECAM warning SMOKE LAVATORY SMOKE ISI 00.00.00170 Enhanced CIDS Deviations list & digest TFU Improve operational reliability of cargo smoke detectors A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 196 A320 Family - Enhanced CIDS - ref: ISI 23.73.00094 - Issue: September 2017 6. Documentation & contacts _ B. Contacts TechRequest tool now provides a single access point for technical requests. All technical requests related to the below listed domains shall be raised by using TechRequest within AirbusWorld portal and not by e-mail anymore: • Technical queries • AOG • Flight Operations, • Technical Manuals, • Service Bulletins, • Service Bulletin embodiment reporting, • Scheduled Maintenance, • Ground Support Equipment tools. • Supplier support operations • Tools & services, including Airbus World Please refer to the latest revision of OIT-999-0120-14-02 for up-to-date information. AIRBUS S.A.S. 31707 Blagnac Cedex, France © AIRBUS S.A.S. 2017 - All rights reserved, Airbus, its logo and the product names are registered trademarks. Concept design by Airbus Multi Media Support 20171977. Photos by Airbus: P. MASCLET, E’M COMPANY / A. DOUMENJOU. Printed in France by Airbus Print Centre.