Uploaded by Shashaank B H

Nature, Faith, and Love: A Poetry Collection

Mother Earth's Cuddle
The Mother's arm uniting all of us,
adorned in her green attire,
embellished with flowers of aroma,
soothing the bees and the butterflies.
The rushing seas and the flowing rivers,
a testament of Mother's toil.
The land bearing us all,
revealing the Mother's tolerance.
The pounding rain and the tranquil wind,
exhibiting her affection for little ones.
The royal Mountains and hills,
show her grand and majestic personality.
The leaves rustling in the wind, a melody,
Joined by birds chirping, a harmonious song.
Roofs rattling in the breeze, rhythmic beats,
Creating a lullaby for us to joyously nap.
In the embrace of Mother, we lie,
a haven for solace to reside,
a luxury quiet for us to sleep,
and a sanctuary safe for us to weep.
Let's join hands and sing,
the Mother's anthem - a hymn,
to protect our Mother's enchanting divinity,
to live in peace, and let our souls find ease.
Faith: The Superpower Within
In the garden of the soul, faith stands,
Roots deep as a peepal tree's source,
Manifesting change encountered on the journey.
The tree within grows stronger,
Nurtured daily by your belief.
Water it with the purity of your thoughts,
Good seeds yield good, and evil breeds weeds.
Unwavering faith is the identity of a strong mind,
With good thoughts, the right path you'll find.
Be the right one, and strength will follow.
Manifest the change you want,
With the right thoughts, action follows,
Hence, the right experience shall gently unfold.
Doused Flame
Love's Embrace, the sweetest nectar,
Relished by my heart, on par.
The warmth my eyes radiate,
Received by them.
Though the presence of love
Is timeless, like the sweetest nectar,
Straight from heaven's realm,
Them on the deathbed, heading to the celestial helm.
The light of my life extinguished,
Darkness brings with it
Demons, shadows, and the whispers of evil,
Yet eternal love may still protect me.
Life is to move on,
But with the sweetest memories,
That bring a smile
When flashed upon the mind.
The twinkle, a precious gem,
Invaluable in the realms of the heart,
A true descendant of love,
An eternal warrior fighting sorrow.