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Philosophy 2Q Reviewer

Agricultural Society - focuses on the
production of crops and rising of farm
Agrarian or Agricultural Society- This society
features large-scale and long term cultivation
of crops and domestication of animals.
Post-Industrial Society- This society is based
on knowledge, information, and the sale of
goods and services
Industrial - society where factories are seen
as the center of work
Post Industrial - This refers to a society that
focuses on producing and selling information
Aristotle - The author of the saying “ man is a
social animal”
Thomas Aquinas - Who stated this quotation
“man is essentially good thus society as
man’s construct is good “
David Gauthier - He described people’s selfinterest as significant factor in building and
maintaining societies.
Kant - This thinker considers a human person
as an end in itself and it is the role of the state
to ensure the protection of his freedom.
Nick Vijicic- An Australian evangelist and
motivational speaker who was born with
phocomelia, a condition in which a person is
born with no arms or legs
Physical Freedom - this freedom allows him
or her act and move from one place to
Freedom - Understanding the person as a
being-towards-death brings us back to a very
important topic
Moral freedom - A person becomes more free
when he or she uses freedom well, but
becomes less free when he or she uses it in a
bad way.
Psychological freedom - No outside force or
influence can compel a person to take action
against his or her will.
Government - An element of society that
refers to the management and improvement
of Social System
People - The most important element of
society without it society will not exist
Culture - An element of society that is created
through the interaction of people, these
includes norms, value, religion etc
Culture - . It refers to the beliefs, customs,
arts etc. of a particular society, group, place
or time
Norms - These are a set of traits and behavior
that society considers acceptable and are
encouraged and passed on to other
Society - A collection of individual shaped by
social relations and interactions
Social system - It composes of individuals
formed into groups with common religion and
Responsibility- This refers to the person being
accountable for his or her actions and their
Availability - The willingness of a person to be
present for another and to render assistance
to another
Voluntariness - It refers to the ability of the
person to act out of his or her own free will
and self-determination
Ethics of care- This moral perspective
encourages individuals to help other people,
most especially the vulnerable.
Death - . It refers to the separation of the soul
and the body.
Happiness - it is an achievement and must be
gained by living a productive and moral life.
Suffering - It takes place when we patiently
endure unpleasantness, discomfort, and pain.
Empathy - It enables a person to place
himself or herself in the shoes of others and
leads to a greater understanding and
appreciation of others.
Seeming - It refers to the way a person
presents himself or herself when dealing with
Interpersonal Relations- This notion of
recognizing the self in the other
A deep and genuine relationship between
persons is called dialogue
Social Contract Theory - It refers to an
agreement whereby people accept certain
instructions on them for the benefit of the
“no man is an island” - A saying that explains
“a person cannot live of his own”
The human person is considered as a “being
with others”, which means that his or her
identity and destiny are shaped by relating
with others.
Our human nature not only enables us to
recognize the “self” that defines
our individuality.
A society that upholds positive social values
will influence its members to uphold positive
Certain Groups that performs vital functions in
society are recognized as social institution,
these includes family, school, government,
and religion.
Society is able to define relationships and
interactions among its members through
norms, the establishment of a social system.
And by upholding social values
True love is fundamentally founded on