International Journal of Production Research, 2017 Vol. 55, No. 17, 4912–4930, Team diversity and manufacturing process innovation performance: the moderating role of technology maturity Jung Young Leea*, Morgan Swinkb and Temyos Pandejpongc a College of Business, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, USA; bNeeley Business School, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, USA; cGraduate School of Management and Innovation, King Mongkut University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand (Received 16 December 2015; accepted 5 December 2016) This research studies how technological maturity in manufacturing process innovation (MPI) projects moderates the impacts of different types of team diversity on technical success. While researchers consider the variety aspect of team diversity to be beneficial as a rich source of information, they consider disparity and separation to be detrimental as sources of social barriers to information processing. However, demographic manifestations of diversity involve a combination of these aspects. We therefore posit that technology maturity is an important moderator which may raise or lower the influence of one diversity aspect over another. Specifically, we examine five manifestations of project team diversity, including three types of variety (functional variety, full-time/part-time variety, location tenure variety) and two types of disparity (education level disparity, experience level disparity). Results from 183 MPI projects in US companies indicate that technology maturity negatively moderates the relationship between functional variety and MPI technical performance. It positively moderates the relationships between experience level disparity and MPI technical performance, and between location tenure variety and MPI technical performance. The impacts of education level disparity and full-time/part-time variety do not appear to be moderated by technology maturity. Keywords: project management; process innovation; team diversity; technology maturity; manufacturing process 1. Introduction Both new product launches and production improvement efforts frequently engender manufacturing process innovation (MPI) projects in which new manufacturing technologies are implemented. Technological innovations can range from minor procedural modifications or tool changes to major software/hardware system upgrades in core manufacturing processes (Damanpour 1987, Carrillo and Gaimon, 2000). In order to achieve better problem solving and implementation results, such projects require the flows and stocks of knowledge of team members (Carrillo and Gaimon 2000; Subramaniam and Youndt 2005; Rogers 2003; Lee, Swink, and Pandejpong 2011; Zhen, Jiang, and Song 2011). Accordingly, organisations seek to create diverse MPI project teams. Demographic, cognitive, and personality differences among team members will not only provide wide knowledge assets for innovation, but also accurately represent end users of new technologies and conform to societal expectations of diversity (Dahlin, Weingart, and Hinds 2005). However, attempts to enhance team diversity in MPI projects have been seriously challenged by the lack of evidence for its value (Van Knippenberg and Schippers 2007). For instance, past empirical studies have produced surprisingly mixed results, making team diversity a ‘double-edge sword’ (Harrison and Klein 2007; Horwitz and Horwitz 2007). Recent meta-analyses also conclude that the correlation between team member diversity and team performance is near zero or very weak (Stewart 2006; Hülsheger, Anderson, and Salgado 2009; Bell et al. 2011). In order to respond to this challenge, many researchers promote elaborating possible contingency factors to clarify the connection between withinunit diversity and the unit-level outcome (Van Knippenberg, De Dreu, and Homan 2004; Horwitz and Horwitz 2007; Hülsheger, Anderson, and Salgado 2009; Kearney, Gebert, and Voelpel 2009). This study thus considers a moderator, technology maturity, in order to address the question of how to compose MPI project teams for successful implementations of new manufacturing technologies. We define technology maturity as the degree to which the functional characteristics of a focal manufacturing technology have been applied and proven by prior adopters. Technology maturity is an important consideration for several reasons. First, manufacturing managers do vary in their willingness to adopt and implement immature technologies. Prior to adoption, managers typically evaluate a technology’s maturity level, *Corresponding author. Email: © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group International Journal of Production Research 4913 investigating whether or not other organisations have already adopted it (Rogers 2003). While some firms tend to implement only technologies for which ample evidence of success and full rate production has been demonstrated (e.g. best practices or off-the-shelf technologies) (DiMaggio and Powell 1983; Ketokivi and Schroeder 2004; Liu et al. 2010; Wheeler and Ulsh 2010; EWI 2011), others are willing to act as lead adopters in choosing risky, immature technologies because of potential first-mover advantages (Katila and Ahuja 2002; Wheeler and Ulsh 2010). Nonetheless, how to effectively manage MPI projects involving different levels of technology maturity remain unexplored. Second, technology maturity potentially influences both the motivations and communication norms of team members, thereby influencing the effects of team diversity on project performance (Szulanski 1996; Rogers 2003). Perceptions of provenness or riskiness are likely to influence levels of acceptance or scepticism among team members (DiMaggio and Powell 1983; Liu et al. 2010; Rogers 2003). Combined with a specific team structure, these perceptions would then affect their information-seeking behaviours for problem solving (Szulanski 1996; Pelled, Eisenhardt, and Xin 1999). Despite the logically apparent interactions of technology maturity and team diversity, neither innovation nor team diversity literature has examined them critically. In addition to the investigation of technology maturity, this study augments the concepts and methods used for research of team diversity: by refining diversity concepts and by measuring its more practical manifestations. Many researchers point to mismatches between theoretical concepts of diversity and their operationalisations as another reason for the mixed findings on the value of diversity (Harrison and Klein 2007; Bell et al. 2011). We thus employ the typology offered by Harrison and Klein (2007), and study the effects of variety and disparity as key dimensions of diversity in the context of MPI projects. Harrison and Klein define variety as a ‘composition of differences in kind, source, or category of relevant knowledge or experience among unit members’ (2007, 1203). They define disparity as a ‘composition of (vertical) differences in proportion of socially valued assets or resources held among unit members’ (2007, 1203). Specifically, we focus on five commonly occurring manifestations of diversity within an MPI project team including: functional variety, full-time/part-time variety, location tenure variety, education level disparity and experience level disparity. Designing their teams, managers would be able to manipulate these diversity characteristics more easily than other demographic characteristics such as age, gender, or ethnicity. Overall, our research contributes to both innovation and team diversity research streams by elaborating the level of technology maturity under which a specific team member diversity element is particularly effective in conducting an MPI project. Our findings also have practical implications. Along with the adoption of mature ‘best practices’ and existing automation solutions, manufacturers today are also pursuing numerous immature manufacturing technologies (e.g. new forms of automation, additive manufacturing, materials forming, etc.) (EWI 2011). This research provides insights for managers who seek to design proper MPI project teams to capitalise upon those different types of innovation opportunities. 2. Literature review and theory development 2.1 Dimensions of team diversity and MPI performance Team diversity is roughly conceptualised as the distribution of differences among members in any attribute, such as demographic variables (e.g. age, gender, race), cognitive traits (e.g. values, skills, knowledge, functional background) and personality (e.g. openness to experience) (Van Knippenberg and Schippers 2007). However, different theoretical perspectives suggest that different aspects of diversity (i.e. separation, disparity and variety) produce different effects on performance, and require different methods of measurement (see Table 1). Social categorisation and social stratification are two theoretical perspectives that suggest negative effects of team diversity on group effectiveness. First, social categorisation theory views diversity as separation, defined as a ‘composition of differences in (lateral) position or opinion among unit members’ (Harrison and Klein 2007, 1203). Because people generally interact more with those who have similar preferences or personalities (Williams and O’Reilly 1998), a diverse team tends to divide itself into distinguished subgroups via the social categorisation process. As a result, dissimilar subgroups may experience distrust, anger and frustration within the team (Pelled 1996; Jehn, Northcraft, and Neale 1999). Social stratification theory focuses on the disparity aspect of diversity (Harrison and Klein 2007). A high level of disparity implies that a majority of resources, prestige or power is given to a small portion of team members. As a result, the other team members might experience interruption on their tasks, less information about the project, more threats of punishment, and suppressed chances of declaration (Keltner, Gruenfeld, and Anderson 2003). In sum, both separation and disparity are seen to be unfavourable diversity aspects, because they generate relationship conflicts and impede collaboration, which in turn increase turnover among team members. 4914 J.Y. Lee et al. Table 1. Team diversity types (Adapted from Harrison and Klein (2007)). Diversity type Meaning Maximum amount of diversity Foundational theories Examples Separation Differences in lateral position or opinion among team members Social categorisation Disagreement in opinions, beliefs, values, and attitudes especially regarding team goals and processes Disparity Differences in vertical position or proportion of socially valued assets or resources held among team members Differences in kind or source of relevant knowledge among team members; unique or distinctive information Social stratification Inequality or relative concentration in income, status, prestige, decisionmaking authority, social power Distinctive content expertise, functional background, nonredundant network ties Variety Information processing Operational index (Assumed scale of measurement) Standard deviation (Interval) Mean Euclidean Distance (Interval) Coefficient of Variation (Ratio) Blau (Categorical) Entropy (Categorical) On the other hand, a theory of information processing addresses the concept of diversity as the variety of information brought by team members. Such variety is thought to have positive effects on cognitive task performance (Williams and O’Reilly 1998; Van Knippenberg and Schippers 2007). The less overlap among team members’ information sets, the more effectively members can collect higher quality decision alternatives and avoid suboptimal solutions (Brodbeck et al. 2007). The presence of different knowledge stocks and perspectives might spur task-related conflicts, such as arguments on goals or procedures of tasks to finish a project (Jehn, Northcraft, and Neale 1999). However, as opposed to the relational conflicts caused by either separation or disparity, these task-related conflicts can be beneficial to the final outcomes of cognitive tasks. If the conflicts are not severe, team members will scrutinise the diverse ideas and opinions for reconciliation (Pelled 1996; Pelled, Eisenhardt, and Xin 1999). As a result, they reach a greater understanding of issues, and improve the overall quality of decisions made in an innovation project (Putnam 1994). While the foregoing discussion treats separation, disparity and variety as distinct types of diversity, it has recently been argued that each commonly occurring element of diversity in practice holds the potential to produce both beneficial information effects and detrimental social effects (Van Knippenberg, De Dreu, and Homan 2004). For example, as Harrison and Klein (2007) noted, factors such as gender and group membership tenure can be a clear expression of variety, as they are a representation of different types of knowledge and experience. However, they also represent different behaviours, values, and means of communication of team members, which reflect separation. They also can characterise the different positions and amounts of power/resources that team members possess, which reflect disparity. Drawing upon this perspective, we conceptualise our variables according to their most salient dimensions (i.e. either disparity or variety), while also considering the potential that each diversity variable will manifest multiple dimensions of diversity. We then posit that technology maturity makes certain dimensions of a diversity variable more or less significant in implementing MPI projects successfully. 2.2 Technology maturity as an important moderator Extant literature on team diversity has examined various moderators that can represent the nature of projects, including task routineness, task interdependence, and task complexity (e.g. Jehn, Northcraft, and Neale 1999; Pelled, Eisenhardt, and Xin 1999; Schippers et al. 2003; Gardner, Gino, and Staats 2012). The main assumption is that such task-level moderators can determine whether information differences among team members are appropriately extracted and embraced, or otherwise, suppressed or even ignored (Kristof-Brown, Zimmerman, and Johnson 2005; Brodbeck et al. 2007). While prior research has refined team diversity theory, further research should be done in the context of implementing MPI projects, where not only task-level but also technology effects can significantly influence the motivations and behaviours of team members. We thus examine technology maturity, conceptualising it as the extent to which the functional characteristics of a manufacturing process technology have been applied and proven by other organisations. This conceptualisation is based on Rogers’s (2003) theory of innovation diffusion and Szulanski’s (1996) concept of unproveness. While different types of innovations exist, including administrative innovations (i.e. changing an organisation’s structure or its administrative International Journal of Production Research 4915 processes such as recruiting and budgeting) and ancillary innovations (i.e. new community services such as adult continuing education programmes of a library), our main focus is technological innovations associated with a new tool, device, technique, and system (Damanpour 1987). Organisations are often driven to adopt immature manufacturing technologies by the belief that they can obtain newer and broader ranges of solutions to production problems (Katila and Ahuja 2002). However, lacking a proven record of usefulness and stability, such technologies are not easily transferred and accepted by the organisations and their employees (Szulanski 1996). Conversely, when a manufacturing technology has a strong and visible record of successes, potential adopters are more likely to perceive the technology as mature and advantageous (DiMaggio and Powell 1983; Liu et al. 2010; Rogers 2003). Team members who perceive different levels of technology maturity likely exhibit different types of information-seeking behaviours to solve project-related problems, in turn making a certain diversity aspect (i.e. disparity, separation, or variety) more or less critical in MPI projects (Szulanski 1996; Pelled, Eisenhardt, and Xin 1999). Despite its potential significance in the context of MPI implementation projects, technology maturity has not been well operationalised and empirically examined by researchers. Practitioners assess manufacturing technology maturity critically at the earliest stages of MPI projects, in order to identify any shortfalls and costs associated with immature technologies and to develop proper risk management systems (Wheeler and Ulsh 2010). However, previous studies on innovation have mainly focused on differences between incremental and radical innovation projects (e.g. Tatikonda and Montoya-Weiss 2001; Peng, Heim, and Mallick 2012), with a concentration on the effects of technology novelty on organisational learning. In the next section, we explain our expectations regarding the ways that technology maturity moderates the relationships between five elements of team diversity. We conceptualise these diversity elements in terms of variety and disparity, respectively, since they are the most salient dimensions of diversity. However, as discussed earlier, it is important to remember that each diversity element holds the potential for other dimensions of diversity at the same time, producing both beneficial information processing effects and detrimental social effects (Van Knippenberg, De Dreu, and Homan 2004; Harrison and Klein 2007). Table 2 provides a summary of these theoretical arguments. Technology maturity is Table 2. Summary of theoretical arguments. Relevant theoriesa Social categorisation Diversity element Similarity attraction Functional variety Full/Part-time variety Location tenure variety Educational disparity Experience disparity Impacts on knowledge development and dissemination –b – – – – – • • • a • Information processing Variation, selection, retention Law of requisite variety + + + + + – • Relationship to technology immaturity Social stratification Status hierarchy Distributive justice and equity Impedes interaction (through distrust, frustration, miscommunication) Diminishes morale and cohesion Increases non-productive conflict (subgroup cohesion) Lowers psychological safety • • Especially damaging when implementing immature technologies • • • • • Promotes followership Fosters information hoarding, reduces quality of communication Promotes task interruptions Increases internal competition Lowers psychological safety Suppresses declaration • Especially damaging when implementing immature technologies • • • • Please refer Harrison and Klein (2007) for detailed explanations of these theories. Minus and plus signs indicate the expected effect of the diversity element on MPI project performance. b Enriches knowledge stocks, ideas, approaches, and task orientations Increases network connections to knowledge sources Promotes productive conflict Stimulates more comprehensive analysis Especially valuable when implementing immature technologies 4916 J.Y. Lee et al. then hypothesised as an environmental determinant in MPI projects by which the merits of richer information and more diverse perspectives (i.e. variety) are superseded by the detriments of social differences among team members (i.e. separation or disparity). 2.2.1 Functional background variety Functional background variety is greater when proportions of team members representing various functions are spread more evenly across a greater number of functional areas. An MPI project team that has more cross-functional representation has greater access to the various function-specific information and knowledge to solve problems (Jehn, Northcraft, and Neale 1999; Simons, Pelled, and Smith 1999). When implementing an immature technology, this variety would play a critical role in enhancing the technical performance of MPI projects at least in two ways. First, multi-functional knowledge helps a team evaluate the potential impacts, possible problems, and risks of the technology from diverse perspectives (Putnam 1994; Jehn, Northcraft, and Neale 1999; Simons, Pelled, and Smith 1999; Kong et al. 2015). As such problems are likely to involve issues that exceed any single functional domain, the multi-functional expertise can comprehend and solve the problems faster and better (Brodbeck et al. 2007). Second, functional variety increases the communications between team members and outside experts (Ancona and Caldwell 1992). Since total requirements of an immature technology are difficult to specify before the project begins, extended knowledge networks provide more intellectual resources to handle unexpected problems in the projects. However, for projects which attempt to implement a mature technology, this functional variety might be less beneficial. Since most technological irregularities have been resolved by other organisations, teams would face fewer problems and task-related conflicts (Rogers 2003). The reduced demands for in-depth information processing and inter-functional debates make functional variety less valuable (Simons, Pelled, and Smith 1999). As a result, the darker side of functional diversity may become more prevalent: Functionally diverse teams could experience struggles for dominance among different departments, separations in opinions, and relational conflicts, which are driven by department-specific languages, priorities, and thought worlds (Ancona and Caldwell 1992; Dahlin, Weingart, and Hinds 2005; Harrison and Klein 2007; Huang and Wang 2013). Therefore, we expect that the tendency of functional variety to enhance the technical performance of MPI projects with enhanced problem-solving capabilities decreases with the implementation of a mature technology. Hypothesis 1: Technology maturity moderates the relationship between team functional variety and the technical performance of MPI projects: the positive influence of functional variety becomes weaker (i.e. less positive or even negative) in projects involving more mature technologies. 2.2.2 Full-time/part-time team member variety Due to the use of popular matrix structures and multiple-project environments for innovation, MPI projects teams frequently consist of both full-time and part-time team members (Ford and Randolph 1992; Laslo 2010). However, this type of variety has not received attention in the team diversity literature. For projects implementing immature technologies, a variety of full-time and part-time members is expected to enhance technical performance. Full-time team members offer focused commitment and constant attention to project needs. On the other hand, part-time members are often experts who have scarce skills and knowledge that are demanded by multiple projects across diverse areas of the organisation (Hendriks, Voeten, and Kroep 1998; Laslo 2010). From the information processing perspective, they serve as conduits for knowledge spillovers and cross-project learning (Davis et al. 1977; Laslo 2010). The richer sets of knowledge provided by the mix of full-time and part-time members could enable project teams to effectively deal with irregularities associated with the immature technologies. However, when MPI projects involve mature technologies, the knowledge-related benefits of variety could be mitigated by the negative social effects brought by diversity in membership status: social effects (i.e. separation and disparity) among team members due to differences in levels of commitment and in authority to access key information (Harrison and Klein 2007). For instance, people often think that it is promising and easy to implement mature technologies because of the presence of ample guidelines and proven instances (DiMaggio and Powell 1983; Leonard-Barton and Deschamps 1988). The psychological comfort of team members in such a project could make part-time team members less committed, and more interested in other challenging projects to which they are assigned (Laslo 2010). As a consequence, full-time members might deem part-time members unreliable or superfluous, and might either intentionally International Journal of Production Research 4917 or unintentionally withhold information or communicate less with part-time members. The resulting social separation and information disparity across groups would tend to negate the variety-based, information processing advantages of having a mix of workers on the project team. Accordingly, we offer the following hypothesis. Hypothesis 2: Technology maturity moderates the relationship between full-time/part-time team member variety and the technical performance of MPI projects: the positive influence of full-time/part-time variety becomes weaker (i.e. less positive or even negative) in projects involving more mature technologies. 2.2.3 Location tenure variety Innovation projects often make new hires and re-locate personnel from other sites in order to bring new perspectives and knowledge stocks for problem solving (Von Hippel 1994). Based on the information processing theory, the distinction between the newcomers and team members who have a history of working at the project site can represent information variety within an MPI project team. For reasons similar to the foregoing arguments for other variety elements, MPI projects that implement immature technologies would receive greater benefits from location tenure variety. While existing team members have a profound understanding about the current manufacturing system at the site, newcomers from other sites/organisations are not as locked-in to the status quo as those incumbent team members might be (Von Hippel 1994). Newcomers also booster knowledge transfer and mutual learning across team boundaries (Katz and Allen 1982; Kogut and Zander 1992; Tsai 2001). This enhanced knowledge capability and creativity of a team will be crucial to attack irregularities associated with the immature technologies, thereby improving the technical performance of MPI projects. Interestingly, however, some empirical research on organisation tenure diversity suggests a different story: Detrimental separation effects of location tenure variety might dominate informational benefits in the case of immature technologies. For instance, differences in years of experience at the project site generate emotional conflicts due to different attitudes and values of team members, which result in employee turnover and diminishing team performance (Pelled 1996; Pelled, Eisenhardt, and Xin 1999; Harrison and Klein 2007). A ‘not-invented-here’ syndrome also implies similar relationship conflicts caused by tenure diversity: Resident members often think that they possess a monopoly on the specialised knowledge needed to deal with current manufacturing systems and do not consider new information brought by ‘outsiders’ seriously (Katz and Allen 1982). This tendency in which tenure diversity generates interpersonal frustration becomes stronger if members work on highly uncertain tasks (Pelled, Eisenhardt, and Xin 1999). From this perspective, a mix of incumbent members and new personnel at the site for immature technology implementation could engender severe separation effects that offset positive informational variety benefits. The foregoing arguments lead to the following two competing hypotheses. Hypothesis 3a: Technology maturity moderates the relationship between team member location tenure variety and the technical performance of MPI projects: the positive influence of location tenure variety becomes weaker (i.e. less positive or even negative) in projects involving more mature technologies. Hypothesis 3b: Technology maturity moderates the relationship between team member location tenure variety and the technical performance of MPI projects: the positive influence of location tenure variety becomes weaker (i.e. less positive or even negative) in projects involving more immature technologies. 2.2.4 Education level disparity Differences in team members’ education levels can define an MPI project team’s social stratification (Harrison and Klein 2007). Typically, more educated team members are in higher positions, and engage in more conceptual and integrative tasks (e.g. engineering design) which require intense information processing (Der Foo, Kam Wong, and Ong 2005). One the other hand, less educated members tend to work on more practical tasks (e.g. repairing or maintenance) within an MPI project (Der Foo, Kam Wong, and Ong 2005). We contend that this education disparity can generate emotional and relational conflicts which are more likely to be unleashed by uncertain project environments associated with immature technologies. While highly educated people tend to be more receptive to the uncertainties and risks of new technologies, less educated people are more sceptical and unwilling to embrace them (Kimberly and Evanisko 1981; Wiersema and Bantel 1992). Those less educated members may then become more reluctant to take responsibility for project tasks, less willing to express their ideas, and more likely to passively follow the opinions and decisions of highly 4918 J.Y. Lee et al. educated members (Kahn 1990; Edmondson and Roloff 2009). As a result, an educationally diverse team could not fully utilise the merits of multiple sources information, vocabularies, and cognitive patterns for problem solving provided by the entire team. When a mature technology is implemented, the potential for the voice suppression of less educated members likely diminishes. Due to ample evidence of effectiveness of the technology, less-educated members are more likely to perceive it as valuable, safe, useful, and legitimate (Rogers 2003). They also are more likely to actively participate in discussions and decision-making related to the technology (Edmondson and Roloff 2009). An MPI project team whose members represent a wide range of education levels could then enjoy broader sets of vocabularies and diverse cognitive patterns for information search (Cohen and Levinthal 1990; Drach-Zahavy and Somech 2002; Dahlin, Weingart, and Hinds 2005). These benefits from a high level of information variety would result in better problem solving and implementation outcomes of the technology (Simons, Pelled, and Smith 1999; Der Foo, Kam Wong, and Ong 2005). The foregoing discussions lead to the following hypothesis. Hypothesis 4: Technology maturity moderates the relationship between team member education level disparity and the technical performance of MPI projects: the negative influence of education disparity becomes weaker (i.e. less positive or even negative) in projects involving more mature technologies. 2.2.5 Experience level disparity Experience level disparity, which has not been well examined in the literature, refers to differences in the years of working experience of team members. People with different working histories possess different understandings of organisational events, technologies, policies, and various ways to accomplish the same project tasks (Cohen and Levinthal 1990; Schenk, Vitalari, and Davis 1998). In addition to possible separation effects, differences in experience level tend to display disparity in the authority and supportive resource levels within a team (Harrison and Klein 2007). We expect that the implementation of immature technologies would make the negative social effects of experience level disparity stronger, leading to poor decision-making in MPI projects. As discussed above with education level disparity, the ambiguities inherent in the technologies tend to suppress the voices of less experienced team members. Overwhelmed by the high level of uncertainties and risks, team members with less experience, lower status, and less power tend to simply follow decisions made by members with longer years of experience and higher managerial positions (Kahn 1990; Edmondson and Roloff 2009). This limits diverse viewpoints, voices, and engagement within an MPI project team, and impedes effective information search for problem solving (Taylor and Greve 2006). On the other hand, the implementation of a mature manufacturing technology would make the foregoing issues of experience disparity less problematic. While highly experienced members are able to generate more realistic strategies for applying a mature technology, less experienced novices could play complementary roles by providing inputs to break knowledge equilibrium within a project team (March 1991; Schenk, Vitalari, and Davis 1998). Novices are likely more aware of recent research findings, technological trends, and methods. Therefore, they might understand the basic contents of new technologies better than others with older, less relevant knowledge. Since the perceived risk of a mature technology is low, less experienced members then easily participate in discussions, and express their opinions with less fear (Kahn 1990; Edmondson and Roloff 2009). The improved communication allows MPI project teams to integrate each individual’s unique reflection and relevant experience on the current manufacturing systems in order to build more concrete knowledge for advanced decision-making (Taylor and Greve 2006; Anand, Ward, and Tatikonda 2010; Gardner, Gino, and Staats 2012). Hypothesis 5: Technology maturity moderates the relationship between team member experience level disparity and the technical performance of MPI projects: the negative influence of experience disparity becomes weaker (i.e. less positive or even negative) in projects involving more mature technologies. 3. Methodology 3.1 Sample In order to test our hypotheses, we conducted a cross-sectional, on-line survey in accordance with Dillman’s (2000) protocol. Targeted respondents were mid-to-high level managers in manufacturing companies (SIC 20-39) who were likely to have solid information about MPI projects and associated teams. We identified possible participants by using job titles from the mailing list of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Search terms included manager, senior, director, leader, International Journal of Production Research 4919 engineering, project, process, system, production, operations, plant, and quality. Each survey recipient was given the definition of an MPI project, with examples, and asked to describe a specific MPI project in which they had recently participated and had been completed. The first invitation email was estimated to have reached a total of 2870 managers. After employing four email reminders, we received 183 usable responses. This results in an initial estimate of an overall responses rate of 6.3%. The sample of 183 MPI projects includes a wide range of manufacturing processes: 44 teams (24%) worked on a job shop process innovation, 61 teams (33%) worked on a batch process innovation, 66 teams (36%) worked on an assembly line process innovation and 12 teams (7%) worked on a continuous flow process innovation projects. The scope of operations affected by the MPI projects varied from a single work centre (12%), to a production line (38.3%), a department (27.3%), and the entire plant (22.4%). Examples of MPI projects include transferring a current production line to an automated one, combining four different processes to one complete manufacturing cell, installing a new power paint system, installing a new welding work centre, implementing new high speed tools and high pressure coolants, removing some operations by installing a new tooling, updating existing equipment to use a new control and handling system, implementing a new surface treatment technology, implementing new leak testing equipment for online inspection of finished goods, replacing a liquid coating system with powder coating, etc. We evaluated non-response bias in three ways. First, we contacted 359 randomly-selected non-respondents by phone to identify reason for non-response. Our conversations with the managers indicated that those non-respondents also possessed relevant positions and knowledge with their MPI projects. 66 eligible managers stated reasons for non-response including confidentiality, lack of time, and lack of interest. The other 293 managers were ineligible due to the strict qualifications we made in order to raise the validity of the data. Thus, only 66 of the 359 selected non-respondents (18.4%) were both available and eligible to complete our survey. Assuming that this proportion identified in the followup is representative of our target population, the estimated effective response rate would be 183/(2870 × 18.4%) = 33.7%. This high response-rate reduces the risk of non-response bias. Second, we conducted tests for differences in plant size and in industry (SIC) across respondents and non-respondents. Third, we compared early and late respondents’ scores for differences in plant size and for project performance measures (Armstrong and Overton 1977). None of the above tests indicated significant differences. We therefore concluded that there are no serious demographic or project-related non-response biases present in the data. 3.2 Measures An often used approach to measure diversity is to assess team members’ perceptions of diversity. For example, perceptual measures of functional variety have been widely employed by empirical operations management research (e.g. Pinto, Pinto, and Prescott 1993; Chen and Paulraj 2004; Ketokivi and Schroeder 2004). Such measures, however, can inflate explanatory power through common method variance and respondents’ overestimations of diversity (Harrison and Klein 2007; Hülsheger, Anderson, and Salgado 2009). Indeed, correlations between perceived and actual measures of team variety appear to be low (Harrison et al. 2002). Therefore, we used only objective measurements for the three variety and two disparity variables. 3.2.1 Variety Two representative measurements for variety are the Entropy index (VE) (Teachman 1980) and Blau’s index (VB) (Blau 1977). VE ¼ P ½Pi lnðPi Þ, where Pi stands for the proportion of the team that has each variety characteristic. VB ¼ 1 P Pi2 , where Pi stands for the proportion of the team that has each variety characteristic. The Entropy index is always larger than Blau’s index, and tends to be more sensitive to the presence of more categories, rather the presence of even distributions among a smaller number of categories. Nonetheless, both measures have been widely used to measure information richness in the literature on team diversity (e.g. Ancona and Caldwell 1992; Jehn, Northcraft, and Neale 1999; Boone and Hendriks 2009; Kearney, Gebert, and Voelpel 2009). Harrison and Klein (2007) offer further discussions and comparisons of these two indexes. For functional variety, the survey asked each respondent to report the percentage of the personnel on the referred MPI project team from the following five functional categories: (1) production and planning (e.g. manufacturing engineering, quality control, production control, manufacturing department, management information system, etc.); 4920 J.Y. Lee et al. (2) purchasing; (3) product design; (4) maintenance; (5) others. We measured full-time/part-time variety by asking the number of staffs assigned full-time to the project and the number of staffs assigned on a part-time basis to the project. Finally, we measured location tenure variety by asking the percentage of the personnel on the team who worked at the implementation site before the project began. 3.2.2 Disparity Often used as an objective measure of income inequality in the sociology literature, the coefficient of variation (CV) is the primary measure for disparity (Harrison and Klein 2007). qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi P CV ¼ ½ ½Di Dmean 2 =n Dmean , where Di stands for the level of a socially valued or desired resource (e.g. pay, power, prestige, status, position). Accordingly, we calculated education level disparity by asking the percentage of the personnel on the MPI project team who had the following educational backgrounds and assigning appropriate values of Di: (1) a high school degree (Di = 0); (2) a 2-year associate degree (Di = 2); (3) an undergraduate degree (Di = 4); (4) a graduate degree (Di = 6). We also measured experience level disparity by asking the percentage of the personnel on the MPI project team with the following experience level categories and assigning the median experience level of each category as D: (1) less than 5 years of work experience (Di = 2.5); (2) between 5 and 15 years of work experience (Di = 10); (3) more than 15 years of work experience (Di = 20). 3.2.3 Technology maturity Three items for technology maturity, the moderator variable in this study, were developed from the extant literature on knowledge proven-ness and diffusion of new technology (e.g. Szulanski 1996; Tatikonda and Montoya-Weiss 2001; Rogers 2003). Using a five-point Likert scale (1, ‘strongly disagree’, to 5, ‘strongly agree’), managers rated the statements given in Table 3. Table 3. Construct measures validity and reliability analysis. Items Technology maturity (CR = 0.81; AVE = 0.68) Before we implemented this practice/technology, its effectiveness had been demonstrated by successful adoptions in many other organisations This practice/technology had been implemented successfully in other organisations before we adopted it Irregularities of this practice/technology had been resolved before we adopted it. (dropped) MPI Project Technical Performance (CR = 0.86; AVE = 0.55) Using the new practice/technology, we achieved greater productivities than we originally planned The new practice/technology improved the quality of our process more than we had originally expected it would The new practice/technology improved our responsiveness more than we had hoped The new practice/technology achieved significantly better overall technical improvements than we had originally expected it would (dropped) The new practice/technology performed significantly better than we had originally expected it would The new practice/technology was not as effective or efficient as we had originally hoped it would be (reverse coded) Team member expertise (CR = 0.75; AVE = 0.50) Team members were highly skilled Team members were considered among the best people in the organisation Team members were experts in their particular jobs and functions Each individual on the implementation team had useful experience (dropped) Standardised loading 0.881 0.766 0.873 0.686 0.710 0.762 0.657 0.727 0.716 0.671 Notes: Overall model fit: χ2 = 58.001; df = 33; p < 0.005; CFI = 0.949; GFI = 0.942; IFI = 0.951; TLI = 0.931; 90% interval of RMSEA = (0.036, 0.091); CR = composite reliability; AVE = average variance extracted. International Journal of Production Research 4921 3.2.4 MPI project performance The main purpose of MPI projects is to enhance the overall capabilities of manufacturing systems, as new technologies help firms and plants improve their multiple capabilities simultaneously (Schmenner and Swink 1998). MPI Project Performance is defined as the degree to which an MPI project achieved or exceeded various operational goals. We examined earlier studies on process innovation projects (e.g. Cagliano and Spina 2000; Swink and Nair 2007) to identify how to measure the overall manufacturing performance improvement. The six items shown in Table 3 were developed to reflect various dimensions such as efficiency, quality, responsiveness, etc. They were rated based on a five-point Likert scale (1, ‘strongly disagree’, to 5, ‘strongly agree’). 3.2.5 Control variables We included many control variables. First, we measured team size as the sum of the numbers of full-time employees and half of the number of part-time employees on the team at its peak employment. Team size is a key control variable in prior research, since team diversity tends to increase with the number of members in the team (e.g. Simons, Pelled, and Smith 1999; Boone and Hendriks 2009). Second, we controlled for the percentage of people with a graduate degree, the percentage of people with more than 15 years of work experience, and overall team member expertise. These variables assess and control for the mean level of each team’s cognitive ability, which potentially influences project outcomes (Bell et al. 2011). Third, we measured project radicalness, or the degree of learning caused by the MPI project, with a five-point Likert-type scale, “In order to use the new practice/technology, the operators/users had to learn new skills and procedures.” This measure of project radicalness is similar to measures of project/technology novelty in the new product development (NPD) literature (e.g. Tatikonda and Montoya-Weiss 2001; Peng, Heim, and Mallick 2012). It is important to control for the effects of this variable, since it taps the magnitude and difficulty of change dictated by the MPI project. While project radicalness is estimated at the team or organisation level, technology maturity is determined at the industry level. Even if a mature technology is adopted, for example, team members may still experience a high level of transition when unfamiliar processes and procedures are needed for implementation. Fourth, we controlled the type of manufacturing process, as the performance of an MPI project might be influenced by the level of customisation and the level of production volume within a plant. As stated earlier, there are four manufacturing process types represented in our sample. Therefore, we created three dummy variables. Last, we controlled for project scope, as it can influence the difficulty and uncertainty of an MPI project as well. Three dummy variables were created to indicate the four organisational levels at which projects were undertaken, including single work station (base case), production line, department and plant(s). 3.2.6 Reliability and validity We executed a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using AMOS 21 to examine reliability and validity of our measures for technology maturity and technical performance of MPI projects. After dropping three items due to high cross loadings, we were able to obtain the expected three-factor measurement model that fit the data well (χ2 = 58.001; df = 33; p < 0.005; CFI = 0.949; GFI = 0.942; IFI = 0.951; TLI = 0.931; 90% interval of RMSEA includes 0.05) (see Table 3). All of factor loadings were above 0.5 and statistically significant, which suggests acceptable unidimensionality and convergent validity for the factors (Bagozzi, Yi, and Phillips 1991). The composite reliability for each factor was well beyond the recommended minimum value of 0.7 (Fornell and Larcker 1981). The average variance extracted for each factor was above 0.5, and was greater than the squared correlation between the two factors. Therefore, evidence for discriminant validity was acceptable (Fornell and Larcker 1981). As a criterion validity check for the perceptual measures of MPI project performance, we correlated the values with a more objective measure, project payback period values (in terms of years). We found a statistically significant correlation between the two measures, which is 0.151 (n = 169, p-value < 0.05). This result indicates that successful MPI projects tend to generate returns within a reduced period of time. Following Podsakoff et al. (2003), we used several techniques to control and assess common method bias. First, our measures were developed from an extensive literature review, and they were examined for clarity by five managers from different manufacturing companies; each had participated in many past MPI projects. Second, we physically separated diversity measures from MPI technical performance measures in the questionnaire. Between them, there were more than 20 other questions and a time lag (i.e. temporal separation), as well as a different cover page (i.e. psychological separation) to remind the respondent of definitions of key terms used in the survey. Third, we used different scale formats for measures of diversity, technology maturity, and project technical performance, which include a mix of objective and 4922 J.Y. Lee et al. latent factors. Fourth, we applied a more rigorous version of Harman’s one-factor test to check for the presence of common method bias. The χ2 difference between the original measurement model with three latent factors and a new measurement model with one common factor was statistically significant (Δχ2 = 326.999, df = 11, p-value < 0.001). Given this result, we conclude that the risk of common method bias is not serious (Podsakoff et al. 2003). 4. Analysis and results Table 4 shows the descriptive statistics and correlations among study variables.1 In order to test our hypotheses, we used hierarchical ordinary least square regression analysis in which predictors are entered in a sequential order. Control variables are first entered into a regression model, then main variables (diversity elements and technology maturity), and finally the interaction terms of variables. We mean-centred all variables to minimise possible variance inflation from interaction terms (Aiken and West 1991). Table 5 summarises the results, with technical performance of MPI projects as the dependent variable. All of the variance inflation factors (VIF) are between 1 and 5, which suggest that our predictors are not highly correlated. Therefore, multicollinearity is not a major concern in this study. Model 1 presents the results with variety variables operationalised by Blau’s index, while Model 2 shows the results computed using the Entropy index. The results of both models are very consistent in terms of regression coefficients and their statistical significance patterns. For brevity, we discuss only the results shown in Model 1. Steps 1 and 2 in Model 1 enter control variables and main effect variables, respectively. None of the team diversity main effects is significant. This was expected, given the competing variety/separation/disparity effects we described above, and the similar findings in prior studies (Stewart 2006; Hülsheger, Anderson, and Salgado 2009; Bell et al. 2011). Step 3 in Model 1 shows that the addition of interaction terms explains a significant amount of variance in the technical performance of MPI projects beyond that accounted for by control variables and main effect variables (ΔR2 = 0.097, p < 0.01). Three out of five interaction terms are statistically significant. First, supporting hypothesis 1, the interaction between functional variety and technology maturity is negative and statistically significant (β = –0.200, p < 0.01). Figure 1 plots the relationship between functional variety and technical performance of MPI projects under conditions of high and low technical maturity (one standard deviation above and below the mean, respectively) (Aiken and West 1991). This plot shows that functional variety is positively related to MPI technical performance when the focal technology is immature. However, if the technology is mature, greater functional variety is negatively associated with project performance. Second, the interaction between location tenure variety and technology maturity is positive and statistically significant (β = 0.158, p < 0.05). The interaction plot given in Figure 2 shows that location tenure variety is beneficial in projects involving mature technology and detrimental in projects involving immature technology, supporting hypothesis 3b. Third, consistent with hypothesis 5, technology maturity positively moderates the relationship between experience level disparity and technical performance of MPI projects (β = 0.235, p < 0.01). Figure 3 shows the corresponding interaction plot, indicating that greater experience level disparity is positively associated with performance in projects involving mature technology. However, if the technology is immature, greater experience disparity is negatively associated with MPI technical performance. Contrary to hypothesis 2 and 4, the results provide no evidence of significant moderating effects of technology maturity on the relationships between either full-time/part-time variety or education level disparity and project performance. 5. Discussion 5.1 Theoretical implications Our study contributes to current research on team diversity and MPI in several ways. First, our findings are consistent with recent meta-analysis results that show non-significant or weak main effects of diversity variables on team performance (Stewart 2006; Hülsheger, Anderson, and Salgado 2009; Bell et al. 2011). This reemphasises the need for a contingency approach to specify environments in which diversity variables play more critical roles. To our knowledge, this study is the first to conceptualise, operationalise, and empirically examine the concept of technology maturity as a significant moderator for the relationships between diversity variables and MPI project performance. Second, our study identifies a wide set of commonly occurring diversity elements within MPI project teams, and investigates them based on a modern perspective of diversity which assumes that each element entails both negative social effects and positive information effects. Those competing effects are clarified by adopting the moderator, technology maturity. Specifically, we found that functional variety is beneficial when MPI projects implement an immature b 3.86 48.03 12.96 3.88 13.06 3.32 0.39 0.29 0.13 0.40 0.35 3.65 0.92 31.92 21.91 0.66 19.95 1.02 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.22 0.20 0.76 SDa 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Min 5 100 100 5 162 5 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.96 0.66 5 Max −0.01 0.06 0.17* −0.00 −0.03 0.11 0.18* 0.07 0.01 0.06 0.17* 1 0.00 0.22* −0.04 −0.05 −0.14 −0.18* −0.03 0.02 −0.47** −0.10 2 0.05 −0.01 0.01 0.04 0.07 0.08 −0.21** 0.07 0.14 3 −0.05 −0.07 0.05 0.11 0.02 −0.08 −0.16* 0.16* 4 −0.05 0.05 −0.08 0.03 0.01 0.08 −0.16* 5 −0.14 −0.05 0.11 0.02 −0.01 −0.01 6 0.06 0.22** −0.05 0.20** −0.10 7 0.11 −0.08 0.13 0.05 8 −0.17* 0.16* −0.07 9 0.08 0.05 10 0.11 11 *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01. a SD (Standard Deviation). b These variables are composite values, obtained from the average of the items of each factor. While this approach is preferred for generalisability (Hair et al. 2010), another way to calculate the composite values is obtaining factor scores after CFA (Hair et al. 2010). We found that both ways generate very consistent results in Tables 4 and 5. 1. Radicalness 2. % of over 15 years 3. % of graduate degrees 4. Member expertise b 5. Team size 6. Technology maturity b 7. Functional variety 8. Full/Part-time variety 9. Location tenure variety 10. Education disparity 11. Experience disparity 12. MPI project technical performance Mean Table 4. Descriptive statistics and correlations. International Journal of Production Research 4923 4924 J.Y. Lee et al. Table 5. Regression analyses for moderation of the relationship between variety and MPI project technical performance by technology maturity. Model 1: Blau’s index Step 1: Control variables Team size Radicalness % of team members with graduate degrees % of team members with over 15 year experience Team member expertise Job shop process Batch process Assembly process Product line scope Department scope Plant(s) scope Step 2: Main effects Functional variety Full-time/Part-time variety Location tenure variety Education level disparity Experience level disparity Technology maturity Step 3: Interactions Functional variety × Technology maturity Full/Part-time variety × Technology maturity Location tenure variety × Technology maturity Education level disparity × Technology maturity Experience level disparity × Technology maturity R2 ΔR2 F Step 2 Step 3 VIFa 1.081 1.202 1.155 1.468 4.124 4.969 4.851 2.705 2.596 2.492 1.181 −0.167* 0.125+ 0.165* −0.131 0.175* −0.060 −0.224 −0.225 −0.126 −0.035 −0.145 −0.151* 0.108 0.197** −0.099 0.179* −0.074 −0.232 −0.245 −0.133 −0.065 −0.202+ 1.085 1.212 1.156 1.471 4.128 4.981 4.844 2.720 2.610 2.501 1.180 −0.079 −0.034 −0.066 0.096 0.043 −0.030 1.149 1.245 1.150 1.593 1.232 1.195 −0.063 −0.010 −0.058 0.068 0.041 −0.038 −0.039 −0.026 −0.068 0.097 0.034 −0.023 1.272 1.198 1.239 1.157 1.597 1.146 −0.200** −0.019 0.158* −0.029 0.235** 0.273 0.097** 2.725** 1.215 1.145 1.220 1.237 1.250 −0.186* −0.011 0.156* −0.029 0.234** 0.263 0.094** 2.590** 1.236 1.271 1.229 1.156 1.217 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 VIF −0.167* 0.114 0.145* −0.135+ 0.162* −0.040 −0.217 −0.232 −0.127 −0.026 −0.159 −0.168* 0.128+ 0.164* −0.136 0.178* −0.066 −0.225 −0.227 −0.123 −0.031 −0.136 −0.153* 0.107 0.197** −0.100 0.158* −0.081 −0.234 −0.254+ −0.122 −0.058+ −0.189+ −0.103 −0.023 −0.051 0.068 0.048 −0.044 0.153 2.818** 0.175 0.022 2.065** Model 2: Entropy index a 0.169 0.016 1.976* N = 183 MPI project teams. + p < 0.1; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; a VIF (Variance Inflation Factor). Figure 1. Interaction of functional variety and technology maturity on MPI project technical performance. International Journal of Production Research 4925 Figure 2. Interaction of location tenure variety and technology maturity on MPI project technical performance. Figure 3. Interaction of experience level disparity and technology maturity on MPI project technical performance. technology. This finding is consistent with previous studies that extol the knowledge-related virtues of cross-functional integration for tasks under uncertainty (e.g. Pinto, Pinto, and Prescott 1993; Pelled 1996; Ketokivi and Schroeder 2004). Interestingly, our results further show a clear trade-off of social effects and informational effects of functional variety: when a mature technology is implemented, functional variety can actually become detrimental. With the help of prior knowledge provided by pre-adopters to conduct the MPI project, there might be little benefit of information diversity to offset the potentially high cost of relational conflicts from separate ‘thought worlds’ and interpretative differences among team members who have different functional backgrounds (Dahlin, Weingart, and Hinds 2005; Huang and Wang 2013). In this case, it might be better to utilise specialised expertise of a functionally homogenous team with more clarified and focused priorities for the projects (Ancona and Caldwell 1992). Location tenure variety, to our knowledge, has not been examined in the team diversity literature. The supported hypothesis (H3b) suggests that, in MPI projects with immature technologies, the information benefits of mixing new and incumbent team members are relatively weaker than detrimental social categorisation effects. Compared to functional variety, location tenure variety might engender more severe separation effects, since team members do not share site-specific norms or cultures. However, location tenure variety seems to be valuable when implementing mature 4926 J.Y. Lee et al. technologies. These results support what Easton and Rosenzweig (2012) assert in their study of six sigma project success: the likelihood of the success of a ‘best practice’ initiative (a mature technology) increases with team members who have diverse organisational experience or information. In the case of a mature technology implementation projects newcomers might have relevant knowledge or experience with the technology. Recognising this relevant knowledge, incumbent workers are likely to welcome and engage newcomers, thus overcoming social barriers and improving problem solving in MPI projects. We also found that technology maturity changes the influence of experience level disparity on technical performance of MPI projects. Novice team members may feel less confident in challenging opinions of experts, thereby suppressing the informational benefit of this type of disparity and impeding the project performance. This suppression of voice may be most damaging in immature technology implementations, where the additional insights of novices are likely to be of most value. Conversely, in the implementation of mature technologies the skewed distribution of decision-making power among novices and more experienced team members may serve to suppress distractions, providing focused attention to factors already known to be critical. Future research should investigate the importance of technology maturity as another factor which forms psychological conditions of a low-status team member’s engagement and disengagement in project environments (Kahn 1990). Contrary to our expectation, technology maturity did not moderate the relationship between full-time/part-time team member variety and technical performance of MPI projects. After accounting for other diversity elements, remaining informational benefits and relational conflicts that can be explained by the mix of full-time and part-time team members might be marginal. For example, the existence of effective cross-project knowledge sharing systems of organisations might replace the value of part-time team members as new sources of information and conduits of knowledge. Moreover, given the prevalence of matrix project structures in most organisations, many project workers are likely to have gained ample experience in managing full-time and part-time relationships. As a consequence, associated social stratification or categorisation effects might be negligible. The validity of these interpretations can be tested by future research. Technology maturity also did not moderate the relationship between education level disparity and technical performance of MPI projects. Instead, we note that the more graduate degree holders a team has, the higher MPI technical performance (see Table 5). These result supports the argument of Bell et al. (2011): having many of highly educated team members is better in augmenting knowledge within a team and enhancing team performance, rather than having diverse levels of education. Instead, education level disparity seems to be more significant in other contexts. For example, researchers investigating more than 1500 teams in manufacturing, sales, marketing, distribution, and other administrative contexts demonstrated that teams with education level diversity received higher performance bonuses when their tasks required better understanding of, and communications with, broader ranges of customers (Jehn and Bezrukova 2004). Education level disparity may be less important in MPI project teams, which tend to be internally focused. Future research also needs to study this conjecture. 5.2 Managerial implications Process innovation project teams tend to be created and disbanded more frequently than product innovation teams (Anand, Ward, and Tatikonda 2010). Consequently, team members in MPI projects often lack intimacy and shared responsibilities that can be helpful in achieving their technical goals. It is therefore important for managers to design MPI project teams to overcome the challenges. Our findings suggest that managers should evaluate levels of maturity of technologies embraced by projects, and carefully design the team compositions in order to capitalise upon various diversity elements as valuable assets. When firms deliberately adopt well-established, mature, best practices, an ideal project team would be diverse in location tenure and experience level, but not diverse in functional background. Such a team could presumably take advantage of information variety and knowledge spillover without losing team identity or focus due to separation or disparity. If a functionally diverse team is already in place, managers should prioritise project goals and clearly specify focused technical improvement targets so that team members do not become bogged down in unnecessary arguments about the project direction and alternative solution paths that favour their department-specific interests or knowledge. Conversely, when a MPI project seeks to apply an unknown and immature technology, managers should create a cross-functional project team that provides a wide range of perspectives and skills. Such variety should improve the overall understanding of the technology and the team’s creativity, which lead to better problem solving in the implementation. At the same time, managers should consider the possible negative impacts of location tenure variety and experience level disparity on the projects. As it is unlikely that the team can be composed entirely of highly experienced and International Journal of Production Research 4927 incumbent team members, managers should invest in building proper team cultures to mitigate the status-related negative social effects that suppress the inputs of novices or newcomers. 5.3 Limitations and future research directions The limitations of our study present opportunities for improvement and extension in the future. In choosing a survey methodology, we traded the benefits of first-hand observation for the benefits of a large scale sample. As such, we relied on a single manager’s retrospective descriptions of each team, rather than directly assessing each team’s variety characteristics. Future studies could directly observe team characteristics and behaviours by analysing individual team member-level data and their communication patterns. That way, they could develop a richer understanding of the effects that we have uncovered in this research. Such studies might also reveal strategies that managers either intentionally or intuitively use to mitigate the potentially negative effects of functional and experience level variety. Our data provide no support for the hypothesis regarding education level variety. We suspect that it is because we studied MPI projects, which are typically dominated by technical issues and are not concerned with wide socioeconomic differences in user populations. Future research should investigate whether technology maturity moderates the relationship between education level variety in other innovative contexts, such as new product development and marketing communications, where innovations must address wider audiences. Finally, we focused on the variety aspect of diversity, with the main assumption that sources of information variety enhance the performance of MPI projects. As Harrison and Klein (2007) assert, however, variety, separation, and disparity are likely to coexist within a team. Future research such as Narayanan, Swaminathan, and Talluri (2014) could more intensely investigate possible interactions among those factors. Researchers have developed operationalisations of separation and disparity, including age (Kearney, Gebert, and Voelpel 2009), locus-of-control (Boone and Hendriks 2009), gender and race (Pelled, Eisenhardt, and Xin 1999), value (Jehn, Northcraft, and Neale 1999) and so on. Importantly, neither the entropy index nor Blau’s index (for variety) should be used to measure separation and disparity. For further insights for proper measurements of diversity variables, please see Harrison and Klein (2007). 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