TECH - 4010 Assessing Technology – Module 1 Week 1 – Module 1 Introduction Welcome to the first Module. Assessing the implementation of a new technology is an activity that we have all been involved at some stages in our lives and possibly conduct on a daily basis. Technology changes our lives in our personal, work and social environments. We surround ourselves with new technologies every day to enhance and improve our way of life. Technologies such as the latest smart phone technology, wireless internet, a new type of dishwashing detergent for cleaner glasses or even new grass seeds we place on our lawn that are weather retardant are all new technologies that we might assess and implement in our personal environment. Implementing new technologies in the work environment can also be for a number of reasons. New technologies are required to maintain a competitive edge, increase revenue or to improve operational efficiency. New technologies are being implemented at a rapid pace into our society as well such as social media, the internet, green energy and even new recycling programs. Whenever a new technology is implemented, there is corresponding impact resulting from the change they introduce to our surrounding environment, be it social, personal or work. Some impacts are good and provide a positive result, whether it optimizes your work processes, increases revenue or cleans those cloudy drinking glasses better and/or faster. Some impacts are negative and may have the opposite effects you were trying to accomplish, making you less efficient at work, reducing company revenue or making your drinking glasses cloudier than ever. We have all experienced the negative impacts of technology in our lives by the decisions we have made. Regardless of the impact, once new technologies are implemented they have to be managed by someone (you) and will affect work, society or personal environments. The key to implementing any new technology is ultimately achieving the desired result we want from its adaptation. Therefore assessing technology before they are implemented is critical in the implementation process. Technology assessment is a process and one that can be applied to any technology regardless of industry or its application. Before one can embark on the how to conduct a technology assessment, we must first understand the what and why. What is a technology, what drives technology innovation and why does one want to implement a new technology? As mentioned, technology assessment is a vast and complicated process. This course and material will focus towards the technology managers as the primary audience. The processes talked about in this course can be applied to any situation, however for the purpose of this course, it will focus purely around implementing technology in an industry setting and the towards the technology managers who ultimately manage the technology. This module is broken into two lessons and focuses on the fundamentals of technology. Lesson 1 focuses on the what of technology assessments. This lesson will discuss definitions of what technology is and introduce the principles around technology innovation and how this drives technology. Lesson 2 then focuses on the why of technology assessments. Lesson 2 will introduce you to the Strategic Management of technology and how this relates to the ultimate positioning of technology to meet the strategic goals and objectives of an organization. You as 1|Page TECH - 4010 Assessing Technology – Module 1 technology managers must have a clear vision of where your technologies strategically fit within your work environment. Technology assessment must have a reason for being conducted, understanding why they are required and how they fit into an organization is crucial before any assessment or selection of technology can occur. The later modules in the course will then focus on the how. Course readings for this module will be covered by reading the posted notes within the course shell, Chapters 1 and 3 of the optional text book, articles, and online videos. At the end of the module, students will be required to produce a memo indicating a technology to assess and several discussion questions. Each student is required to post a response to all discussion questions and to reply to at least one other student’s post. Also there is more information on the memo the students are required to complete within the course shell. Module 1: Lesson Plan Week 1: ➢ Introduction of instructor and students ➢ Introduction of the course evaluation ➢ Introduction of module 1 of the course Week 2: ➢ Lesson 1 Technology and Innovation (Course notes and indicated articles, optional Chapter 1 from Braun) ➢ Complete all discussions assigned by the instructor for module 1 Week 3: ➢ Lesson 2 Strategic Management of Technology (Course notes and indicated articles, optional Chapter 3 from Braun) ➢ Complete all discussions assigned by the instructor for module 2 ➢ Module 1 Assignment: Selection of a Technology to Assess (Memo assignment worth 10%) 2|Page TECH - 4010 Assessing Technology – Module 1 Week 2 – Lesson 1 –Technology and Innovation Welcome to lesson one. Technology Managers are the heart to managing technologies within industry. Implementing new technologies can be an interesting and challenging part of a technology manager’s position and an important aspect of an organization’s success. New technologies are implemented through a number of mechanisms, generally delivered as a result of projects, and managed through formal Project Management. Assessing technologies prior to their implementation is a very important stage that generally occurs within an organization before adopting any new technology. Any project that implements a new technology has normally been through some form of technology assessment. Most organizations have a very formal technology delivery process that usually includes; inception, assessment, delivery, management, and then disposal/replacement (as per figure 1, below). Delivery of new technologies is an iterative processes within an organization and one which technology managers are closely involved with through all stages. Engineers, programmers and scientists develop new technologies, however you as a technology manager are involved in all stages of the process to implement new technologies from their inception to their disposal. Figure 1 –Technology Delivery Process 3|Page TECH - 4010 Assessing Technology – Module 1 The function of technology management is often overlooked once technologies are implemented. Too often organizations place too much time focused on the implementation of technologies rather than their management. It is not until technology is actually implemented before an organization can actually understand its benefit or the economic value. Therefore the role of the technology manager is extremely important within any organization, to ensure these values can be realized. It is important the Technology Manager understand the importance of the technology assessment process and understand its importance in all stages of the technology delivery process. Braun explains the importance of Technology Manager’s at the onset of his book. He differentiates the role of Engineers/Scientists to Technology Managers giving a clear line in the sand. Engineer's/Scientist's design, develop technologies to give an organization the opportunity to benefit from a technology, while the technology manager’s role is based around reaping the benefits of a technology and to realize the benefits of a technology. You as a technology manager are the engine driving the use of technology, therefore understanding all aspects of what technology is and how it is implemented is critical to any organization. Defining Technology: Before one starts to delve into understanding what technology assessments are and the processes behind them, it is important to understand and define what technology actually is and what drives technology. The majority of us tend to think we understand what technology is. We instantly think of products such as new smart phones, tablets, flat screen TVs and/or the internet. These are technologies; however technology is a very broad field and encompasses a vast amount of different products, processes and solutions. The more one understands what technology is and what drives technology development, the more one realizes most people do not understand what technology is. Defining technology enables you to set boundaries that will allow you to conduct an assessment and broaden your understanding of where technology fits into this vast field. Whether the technology is a product from a manufacturing process or it is new technology used in the manufacturing process. There are many definitions of what technology is. A definition of technology among academic critics is, according to Bush: “Technology is a form of human cultural activity that applies the principles of science and mechanics to the solution of problems. It includes the resources, tools, processes, personnel, and systems developed to perform tasks and create immediate particular, and personal and/or competitive advantages in a given ecological, economic, and social context.” Bush, C. L. (1981). Taking hold of technology: Topic guide for 1981–1983. Washington, DC: American Association of University Women. 4|Page TECH - 4010 Assessing Technology – Module 1 Braun's definition of technology is broader, and he states that: “technology is the way and means by which humans produce purposeful material artifacts and effects” or “the material artifacts used to achieve some practical human purpose and knowledge needed to produce and operate such artifacts”. Braun’s definitions initially seem a little confusing, however, this course will help you understand Braun’s perspective of what technology is. Technology Innovation: One truth about technology, is that it is constantly changing. Braun discusses two major forces driving technology towards change; improvement (as nothing is perfect) and economic. The two directions for technology changes are for improved performance or meeting the ever the increasing strive for excellence by humans. As a technology manager, you must maintain your knowledge of the latest innovations in your field of expertise. Maintaining this knowledge ensures your technologies are optimized for the organization’s needs and that if you are assessing new technologies you are up to date with the latest technology trends. Braun also states that Freeman and Perez (1988) have identified there are four basic forms, or classifications, of technological innovation. These classifications of innovation include: incremental innovations; radical innovations; technology system innovations; and the technoeconomic paradigm. Incremental innovations are innovations in products or process that consists of relatively small changes in the technology and are usually considered as a re-design of and existing technology. Radical innovations, however, consists of greater leaps in the product or process technology and usually are the result of research and development (R&D). Even larger innovative changes in technology that can cause managerial and organization change is referred to as a technology system innovations. Finally, extremely larger changes in technology that can affect entire economies is called the techno-economic paradigm innovations. You can read more on what Freeman and Perez had to say on the various form of innovations by clicking on the link below, or by accessing the article under the “Freeman and Perez Article” link within the Module 1 course material. When you are finished reading this article, try to determine your own examples of for each form of innovation discussed. Freeman and Perez article 5|Page TECH - 4010 Assessing Technology – Module 1 Week 3 – Lesson 2 – Strategic Management of Technology Welcome to lesson two. The late Peter Drucker (1909 – 2005) who is recognized widely as the Father of Modern Management had many insightful ideas and concepts of business and its role as an institution of society. He held that managers are the basic resource of the organization, and a primary function and responsibility of management is strategic planning. One area that Drucker did not focus too much on was the role of technology and technology managers have in an organization to support and achieve their strategic goals and objectives. There are two main elements of an organization’s Strategy, Strategic Planning and the Strategic Plan document. Strategic planning is an organizational management activity that is used to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations, ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals, establish agreement around intended outcomes/results, and assess and adjust the organization's direction in response to a changing environment. It is a disciplined effort that produces fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, who it serves, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future. Effective strategic planning articulates not only where an organization is going and the actions needed to make progress, but also how it will know if it is successful. The strategic plan is a result of the strategic planning activity and a core document for an organization’s focus to make business decisions and provide direction to employees. It is also the CEO’s (or equivalent executives) tool to communicate the organization mission, values and long term objectives/goals. The strategic plan not only comprises of a company's mission, values, goals and objectives, it also lays out a broad plan of where the current organization is and where it wants to go. The plan also provides a detailed action plan, how to achieve the goals and the resources assigned to the plan. Management tends to overlook the importance Technology Managers have in the Strategic Planning process and place their importance on assuming the relevant technology will be implemented as part of the Strategic Plan. Technology Managers are crucial not only in the delivery and support of technology, but during the entire Strategic Planning process (and the plan itself). Most forward thinking companies assign a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) as the primary Technology Manager responsible for laying out a Technology strategy/plan to deliver the technology requirements of a Strategic Plan. Technology assessment becomes part of the strategic planning process and of the implementation of an organization's strategy. The Technology Manager must fully understand their role of implementing and assessing technologies to fulfill the strategic objectives of their organization. Technology assessment is the vehicle to deliver technologies for a company's strategic plan. The importance of this activity and its relationship to an organization’s Strategy is key for success in any company regardless of industry. 6|Page TECH - 4010 Assessing Technology – Module 1 Strategic Management of Technology is concerned with the management of technology to fit within the Strategic Plan. This is a very vast subject and will be discussed in more detail throughout the required course reading. More information on the Strategic Plan and the role technology and the technology manager have in the process will be covered in the course textbook. The following article explains the key concepts in strategic management; strategic vision, objectives, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, evaluation and initiating corrective action. This article should better prepare the student in completing assignment 1. The Importance of Strategic Management to Business Organizations by Julius Tapera Assignment 1: You now have the required information to complete the first assignment, the memo assignment. Please refer to the course calendar/course plan to determine the due date for assignment 1 and refer to the marking rubric to ensure all components of this assessment are completed before you pass in the assignment. 7|Page