CONDENSERS AND EVAPORATORS ME115 REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING WEEK 5 2023-2024/2T 1/20/2024 Prepared by: Engr. Manuel B. Rustria January 20, 2024 51 Objectives Classify the types of condensers and evaporators. Evaluate overall heat transfer coefficient for condensers and evaporators. Evaluate heat transfer and pressure drop for liquid in tubes and liquid in shell. Evaluate heat transfer and pressure drop using extended heat transfer surfaces (fins). 1/20/2024 2 CONDENSERS 1/20/2024 3 CONDENSERS The previous sections presented tools for computing heat-transfer coefficients and pressure drops of the fluid exchanging heat with the refrigerant in a condenser or evaporator. For the condenser the fluid to which heat is rejected is usually either air or water. Air-cooled condensers are shown in Fig. 12-2 and a shell-and-tube condenser in Fig. 12-1. Another type of water-cooled condenser has cleanable tubes (Fig. 12-11). When the condenser is water-cooled, the water is sent in a cooling tower (Chap. 19) for ultimate rejection of the heat to the atmosphere. 1/20/2024 4 CONDENSERS Figure 12-11 Water-cooled condenser with cleanable tubes ondensatori-ispezionabiliad-acqua-controcorrente . 1/20/2024 5 CONDENSERS Some years ago air-cooled condensers were used only in small refrigeration systems (less than 100 kW refrigerating capacity), but now individual aircooled condensers are manufactured in sizes matching refrigeration capacities of hundreds of kilowatts. The water-cooled condenser is favored over the air-cooled condenser where there is a long distance betweem the compressor and the point where heat is to be rejected. Most designers prefer to convey water rather than refrigerant in long lines. 1/20/2024 6 CONDENSERS In centrifugal-compressor systems large pipes are needed for the lowdensity refrigerants, so that the compressor is close-coupled to the condenser. Water-cooled condensers therefore predominate in centrifugal-compressor system. 1/20/2024 7 REQUIRED CONDENSING CAPACITY 1/20/2024 8 REQUIRED CONDENSING CAPACITY 1/20/2024 9 REQUIRED CONDENSING CAPACITY 1.6 Figure 12-12 Typical values of the ratio of the heat-rejected at the condenser to the refrigerating capacity for refrigerants 12 and 22 1/20/2024 Heat-rejection ratio 1.5 1.4 1.3 -10°C evaporator 0°C 10°C 1.2 1.1 1.0 20Condensing 30 Temperature, °C 60 40 50 10 REQUIRED CONDENSING CAPACITY Theoretical calculations of the condenser heat rejection can be made from the standard vapor-compression cycle, but they do not take into consideration the additional heat added by inefficiencies in the compressor. A graph of typical values of heat-rejection ratios is shown in Fig. 12-12. When the motor driving the compressor is hermetically sealed, some of the heat associated with inefficiencies of the electric motor is added to the refrigerant stream and must ultimately be removed at the condenser. The heat-rejection ratios of thermetically sealed compressors are usually slightly higher than those of the open-type compressor. 1/20/2024 11 FOULING FACTOR 1/20/2024 12 FOULING FACTOR 12-21 1/20/2024 13 FOULING FACTOR 1/20/2024 14 EVAPORATORS 1/20/2024 15 EVAPORATORS Figure 12-17 Air-cooling evaporator. The device on the left and is a refrigerant distributor to feed the several circuits uniformly. 1/20/2024 16 EVAPORATORS Figure 12-18 A liquid chilling evaporator in which refrigerant boils inside finned tubes. 1/20/2024 17 EVAPORATORS In most refrigerating evaporators the refrigerant boils in the tubes and cools the fluid that passes over the outside of the tubes. Evaporators that boil refrigerant in the tubes are often called directexpansion evaporators, and Fig. 12-17 shows an air-cooling evaporator and Fig. 12-18 a liquid cooler. The tubes in the liquid chiller in Fig. 12-18 have fins inside the tubes in order to increase the conductance on the refrigerant side. 1/20/2024 18 EVAPORATORS Figure 12-19 (a) Air-conditioning evaporator with refrigerant leaving in a superheated state, (b)1/20/2024 liquid-recirculation evaporator with liquid refrigerant carried out of the evaporator. 19 EVAPORATORS Direct-expansion evaporators used for air-conditioning applications are usually fed by an expansion valve that regulates the flow of liquid so that the refrigerant vapor leaves the evaporator with some superheat, as shown in Fig. 12-19a. Another concept is the liquid-recirculation or liquid overfeed evaporator Fig. 12-19b, in which excess liquid at low pressure and temperature is pumped to the evaporator. Some liquid boils in the evaporator, and the remainder floods out of the outlet. 1/20/2024 20 EVAPORATORS The liquid from the evaporator is separated out, and the vapor flows on to the compressor. Low-temperature industrial refrigeration system often use this type of evaporator, which has the advantage of wetting all the interior surfaces of the evaporator and maintaining a high coefficient of heat transfer. 1/20/2024 21 EVAPORATORS While refrigerant boils inside the tubes of most commercial evaporators, in one important class of liquid-chilling evaporator the refrigerant boils outside the tubes. This type of evaporator is standard in centrifugal-compressor applications. Sometimes such an evaporator is used in conjunction with reciprocating compressors, but in such applications provision must be made for returning oil to the compressor. In the evaporators where refrigerant boils in tubes, the velocity of the refrigerant vapor is maintained high enough to carry oil back to the compressor. 1/20/2024 22 BOILING IN THE SHELL 1/20/2024 23 BOILING IN THE SHELL 10 B q/A ∙ W/m2 10 Figure 12-20 Heat-transfer coefficient for pool boiling og water 1/20/2024 C 10 10 A 10 0.1 1 10 100 Temperature difference, K 24 BOILING IN THE SHELL 1/20/2024 25 BOILING IN THE SHELL 1/20/2024 26 BOILING IN THE SHELL 1/20/2024 27 Figure 12-21 Heat-transfer coefficient: for refrigerants 12 and 22 boiling outside of tube bundles 1/20/2024 Heat-transfer coefficient, W/m2 ∙ K BOILING IN THE SHELL 2000 1500 1000 800 600 400 200 500 1000 2000 4000 6000 Heat flux, W/m2 10,000 28 BOILING IN THE SHELL The rate of evaporation can increase to a peak, point B, whose so much vapor covers the metal surface that the liquid can no longer intimately contact the metal. A further increase in the temperature difference decreases the rate of heat transfer. The graph in Fig. 12-20 is useful in predicting the trends for heat-transfer coefficients for boiling outside tube bundles. Hoffmann summarized the work of several investigators to provide the band shown in Fig. 12-21. 1/20/2024 29 BOILING INSIDE TUBES 1/20/2024 30 BOILING INSIDE TUBES When refrigerant boils inside the tubes, the heat-transfer coefficient changes progressively as the refrigerant flows through the tube. The refrigerant enters the evaporator tube with a low fraction of vapor. As the refrigerant proceeds through the tube, the fraction of vapor increases, intensifying the agitation and increasing the heat-transfer coefficient. When the refrigerant is nearly all vaporized, the coefficient drops off to the magnitude applicable to vapor transferring heat by forced convection. Figure 12-22 shows local coefficients throughout a tube for three different levels of temperature. 1/20/2024 31 Coefficient of heat-transfer, W/m2 ∙ K BOILING INSIDE TUBES Figure 12-22 Heat-transfer coefficient of Refrigerant 22 boiling tubes. Curve 1 at 10°C. curve 2 at 3°C, and curve 3 at 2.8°C temperature of evaporation. 1/20/2024 2000 1500 1000 500 Superheat 00 0.2 0 1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Fraction of liquid vaporized 2 3 4 Distance along tube, m 5 32 BOILING INSIDE TUBES The heat-transfer coefficient is highest for the high evaporating temperature, probably because at high evaporating temperatures and pressures the vapor density is high, permitting a greater fraction of the metal to be wetted with liquid. 1/20/2024 33 PROBLEMS 1/20/2024 34 12-7 PROBLEMS What is the UA value of a direct-expansion finned coil evaporator having the following areas: refrigerant side, 15 m2; air-side prime, 13.5 m2; and air-side extended 144 m2? The refrigerant-side heat transfer coefficient is 1300 W/m2 ∙ K, and air-side coefficient is 48 W/m2 ∙ K. The fin effectiveness is 0.64. Ans. 4027 W/K. 1/20/2024 35 12-8 PROBLEMS A refrigerant 22 system having a refrigerating capacity of 55 kW operates with an evaporating remperature of 5°C and rejects heat to a watercooled condenser. The compressor is hermetically sealed. The condenser has a U value of 450 W/m2 ∙ K and a heat-transfer area of 18 m2 and receives a flow rate of cooling water of 3.2 kg/s at a temperature of 30°C. What is the condensing temperature? Ans. 41.2°C 1/20/2024 36 12-9 PROBLEMS Calculate the mean condensing heat-transfer coefficient when refrigerant 12 condenses on the outside of the horizontal tubes in a shell-and-tube condenser. The outside diameter of the tubes is 19 mm, and in the vertical rows of tubes there are, respectively, two, three, four, three, and two tubes. The refrigerant is condensing at a temperature of 52°C, and the temperature of the tubes is 44°C. Ans. 1066 W/m2 ∙ K 1/20/2024 37 12-10 PROBLEMS A condenser manufacturer guarantees the U value under operating conditions to be 990 W/m2 ∙ K based on the water-side area. In order to allow for fouling of the tubes, what is the U value required when the condenser leaves the factory? Ans. 1200 W/m2 ∙ K 1/20/2024 38 12-11 1/20/2024 PROBLEMS 39 12-12 PROBLEMS a) A Wilson plot is to be constructed for a finned air-cooled condenser by varying the rate of airflow. What should the abscissa of the plot be? b) A Wilson plot is to be constructed for a shell-and-tube water chiller in which refrigerant evaporates in the tubes. The rate of water flow is to be varied for the Wilson plot. What should the abscissa of the plot be? 1/20/2024 40 12-13 PROBLEMS The following values were measured on an ammonia condenser: Water flowed inside the tubes, and the tubes were 51 mm OD and had a conductivity of 60 W/m2 ∙ K. Using a Wilson plot, determine the condensing coefficient. Ans. 8600 W/m2 ∙ K 1/20/2024 41 12-14 PROBLEMS Develop Eq. (12-23) from Eq. (12-22) 1/20/2024 42 12-15 1/20/2024 PROBLEMS 43 12-16 PROBLEMS Section 12-19 makes the statement that on a graph of performance of a waterchilling evaporator with the coordinates of Fig. 12=23 a curve for a given entering water temperature is a straight line if the heattransfer are constant. Prove this statement. 1/20/2024 Figure 12-23 Evaporator performance curve. 44 REFERENCES 1/20/2024 45 REFERENCES • Stoecker, W. F., Jones, J. W. (1982). Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1/20/2024 46 Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. (Prov. 14:34, NKJV) END 1/20/2024 47