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Online Learning vs Traditional Education: Which is Better?

Online learning vs traditional education which is better?
the greater availability of teaching material and teacher accessibility.
A. The ability to access any kind of material any time anywhere.
B. Easily reaching tutors through online discussion boards and through social
media platforms.
Ability to manage learning time.
A. Learning at your own pace, and whenever you feel like it.
B. Managing work and other responsibilities while studying.
The fast completion of courses thus getting a degree in a short time.
A. Completing courses in shorter time thus getting your degree faster.
A. The issue of accreditation on some online course programs.
B. Lack of social interaction and its consequences on learning.
According to the Global Market Insights, the online education market is projected to
surpass $350 billion by 2025, marking a staggering annual growth rate of over 10%. The
digitalization of our community has resulted today in a clash between online learning and
traditional education. And so, we’ll discuss the advantages of online learning from the greater
availability of materials and teacher accessibility, the superior ability to manage learning time to
finally graduating faster. We will also discuss the issue of missing accreditation on online
programs and the lack of social interaction.
The first advantage is the greater availability of teaching material and teacher
accessibility. When speaking of teaching material, it is not wise to narrow them to books
and articles only. Teaching material ranges from e-books and articles to videos and graphs
to software and tools and so on. One example of the teaching material available on online
platforms used in the online learning process is the videos that the teachers post on pages they
create and on their social networks. Through these videos, teachers share their knowledge of a
subject or a course with other students and teachers (Vitalii I. Ostroukh ,Viktoriia B. Lepetiuk,
2022). And according to (Vitalii I. Ostroukh ,Viktoriia B. Lepetiuk, 2022) these social networks
provide “a high level of socialization which facilitates e-learning.” we can also consider the
software and programs used to test the students' knowledge via quizzes or through flashcards
(Vitalii I. Ostroukh ,Viktoriia B. Lepetiuk, 2022). These software help students by tracking their
understanding of a subject. They can also serve as practice for graded tests and exams.
According to (Vitalii I. Ostroukh ,Viktoriia B. Lepetiuk, 2022)the Israeli project teacher tube,
which is like YouTube, provides teaching material via video services. That benefits students
who may need some extra help with their courses at school or university. Furthermore,
according to (Vitalii I. Ostroukh ,Viktoriia B. Lepetiuk, 2022) ,the latest technologies used in the
study of geography are e-textbooks, e-books, and interactive maps allowing the students to zoom
in and out to find more info about a region or country, solving the problem of paper maps that
could only hold information about one thing at a time. For example, one map representing ocean
and sea names, another for country names, another holding biographic information like mass
This concept also applies to other subjects like physics and mathematics. For example, you can
find a video on YouTube that can explain a certain complicated idea that forms a whole chapter
using visuals and video animations. For instance, you could find a video explaining the motion
of a pendulum or the doppler effect. According to (Nitza Davidovitch, Eyal Eckhaus, 2022)Israel
ministry of education “allows students to study in virtual classrooms, to prepare for matriculation
exams. In these virtual classrooms, students study together with the best teachers enjoying
simulations and interactive study plans, and practice exercises.”.
Moreover, online learning presents a better teacher accessibility. This can be realized via
discussion boards. Where student and teachers can have a rich discussion because in discussion
boards there is enough time for everyone to think about what they need to ask before writing and
submitting the question to the teacher.
Additionally, according to (Nitza Davidovitch, Eyal Eckhaus, 2022), the analysis proves that
online learning has a great deal of advantages especially when it comes to material availability
(lesson recordings N = 289).
Finaly, (Narjisse Damoun, Youssra Amekran, Nora Taiek, 2023) “through the analysis of the
research, 6,7% of the students thought that online learning allows best interaction with various
national and international instructors, and 32% and 20% were satisfied and very satisfied
The second advantage is the ability to manage learning time. According to (Vitalii I.
Ostroukh ,Viktoriia B. Lepetiuk, 2022) “online learning environments are being created in our
modern society, thanks to which educational mobility is strengthened”. Also there exist websites
that provide students with tasks to solve. For example, Quizlet provides flash cards to go
through, after which a little quiz is provided to test your understanding of certain sets of
vocabulary or some grammar rules. this helps accelerate the learning process by having a short
but fruitful study time. Another example that might accelerate the learning process for e-learning
students is the BYOD approach used in the USA in which the students are allowed to use their
own gadgets for education (Vitalii I. Ostroukh ,Viktoriia B. Lepetiuk, 2022). This provides a
huge flexibility in terms of the place and time used to study. According to (Narjisse Damoun,
Youssra Amekran, Nora Taiek, 2023), 32% of the students voted for the flexibility of home
studying. And according to (Nitza Davidovitch, Eyal Eckhaus, 2022) “all the virtual lessons and
exercises are recorded and are accessible to students”. This concept will benefit the students that
have other responsibilities like “like students who already started their families and need some
scheduling flexibility (JWU, 2021). So how does online learning achieve this flexibility?
According to (Kristina Bojic , Ivana Brdar , Marija Nesic) time saved on commuting can be used
in extracurricular activities to develop more in a certain field of study. This time can also be used
in physical activities, which has been scientifically proven to be a great way to relief stress,
leading to more levelheaded decisions in the learning process, which might save you a lot of time
through time management skills. Another way to save time while learning online, is using your
online provided websites and ai platforms to help you with time costing activities. For instance,
using Microsoft word to help in paraphrasing or summarizing a huge article from which you
need to take an idea or two. Additionally, “students who have work responsibilities and get home
too tired to do anything can wait until they’re mentally available then access the study material
provided by their institution anytime, they feel up to it” (Nitza Davidovitch, Eyal Eckhaus,
Last advantage is online learning can help you graduate faster. The students might have
Two choices while studying online. they might pursue education entirely on their own, where
they’re provided with only the teaching material, on the other hand, they might choose to take
courses where they must attend online meetings with instructors. While both choices will help
them finish up the required credits quicker, one has the potential to help them graduate within
well under four years. According to the article (JWU, 2021), a scholar can finish a semester
within 11 weeks instead of 15 weeks by inducing more study hours each day. After computing
the difference between online and traditional learning, we noticed that online programs have a
24_week lead on traditional learning. This lead is approximately equal to two semesters oncampus learning. Additionally, if the student jumps from one semester to the next one
immediately without taking long breaks between semesters, the process will be a little more sped
up. It’s possible to accelerate the graduation process even further, but that only works for
students who follow a completely independent learning program, meaning that students are
provided only with the required study material. According to (JWU, 2021), "Sometimes it is
possible to take an online class more quickly than the same class in a traditional classroom. This
requires excellent time management skills because you will still need to spend the same number
of hours studying as you would if you were in the classroom. The difference may be in fitting
more study hours into each day. This only works if you do not have lectures to watch that are
released on a particular calendar schedule.". Lastly, scholars may also use accelerated degree
programs that are meant to cover learning material quickly. All the above are cases where the
students are admitted in a university. Even though students are not registered at university, they
still can earn a certified degree in a really short time. While using trusted online learning web
sites like “my SolidWorks” and “Coursera”, you can pay for a full year of learning experience
allowing you to choose any skill to master for example coding or 3d modeling for only a 300
dollars subscription fee per year.
Description of the image and the meaning behind each part:
this image is drawn from the point of view of a student sitting at his desk, where we can notice
the globe containing a blue hologram of a teacher holding a book representing the greater
reachability of teachers in online learning. Attached to this glob we can see multiple objects
floating around, these objects represent study means or materials that the students can use.
ranging from technological tools like phones, laptops, iPad. To study material found on the web
like videos, eBooks, articles… these represent the greater availability of study material in online
learning. We can also notice the traditional learning material in the background representing that
these methods are left in the dust compared to online learning.
Technical analysis:
Angle of shot: This image is shot or drawn from a high angle to clearly show every part of it.
placement: the main object of this image (the online learning related objects) is all in the center
of the image, grabbing the attention of the viewers. We can also see the old traditional learning
material in the background of the image not giving it the same importance as the part in the
Colors: the color used in the center is the blue color representing trust and technology. In the
background and around the center we notice the colors red, orange, yellow, light brown. all are
warm colors representing the comfort.
Frame: There is no frame for this picture that might mean that online learning might be
performed in other possible places.
Caption: there is no caption or title accompanying this image meaning this image is understood
clearly without relying on explanations.
When you think of online learning some disadvantages may come to your mind, one of
which the issue of accreditation on some online courses. Many students worry about if what
they’re taking as material online is useful or required information that is covered in colleges or
schools following the same educational curriculum. For students to have the best online learning
experience while being accredited, they should research universities that present online courses
to make sure they follow certified learning programs that are accredited by an accreditation
agency like NECHE. They might also study independently on previously mentioned certified
websites like Coursera that is known to teach skills that are directly used in the field of work. if I
were to consider the subject of 3d modeling, Coursera and similar web sites have programs that
teach you only how to 3d model with various software like AutoCAD, solidworks,
blender…Meaning you do not waste time on other random skills that you will not need in the
field of work. Although it’s hard to find someone who would give you the job for your skills but
not for your degree, Elon musk for example does not require his workers to have a degree, rather
skills are what is needed. Another disadvantage that online learning may present is the obvious
lack of social interaction between students and teachers and between students and their
classmates affecting the learning quality. According to (Kristina Bojic , Ivana Brdar , Marija
Nesic) “the absence of nonverbal communication makes it harder to understand the material”.
Although there might be truth behind that claim, I think online learning has compensated with
the greater availability of learning material and the fact that all learning material is recorded and
ready to be checked any time as many times as needed. That allows the student to get into the
details of the explanation providing him with greater comprehensibility.
To sum up, the advantages of online education are the greater availability of study
material including e-books, articles, software, electronic tools … the second advantage was the
higher flexibility in study time, and the last advantage is the fast graduation of online learners.
Although online learning has many advantages it also has some disadvantages two of which are
the lack of socialization and the issue of accreditation on online courses. We cannot ignore these
advantages since they obviously affect the learning quality but there are some solutions which
we discussed previously. It’s unacceptable to leave the educational field untouched when we
could take it out of its primitive state. Ultimately online learning and traditional learning would
make a big step in the educational field if they were to join hands.
Reference page:
-Authors: Davidovitch, Nitza; Eckhaus, Eyal.
-Publication: Economics & Sociology; Ternopil Vol. 15, Iss. 2, (2022): 222-235.
+Evaluation of Moroccan Medical Students' Experience of Online Learning During the COVID-19
-Authors: Narjisse Damoun, Youssra Amekran, Nora Taiek, Abdelkader Jalil El hangouche.
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-Link: https://ndulb.summon.serialssolutions.com/#!/search?bookMark=eNpVkL1v3DAMxYXiAjS5ZsorZNTS6JO8lQEl48ekCJLm1WgJfpOgU8yZDtI_vv6mikLSfARvwe-C7ZKORFjV6KBlGrHy90GK5PxYGqnZRf2LlUoqk2APVqmaUxVaOVMouxzG2NYBZlMaeM3_3iv2MU8yJ547_ziV7j4kfKUSPPR-nOVCaxuc3gYqkZKn02FOfUzEe8KSYtrzMJdTmw7Et0_Pu9tKNHzAFOgY_Td21mE_0iVbTWWmNft7f_dn6t6fHrYbW8eq6CkniphdcCWGoLOKymCbLW1UAuPndZQgxdgxuPGkCYVqMNCgDRGmgagE1Qa7b74IaML24o8Yjl3WWM7v8il73DMkXfkzPL1ZJbI0QELS02FG3OJtGWi1btbB-frCGuV2i8EsEBftP0M9Kige3z69O1EIasFL9A9Nafys
-Author: Vitalii I. Ostroukh, Viktoriia B. Lepetiuk.
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+Do We Talk to a Wall or Pass on Knowledge to Students – The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online
-Authors: Kristina Bojić, Ivana Brdar, Marija Nešić
June 9th, 2021, by JWU
Last updated: August 23, 2023
-Authors: johnson and wales university college of professional studies.