Android Studio Course 1 Week 3&4 Requirements Gathering Developing an app can take a lot of time, and this is tricky to know where to start. The decisions you make before beginning your project will determine to a great extent, the amount of time you will spend on coding or manipulating libraries or packages. Successful app development depends on good project planning. In this video, you will learn how to perform requirements gathering, an essential step in project planning. Project planning starts with getting a clear picture of what the project, or in this case, the app is going to do. Once you have the idea clearly defined, it allows you to break the app down into principal components of functionality. No matter if the app is for yourself or for a client, requirements gathering is an important step that should not be skipped. Let's go through a simple requirements specification for a video player app. As mentioned earlier, an app normally starts with an idea. The idea in this case is to create a video player. There are a lot of different ways to play videos. Think about streaming. Will the app have video adds? Will it play one or multiple video formats? What controls will it need? You need to think about what exactly you want this app to do. These questions will guide you to determine what components the app needs to have to fulfill its envisioned functions. Some more questions you should consider are, are you going to build the video app yourself, or will it be a video selection app that sends videos to another app that plays them? Will the App Store videos on the device or stream them to the device or gather links for selection? Let's say the answers to these questions are that you want a self-contained app with a player that stores mp4 videos locally and controls each video. With this information, you can further decide what platforms you want to use to develop the app, as well as which libraries or packages you will need. In this case, the app will run on Android. Finally, you have a complete requirements specification for your app. By now, you should understand that you will speed up the development time considerably if you carefully consider your options, instead of diving straight in and guessing as you go. In this video, you've learned that no matter what app you're trying to build, you should always start with requirements gathering. The aim is to answer as many questions as possible to determine the needed components. The more complex the project, the more questions you will need to ask and answer. But even a simple plan, like the example covered in this video, will save a lot of time and effort. Basic project planning Project planning is an important part of commencing any new project. It serves as a roadmap that shows the phases of the project, as well as their start and end dates and dependencies. Project planning is one of the most critical stages of software development. Let's explore why it's is so important. 1. Project performance and success rates Project planning involves comprehensive mapping and organization of project goals, tasks, schedules and resources before anyone assigns project roles and the team starts implementing the plan. With proper planning in place, you can boost the project performance and success rates of a team. 2. Clear objectives Having a clear direction of what needs to be achieved greatly increases the likelihood that you will do it. But without a concise objective from the start, the project will be complicated. If the team isn't clear on what they are working on, it’s almost impossible to know when the project is completed. Proper planning helps the team focus on the most important thing, the objectives and the end goal. 3. Resource allocation Having a project planned out shows how much of the workforce is required to execute the project. The plan also allows project managers to monitor which resources have been allocated and thus avoid excessive allocation. 4. Communication Planning aids communication, which will help every team member know what exactly is required of them ahead of time. A well-written plan will help you communicate key details, making it seamless for you and your entire team to complete specific tasks. Listening to their input and ideas is also a great way to achieve buy-in and foster the commitment of every team member. 5. Project-specific Training Project planning ensures team members have the required technical know-how to execute the assigned tasks and identifies talent pipelines to provide an adequate supply of trained talents throughout the lifecycle of the project. Project proposal Now that you know what the requirements of the proposed app projects are, you can think about it from a more technical perspective. Building an application from scratch can be quite difficult and timeconsuming. However, developers have a wide range of templates available that can make this process easier in Android Studio. With these templates, you can quickly set up your video at project while you focus on implementing the main features. The main features are that users can select, play, and pause a video. One popular use of templates is to add new activities to an existing app project. In this case, the basic activity template will be useful when you create your main activity screen where users can interact with the video player. The basic activity template allows you to create a base code for your video app that includes commonly used user interface or UI components you may need for the project. This will form a base project to which you can add more code to perform specific actions based on the project requirements. Let's review what else you know about the project. So far you know that the app will be lightweight because you don't have to worry about images, music, or streaming video to the app. You know that you require play and stop buttons for the video, and you can create these using a clickable button. You know that you'll need to select a video from the phone library. You need an additional button in your app. Because you don't require streaming, you can use Android's video view component as it allows you to just display a video file. With only a few changes to the default build pattern, you can incorporate all the elements needed for your app. Now you can start to think about the next step, which is starting the project. Start the project You are ready to start creating your video player. Now that you know what the requirements are and you have your project plan in place, you can go ahead and launch Android Studio and start coding. When you launch Android Studio, on the first screen, click on the New Project button located in the top right corner of the screen. A window will pop up where you can select a template from a wide range of product templates. Because you are creating a mobile app, you should select the phone and tablet templates tab. Select the basic activity template. This will allow you to create a base code for your app. This includes commonly used user interface components. Now, create a new basic activity by providing a project name, let's call it Video_player. Every Android app has an application ID. This ID uniquely identifies your app on the device and in the Google Play Store. Once you publish your app, you should never change the application ID. If you want to upload a new version of your app, the application ID needs to be the same as what it was when originally published. If you attempt to make changes to the application ID, the Google Play Store sees the deployment as a completely different app. Let's create a unique package name and call it com.example.video_ player. Select Kotlin from the language drop-down menu. For this project, you're using Kotlin throughout. Next is minimum software development kit or SDK. This is the minimum version of the Android operating system required to run your video player application. Let's select API Level 23, which is equivalent to Android 6.0. Finally, click on the Finish button. Now you have a new video player project made using the basic activity template. You now have a basic main activity class, which will be used to display the user interface of your video player to the user. Apart from the main activity class, there are other files and folders that are generated alongside it. You have already learned about them in previous videos. So you're ready to move on to the next step where you will learn more about Android's video view, a component that allows you to simply display a video file. VideoView class One of the primary uses for mobile devices is to enable the user to be entertained by offering them access to quality content. One key form of content widely used, especially for tablet devices, is video. As part of developing your own video app player in Android Studio, you can use the VideoView class. What is VideoView class? VideoView class allows you to play video files in Android. The Android SDK includes two classes that make video playback implementation on Android devices easy to implement when developing apps. VideoView can be used to display and play a video in an Android app. Whenever you add this component to the layout of an activity, it provides a surface onto which a video may be played. The following video formats are currently supported on Android: H.263 H.264 AVC MPEG-4 SP VP8 Aside from the surface to display a video, the VideoView class has a wide range of methods that may be called in order to control the playback of video. Some of the more commonly used methods are as follows: setVideoPath(String path) This specifies the path (as a string) of the video media to be played. This can be either a remote video file URL or a local video file on the device. setVideoUri(Uri uri) This function operates the same way as the setVideoPath() method but takes a URI object as an argument instead of a string. start() When this function is used, it starts video playback. stopPlayback() This function stops the video playback. pause() This function pauses video playback. isPlaying () This function returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a video is currently playing. What is MediaController? The MediaController is the user interface to control the video. Specifically, it is a view that contains media controls such as "Play/Pause", "Rewind", "Fast Forward" and a progress slider. It synchronizes the controls with the state of the MediaPlayer. The MediaController comes with a default set of controls. If you want to make changes to it, you have to implement the MediaController class programmatically within your Kotlin code. You can also use ExoPlayer for audio and video streaming in Android apps, but it is not distributed with the Android SDK. To find out more about this, you can check out the additional readings for this lesson. Setting up the screen There are many video player apps available. Some are nicer to use than others. But what makes one app better than another? Well, for one thing, users like easy navigation. Elements like buttons and menus need to be in expected and logical places on the screen. To create an enjoyable user experience, you should try to design simple and intuitive mobile apps that are easy to navigate. Fortunately, Android Studio has many layouts that you can use to achieve this. In this video, you will learn about the different types of layouts you can use in android Studio to build the first screen that appears when a user launches an app. The main activity. By now, you know that one of the basic components of an app is activities. Generally, an Android app contains one or more activities. Each activity is one screen of the app. These screens will contain one or more UI components. The structure of these UI components is defined by layouts. A good example of this is the installed apps tray on your mobile. Layouts are comprised of a collection of views and ViewGroup objects. But what does view and ViewGroup mean? A view is Android's built-in view class. When this is used to create a view, it can be referred to as an object. It represents a rectangular area of the screen and is used for displaying information or content and event handling. Text, images and buttons are all views on Android. They can be grouped inside another view which can act as a container. ViewGroup is a special use of the view class because it can contain one or more other views. In other words, ViewGroup is used to define the layout in which views will be arranged on the Android screen. There are various layouts available in Android that you can use to implement a user interface with a distinctive design that is in line with the requirements gathering of the app. Earlier in this course, you covered Extensible Markup Language or XML. Android layouts are written in XML. You declare a layout through a simple XML layout file located in the resource Layout folder of any projects you work on. When you create a project using a basic activity template, Android Studio generates a file called activity main dot XML. Let's explore a few Android Layouts that developers use regularly. First, you get Android linear layout. Linear layout is an extension of a ViewGroup, which is used to render different child view instances, such as text, button and so on. This layout is used by setting the orientation to either a horizontal or a vertical direction, one after the other. Next is the Android constraint layout. Constraint layout is a ViewGroup subclass that enables developers to position and size child views or widgets flexibly using constraints. These constraints make it possible to position a child view relative to other views on the screen. For example, you need to use constraints to constrain child B to the right of child A, child C to the top of child A and B. Another layout is Android RecyclerView. This is a ViewGroup that can be used to display sets of data that can be scrolled. The item views inside the RecyclerView are positioned using layout managers. For example, linear layout manager displays items in a vertical or horizontal list and grid layout manager displays items in a grid. Then you get Android WebView. WebView is an extension of a ViewGroup which is used to render webpages as part of an activity layout. Next, you will explore a practical demonstration of how to create a layout XML file for the main activity within the video player project that was created earlier. I have the video player project open that I created earlier in Android Studio. Remember, when I used a basic activity template to create the project, a set of folders including the Layout folder, was automatically created. I will now create a simple activity file with no UI elements within the Layout folder. I right-click on the Layout folder, go to New and then click on "Layout Resource File". I call it activity main. Android Studio will add the XML extension by default, because it recognizes that it is a layout file. I now have to specify the root element. The root element defines a particular view group that I will use to create all the UI components. For the screen UI, I have chosen the constraint layout. As I discussed earlier, there are different types of layouts, such as linear, relative, and so on. The constraint layout is an extension of the ViewGroup. I will use the constraint layout as the parent component, which will hold all the other UI elements together. I click on "Okay" to create the activity main file. Notice that the file is currently empty because it does not have any UI components yet. In later videos, you will learn how to add UI components within the constraint layout. By now, you should know what layouts are and how they are used in Android app development. You also learned how to create a layout file in the Layout folder of a project. Layouts Part of setting up the screen of your app in Android Studio involves layouts. Read on to learn more about the function and types of layouts in Android Studio. What is a layout? In Android, layout defines the user interface (UI) for an app or activity and holds the UI elements that will appear to the user. Related to layouts are View and ViewGroup. View A View is defined as the UI which is used to create interactive UI components such as TextView, ImageView, Label, RadioButton and so on. It is in charge of event handling and drawing. They are generally referred to as "widgets". ViewGroup A ViewGroup serves as a parent class for layouts and layout parameters that hold other Views or ViewGroups and define the layout properties. They are generally referred to as "layouts". Types of Android Layouts LinearLayout LinearLayout is a ViewGroup subclass used to render child View elements one after the other either horizontally or vertically based on the orientation property specified. ConstraintLayout ConstraintLayout is a ViewGroup subclass used to specify the position of layout constraints for every child View relative to other views on the screen. Frame Layout FrameLayout is a ViewGroup subclass used to specify the position of View elements it contains on the top of each other to display only a single View inside the FrameLayout. Table Layout TableLayout is a ViewGroup subclass used to display the child View elements in rows and columns. WebView WebView is a browser that is used to display the web pages in your activity layout. RecyclerView You can use RecyclerView with LinearLayoutManager to display scrollable lists of items in a single column. You can also use RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager to display a scrollable list of items in a grid view of rows and columns. Finding the assets So far, you have a basic app with a layout for the main activity. You also have an overview of video view class. Now, it's time to concentrate on how and where your app will find the videos it must play. Android has a built-in class specifically for locating files. It's called URI, which stands for Uniform Resource Identifier. This is essentially the file path and the description of the resource you want to locate. A URI identifies a resource either by location, name, or both. Take note that a resource can be any type of file. It can be an image, video, or music file. Since I'm building a video player, I will demonstrate how to find an MP4 video file. Let's open Android Studio to explore how to locate a video file with URI. Before I demonstrate how to find assets from within your Kotlin code, I need to add the video files to my project folder. Remember, I want to play videos within the app that I'm developing, instead of selecting them from a user's device. To do that, I need to create a specific folder in which the video files can be saved. I right-click on the res folder, go to New, and select New Android resource directory. Notice that there is also an option that says directory. What's the difference? When I use a new Android Resource Directory? Android recognizes all files saved there as resources and assigns unique IDs to each item. These IDs help Android identify a resource whenever a developer needs to reference it. On the other hand, a directory folder is just a regular folder and Android will not assign IDs to the files saved in it. Next, I need to specify the resource type, which in this case is raw. Notice that the directory name automatically changes to raw when you select row as the resource type. Click on "Okay". The raw folder is now in the res folder and I can add a video file to it. I simply drag a sample video file into the raw folder. When you add assets, Android Studio will ask you if you want to change the name of the file. To keep the file name the same, click on refactor. Test.mp4 is now in the raw folder. The question is now, how do you make a reference to test.mp4 from within your Kotlin code. I have the MainActivity Kotlin file open. I will now paste a code snippet into it and then explain what it does. This code will make a reference to the file because it specifies where to find it. First, it specifies that it is an Android resource. Then it specifies the package name, which in this case is com.example. Lastly, it specifies to retrieve the file test from this directory, make sure that you do not add the file extension. Android automatically recognizes the file as a video file because it's added to the raw folder inside the Android Resource folder. You should now be familiar with how to create an Android Resource folder and add files to it. You should also now know how to reference files saved in this folder from within your Kotlin code. Later, you will learn how to create a video application and then play the video right within the application. Required imports In Kotlin, a single input statement can make visible a class or all classes for a built-in package within Android SDK. It is useful to a developer like you, because you won't have to write an entire video player app from scratch. To speed up development, you will use a video view class, which has already been added to Android SDK. To access this and other helpful classes, you can reference it by using an import statement. You can write an import statement like this. The statement says that I want to use the video view class included in the Android SDK. Now, let's take a more in-depth look at the inputs you'll use for your video player app project. By now, you know that the video player video view class is used to play the video player in an application. You need to be able to make a reference to this in the Kotlin code. Here, you'll notice that I already have a few imports. These make reference to built-in packages already developed and built by Android that come with the Android SDK. Because they are built-in, you can import and make reference to those packages. First, let's examine the URI. This built-in package allows you to reference the location of a particular file that you want to play. With the URI, you can either make a reference to a file that's already in your application folder, like for example, within the raw folder here, or you can make reference to a file that is on the user's device, perhaps the external storage. Next is the media controller. This enables you to have access to the playback controls of the video player. This means the play pause backward and forward controls. The media controller package allows you to program the controls you need for your video player application. This is the control itself that renders the video file. This is the video view widget. This package allows you to be able to render and play video files. An important one to have. Apart from these packages, you also need a few other ones. These are packages you need within the code base, like the activity class. You have to make reference to it before you can use it. If I delete it, for example, it throws an error because it doesn't exist anymore. When I import it again, it's there and it can be used. That's how you import packages. You might have noticed this gray colored text. It shows up like that because I haven't used those packages in my code base yet. On the other hand, when the package name is in white, it means it's been referenced and the package has been accessed. Those are the major inputs you need for your video player application. These include URI, media controller and activity class, all built-in packages that come with the Android SDK. In later videos, you will be able to start building the application itself, write the code, and ensure that your video file will play on your app. The next video is about the different built-in classes you'll need for your video player app. Kotlin: Simple terms In a previous video, you pondered the question of why some apps are better than others. Here is a reason. Interactivity, users want apps that respond to their input. That's why you need a way to manage user inputs effectively and you do that with variables. Variables can be used, among other things to enable developers to capture user inputs to create a more interactive user experience. In this video, you will learn how to declare variables and how to display their values on screen. You can temporarily store data using variables. The data stored as variables can be changed and reused depending on the condition or on information passed across the application. To declare a variable in Kotlin, you use the keyword var or val. Let's unpack the syntax. Var or val implies that you are creating a variable. Next is an identifier or the name that you give the variable. The identifier is followed by an equal sign and finally the value which is stored in the variable. You will learn the difference between var and val later in this video. Let's first explore a few examples of variable types. Kotlin provides a set of built in variable types that represent numbers. One of them is integer or Int, for instance, you can have a variable total count which is an integer variable and has a value of 25. Another variable type is string which is a collection of characters. You can have a variable called country as a variable of the string type and its value can be United States. But say you do not know the value of the variable yet. Fortunately, you can also declare a variable without assigning a value right away. However, this is only possible if you specify the type. Let's declare a variable with an identifier called color and set the data type as string. Because you already specified what the variable type is. You are allowed to assign the value of color only in the next line. Next, let's focus on the difference between var and val. A variable declared using the val keyword cannot be changed once the value is assigned. For example, if the variable country was created using val and the value of United States of America was assigned to it, it will generate an error if you try to assign United States in the next line. On the contrary, when you declare a variable using the var keyword, the value can be changed later in the code. So if the variable country is created with the var keyword, no error will occur if the value is reassigned later. Lastly, let's focus on how to display variables on screen. To perform special tasks such as displaying a variable programming languages use something called functions. A function is a unit of code that performs a special task. To display a variable on screening in Kotlin you use a printline function like many other programming languages. To write a printline function, you type println followed by a set of parentheses. You then add the variable identifier in between the parentheses. This line of code will let the value of the variable display on screen. Let's explore a few examples of the printline functions. Say you have a variable first name that has the value of Michael. And in the next line, the print line function that includes the word, hello. A space between quotation marks, a plus sign, and the variable first name. Hello Michael will be displayed on screen. You can also have two additional variables, last name and full name, which combined two variables, namely first name, and last name. Notice that a plus sign can be used to combine the values of two string values as a single string. The printline function will let the first name and the last name display on screen. In this video, you were introduced to different keywords that you can use to declare variables. You also learned about different types of variables and how you can display variables with the printline function. Android Views The main building block for the user interface (UI) of an app like the video player you are preparing to develop is creating a View. What are Views? The View object is created from the View class and occupies a rectangular screen area. It is responsible for the processing of drawings and events. The View is the base class for widgets that are used to create interactive components of the user UI such as buttons or text fields. In summary, a View can be considered a rectangle on the screen that displays a certain type of content, like an image, a piece of text or even a button! Most used Android Views Some of the most used Android Views include: TextView EditText Button ImageView ImageButton CheckBox RadioButton RecyclerView DatePicker and Spinner View sizes A View occupies a rectangle shape, although the rectangle is invisible. The size of this rectangle can be manually set by specifying the exact size (with appropriate units) or using some predetermined values. These predefined values are match_parent and wrap_content. match_parent means it will occupy all of the available space available within its parent ViewGroup, whereas wrap_content means it will occupy only as much space as required for its content to display. XML syntax for creating a View Now, as you learned previously, to draw anything in your Android application you need to specify it in the design XML files. You will create Kotlin files to add functionality. Every View in XML has the following format: It always starts with an angle bracket, followed by the View name. You then write attributes that will determine what this view will look like on the app screen along with a value for the attribute. Each view has its own unique attributes. In the end, it is closed by a forward slash and an angle bracket. So, every View subclass needs to follow this standard so that it can display on the screen of the app. This format is the default standard of XML. Take note that there are two attributes that are required for every View. These are android:layout_height and android:layout_width. These attributes determine the size of the invisible rectangle created by the view. Using these attributes, you control the size of every view in your Android app. Create the player You're almost ready to start creating your player. But first, there are a couple of important things you need to be aware of. You will use Android's VideoView class, it will be used to display a video file in your application. You will need another component named MediaController as well. It will provide you with the playback controls of the video player, such as play, pause, backward, and forward to control the video player. With the combination of VideoView and MediaController class, you will be able to create your video player. Now, let's move on to what you need to do to actually create your player. As you follow along, keep in mind that this is an overview, so it's okay if you don't understand everything that's happening in the code. I'm now going to create my video player. In the IDE, I already have the video I want to play in the raw folder. Because I generated this project from a basic activity template, I have an activity_main that has been automatically generated. I have the main activity class as well. All that's left to do is to start writing code. I'm going to have to access the VideoView player in the activity_main file because it's used to play the video in mp4 format. I need to make a reference to the controller here in the UI interface. When I go to the Design tab, you'll notice that right now the interface is blank. But let me get back to the code. From the code base, which is the XML equivalent code for the UI, I need to start writing something. Here is the code for the VideoView controller that I'm going to use. Here is a unique ID testView. I can choose to name it anything I want. But for now, I'm calling this testView and it's there to manage the rendering on the UI. These are properties you have to define to ensure that the UI is properly rendered on the interface. Here, you can notice how the VideoView I just added to the XML displays in the Design tab. At this point, I can't do anything with it yet, I have to program it and make sure that I can play and pause. But before I can do this, I need to go back to the main activity class. This isn't doing anything right now either. I have to make sure that the VideoView player in the activity_main.xml can respond to user inputs so I have some code for that. But before I start writing anything, I want to discuss a function named onCreate. onCreate is used for the main activity. It is the entry point of the application. When the app runs this is where it goes first, the onCreate code snippet. I'm going to put my code after set content view, because this is going to set the content, the activity_main I just created. I'm going to put my code here after this line when the content has been rendered by the compiler. Let me explain the code step-by-step. This is a reference to the video player I just created and the activity_main.xml. This is a testView. I make a reference to the testView and that's why I have declared a variable here named videoView. What I want to do is find the property. It should examine all the view groups that have this testView property and then retrieve it and store it in the temporary variable. Once this is in place, the next thing to do is to create an instance of MediaController. MediaController enables me to have control over the videoView player. If I want to play, pause, or forward, the MediaController handles those activities. Now that I have this one in place handling the activities, I need to make a reference to the location of the file. The MP4 video that has to be accessed is inside raw. With the URI, I have access to the directory or the location of the file I want to play. This code snippet is performing the operation, which is why it's needed in the codebase. The next step is to play the video. I need to be able to set the controller you just created to VideoView. That is because I want VideoView to have control over the media controller. I'm setting the controller to it, meaning that this controller is specifically for this videoView. If you have two other video views within the same UI, you'll have different controllers for them. After this, the next step is to set the location of the video I want to play. That's the URI here. I've already set the variable here, and I've set the value as well. Now we're saying that sets the video URI, which is here. The next step is to ensure that there's a focus. That's why I'm using requestFocus here. This reference is a function that allows you to be able to start the video immediately and then focus on the controller of which we have the last phase, which is on and start. All these things are basic configurations you need to have in place before you start the video itself. I'm going to start the emulator now. Let's examine what it looks like there. I'm just waiting for it to come up since it's busy installing the application. Here's the video playing right now. This is the controller. If you tap on this to focus on the video, then the controller will pop up. You can pause, play and you can forward. There you have a video player. I hope you enjoyed this walk through of the process of creating the video player. First, I added the VideoView to the XML and I made sure that the VideoView player can respond to user inputs. Then I used onCreate to make sure that the application starts at the right point. After which I referenced testsView, created an instance of MediaController and made reference to the location of the file. After that, I set the controller to videoView, used the URI to set the location of the video I want to play and used requestFocus to start the video immediately and focus on the controller. Remember not to worry about knowing everything that's happening in the code at this point, you will have the opportunity to deepen your understanding in later courses on Kotlin where the code is explained in more detail. Now, it's time for you to give creating a video player a try. Module summary: Building the app You've reached the end of this module on android mobile app development. Let's recap the key points and skills related to building a mobile app in android. You began this module with a lesson on the requirements gathering process and its role in project planning and creation. Project planning is crucial to the efficient development of effective apps. You then moved on to explore the project templates available to you in android studio focusing on the basic activity templates that can be used to create the base code for your video app. You also learned about components, you can add to this base code such as clickable buttons and a video viewer. Next you explore the process of starting the video player project in android studio. You began with template selection and ended with selecting the software development kit or SDK, which is the minimum android version needed to run your app. You should now be able to recall and perform these steps and other steps to create a base project using a template in android studio, you were then introduced to the video view class, an android studio component used to display video files then came setting up the app screen, concentrating on the main activity. Remember, an android app contains one or more activities and each activity is one app screen. The main activity is the first screen that is displayed when a user launches the app. These screens contain user interface or UI components, the structure of which is defined by layouts. You learned that UI is made up of views and view groups. A view represents a rectangular area of the screen and a building block of Ui such as text, images or buttons. And view groups are like a container for views that define the layout in which these views will be arranged on screen. You discovered the different layouts written using extensible markup language, or xml. In android studio, including the linear layout, relative layout, list, view and web view. You also learned how to declare a layout through a simple xml layout file located in the resource layout folder of the app project. The next step involved familiarizing yourself with android's built in class for locating files, the uniform resource identifier or you are I and how to use u r I to locate a video file. You also discovered how to use import statements to access helpful android sdK classes such as the video view class as well as you are I, media controller and activity class. You were introduced to variables that can hold values such as integers or strings, as a way for developers to capture user inputs to create a more interactive user experience, You declared these variables in Katelyn, using the key words far or Val, a variable declared with a var can change, whereas a variable declared with val is immutable and the value cannot be changed or reassigned variables can be displayed with the print line function in Katelyn, for example, displaying a variable called first name with the value of Michael along with Hello. So the app displays. Hello, Michael. Finally, you will walk through the process of creating a video player, from adding video view to the xml to using YU Ri to set the location of the video files you want to play. You should now be familiar with the essential skills and concepts of android mobile app development, including how to create your own video player app in android studio. Congratulations. That's great progress towards becoming a skilled android mobile app developer. Additional resources Learn more Here is a list of additional reading material that may consolidate some of the knowledge you've gained so far and be helpful as you continue your learning journey. Android layouts and XML Layouts ExoPlayer in Android Introduction to ExoPlayer ExoPlayer Kotlin Basic syntax VideoView class VideoView Course recap: Introduction to Android mobile application development Now that you've completed your Introduction to Android Mobile App Development, let's recap what you've learned. You began with an introduction to the program and course. You gained insight into the roles and responsibilities of mobile developers from designing, building and maintaining mobile apps to project planning and research, and discovered essential development skills like programming languages. Whether joining a company or freelancing, you explored different careers for mobile developers, and in Android development, specifically. You then downloaded and installed the Integrated Development Environment or IDE, used for developing Android apps, Android Studio. When exploring mobile platforms, you learned that mobile apps are installable software that runs on mobile devices. You identified some advantages and disadvantages of mobile apps, such as being faster than mobile websites, but more expensive to build. You also learned about mobile operating systems, which allow mobile devices to run apps, and Android platforms like Chromebook and Android TV. In your introduction to Android development, you learned about Android programming languages, focusing on Kotlin, the preferred language for building Android apps. Benefits of Kotlin include: conciseness, readability, and easier maintenance, as well as interoperability with Java. You toured Android Studio, learning about some of its key features, such as a build system that allows you to compile and build your Android apps. You also examined the toolbar, navigation bar and project window, editor window, tool window bar and status bar. You discovered different project templates in Android like, the basic activity and bottom navigation templates. Some of their uses such as providing a code-based to work from when developing apps to adding activities to existing projects, and the advantages of using them, such as building functional apps quickly. You learned that with the Android Software Development Kit or SDK tools, it's easy to start a new project with a set of default project directories and files. After that, you were introduced to the major components that make up Android apps: activities, services, broadcast receivers, and content providers. You learned that the AndroidManifest.xml configuration file defines these major components and their interactions, and contains information about what an app needs in order to run on an Android device. You were also introduced to how to define the components within this XML file. There was an introduction to emulator software, the computer programs that allow you to test your apps on simulations of the devices they'd been designed for. Next, you learned about and examined the interface of the Android Virtual Device or AVD Manager, an Android Studio feature used to ensure your Android apps are optimized for different devices. After that, you were introduced to the Android operating system or OS images, which are versions of the Android operating systems used by an emulator. You learned how to access the OS images by creating and configuring a device with Android Studio's Virtual Device Manager, and explored some AVD properties commonly used when configuring an emulator. As you moved on to exploring the Android Studio IDE and project structure, you've examined the structure of an Android project. You learned about the folders and files that contain everything required for an app to run, such as the root directory, which is the root for all other folders and files, and the .gradle folder, which is essential for project building. You also learned about the MainActivity class, which is generated alongside these folders and files when creating an app in Android Studio and contains Kotlin code integral to app behavior. The on create function in MainActivity was identified as the entry point for your app to run successfully. After that, you delved into Gradle, which manages the Android projects through a set of build configuration files. For every Android project, you learned, two build.gradle files are generated. The first whose settings apply to every module in the entire project, and the second, whose project level or module level settings apply only to the app module. You discovered the structure of a default build.gradle file and explored popular Gradle commands that give you more control over the Gradle system, such as the Gradle build command. You gained more insight into the AndroidManifest file, an XML file that contains essential information about your app. You learned about the resources contained in Android Studio's resource folder, such as files and static content. Your code uses light colors and animations, you can reference these resources anywhere in your app code. You also examined the res and layout folders within the project files. These help your app render high-quality images across different devices and manage user interface or UI of your app. Finally, was the setting up your project and preparing for building a video player app. You started by exploring the importance of project planning for successful app development, and using requirements gathering, to decide which built-in controls like project templates to use. You were introduced to layouts in Android Studio and how they are used to structure app UI, including setting up the screen that appears when an app is launched. To use these layouts, you need to declare them using a simple XML layout file in the resource layout folder of any project. You also discussed some commonly used templates, such as the basic activity template. You learned more about the Uniform Resource Identifier or URI, a built-in class, specifically for locating resources, and how to use import statements to access helpful classes like this one within the Android SDK. You were introduced two variables as a way to capture user inputs and create a more interactive user experience. You learned to declare variables in Kotlin using the keywords var or val, and to display them with the print line function. Finally, you had the opportunity to follow along and create your own video player app in Android Studio using Android's video view class and the media controller component. Well done, you've covered many concepts and skills, and gained significant Android mobile app development knowledge during these courses. Best of luck as you try out what you've learned. About the graded assessment The purpose of the graded assessment The main purpose of the graded assessment is to check your knowledge and understanding of the key learning objectives of the course you have just completed. Most importantly, graded assessments help you to establish which topics you have mastered and which topics may require further focus before you can complete the course. Ultimately, the graded assessment is designed to help you make sure that you are ready for the next course in this program. Prepare for the graded assessment You have encountered exercises, knowledge checks, in-video questions and other assessments as you have progressed through the course. Nothing in the graded assessment will be outside what you have covered already, so you should be well placed to succeed. Review the graded assessment Please review the graded assessment feedback and where necessary go back and work through the topics that you feel require your further attention. Good luck! Exercise: Create the player Following this reading exercise, you should be able to create a simple player app. Lab objectives Goal Create a video player that plays a video file Objectives Create an Android project Add an mp4 video file to your new project Create a user interface Add import statements VideoView and MediaController to your Activity class Add a VideoView to activity_main.xml Add the code that plays video in the onCreate() function of MainActivity.kt Step 1: Create a new project using Basic Activity Template and call it video_player. New Project Window with Basic Activity selected Basic Activity settings window Step 2: Create a raw directory and add an mp4 video file to the folder. Right click menu with New Android Resource Directory selected New Resource Directory settings window with a Resource type of Raw selected Step 3: In the activity_main.xml file, create a VideoView inside a ConstraintLayout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas." xmlns:app="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" tools:context="com.example.video_player.MainActivity"> <VideoView android:id="@+id/testView" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="308dp" app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent" app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent" app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent" app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" /> </androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout> Step 4: In MainActivity.kt class add the following import statements at the top of the file if they don’t exist: import android.widget.MediaController import android.widget.VideoView Step 5: In the onCreate function add this code snippet to play the video file. setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) //Find the VideoView class by its id val videoView = findViewById( //Creating MediaController val mediaController = MediaController(this) mediaController.setAnchorView(videoView) //specify the location of media file val uri:Uri = parse( "android.resource://" + packageName + "/raw/test" ) //Setting MediaController and URI, then starting the videoView videoView.setMediaController(mediaController) videoView.setVideoURI(uri) videoView.requestFocus() videoView.start() Solution code The following is a sample solution for the 'Create the Player' exercise. Activity_main.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas." xmlns:app="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" tools:context="com.example.video_player.MainActivity"> <VideoView android:id="@+id/testView" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="308dp" app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent" app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent" app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent" app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" /> </androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout> MainActivity.kt package com.example.video_player import import import import import import import android.R* android.os.Bundle android.widget.MediaController android.widget.VideoView class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) //Find the VideoView class by its id val videoView = findViewById( //Creating MediaController val mediaController = MediaController(this) mediaController.setAnchorView(videoView) //specify the location of media file val uri:Uri = parse( "android.resource://" + packageName + "/raw/test" ) //Setting MediaController and URI, then starting the videoView videoView.setMediaController(mediaController) videoView.setVideoURI(uri) videoView.requestFocus() videoView.start() } } Congratulations! Congratulations on reaching the end of this Android Mobile Application Development course. You've worked hard to get here and developed a lot of new skills during the course. You are able to demonstrate some of this learning and your practical database skill set by creating a video player app. Following your completion of this first course in Android development, you should now be able to; understand the general principles of mobile apps and the Android platform ecosystem, setup and explore the Android Studio environment and create and modify your own video player app. What are the next steps? Well, this is the first course in the Android program, and it has given you an initial introduction to several key areas. You probably realize that there's still more for you to learn. If you found this course helpful and want to discover more, then why not register for the second course. You'll continue to develop your skill set during each of the Android courses that are part of this program. In the final course of this program, you will bring together all the skills you've learned to create a simple Android mobile app. Even though you're just starting out in your journey to become a mobile developer, you have gained a valuable understanding of the concepts and practical skills you'll continue to learn as you progress. The tasks you have completed in this course has helped to consolidate your knowledge thus far. Well done on taking the first steps towards a future career. Once you've completed all the courses in this program, you'll receive certification in Meta Android development. The certification can also be used as a progression to other Meta role-based certifications. Depending on your goals, you may choose to go deep with advanced role-based certifications or take other fundamental courses once you earn this certification. Meta certifications provide globally recognized and industry endorsed evidence of your technical skills. Thank you. It's been a pleasure to embark on this journey of discovery with you. Best of luck in the future. Next steps Congratulations! You've completed this course and taken another step toward improving your knowledge, skills and qualifications. In the next course, you will be introduced to Kotlin, a popular programming language used in Android mobile app development. You will learn about the basic concepts of mobile app development using Kotlin. You will discover what data types, variables, conditions and loops are and explore how they are used. You will also discover how to work with functions, classes, and objects and learn about their advanced attributes. Finally, you will have the opportunity to practice what you have learned by completing a practical assignment followed by a self-review exercise.