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Housekeeping Exam/Quiz

1. It is used to dry towels that can wash up to 5 kg to 80 kg.
Tumble Dryer (CHECK)
2. Kyoujuro wanted to clean his carpet and upholstery that was stock for a long time in his room, what
equipment will he use?
Upholstery Steam Cleaner (CHECK)
3. Clothes like jumpers, casual shorts, t-shirts, underwear, and the like should be stored in the
Drawers (CHECK)
4. It is a durable choice for kitchen linens and is used most often as a sturdy backing for tablemats and
Hemp (CHECK)
5. In this method, the needle is inserted about half an inch from the torn edge, and run between the
threads of the cloths, across the cut, to half an inch on the opposite side and drawn through.
Stoting (CHECK)
6. Who are considered as the gentleman's gentleman?
Butlers (CHECK)
7. Which of the following is not used for removing stains of hard and soft surfaces?
Steel Brush (CHECK)
8. These are used to kill harmful germs.
Disinfectants (CHECK)
9. Items in laundry are sorted into the following categories EXCEPT one. Which one is it?
Uniform (CHECK)
10. In the Philippines the legal drinking age is ___________.
18 (CHECK)
11. It is applied to a floor's surface to form a semi-permanent protective barrier to prevent dirt, liquids,
grease stains, and bacteria.
Floor Seal (CHECK)
12. Which of the following contains citric acid that could be used in cleaning in the absence of a
commercial acid cleaner.
Lemon (CHECK)
13. Which of the following is not included when dealing with the guest's luggage?
Storage of employees luggage. (CHECK)
14. These are used for ironing small items like napkins and pillowcases.
Roller Irons (CHECK)
15. It is the simplest form in repairing that involves anchoring of the thread in the fabric on the edge of
the hole and carrying it across the gap.
Darning and Mending (CHECK)
16. It is most commonly used to make industrial cloth, garments, home furnishings, and kitchen and
table linens
Cotton (CHECK)
17. Personal characteristics of a butler should not include _________.
Biased and prejudice disposition (CHECK)
18. Kanao was assigned on the first floor from Monday to Thursday. Shinobu was assigned on the first
floor from Monday to Tuesday and Thursday to Friday. Giyu was assigned on the second floor from
Tuesday to Friday. Kagaya was assigned on the second floor from Monday to Wednesday and Friday. If
Shinobu will take her rest day on Wednesday, who will take on her duties and resposibilities on that day?
Reliever Muzan (CHECK)
19. Arrange the steps in folding bath towel and bed sheets properly. 1. Fold once more. 2. Fold the towel
or bed sheet in half. 3. Stack together. 4. Fold again as seen on the illustration. 5. Fold again three times
25413 (CHECK)
20. Good communication between valets and guests is important to _________.
Identify guest needs, wants, and preferences so they can best be addressed. (CHECK)
21. Items for washing are sorted into the following categories EXCEPT one. Which one is it?
Stains (CHECK)
22. Which of the following shows the incorrect safekeeping of the maid's cart?
Carts should be used as general dumping grounds when not in use to save space. (CHECK)
23. It is used for cleaning sturdy dirt from floors and walls.
Scrub Brush (CHECK)
24. "Persons who are behaving disturbingly or are clearly intoxicated." What country has the law that
uses the statement above to define drunkenness?
Finland (CHECK)
25. These are used for holding water or detergent while cleaning.
Buckets (CHECK)
26. Which of the following is included in the valet's kit?
Lighter (CHECK)
27. Items for dry cleaning are sorted into the following categories EXCEPT one. Which one is it?
Fabric (CHECK)
28. These smooth out clothes and can also be used for small items like napkins and pillowcases.
Hot Head Presses (CHECK)
29. The following are steps in good communication to guest EXCEPT ONE. Which one is it?
Maintaining a distance from the guest. (CHECK)
30. Grooming and personality presentation may not be correlated to _________.
Wearing of jewelries (CHECK)
31. Naphthalene is an example of ___________.
Deodorant (CHECK)
32. This will help the butler in maintaining personal appearance and will help assist guests with little
emergency problems that could come up from time to time.
Valet's Kit (CHECK)
33. The first thing to do in handling intoxicated guests is to ___________.
Stay calm. (CHECK)
34. Identify which step is being described in handling underage drinkers. Lee's parents practice zero
tolerance towards underage alcohol use.
Draw the lines. (CHECK)
35. This is the stage of intoxication where the guest losses coordination.
Red Level (CHECK)
36. Clothes like shirts, trousers, coats, suits, skirts, gowns, and the like should be stored in the ________.
Wardrobe (CHECK)
37. It is a generic term for ethanol.
Alcohol (CHECK)
38. Proper selection of tools and maintenance of equipment are important because ____________.
It will increase efficiency and reduce maintenance problems. (CHECK)
39. Which of the following shows the safety usage of cleaning chemicals?
Nezuko does not mix chemicals. (CHECK)
40. It is the process of using an iron to remove wrinkles from damp, washable clothing.
Ironing (CHECK)
41. How many percentage of ethanol is absorbed into our bloodstream and small intestine?
20% and 80% (CHECK)
42. What is the third step in folding a hanging towel?
Fold the bottom edge 3/4 the way to the top edge. (CHECK)
43. Are used to inactivate any residual traces of chlorine bleaches and prevent linen from yellowing.
Antichlors (CHECK)
44. These are used for removing dust and for wiping various surfaces.
Dusters (CHECK)
45. This will help slow down the level of intoxication of the guest since it could absorb alcohol.
Food (CHECK)
46. One of the strategies to prevent underage drinking is through checking before serving the alcohol.
This could efficiently be done by ________.
Requesting for identification documents. (CHECK)
47. There is a need for sensitivity when unpacking guest luggage as the guest may be tired and irritable
from the journey. Who among the following shows sensitivity towards the guest?
Hinata did not force the guest to accept the service when she offers valet service. (CHECK)
48. Choose the unuseful tips in selection of cleaning agents.
Buy polishes in manageable amount. (CHECK)
49. Identify where to record the below incident. A hotel staff writes an incident report regarding a
refused underage guest trying to order beer.
Refusals Book (CHECK)
50. Which of the following shows the standard of preparing guest clothing?
Ask for and follow the guest's instructions on what they want to wear. (CHECK)