Assignment 9 • TASK: Create the three-dimensional assembly model and technical assembly drawing of the Pulley Assembly. Parts’ dimensions are given on the next page. • Files to be delivered: • Individual files of all parts used in the assembly (*.SLDPRT) • Assembly file (*.SLDASM) • Assembly technical drawing file (*.SLDDRW) • Submission format: All files will be in ONE SİNGLE archive file! (file with *.zip or *.rar extension) • File name: "A9_Surname_NameInitials_StudentNo.rar" • Evaluation Criteria: • Rules of 2D assembly drawing, • BOM and numbering, • Ability to fit the views into the frame in the given template (enlargement or reduction scaling if necessary, to use the paper area efficiently), • Proper alignment of views within the frame and their placement in accordance with the described rules. ▪ The assembly drawing must be in a single file and consists of: 1. An isometric view and a section view of the assembly model . 2. Adequate views and dimensioning of each of the parts. 3. Balloon numbering and bill of materials. 5. Shaft 5 4 3 4. Cylinder 6 2 1 3. Ring (2 pieces) 30 Front View (through hole) Fillets R3 2. Bearing body (2 pieces) 1. Table