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Campus Event Reflection: NEC Soccer Game Experience

Campus reflec,on 1
1. Attend a virtual campus event and write a reflection on your experience. Please include the
following: Event Name, Date/Time of the Event, what occurred at the event, what you liked and
disliked about the event, would you recommend this event for another student (why or why not),
ways you would improve the event (if any).
One of the key events I a8ended was the NEC soccer game between F.D.U and La Moyne on
November 5th, I went with all my golf teammates, and some of my friends from the track and
field team. We filled up a huge sec,on in the bleachers. It was a great match to watch, so
much energy and lively spirt from our local fans. It was also very sui,ng that it was 50
degrees and sunny outside. F.D.U was up 1-0 at halMime aMer Le Moyne scored an own goal
in the 43rd minute. The second half wasn’t super entertaining, Le Moyne controlled most of
the second half and scored a goal in clutch ,me. F.D.U scored a goal in the 80th minute to
secure the win. Seeing all the fans and everyone chan,ng in the stands really made me feel
at home. Where I’m from in England (minus the 50,000 people), football matches are our
biggest a8rac,on, almost like a family affair. It really was the first ,me I felt that at home
feeling while being here in America, which being at a smaller school like F.D.U, made it feel
like such a communal win. I would recommend going to a spor,ng game, as you will have
such a good ,me and probably watch a sport you never have before.