Short term plan: term 3 Unit 3: Our Health Lesson 57 Teacher name: Date: Grade: 6 Number present: absent: Lesson title Across cultures: Health services around the world Learning objectives develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: - To introduce the topic and predict the content of a text - To consolidate comprehension of a text Value links Perseverance – People who value perseverance will work through adversity and be determined to get a result. This is a great treat for employees and entrepreneurs alike. Plan Stages / Time Teachers actions Students actions Assessment criteria Beginnin g of the lesson Warming -up Organization moment : 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. The aim: To develop pupils speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere Efficiency: By wishing each other they feel better and feel the support of others Students of the class are listed. The teacher to assess learners for their ability. 3 min Prelearning «Brainsto rming» method 7 min. Warming up Talk about healthy food. T asks Ss what they have had for breakfast. How we can improve our food and eat healthy ?do you do morning exercise? Lead-in Students' attention is drawn to the lesson. • Learners talk about favourite day previous lesson vocabulary Determines the topic and purpose of the lesson Students say different words from the picture Formative Assessment Resources Pictures Good job! Descriptor: -know key phrases - can make sentence - know vocabulary of previous lesson Total: 2 point Assessment criteria - Learners have met the learning objectives if they can talk about healthy food worksheet Student’s book Middle of the lesson Presenta tion part. 30 min Divide into 2 groups. Ex:1 P:61 • Direct Ss' attention to the pictures, title and subheadings and elicit their guesses as to what the texts are about. New vocabulary to write down. Watch the video about medical services around the world. Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the texts in their books and check. Ex: 2 P: 61 • Allow Ss some time to read the texts and answer the questions. Ask Ss to use the Word List to look up the meanings of the words in the Check these words box, then check Ss' answers. Each group writes about characteristics of the object. Then present the Venn diagram. What is common and difference RFDSA and Health train. Use new vocabulary • Conclusion during the lesson some tasks differentiated by outcomes of the students and by their abilities. End of the lesson 5 min FEEDBACK Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. Ex: Home task: Ex: 4 P: 61 Pupils look at the pictures, the title and headings ANSWERS The texts are about the Royal Flying Doctors Service of Australia and the Health Trains of Kazakhstan. Descriptor: - look at the pictures -answer the question Total: 2 point Pupils read the texts again and answer the question ANSWERS 1 The RFDSA is in Australia. 2 The RFDSA started in 1928. 3 The Health Trains help people living in the remote communities of northern Kazakhstan. 4 There are three health trains. Pupils answer the question ANSWERS The RFDSA in Australia and the Health Trains in Kazakhstan give people in isolated areas access to medical care. They probably feel safer and less afraid because they know they will get help in an emergency, and that the services will take them to hospital if they need. Descriptor: - read the texts - answer the dialogue Total: 3 point Card Worksheet Students book https://ww com/watch ?v=eDCCTix Zt30 Descriptor: - present Venn Diagram Total: 3 point Total: 10 point Pupils collect information about other health services in your country. Poster Success