BUSINESS ECONOMICS Introduction BUSINESS ECONOMICS 2023 AHMAD HASSANI Tutors Microeconomics TEAM Ying Dai Peter Jensen Lecturer Descriptive Economics Ahmad Hassani Lecturer Microeconomics Mark Hellsten BUSINESS ECONOMICS 2023 AHMAD HASSANI 2 ORGANIZATION OF COURSE Lectures: • Wednesdays: 10:00-12:00 in 2636 - U1 (weeks 5-13, 15-19) • Fridays: 12:00-14:00 in 2636 - U1 (weeks 5-13, 15-16) • Monday: 14.00-16.00 in 2636 - U1 (week 17) • Thursday: 14.00-16.00 in 2636 - U1 (week 18) • Easter break: week 14 Problem Sets: Weeks 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20 (Micro) Workshops: • Descriptive economics: week 17, at 8.15 on Wednesday 26/04 • Microeconomics: week 19, at 12.00 on Friday 12/05 Portal: Exam: 4-hour, closed-book, written exam (WO) covering both subjects BUSINESS ECONOMICS 2023 AHMAD HASSANI 3 TEXTBOOK Goolsbee, Levitt and Syverson, 2020, Microeconomics (Third Internatl. Ed.) Worth Publishers (LINK) BUSINESS ECONOMICS 2023 AHMAD HASSANI 4 TENTATIVE OUTLINE (1) 1. Basic Concepts Ch. 1-2: Supply and Demand Ch. 3: Analyzing Markets (weeks 5-6) (weeks 6-7) 2. Consumption and Production Ch. 4: Consumer Behavior Ch. 5: Individual and Market Demand Ch. 6: Producer Behavior Ch. 7: Costs (weeks 8-9) (weeks 9-10) (weeks 10-11) (weeks 11-12) BUSINESS ECONOMICS 2023 AHMAD HASSANI 5 TENTATIVE OUTLINE (2) 3. Markets and Prices Ch 8: Supply in Competitive Market Ch 9: Market Power and Monopoly Ch 10: Market Power and Pricing Strategies Ch 11-12: Game Theory and Imperfect Competition 4. Workshop (overview and revision) BUSINESS ECONOMICS 2023 (weeks 12-13) (weeks 13 & 15) (weeks 15-16) (weeks 17-18) (week 19) AHMAD HASSANI 6 OMISSIONS Sections 3.3 and 3.5 Nonstandard Budget Constraints in Section 4.3 (p. 114-117) Corner Solutions in Section 4.4 (p. 122-125) Section 5.3 Section 6.7 Section 9.6 Sections 10.5, 10.6 Section 11.2, 11.6 Mixed and Maximin strategies in 12.2 (p. 429-433), and 12.3, 12.5 Appendices of Chapters 4, 5-7, and 9 BUSINESS ECONOMICS 2023 AHMAD HASSANI 7 TUTORIALS Problem Set 1 (week 8) Problem Set 2 (week 10) Problem Set 3 (week 12) Problem Set 4 (week 15) Problem Set 5 (week 17) Problem Set 6 (week 19) Problem Set 7 (week 20) BUSINESS ECONOMICS 2023 AHMAD HASSANI 8 REQUIREMENTS What is expected from you? Active participation in class, readings, problem sets: ● Before lecture, you prepare readings. ● Before tutorial: try to solve the problems within your study groups. ● Before tutorial: actively participate in tutorial sessions, compare your solutions with the suggested solutions provided by TAs, and ask your questions. Working knowledge of basic mathematics. For example, ● solving (linear) equations in unknowns ● taking (partial) derivatives Refresher in Math Review Appendix (after p. 649) BUSINESS ECONOMICS 2023 AHMAD HASSANI 9 HOW TO PRACTICE Tutorials: Solve problems sets and attend tutorials. Additional tools in the book: 1. Review Questions: At the end of each book chapter. Solutions in the back of the book 2. Problems: Some select problems have solutions in the back of the book. For each chapter, I go through some of the problems and give you links for the pre-recorded videos (short but useful). 3. Figure It Outs: Illustrate how to translate theory, graphs, and mathematics into successful problem-solving skills and show step-by-step solutions. Understand this and you can solve all other problems too. 4. Make the Grade Boxes: These help you avoid some common mistakes made by students. BUSINESS ECONOMICS 2023 AHMAD HASSANI 10 INSTITUT FOR ØKONOMI AARHUS UNIVERSITET