Homework/Assignment 7 Full Name of submitter: Student ID: Your Group number is: Group members are: Student ID: Full Name Note: - Continue using this form to complete your works and submit on Blackboard Name your file: If you submit for a group (Group # are as per the number you have registered as guided in the file “Semester Project Requirement” and be finalized by lecturer): 2324S1FL_HW7_G# - Please submit the work in the Excel file, present the answer in a clean and respectful manner. Do not include the note and questions in your submitted file. Continue using this form to complete your works and submit on Blackboard. - Only 1 member in group submits (it is not necessary to be the leader to submit). - Due Date is defined in detail at each “ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION” from Blackboard - Maximum score of late submission is two third of “Point Possible” - If you can’t submit on Blackboard: Email your work to TA, copy it to your Lecturer, attached also the screenshot of your Blackboard showing error in that transaction FL-HW7 Page 1 / 4 Problems Question 1: Describe Material Handling. Provide one specific example you have observed in reality (What are they? For which products? What are the processes? And how people manage to handle these materials safely and efficiently?) Question 2: How the Manufacturing System should be changed to adapt with the 4.0 industry? Question 3: Fill in the blanks for the following figure of “Volume-variety layout classification”. 1. 2. 3. 4. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. Question 4: Read the page 188 in the text book: a) Illustrate the example in the excel file b) Figure out the relationship between Unit load size and c) Comments FL-HW7 Page 2 / 4 Question 5: Given a warehouse similar to that given in Figure 7.27a, where would you position the following items? First, we calculate the receiving/shipping ratio by formulation: 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝 We have: Product A B C D E F G H I J K L M N FL-HW7 Receiving/Shipping ratio 2 1 0.2 0.5 1.67 2 1 1.25 1 0.7 2 1 0.5 1.4 Page 3 / 4 Based on the table: - Product B, G, I, L: the ratio = 1 Can be anywhere Product A, E, F, H, K, N: the ratio > 1 Locate close to receiving (the higher ratio, the closer to receiving) Product C, D, J, M: the ratio < 1 Locate close to shipping (the lower ratio, the closer to shipping) The position on warehouse: A K H Receiving F FL-HW7 E N B I Main aisle G L J C Shipping D M Page 4 / 4