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Hole Injection in Transistors: A Scientific Study

Investigation of Hole Injection in Transistor
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey
December 28, 1948
H E experiments to be described here were undertaken
to furnish direct experimental evidence concerning
the nature of the carriers responsible for the impedance
decrease which is produced at a collector point by passing
current in the forward direction through an emitter point
of a transistor. 1
The sample of germanium used in the experiment was a
block of w-type high back voltage material having dimensions of 9X3X0.5 mm and provided with plated electrodes
at either end. The circuit used is shown in Fig. 1. Current is
passed through five emitter points and into the germanium
crystal on closing a relay which is actuated sixty times a
second. A battery and a key are connected in series across
the electrodes so that the electric field in the crystal may
be altered.
In series with a collector point is placed a resistance of
5000 ohms and a battery. The collector is negative with
respect to the germanium so that the impedance a t the
contact point is high (order of 0.1 megohm). The current
through the 5000-ohm resistance is accordingly closely
proportional to the collector point conductance. The
voltage across this resistance is connected to the vertical
plates of a cathode-ray oscilloscope so that the collector
point conductance can be examined as a function of time.
A sketch of the oscilloscope trace obtained when the
collector point is placed 1 millimeter from the emitter
point is shown in Fig. 2. The dots represent 1-microsecond
10,000 n RESISTORS
FIG. 1. Circuit arrangement for the investigation of hole injection.
FIG. 2. Oscilloscope trace showing delay of holes in reaching collector.
marker intervals obtained on the oscilloscope trace. An
initial short rise in signal voltage is obtained when the
relay is closed. This initial rise is primarily due to the
potential drop produced by the normal current flow in the
After this initial rise the current into the collector point
remains constant for about five microseconds when a
second rise begins. This time delay between the injection
of current from the emitter points and the start of current
increase in the collector point is found to vanish as the
collector point approaches the emitter points. It is evident,
therefore, that the delay in this second increase in current
through the collector point is due to the finite velocity of
some kind of carrier which increases the conductance of
the collector point on arrival.
The sign of the charge borne by the carriers was found
by closing the key. This decreases the transit time of the
carriers when the battery is connected as shown in Fig. 1
and increases it when the battery is reversed. Quantitative
investigation of the relationship between electric field,
delay, and distance shows that the effect is transmitted as
expected for positive particles with a mobility of about
1.2 X10 3 cm 2 /volt sec. in agreement within experimental
error with the behavior of holes as established by Hall
effect in p-type germanium. Further experiments with the
collector placed on the opposite side of the block from the
emitter points show that the holes are distributed through
the interior. These results are consistent with J. N. Shive's
observation 2 that transistor action can be obtained with
points on the opposite sides of a thin piece of germanium
and with those of E. J. Ryder and W. Shockley 3 on resistance in high electric fields.
An estimate of the mean life of positive holes in this
sample of germanium has been made by measuring the
signal voltage increase produced on hole arrival as a function of time delay. Analysis of the data shows that this
voltage decreases exponentially a t the rate of 1/e in 10
microseconds. This value is evidently also the mean life
of the positive holes if it is assumed that the collector conductance is an approximately linear function of hole
We are indebted to A. H. White and C. Herring for suggestions regarding the interpretation of the mobility data.
i2 J. Bardeen and W. H. Brattain, Phys. Rev. 74, 230 (1948).
J. N. Shive, Phys. Rev., this issue.
3 E. J. Ryder and W. Shockley, Phys. Rev. 75, 310 (1949).