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English Arabic Conversation

How to Introduce
Muslim Ummath
English Phrases
Arabic Phrases
English Greetings
Arabic Greetings:
Good morning!
Sabah el kheer
‫صباح الخير‬
Good evening!
Masaa el kheer
‫مساء الخير‬
Welcome! (to greet someone)
How are you?
Kaifa haloka/ haloki ( female)
I'm fine, thanks!
Ana bekhair, shokran!
And you?
Wa ant? / Wa anti? (female)
Good/ So-So.
Jayed/ 'aadee
Thank you (very much)!
Shokran (jazeelan)
You're welcome! (for "thank you")
Hey! Friend!
Ahlan sadiqi/ sadiqati! (female)
I missed you so much!
Eshtaqto elaika/ elaiki (female) katheeran
What's new?
Nothing much
Lashai jadeed
Good night!
Tosbeho/ tosbeheena (female) ‘ala khair/
See you later!
Araka/ Araki (female) fi ma ba'd
Good bye!
Ma’a salama
‫كيف حالك؟‬
‫أنا بخير شكرا‬
‫و أنت؟‬
‫ عادي‬/ ‫جيد‬
(‫شكرا )جزيال‬
‫صديقتي‬/ ‫!أھال صديقي‬
‫إشتقت إليك كثيرا‬
‫ال شيء جديد‬
‫ ﺗصبحين على خير‬/‫ﺗصبح‬
‫أراك في مابعد‬
‫مع السالمة‬
Asking for Help and Directions
I'm lost
Ada'tu tareeqi!
‫!أضعت طريقي! أضعت طريقي‬
English Phrases
Arabic Phrases
Can I help you?
Hal beemkani mosa’adatuk?
‫ھل بإمكاني مساعدﺗك؟‬
Can you help me?
Hal beemkanek mosa’adati?
‫ھل بإمكانك مساعدﺗي؟‬
Where is the (bathroom/
Go straight! then turn left/ right!
Ayna ajedu (al merhaad/ assaidaliah)?
imshy ala tool, thumma ‘arrij yaminan/ shimalan
‫ شماال‬/‫ش على طول ثم ع ّرج يمينا‬
ٍ ‫!أم‬
‫أبحث عن جون‬
I'm looking for john.
Abhatu ‘an John
One moment please!
Lahda men fadlek/ fadleki (female)
Hold on please! (phone)
ibqa/ ibqay (female) ala al khat raja'an
How much is this?
Kam howa thamanoh? (th as in bath)
Excuse me ...! (to ask for
‫أين أجد )المرحاض‬/ ‫الصيدلية(؟‬
‫لحظة من فضلك‬
‫ أبقي علي الخط رجاءا‬/‫!إبقى‬
‫كم ھو ثمنه؟‬
Men fathlek/ fathleki (female) (th as in that)
‫من فضلك‬
Excuse me! ( to pass by)
Come with me!
Ta'ala/ ta'alay (female) ma'ee!
‫!!ﺗعال معي‬
How to Introduce Yourself
Do you speak (English/ Arabic)?
Hal tatakallamu alloghah alenjleziah/ alarabiah?
‫العربية؟‬/ ‫ھل ﺗتكلم اللغة اإلنجليزية‬
Just a little.
What's your name?
Ma esmouk? Ma esmouki?
My name is ...
Mr.../ Mrs.…/ Miss…
Assayed…/ Assayeda…/ Al anesah
Nice to meet you!
‫ما إسمك؟‬
... ‫ االنسة‬/‫السيدة‬/ ...‫السيد‬...
Motasharefon/ motasharefatun (f) bema'refatek
‫ متشرفة بمعرفتك‬/ ‫متشرف‬
‫ت لطيفة‬
ِ ‫!أنت لطيف! أن‬
You're very kind!
Anta lateef/ Anti lateefa
Where are you from?
Men ayna anta/ anti (female)?
I'm from (the U.S/ Morocco)
Ana men (amreeka/ almaghrib)
I'm (American)
Ana (amreeki/ amrekiah (female)
Where do you live?
Ayna taskun?/ Ayna taskuneen? (female)
I live in (the U.S/ France)
Did you like it here?
‫من أين أنت؟‬
‫ المغرب‬/‫)أنا من )أمريكا‬
‫أمريكية‬/‫أنا أمريكي‬
A'eesho fel welayat almotaheda/ faransa
‫أعيش في الواليات المتحدة‬/
/ ‫فرنسا‬
Hal istamta'ta bewaqtika/ bewaqtiki (f) huna?
‫!!المغرب بلد جميل‬
Al maghrib baladun jameel!
What do you do for a living?
Ma mehnatuk? Mehnatuki (female)
I like Arabic
‫ھل استمتعت بوقتك‬
Morocco is a wonderful country
I work as a (translator/
‫أين ﺗسكن؟ أين ﺗسكنين؟‬
A'mal ka(motarjim/ rajul a'maal)
Ohibbu allughah al arabia
‫ما مھنتك؟‬
‫ كرجل أعمال‬/‫أعمل كمترجم‬
‫أحب اللغة العربية‬
How to Introduce Yourself
I've been learning Arabic for 1
adrusu allughah al arabia mundu shahr
Oh! That's good!
Hada shay'un Jameel
How old are you?
Kam howa umruk? umroki (female)
I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old.
‫أدرس اللغة العربية منذ‬
‫ھذا شيء جميل‬
‫كم ھو عمرك؟‬
Umri ( 'eshreen/ thalatheen) sanah (th as in bath)
‫ ثالثين‬/‫سنة )عمري )عشرين‬
I have to go
Yajebu an athhaba al aan! (th as in that)
I will be right back!
Sa arje’o halan
‫يجب أن اذھب اآلن‬
‫سأرجع حاال‬
Wish Someone Something
Good luck!
Happy birthday!
Eid meelad sa'eed!
Happy new year!
Sana sa'eedah!
Merry Christmas!
A'yaad meelad Saeedah
Happy Eid
Eid mobarak!
Happy Ramadan
Ramadan mobarak!
Enjoy! (for meals...)
Shahia tayebah!
I'd like to visit Iraq one day
Arghabu bezeyarat al iraq.
‫أرغب بزيارة العراق‬
Say hi to John for me
Sallem ‘ala John men ajlee
‫سلﱢم على )جون( من أجلي‬
Bless you (when sneezing)
Rahimaka Allah
Good night and sweet dreams!
Laila sa'eda wa ahlaam ladida
‫عيد ميالد سعيد‬
‫سنة سعيدة‬
‫!!أعياد ميالد سعيد‬
‫!عيد مبارك‬
‫رمضان مبارك‬
‫شھية طيبة‬
‫رحمك ﷲ‬
‫!!ليلة سعيدة و أحالم لذيذة‬
Solving a Misunderstanding
How to Introduce Yourself
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear
Sorry (for a mistake)
No Problem!
La moshkelah
Can You Say It Again?
A’ed men fadlek!/ A’eedi men fadleki (fem)
Can You Speak Slowly?
Takalam bebot’ men fadlek/ fadleki (fem)
Write It Down Please!
‫ أكتبيھا من فضلك‬/ !‫!أكتبھا من فضلك‬
!‫ال أفھم‬
La afham!
I Don't Know!
La a’ref!
I Have No Idea.
La adri!
What's That Called In Arabic?
Ma esmoho bel arabiah?
How Do You Say "Please" In Arabic?
‫ﺗكلم ببطء من فضلك‬
Oktobha men fadlek/ Oktobiha men fadleki (fem)
I Don't Understand!
What Does "gato" Mean In English?
‫أعد من فضلك‬
!‫آل أعرف‬
‫ما أسمه بالعربية؟‬
Mada ta'ni kalemat "qit" bel inglizia?
‫"ماذا ﺗعني كلمة "قط‬
Kaifa taqoulu kalimat "please" bel arabia?
"‫كيف ﺗقول كلمة "بليز‬
‫ما ھذا؟‬
What Is This?
Ma hatha (th as in that)
My Arabic is bad.
Lughati al arabic laisat kama yajib
I need to practice my Arabic
Ahtaaju an atadarraba 'ala al arabia!
Don't worry!
La taqlaq! La taqlaqi (fem)
‫لغتي العربية ليست كما يجب‬
‫احتاج ان اﺗدرب على العربية‬
!‫ ال ﺗقلقي‬/‫الﺗقلق‬
Arabic Expressions and Words
Good/ Bad/ So-So.
Jayed/ saye'/ 'adee
Big/ Small
Kabeer/ Sagheer
‫ عادي‬/ ‫ سيء‬/ ‫جيد‬
‫ صغير‬/ ‫كبير‬
How to Introduce Yourself
‫ اآلن‬/ ‫اليوم‬
Today/ Now
Alyawm/ Al aan
Tomorrow/ Yesterday
Ghadan/ Albareha
Yes/ No
Na’am/ Laa
Here you go! (when giving
‫ البارحة‬/ ‫ البارحة غدا‬/ ‫غدا‬
‫ ال‬/ ‫نعم‬
‫ھل أعجبك؟‬
Do you like it?
Hal a’jabak? Hal a’jabaki? (female)
I really like it!
A’jabani haqqan!
I'm hungry/ thirsty.
Ana jae’/ ana ‘atshaan
In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night.
Sabahan/ masa’an/ laylan
This/ That. Here/There
Hatha/ thalek. Huna/ hunaak (th as in that)
Me/ You. Him/ Her.
Ana/ anta/ anti (you female). Houwa/ Hiya
Onzor / Onzori (female)
Hurry up!
Asre'/ Asre'ee (female)
What? Where?
Matha? Ayn? (th as in that)
What time is it?
kam essa'a?
It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm.
‫ إنھا السابعة و النصف مساءا‬.‫إنھا العاشرة‬
Give me this!
A'teni hatheh! (th as in that)
!‫أعطني ھذه‬
I love you!
Uhibbok/ uhibboki (female)
I feel sick.
ana mareed. .‫مريض‬
I need a doctor
ahtaju tabeeban!
‫أعجبني حقا‬
‫ أنا عطشان‬/‫أنا جائع‬
‫ ليال‬/‫ مساءا‬/‫صباحا‬
‫ھناك‬/‫ ھنا‬.‫ذلك‬/ ‫ھذا‬
‫ ھي‬/‫ ھو‬.‫ أنت‬/‫أنا‬
!‫أنظر! أنظري‬
!‫أسرع! أسرعي‬
‫ماذا؟ أين؟ ماذا؟ أين؟‬
‫كم الساعة؟‬
Enaha al 'ashera. Ennaha assaabe'a wa nesf.
!‫أحتاج طبيبا‬
How to Introduce Yourself
One, Two, Three
wahed, ithnaan, thalatha (th as in think).
Four, Five, Six
arba'a, khamsa, sitta
‫ ثالثة‬,‫ إثنان‬,‫واحد‬
‫ ستة‬,‫ خمسة‬,‫أربعة‬
sab'a, thamania (th as in think), tis'a, 'ashara.
Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
‫ ﺗسعة‬,‫ ثمانية‬,‫سبعة‬,
You may have noticed the tick (‘) in some places, it is the equivalent of a soundless “a” or a brief stop,
which is the closest sound to a letter which only exist in Arabic.
The “th” is sometimes pronounced as “th of that” and sometimes as “th of think”, I usually state how
you should pronounce it.
In Arabic there are two types of "h", the sharp “h” and the regular "h", the sharp one is hard to pronounce
for many foreigner however a person can be understood even the sharp "h" is pronounced as a regular "h".