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BTM300 Group Project Assignment 1

BTM300 Group Project
This semester, your group is hired to work for the business, described in the case study file, to
set up an information system to support their business.
1. Each student will choose one part of the system to work through all three assignments
in this group project. Register your part in your MS TEAM group channel. I will post a
thread for you to reply to. If you and another student work on the same part, please
state it clearly.
2. Individual: each student creates user stories for the part he/she has chosen.
3. As a group, conduct stakeholder analysis and create a stakeholder analysis matrix for
the system being developed.
4. As a group, create user stories for the Module which is stated as “All members should
work on this module”.
5. Refine the user stories to satisfy the INVEST criteria.
Submit the following in blackboard:
Organize all the group members’ work in one word document. The word document must include:
User stories for each part of the system. Author’s name for the user stories must be
labeled clearly.
Use the INVEST checklist to check if each user story is INVEST satisfied and explain
briefly why it satisfies each criterion of INVEST.
Assignment1 Marking Schema (total 100 marks)
Individual work (70 marks) - INVEST satisfied user stories.
a. User stories are enough for the functionality of the part chosen. (20 marks)
b. User stories are properly stated. (20 marks)
c. User stories are INVEST satisfied. (30 marks)
Group work (30 marks):
o Stakeholder analysis matrix. (10 marks)
o User stories are enough for the functionality. (5 marks)
o User stories are properly stated. (5 marks)
o User stories are INVEST satisfied. (10 marks)