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कक्षा 9 वार्षिक परीक्षा 2023-24 पाठ्यक्रम

SYLLABUS (GRADE 9 ) - Annual Examination 2023-24
Reading Comprehension:
Discursive Passage ,Case-study Based Passage
Determiners,Tenses,Modals,Subject - Verb Concord,Reported Speech
Writing Skills:
Descriptive Paragraph,Story Writing,Diary Entry
1. The Fun They Had
2. The Sound of Music
3. The Little Girl
4. A Truly Beautiful Mind
5. The Snake and the Mirror
6. My Childhood
7. Reach For The Top
8. Kathmandu
9. If I were You
1. The Road Not taken
2. Wind
3. Rain on The Roof
4. The Lake Isle of Innisfree
5. A Legend of The Northland
6. No Men Are Foreign
7. On killing a tree
8. A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal
1. The Lost Child
2. The Adventures of Toto
3. Iswaran the Storyteller
4. In the kingdom of fools
5. The Happy Prince
6. The Last Leaf
7. A House is not a Home
8. The Beggar
अपिठत ग ांश
श) :
पाठ- 1 दु :ख का अिधकार
पाठ -2 एवरे
मे री िशखर या ा
पाठ -3 तु म कब जाओगे, अितिथ
पाठ -4 वै ािनक चे तना के वाहक चं शेखर वकट रामन
पाठ -6 शु
तारे के समान
श) :
पाठ -7 रै दास के पद
पाठ- 8 रहीम के दोहे
पाठ- 11 गीत -अगीत
पाठ- 12 अि पथ
पाठ- 13 नए इलाके म, खुशबू रचते ह हाथ
सं चयन
पाठ -1 िग
पाठ -2
पाठ -3 क
ू कु ार की उनाकोटी
पाठ -4 मे रा छोटा -सा िनजी पु
ार तथा अनुनािसक
तथा पद
उपसग और
िवराम िच
अथ के आधार पर वा
क लेखन
1 अनु े द ले खन
2 प ले खन(अनौपचा रक)
3 िच वणन
4 संवाद ले खन
L1-Number system
L3-Coordinate Geometry
L4-Linear equation in two variables
L5-Introduction to Euclid's Geometry
L6 Lines and Angles
L7 Triangles
L 8 : Quadrilaterals
L9: Circles
L10 Herons Formula
L11: Surface Area & Volume
L12: Statistics
L5:Fundamental unit of life
L15:Improvement in food Resources
Practical:1.To prepare the stained temporary mount of onion peel.
2.To prepare the stained temporary mount of cheek cells.
3.To identify striated muscle, smooth muscle ,cardiac muscle tissue and nerve cell.
4.Identification of Plant Tissues: Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma tissues.
L7: Motion
L8: Force and laws of Motion
L9: Gravitation
L10: Work and Energy
Practical: 1.Verification of laws of reflection of sound.
2.To determine the density of a solid (which is denser than water) by using a spring balance
and a measuring cylinder.
3.To establish the relationship between the loss in weight of a solid and weight of water
displaced when the solid is fully immersed in the following solutions:
(a)Tap water,(b)Strong salty water
4.To determine the speed of a pulse propagated through a slinky
L-1 Matter in our surrounding
L-2 Is matter around us pure?
L-3 Atoms and molecules
L-4 Structure of atoms
Practical: 1. To determine melting point of Ice and Boiling point of water.
2. To prepare True, Colloidal and Suspension types of solutions.
3. To prepare Mixtures and Compounds on the basis of appearance, behaviour towards a
management,behaviour towards carbon disulphide (a solvent),effect of heat.
4. Physical and Chemical change
5. Law of conservation of mass.
Social Science
L.2 People as a resource
L.3 Poverty as a challenge
L.4 Food security in India
L.1 India – Size and Location
L.2 Physical Features of India
L.3 Drainage
L.4 Climate
L.5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife(Only for map)
L.6 Population
L.1 The French Revolution
L.2 Socialism in Europe and the RussianRevolution
L.3 Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
Political Science
L.1 What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
L.2 Constitutional Design
L.3 Electoral Politics
L.4 Working of Institutions
L.5 Democratic Rights
Section A : Reading comprehension ( 1-8 )
Section B : Writing skills ( Letter writing , messages , recipe and postcard )
Section C : Grammar :
( temps convenable : all tenses , negation , pronom personnel , trouvez la question
adjectif demonstratif , pronom relatif simple )
Section D : Culture and civilisation : Ch 1-8
Section A: Reading comprehension (unseen)
Section B: Writing Skills (Email and Dialog)
Section C : Grammar:Konjunktion, Artikel im Genitiv, Feste kombination, Relativ pronomen, zu+Infinitiv,
brauchen..nicht/nur/kein +zu+infinitiv, Genitiv preposition, Damit, um…zu+Infinitiv
Section D : Kursbuch : Ch 1-5
अपठीत ग म्
रचना क काय- िच म् अनुवादः , अनु े द प म्
ाकरणम् - संधी,
पाठाः - थमतः
य, श
,धातु , अ य, वा
ादश पय ं ( 1-12 )
घटना मः , भावाथ, अ यः समानाथ िव
थ श
वाचन व आकलन:१)अपिठत ग आकलन.२)अपिठत प आकलन.
ाकरण:१)श ां ा जाती. २)काळ. ३)वा
कार. ४)समास. ५)िलंग. ६)वचन. ७)समानाथ श
ाथ श .९)वा
सािह :पाठ:बे टा मी ऐकतो आहे .जी .४)आय.पी .रे े.६)ऑिल क वतुळाचा गोफ.७)िद ा ा
शोधामागचे िद . ८)सखू आजी. ११)आभाळात ा पाऊलवाटा.१५)माझे िश क व सं ार. १६)श
किवता:२)संतवाणी-अ.संत कृपा झाली. ५) ायामाचे मह . १३)ितफण.९)उजाड उघडे माळरानही.
थू लवाचन:पाठ- ेिनस. िव कोश.
उपयोिजत लेखन:िनबं धलेखन.कथालेखन.प लेखन.
Computer Applications
Chapter 1:Computer System
Chapter 3: Types of Software
Chapter 4: Operating System
Chapter 6:Computer Networking
Chapter 7: Cyber Safety
Artificial Intelligence
Theory :Employability Skills
Unit 1: Communication Skills-I
Unit 2: Self-management Skills-I
Unit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills-I
Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-I
Unit 5: Green Skills-I
Theory :Subject Specific SkillsUnit 1: Introduction to AI
Unit 2: AI project cycle
Unit 3: Neural network
Unit 4: Introduction to python
Advanced Python (upto Lists)
Introduction To Financial
Theory :Employability Skills
Unit 1: Communication Skills-I
Unit 2: Self-management Skills-I
Unit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills-I
Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-I
ां चा
Unit 5: Green Skills-I
Theory :Subject Specific SkillsUnit 1: Money-what it is?
Unit 2: Money- Exchange Systems
Unit 3: Key Characteristics of Money
Unit 4: What is Financial Planning?
Unit 5: What is Income?
Unit 6: What are Expenses?
Unit 7: What is Bank?
Unit 8: Why Save?
Unit 9: Setting Goals?
Unit 10: Systematic Savings and Investments
Unit 11: Making a Budget
Practical Examination:
Viva on all 11 units mentioned under subject specific skills.
Information Technology
Theory :Employability Skills
Unit 1: Communication Skills-I
Unit 2:Self-management Skills-I
Unit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills-I
Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-I
Unit 5: Green Skills-I
Theory :Subject Specific SkillsUnit 1: Introduction to IT- ITeS industry
Unit 2: Data Entry & Keyboarding Skills
Unit 3: Digital Documentation
Unit 4:Electronic Spreadsheet
Unit 5: Digital Presentation
Practical Examination:
Unit 1: Introduction to IT- ITeS industry
Unit 2: Data Entry & Keyboarding Skills
Unit 3: Digital Documentation
Unit 4:Electronic Spreadsheet
Unit 5: Digital Presentation
Theory :Employability Skills
Unit 1: Communication Skills-I
Unit 2: Self-management Skills-I
Unit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills-I
Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-I
Unit 5: Green Skills-I
Theory :Subject Specific SkillsUnit 1: Colour Theory
Unit 2: Digital Design
Unit 3: Composition and Lighting of Photography
Practical Examination:
Unit 1: Colour Theory
Unit 2: Digital Design
Unit 3: Composition and Lighting of Photography