also ane and time a at sDsplay hne &an the al daw Go tb to deaigned 30 picl SeLond Componont ’Random Scan cp ines a Called Vector displays diskeys ’da apidie Random coud cheswise per fasten out the phesphos reater than Go afcshng e st the fames Seond eY deayed avoid t lines ah Diaplay Proccsso bus. Sysleim Yodevices cind eighties md untl sixitus line.mid ton the slandsb Vector y obere doigad ’ he Wben ba 4 cRT hardling efCapable ceod nat mox hese pant comnponent a 4e atlhast the line ruh inages unt, potr to tbes displayed Seond of dauoing and lins be Commands erd phesphour display poots to shaáed tre his mut poinley3) per ony no-c to scan be all al ie Go only it Ha) (3o Secord hualistie led to ae ines doaon cf chmaty plotting he ficker doou to tbe diu s andoro fo drrecsd sat and pictu. 30 busn sl ( ) en i00,0oO to beam duiqned to a disphy dugendi p e vector avoid a a is is could as as ushue elson beanopiclüe oth alay quality To Carrnct ceralad a Go ay ull cU 8sum in cue 30 times e eleroo diplayed Comnurnds opgrox tbe Thayard linestban Higo be ’ Vedor st ofAine kit disgay uh dhe syalam cyde tuan bunthe hare to the ist he back is in comands line in syali dhauoing pidue ylu proqpaaspecified Commands list,display componert of line coma et each dine-the prouase Vecftr jile disglaya drauoing ttreuga all. dutendionjuud toas drausirgs commands in display an mow slorcd. st a displayed ef tre ’Reruh nato mumber en be oo to eg pen plotes(cprate and fine uoniting displays as to ulfouud Scan syalkin depnda the lines roks displays caligoaphie uoitb uoay) componant displays, similer tauomqo gnoaed Aine the ot as trating beam also eleton is ’t To ’ line, oib Seond. upto ine Sylem. rs.r he Suh cs of cf conponegt set set dayouts a ,a istdplay applicalona as ved enqinuing han ecdeon drauoing so pciot is dentooouen the each all tines caaw In Go ines to to shot Sinxe Values line and all to ndhilcural pium higbe bae for drauoing pictueo0,00odeigmud 30 cdesiqned is a dineted only to to linaqe CO beao obene the elecpn Souen he chaog line ’ yealistic display Cannot lox moni shade Scenes Randem an Disad vantngei Smooh Resclafion bas e be taon Adyantageupab Produee CRT Higb A be > -s Raler Sean It displau less ttdisdlay higb ZigZag lines ac display ostenes d nede iS linechawng opkt if mocl-heation Any eA vUolutionProduedfo Random Scan Socolb lines Suted we) - nae do wses lt ’ lacing iotes is t ’ lie to estiled is ’lt tbat Cpimels) dtal the e clin it numbex doitd po is point pe hoizont precese. rd tuntimels muncs be image:the Can although points oliftu i that dajeniten precese dujeni¡n veticall that can be ’A mort and f displayed wthout ovclap an numbu esoltion, maimum >1he Resolutioro: the chaucing appld expinsire tos dieplay ’les epense. under bis inlerlacig sealistie can sitable method comes musk daplayed’Shadow 3CTeen is oith Siren riew \s ’It me penetoaton use' it undey not Comes cdoc bod ’ Bean diplaydmethod Lobo le mot depend piture Regusth deperds nat 9esolution Repeh > In each mo total the as stated Smy monitor, qraphits the Qu by phospho% piauxes pictITS emts fronsngle light ight on to The -’ Tbe emitud Monitos combinatuon digunt wlound Colour CRT Monitoss CRT a ColourUsig 5 peceve colo uca Vetical prod plo 4 anie with boigonal mmeans A:3 totlth 3points' to that bu the Same lies a vestical a to the lotted e etio mecsaSy n ine dintctoo that cilfeent cdor phosthos displays -the aupet dagonad. ihe qires pcins tss the qiven a of sie ato hcigontal otbes the The to both Sta phyical band he ’ displa Mauk PenetatuÝn exted Baoie - 2. tuoo BeamShadow t. wsualy sCan with Used layes. Tbe ete es slow a , and at and bayer layer el rsed cton beam too color ardom green tas beam displaqed Srun ard cdos ole the tuoo Cdos aY phesphors tbe queen layes culer penethrales colos phopho, ao how the he of qor show emitted to thrcugbonlyés hner set on duhniques monb of Methoc fast patialar Melbod depnds ecites the beam loyens penetraes of excitu Beam PenetaatÌp Metbod beam wolemdile be on been whih depends bav that A t the phoyphens calounnd cod to is pictuou difeuat oith layers diunt coler eg Sreen layes disçlay to ay One 7 ud inneY qatthe t Coloy Sreen blepossi produee ae to way as good the ibenperive noof entted intemudiae dight Spedi point but Tbis bs ben a coly GReEN picbue qualtiy 1S limttd not colos too bence the show specls, Combincton ne addctioralC the penetrates (gein): layer outer és layer Tbis method caledt00 only slow e too beamard A beam but hed At The voy and by to eits and Crenge beas yellou. , es conhlled exits phesphen nad the beom penehaeo : onlý layees es sually phosphon and beam e the tar how into Binge depi cdoY emillud he ’ RED slo ¿bea colox the penaratuon ombe a method produe huy commonl because ave TV) be Cincluding mask sydemsvage ’ his blue. model and hm ud RGn& en coloy is melbod his each e typecoloy hu dot delßuctud the ipto toce shadouo a as thyee qoup mauk sbeams mebod. oe emited used pixd,position mak Commony pbesphox Compositu shado ligbt color: thu heeach the mevge a "he in Sine Color and odeltadella cRT Sytems the dightsmallCuY the phosphor shadouo at hae coloy Se to om One b.a of tind inlo ard c-oated enmtted CRT dot, spot eyes colbr emta fos blue cne wut phesphoz anotbes quns, qrd a ight, erit eletroo sh sed thüd a he emitsand phephor dot kight gaen One fro. ttree Uses CRI at Thws dst - a each Componerit, Called - pixe) shadoy he on muh pesi CdoY thon e )ettels melhods colox of badCombunatuon Mask ’ .ShadowShado- 9. twhich colain a se. e holes aligned with be dot patteons uoben the 3 beoms paus through a bol, in shadow, mauk , thuy aivate a dot Cpes ua sal) color spot ange utu, on the SYeen the phopo phehoy dot is the tionge u aanged so that each beam Can ativate coly t coresporslin color dot whun d pases tougb the shadeu mauk Anothe congnatoo anangent 3e an in- ine the 6GB cdo do on the Scanlme cf a slead aligned along Cr tiangulan pattsn. aYe Comrnonly sd in bigh usoluction color CRTs. We cbaun color Vasialuona tn a sbadow uk CRT by Vaaying the trlensty ders e thue beams the olor Comin foo Ih shgle (oed, qnen, buc). when all 3 do are tnlensilies Wbile Ohen equal tnlensiti cng atvated phespr ativated ih equal beano coloy qen and ed uh wll prdce yelow color Maqenta- equal blue and. red tmitnsti: equal blue arc qreen tnerátu Cyan - an Ibexpeire eyim, eath a the 3 e beams are nesietad to to eibes on o3 aight coloYs . Red oË dimitiog diqlays Gun Shodo RGB pÙospho ’ Sore inexpeniire bome compals sylim1 ard vdeogames bare beun deugned to a radio (RF) wse wih colb Tv set and fcquerny modul ator furpese o RF mncdulatox bduatox s to sinlate the sigradl hrom the cole coby an tinlönsi tyfonat e< thi picix mut wt be' Comb ond Supsimpesd en the brtodtat eequeny Caun Siqnal that the Tv uquis inpat Then te cöcuity t the TV ahes this s)qnal from the RF oodalatoY etat the pele piu nfoaation and a brodcast paint it TV staion on the bis mears Iat that sYeen. Compoite monitors adaptione of TV sets that ale byps c broad oat coatag hex thex dispay deicas gfll nequue that the picu intotuoo be Combinud Cenpeilk 3iqat blt not a eaiey signal i mecded. Snee pdün mt isi combined do a pidk Compeite signal and hen sepavaled by monilby Umarg pilin quali y stl not attaiable. RoP noilos: Color CRTs as RB monilos hee qoaphie So ae deignet monilos s shad ow musk melbcds and tahe inenat lerel tor eah (9ed,qen, buu) die dly fro computer slm. wthout (nluedde tligh quali raulky qraphics slm bave b the Bame buffer .alooig a56 56 voltage volta ge pixd ard nny pxel An RoB Cdor Sfm witth b, bts of dloaqe pen çirel tue color yem at faoal Dsgdlays device Ahat have uausemunt. duad volurne, ight and paue CRT Sigonfiark eatue c at prinnel disploy i oat treey an tinney weor oo CRTs, ond we can borg then hern on Sinu uw can they wida eren we on abo avadabl au Additsooal Use. pochat vo n voall ot some Aiat Aat 3one poralt display, poat notapd Boal TV rnonito, calculato ecn, m, ai, laçlop conutr stuns, odvvlenunt board in elevalox postoble Trono ete calogone.